Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Dec 1965, p. 16

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16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Th WWW ' a ’-o a 0 0 o . oo'ooVo APPLIANCE & TV SALES & SERVICE BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL IKKKRWK‘ 85 YONGE ST. NORTHâ€"285-5782â€" RICHMOND HILL, ONT, Joan and Herbert Goodhoofd 1 “ammaamaag i g 5 i § § i a: E i a i % g; § WWW‘ 124$: 121 Yonge St. N. IS NOW AS WE APPROACH THE NEW YEAR THE TRADITIONAL TIME TO Our long experience in the planning and handling of Estates can be of great value to you. YOU SHOULD REVIEW YOUR WILL TO PROVIDE FOR THE FUTURE OF YOUR FAMILY LOOK TO THE FUTUE REVIEW THE PAST 884-2831 889-1308 Richmond Hill Thursday. Dec. 23. law ‘ John Schullin 23. of 12 Church ‘Street. was one of four motorâ€" ‘isLs charged with traffic of- ‘fences in six separate accidents during the weekend in the {township nihilfllifllhu : v .V .._...., V The charge against Schullin Iarnse out of anaccident on Don ‘Mills Road about 11.20 am. when ‘he allegedly drove his car into the side of a vehicle as it was iabout to turn into the Donway IFrui-t Market. lflhflfiilflalflla Driver of the other car was Donald Jarvis. Don Mills. Schul- ‘lin appeared in Magistrate's Court Tuesday and was remandâ€" ed for three weeks. "'3'3‘33151‘. A Richmond Hill man has‘Thornhill been charged with dangerous‘ Mr. U1 driving following an accident in‘after he Markham Township Saturdayrin frontt night. 1dmve we _“... I, ,,J n-.. Police Accident Report Richmond Hill Man Charged With Dangerous Driving After Mishap a car driven Concession 5 ship. The accident occurred Decem- ber 19 about 12.30 pm. on 14th Avenue and Concession 5. Mr. Preston told police he had been stopped waiting for westbound traffic when he was hit from the rear by another Van Dyke. RR 2. Aurora, was charged with careless driving after he skidded into the rear of a car driven by Keith Preston, Cnncession 5. Whitchurch Town- car Mrs. senzer ceived "Charged Were Gordon Unter- man, RR 1. Milliken, and Donald K. Jackson. 28 Elmridge Acres. The other two charges laid by police were both for failing to yield the right of way. Institute . The Christmas meeting of the WI was held Tuesday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. Allan Orr at Bradford, with a large attendance. .. __,O, Roll call was answered with a gift for the Children's Aid Soc- iety. Mrs. V. Mikkelsen gave a paper. A Christmas decoration demonstration was given by Mrs. A. Orr. Choir Party Following choir practice De- cember 16, the members met at the home of John and Shirley McCague, with Mrs. G. Joyce as hostess. A vote of appreciation and thanks was given to Mrs. S. De- Eoe, organist, and Miss Barbara Empringham. assistant organist. This was the annual Christ- mas party, and in candlelight the many Christmas decorations were admired and gifis were exchanged. A few changes were made in the list of officers. The choir was sorry to have lost some very faithful members during the year. In another accident, Herbert VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS in her husband's car re minor injuries. Preston. who was a pas ER. 2, Gormley CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE accident occurred when {Mathias Mosel. Stouffville, al- 'bertl was driveway on Don Mills Road vingiinto t ar of by Charles Kelly, Toronto. ston,| Ice was blamed for the other own-jaccident in the township, in- jvolving cars driven by Vittorio :emâ€" Quattrociocchi, Toronto, and 14th Mrs. P. Welch, RR 2. Markham. Police said the first car hit he an icy spot after braking to for avoid hitting the Welch vehicle was when it stopped to make a turn rther on 14th Avenue, near Kennedy Road. legedly drove out of a privateI he path of a car driven flast week. 1 .Robert Cober is home from Lipscombe College. Nashville. Tenn., for the Christmas holi- days. Friends here will be sorry to learn that Miss Reta Chapman of Aurora slipped on the ice Saturday night as she got off the bus, and broke her leg. She is now in York County Hospital, Newmarket. Rev. Glenn Frey, on furlough from Rhodesia. Africa. gave a very enlightening address on conditions there at Heise Hill ‘Church Saturday night. He also vice whieifii'e'swpesieé‘iie'ci last I Wynder how many of W" week. will be held December read .The L0“ J°y by Brucel 23 at 7:30 pm in {he church. West In Tuesday’s Globe and‘ It is being presented by the Mall 135i we‘lk' In the firSt Sunday school. All parents and part of hls article he tells about; . . . ‘ going up Mount Albert way to‘_ friends are 1nv1ted to attend. out a Christmas tree but on his iCandlelight service way he developed car troubleâ€" The annual candlelight and‘FhiS i? Where Gormley comes: carol service sponsored by the‘mtfl hls story. I quote from his} CGIT assisted by the Expior-ial‘tlcle “In my own case, I can 61.5 was held in Brownvs Cm.n_‘,report that I had an experience ers United Church, Sunday'almost as satisfying as observâ€" evening_ Those taking part were mg the old-fashioned ritual of Muriel Mortson. MaryLynn Sni- Cuttlng "W “W” Christmasfl'ee.