Fresh frozen. oven-ready $3.25 etch. Phone 294-2997. chZO 2 snow tires SOH-ISVGnOAdyear uuhurbani‘te used one season. telephone 884-4732. *1w26 fUNIOR miss winter cnat, size 10, excellent condition, $10. 884- 8086. c]\\'26 KELVINATOR Friz, also elec- tric stove and washing machine, all good condition. reasonable. 884â€"1714. clw26 8" Beaver Saw 3,24 motor with bench. Sander with motor. Grinder with motor. $125. 889- 5163 evenings. (‘1\\’26 XMAS stocking special. New records from 25c up. Herridge 42 Levendale open till 10 every night. c1w26 APARTMENT size trig. good condition. girl's fall coal size 4, also 750 - 14 tubeless tires. 884- 7896. c1\\‘25 No. 2 potatoes. table stock. '75 113. for $1.50. John Bosworih Potatoes Ltd., R.R. 3. Newmar- ket. 11'ch WASHINGV machine in gond| condition $35. Baby carriage, $15. 884-5982. (-lw26l 2 budgies and EaEP.H$10.’(‘on; tinen-tal single bed. $15. 884â€"I 1085. clw26! ' \ THE LIBERAL, Richmond r1111, untam “To Buy, Sell, Reï¬t or Hire... Read and Use Liberal Action Want Ads†fexercise bicycle, like new. 889-1052. cl “'26 FmEPITKEE FIRE woon ’ SEASONED maple. ironwood, $18 a cord. 773-5368. tfclz FI'ONEY lfc24 _ WERNER P‘ â€" 7W 7 - ‘ , , 8894724 “C21 le up ynur (,HRIS I MAS _____, ,, TREE at the corner of Yonflc IerOUR DRIVEWAY MUDDY? & nurrm-in 515.. also Elgin M1115 Call'884-7768â€"for SRNd- graveLiRoslaurant. \ for lowest priccs, or limestone- czwzsih'nm nwn planlalinn. *3w24 PHILLIPS 401 tape recorder, MERRYCHRISTMA’S Trees are here. Bring the kids latest model. hardly used. $265“ 889'5069‘ “sz and nick \rnurs out at Knap- EhECTRIC 'gui'tar, excenom condition. $35. Phone 884-2311. 3?' clw26 INGLIE beer,†41/27 years old, excellent condition. $50.00. Call 889-6913. c1w26 DRY white pine firewood blocks, approx. 3 ton lots. $8. Must be dumped. Cadillac Lum- ber. 889-4973. tfc20 COMPRESSOR. small 2 cylin- der with tank and gauge. Cheap. Floor polisher. electric, will swap for anything useful. 884- 1344. clw26 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 NEW ana usedï¬TV Setsâ€"17“. 889-2581. “(‘24 21". 23". 19" Por‘ables- Appli'POODLE male; white slandali‘»d_. ance and Antenna parts. highest‘lvulmn Kennels‘ England. prices paid for trade-ins. Math'sm‘rained a ma] pet good dis- TV. 45 Industrial Road. 884-}pnsmon' registered papers 334- 7903. “02392839. c2w25 Windows, doors, awnings, sid- inn, patio. enclosures. buy dir- ect from the manufacturer and save. For free esiimales call: Larry Bartholomew, 884-2873 - 889-1471. tfclï¬ Open evenings â€" fast service. Family groups. child studies. etc in your home. No charge for sitting and proofs. WILLOW PHOTO 889-6851. tfcl? NEW Girl Guide uniform. size 14 complete, student's desk and chair. telephone bench. blue hostess chair. fireplace grate and screen. bedspreads - S4" and 39". 889-5661. BEAUTYREST. Marshall, Sim- mons. Serta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new. medium ï¬rm. extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered On- tario Bedding Co. 889-1591. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals‘ Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale In eluding new and rebuilt stand 1rd portable and electric mod els. Special rental rates avail able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Don Mills Road " E351 at New' Mortgages. David McLean 889â€" market â€" Phone 89 -6311- Once 1176. David McLean Limited, 74 again we are “3â€â€ our annual Steeles Avenue. West. it’ch sale. From now until Christmas we are offering new Pianos [all makes). Ornans (Demonstrators) ' Conn. Lowrey. Electrohome â€"â€" Guitars and small Chord Or- \VANTED sans. at reduced prices. See us,»- 77 W‘ 77 r _H x for that life time gift of a piano CHARTERED accountant. avail- or organ you have always want able etemngs and weekends. 