W’S’ï¬g“ WWMWWW gCostume Jeweliery & Watches Mmmmmmmnmmmm 3 KING CITY EELGIN MLLS KWMWNWIIKKKMKKHKllflflflllmllm Whhflhmhhmmhhwhï¬thMflW muteueemmwz:Kmmumununmmxmmï¬ lANGDON'S Coach Lines Co. Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rabinowitch VISIT OUR 310 Kerryhrook Dr., Richmond Hill TOYS and GIFTS OPEN DAILY 7.30 AM. TO 11.00 PM. CORNER OF ELGIN MILLS 8; YONGE Christmas Trees FREE DELIVERY . 884-5155 Let us journey in spirit to the manger, that its message may inspire us anew. “mmngwguxgm and a wide assortment of fine TOYLAND Large Selection of A Large Variety of The holiday season is here . . . and in the midst of all the merry- making we'd like to ektend best wishes and greetings to our friends. Wfl’ï¬Ã©ï¬‚flï¬ï¬‚ï¬ GENERAL STORE TE. 3-5351 munmumnmmuuummmmumummmuuuumunuunmmnmummmImmmmmmu\lmuuumuu\ummluuummmlmlmmmmmmu\mmummummul111ququV1\11\“111mmu“111mmmmmummuumumumuuummmuuumum“\uumuuuuuumuuummm“\quuummnmuxnul\\m\\umuuummmmI While recognizing that it did not provide “final and ultimate answers" the York Presbytery of the United Church accepted recently a report by Project Planning Associates Limited which will see 35 of the Presby- tery's churches closed in the next 20 years. 11 new churches created and eight enlarged. In introducing the report at King City. Rev. Albion Wright. chairman of York Presbytery stated that the church would "not follow minutely every recommenda- tion nor casually cast it aside". It was intended. he said, as a guide to the loca- tion and size of churches, the ‘expansion and mainten- ance of existing churches and the grouping of churches in charges. York Presbytery includes all of North Gwillimhury, East Gwillimbury. Whit- church. Markham Scott and Uxbridge Townships; large parts of King. Vaughan. Georgina and Reach and small parts of Tecumseth. West, Gwillimbury. Scarboro. Pickering and Brock Town- ships. It consists of 57 churches grouped in 30 charges. While most of York County north of the Macdon- ald-Cartier Freeway is in- cluded. Thornhill is not“ but is part of Toronto Presbytery. Population in the area is expected to double in the next 20 years. Mr. Wright noted and the consolidation of industry. shopping centres. schools and recreation areas will have broad effects on the church, socially and phy- sic-ally. By MARGARET McLEAN 889-1812 RICE'S FLOWERS Vnited Church Prepares For Sweeping Changes Sunday, large choirs. an ade- quate number of lay leaders. well-trained ministers and well designed and inspiring sanctuaries and buildinzs. Based on the assumption that Canadian and Ontario economic growth will con- tinue. the report noted that 90% of future population in- crease is expected in the cor- ridor along Yonge Street. Based on existing official plans, development is expect- ed to be rapid between 1965 and 1970 in Markham. Union- ville, Concord and Thornhill districts. all located at inter- changes of proposed con- trolled-access highways. close to large industrial develop- ment. in areas suitable for sewage disposal and with plants either under construc- tion or authorized. EXPECT RAPID POPULA- TION INCREASE With sewage plants now operating at existing capacity and no plans for new ones. growth in the Richmond Hill and Aurora areas is expected to be slower for the next few years. Newmarket. Aurora. Richmond Hill. Maple and Stouft'ville are expected to have a smaller percentage of growth. Although Newmarket has a good physical site for development, Aurora and Richmond Hill are more dif- ficult to service with small streams limiting sewage dis- posal. It was noled that while farm population in Canada as a whole had declined 19% between 1951 and 1961. in Ontario it had declined 25% and in York Presbytery by 27%. The trend was strong- est near Toronto where the drop in farm population was 38% in these years, compar- ed to 7% decline in Scott and Georgina Townships. 884-1812 Mr. Hills testified that Morley had been bothering his 14-year- old daughter and had been told to stay away from the premises. However. he had continued to come around. and on the night in question had come to the store run by the Hills on Elm- wood Avenue, and had uttered the threat several times «through the window. Mrs. Hills said she had been â€" “frightened of him for five months.