lllfllllHllmlnlll’“lllllllnllllllllllll\\ll|lllll\lllllllllml“lllllllll“lllll“\lllllmull“ll\llllll“llllullllllll\llllllll\llll|\lllllllluluHull\llllIIllh“\ll|lllll|“lllllIlllllllnllllï¬llllllull\l munmlu“minimum“mum:Ium\mmmuulummmmmuumlmunumnmlmumnumunmnum December annivvrsary wishes are extended to MI: and Mrs. Gerry Post Who celebrated an the 4th: Mr. and Mrs. .Ian At- kinson for the 10th; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweeney, the 12th; Mr. and Mrs. W. Bestard. the 23rd and Mr. and Mrs. G. Mun- ro who celebrate on the 30111. lega‘tion to the board meeting headed by Mrs. Graham Chapman who said efforts to flood a rink area at the school last winter proved fruitless because of the un- even contour of the land. Members of the delegation felt that it would be possible this season (providing the allclnuuu \.\rul\l nut the board as to the possible cost of some illumination for the rink to enable skating at night. It was agreed by the trus- tees that levelling the turf would result in a hog-hole next spring but El‘ass would be planted to prevent this in future years. Miltlltttitillilllllllll“litilitIlllllttlttltitltlttiitititllttlliilllllllllllttttlttiltlltllttlltttittilttttillttitlilltttlltlltlttilttitlittttllttllitlIttllilltttllllltttitttltltltittttttlltitttltllilltilttllltlttttttt “They should be offered support. We could check a little closer with the care- taker of the school and find out what arrangements are necessary. If this can be ar- ranged they should be offer- ed the hall on a probationary basis to see how it works out.“ The board agreed. PXDI‘PSSCO SHOCK luau out.“ a wealthy area like the Ba- hamas want us to help them? And they don't even pay taxes on property?" Chairman Pierpoint noted it was probably the same old story of the rich having everything and the poor nothing. titlittllttttlllttiltttltilltlttltllltiltltttilltitiillttlititltittltttlitttttttlttlitttitttttttttitlittittttllltllttltlttllitl About People Birthday greetings to Mrs. Marie Bachlmra for December 6; Carol Alhvond, 11 years old and Jane Allwnod. 9, both on December 10: Terry Pantling who celebrated his 3rd birth- day December 10: Jack Clyde, 20. December 12; Michael Mun- ro. December 13;; Heather Giles who was H. Peggy McColl, 7 And Robin Phipps 3, all on Dec- ember 14. A very special birthday wish for Eddie King who celebrated his let birthday December 14; Lynne Simmerson who was ‘3 years old on the 15lh; Garnet Cragg. 18. December 16. Jackie Newton \vhn also celebrated on the 16th; 'l‘immie Peterson, 2. December 17; Mrs. Bet Neil on the 19th; Lisa Meadus, 3. De- cember 20: Wendy Munro. 16. December 21 and Dorothy Good 16 on December 22, Special Christmas greetings go to Jennifer Oxley. 12; Peggy Wayne. 5 and Mrs. Gorta Weis- ner who will all celebrate their birthdays on Christmas Day. We would like to wish 3-H†speedy recovery to Phillip Jones who‘ls now home from hospital but will be wearing a special collar for several weeks; to Ken Fullerton who hasn't been feel- lng too well lately; and to Miss Elizabeth Elliot who fell and brokeher arm recently. We‘also hope that Mrs. Carol Daines is recovering from hex" accident and that Lou Miron is feeling better by now. in yelh nativity stool; cquipm: dancers billies; ing up it all, S a com from F After ed all t Jrnx Pu UCW The Evening Unit of the Tem-'narrative form, interspersed peranceville UCW held their'with carols. Mrs. Annand read regular meeting at the church‘the narrative, and Mrs. Fawcett on Wednesday evening. Electionjwas accompanist. of officers for the coming year Neighborhood News was held. and the following Best wishes to Charles were elected: Leader Mrs. Wil-1Chuckl Beckett of Bond Ave- (red James. Assistant Leader,‘nue who is in hospital at pres- Mrs. Gordon Fawcett, Pastjent after breaking his leg in a Leader Mrs. Andy Annand. Sec-Tall on the ice on Sunday. retary Mrs. E. Hearsome. Treas- Dr. and Mrs. Weir of New urer Mrs. C. Cox, Flower and‘Hamburg spent the weekend at Visiting Convenor Mrs. H. Or- the home of Mrs. Weir's parents, er. Supply Convenor Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hare. Glllham, Pianist Mrs. Gordon‘ Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Jen- Fawcett, Group Leaders Mrs. E.