The annual open house was held at each of the public Socials schools in town last week. Jos- Celebrating December birth-.eph Gibson School held theirs days are David Boake, Decem- Decem‘ er 15. and George Bailey ber 11 Raymond Stuart. Decem- School had theirs the follow- ber 22: Ken Tomkow, December ing evening, December 16. All 23 and Stephen Bagg, Decem- parents were invited to make an ber 28. appointment with their child's Many happy returns of the teacher to discuss his or day to you all. Also the best wishes of their’home and school were in each many friends and relatives were classroom to assist the teachers extended to Mr. and Mrs. Johnlin scheduling these interviews. Stuart; on their eighth weddinglGrade mothers who assisted anniversary December 7. 3were: Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Stuart re-EMrs. G. Lines, Mrs. D. Geddes. cently held a progressive euchre‘Mrs. R. Jellison, Mrs. D. Rolfe. party at their home. First prize‘Mrs. R. Allen. Mrs. L. Roberts. winners Were Mrs. Ron White‘Mrs. P. Fitzgibbon. Mrs. D.‘ and John Stuart. Higgins, Mrs. M. Lippay, Mrs. A munth fraovn-m|f wne nkntA. AmOdeoy Mrs- M- Tettmans her| progress. Grade mothers of the‘ Joseph Gibson School,. Mrs. ‘Mrs. ‘Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. 3 Fc motl ‘Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Lem Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. ‘Mrs er. ' “on 1 tive ‘ M tkinc lé- ( Celebrating December birth- days are David Bnake, Decem- ber 11 Raymond Stuart. Decem- ber 22; Ken Tomkow. December 23 and Stephen Bagg, Decem- ber 28. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Stuart reâ€" cently held a progressive euchre party at their home. First prize winners Were Mrs. Ron White and John Stuart. A euchre freeze-out was also held which ended with Mrs. Bruce Stuart and Ron White as the winners. Each received a Christmaé cake as a prize. Wealthy Santa Needed The Metropolitan and Region Conservation Foundation is looking for a Santa Claus â€"- one who could put $225,000 in its Xmas stocking. This is the amount required} by the foundation to provide‘ $150,000 towards completion of Pioneer Village in time for Can- ada‘s Centennial celebrations in 1967. and to furnish $75,000 for retirement of the existing capi-l tal debt on the Albion Hius‘ Conservation School. I Christmas will he observed by special services at all the churches in the village. St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian On Christmas Eve the Young People's Bible Class and choir of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will hold their annual candle- light and White Gilt service which will begin at 8:00 pm. The gifts presented at this service are to go to the Evanzel Hall in Toronto and should be non-perishable. For A Flameproof Tree Some of my readers may be interested in a simple method of fireproofinx a Christmas tree. The Met- ropolitan Toronto and Re- gion Conservation Author- ity mueste the following Ingredients which are used as a spray: 9 ounces horax. 4 ounces boric acid and 1 gallon of water. The spray should be applied thorough- ly to the tree and to com- bustible ornaments. There will not be a service at St. Andrew‘s on Christmas Day. but there will be a Christmas service on the day after Christmas, December 26 at 10:00 am. The other special Christ- mas event at St. Andrew's will be a Christmas congre- é ror lame reservations call {Mu-om; m oan-anuv 9 ymemmmfl v‘ ‘HW,...Y1V,V.V.V.V, V.VV. ‘0‘), V. V;- V,V,V.V.V v.vV.V.v,v v v \-.V,\4 \- V v v v “The Liberal" is always willing Maple please phone Mrs. Janet High Drive. 889-4379. Edgeley Notes The Christian Science Monitor 0m Norway St, Boston, Mos. 02115 Please enter my subscription to thc Monitor for the period checked bc~ tow. l Incloso $.__ (US. Funds) low. I Incloso 3...