†She said the accused had always been "hanging ‘around" the parking lot or some iother part of the apartment :building they lived in. EPINDER BROS. LTD. hi} Before The Magistrate Threatening the father and mother of his alleged girl friend resulted in 8 Richmond Hill younth being ordered to post a $500 bond to keep the peace for a 'year when he was convicted last week in Magistrate's Court. The charge of threatening against Dayne Morley, 18, of 7 Rock-port Crescent. also stated that he uttered the remarks: “C'mon out of there and I’ll beat you and your wife up," to Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Hills, 441 Elmwood Avenue, after hanging around their store for most of the evening of November 16. 3% Threatening Couple With Beating: Brings Conviction For R. Hill Boy; Kï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬ STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS Albert districts, it was felt that dnminant factors in future development Would be topography and drainage; peripheral development only was forecast for Schomberg. Sutton and Uxbridge. No definite prediction was made for development in the areas, already desilnated future residential. of Steeles Avenue district. Thornhill East. Richmond Hill South and the western portion of the Thornhill area, as it was felt that development here could not be. isolated from the general spread of Metro. However. three possibili- ties were mentioned for these areas: either they may be found less suitable for de- velopment than other areas adjacent to Metro and would therefore grow slowly; they may be equally as attractive as others and grow more rapidly with a possible 50,000 population in the Steeles dis- trict, 30.000 in east Thorn- hill; 14,000 in south Rich- mond Hill and 22.000 in west Thornhill; or the proposed Highways 404 and 407 may bring rapid development with 75,000 in Steeles dis- trict. 45.000 in Thornhill east. 20.000 in south Richmond Hill and 34,000 in Thornhill west in the next 20 years. It was felt that the possibil- ity of rapid development in these areas is considerable. PLAN 21 CHURCH DISTRICTS In the light of the fore- g0lng. Project Planning As- sociates evolved 21 church districts in the presbytery centered on Aurora. Cedar Grove. Georgina Island, Goodwond. Keswick. Kettle- by. King, Maple, Markham, Melville. Mound, Albert. New- market. Oak Ridges. Queens- ville, Richmond Hill, Stouffo ville. Sutton, Uninnville. Ux- bridge. Wesley and Zephyr. A three and a half mile radius from church sites was used. increasing to five miles in rural areas. Individual churches were evaluated in terms of existing acreage. resident membership, aver- age attendance, seating cap- acity, condition of buildings, Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Winiarski, 19, who was remand- ed rtwo weeks ‘ago for decision on his defence counsel’s argu- ment in a preliminary hearing on a charge of possession ofg burglar tools, was committed to trial. ’E A Toronto youth, Gerald; l! 3! Winiarski and Nicholas Ju' Abella. 21, also of Toronto, who was committed on the same of- fence during the opening hear-‘ ing. were picked up by Vaughan Township Police September 22. near the Thorncrest Motel in Concord. about 2.30 am. WWK‘EIEKKE A nearby service station had been broken into earlier and a pry bar, which was later found to have similar markings on it as that of the station door, was found in Winiarski's car. i MWKWW Magistrate Hollinrake said the accused's admission of own- ership was sufficient evidence to place him on trial for pos- session. Winiarski said the bar belong- ed to him and that he carried it for protection. having re- cently been beaten up. nearness to existing or future population centres and poten- tial for expansion. It was felt that the mini- mum sized church should have 257 members, with a 300 seat church on at least two acres of land; a 500 seat church would require three acres. T0 ACQUIRE NEW SITES It was recommended that a three-acre site be acquirv ed at Concord for a 1.000 member church with a seat- ing capacity of 550. At Good- wnnd. it was recommended that the present two-acre property be. increased to four; at King City. the present 2.1 acre site be increased to 2.5 acres; that an additional 3.1 acres be added to