‘nings and famin spent a recent Jennings and Mrs. B. Prenticefn'eekend at the home of their Mrs. A. Annand read Christ- mas poetry for the program. Prior to the meeting at the church. the members, with the congregation, met at York Manor, Newmarket. and pre- - Oak Ridges - Cor. Yonge & King Sideruad T 773-5431 7736134 '1' ans-a: Hm:ka Rink In Store For Oak Ridges It appears likely thaf youngsters in the Oak Ridges area will soon have a level lkarting rink. The association sent a de- legation to the board meeting headed by Mrs. Graham Chapman who said efforts to flood a rink area at the school last winter proved fruitless because of the un- even contour of the land. The subject of a rink was broached to members of the King Township School Area Board last week and brought a favorable reply from Chair- man Geoffrey Pierpoint and his board members. The board will provide money up to $30 for grading of a plot of land at Oak Ridges Public School with any amount above that paid by the Oak Ridges Home and School Association. ' KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “’I‘he Liiwral" is always pleased in puhlish itvms of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King (‘iiy districts. Our news corns- pondeni in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Lillian Ateheson, Wildwood Avenup, 773-5479. in King. City ~-â€"â€" RQ'LKCTO I -- Arman-n TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Oak Ridges And Luke Wilcox News Correspondent: Mrs. Phone 7 [th jges evel um- un-“dntery weather holds out a‘while linger! to grade 3 IZOKby 65 ï¬nk and have H boarded and ready for the arrival of winter. St. Paul's United The UCW of St. Paul‘s United Church held its annual Christ- mas dinner this year at the Cedar Glen Conference Centre at Bolton. Music for the evening was provided by Mrs. Doreen Mitch- ell and Mrs. H. S. Fairbairn at the piano with Mrs. Betty Far- quharson as soloist. Taking part in two skits which added to the evening‘s fun were Marion Plant, Isobel Grounds. Cora Crawford, Marion Chapman, Helen Laing, and Doreen Mit- chell. Last Sunday, members of the congregation and of the Sunday school brought many gifts for the white gift service. Santa Claus Parade The minister's wife, Mrs. Edna Fenn gave thé Christmas meditations. Many favorable - comments were made about the Santa Claus parade held December 10. Many of the costumes, decora- tions and floats were made by members of the Lake Wilcox Youth Centre Board and the Lake Wilcox Recreation Com- mittee. The parade was escorted by police cruisers. followed by a car bearing flags. Whitchurch Township Reeve Ross Farquhar- son drove a car with a banner for the Canadian Cancer Soc- iety with Joanne Hall our girl in yellow" Floats included a nativity scene; a Brownie “Toad- stool; Guides with camping equipment; Hansel and Gretel; dancers and a band; the Hill- billies; the Munsters and bring- ing up the rear, the cause of it all, Santa Claus. He rode in a convertible with a placard from Fran’s Variety Store. After the parade, Santa greet- ed all the children at Lake Wil- cox Public School, asked what Best wishes to Charles Chuck) Beckett of Bond Ave- nue who is in hospital at presâ€" ent after breaking his leg in a fall on the ice on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Weir of New Mr. and Mrs. Emerson nings and family spent a 1' weekend at the home of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray nings. Members of the home and school association would be responsible for supervising the rink after school hours. Chairman Pierpoinl noted the rink boards had been purchased for the children by the previous board. He added that after school hours hockey would be ban- ned to avoid any injuries to children who would be free- skating. Mr. Pierpoint said the as- sociation could also advise the board as to the possible cost of some illumination for the rink to enable skating at night. W. Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 23, 1965 Emerson Jen- spent a recent home of their Jen each one wanted for Christmas and gave them all a bag of fruit. candies, a candy cane and a small gift to hold them over unâ€" til the big day. After this was over, the school was decorated in a Christmas theme to make ready for the dance which was held, free of charge, for children 12 years and up, in the evening. After playing music for the parade and spending the whole day in the area. Danny and the Whompus‘s provided the dance music. A special thanks to Danny and band members Ran- dy. Doug and A1. and also their driver Dianne for providing such good entertainment and for the autographed pictures they gave to those attending the dance. Thanks also 10 the drivers of the floats and cars in the parade and to Stewart Beare for his “Munster†car, complete with‘ claim. characters and for the sounleor everyone, we hope the fall equipment which he provided will fix both for the parade and the‘AlJrigh‘t and prosperous year band Sunday School Superintend- ent Glen Ferguson was cast in a new role December 10 when he MC'd the Christmas concert held by the Sunday school of King City United Church. Ac- companied by Mrs. V. Gordon at the piano, he also led the audience in carol singing be- tween acts. Old Fashioned Christmas Concert Still A Hit At King City United Primary 11 class, under Mrs. Allen Crossley and Mrs. Donald Butler presented “Away in a Manger" with actions. The kinâ€" dergarten tykes then sang sev- eral songs, under the direction of Mrs. B. Feindell and Mrs. C. Leighton. A recitation was given by Douglas Abbott. l\\llll\lllllllll\llll\|llllllullllllllll\llllllll\\llll\l\ll\\l\lllullluulllmll Interest regarding people and events in the. Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Lillian Awheson. Wildwood Avenue, 773-5479, in King City Mrs. Lee Aspden. 833-5679. mmnmmumwmmmmuw!nun)ummumummmuumum Mr. Pierpoint also pointed out that the matter of insur- ance would have to be looked into. “The rink will be on school property,“ he said, “and if there is any horsing around and someone is injured the school board could be held liable." In other business trustees agreed to allow the 1st Noble- ton Scout Troop to use the Nobleton Public School for their meetings. Trustee Wilbert Jennings said “I like people to make use of the school and the Nobleton Scouts is a very worthwhile organization. Reeve Ross Farquharson confirmed to “The Liberal" this week that Whitchurch Township would oppose any possible annexation of part of the township by Aurora. Aurora has filed an in- tention with the Municipal Board to annex 175 acres of Whitchurch south of the town limits on the east side of Yonge Street. Reeve Farquharson stated that. council is assured the people living in the are: do not wish to become part of Aurora. The township is also reluctant to lose the assessment in the area which includes that of the Canadian Tire Corporation store and the Sunoco Ser- vice station. The land to be annexed would have about half a mile of Yonge Street frontâ€" age and extend about 200 feet south of the subway sideroad. Reeve Farquhar- son stated. Whitchurch To Oppose .4 urora Annexation the parade so well, re for his That next year, the best you'll plete with claim. the sound For everyone, we hope the fates The last event for 1965 will he the “Living Christmas Card" when young people of the neigh- borhood will take part in carol singing‘ touring the Lake Wil- cox area on a float. all dressed in costume. This will take place Christmas Eve. We know it comes but once a year, But hope for the other 364, For all our friends and neighbors There‘ll be lots more fun in store. For all those who enjoyed a good year, We wish you another the same And for those who didn't fare The kindergarten class had the pleasure of closing the pro-‘ gram with “We Wish You a Merry Christmasâ€. Mr. Ferg- uson said a few words and Rev. Martin Jenkinson thanked the teachers and all those who had helped make the concert so successful. Refreshments were served by the UCW. :szwaezmmw oowomw ‘ CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY :eazuzmttzimctcw MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services Diversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation For Further Information 884-4070 .OOOMOM M.G. â€" AUSTIN-HEALEY _ AUSTIN SALES â€" Parts â€" Service ; 2! 5' E g ; 727-5778 5 HIGHWAY 11 - sown AURORA ! Aaaaaalmammm: .. Richmond Hill & District Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients The trustees voted to do their part in helping the “Operation School Supplies" being conducted by the De- partment of Education for underprivileged schools in the Bahama Islands. Administrator Bruce Hun- ter noted .there were some 15 old-type school desks available that would not be required for any future use plus some outdated textbooks and materials. All supplies will be sent to (he Canadian National Exhi- bition building for shipping out. Trustee Joel Van Luyck expressed shock that “such a wealthy area like the Baâ€" hamas want us to help them? And they don't even pay taxes on property?" Chairman Pierpoint noted it was probably the same old story of the rich having everything and the poor nothing. in 1966 [ netâ€"Be It was decided to donate $50. ture use 10 the Harold King farm at Kes- extbooks‘wick. A bursary of $50. was also donated to King City Com- 8 Sent to posite School. lal Exhi-‘ Mrs. G. Dawson reported on shipping‘the district meeting held re- cently at Newmarket. Refresh- 1 Luyck ments were served by the com- “ “such mlttee. tho RaJLaskay WI King WI I The December meeting of WI. was held at the home of Mrs.; F. B. Lutes, with Mrs. E. J.‘ Monroe presiding. Gifts were exchanged among the 16 mem~l bers present. 