Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Dec 1965, p. 4

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Guides The lst Oak Ridges Guides have had a busy month. Decem- ber 19 they entertained the resi- dents of Greenncres Home for the Aged at NeWmnrket with carol singing and last week Ipent an hour singing carols in Oak Rldzes. They also enjoyed a Christmas party last week. _,.e._.v‘.. 1 Christmas party last week. i The Guides'and their leadersj'grbups; D_ Slurd‘y of Richmond wishes also [0 The Brownies mso enjoyed a were entertained during thele won the dnnwood hmp [\en Fullerton an Christmas party. Both groups evening by Carol Collins and‘and A_ Fraser 01- King Ciw‘son. sold all the Christmas candles Sharon Post who tap danced!Won the 30m dogs. Both prize; Sympath is 9* they had made. and by Jennifer Oxley who sang.‘were made h‘, youngsters at the Eva Willis (m tl Members of the 151 Lake Wil- The LA for Scouts and Cubs.|c1asse& ‘ mother. Mrs. Flr cox Guide Company are still Guides and Brownies enjoyed. Niagara Falls. busy with their St. John Am-a Christmas get~t02ether last Turkey Draw held last Thursd bulance course, taught by Mrs, week at the home of Mrs. Isobel Winners of the turkey draw Falls. Ethel Good. They will soon be Plews. Attending were Mrs. Bert by the Oak Ridges Cubs and Your corresp '_â€"*“__â€"‘â€"â€"'Wallace. Mrs. Cecil Nolan, Mr‘s_lsct)uts were Mrs. A. T. Egginton like to wish ev Alfred Kramer. Mrs. Kennethv‘and Walter Klady of Newmarkel happy New Year Porter, Mrsr Rudy Arll. Mrs: T lSyd Smith and Mrs. Margnrci‘l e ‘Woods. ‘ “I. Church News Christmas Sunday service at Temperanceville United featur- ed a junior choir under the leadership of Mrs. Wilfred James and Mrs. Fred Hare. The annual Christmas party of the Sunday school was held at the church on December 18, when over 100 children and par- ents met at the church for lunch. A short program of stor- les and carols followed by a visit from Santa Claus made a very happy occasion for the children. Nelnhhorlmod Notes Miss .ludy Paxton of Guelph University. and Bob Macklin of Kemplville Agricultural School are home to spend the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johns- ton of Brampton are the proud parents of a daughter, Susan Marlene. born December 19, a third granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Jennings. and an eighth great grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rumble. Thieves made a daylight enâ€" try into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jennings ransacking the house. and taking their stereo hi-fl. slide projector, and a quanlily of jewellery. Chuck Beckett, has returned to his home after a few days in hospital with a broken leg. He will be confined to his home for some time. Arwood Harman has not been feeling too well fnr a while, and we wish him better health In the near future. A SAFE AN]! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL. Temperanceville News '.1.“~-u-N-n-u.«-----u_u.n- - -m- - - KING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wich is Mrs. Lillian Alcheson, Wildwood Avenue, 773-5479. in King City Please take notice that regular garbage collection days in the above noted area, will he TUESDAY and FRIDAY of each week, beginning January lst, 1966. PATRICIA BRIDAl & DRESS SALON Correspondent Mrs. W.G. Jennings Phone 773-5892 TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH VVEUUIIVU UUVVIV.) UP TO 50% OFF DRESSES- 50% OFF Until January 30th, 1966 Open Evenings by Appointment COMPLETE WARDROBE FOR BRIDAL AND DRESS SALON PHONE 773-5901 - 773-5421 -â€" ( WEDDING G 0 WNS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oak Ridges And Luke Wilcox News GARBAGE COLLECTION Oak Ridges - Wilcox Lake Muirhead Crescent Oak Ridges Guides'ieates. busy month. Decem- December 20, after spending entertained the resi- an hour on their course, the reenacres Home for‘girls enjoyed a Christmas party at Newmarket withiat the home of Mrs. Norma Mar- ng and last weekitin. All enjoyed an exchange )ur singing carols in of gifts before delicious refresh- _ They also enjoyed ments were served. Until January 30th, 1966 Open Evenings by Appointment COMPLETE WARDROBE FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE BRIDAL PARTY SALE Thomas Kerr. Clerk, Township