sxlmmcmzacmmuuxmmmmlq hammmmmmmmammzmmmmmx: Ke/otce W in His name this Cbrixlma: Day. May the :pirit of love ï¬ll your beat. I .T D. Management & Staff LEN PUGH REAL ESTATE flewï¬nï¬ RICHMOND HILL NORTH $21,800. custom built. 3 bed- room ranch brick bungalow open fireplace, built in stove WEST RICHMOND HILL $2500 down. 4 bedroom two storey brick home on one acre, large living room wit open fireplace. modern kit chen. large family room. Mrs. Armstrong. 889-1154. 2' car girage. many extras Mr. Mashinter, 889â€"1164. $15,900. 3 BEDROOMS Brick bungalow on quiet street. near schools, 5% mortgage. Mrs. Sutherland, 889-1164. OAK RIDGES WEST $12,900, 2 bedroom clap- board bungalow with all con- veniences. immaculate con dition throughout. Mrs. Jac- obsen, 889-1164. Our Head Offices,- at '74 Steeies Avenue West. spec- ialize in farm and land sale. To list or for appraisal with- out obligation. Call 889- 1176. Evenings Charlie Hes- lop. CH. 1-2518. MEMBER TORONTO REAL1 ESTATE BOARD DAVID McLEAN OUR CASH BUYERS TRADE INS ACCEPTED Btu-5554 889-636] N. S. SMITH LIMITED RICHMOND I-IILL'S FIRST REALTORS FARMS WANTED WE NEED HOUSES REAL ESTATE LTD Featuring Outstanding Property Values Throughout York County for “THE LIBERAL" HAPPY NEW YEAR Real Estate Page MERRY CHRISTMAS Emerald Isle Real Estate Limited For A Deal Worthwhile CALL Look For The Sign Of The Shamrock! MANAGEMENT and STAFF of 889 - 6288 18A Yonge St. N.) Richmond Hill from and :mmmmuxmmm IMMEDIATE POSSESSION s-SMITH ExamxmmKmazzmxxmxxxzzzzxxmmxzmwelzme; gsmmmmammumï¬mmmxuxmmxxï¬mmamw We take this opportunity Peace 0n to wish everyone 3n. v 2: § 45 K!“ INSURANCE - u 315! mamammmmmmmmmmï¬ Â§Â£KKKKKKKI:KKKKEKZKKHKWKKKKKKKKKKKK a “"7 t’ ’ " x “gammfl‘mg' Wllmont Nursmg Home at Thornhill last week. They sang †:3 Â¥ mvougusr cmn BEAT THESE mans danced {31-1, the pagenï¬ ~ 7 A (v a“ nnnl‘unnn a a wnn er U MERRY CHRISTMAS REAL ESTATE LTD. ALL YEAR THROUGH 'Beat Wm HAPPY NEW YEAR BAYVIEW PLAZA and May We Extend Warmest Christmas Greetings . Smith Realtor S. J. CARLISLE . NELS GAGE STUART J. CLEMENT From All of Us to All of You SAM CARLISLE REAL ESTATE and a Immaculate 5 bedroom bunza- low. Broadloom throughout the living and dining room as well as the three bedrooms on the main floor, plus 2 bedrooms and 3 piece bath in finished base- ment. Situated on a large fully landscaped lot close to schools, shopping and transportation. Phone Don Wallace, Peters and Wiles Ltd. 487-3361. c1w26 yllfllflflfltllflflflflflllfllflll‘g i CHAMBERS & MEREDITH \ , LTD. Realtors 227 Eglinton Ave. West, Toronto clw26 Wmmï¬ â€˜With three bedrooms or two and a study for quietâ€"living adult couple, within 20 mile radius of Toronto. Would like ï¬replace in living room and not too large a lot. Prepared to pay in neighborhood of $18,000 and await convenient possession. If you may be selling in spring, do call and discuss with F. W. Johnston. HU. 5-9331. c1w26 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year REAL ESTATE WANTED CHRIS. TAYLOR RITA EDWARDS PEGGY JOHNSTON MARGARET BINNS TU. 4-7691 889-7381 “NEW, h . murpnyi Real Estate Broker 53YONGEST.S ! RICHMONDIHLL 1 OOOQOOO‘ 889-2951 ¢~o¢~5a~bc~v¢~.¢~v¢~b 991222222212222331312 7: i :ltook a taste of Christmas to the mammaamaaaaï¬aamamamm ii a 3? Mrs. Clayton Jones, Gayle. Mr. and Mrs. John Black of Balinafad were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reid last Sat- urday, and visited with Mrs. S. J. English for a short time. Margaret Patterson who is busy enouth these days, with all the Christmas activities of a kindergarten teacher, and pre- parations for her Boxing Day wedding to Brian Murphy. still found time to assist with the Christmas candlelizht service \for CGIT and Explorers at‘ :Brown’s Corners United Church :last Sunday evening. ‘Cheryl Tennyson and Vivi Noer Ausauuaa Luauuua uuu luDhUAJ V of the holly tree. Following a contest, original with the host- ess, refreshments were served. Albert E. Vine, Architect. nd everyone had a wonderful ime. Tuesday night the Happy Timers boarded Rick Tribbl'mg’s bus for a trip to the Eglinton Theatre and a performance of i“The Sound of Music." After- iEwards the party went to The 5!Noshery for refrEShments. "D khaki!!!)ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ QA special thank you tov .all our loyal friends and 2 patrons. ï¬anammgmmnnmaamamamauaz MEWShenï¬eld, who succeeds Norman Tapscott. was installed :by Lawrence Pilkington, a past Master of Markham Union. Attending the ceremony were representatives from many dis- trict lodges. Mr. Shenï¬eld also holds mem- ‘bership in the Victoria Chapter Royal Arch Masons; Geoï¬rey Preceptor Knights Templar; Ra- meses Temple Ancient Arabic 1Order of the Nobles of the .Mystic Shrine, and El Shamalay Shrine Club. The air is filled with snow- flakes this morning, Monday, and it begins to look as though Rudolph will have a soft landing on Christmas Eve aï¬ter all. In the midst of all the shopping, wrapping. baking and trimming may you find Christmas. My Christmas gift for you was writ- ten by Fra Giovanni in 1513 Neighborhood Notes And so at this time. I greet you. Not quite as the world sends greetings, but with pro- found esteem and with prayer that for you now and forever, the day breaks, and the shad: ows flee away. Gordon Brown and Mrs. Ross Hord both underwent surgery last week, but their families hope to have them home for Christmas. W. L. Clark is mak- ing good progress at York County Hospital, and will be home this week. and Charles Boynton who spent several weeks at York Central Hospital returned home last week. Friends were sorry to learn of the death of Gil Pultman, Dec- ember 11. The Putnams lived for some years on 16m Avenue, near Don Mills Road, and later‘ moved to Willowdale where they‘ presently reside. Mr. Putnam was at the Funeral Chapel of A. W. Miles, St. Clair Avenue West, and on Tuesday there was a service at the Chapel of St. James the Less. Parliament Street. Mr. Putnam is survived by his wife. Dorothy, and sons George of Montreal and Bruce of Belleville. No Heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today. Take Heaven! No peace lies in the future which is not hidden in this present little Instant. Take peace! The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it. yet within our reach, is joy. There is radi- ance and glory in the darkness could we but see, and to see, we have only to look. I beseech you to look. AH Shenfield New Worshipful Master Deputy Clerk Alfred Shenï¬eld of Markham Township. was in- stalled as Worshjpful Master of Markham Union Lodge, No. 87. AF and AM in a ceremony last week in Markham Masonic Temple. 1'. Murphy: CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF RR. 2. Gormley Phone 297-1741 BUTTONVILLE NEWS There were 26 tables of euchre players at Buttonville WI Hall December 10 when Buttonville Branch of YCHA sponsored a benefit. Winners were Miss Carolyn Wray, Mrs. Lucille Cummings, Mrs. Marg- aret Featherstone, Mrs. V. Baker, Mrs. A. Bracey, Douglas Hood, James Weir. and Mrs. Keith Carson. Mrs. Garnet Weidmark, Mrs. Larry Wales, Mrs. George Tooley and Mrs.