Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Dec 1965, p. 19

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THE LIBERAL}, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurs'ddy, Dec. 23, 1965 l Lively Concert By UCW At Villa Hospital 19 TROUBLE? CALL BA.I - 0485 Dr. Boyd is always in demand zroup by the ladies of the Pres-‘\\ olrh. Miss A, Boyle and four the Occasion_ This “as an un. as a gttest speaker and travels byterian Church. ladies from Richmond Hill. tisttal treat and thoroughly en. Thornhill United Church ‘ Unit 3. under the leadership TV V y V 5‘ g i it of Mrs. L. Denby' of the ucwlmmughmii the United States to A most enioyahle musical The Christmas decorations joyed by everyone. i" of Thornhill United, put on an give lectures at minerology program followed _ the dinner seen from the window made a One of the patients dressedg / excellent evening of entertain-{clubs The L'(‘\\' was very for- when lltigh Mal‘lln. director. lovely view for the members up as Santa Claus gave out gifts 2!. \\\ A d E ment December 16 for the pat-‘ttinate to have had the privilege and R. Richardson. assistant and their friends'to enjoy while to fellow patients. g, n 5 AN R E T A ients of the Villa Hospital, of hearing his talk. director for Vaughan Township they ate their dinner. Those assisting Mrs. Jones at n a l ' ‘ ‘ ‘ Bathurst Street Ann Thompson was awarded schools. led the audience in Mrs. A. Jackson and Mrs. J. the party were Mrs. Helen Mc-‘g i Mrs. John llonsberger her first gold star at the Explorâ€" carol singing. A special treat l).l McKee convened a most Nally, Mrs. Claire Moore, Mrs. E! g brought down the house \vith ers' Christmas party held De- for the Senior (‘iti/ens was the eiiioyabie program for the after- Vera Peever, Mrs. Patsy Beang A her skit on Christmas shopping cember 15 at ’l'hornhill L‘nited. performance given by the grade noon. Games, readings on tht‘ Mrs. Rita Gage. Mrs. Maiy g V entitled"Downtown".Garbedin‘ The Explorers. led by Missh‘ class of Langstaff Public Christmas theme and carol Lamb and Rhoda Lamb, Mrs?’ \“W fl‘lendShlP and ‘ 7 7 _ W , c .- a fatty 01d fur coat_ Mrs, Honsâ€" Lee Davidson and assisted by School Choirb \\'ll1Of9ll]li01‘lalnPd singing ftook place. Dlonna Jackson, Mrs. Jean‘ gagiontalge hazelheiped 7” V H '7 ‘7 .i w d outstandin abil- Miss Va erie IItIIIl)llt‘P)', held with several eau i ii y execut- li ts or cancer patients were Tiompson and Mrs. Jean Mar- 9 . 15 a ru y ap- “WWW”uV“l“W“'0““‘“KMKMMWWMMKW‘lgiriirjhcoodedienne. g their own \vorsliiplservice for-led musical selections. The chil- collected as the roll call for chiori. l P)’ time for US- May Two young ladies, Wendy‘their mothers at the event. tiren were attended by Mrs.the day and members had a. Heron and Pamela Stewart, per- Games were enjoyed and an .loan Evans and transported to gift exchange among themselves. the Mrs. Deyo home in New-, formed a delightful numberexchange of gifts took place and from the affair through A chrysanthemum plant was market joined forces with a “Drummer Boy“ and Mrs. H.’amongst the girls, The mothers the generous courtew of John presented to President Mrs. H. group from Markham for their Thompson, assisted by her,were presented with a lovely Lancdon of Langdon Coach Mizcn from all the members of Christmas party. The event was; ‘daughler Ann‘ was a Christmas corsage. made by the girls at Lines. the 'l‘hornhill Branch. iheld in the United Church, New-5 toy soldier. To the tune of “Par-lone of the Explorers meetings. ForW-Ciflht members were * * * * lmarket on December 8, ade of the Wooden Soldiers".lRefreshments were served by present at the dinner and two Br0“'“i“5 A program presented by Mrs. Thompson was wound up the Explorers to their guests. new members. Mr. and Mrs. W. The 2nd 'l‘hm‘nlllll BI‘OWDiOS