â€" (US. Funds) DIYEAR$24 EIGmonthlSlZ UBMMN $6 world news in Unionville Community Centre Music by Art Celsie and the Singing Plainsmen Lunch â€" Refreshments â€" Hats â€" Horns For table reservations call 884-3072 or 889-3619 f®cus Churches To Mark Advent With Song &_H.Prailse GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE ; DANCE é ZIP CI rays wllling to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord Mrs. Janet Myers, 832-1423; in Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart, 889-1934; and in Concord. V Il‘he January meeting of the1 Oarrville ucw will meet at the. home of Mrs. Frank Purves on January 5 at 8 pm. Taking part in the devotional will be Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Bushell. Mrs. Middleton and Mrs. Walker will be in charge of refreshments. Neighborhood N otes George Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, Carrville Road will be spending his Christmas a great distance from here this year. George who is an employee of the CN. lines will be spending his Christmas at Armstrong which is 200 miles north of Winnipeg. He will be home in January to enjoy a belated Christmas dinner with his family. Robbie Purves along with the rest of lhis team mates, the pee wees, of Maple enjoyed watching a hockey game be- tween the Marlboros and London Nationals at Maple Leaf Gar- dens on Friday night of last week. Master of District 7. * m in in l Freda Bourke, playing for King City Badminton Club, worn her matches in mixed doubles and ladies’ doubles in the inter- club meet with Strathgowan Badminton Club of Toronto, De- cember 15, in King City. * * Ik * A community farewell party ’was held December 10 in Velâ€" lore Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Ste- wart Diceman who have moved to Greenbank. The party was at- ltended by approximately 150 friends and neighbors who pre- lsented the Diceman's with a ‘farewell gift of money. Among ‘the people who organized the uncut urnro Mr and Mr: Conraa UCW Mr. and Mrs. A. Everingham spent the past Sunday with Stan Wood and his sister Mrs. Ann Clement. Mrs. Purves was hostess for the Guides and Brownies on Monday evening of last week, at a pot luck supper. Everyone brought their specialty and everyone enjoyed themselves. gational dinner December 28 at 6:30 pm. This will be a pot-luck supper for the whole congregation. Maple United John Martin, principal of the Roselawn Public School has been away with the ’flu. Speedy get well wishes for him. It doesn't seem so long ago that I was extending Christmas greetings for last year. The past year has flown so quickly past. many things happened, some for- gotten and some remember- ed. But here we are again just a few days before Christmas. with all the last minute shopping and last minute errands. folks. please take time to enjoy a truly Merry Christmas. This wish is extended to you from my family and myself. A Merry Merry Christmas to all. A Christmas Eve service will be held at Maple United under the leadership of the Hi-C group. This service is planned for the whole family, and begins at 7:30 pm. There will not be a service on Christmas Day. but on December 26, the day after Christmas, there will be a Christmas family service, at 11:00 am. The congregation is asked to sit as a family. There will be a children's story and a brief topic for all, “A Shepherd Speaks". The children of the kinderâ€" garten and nursery will be cared for at this service. KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Gordon Read Phone 889-4001 People And Events In Maple lA. Gibson School, has resigned. ‘She will be replaced by Mrs. ‘Liana Taylor who will be the ‘senior kindergarten teacher. ‘Mrs. Taylor has been teaching .at Roselawn and Pine Grove likindergartens. Mrs. Watson will be missed by her pupils and everyone gives her their best ‘wishes. Mrs. Marilyn Watson, senior kindergarten teacher at Joseph The Vaughan Masonic Lodge held its installation of ofï¬cers, November 14. Worshipful Broth- er Norman Lund, installed Brother Harry Rumble as Wor- shipful Master and the ofï¬cers of the Vaughan Lodge for the ensuing Masonic Year, assisted by past and present Grand Lodge officers and the Past Master of District 7. A community farewell party The UCW 0f Teston United was held December 10 in vel-.met December 14 in the after- lore Hall for Mr_ and Mrs_ Ste-1noon. President Miss Joan Pel- wart Diceman who have movedilettiel‘ presided. This was the to Greenbank. The