‘ der‘ Jean Clark‘ Jill Curtis} discovered an old-fashioned Rosemary Leek. Dorothy Craigie. and Barbara Empring- ham. The leaders of the CGIT ‘are: Brown's Corners: Miss lMargaret Patterson, and Mrs.jA S h I B d Wayne Patterson; Victoria‘ t C ‘ Square: Miss Cora Brodie and A delegation of unha . . _ I a 993' late- Mrs. V. Mikkelsen, ExplorersnpayerS appeared before mem_ Brown's Corners: Mrs. Lloyd?bers of Kin . . ‘ g Township Public ilennyson and Mrs' JOhn Buc‘h' School Board bearing a list of man Victoria Square‘ Mrs. - r ' ’ com lainit b t K t1 b Pub- ‘Percy Bennett, Mrs. H. Crane“c gchooi 3 W et 8 y and Miss Judy Hart. I Mammaamama: ‘KKKKKK’KK‘KKKKKKK 06K mxgxnwmeflmmmmi l! aaamazmmamamzmaamaaaaamaaaaaaax! SnIlrt-e nf the nnhanniness in- ‘Laurie Canning. seven years. December 25; Wm. Orr. Dec- ember 26: Carol Crane, Decem’ her 26; Mrs. Earl Empringham. :December 28; Alan Chadwick, December 28; Allan Nichols, December 30. Mr. and Mrs. George Collard .will celebrate their third wed- ding anniversary December 28. aaaauaaamaaama: Mr. Untel‘man was charged after he allegedly pulled out in front of another vehicle as it drove west on Steeles Avenue and Don Mills Road, December 17. Driver of the other car was Sherwood Smith. Pickering. Mr. Jackson was charged fol- lowing a collision on Bayview and Proctor Avenues December 18. about 3:10 pm. ivariver of the other car was David Richards, 243 Dunville Avenue, Willowdale. Police are also considering laying charges as a result of an accident on Don Mills Road in Victoria Square, about 5.50 pm. Saturday. Vaughan Township reporled there. one accident on the weekend. Four year old George Davie. Damage estimated at $350 son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon was done to cars driven by Davie and grandson of Mr. and Joseph Robinson and Robert Mrs. Harry Barber was hit by a McDonald. both of Maple in a car in Uxbridge, Saturday after- rear-end collision December 17, noon. He was taken to Uxbridge about 5.10 pm on Keele SrtreetHHospital. Art the first of the north of Highway 7. week he was out of danger and _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"“making a good recovery. 1 Dr. A. F. Binnington was in charge of the Christmas service Sunday morning. Special music was provided by the choir. Mrs. Wilbur Brumwell sang a solo. Christmas refreshmenth were served to the 15 members and two zuests were present. The last euchre party of the present series was held Friday evening of last week. Prize win- ners were: Mrs. Anna DeWS- bury, Mrs. Ethel Hardwick, Mrs. J. Stephenson, Mrs. H. Barber, Jack Warwick, Herman Mortson, Charlie Mtridge, Harry Barber. Lucky draw for _a box of grocer- ies: Alvin Caseley. Series win- ners: Mrs. Ruby Stone, Mrs. Berit Nichols; Roy Glover, Bert Nichols. Euchre The first euehre for 1966 will be January 7, at 8:15 pm. in the community hall. Church News The flowers in the church on Sunday morning were in loving memory of Mrs. V. Wes‘t- brook, by her husband and fam- ily. December 26th, at 11:30 am. Mr. Scott will be away to his home in Sudbury. However, one of his college friends will be in charge of the church service. Mark C. McDermott, M.A., of Trinity College. Christmas Service The Christmas worship ser- vice which was postponed last week. will be held December 23 at 7:30 pm in the church. It is being presented by the Sunday school. All parents and friends are invited to attend. Neighborhood Notes Sincere Christmas greetings is the wish of your correspond- ent. Birthday greetings to Mrs Harvey Collard, December 25 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bolender, of Ballantrae, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Sanderson and family of Lake Wilcox had a pre-Christ- mas dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tatton. Sympathy is extend to Mr and Mrs. Jim Boynton and fam ily in the passing of Mrs. Boyn ton's father. Jack Johnson, Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tatton are flying to Winnipeg on Wed- nesday evening to spend the Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tatton and family. Telephone 887-5421 CHECK past few years. Mr. LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS is now vice principe FOB BIG BARGAINS Ridges Public School A Merry Christmas to all! Let us now go to Bethlehem Upon this Christmas Day. And there within a manger bed Find strength we need alway. 