choral with a large key and WEHIl Heather Bracey and Susan Robinson of Richvale. were wel- imm Tlml‘nllill ‘Lhrough an army drill. Stroud were awarded their first comed. Rev. and Mrs. Dillwyn Chl”"‘h "lSiif‘d l Highlight of the evening was blue star during the evening Evans were honored guests at NUI‘Sln‘l Home. iwhen the Villa Tones. a quartet and Beverley Martindalc receiv-‘the party. l your Christmas abound with the spirit of great joy. White Cross Volunteers from [Ji D BAYVIEW PLAZA ANNETTE: HAIR snusrs OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS the Wilm0nt tained at the party. Carols and App0intment Phone Yollge S'll'eel-lChristmas selections were per-‘3; BAYVIE‘V PLAZA RICHMOND HILL Thornhill. December 15- The‘formed and the audience parti-ifinnmmmmmanmmmnmnnnmmnmmnamnnmmmm member received Brownies had diligently made. cipated by singing many 01d 7‘ I ""7 Thornhill Lions Ellis {01' the patients and afavorite carols and Christmas KKKOQKKKEKKKKKKKKKKZKK a ' group from Markham, Presbyterianiconsisting of fifty voices, enter-1 of resident Paraplegics. sang sixled her second red star. Explor-l Each lady carols and “The TWElve Days Ofiers initiated and presented with a gift from the anathema)“:maaaaxaumamzamamam a): 3&3 we join ‘Christmas" in beautiful harm-their first red star were Terry Cltib and Santa Claus distribut- Brownie Santa. appropriately songs. ‘ . , ‘ony. Lynn Robinson. Sandy Maston. ed the gifts. The Chlldl‘en Oilllleigariwd‘ d'snlbmed them‘ . Presents were given out bv 1“ W'Sh'w , Mrs. Helen Guthrie gave 8 Donna Blotti. Gail McCann and (‘hoh‘ were each DIT‘SPYllf‘d With '1 he wilting filo-V“ hf“Numeric of the patients who madel peace on .recitation of “The Night BeforelDOnna waikcr. a gift in appreciation. ' . the Brownies Slog a group Ofian excellentsanta claus‘candyd Christmas" followed by Mrs. * * * it Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slmpkm “"015 before they returned to cookies Christmas treats and "ml and Marion Brain and Mrs. Loretta Thornhill Baptist donated a four pound Christmas the (“well for a ChriStmasltca were served. “ good will to ,Dean who performed an amus- on December 11 the chiidren cake as a door prize and Misslpfil‘li'. Games- an “Change Of; The Timmhiii White Cross a“ men. ‘ing comedy song and dance of the Sunday school enjoyed a Sidney Baxter was the llleN‘E-‘ilfls and refreshments weli‘ Volunteers who assisted at the number “Two People from Christmas party at Thomhm Winner. ‘Sel"“d- ‘ , _ party were Mrs. J. Maver. Mrs. PaTlS"- Baptist. The children met, after} M"- P' “(limp-Q lhanked‘ The 2nd‘ rllmmhm Pack 15 R- Byford and Mrs. R. Mote. Mrs. E. Robinson sang a Scot-l tish song and played a mostl .impressive Santa Claus when she handed out gifts to everyâ€" one. ' The patients thoroughly en-, joyed the fast-moving acts and1 participated in the program by singing some of the old favorite carols. Refreshments were served convened by Mrs. E. Tobey. Unit 3 was particularly impres- sed by the dedicated nursing staff who care for the patients lunch in time for dessert and MOSSFS- Martin and RlChardS‘m under “‘0 leadCrShlp 0f Mlls'l A birthday celebration was punch. A planned program was for their delightful entertain-,3 P0111111. MFS- H- Mowat alldlgivon at the Mrs. Deyo home for presented by the children whoimflnt and “95°”le a ml of MI" N' BOHlmv' i lthrce of the Daiiems celebrating participated in musical soloslflmverS to Mr- Martin i ' ,6 ‘ * _ . ‘December birthdays recently. , and Mrs. Grace Pavne led them The meeting Closed “'11” the Mental ".ealth Assoc'atmn 1 An enioyable afternoon wasi in several singing selections. Singing 0f “0 cal‘a‘la"- A Chrlsltmas party for “lelspenit playing games and high- Santa Clatts made a very wel-l light of the party was the large The usual monthly