9d. Could you think of a nicer'ï¬â€˜fgfyn- 7_ -v_ family present? While here. YOUNG MEN, 16-19. looking bI‘OWSe through our large music for work. Anything considered selection. Easy terms available. Can you help us. Call Salva- Open day or evening. c5w22$tion Army. 889-4869. tic52 Richmond Hill 884-1745 tfc49 PONT‘IR'G‘SEIIISIk‘ CENTRE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged. .7c per word, min. charge .90c. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE, '70 per word; min. charge Sl.00 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertlon $1.00 Classified advertisements xhnuld he in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. ALUMINUM rnonucrs PASSPORT Pli‘Tl'RES ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, PHEASANTS Call The Classified Numbers 884â€"1105 *1 “'26 tfc44 1955 FORD V8. A-1 condition. radio. snow tires. 884-2279 after 6. tfc24 OLD CARS and trucksâ€"flicked up for scrap. 1 hour pickup. 889-2761 ask for Mei. tfc13 1361 Corvair two-ddgr. radio: like new. Sacrifice. 889-5413. 02w25 1958'1vio'rris Oxford $250.00,‘25} 000 miles, very good. 884â€"6929. c1w26 1962 Pontiac Parisienne. V8 au- tomatic, 4 door hardtop, two tone. $1200. 884-6191. (‘1\'IMPALA‘CONVERTIBLE 1964 Chev., fully powered, still under warranty, sacriï¬ce. Mr, Opie. 889-5411. c1w26 ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks, parts. tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old No. 11 Highway, Holland Land- ina. 895-4666. tfc34 EXCEPTIONALLY clean 1960 Studeb er. 6 cylinder standard. Custom 'adio. snow tires, very good mechanically, very econoâ€" mical. Priced for quick sale. 23 Markham Road. 889-3152. MERRY CHRISTMAS Trees are here. Bring the kids and pick yours out at Knap- pett's on Bayview North. 884- 3089. c4w23 (Continued) ï¬bMEé’fIC raised rabbits, In}; or oven-ready. 884-3901. *4w23 pies, registered. 2 females. 884- 3464. €2w25 JILL GODDARD for profesâ€" sional Poodle clipping 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill 889- 3606. tfc4ll WHITE kitten. Free to flood home. 884-5818. (-1\\'26 POODLE black miniature pup The Hermitage Cattery for Siam- ese cats, year round boarding facilities. Kittens available to good homes. Some part Persian. 889-2581. lfc24 I360DLE» male: thite ï¬lmyâ€"d: Vulcan Kennels. England. lMORTGAGES purchased. Funds to buy existing lst. and 2nd. Mortgages. David McLean 889- 1176. David McLean Limited, 74 Steeles Avenue. West. tfclï¬ 'CHARTERED accountant. avail- lable evenings and weekends. 889-3115. tfc22 S'BUNG MEETSâ€"19. looking ._RENTAL __i PERI‘MNEN'I‘ 0R h 7 TEMPORARY OR TOOLS FOR RENT PART-TIME Floor sanders. saws and drills] REGISTERED NURSES Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail'Fnr Greenacres Home {or the drivers, 889-1109. tfc27 Aged. Salary range. $369.00 to RENfA’mTfofli-IE'M-6426100. Graduate nurses also Run shamnnnprs flnnr mach-‘quuu‘e‘i‘ RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, flnnr mach- ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. PORTABLE TV RENTALS BY DAY. WEEK 0R MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV. 884-7456 - 889-3756 Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call EM. 6-8684. ll’cl7 LOANS $50 - $5.000 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 20 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill 884â€"4458 - 889-5562 Mgr. R. G. (Bob) Hughes iWANTED mflrenl; 71ml .Thornhill-Willmvdale area {or MONEY available for good rustlhmlly 0f hvnï¬du‘ts and “‘0‘ and second mongages_ reason. children, movmg to Toron_to. able l.ates_ Lawlon Le Claire Please telephone Shouldlce and Bannon 884-4413. thZ‘SHI‘SEI‘N, Mr. Mackabu 889-1635- llnD'FCAIE‘FQ m...,.k.