party was atâ€" annual meeting “Hi the same tended by approximately 150 executive was returned by ac- friends and neighbors who pre- Clamation. sented the Diceman‘s with a‘ ReV- M- 3- Jenkinson SPORE farewell gift of money, Amongjon the Christmas message. The the people who organized the lunch was served by the social event were Mr. and Mrs. George Committee. Mrs. W. HadWin, Saywell and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mrs. A. Ireland and MI‘S.. H. ‘ Bowen. Deisman. i December 14 was the regular lchurch council night at Zion ‘Lutheran. President Warren Bone presided. December 13 the Outreach and Fellowship Committee met at the home of Mrs. Earl David- son. This committee worked on , the annual baskets for the senâ€" Vvvvvvvvvvvv< friends and neighbors who pre- sented the Diceman‘s with a farewell gift of money. Among the people who organized the' event were Mr. and Mrs. George Saywell and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bowen. * x * it St. Andrew’s WMS and WA The Christmas meeting of St.‘ Andrew‘s Presbyterian WMS and WA was held at the home of Mrs. B. F. Andrew, December! 15. The new slate of ofï¬cers for \the coming year was proposed ;by the nominating committee. Mrs. Dave Sinclair was the chairman of this committee and: read the slate. Assisting her on- the committee were Mrs. Pust and Mrs. D. Forrest. G. The different committee sec- clamation. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson spoke on the Christmas message. The lunch was served by the social‘ committee. Mrs. W. Hadwin, Mrs. A. Ireland and Mrs..H.: Deisman. l The next UCW meeting will. be the third Wednesday in Jan-uary. The Sunday school concert was held December 17 at the church. All the classes of the Sunday school took part in the program. There were skits, reci-‘ tations and songs. After the con-v. cert, Santa Claus arrived with presents for all the children. A special Christmas service1 and white gift Sunday was ob- served at the church. December- 19. The choir sang special Pioneer Girls Langstaff Baptist Church Pioneer Girls enjoyed listening to the “Messiah†for their song badge, a week ago. Last Monday they sang Christmas carols at the North Haven Nursing Home. There will not be a meeting on December 27. Your correspondent wishes a blessed and joyous holiday sea- son to everyone, especially to those who perform needed ser- vices for the community and to those who give their time and affection as .foster parents. Let us all remember to fol- low the safety rules: never leave the tree lights on when you leave the house or after the tree has started dropping needles, put all the loose papers birthday on the 25th. Best wishes also to Bryor ‘Camp on the 24th and your cor respondent on the 23rd. a: * * t 1 Socials Mr. and Mrs. James Walsl and Kevin, Kirin and Christo pher formerly of Kirkland Lake now of Richmond Hill spent las ;Sunday afternoon with you} correspondent and husband. Sorry the news has been so short the last while but I have been working at hus- band John's jewellery store in Thornhill. therefore no-one has been able to get in touch with me during the day. If you have guests or go visiting over the festive Christmas Carols will be sung and the choir will proâ€" vide special music. The Sun- day school, regularly held at 9:45 wlll not be held on this Sunday. St. Stephen’s Anglican A special midnight service will be held on Christmas Eve at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, and will begin at 11:00 pm. Christmas carols and hymns will be sung. On Christmas Day there will be a service for Holy Com- munion at 8 am and a family service at 11:00 am. Mrs. Dave Sinclair was thelcert, Santa Claus arrived with‘ chairman of this committee and pl‘esems for al1 the Children. Ilow the safety rules: never leave read the slate. Assisting her on‘ A special Christmas service,the tree lights on when you the committee were Mrs. G.!and white gm Sunday was ob-‘1eave the house or after the PUSt and MI‘S. 13- FOI'I‘ESL tserved at the church, December tree has started dropping The different committee sec-[19. The choir sang specialineedles, put all the loose papers l‘etaries 811 read their IEDOFtS- Christmas music and Mrs. out in the garbage, exercise ex- MTS. J. Cooper Wits in. Charge Charles Robson sang a solo, “OJtreme caution on our snowy, icy of the program which included Holy Night", mads. readings of papers on the or-iâ€"-â€"h fewer†77* 7- - """ - -r . . . . WWW fl KKKKKK m1: ,’ Igins of the various Christmas" m“ Kgxm‘mm was!