the pres- ent 3.1 acre site at Maple; that the present 3.5 acres at Oak Ridges also be doubled; that at Richmond Hill, a further 1.5 acres he added to a present B-acre site. a further 3 acres be added to the second site. now 5.1 acres. and that a third site of 3 acres be acquired; at Richvale. a 2-acre site be ac. quired and at Victoria Square, three acres he added to the present 3-acre site. It- was also recommended that the following churches be closed: Ashworth. Ballanâ€" lrae. Bethesda. Box Grove, Browne Corners. Calvary. Cherrywood. Dunkerron. Ep- som. Ebenezer. Fifth Line. Headfnrd. Hope (already closed), Hartman. Lask‘ay. Lemonvllle. Locust Hill. Mel- ville. Mount Pisgah, Mus- sellman‘s Lake. Pottageville. Ravenshoe. Siloam. Sharon, Stouffville. Snowball. Sand- ford. Temperanceville. Tes- ton. Udora, Utica. Virginia. Vroomanton, Wesley and Whi‘tevale. New churches were recom- mended. alt Aurora, Concord, Kettleby. Markham. New- market. Richmond Hill. Rlch- vale. Stouffville and Wesley. Expansion nf eight churches at Cedar Grove, Keswick. Maple, Mount A1- bert. Schomberg, Sutton. Unionville r and Victoria Square, was also recom- mended. Caught short between pay days? Or need some extra money 'till the end of the month? At the Associates. a $50 loan for two weeks costs only 47c, and it estab- lishes your credit for a larg- er amount when you need it. Same day service. too. So if you need $50. $500 or more, stop in and ask our manager about an Associates Payday Loan. Matter of fact, what‘s wrong with ’phoning right now? The Associates '1‘. SHANNON 6A Levendale Avenue Phone 889-4986 884-3442 Payday loans $50 for 2 weeks 47 ¢ Finance Company Limited AA AAA AAAA AAAAA AAAAAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAAA With respect to Brown's Corners Church. it. was noted that the Metro official plan calls for development south and west of the intersection of Highways 404 and 407 (proposed) and if this de- velopment takes place, three new churches would he need- ed in the area in the next 30 years and it was felt that Brown‘s Corners would not be able to compete. Howaver. if the develop- ment does not. occur or spreada easterly. this church could probably remain in ex- istence. With respect to the closing of the Headford church. while it was found to be a fine church in good condi- tion. it. was felt that Victoria Square church was larger. more centrally located and better suited to be a district church. Similarly. it was felt that Ebenezer church was not well placed. END THREE POINT CHARGES As well as accepting the report of Project Planning Associates lelted. at the November 23 meeting. the prcsbytery also accepted a recommendation of Its Plan- ning and Development. Com- mittee that three point charges no longer be consld~ ered acceptable and that the congregations of Goodwood. King City. Sandford-Zephyr. Victorla Square and White- vale be prepared to elimin- ate. these by June, 1967. It was also agreed that im- mediate land acquisition be considered at Aurora, Con- cord. Markham. Newmarket. Richmond Hill and Riohvale. When a pastoral vacancy occurs at any of the churches recommended to be closed. the planning and de- velopment committee (one of which is to be elected for all congregations) will con- sul-t with the Presbytery Planning and Development Committee in addition to the Pastoral Relations Commit- tee. The Presbytery Planning and Development Committee consists of Rev. anmgton. chairman. Rev. A. A. Levis, Unionvflle. Rev. A. R. Wright, Markham and Del Booth, lay representative, of Kettleby. THE LIBERéL', Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 23. 1965 greetings and hearty - thanks Christmastime . . . and Use this coupon to take care of your holiday shopping the easy way with a mail subscription to “The Liberal". “The Liberal†will announce your gift with a special holiday gift card . . . To: “The Liberalâ€, Subscription Dept Box 390, Richmond Hill, Ont. From Mail Subscription Rates: Anywhere in Canada $4.50 Year United States & Great Britain $5.50 Year time for us to deliver Spread the news! It’s “Home Paper of the District Since 1878†to you. Please send “The Liberal" as my gift address starting for El 1 year [I 6 mos. address Enclosed is D cheque E] money order “The Liberalâ€