THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Jan. 13, 1966 RICHVALE NEWS 17 High Finance Main 5 H v f H. [' El 1: Yoga; Stiget. . is extended to the wife and 1st Langstaï¬â€˜ Cubs and Scouts been subject to many vagaries‘municipalities and their wives. Children of Lmn Evans who Mothers- Auxiliary will meet died SUddenly on Sunday. Not January 19. The meeting will be because of changing personnel * * * only will Mr. Evans be long at the Ontario Housing Corp-‘ Richmond Hm Council ap_ remembered by the children he 3 'SCI'IOOI Costs Are At Critical Stage e . é . ‘Continued from Page II swearing-in Ceremonies which Correspondent: x. _ n Z The mayor said it was hoped began at 11 am. Mrs. Anne Hewitt. 78 16th Avenue the long-drawn-out wait for the‘ All former members of Rich- “+7645 Senior Citizens apartments mond Hill councils were invited would end in 1966 with con- to the inaugural and a good Svmpathv struction of the units. many were in attendance along ‘ i “This project." he said. "haswith civic leaders from area -“Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Is Come†(Continued from Page 1) Council. however, agreed to receive the applica- in the form of a pot luck sup- tion and refer it to the finance committee. oration. That way we will have per at the home of Mm Mam LANGSTAFF UNITED CHURCH catered for the young and old , I , . , . . , It'tOOk a little longer to decide what to do with A I. I N l “"1"†CHURCH OF CANADA Ming “‘1†“‘9 mp†1'" be' l’mmié’sé‘sisfanimg °°rimmi°i§ liaa‘iiili.ainih‘éliiï¬fgnbil its? gliding†MM“ La“ TSA M 1‘s request that council absorb the extra. - l 3 A ['Rcfl or on ay nig‘lt wtt ‘ ‘ ‘ ' - - . ST. MARYS 8:55;]??fl‘r’cï¬ifvizngéyxda, ‘ IAPLE [{‘Tigftgrcfl lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' the only major change beingham Township School Area At the end or the ï¬rst ser- $10'000 needed for “3 SChOOli Wlth SChOOl board» (No. I. .05 in the East Richvale Mixed) council and subdividers all getting into the act. Youth Group Former members of town . , . . . Bowling League, the Spitï¬res Mrs. Louise Aimone and Trustee Brian Leonard council were invited guests ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill .“6 Church Street. Thornhill Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. Watson SUNDAY. JANUARY 16, 1966 Rev. Ralph C. Williams. BA. the disappearance of the police and fire committee. Rector: Rev. J. F. 0.1%" Benson St" Thomhm 9.45 am. _ Sunday School at Mondays inaugural. Fire will now be under the EThe In-Bgfeerli Club met’at were ‘champions with avscore oft told council theip $360,000 debenture was insuffic- Assistant Curate: SUNDAY. JANUARY 16, 1966 11 am. â€" Service of Worship Am")! “1059 “tending was We ambulance and b-V-lawsi "amal‘uild m1] 0†'lfami-E†8 6, Pom†Rum-“Mp “ere I‘m." lent because It falled t0 mClUde the 310-000 assessed Rev. Donald Bone 11 a.m. -â€" Worship Service. Rev. Dr. Ramsay Al‘mitage. St. former COUHCIIIOT West committee headed by Chairman 1?; 515:8“,avjailepgqtopffsï¬ :iilkm: if“??? feidsneakilgs‘ for Servicesi ‘VhiCh was based on a 350'f00t frontage SUNDAY, JANUARY 16. 1966 "One Step At A Time" I Stephen’s Anglican Church Middleton who had thelops- ‘Counculor Leis Hancey withident Dave Jémcae president ‘Hogéful: 3%.? and‘ A_G(f_a(§js 34' at $30 a foot. Epiphany II 7np.m. â€"â€" Worship Service.1 Kindergarten and Nursery gï¬'rï¬â€˜i’gglgtfozmflg 5:31;: 2131:3235†aï¬eplggl-lzeceinir Evelyn Ruttle. Viceâ€"President Silver dollars were won by, Council dissolved into committee Of the whole $03.52.;-ilogirgï¬némgrgolnï¬on‘ The ImageGZfd‘the 1m isib e ST. MATTHEWS on council for 21 years at .Mansbridge. [Janlice Pi'rmlott. Sechetairy' li‘inda Dick C‘olvin 617 (336) and Col-l with Councillor Allan Sumner in the chair. to discuss Church School and Nursery ; Special Kluge UNITED CHURCH the time Of IIIS retirement The establishment of theft): :tcialrecaos:::;0~ 1; 3V lfcn allee'dï¬ntOthgg7tlgggilyggs the 153116.. potn’tet‘l out the agreement Wlth 7 pm. _ Evensong Mrs. Abbot. 325 Crosby Avenue in 1955. He also served for :local police commission msuliedler" ‘Telephone Coat-aim: Ron \ m“ M m on 0 n the subdivider. Costain Estates. called for the town. Octave of Prayer for Christianisnpcrvised nursery at all Lord'siRev. F. James Burn. B.A., B.D. Unity i Jan. 18 and 25, Daily Services In Chapel - 8.30 a.m. and 5.15 : Day activities MIDWEEK HOUR. WED., 7.30 pm. pm. I Prayer. Praise, Bible Study WEdnes‘l‘a-V . sr. JOHN‘Sâ€"BAPTIST CHURCH 7 Pm- â€"' Lord's SUPP†10 a.m. â€"- Holy Communion Richmond Hm . THE ANGLICAI‘I CHURCH OF (Convention of Ont. and Que.) CANADA Minister: Rev. F. F. Bennett THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIELMeeting in the Public Library Crosby and Bayview Avenues Auditorium The Rev. William E. Moore (9-45 a.m. ~ Sunday School _ _ Ill a.m. â€"- Morning Worship; 407 Lynceiï¬llgaesgngmsgu 4236"‘Jesus, The Light of the World" i SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966i 8 a.m. -- Holy Communion ‘ 9.30 a.m. â€"â€" Senior Church School 11 a.m. â€"-â€" Parish Communion Junior Church School and Nursery EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvale Rev. K. A. Thatcher 889-6789 Murray Creyke Organist SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966‘ Epiphany II 8 a.m. â€"â€" Holy Communion ‘ 0.30 a.m. -- Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer 2.30 -â€" Confirmation Class 7 pm. â€" Evensong HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howden, B.A.. L. Th. Estelle Markham. ARCT.. RMT. Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 The 2nd Sunday After The Epiphany 8 a.m. Holy Communion (Young People's Corporate Communion) l 11 a.m. Morning Prayer‘ "Prescription For Christian Family Life" .7 pm. -â€" The Litany “Book Of The Month" Preacher for the Day The Rector Wednesday 10.30 a.m. â€" Holy Communion S'I‘. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage, M.A.. DD. 0 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 i. SAINTS . til Anglican C hurch Junior Church 6; Nursery For small children A Warm Welcome to All LUTHERAâ€" ST. PAUL‘S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayvlew Avenue 8.. Near Centre St. Albert E. Myers. B.A.. B.D.. S.T.M.. Pastor 884-5264 Ralph Markham. Organist and Choirmaster SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 9.30 a.m. â€" Church School 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service Nursery provided 7 pm. â€" Youth Group Monday. 7-9 pm. â€"â€" Boy Scouts Tuesday. 7-8.30 p.m.â€"Cub Pack Friday. 9 pm. ‘ Choir Rehearsal Saturday. 10-11 am. â€" Junior Choir ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) For information call Organist: Mrs. J. Keffer 832-1510 , SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966' 9:45 a.m. -- Sunday School and Adult Bible Discussion Class 11 am. â€" Worship Service Nursery provided CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN MISSION Thornhfll - Langstaff - Richvalei Arnold D. Weigel B.A..B.D.. Pastor 24 Orion Crescent. Thornhill Phone: 889-7216 SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1966 9.30 a.m. â€" Church School 11.a.m. â€"- Worship Service Nursery Available Church School and Worship Service at the Thornhill Masonic Hall. Elgln Street. Thornhlll. EVERYBODY IS WELCOME PRESBYTERIAN RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class " ‘- 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship 11 a.m. â€"- Nursery Department ' 7.15 p.m. â€" Young People's Rector: Rev. E. H. Costigan SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 8 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion (Chapel) 10.30 a.m. -â€" Morning Service The Rector 11.10 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School Organist: Howard Jerome ARCCO. ACCM BAPTIST RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street Classes for all (Opposite the High School) Pastor: Rev. A. B. Arnot, D.D. SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Bible School. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. â€"â€" Subject: The Prophet Elijah 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Guest Preacher Dr. J. H. Hunter Famous Author and Editor. Celebrated Talk of PILGRIMS PROGRESS A warm welcome awaits you l in our new church 884-3091 THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Out. & Que.) Morning Servicey Society (Election of new Officers) ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple. Out. and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 7th Con. Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 Mr. David Cooper of Knox College will speak 10 a.m. â€" St. Andrew's Church and Sunday School 10.15 a.m. â€"- St. Paul's Sunday School 11.15 a.m. â€"â€" St. Paul‘s Church THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hwy. 7. Us Mile West of Yonge Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans. Minister SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 VISITORS WELCOME i UNITED RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A. B.D. ‘ Rev. H. E. MacHay I Mr. J. Spanner. Assistant School Nursery and Kindergarten 11 am. â€"â€" Service of Worship Preacher - Rev. C. G. Higginson 7 p.m. â€" Chapel Service 11 a.m. | I iOther Denominations3 .DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL 884-5526 SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 11 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service (Infant care) Church School 9.30 am. â€"- ages 6-l0 11.00 a.m. â€" ages 3-5 1.30 pm. â€"â€" ages 11-18 CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service and Sunday School SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH C. R. Neill. Minister Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West '4 mile West of Yonge Street 9.15 a.m.â€"Sabbath School. 11 a.m.