Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Dec 1965, p. 15

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ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. Donald Bone Christmas Eve - 11 p.m. â€"â€" Midnight Communion hristmas Day - 10.30 am. â€"â€" Family Communion (Children ring 'a favourite toy and comel Rev. A. B. Arnot. D.D. to the Rail for blessing). 7 pm. .â€" SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1965 CHRISTMAS SONG SERVICE St. Stephen’s Day PRESENTED BY THE CHOIR 8.00 am. -â€" Holy Communion A warm welcome awaits you 10.30 am. â€"â€" Family Morning in our new church Prayer 884-3091 (Church School and Nursery) â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘â€"“ 7.00 pm. â€"â€" Evensong THORNHILL (In the 011399“ BAPTIST CHURCH THE BELLS OF ST MARY'S (Convention of Ont. & Que.) ' RING OUT A MERRY Stop 17, Yonge Street CHRISTMAS! Rev. Mill“!!- Johnston, D.D., THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OFhl CANADA THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL‘m Crosby and Bayview Avenues 11 The Rev. William E. Moore NL 407 Lynett Crescent â€" 884-4236 The Rev. William E. Moore 407 Lynett Crescent - 884-4236 Church. 884-7083 Christmas Eve. Dec. 24, 1965 11.30 p.m. â€" Procession and Choral Eucharist Christmas Day December 25. 1965 8 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion. ‘ 10.00 am. â€" Family Service and Holy Communion. (The Family Service will last about half an hour. This will be followed by a said service of Holy Communion.) St. Stephen‘s Day SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1965 8 a.m. â€"â€" Holy Communion 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer 11.30 p.m. â€" Holy Communion Saturday. December 25 10.00 am. â€" Holy Communion. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1965 Christmas I 8 mm. -â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€"-- Sunday School 11 mm. -â€"- Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 7 pm. â€" Evensong HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howden, B.A., L. Th. Estelle Markham. ARCT.. EMT. Organist and Choir Director Dec. 24 â€"â€" Christmas Eve 11 - 11.30 pm. â€"â€" Carols by the choir 11.30 pm. â€" Holy Communion. Christmas message by the Rt. Rev. D. B. Marsh. DEC. 25 â€"â€" CHRISTMAS DAY 3 am. -â€" Holy Communion ‘ 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer and Holy Communion The Rector‘s Christmas Message SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1965 lst Sunday After Christmas 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer. Preacherâ€" The Rev. Canon C. P. Bishop No Evening Service Wednesday 10.30 am. â€"- Holy Communion Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armltage, M.A., DD. 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 Lm. -â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 Rector: Rev. ELK. Costixan SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1965 Christmas I 8 mm. â€"â€" Holy Communion (Chapel) 10.30 am. â€" Morning Service The Rector 11.10 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School Organist: Howard Jerome ARCCO, ACCM ST.JOHN'S BAPTIST cunncnlwd Church School‘ Nursery Richmond Hill to Grade 3. (Convention of Ont. and Que) 12.30 pm. â€" Presbyteens Minism: Rev. F. F. Bennett Grades 10 to 13 meeting in the Public Libraryi7~00 Pm- â€" Evening Worship Auditorium ‘8-15 pm. -â€" Young Peoples. I.45 3.111. â€"- Sundav Srhnn] VISITORS WELCOME ANGLICAN ‘1‘ ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvalo Rev. K. A. Thatcher 889-6789 Murray (‘reyke Organist Friday, December 24 BAPTIST «COLOR TV M Anglican iy“:2Church pit RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street Classes for all (Opposite the High School) Pastor: ‘ Rev. A. B. Arnot. D.D. ‘ CHRISTMAS DAY 11 am. â€" Christmas Service SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1965 9.45 am. â€"- Bible School. 