\MA mama, Cl\\'26 PETS FOR SALEE T001 & Equipment PASSPORTS CUSTOM FRAMING LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonge St. 5., 884-2791 USED CA RS FOR SALE PERSONAL c1w26 c1w26 tfc31 aking WANTED all kinds of dead an- iered.imals. For fast service call TU. iah'a- 4-2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License tic53 No. 204-62. “C31 tfc9 tfc7 ‘. HELP WANTED HXIRDRESSERâ€"w‘anted.’ FulllCALL us for your sand, gravel, time. or part time, King City fill, top soil and black loam. Hair Styling. 833-6313. c2wz5 Prompt delivery. Reasonable FFIV IEETV * ""le' rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. E c expenenced ma 832_8876_ tfc7 or female typist secretary pel‘m- ____ anenL position. importer. Call THE CLANS Mr. Manchee. 888-1937- c1\’\"26:l5‘loor sanding and refinishing. DAY-TIME porter wanted, with!rug shamponing, complete main- “ experience_ Richmond Inn. tenance to tile flonrs. 884-5602 8844101. c1w25 or evenings. 884-5850. tfcl? VACANCY. cleaning staff, 401¢ARPENTRY work. remo‘deli hour week, mature male desir-lhng, additions. l'ecrealion able. Apply Falconbridge Lab-'I‘ooms. garages. tile floors, oratory, Thornhill. c2w25 special kitchen cupboards. 832- HOUSEKEEPER; 1m? in; mod-P39“ 7 “$29 ern home. no children, stale full particulars and references to Box 77 “The LiberaV‘. ONE girlifor steady or part time motel work. 889-5411. ï¬WI’T’CHBOARD - receptionist 2 days per week. 884-1101: §ABY sitterw wanted, for new year's eve. Good pay. 889-4743. clw26 CAR WASHERS Drivers-wipers, experience not necessary. Full or part time. Ap- ply North Yonge Car Wash. 5940 Yonge St. 225-0981. c4w23 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited. 222-2525. CAPABLE energetic woman of neat appearance for general domestic duties. Must be fond of children. Private room with TV. Permanent position. Referâ€" ences essential. 889-3419. MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products in the town of Richmond Hill No investment necessary. Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gau- thier. 350 St. Roch St., Montreal 15, Quebec. c5w24 FEMALE machine operators re- quired for new Richmond Hill plant. No experience necessary. Hours 7:30 am to 4 pm. Good starting pay and benefits. Ap- ply in person at Newman Green of Canada Ltd. 301 Markham Road. c1w26 WOMEN to help with dinner new year's night. 889-2237. RICHMOND HILL OFFICE Opening for one saleslady or salesman in busy long establish- ed real estate office. Complete training, top commissions, and bonus. Preference to applicant 35-55 years of age. Please call Mrs. ' Sutherland, 889-1164,, Evenings, 884â€"5310., David Mc- Lean Ltd., thrs. clw24 VALUABLE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Now available for mature woman with car and 20 or more hours per week. With Avon Cosmetics you have a business of your own. Write Miss Ziegler Box 141 Guelph, Ont. clw26 FARM SALESMAN If you have any farming back- ground you may just be suited to the very highly paid business of farm sales with a long estab- lished company. We will train and assist you. Call Mr. D. Mc- Lean 889-1176, Evenings, 889- 3419, David McLean le.. Real- tors, Head Office, 74, Steeles Avenue, West at Yonze Street. opposite Sayvette Plaza. clw24 DAILY or weekly care given in my home. 884-6079. c4w23 DAE’igérjaï¬fvoaner b'abyior chilh. 