“ '5‘ Let us all remember to fol- Vi 5 symbols, the tree, bell, candles: “ferry g etc. Carols were sung and lunch a . a was served by the committee. 5: Christmas 2 ‘The next meeting will be on the a and a ‘third Wednesday in January 5' fl when the new slate of ofï¬cers 9 é [will be sworn in. 5 R7 ,,,_ 17 On the Sunday after Christmas Day, the 26th, there will be the usual morn- ing service at 11:00 am. A special Epiphany ser- vice will also be held at St. Stephen's on the second Zion Lutheran The LCW met December 15 § at the home of Mrs. Roy lief-f! fer in Thornhill. Mrs. Ruthll Auger was in charge of the proâ€"lg gram, and showed a ï¬lm which’y depicted Christmas in otherlï¬ lands. Since this was the Christ-1; mas meeting there was an ex- change of gifts between the members. Visitors at this meet- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Medensky who have recently moved to Oakville. Lunch was served under the direction of Social Convenor Mrs. Gladys Boeckner. ( ior church members, shut-ins and the sick. Committee memâ€" bers are Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Sue Theil, Mrs. Goldie Keï¬er and Mrs. Elfreda Medensky. The Luther League decorated X the tree at the church with the 5: traditional Christmas symbols. (r This young people‘s group also ;‘ had a social evening. December‘é The UCW of Maple Unitedi Church held a pot luck supper; December 14 at the church. This was followed by a Christmas program, including a candle- lighting service under the direc- tion of Mrs. E. Barrett, Mrs. S. Valentin and Miss E. Jackson. This service was followed by the singing of some Christmas ;carols. Vellore WI The December meeting of} Vellore WI was held December 7 in the afternoon at Vellore‘ Hall. President Mrs. I". Con-l stable was in charge of the! meeting. There was a special collection of gifts to be given‘ to residents of York Manor' Home for the Aged. Mrs. Alec Bishop also had a display of items that have been made by the residents of York Manor. Mrs. Gordon Burbidge gave a report of the fan board meeting and Mrs. Constable gave a re~ port of the workshop, both of which were held at the home of Mrs. E. Kellam in Nashville. It was decided to make two quilts and donate them to the Harold King farm for boys. Mrs. C. Bryson conducted a Christmas contest, and then a social hour was enjoyed. The next meeting will be the ï¬rst Tuesday in January. Teston United Sunday in January. January 9 at 8:00 pm. This will be a musical service with Epip- hany carols and songs sung by a group of singers under the direction of Mrs. J. L. Flynn of Willowdale who is a very able musician. The other special Chrisl- mas event at St. Stephen‘s will be the Christmas dinner for the Sunday school on December 29 at 5:00 pm. Special program at this party will be a magician. Zion Lutheran The special children‘s Christmas service was held at Zion Lutheran Church De- cember 22 at 7:30 pm. This was a choral service with the junior and senior choirs singing Christmas music as the special movie of the Christmas Story, called “Holy ple. Concord and Edgeley districts. In in Concord. Mrs. Carol Cole, 17 King High Single 560“! f0! theWended. The services have been} night went to Ann Bates withiheld in Concord Public Schooli 271. * * "‘ "‘ ifor the past 16 years. ‘ Pioneer Bowling News December 19, the Christmas The senior men's league met service program was called as usual, December 16 and Milt “Gates of Christmas“. Palmer's team took 5 points and * * * * Peter Craib’s team took 2 in The Church of Christ, King their encounter. Clarence High Drive and Concord Road, Brown's team took 5 and Ed had a children's party Decem- Borrett's team took 2 in their her 13. Approximately 60 child- games- ren attended and had a delicious I This leaves