of Whitchurch, R.R. 1, Gormley. Ontario. examined and receive certifi- Church News A special Christmas Eve can- dlelight service was held at 11:30 pm at St. Paul’s United Church. A Christmas family ser- vice was held December 26 with Rev. Roy Fenn presiding. A Christmas Eve Holy Com- munion service was held at 11:30 pm at St. John‘s Anglican Church. Family Communion was held on Christmas Day at St. Mark’s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges. Youth Groups Final 1965 activity sponsored by the Lake Wilcox Youth Cen- tre Board and Area Recreation Committee was presentation of the “Living Christmas Card" which toured the lake area on Christmas Eve. The youngsters spent an hour or so beforehand In last Thursday’s bowling, Mrs. Hilda LaRiviere took over the high triple spot, bowling a triple of 894, with singles of 200, 238 and 256. High single spot was taken - t over by Lil Alcheson with her F P A 270. Other good games were u bowled by Helen Furze with‘ 224; Isobel Plews, 209; Emily‘ By MARGARET McLEAN Lloyd 262 and Betty Stuart 192.l The first offering was we. l During the afternoon the ladies enjoyed coffee with cake and ice cream provided by Mrs. Pauline Price of the ABC alleys, Richmond Hill and also ex- changed gifts. PATRICIA lake Wilcox Bowfing EEXCiting Drama And Film Series For Public At York University -1-.-n-0-0.0.0-R I the peautitul new Theatre m- campus on Keele Street. Setting a superbly high stand- ard for other productions to follow was Moliere’s “Tartuffe” performed by the Loeb Drama Centre Troup of Harvard Uni- ;versity. The presentation was tdone in the Richard Wilbur English verse translation and was given a warm and well de- lserved applause from the re- :grettably less than capacity au- dience. ' The ROUnd. York University Chairman of the theatre com- mittee which arranged the series is Mrs. John D. Leitch. Other committee members are Mrs. Dalton K. Camp, Mrs. Westcott W. Cherry, Mrs. Ber- trand Gerstein, staff representa- ltives H. B. M. Best, assistant to the president; John J. Con- ‘way, master of Founders Col- ‘lege; W. A. McCauley director of music and Professor D. F. ‘Theall of Atkinson College. Stu- dent representative on the com- mittee is Malcolm Jackson. rehearsing the carols they sang during the tour. Members of both committees appreciate very much the help they have had from the com- munity in the work of the two groups. Congratulations to winners of the draw held by the handcraft groups. D. Sturdy of Richmond Hill won the driftwood lamp and A. Fraser of King City won the Bozo dogs. Both prizes were made by youngsters at the classes. semed December 17 and 18 of a subscription theatre series at the beautiful new Theatre In- The Rouml. York University campus on Keele Street. Second in the series will take place January 21 and 22 when Les Jeunes Comedians will ap- pear in “Lecons d‘amour” also by Mollere. In February a Toronto Work- shop Productions play is sched- uled, title yet to be announced. The March offering will be a new Canadian one-act opera by Teibor Polgar. libretto by George Jonas and will star bas- so, Jan Rubes. soprano, IlonalRuséian film tEnelish auhhedl Konbrink and pianist, T9ib01‘;“The White Nights", directed Polgar. A play by the National‘by Ivan Pyriev. Theatre School, title to be an- Architecture and the film nounced will be given in April. will be featured January 18 V , A _I\\'hen the French film “Hiro- shima, Mon Amour" will be shown with English subtitles. interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Like Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox ls Mrs. Lillian Atcheson, Wildwood Avenue, 773-5479, in King City Mrs. Lee Aspden. 