884-1925. *2w25 hAXy care for two irifants inwmy home, Monday to Friday 889- 6647. ' cl\\‘26 tions, slip covers made, etc. 884- 4347. tfc32 ALL kinds of dressmaking and alterations 884-3860. 05w25 ALL kinds of sewing, altera- APPLY GREENACRES HOME FOR THE AGED 194 Eagle St. NPwmarket or 387 Blonr St. E.. Toronto 924-7441. DRESSMAKING DEAD STOCK Dec. 23, 1965 DAY CARE WANTED TO RENT or 889-3316 8 a.m nc2w25 c1w26 clw26 c2w26 clwz4 c3w24 tfc25 ttc31| 6526 MISCELLANEOUS Custom building additions, re- pairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. 889-2494. tfc43 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfc7 PAINTING dz PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn; TU. 4-2798. :1 '73Kï¬FIZNfï¬Y-8z CONCRETE *JANITORIAL SERVICE gAMRTMENTShhHa WEEKLY or monthly cnntraclsjmg one and two invited. staff bonded and insur-[wenmar Apartments, ed. Call 884-7331 days. 633-0506‘home Ave†334.5253 evenings. “C20: F‘ITR-N’IRI-Imhâ€"rnnmâ€"I; PIIASTERING & TILE Plaster repairs, ceramic and Plastic Tile repairs. years of experience in repair work. George. 884-7045. tfc18 _’CONCRET'E - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations 8: repairs. prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 “('8 RALPH ELMS’ DECORATING E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 TAs’oNRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond _Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates Work guaranteed. 884~7902. CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, 889-2526. tfc15 Chesterfield sets recovered â€"‘ 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone 889-1682. tfc43 of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- anteed work. Active Upholstery. UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING â€"- RESTYLING 889-5345 884-1981 Residence 884-4813 tfc14 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, rem tions, additions, and rep Kitchens 3 specialty. Mc Harrison. 884-2838. t' By using our No Down Payment plan. Gardner & Kennedy. Painting Contractors, Richmond Hill. 884-3319, 884-7866. 884-1245 COMPLETE landscaping, trees planted, rock gardens. garden fences, patio slabs and tree re- moval. 832-1390. tfc20 ANDERSON COMMERCIAL FLOOR CLEANER Factories. Offices & Stores Fully Insured. 884-2830 17’ plywood runabout. Uphols-Ito all m3 tered seats. canvas top, vinylgt‘or their deck $300. 884-2913. tfc22;and \‘isits BOATS FOR SALE tered seats. canvas top, vinylifor their cards. flowers. gifts deck 8300. 884-2913. tfc22'and visits during my recent stay 7 at York Central Hospital. With special thanks to Drs. Farher. Arai and Winemaker and all the ,_ >71 7 _ Vï¬w , nurses and staff of the second RIDE available from Richmond floor. Hill to Yonge and College 884-l Don McDonell. 6526. c1w28 *1w26 Transportation Cï¬RISTMAs DECORATING SAVE CASH FOR GIFTS PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 8: SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 Kitchens. Row. Rooms, Flooring. Panelling. Bathrooms Budget Plan Available GARDENING PHONE MR. SCOUT 889-4922 or 884-7968 Sewers cleaned wflhout digging or tearing up pipe. C. STUNDEN HOME IMPROVEMENTS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED 325.00 C'HIMNEYS . to 9 pm. Monday and Tuesday, 9 am, to 5 pm. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. 9 to 12 Saturday. SPECIAL Richmond renova- repairs Morris Me 31 c4w22 tfc43 LLF I would like to express myBlue Cross/P.S.l./Accumulatlvc J sincere thanks and appreciatinn'sick leave. phols- to all my friends and relatives! Apply to: tchl tfc45 tfc33 tfc HillTCARD 0F THANKS ligdroom ipartment} equipped} 884-7243. CZWZS: FURNISHEniï¬d'untur'nished' moms. 889-1766. tfclg| Bayview Avenue South. Call 884-2613. c1w26 2'r66m_*apartmentiwith bath: Frizz and stove included. 