11 am. â€"â€" Christmas Services Rev. A. B. Arnol, DD. 7 pm. â€" THORNBILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston, D.D., Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organist 11 am. â€" Worship Service Sunday School. 10 mm. -â€" Intermediates 11 am. â€" Juniors Nursery facilities are provided. 'Eenson sn. Thornhil] SUNDAY. DECEMBER 25. 1965 11 am. â€" Worship Service. Message "Christmas Contrasts" 7 pm. â€"â€" Worship Service. The Choir will presem the Christmas Cantata "Night of Nights" LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street Thornhill Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. Watson Special Music Mrs. R. Brushett Supervised nursery at all Lord’s day activities MIDWEEK HOUR. WED., 7.30 p.111. Prayer. Praise, Bible Study ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Buview Avenue 5., Near Centre St. Albert E. Myers. B.A. B.D.. S.T.M., Pastor 884-5264 Ralph Markham, Organist and Choirmaster Dec. 24 â€" Christmas Eve ser- vice of carols and candlelight, Dec. 25 â€" Christmas Day Wor- ship. 10 am. Sunday, Dec. 26 â€"â€" Church School, 9:30 a.m.; Worship, 11 am. (The Festival of St. Stephen) Nursery provided Thursday â€"â€" Choir rehearsal. 8 pm. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) . For information call Organist: Mrs. J. Ketter 832-1510 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1965 9:45 am. â€"- Sunday School and Adult Bible Discussion Class 11 mm. â€"â€" WOrship Service 1 Nursery provided CHRIST THE KING 1 LUTHERAN MISSION Thornhlll - Langstaff - Richvale Arnold D. Weigel B.A.,B.D., . Pastor 24 Orion Crescent. Thomhill Phone: 889-7216 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1965 10.00 am. â€" Worship Service Nursery Available No Church School Worship Service at the Thorn- hill Masonic Hall, Elgin Street, Thornhill RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26. 19651'~ 9.45 a.m.â€"0pen Sunday School‘ ‘ m fil‘flflfll‘i and Presentation of Awards. 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Nursery Departmenu ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple. Out. and MWWW CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH 5 9:45 am. â€" Worship Service and Siugdgryi School 2‘. Al 10 IULVUE; DIDDDL ouuxu Next. ‘to Woolworths RICHMOND HILL EDDIE I 7th Con. Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister 1g SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1965'? 10 a.m. -â€" St. Andrew’s Church!!! PRESBYTERIAN and Sunday School 10.15 am. â€" St. Paul's Sunday t KHK‘ THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ‘ Hwy. 7. 1,9 Mile West of Yonxe‘ Rev. Dulwyn T. Evans, K Minister :akmziaiait SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19. 1965 9.45 am. â€"- Church School. Grade 4 to Adult 11.00 a.m. -â€" Morning Worship I I {filllfimfl School 11.15 a.m. â€"â€" St. Paul’s Church EVERYBODY IS WELCOME LUTHERAN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH UNITED THORNHILL UNITED luv. A. I. Higgins, B.A., B.D. SEINDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1965 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate 1nd Senior Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Nursery and up to 11 11 am. â€" Morning Worship December 24 7 :pm. -â€"- Christmas Pageant. liar further information call ’ 889-2131 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A, B.D. Rev. B. E. MacKay Mr. J. Spanner, Assistant Ch ristmas Day at 11 am. â€"- A. Service of Worship for Families SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1965 11 um. -â€"â€" Worship Service Baptism conducted by Rev. H. E. MacKay Prencher - Rev. C. G. Higginson Evening Service withdrawn for this Sunday. ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev, F. James Burn. B.A.. B.D. 884-5526 SUNlDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1965 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service (Infant care) Church School 930 am. â€" ages 6-10 )1 1.00 am. â€"- ages 3-5 21.30 pm. â€"â€" ages 11-16 December 31 Nenv Year‘s Eve Party and Watch Night Service FR IDAY, DECEMBER 24. 