833-5679. Shares On Sale Soon For Oak Ridges Rink Prospective speculators and other interested citi- zens will have their first chance to invest in Oak Ridges ,new community project January 29 when Oak Ridges and District Arena Limited opens its fund-raising campaign with a wine and cheese tasting party, followed by the first annual president’s ball. Publicity Chairman Tom Harrison, announced this week. The two events will take place in the Lions Hall on Centre Street East in Rich- mond Hill with the first party getting underway at 6 pm. During the evening‘ shares for the new arena will go on sale for the first time since the project got underway last June. Since that time members of the executive have been working to incorporate the arena association and com- pletely organize it in every Dec. 30, 1965 OAK RIDG 3E5 and Mrs. Elda Sedore, RR 2,‘ Aurora. Sick List A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Flora Bunn who is suffering from strained liga- ments in her shoulder and back: and also for Mrs. Ernie Rule Sl‘., who is in hospital. Get well wishes also to George Furze, Ken Fullerton and Ernie Alche- Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Eva Willis on the loss of her mother. Mrs. Flora Leonard of Niagara Falls. Services were held last Thursday in Niagara Falls. Your correspondent would like to wish everyone a very Tickets for the balance of the series may be obtained for $10 by calling 635-2370. Tickets for individual performances may also be reserved at $3.00 each. The newly formed York Uni- versity Film Society also has an interesting series of evenings planned for the new year. Gen- eral theme for the six evenings is “Film and the Arts”. Accom- panying feature films will be short subjects on the artistic theme of the evening. The series begins January 7 on the theme, fiction and the film, with the showing of a Russian film tEngiish dubbed) “The Barber of Seville" with Tito Gobi on February 14. along with “The Medium" with Anna Maria Albergetti and Maria Powers. Music and the film will be portrayed with a showing of m way In order to satisfy the Ontario Securities Com- mission, so that it could be qualified as an issuer of securities. The corporation now plans to offer shares in the amount of $250,000 to the public at the price of $1 each. Selling the shares on a community basis. rather than making the project a municipal one, will pre- vent any increase in the local tax rate. as well as giving the citizens a chance to invest in their own dis- trict. PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS The new arena, which is being built to take the place of the Aurora one. which was destroyed by fire last year, is expected -to cost $150,000. Tickets for the wine and cheese party are $3 a couple, while those couples wishing to take in both events, will be charged $5 for the evening's entertain- ment. STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service T0 Custom Specifications 2 ()tonohee BA. 1-3344 Christmas Pageant arena last Saturday and winnera ve King City United congregaâ€"iof a portable TV was John Mc- and. tion presented a ChristmRSIMinn, 263 Bennett Dr. Baniams se‘ pageant December 19 at the‘are coached by Bill Clubine by c church. Produced and directed‘manager Al O'Brien. 'iheld by Mrs, Gregory Paul, it provedi Ed Poulin is chairman of the‘bel- a tremendous success. Pl‘OlOEUEihOCkey league. His aSSistants are‘gifts was read by Douglas Hendex'son.!Jack Jones, George Adams, Rayja 5k In charge of the subduedlLove, Bill Curran. Howard HayJ lighting and sets was Allan: ward, [Errm Henderson with helpers Jack I Harper, Gregory Paul, GlenhBrownies ‘Seeo Ferguson and Al Smith. Rev." 1% King Brownie Pack. lodflanu M. R. Jenkinson also gave a helping hand. The splendid costumes were' made by Mrs. Gregory Paul” Mrs. Warren McKendry, Mrs. James McPhee and Mrs. Allen? Smith. I Portrayinq the patriarch was Jack Hamilton with Michaeh Ormsby as his son. Others in ;the cast were: Mary, Rose Mary; ‘Davidson; Joseph, John Kell; Innkeeper, Ray Love; Shep- herds, David McKendry, Bruce Rumble, Larry Smith. Gordon Cooke; Kings, Dr. James Mc- Phee. Howard Hayward, J. F.‘ lSwayze; Angel, Helen McPhee;‘ little angels, Dionna Smeath, ‘Edith Robson. ‘ Mrs. Gordon Orr sang “O Holy Night". The junior and senior choirs under Mrs. Adam Davidson, Mrs. Gordon Orr and organist Mrs. Glen Ferguson participat- ed. Adding volume were several Councillor Alvin Farmer said he didn’t blame Mrs. Holmes for writing the letter, and agreed that Mr. Pellett should appear in person. The King City Lions hockey committee extend thanks to Dominion Helicopters who are now sponsoring the Midget team. Known as the “King City Copters", they are coached by Hank Davie while manager is Ron Morris. The Bantam team recently held a raffle with proceeds to be used for new jackets for the team. Mrs. George Armitage made the draw at