773- 5897. c1w26 APARTMEN’Tï¬ibEh-oom, mod ern, electric heat. 884-2655. 5 room bungalnw BACHELOR apartment, furn- ished. suit, one or two business people. 889-4373 after 5. tfc25 LIGHT housekeeping room. fe- frigerator and stove $9 weekly. Ladies only. 884-2196. tfc23 OFFICE space, Levendale Road. Richmond Hill. also 1.000' light manufacturing factory space. 633-5661. tf022 WILLOWDKIJEJ {pacious Zibed- room bungalow. $100 monthly, as is for handyman. All schools. umnc 1xv(.‘ uu-x-uuuu. ll‘uu gers , , l FURNISHED room. 000king {3- Always lender. fond and true l cilities. 16 Lorne, lst house east There is not a day_ dear motherl of Clarke’s Drug store at Yonge. That we do not think or you_ > m tfczfi aninzly remembered by chil- 675 square feel. office space, in- dren Freda Md Douglas Md; eluding heat, hydro and water, brother Fred~ for lease in new and modern * * * " building. centrally located. 889-;MILS'I‘ED In loving memory} 6161. tfc26 APPROXIMATELY 5,000 square feet factory and office space with extra high ceilings for lease. New building being built to he completed early in new year. centrally located. 889-6161. tfc26 2 bedrooms, kitchen. living room and bath in private home, one mile from Aurora on Bay- View. Private entrance and gar- age. $80.00 monthly covers everything. Phone 727-4144. 889‘2117. cleG A'p'ARTMENTS’a’vanable. bache- lor, one and two bedrooms. Wenmar Apartments, 165 C01- RICHMOND HILL Space available in new prestige office building. located at. Yonge and Dufferin. Fully air-condi- tioned. electrically heated, un- derground parking. Reasonable rates. Eastern & Chartered Trust Company (Commercial & Industrial Division), 1901 Yonge Street. Toronto. Tele- phone Mr. Jones, 481â€"3443. COXâ€"Meryl and Olive are happy to announce the birth of a son. Andrew Peter. At York Central Hospital, Rich- mond Hill, December 17, 1965. c1w26 ECARD 0F THANKS TREADIE sewing machine. 889-1052. . clw26 O‘LEARY, Alphonsus (Phonce) â€"Suddenly on Tuesday Dec- ember 14, 1965. Alphonsus O‘Leary of 65 Rosethorn Ave- nue, Toronto. beloved husband of Clarice Bowden and dear father of Dean. Rested at Flynn's Funeral Residence. Service was held Saturday to St. Matthews Church, Old Weston Rd for Requiem Mass. Interment St. James Cemet- ery. Colgan. c1w26 INGLISâ€"Gordon and Lynne are happy to announce the arrival of a son. At York Cen- tral Hospital, on December 16. A brother for John and Bruce. ' c1w26 STEPHENSONâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stephenson Junior. wish to announce the birth of a daughter on Monday. Dec- ember 13, at York Cen- tral Hospital, a sister for Brant. Kirk and Kevin. With thanks to Dr. Socol. c1w26 O'CONNOR. Elizabeth Ada Maryâ€"Suddenly on Thursday. December 16, 1965. Elizabeth Ada Mary Ross, beloved wife of the late John Arthur O'Connor of 116 Levendale Rd.. Richmond Hill, dear mother of Wilfred (Bob), Jack. Scarboro. Douglas, Oakville, and Jeanne IMrs. Peter Eas- tonL Richmond Hill. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St., North Rich- mond Hill. Private service was held on Saturday, Decem- ber 18th. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. clw26 I would like to express thanks to my many friends for their kindness. cards and flowers during my stay in York Cen- tral Hospital. Eeaths T0 RENT WANTED on 7 acres. South. Call Bob Scott ncw26 ncw24 c4w26 cl “'26 tfc22 zgvMANLEYâ€"In loving memory of a dear mother and sister. Ivy Kathleen Manley, who passed’ "5' away December 23. 