18 University students home for Christmas to enjoy their holi- days in Thornhill are Susan Austen. Ian Calvert. Michael Harrington. Peter Tremaine, Barbara and John Mallard, Doug Windsor and Don Cord- ingley. Mr. and Mrs. E. Peter Bailey- Pratt of Kingston are spending Christmas with Mrs. Battey- WWW WNWWMWWWWMWNMWVJ 43 YONGE ST. AT LEGION COURT Phone 884-3614 â€" Richmond Hill Once again, Senior Citizens in Doncas‘ter, needy or otherwise will be remembered at Christ mas, courtesy of the Doncaster Community Ladies Club. Shown above with some of the gain wrapped boxes of goodies are club members (left to right) Mrs. A. Morrison. Mrs. Charles JQYdan, Mrs. M. Malinski and Mrs. J. Barbour. Thornhill and District News GREETINGS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 23, 1965 PYLE'PIANO SALES Wishing you all the joys and blessings made known to us by this birth Socially Speaking In Thornhill PHONE 889-3190 Pratt's parents. Mr. and Mrs. lertained by Diane Pickthall, 31‘nue resident Thomas Mark Fair- K‘arl Wise, Clarkhaven St. Uplands Avenue, at a party re-ley. son of Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. C. I .* * * * cently. The class wishes to exâ€"jFairley, to Suzanne Michele Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Perry, tend thanks to Diane and her‘Endicott, daughter of Mr. and Arnold Avenue. entertained at parents for a most enjoyable Mrs. N. A. Endicott. The mar- a family panty recently for Mr. evening. ‘riage will take place on January and Mrs. Frank Winn, Mr. and * * * * ‘14. 1966 at Donlands United Mrs. Wallace Pei/hick and R. C. Get well wishes are extended‘Church. McDonnell all of Burlington. to Mrs. A. Crawford, Arnold‘ Thomas C. Fairley is an au- * * * * ~ Avenue, and Mrs. Mary Templeï¬hor of note, known for his LangsLaff Secondary School Centre Street, who returned books about the Arctic. grade 13 class of ’65 was en- home recently from hospital. | * * * * Gifts For T he E/der/ y 'mamw “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area‘ Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. .10 Cruise may be reached by phoning 889-3190 Tom then goes on a three Week skiing holiday to Switzer' land. This trip is sponsored by the college. The group of fifteen will stay at youth hostels while ‘in Switzerland. 1 Tom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R; T.. Tamblyn, Little a ‘ Brook Farm. wmvvvwvwv‘: * * * * 1 An appeal goes out to anyone A worthy charity will benefitlwilling to assist in driving men- t-his year as a result of the'l‘val health patients from New- bhoughtfulness of the grade 8 market 10 various functions ar- studenbs of Thornhill Public ranged for them by the White School who 'voted to collect Cross Volunteers. Drivers won't money instead of having a gift be expected to participate exchange. further unless they so desire. * * * * The need for drivers is acute. Tom T-amblyn, a student at Your assistance would he Atlanrtic College, Glamorg‘an, greatly appreciated. Please call Wales, has an interesting time Mrs. Helen McN‘ally at 889-5725. Tom T-amblyn, a student at‘Your assistance would he Atlanrtic College, Glamorg‘an, greatly appreciated. Please call Wales, has an interesting time Mrs. Helen McN‘ally at 889-5725. planned for his holidays. Tom * * * * will spend Christmas with a Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Berry. German friend in Wales and‘rDonna Mae Crescent, returned will rthen journey to Bologna. recently from a convention trip [’Laly where he will spend New to Florida and later flew to Year's wibh a fellow student. ‘N‘assa‘u for a few days holiday. The engagement has been an-1 A VERY MERRY CHRIST- nounced of former Arnold Ave- MAS TO EVERYONE. 1Churches Busy With i Carols 6'1 Concerts 'I‘hornhill churches have ushered in the Christmas season with carol and candlelight services, plays and concerts. At Thornhill Presbyter- ian, the choir. under the direction of Walter Stoth- ers. presented special music during advent. 0n Decem- ber 12 the story of the Nativity was portrayed at the evening service by members of the church school. White Gift Sunday was included in the pro- gram. On Christmas day a fami- ly service will take place at 10 am and seven'year old Gordon Patton will assist Rev. Dillwyn Evans at the service. Children are en- couraged to take their fav- orite gift to church with them on that day. St. Luke‘s Roman Cath- olic Church will hold mid- night mass on Christmas Eve and all regular masses will take place on Christ- mas day. Holy Trinity Anglican presented a candlelight car- 01 service on December 19 when the choir sang special music by Desmond Rat- cliï¬e. The choir carols were interspersed by scripture readings of the Christmas story and by congregational hymns and carolsi White Gift Sunday took place at the morning service when the children took their gifts for the needy. A Christmas pageant, “Christmas Shep- herd Scene". was presented by the young people of the parish. On December 22 Holy Communion took place at 10.30 am. Right Rev. D. P. Marsh m‘ll deliver the Christmas message at the Holy