Nobleton Whitchurch Dump}E Chief Is On Carpeti Whitcllurch Township garbage dump operator, OliVer Pellett, has been asked to attend a meeting of council in January. following a complaint from a resident of the‘township. Mrs. Mildred Holmes, Conces- sion 7, in a letter to council, charged she was badly treated by personnel at the dump site when she went to leave some garbage there, and was also forced to return with a portion of the load. Mrs. Holmes said that she had also picked up a nail in one of her tires while backing over some uncovered garbage and described the attitude of one employea as “ugly”. “We have every right to tell him how the ratepayers are to be treated. That’s what we're here for,” he said. LISTEN HERE: Jack's many years in the news broadcasting business and his intelligent, anelyllcal and calm look at the day's events have earned him the largest audience of any newscaster in Canada. His ten-minute newscasts at 8:00 am. and 6:30 pm. capsulize and crystalize the sometimes confusing events of the day on the international. national and local scene. People who like to be well informed on what's happening in the world, are always found listen- lng to Jack Dennett. ONTARIO’S FAMILY STAND" “KEEP INFORMED . .. . @FR ’t‘xfl©fl@ .lack Dennett King City Happenings Paul were Paul, Mrs. Allen Brownies lst King Brownie Pack, led by Mrs. Ralph Church and Mrs. Douglas Rennison; and 4th King Pack under Mrs. Dora Dawson and Mrs. A. Saunders, jointly, held a Christmas party Decem- ber 20 at the Unned Church. The movie “Nutcracker Suite" was shown and the children ex- changed gifts. Special guests, Division Com- missioner Mrs. Alex Knight. read the names while District Commissioner Mrs. Ray Rumney complete with Santa Claus hat and apron. distributed the gifts. First King Guide Company, under Captain Mrs. Rnbert Ber- wick. held a pot luck supper last Monday. Division Commis- sioner Mrs. Alex Knight was special guest. The girls put on Division Comâ€"pd its Wei Alex Knight. last week while District’hnurs of 5. Ray RumneyiThe choir mta Claus hat‘nf Miss 1 Banana Pensmn Plan _ fledyuuuns Bem mm 1966 Employers must deduct contributions from employees who are aged 18 to 70 and paid at a rate equivalent to more than $600 -a year. Contributions of 1.8% are payable on earnings 0' between $600 and $5,000 a year as set out in The Canada Pension Plan Contribution Tables. Employers must match contributions deducted from their employees and remit the combined amount. Instructions for remitting are contained in The Canada Pension Plan Contribution Tables, sent to employers in November. If you did not receive these Tables, or if you have any enquiries regarding the Plan, contact your nearest District Taxation Office. and exchanged gifts. Second Guide Campany led by Captain Mrs. T. Backhouse. held a Christmas party Decem- ber 22. with an exchange of gifts for the girls. A number a skits were presented. Error I regret I announced that Seeonee Cub pack would resume January 13. It should have read January 11. Laskay WI will h euchre of 1966 on at Laskay Hall. Ev come. Euchre Boy‘s Choir King City Boy‘s (.‘Imir extend- ed its weekly hour-long practice last week and had almost three hours of fun and enjoyment. The choir is under the direction of Miss Margaret John. super- visor of music for public schools in King Township and practice is held at her home. Miss John also directs the King City Opera Club. Birthday Best wishc who was 11 and to Jere was 11 this Window Treatment. An excellent opportunity for anyone interested in makin: their own drapes. curtains etc. is me "Window Treatment’ course sponsored by King WI The first two lessons held at the home of Mr Hall. RR‘2 King, Januax‘ Hall. RR‘2 King. January 3 and 6. Final two lessnns are to be given at the home of Mrs. B. Fiendell successful talent show s to Jack Stoddart years old recently; ne Flatt who also month hold Department of N 4 d "5 Innuar *yone The Minister, The Honourable E. J. BENSON fir wel §HA_L_L_'_s DOMESTIC FUEL‘QM AND BURNER SERVICE ‘ 884-4361 RICHMOND HILL 0... A 'nmommwoomm AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE Issued by 'ational Revenue, Taxation Division by authority of 'l‘ R 0 II B I. E ? CALL BA. I - 0485

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