1957. M In our hearts your memory lin-I le- {In memoriam away December 23, 1964. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps her near. Lovingly remembered by Wih and Beryl and children. c1w26 HADWEN. Gertrude who passed HARDINGâ€"In loving memory of Robert. Harding who passed away December 27. 1964. “His memory a daily thought" Ever remembered by his wife Dorothy and daughter Arlene and son-in-Iaw John. c1w26 MILS'I‘ED In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Chas. F. Milsted, who passed away so suddenly on December 24. 1964. One sad and lonely year has day No one can ever tell. God gave me courage to meet it.‘ And courage to hear the blow.‘ But what it meant. to lose you. No one will ever know. I It's lonely here without you. I miss you so each day. For life is not the same lo me Since you were called away. 1 You bade no one a last farewell: Nor even said goodbye. ' You were gone before I realized‘ And only God knows why. l passed, Since that great sorrow fell. The shock that I received that Sadly missed by Evelyn a nd daughter Charleen. (‘1w26 In“lll\lllllll“lllllllR\llWIN“lllllllll‘lllllillllllllllIlllllllllllllllulll not demolish its station here as was proposed, but will remove the caretaker. The railway had applied to the Board of Trans- port Commissioners in Ottawa to have the station destroyed but strong representations from the Townships of Pickering and Markham appear to have been successful in preserving the old building. Damage was estimated at 53.000. The investigation was handled by Cpl. Ted Green and PC William Hay. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllï¬lllllllIllIlllIIllllllllllIIllIIlIllllllllllllllll LOCUS'I' HILL: The CPR will Invites applications for the following positions: 1. To do supply teaching if and when required 1 - 5 days. Vandals Smash Two BA. Schools Vandals runnan amok in the area have resulted in Beverley Acres Public School and our Lady Help of Christians Separate School being turmd inside out in weeks. This weekend Beverley Acres Public School was hit by vandals who cut a tornado-like. swath through 22 of its classrooms. leaving the contents of hoth teach- ers' and students' desks strewn throughout the premises. Police. said the culprits also scrawled ohscenities on the hlackhoards and stole several children's wrist watches and a small quantity of cash. Entry was zainod by breaking a window and reaching through and un- dninz the latch. This week in North York, vandals did such heavy damage at the new Gosford Public School. Jane Street and Finch Avenue. that «L ficials were forced to close it down. They were a little more sparing at the Catholic school, however, venting their spleen on only two rooms. the principal‘s of- fice and a grade eight mom. At Our Lady Help. van- dals used a glass cutter to gain entry to the school for the second week In a row. 518.00 per day Permanent principal‘s relief on a half day basis. Salary schedule in effect. Standard 1 - 53500-5300 †2 3900 - 6600 " 3 4300 - 7300 †4 4900 - 8200 Newmarket Public School Board Apply to: SAMUEL JEFFERSON, Box 239. Newmarkel. or Phone 895 - 5155 (9-5) 895 - 2458 (after 5) the past couple of The family. *1w25 uecemner 1.5 wun 1.3 memners‘ it is told that during one of and one visitor present. Mrs. G.