3 Mrs. B. rmndell gave a report on a two day course called, “Window Treatment" recentlyl taken by herself and Mrs. B. R! Hall at Newmarket. It was deâ€"| cided to conduct such a course within the group. The first of‘ four lessons will be held Janu- ary 3 at the home of Mrs. B. Hall, RR 2 King. Anyone inter- ested in making drapes, curtains ‘etc, is invited to contact Mrs. ‘Hall, 833-5731. A report was also given by lDistrict President Mrs. A. Rum- ‘ble, and Mrs, H. Hayward, on ‘the area convention held recentâ€" ‘ly at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. A letter was read from Ithe area presldent. Laskay WI A Christmas party was held The December meeting “(for the Cubs December 14 at Laskay WI was he‘d at thelAll Saints’ Church, Canon Costi- hnme of the president, M13333“ .mlnlstel‘ 0‘ Aâ€"u saints Was Norman MacMurchy. RR 2 Kingï¬ï¬‚mmal guest- in the form of a luncheon. For‘ Eight boys from York Cottage entertainment the ladies enjoy- Home were also present. An ed euchre. Next meeting will evening of games was enjoyed. be January 12. concluding with carols around Euchre the campfire. Each boy was pre- Laskay WI held another sue- cessful 'euchre December 10 at Laskay Hall. Ladies first prize went to Mrs. S. S‘neltzen; sec- ond. Mrs. Harold Docks and ladies low. Mrs. Tom Walker. King City Happenings [ Sharon Fox was presented The York Cottage boys were “thith her “little bow†as actingipresented with two hockey nets. [rsï¬sixen Refreshments were serv- Present also were Mrs. E. Meâ€" Jjed by the LA. ger, Mrs. N. Laughlin and Mr. ere Cubs .K. Shaw. Two Scouts. Martin ,m-j Seeonee Pack, leader A. Him-Fox and Pat Laughlin helped ;ton, wish to extend sincere tremendously doing “Joe†join. ortthanks to King residents whoCubs will resume January 13. . .so generously responded to‘Scouts Seeonee Pack, leader A. Hin- ton, wish to extend sincere thanks to King residents who so generously responded to their "Christmas Carol" project. The boys were out singing December 8. 10 and 13 and collected $32.47. Also “singing along" were Mrs. E. Meger, Mrs. N. Laughlin, Keith Shaw, Mrs. J. Pigden, Mrs. G. Aspden and Art Fink. Mr. Hinton was fortunate in being able to obtain. through the Society for Crippled Civil- ians, 22 pairs of good used skates. These skates are for the children at the York Cottage Home in Willowdale. There are 17 wonderful children in resiâ€" dence, so each will now have his own pair of skates with five extra pairs. Six Cubs have been elected to go to Mr. Hinton's home on Sunday to clean. polish and gift wrap the skates. One day this week, Ken Orr, Robert Back- house, .lim Gelleny, Doug Cooke, Owen Ailles and David Williams will go to York Cottage Home and present them to the chil- dren. Eight boys from York Cottage Home were also present. An evening of games was enjoyed. concluding with carols around the campfire. Each boy was pre- sented with a model airplane and treats. Mr. Cunningham, caretaker of the church, was presented with a box of candy. Surprise of the evening was the presentation of a tie pin and cuff links, hearing the Cub in- signia, to Mr. Hinton. ï¬awmmmmmwmmmx*mmwmmmmmwwwwwmwwmmwwmwwwmmmwmwu mmmmmmmwmmmmm THANK YOU For your goodwill and patronage. May we have the privilege of serving you in the future. Be sure to obtain an ample supply of dairy products on Friday as there will be no delivery on Saturday and Sunday of Christmas and New Year’s weeks. ‘ For your festive party, use WWWHWWMMWHKKKKNKWKKIKKK‘IKKKWIKII‘J; QWWW keyed to the holidays . . . Richmond Hill Dairy Bar will be closed Q COLORFUL PEPPERMINT FLAKE ICE CREAM g 0 BELL CENTRE BRICKS O EGG NOG ICE CREAME 0 RED ()R GREEN SHERBET 0 ICE CREAM PIES E but will be open on Sunday of each week CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S DAYS Scouts of the lst King Trnnp had an unfortunate experience last Friday when they decided to camp overnight in the park to watch their cut Christmas trees. Some local juveniles chopped down their tent ropes and a fire was started in the straw inside. They were appre- hended by the police and Scouts Douglas Flucker, Martin Fox, Jack Fraser. Patrick Laughlin and Ronald Macnaughton con- tinued their night guard with- out further mishap. Scoutmas- ter is A. C. Macnaughton. About People We sincerely hope Michael Laughlin is going on all four again after his recent stay in hospital, and also wish Brown Owl Mrs. G. Weise a speedy recovery. Listeners to radio station CHUM last Week would have heard the voice of Mrs. Frank Rizzo, 242 Forde Cr.. as she sang a few bars of "All I Want for Christmas is my two front teeth." For that. plus the sum of four cents. she received an Andy Williams Christmas Al- hum. Brigadoon Ladies of King Wl recently had a night out on the tnwn when thPy travelled to the Royal Alex to see the current production of "Brigadnnn". A bus was hired for the occasion and afterwards the group stopâ€" ped at a restaurant. A most enjoyable evening was had by all. Greetings From your correspondent. a blessed Christmas and a pros- perous New Year to all. aâ€"TmlumuquumnInuluImImmmnummumnmmmnumnmmunmmmumunmmmmumuInmummunImnummnmmmx‘ from all of us at DAIRY CO. LIMITED Egg Nog 9.673