the standing as turkey dinner. This leaves the standing as follows: M. Palmer 19, C. Brown 15, E. Barrett 12, P. Craib 10. High for the night was P. Craib with 271 and he also had high triple with 607. These are still below his other highs This Was the night that the‘and the feature of the evening1 league bowled for Christmas will be carol singing. turkeys. Some were won forl * * * * high scores, some on a hidden School News score and some on a lucky draw. All children from grades 2‘3 The lucky winners of the turk- and up had the opportunity to eys were: Ed Barrett. Barney go to the opera â€" in the audi- Bryan, Peter Craib, Normanitorium of the Edward Johnson Downey, Gordon Line, LowelliBuilding to see “Love for Three Myers, Percy Putel‘baugh, Hen- Oranges†Monday of last week. try Stephenson and George Two bus loads of children, par- ‘ hittey. ents and teachers made the trip, arriving back at the school at I [17 pm â€"- all ravenously hungry. Night" was shown. These; choirs were under ‘the direc- tion of Mrs. Arnold Peter of King City and were accom- panied by organist Mrs. Eve- line Keffer. The kindergar- ten and nursery classes also sang two selections, “Away In A Manager" and “Ding Dong Bells". Following the service a fellowship hour was held. Your correspondent wishes a blessed and joyous holiday sea- son to everyone, especially to those who perform needed ser- vices for the community and to those who give their time and affection as .foster parents. There will not be a service at Zion Lutheran on Christ- mas Day. but the interim pastor, Rev. A Myers will be holding a Christmas Day service at his own church, St. Paul's Lutheran in Rich- mond Hill at 10:00 am. There will be the regular church service on December 26 at 11:00 am and Sunday School at 9:45. Barry Boeck- ner will take this service. CORRESPONDENT MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 84 Garden Avenue, Phone: 889-4553 LANGSTAFF NEWS ,helr Humber Valet, the Bantam‘ OMHA all-star team, played Nobleton in Nobleton December 17 and then played host to the same team at the Doublerink the following afternoon. The Maple team won both games. The game in Nobleton was won 4-1, with Mark LeMoine won 4-1, w1th Mark LeMome getting the hat-trick. George Saywell added the other goal. The following day's scoring was 4-0 for Maple. Goalie Mike Mosscrop got the shut-out. Eddie Hoogenboom scored one goal and also got one assist. George Saywell got two goals and Wayne Roworth got the other Maple goal. Jim Maddin and Mark LeMoine got an as- ‘sist each. The OMHA Midget team, ‘ Brockhouse, played Woodbridge,‘ in Woodbridge on Friday night.‘ The Maple team lost this game 8-6. 'Due to a misunderstand- ing the Maple team arrived in Woodbridge without their equip- ment and the Woodbridge team very kindly outï¬tted them with all the necessary equipment. This was very much appreciated by the Maple team and execu- tive Bishop E. J. Swalm ofï¬ciated, assisted by Pastor A. W. Heise and approximately 56 people at- tended. The services have been Next Sunday, after the regu- lar Sunday service which starts at 7 pm there will be a “Fire- side†at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Atkinson, 23 Concord Road. Everyone will be welcome and the feature of the evening will be carol singing. Birthdays Happy birthday to Ronnie Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Rockview Gardens who will be 10 on Christmas Day. Birthday greetings to Rochelle Winson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Winson, Baldwin Aven- ue, who also celebrates her sixth birthday on the 25th. Best wishes also to Bryon CONCORD NEWS Mr. and Mrs. James Walsh and Kevin, Kirin and Christo- pher formerly of Kirkland Lake. now of Richmond Hill spent last Sunday afternoon with your correspondent and husband. Sorry the news has been so short the last while but I have been working at hus- band John's jewellery store in Thornhill, therefore no-one has been able to get in touch with me during the day. If you have guests or go 125:2)": cgfleagffsggâ€™ï¬ 0 NEW PALLATIZED WAREHOUSES: AGENTS IN A] in, ‘hompe me, Ch}istmas_ CITIES: HALIFAX. MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORON'] anflwmwrmugmwa SASKATOON,CALGARY,EDMONTON,VANCOUVI ever you do. have a very Happy Christmas. ..