1 A faith to conquer every doubt, Love which is good and true. Hope that can banish all despair, And let us there accept the gift God sent so long ago; That in our heart on Christmas Day Eternal hope can glow Socials Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reid and five children of Waterways, Alta.. are spending the holiday season with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Reid. Miss Marjorie Sproxton. who is attending Barrington College, at Barrington, Rhode Island, ar- rived on Saturday to spend the holiday season with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sprox- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Francy visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Will- son at Fairview Lodge, Whitby. last week. Robert Cober is home from Lipscombe College. Nashville. Tenn., for the Christmas holi- days. Rev. Glenn Frey, on furlough from Rhodesia. Africa. gave a very enlightening address on conditions there at Heise Hill Church Saturday night. He also showed pictures of the work Mrs. George French was taken to the Cottage Hospital. Ux- bridge, on Wednesday night. Rev. Earl Honsberger. now of Stouffville, but on furlough from Nigeria, West Africa. was guest speaker at both services on Sunday at the United Mis- sionary Church, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. L. K. Sider. A large crowd attended the excellent Sunday school Christ- mas programme presented on Thursday evening in the United Missionary Church. Two of our long-term hos- pital patients are now home. Mr. A. Hollanda from St. Mich- ael's Hospital. Toronto. and Mr. D. B. Corfield from York County Hospital, Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Reaman of Thornhill had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Farmer. Rev. and Mrs. Earl Honsberger of Stouffville had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Farmer. Rev. and Mrs. L. K. Sider and Miriam were guests at the wedding of Miss Panna Becker at Elkhart, Indiana, on Satur- day. Local high school students who are attending Niagara Christian College at Fort Erie came home Friday night for the holiday season. A number of people from our‘ community went to hear the Toronto Bible College annual Carol service on Thursday‘ night. ‘ {WKKKM Dr. David Vander Bent arm rived home Thursday evening.: He came from Holland by. freighter. He has spent two‘ years in Algeria, Africa, in} medical work with the Mennon-i ite Central Committee. KKWW‘EM A delegation of unhappy rate- payers appeared before mem- bers of King Township Public School Board bearing a list of complaints about Kettleby Pub- lic School. Source of the unhappiness in- cluded the delegation’s claim that early arriving children at the school Weren't being allow- ed time to go into the school. check their lunches and doff their winter clothing. before classes commence. KKK‘KKKKKKKKK ‘KKKKK’EKW LIGDBCB CUIIIIIICIIL‘C. Another complaint was that the teacher on duty refused per- mission in some cases to child- ren desiring to go to the wash- room or go into the school in cold weather. {KKK‘KKKI‘K‘ Chairman Geoffrey Pierpoint felt the matter could have been dealt with by the parents ap- proaching the principal of the school. The board said it would dis- cuss the matter with the school officials to see if any such prob- lem existed. Ronald Barnham, a former; vice-principal of Kettleby, said; Kettleby has followed the same‘y practice as other schools for the a past few years. Mr. Barnham y is now vice principal of Oakiz He added that the children are allowed to‘deposit their lunches etc. in all the other schools and said he wasn‘t aware if there was any varience at Kettleby. Gormley News Notes garage mechanic! “He didn't wear a doctor‘s coat or even a stethescope. Just a pair of greasy old over-ails. It was up near Gormley that the cursed red light came on on my dashboard to inform me that my generator had stopped functioning. “I must confess I wasn‘t very optimistic about finding a gar- age. But I did. And at the same time I found it, I also found that you don't have to travel so very far away from the city to encounter country politeness and sympathy. "A farmer had been standing waiting for his own car to be fixed. When he heard me de- scribing my predicament. he casually said to the garage mechanic: “Don't bother about my car right now. I‘m in no hurry." But what about his getting home for lunch? “I'll KKK!“ A VERY Mb‘mu Ul‘llilh'l‘MAD .2123 little walk will do me good.“ i “The mechanic then took ot'fl my generator. tore it apart. andj went rooting through various boxes to find parts that migh' do. All the while he was utter-f ing those satisfied little noises which (along with classic cuss- ing when things aren't going right) provide the tell-tale sound of a first class mechanic. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKQKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK’IKW

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