‘ Roy Tooley topped all players in the freezeout. Receipts for the evening were encouraging, with approximately $120 clear- ed. The table of home baking was cleared in short order, and ‘handmade gifts proved popular too, with $55 turned in from that group. YCHA Euchre and Sale Russell Burr was games mas- ter. Mrs. Alvin Robinson, Mrs. Russell Boyington, Mrs. A. W. Miller. Mrs. Don Ridout and Mrs. C. Adair convened the ev- ening, assisted by members of the Buttonville Branch. The Christmas meeting of Buttonville WI was held at the home of Mrs. John Wilkins Dec- ember 6, with all the traditional trappings -â€" a tree, lights, gifts, carols, and donations of candy for the Ontario Hospital, Queen Street West. | 1 Mrs George Kelly chaired the meeting, with Mrs. James Rod- ick secretary, and business dis- cussion included the date for the opening of the winter euchre series January 14. Mrs. Kelly reported that a? new deed for the WI hall will be completed shortly, and it was agreed that representatives; on the hall committee should make enquiries re installation of water services. ‘ District President Mrs. Char- les Hooper who is a past presi- dent and member of the But- tonville WI brought greetings from the WI executive, and thanked the group for assist- ance at the WI plowing match booth and lunches at achieve- ment day. Mrs. Lloyd Baker gave a brief ‘1 reading on Christmas, and Mrs. Kenneth Stotts told of early Christmas customs and history of the holly tree. Following a contest, original with the host- ess, refreshments were served.l l 9612 YONGE STREET program. Good starting salary with usual benefits. FOR INFORMATION APPLY KRESGE'S RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-7841 MANAGEMENT TRAINEES Store Management 5 yr. training Single Men THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 23, 1965 Immediate Openings 18 to 22 for "v* w ‘7 big/73117714513 [42» 4M}: ant/la v diam/1127144 w 2013/; a 19%ka 4%! mil; Mal/by am/ ym/ 14Mâ€. Township of Vaughan Police Department Calling T E N D E R S for police cars. Tender forms, with specifications for vehicles may be obtained from M. W. Lyons, Clerk’s Depart- ment, Township of Vaughan, Maple, Ontario. All tenders must be in by 4 p.m., Friday, January 7, 1966. ’ FOR ENGINEERING DEPART- MENT OF OUR BULK SYSTEMS DIVISION. EXPERIENCE IN MATERIAL TAKE-OFF, EXPEDITING, IN- STALLATION, DRAFTING, IN PROCESS EQUIPMENT WORK DESIRABLE. KEELE ST. NORTH TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUC- TION OF ADDITION AND AL- TERATIONS TO NOBLETON PUBLIC SCHOOL, NOBLETON, ONTARIO, AND THE SCHOM- BERG PUBLIC SCHOOL, SCHOM- BERG, ONTARIO, FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD, TOWN- SHIP SCHOOL AREA OF KING. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3:00 pm. E.S.T. on â€"- Wednesday, January 12th, 1966 Separate Mechanical and Electrical tenders will be received until 3:00 pm. E.S.T. at the Toronto Bid Depository on â€" Tuesday, January 11th, 1966 Plans and specifications, instructions to tenderers, and tender forms, may be ‘obtained at the office of the Architect, Albert E. Vine, 209 Davenport Road, Toronto 5, on December 22nd, 1965. A certified cheque in the amount of $50.00 is re- quired for each set of documents taken. This deposit is to be forfeited if the drawing and spec- ifications are not returned in good order. Tenders will be received as outlined herewith: First tender for the construction of Nobleton and Schomberg Public Schools as one contract. Second tender for the construction of Nobleton Public School. Third tender for the construction of Schomberg Public School. Drawings and specifications will be on View at the Board’s offices located at Strange, Ontario. Tenders must be opened for inspection and no contract will be awarded until all requisite approv- als are obtained. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified deposit as described in the instructions to bidders. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be addressed to: The Public School Board, Township School Area of King. Mr. Bruce Hunter, Business Administrator, PO. Box 520, King, Ontario. Dominion Welding Engineering Co. Ltd. TECHNICIAN RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MAPLE, ONT. J. M. MCDONALD, Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Police, Maple. 889-4861