euchre Park Avenue approved hhome'in come appearance at the party wiii take place January 5 and‘Newmarket under the direction‘birthday cake baked by Mrs. R. and handed out gifts to his en-, BnyI‘d for the occasion. the next regular meeting will if Rivals-1A 237811510391 WitiS Rivet: - - q . be held January 19. .V 11 9 F085 0 un eerS a i thidlisgidalidliliiv. McGowan A Special invitation is ex-.the home of Mrs. Edith Jones, were chief organizers of theltended to any Senior Citizens 19‘“ Lmev December 13- very successful pal-1y assisted in the district who would likei 'lOlmny ByTnesv twelve-year" bV members of the teachingio join the group at the next‘Old.p1IDD6l€€ri entertained the Siam Mrs_ H. w. Burlington meeting, Meeting place is patients when he presented an at the Villa. catered and provided Special Thornhill Presbyterian and all:SXCellCNt" puppet Show. Of Dr. Russell Boyd was guest Christmas treats. 1am welcoma Scrooge . Johnny was asststed speaker at the UCW annual" * * * it ‘ >k >tr * >i< by his brother Frank, his mother Christmas party held recently.‘st_ Luke‘s 1WI ,and father. Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Dr. Boyd is a practising dentistt The CWT executive of gt , The 'l‘hornhill Branch of i,he,Byrnes..~{oh]nny has tspent1 twg, and also a graduate in gemology . ‘ . WI held a Christmas luncheon‘years Will 17 8 WWW gul an from the University of London. Lukes .Roman. calhollc Chum“ entertained fifty members on December 16 at Summit View gave 8 very polished Performâ€" ' e ls an athonty on Opals and December 13 at their annual Gardens Restaurant. Jefferson.iance- ' is one of two importers in Can-i . Twenty~four In em b e r s and Many active games were then ada‘ .iChristmas party, held at. the. i home of MR Ore] Fri” 6 EN guests attended and enjoyed enjoyed by the ladiES beforei DF- Boyd gave a talk on opals'peth Place I‘D'reqid’ent Mgg “Hie a delicious chicken dinner. Spe- dinner was served. A special: and showed a film about thei ‘ ‘ ‘ i u M . . \cial guests at the event Were thanks is extended to Bing Lew‘ opal fields in Australia, his g? on ard rs' Frllz receWEd Mrs. G. Spring. Mrs. R. H. of Town Inn Restaurant, Rich: native country, and some fasâ€" e gues 5‘ i ' ,Neil of Oakvflle, Mrs. Ivy mond Hill, who very graciously‘ Cinatmg mOVies taken by a tele- Mrs‘ H: Loughlan confened‘liaywood from England. Miss donated the Chinese dinner for Photo lens of a natural active the evemng pal‘i-V- ChrlSlmas _ .7. . . . , i __ volcano eruption in Hawaii. He Camls we,” sung With a man" also opal Speci_ accompaniment UDS‘tall'S and an! mens which he showed his audi- organ downsmirs‘ Games werel ence_ enjoyed and a lucky draw took place when many lucky winners ,No Blame Attached won lovely prizes. In Gormley Fatality Mrs. A. Lynch gave an in-; teresting talk and showed slidesl A coroner's jury, investigat- ing the death of seven-year-old of ther historical trip to eastern! Dianne Wilson, who was killed Canada this summer. i Mrs. Rubh Trudell presentedl in an accident on Don Mills Road November 10, did not at- a silver maple leaf pin to Mrs.l C. Cheseldine, a long time mem- tach any blame to the driver of the car which struck the girl. her, who is leaving to take up. residence in the United States. Dianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson, RR 2, Gorm- Special guest at the party was ley, was killed instantly when Father E. Crossland of St.i Luke's Church and Director of she ran into the path of a car driven by William Ratclifl? of the CWL. i Newmarket. MUSIC C0. Represented by KEN & JEAN WALKER oooooooaocnuooocrooc ‘ Attend Services This Week at your own place of worship 889-1011 1 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill mazahamamamymaaamxhaxamama g g l! i! I! H 9 g l! 3' 9 9 I! I 5! l! E E l! E! 2? 2! 