‘the early Henry's reign he had. Barker Pl'esided. ‘a sanctimonious courtier whose} Miss Cora Brodie. assisted bylgoodness was an 0., the surface. Mrs. Wellman. condueted the‘He carried out many a nefarious; devotional period using the deed for Henry and was re\val.d_i nativity story from “Lukeâ€. .ed by receiving the estate of the‘ Mrs. Stewart Rumble read a‘victim. One particular crime poem by Henry Van Dyke. “Day‘and dispensing of a famous es- of Joy Return". and Miss Coraltate enraged the people but no Brodie introduced the guest one dared say 50. Here and speaker, Mrs. H. Acreman, Kes-‘there a song was heard, anony‘ wick, Mrs. Acreman used mous, and with no names, it was "Peace" for her theme. She understood by many, “Lime compared the reality of currentiJack Homer Sat In a Corner world belief that peace can he Eating his Christmas Pie. He procured by war with the vision'stuck in his Thumb and Pulled of peace through love, the teach-iout a Plum and said What a ing of Jesus. iGood Boy am I". The deed had Mrs. G. Barker displayedlbeen committed Christmas Eve. several Christmas arrange-I And here‘s to you all. A good ments. a door and a table dec-i‘u'ish that has come down oration and a lapel spray. throuth the centuries "Waes Mrs. C. Horner presented the Hael" lBe thou in healthi. l . . lreport of the nominating com:-izmacmcii&,é€ï¬kwmwm‘ .mittee which was accepted. The Mrs. Stewart Rumble read a poem by Henry Van Dyke. “Day of Joy Return". and Miss Cora Brodie introduced the guest speaker. Mrs. H. Acreman, Kes- wick, Mrs. Acreman used Mrs. C. Horner presented the H report of the nominating com- ‘1 mittee which was accepted. The § ofï¬ce of secretary was empty until Mrs. Rumble volunteered}! to take it. The offer was grate-g fully accepted. 3 Homes were offered for 1966 and the January meeting will hP‘ held in the home of Mrs. M. Van To]. {amazes {Christmas The mince pie was During the month severalig large boxes of clothing were‘ deHvered to the coHchon‘ centre of the United Church. Gifts to Victor Home were also delivered, shut-ins remembered, and 14 visits reported. Christmas Concert zanzwemeaca? Headford Sunday school never lacks enthusiasm when present- ing an entertainment. The Christmas concert this year zip- ped through from the welcom- ing recitation from two kinder- garten members, Debbie Van T01 and Michael Young to the arrival of Santa to distribute gifts and candy. The meeting adjourned to the kitchen whore bags for the Christmas concert were Packed. The meaning of Christmas was introduced in tableau when six girls dressed in angel cos- tumes came up the aisle carryâ€" ing lighted candles. As they proceeded slowly, they sang “Little Town of Bethlehem" and grouped about the manger where Mary‘ sat they sang "Silent Night". Connie Burton was Mary and Brenda Wellmavn the guardian angel. The choir angels were: Patsy Searle, Kathy Burton, Rosemary Leek, Jean Clark, Gloria Lee and Jenni Calder. This was a particularly lovely tableau, quiet and un- cluttered. The kindergarten children pantomimed two scenes while tb junior girls sang “The Lone- ly Shepherd Boy" and "This Spells Christmas“. The shepâ€" herd was Michael Young and the wise men. Marilyn Horner, Jack Van T01 and Debbie Van Tol. Jackie Hampson represent- ed the star. The primary class presented a tableau from Mary Poppins. Martha Calder as the little old bird woman, sold bread crumbs to Robbie Hampson and Steven Leuschener while Joan and Joyce Homer and Jennifer Young fluttered white paper doves about her and a record played the song. Feed the Birds. An unusual presentation of the “Night Before Christmas" was acted by the junior boys as their teacher, Doug Young read 3the poem. Mama in kerchief, iRod Calder, Papa in cap, Larry iBurton, Santa, Paul Wellman, ‘Child, Gordon Lee, mouse, iBruce Terry. Mark Terry and Ronnie Searle carrying their sugar plum names danced over the sleeping family. The audience enjoyed several selections played by Keith