7.30 pm. -â€" Marple Christmas Eve Service UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE Minister Rev. ;Rnlph C. Williams, B.A., Hope â€"« 9.45 am. Maple» â€"â€" 11 am. Kin dergarten and Nursery A We] come is Extended to All SUNDI AY. DECEMBER 26. 1965 94 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill Affillahed with the Pentecostal Asnemblies of Canada 884-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorensen Other Denominations C. R. Neill, Minister Met ting every Saturday Elgin Mills West 1/4 mil): west of Yonge Street 9.15 aJn.â€"Sabbath School. 11 tutâ€"Worship Service. SUNDA'Y, DECEMBER 26, 1965 10 am. .â€" Sunday School 11 am. .â€" Worship Service 7 pm. - - Evangelistic Service TUESDAY 8.15 mm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting FRIDAY 10 pm. -- Watchnight Service Refreshments RICHMOND HILL FREE XMETHODIST CHURCH Corner hf Elmwood and Rugglel Pastor, Wm. Mackey SUNDAz‘Y, DECEMBER 26, 1965 Ml 9.45 a111, â€" Sunday School For times like these Families in Sunday School Classes for all ages Nursery to Adults 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7 pm. _â€" Family Gospel Hour. Church of the Light and Lilo Hour uCKFH, 5 13.111. Sunday For .‘further information: 884-7097 rimi ’Tmmi WWW SEVEN TH-DAY AD’ VENTISTS CHURCH Friday, 7.00 pm. “BRING THE FAMILY - AND YOUR FRIENDS” C.!\LVARY CHURCH I‘JCHMOND HILL CHRISTMAS EVE PAGEANT TE IORN HILL UNITED CHURCH Family Services Thornhill CONCORD SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1965 9.45 â€" Bible School (classes for all) 11 am. â€" Ministry of the Word 7 pm. â€" Communion and Worship Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Bible Study. Ev.: A. E. Atkinson - 889-3364 Sec.: R. Witty - 889-5057 mcnvau; GOSPEL when 24 Oak Avenue Sunday -â€" Senlcel 9:30 am. â€" Remembrance Ser- vice 11 am. -â€" Bible Hour 8: Sun- day School '1 p.m. â€" Gospel Service Tuesday 8 pm. -â€" Prayer meet ing and Bible Study. Women's and Young Peoples Meetings as Announced. "Faith of Our Fathers Livlnl Still" DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL (Clarke a: Willowdale StsJ SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1965 9.45 a.m.â€"-â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Family Service Mr. John Eyre 7.00 pm. â€"- Evening Service Mr. Sydney Hoffman 8.15 pm. â€"- Communion Servico Wednesday -â€" 7.30 pm. Prayer Service and Bible Study Rev. L. K. Sider, Pastor ‘ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1965 9.50 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Worship 7.30 pm. -â€" Evening Service The Pastor will bring post- Christmas messages in both services. The Sider family will present Christmas music. Wednesday, Dec. 29 8 pm. ~â€" Prayer Meeting. Concord Ave. and King filth Drive St. Paul's Lutheran Church will hold its traditional Christ- mas Eve family wars-hip service Friday at 7 pm. iBUILDING To PRESENT THE WORD TO THE WORLD Lutheran Family Service Dec. 24 Each worshipper will be given a small candle. Toward the close of the service, each candle will be lit in the stillness of the darkened church. The con- jgregation will then sing the \favorite carol “Silent Night". Carols. special choir selec- tions and candleligdlting will be fea‘tlired. Pastor Myers will preach on the Christmas story. A festival Christmas Day worship service will begin Sat- urday at 10 am. Sunday, December 26, will be observed as St. Stephen’s Day by the local Lutherans. The ser- mon will tell of this first Chris- tian martyr. Last Sunday the congregation enjoyed its annual children’s Christmas program. A large Christmas tree dec- orated with Christian symbols and white lights is a feature of rthe church's chancel during the season. A CHURCH OF CHRIST GORMLEfUNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. Albert E. Myers President York Central Ministerial Assoc. The 