5' El 9 a 9 E a l. il nee ave? PHONE LAMB 889-4911-2-3 VIEW; MASTER has it! AT L A PHOTO oocoooooio oooocoooooooooooocoo...on l o O o to o 0 WELCOME WAGON 0......OOOCODI...IOIO...OOOIODOIOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOO SUPPLIES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE PHONE 884-3221 Hundreds of gifts were col-i lected for the Good Shepherd‘ Refuge. l Refreshments were enjoyed during the party. l W for Expert Advice and. Estimates without obligation-l ' W . , .. The jury. which met last week . _ * * * * ‘ With thanks for your many favors and in Buttonville, recommended Senior Citizens ‘that the maximum speed limit on Don Mills Road from Steeles Avenue to Gormley, scene of the accident, he reduced from 60 to 50 miles an 1hour. Driver of the car, Mr. Rat- clifl', admitted that he had only one eye, but had met all the reâ€" quirements necessary to get a driver’s licence. He said he had ‘made every effort to avoid the girl when he first saw her about ‘25 feet away. Coroner Dr. John Fleming said he agreed that Mr. Ratcliff had done everything he could to prevent the accident. Members of the jury were The Senior Citizens enjoyed their annual Christmas dinner party December 15 at Thorn-l hill Presbyterian. t Tables were tastefully decor-l ated for the occasion with ever-l greens, candles and flowers. AJ delicious dinner was served the gem:wish:memeanexzxziciemmmnew:isreignenenflnnnxmxnnnmmnnzmflma ‘ Merry Christmas . . . and Happy New Year friendship. we extend our heartfelt wishes that your holidays may be rich in the joys of a real old-fashioned Christmas. LAMB THE MOVER LTD. Over 45 Years Experience LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING 127 Birch Ave. Thornhill. Ont. WE ARE THE BEST KKKKKKIKRKKI‘ TAYLOR'S JEWELLERS 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH v 1 9. fliflifl 3% Patrick Ottaway. foreman; Arn- old Mortson, George Rumney,‘ Donald Matthews and Harvey. S ‘9 # Brown. THE ’j Challenge .or Cancer . ’ THE NATIONAL CANCER‘ INSTITUTE OF CANADA, :ziv:«at:a:«muzwwmwmmmzuzwzkmfiw:a:nemesis 4 < Z ._ m X "U m = D. in M M 00 U! .c. .3; 9° in.1.965, of which $1:890:448i 3! M will be raised by the Canad- ian Cancer Society in the i April campaign. N,- l Estimated income in ‘ u ‘5 1965 from Federal-Provincial Grants for Cancer Controlâ€" 3350.000. . . 80% of the lnstitute's income will be provided by the Canadian Cancer Society. Hafiz260mh33:33?!ahhhfizihhfllhkhhfilflfiflfiflmflt ‘ ._ fifth. 9 V o V B flifiiflifllfl .' . mamamatare:=2:imay):anagram»:3i2:13am:muaxnxaaaammmnmnmm We thank you for your patronage and good will during the the past year and hope we may have the privilege of serving you during a happy, heal- thy and peaceful 1966 Sin Joyous - fliflR/DG’E Television - Appliances V #iflifiifl- n ' a. tranquil snowy scene and brightly-wrapped gifts . .. it is a time 9K WSEHSOR V3.LCKKKKKKK‘KKKKKKHRKKKIK‘KKKKKKWKKWKKKK!!! aiazaaaiaimaimmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm newtpompousmuonsveneerswhen“wannaenveneeoneuoananneancaeu mamammmmmmmmamat:2a:anmammxmmmrmaamazmxmmammmanhagm "" fit and rejoldhgforthemanythingfit isonrp::ess.W8WISh you an“oI(I-fashi0nedn . MANAGEMENT AND STAFF 01: Christmas,filled'withloveandgoodchefirmnd allUWlllg US it] serve YOU. 3:: fi CHRYSLER DODGE E thedeepsafisfactionofmendshlpsrenewedfiappyfio days. 7 JOE'S GARAGE PHILCO (mm-er LIMITED & _ Supertest Products k g THE ONLY CARS AND TRUCKS WITH _\ 5 YEAR 0R 50.000 MILE WARRANTY CORNER BAYVlEW AVE. & MARKHAM Rl). ' wee ii COMPANY LIMITED " RIC‘gglil-IZEJFIL HERRIDGE TV AND STAFF SALES 42 Levendale RENTALS 884-3211 395 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL _ s. (I. it WI‘KHRKKKKKKKIIKKKKKWKKWKKÂ¥WIKWK l W28?» i i i i i i i i

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