and Richard Burton and Douglas Martindale with French horn, trumpet and ba-ritone. A puppet show, "The Old Man‘s Mitten" involving a mouse, a frog, a fox, a rabbitâ€" bear and old man was enjoy- able. The impersonators were Gloria Lee, Jennl Calder, Con- nie Burton with Brenda Well- man narrating. A scene from Bird‘s Christ- mas Carol portrayed Miz Rug- gles giving her last minute in- structions to her brood of nine on how to behave at the Christ- mas party in the ‘elegant’ home of the Birds. Mrs. D. C. Calder played Miz Ruggles. The Hi-C group depicted the troubles of a fickle lass as she tried to hide the presence of ar- riving beaus from one another. Kathy Burton. the lass. Michael Calder, Keith and Richard Burâ€" ton. the heaus. Jean Clark the maid and the irate aunts. Patsy Searle and Rosemary Leek. A film was enjoyed, “Rudi Comes to Canada" and the clos- ing song by “The Neighbors†was a tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Rumble for their kindneSS in loaning their pond and their valley as a play ground. A gift was presented to Mrs. Rumble. Santa's arrival and short, stay was very much appreciated. Christmas Traditions Even though our capacity seems less than that of our an- cestors twhen we read the men- us of the past) tradition still carries on in plum pudding and mince pie. The pudding was originally a porridge and to refuse a serving was disastr- nus. it meant that one would lose a friend before the next CORRESPONDENT: MRS LOREN GUILD RR. 2. Gormley Phone 884-3040 HEADFORD NEWS similar to ours only mutton was used instead of beef and almost any fruit was called a plum. It is told that during one of 178 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill - 839:3591 a mmmwmmmmmmmawhammyhmwmammmmmfl ‘(flfl SIMPSUN’SDRYGDUDS of holiday wishes for you. with We're wrapping up a package our warmest thanks for your Phone 889-5176 â€" 7 pm. to 10 pm. FIJAN CONSTRUCTION Applications will be received by the undersigned up to Wednesday, January 5, 1966. For the above appointment, applicants must be: (1) Canadian Citizens or British Subjects. (2) Be- tween 19 and 35 years of age. (3) At least 5-8" in height. (4) Physically fit. (5) Produce proof of the satisfactory completion of grade 10, or its equivalent. Application forms may be obtaian by writing to. or calling at the Police Department, Municipal Buildings, Maple, Ontario. 3 - 4 and 5 bedroom. individually styled homes. Stone fronts. paved driveways, storms and screens. double car garages‘ landscaped. A few with custom built-in ovens and stoves, etc. Price range from 524.000 to $28,900. 12 Yonge St. S. Season ’s Greetings Township 01’ Vaughan Police Department Executive Luxury Homes THORNHILL POLICE CONSTABLE s‘ig'ned :‘ W. s. SHIMMIN, Chief of Police FOR SALE KN‘E“ K5405“ xxxwmwmgzmxmiv} Two Car Thefts Prompt Warning Richmond Hill Police report- ed two car lhefls last week. prompting Chief R. P. Robbins to repeat an oft-issued warning: Don‘t leave your keys in your car when parking it. “About 90 per cent of all stolen cars are the result of people leaving their keys in their cars." said Chief Robbins. He advised motorists no! to make it any easier than possible for would-he thieves. The first. car reported stolen was frnm R. D. Little Used Car Lot, 168 Ynnge Street North. December 16. and was a 1968 Ford four-door sedan. The other ear was taken from a parking lot at 177 Yonge Street. December 17 and was I 1964 Chevrolet convertible. The can which was owned by Larry Steadman, 180 Bayview Avenue. contained a quantity of photographic equipment. In both cases. the keys were left inside the cars. Richmond Hill