______,7 #â€" gazutzaaagrgwéaeeééuukweikzm:hema:a:mums!“uxmxflumlmmmmxmxxmuuw the Bantaml The OMHA Peewee team did team. played‘not have a game this week but *ton December the whole peewee league was Ed host 10 the‘taken to see the Toronto Marl- xe Doublerinkmoros play London Lords. Dec~ ‘temoon. The‘ember 17. Lorne Wells and Jack both gameS. Irvine were the adults in charge, N0b1€l0n “'aS‘a'Id the boys reported it- a Tar]? LEMOine‘thorougth enjoyed outing. bMap/e Minor Hat/(e y Results MAPLE FEED MILL â€" 832-1241 â€" In the regular house league action the scores were as fol- lows for December 18. ATOM Contractor 2 - D. H. & A. - 1 Peter Fraser and W. Stlver did the soaring for the Maple Contractors and Roger Duck- worth got an assist. For D. H. 8; A. Guy Prince got the goal]. as- sisted by Brad Curtis and Glen Prince. IGA 3 - Arctic 0 “ Jim Moorehead. Gary Leon- ard and David Leslie got the‘ three counters for IGA. An as-i sist went to Ted Graham on‘ one of them. Goalie for this; team is David Wright. ‘ Clements 2 - Parkcrs 1 Simpson and Fox. assisted by Billy Edmanson did the scoring for Clements. Michael Angus. iassisted by David Stevenson got [the Parker goal. Superior 5 - Merchants I C. Brunner got two goals for the Superior team. Paul Hoogenâ€" boom got one goal and one as~ sist, Digby Bourke and Michael Bromly got the other two goals. lAssists went to R. Littleford, B. \Kenny and Peter Adams as lwell. Steve Collett assisted by ‘Randy Phillips got the score for {Merchants PEEWEE ‘ Allied 3 - Lions 2 Graham Cameron got twu goals and Robbie Bourke got one goal and two assists for Al- lied. Bruce Graham also got an assist for this team. Doug Irvine and Kim Adams did the scoring for the Maple Lions assisted by Dana Coxworthy and Robbie Purvis. BANTAM DeiliBlfocco 3 - Arthurs Jones 2 1 -0- Mark LeMoine got one goal3 and two assists for Del Broccol Jamie Young and Grant Rose got the other two goals for this team. Wayne Roworth got twoi unassisted goals for Arthurs Jones. l Fred’s Shell 3 - Merchants 1 George Saywell got all threei goals for Fred’s Shell. He was assisted on two of them by Eddie‘ ‘Hoogerboom. Jim Maddin got‘ the counter for the Merchants. assisted by Terry Watson and }Martin Lord. .1!.0."-II-«-U.ID-I.(_II.0 There will not be any games in this league on Christmas Day, but they will continue as usual on New Year's Day. . TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA, B.C., ALBERTA, SASK., MAN., QUE- BEC, AND MARITIME PROVINCES. 0 OVER 2000 FAMILIES HAVE MOVED BY UNIVERSAL THIS YEAR FROM COAST TO COAST IN THE FINEST MOVING VANS, HANDLED BY WELL TRAINED PERSONNEL. 0 COMPARE OUR RATES. CALL UNIVERSAL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION. - 636-7740. SAVE MONEY, CALL UNIVERSAL HOUSEHOLD MOVERS LTD. Western Canada Head Office: Universal Household Movers 14504 - 123 Ave.. Edmonton. Alberta Phone: 455-4147. 0 NEW PALLATIZED WAREHOUSES: AGENTS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES: HALIFAX. MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINNIPEG, SASKATOON, CALGARY, EDMONTON, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 23, 1965 MOVING? \- -lI-U.n-u-u.u-u-n-v Z - WU: ‘ zot \l- _ an ne lug ble‘; GENERAL WELDING J. C. Steel 8. Machinery Co. and New Year. May w Please accept our best wishes for the occasion of Christmas wish you the best for 1966. We specialize in ornamental iron work, interior -u- m. - y. -0. câ€" y-u- -Ir-n-n-u-‘ 41 MAPLE A\'E., RICHYALE 635-1426 Happy New Year Merry Christmas 0 ON HEAVY EQUIPMENT 0 HARD FACING O BUCKET REPAIRS Limited, Your Authorized Volkswagen Dealer in Maple Keele Street. North of No. '1 Hwy.. South of Maple & exterior railing & stair cases, etc. MANAGEMENT & STAFF TO ONE AND ALL Special prices on railings PHONE 889-5577 Eastern Canada Head Office: Universal Household Movers Ltd.. (Formerly Hedges The Mover Limited) 148 Norfinch Drive, Downsview, Ontario. APLEWOOD OTORS LTD. -u-n-v .: -0- ...-«-.»-«-.«..1 from the and a muuamuum 889-6345