Com- munion service to be held at 11 pm on Christmas eve. Holy Communion will be held at 8 am Christmas day and at the 11 am service. Rev. H. R. Howden will de- liver the Christmas mes- sage. On December 26 Rev. Canon C. P. Bishop will preach at the morning ser- vice. There will not be an evening service. Thornhill United held a famliy and White Gift Ser- vice on December 19. Mrs. John Honsberger told the Christmas story at the ser- vice. Ca‘rols in candlelight took place at 7.30 pm under the direction of Hugh Mar- tln on December 19. On Christmas eve at 7 pm the Christmas pageant. “The Adoration of the Kings and Shepherds". will be present- ed. A communion service will take place on Decem- ber 24 at 11.15 pm. Thomhill Baptist choirs presented special Christ- mas music at the morning service on December 19. The junior and senior choirs took part in the morning and evening ser- vices. Solnisls at the candle- light service were Mrs; Remember the blood don- ors clinic to be held on December 29 at Thornhill United. Clinic hours are 2- .4.30 and 6.30 - 9 pm. Blood is desperately needed so please visit the clinic next Wednesday. E. F. Roblin and Mrs. R. F. Slinn. Mrs. Roblin sang “I Sing of a Mayden". an old English poem set to music by Mrs. l‘fyrtle Brown. Mrs. Slinn sang “Prince of Peace“. Duets “Prayer of a Norwegian Child“ and “A Star is his Candle" Were sung by Mrs. Roblin and Mrs. Slinn. Candles were placed up and down the aisles for the service with Christmas decorations at- tractively displayed in the church. There will not be a service on Christmas Day. (Photo by Barbour) Mbmfl who Hoover Objects T0 Typing Changes In Agreement PICKERING TOWNSHIP: George Zeller of Bay Ridges was ofï¬cially appointed by-law enforcement ofï¬cer of the town~ ship at a salary of $5.500 per annum. He commenced his dut- eis on December 13. By Arnold I). Weigel. Mission Develtmer, (‘hrist The King,r Lutheran Mission‘ Thornhill - Langstaff - Richvale ()n the occasion of the first Christmas celebra- tion those who heard the shepherds‘ message wond- erd at the things the shepherds had told them. “And when they saw it they made known the saying which had been told them concerning this child; and all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told ‘mu‘1\unnu1\mm“uummuumumuImmlmuuummmwVmumm1mmumumnmmmmmumw1mmmunnmm“!“mumum“mm\m1\umumuw“mum“m1“mm“umm\m\mu\u\\\mummmmm“u1mmumu“muman“unnumwlw Mr. Hoover. only member of council to be returned un- animously for another term at the recent civic elections, said he was against anything of the “magnitude†of the North Thornhill agreement being dealt with this year. but felt it should be held for next year's council. He said also that he felt council should go slowly in anything that might increase its debenture debt. Mr. Hoover made his re- marks after council had agreed to ask for a couple ‘mununmIlmmmuummnnummnnmmmummlmunnnumumImm\mmInmnnmnlmnnuI\nIlmmmmummulmmmmmmlnunm\\\un\\\m\\\ununnnmlu llmlmmu\ll“lumlm\lllllmuull“WWMWM!mw!mMglmmnmmununn[mmmmw them.†(Luke 2: 17-18) As commonly used, the word “wonder†has two meanings. On the one hand it means “to be doubtful,†and on the other “to be filled with awe.†Perhaps a little bit of both meanings lingers in the heart of the Christmas celebrant today. What took place in Bethlehem seems quite beyond all human capacity to believe; at the same time it lifts the soul in trusiful awesomeness before God. “for re-typing only“ â€"- brought about some strong objections by Councillor Charles Hoover at a meeting of Markham Township Coun- cil last week. To those who have their doubts about Christ- mas, the very beauty of the day can deny its reality. The strangely transforming spirit, when human im- pulses are at their best, strains the faith. People can't be true," says the doubter, “for it is much too beautiful and idealistic. Man simply is not like that, and tomorrow he will be back again at his very un-Christmas-like ways. How can God permit such a contradiction?†Yet for others, Christmas â€"â€" the Christ-event â€" strikes a chord deep at the levels of faith. Here God‘s truth is confronted. When the earth seems dark and forlorn, the overwhelming brightness of God himself confronts man with the greatest event in history: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.†God has spoken! Christ has come! A great and mighty wonder Our Christmas festal brings; On earth, a lowly Infant, Behold the King of kings! The Word is made incarnate, Descending from on high; And Cherubim sing anthems To shepherds, from the sky. And we, with them triumphant, Repeat the hymn again: “To God on high be glory, And peace on earth, to men!" May all of us know the true joy of Christmas as the love and power of God â€" incarnate in Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world â€" enters our hearts i‘adiant in the spirit of love, generosity and forgive- ness, offer such a contrast to the usual._ “It simply Some propnsed changes in a draft of the North Thorn- hill subdivision agreementâ€"â€" LISTEN HERE: and lives A Day Of Wonder! x i ( Axmmmwxxxxx ~<s \\\\V \7\.’ v W ï¬ghter Funeral Home The Wright & Taylor Chapel S Serving the community since 1876 V? i i i 126 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill, Ontario 889-1073 of changes in the draft of the agreement. A m o n g these were the inclusion of ever- greens as well as deciduous trees in the number of trees to be planted in a subdivision by the developers. and a clause stating that if the township were to buy park- land. the price should he set- tled before the subdivider‘s agreement. was signed. Councillor Cloary Palmer agreed: "It‘s (the agreement) been around long enough." councu “This year's council should be able to handle it." said Councillor Allan Sumner. Mr. Hoover agreed that the latter clause was worth- while. but still felt it was a matter for next year's Mr. Palmer moved that the agreement. he returned to the clerk for re-typing to in- Socials Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Greenlees on the arrival of their fourth son, born December 14 at North York Branson Hospital: a little broth- er for Doug, Norman and Jamie. Mrs. A. Van Herk is in Stl Michael‘s Hospital, where she is progressing very well after her recent operation. A speedy‘ recovery is wished for her and‘ we hope she'll be able to spend Christmas at home with her husband and sons. EWKKKKK“ Paul Layzell is back to school after being absent because of a broken ankle suffered while de- livering papers on Crestwood Road. He now has to get around on crutches for the next month. MKKKKKKKG Powell Road HSA The recent Christmas Bell Bazaar, held by Powell Road‘ Home and School Association, was a great success. 1 The skating rink at Powellt Road School will be ready four use very shortly. A number of fathers and senior boys gave a - hand to teacher M. Van Bem- mell and custodian W. Warbur-l ton to get it in shape. K‘ KQKW'EKWWW clude the changes and com- ments for future considera- tion. Mr. Hoover said that council was approving the agreement in principle and asked for a recorded vote. Voting in favor were Deputy-reeve Stewart Rum- ble and Councillors Palmer and Sumner. Two applications for re znning were set over by coun cil. The first one. a private application by H. C. Warner for permission in rezone a plot of land north of Steeles Avenue near the railroad, for commercial use. was deferred to a later date. Vnt in Hoover. However. council agreed to a recommendation from Planning Director Ian Keith Crestwood Rd. News York Coin Exchange Proof-like Sets 1962 1963 1964 1965 Blunt MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE 117 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL 889-7328 884-3624 Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwond Road Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 against was Mr «WHO! 99?» “Na: UIU‘U‘O Proof-like Dollars 0 $9.00 5 $7.00 5 $5.50 gxxaumkuxuxaxwxxzi “(KW gzmmzmuxxwwwmzzw that smaller lots in the area he allowed. but on an indus- trial basis. Mr. Warner's lot is 100 feet by 250 and in his ap- plication he said that no proâ€" vision had been made for lots that size. according to a 1957 by-iaw. However. the by-law now permits indus- trial uses. fhmamwwmam An application from W. Ross Hitch for rezoning at the northeast corner of Yonge Street at Clark Street for the erection of apart- ment buildings. was referred to the planning board. Township Engineer Dusan Miklas said the only way rezoning could he carried out was through the con- struction of an intercepler sewer from Yonge Street to Henderson Avenue to the creek. 103 Highw mmmmmmmmmmmmmm THOMPSON LAWN MOWER REPAIR SERVICE Richmond Hill TV é TELEVISION FOR A BRIGHTER (‘HRISTMAS . . . GIVE THE GIFTSI'I‘HAT LAST COLOR TELEVISION -â€" TELEVISIONS STEREO HI-FI PORTABLE RECORD PLAYERS CLOCK RADIOS TRANSISTOR RADIOS ELECTROHOME 28 Levendale Rd. South Block RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE 889-3756 Call us, or drop in for a Color TV DemonstratiOn today THURSDAY DEC. 30TH OPEN TILL 9 PM. FRIDAY DEC. 31 ST ALL STORES OPEN FROM 10 A.M.TO 6 RM. ALL STORES WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY JANUARY 1ST OPEN REGULAR HOURS JAN. 3RD Brewers Retail Special Hours of Sale and good wishes for Christmas Authorized Dealer for and the Ne wmmwmmmmmm mmmmmn PHONES mmummmunmuw ZENITH All in asked to Mr. Mi to prepare a report for pre- sentation to Metro for per- mission to draw water from one at two Scarboro mains to supply water to 168 homes and 10 businesses in the Mil- liken area. However. at that time Scar- bm-n said it didn't have a large enough main in the Kennedy Road â€"â€" Steele: Avenue area. Adequate water has since become available in a built- up area adjacent to the townâ€" ship. Metro recently purchas- ed property in the township to construct a reservoir in order to build up pressure in the mains. W The townsh Scarborn t sing water East Mikl “W a'zwz‘xmc'xxxmflmfl wnship first request- ‘orn to consider sup- .vater a year ago. . at that time Scar- d it didn't have a tough main in the Road â€"â€" Steele: munnum1unmnmmmmm‘mlmm4! RCA VICTOR ept the 884-7456 g rm B/flrhMW): also asked would be