1966 president of the decided to hold joint Week of York Central Ministerial Asso- Prayer services on January 19. cia-tion is the Rev. Albert E. 1966. Myers, pastor of St. Paul’s Luth eran Church. Richmond Hi1 Elections were included in the association's monthly meet- ing December 17 at Thornhjll United Church. The Rev. Wil- liam Moore of SL Gabriel Ang- lican Church is new ecretary- treasurer. Retiring president is the Rev. Reg. Howden of Trinity Angli- can Church. Thomhill. The Rev. Kenneth Thatcher of Emmanuel Anglican Church, Richvale, serv- ed as 1965 secrebary~treasurer. Mr. Howden remains on the executive committee as past- president. This position was held in 1965 by the Rev. F. James Burn of St. Matthew’s United Church. The meeting included a pre- sentation of the work of York Central Hospital by its adminis- trator, Garry Chatfield. A dis- cussion was held regarding lchaplalncy services there. evening. RICHMOND HILL UNITED There will be a special service on Christmas Day at 11 am, with iregular services on Sunday. . Last Sunday’s evening service featured a Nativity presentation with carols tableaux and both choirs. lhllflflfiflimhflfl Arrangements were made to continue two community ser- vices provided by the associa- tion. § Religious services are also provided every Sunday at the Villa Convalescent Hospital in Vaughan Township. It was also Christ’s 1965th birthday will be celebrated in all churches in Richmond Hill with special ser- vices this weekend. Several churches have already observed the anniversary of our Savior’s birth with carol and other :special services. ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN Christmas Eve at 11 pm there will be a communion service, with a 10.30 am family com- munion service on Christmas Day. Children are invited to bring their favorite toy to this‘ service and take it to the rail for blessing. On St. Stephen's Day, December 26, the regular services will be held: Holy Communion at 8 am, Family Morning Prayer at 10.30 am and ‘Evensong in the chapel at 7 pm. iLast Sunday, the annual carol service was held at the '7 pm lservice. Christmas In The Churches ANGLlCAN CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL There will be a procession and choral eucharist on Christmas Eve at 11.30 pm. Christmas Day there will be Holy Com- munion at 8 am, a family service at 10 am followed by Holy Com- munion (said) at 10.30. On St. Stephen’s Day there will be Holy Communion at 8 am, Morning Prayer at 11 am and no Sunday school session. Last Sunday white gifts were received at the 11 am service and at 4:30 pm the Festival of the Nine Lessons and Carols, the annual family carol service was held. ST. MARY IMMACULATE ROMAN CATHOLIC Christmas Eve Midnight Mass will be held and on Christmas Day there will be masses at 8 am, 9 am, 10:15 am, 11:30 am, 12:45 noon, and at 4 in the afternoon. On December 26, Sunday within the Octave of Christmas, the same schedule of masses (with the exception of the Midnight Mass) will be ob- served RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN Sunday there will be an open Sunday school session at 9:45 am at which attendance pins and awards will be presented. The morning service will be‘ held at 11 am and the nursery department will also be held at this hour. Last Sunday the Young People’s society and the church choirs combined to pre- sent a candlelight carol service. OUR. LADY QUEEN OF THE WORLD High Mass will be sung at midnight Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day Masses will be held at 7:30, 9 and 10:30 am and 12 noon. The regular Sun- day masses will be observed on Décember 26 at 7:30, 9, 10:30 am, 12 noon and 7:30 in the G mmmmmmmmumummuumummmummnumuumuumu unuunmnmunmmmmmmmunmummumnum! Those of all faiths are in- vited to attend a special Christmas Eve candlelight service at St. Paul’s United Church, South Road, Lake Wilcox. The service will begin at 11:30 pm and will be a simple one of readings and carols. A solo. “There’s a Song in the Air" will be sung by Jan Fenn. Rev. R. W. Fenn extends a warm welcome to anyone in the community who would care to attend this interdenominational service. I nter-Faith Christmas Eve Service 884-1456 28 LEVENDALE ROAD 889-3756 RICHMOND HII.I. The association unites the ministers of congregations in the area of Richmond Hill. Victoria Square. Richvale. Thornhill, Woodbridge and Maple. Meet- ings are usually held the fourth Friday of each month at noon. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN At 7 pm on December 24 there will he a Christmas Eve‘ Worship service and a Christ-; mas Festival Worship Service1 on Christmas Day at 10 am. Last Sunday the Luther League‘ held a skating party in the af- ternoon and a children's Christfi mas program at 7 pm. ‘ ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED 1 The Lord‘s Supper will be served Christmas Eve at an 11‘ pm service, with regular serv-; ices on Sunday. Last Sunday evening the CGIT held its reg: 'ular candlelighting service. ‘ ST. JOHN BAPTIST At the service on December‘ 26 at 11 am the minister’s topic} will be “Emmanuel” and the: Christmas story will be told in picture and song. RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST There will be a service of worship on Christmas Day at 11 am, and a Christmas service at the same hour on Sunday. At 7 pm on Sunday the choir will present a song service. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE THE CENTRE ‘6 W '-'- o o Will Be Open Wed. & Thurs, Dec. 29 & 30 71/9 g #5181? REV. ALBERT E. MYERS Agnew-Surpass Shoe Atlas Photo Supplies Bata Shoe Store __ Beneficial Finance _ Bennett’s Home Textiles _ Braddock Optical ~*m__ Burroughes Furniture --__ Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ________ ._ 553- Children’s Fashion Shop ._._.__ Coles _______________ ___.__ Discount Cleaners Dynes Jewellers Edith’s Delicatessen _____ Elk’s Men’s & Boys’ Wear __ Firestone Tire ____________ _ Hodgins Bros. Hardware Ken Stiff Furs __ Kresge’s ________________ Jack Fraser Men’s & Boys’ Wear Karl’s Beauty Salon Richmond Heights Centre YONGE ST. NORTH LEVENDALE MEAT MARKET 6 Levendule Rd. 884-5801 iESHPJSTMA‘Sfli THE ONLY EXCLUSIVELY MARCONI DEALER IN RICHMOND HILL CORNER MARKHAM RD. & BAYVIEW IN ALLENCOURT PLAZA â€" PHONE 884-2612 â€" FOR THE BEST IN MARC'ONI SALES & SERVICE DEAL AT ALLENCOURT ELECTRONICS 884-3221 _____._ 884-7251 889-6811 884-4417 ________ 889-6544 .______.__ 884-6881 884-5879 889-5621 889-4241 Special MARCONI Values A...” For Christmas THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 23, 1965 FREE: REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED A MARCONI DEALER BY APPOINTMENT Ample Supplies of Christmas Poultry and Hams at Reasonable Prices AllENCOURT ELECTRONICS SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-5754 884-7474 884-4921 884-4906 889-4588 884-7148 884-1839 884-4401 889â€"4392 884-3001 884-7841 884-7371 884-6151 To All Of You From All Of Us A Very Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year Marconi 6-Transistor Radios $10.95 WHILE THEY LAST _ Reg. $27.95 Marconi 8-Transistor Radios $12.95 WHILE THEY LAST â€" Reg. $29.95 Complete with Ear Phone, Leather Case and 1 Year FREE Parts and Service Laura Secord Loblaws _fi-___ Michael’s Gift Shop Nordicas Sportswear Patti Lu Shoppe _ Paul’s Barber Shop Reitman’s , Rice’s Flowers -_ _- 8: Richmond Hill Music Centre __ Richmond Heights Restaurant Sawicki’s Shoe Repair Tamblyn’s ______ SOUTH BLOCK Knapps Paint Service __._._... Levendale Pastry Shop ______ Levendale Meat Market Playpen ___ ..... e Richmond Hill TV Shields Footwear Warwick House Richmond Heights Centre Office RICHMOND HILL _-_‘-_..-._. 884-7461 889-1812 884-1812 *.____._ 884-7362 11: 884-7223 twm % mm; 884â€"4926 884-4801 884-2961 884-5951 E '3 884-2819 " 884-6691 884-5801 In t hi fi 884-3861 889-3756 884-5341 889-4741 889-5469

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