â€"Worship Service. CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 94 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 884-4387 a number of years as a high school trustee. Two former mayors at- tended the proceedings. The ‘in the committee split-up. l Chairmanship of the majorl ‘works and property committee' and the finance and adminis- mwn's ï¬rst mayor William itration committee will continuel Neal Who W35 “00th In lunder the leadership in 1966 of 1957 and James Haggart. iDepuly-reeve Perkins and Reeve‘ Following the ofï¬cial part lplaxmn respectively. of the proceedings council l Following are the list of com-i and their guests adjourned l lmittees appointed and their‘ to the Legion C011†“"055 ‘mcmbers (first named in each the street for a reception ‘case will be the chairman and and ‘Ilnnerï¬crved by the the second the vice-chairman):. ladies auxn'ary 0' the [‘8' Fire. ambulance and by-laws.l lfor many years to come." glon. (llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllll|llllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllll ' tween to worry about." "Council in its first two-year lterm.“ he concluded, “will be called upon to make decisions which will determine the future size and shape of Richmond Hill Opening prayer was given byl Father C. J. Schwalm of St, Mary Immaculate Roman Cath-; olic Church with closing prayerl by Rev. William Moore of St. Gabriel Anglican Church. Mr. Lynett, who has been ill for the past number of weeks. Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorensen SUNDAY, JANUARY 16. 1968 10 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. -â€" Worship Service 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Service TUESDAY 8.15 pm. -â€" Prayer Meeting Friday 8 pm. â€" Young Peoples A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Ave. and King High Drive CONCORD SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1966 9.45 â€" Bible School (classes for all) 11 a.m. â€" Ministry of the Wordl 7 pm. â€" Communion and Worship Wednesday 8 p.m. -â€" Bible Study. Ev; A. E. Atkinson - 889-3364 Sec: R. Witty - 889-5057 RICHVALB GOSPEL CHAPEL 24 Oak Avenue Sunday â€" Servloel 9:30 a.m. â€" Remembrance Ser- vice 11 a.m. â€" Bible Hour 5; Sun- day School 7 pm. â€"- Gospel Service Tuesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer meal- lng and Bible Study. Women's and Young Peoples Meetings as Announced. "Faith of Our Fathers Livlnl Still" RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Rugglel Pastor. Wm. Msckey SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School For times like these Families in Sunday School Classes for all ages Nursery to Adults 11 a.m. â€"- Worship Service 7 pm. â€"- Gospel Service Wednesday 6.30 pm. -â€" CYC Cadets 8.30 pm. â€"- Prayer and Bible Study Church of the Light and Llfo Hour CKFH, 5 p.m. Sunday For further information: 884â€"7097 (Clarke & Willowdale Sta.) SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Family Service Mr. John Clarke 7.00 pm. -â€" Evening Service Mr. H. Hunt 8.15 pm. -- Communion Service Wednesday â€" 7.30 p.m. Prayer Service and Bible Study GORMLE! UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH _â€".â€" \. CORRESPONDENT: RR. 2. Gormley ice Councillor Hancey. Deputy- reeve Perkins. Councillor Mans- bridge. Works and property. Deputy- i‘ecve Perkins. Councillors Han- y and John MacDiarmid. Finance and administration. Reeve Plaxton. Councillors Laz- enby and Mansbridge. , Personnel. welfare and pro-l cedure. Councillors Lazenby. MacDiarmid and Hancey. Transportation and parking. Councillors Mansbridge and Lazenby. Industrial, Councillor Mac- Diarmid. Reeve Plaxton. and‘ ‘returned briefly to handle the‘Deputy-reeve Perkins. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS MRS. W. SANDLE l Telephone 887-5421 Church News I The annual meeting of the Sunday school was held follow- ing church service Sunday along with a luncheon attended by teachers and officers of the school. A treasurer's report by Roy Glover showed a balance of $204.94. New officers and teachers for 1966: Superintendent Percy Ben- nett. Assistants Clarence Steck- ley and R. Boynton. Secretary Bruce Mortson. Assistants l Wayne Mortson and Brian Wil- liams, Treasurer Roy Glover, Missionary - Superintendent R. Boynton. Assistant Mrs. W. Sandie, Planists, Barbara Em- prinzham and Miardi Tyndall, Assistant. Mrs. H. McCague. Dr. A. F. Binnington will be in charge of the church service January 16 at 11:30 am when the service of Holy Communion will be held. The January meeting of the UCW will be held in the Sun- day School room January 19 at 8 pm. All ladies welcome. Neighborhood Notes The first euchre party for 1966 was held in the community hall last week. Prize winners were: Ladies: (1) Mrs. Win Em- bury; (2) Mrs. W. Sandle, Con- solution: Mrs. M. Johnstone. Lone hands: Mrs. H. Collard. Men: (1) Jim Curtis: (2) Herb Mortson; Consolation Len Em- bury. Lone hands; Fraser Gee. Lucky draw for a box of groceries was won by Mrs. M. Johnstone. Another euchre party will be held In the hall January 14 at 8:15 pm. On Tuesday evening of last week neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee to have a miscellaneous shower in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Gee. (Lois Souffer) who were mar- ried on December 31. Gifts were presented to the couple. Birthday greetings to Gordon Berta. January 15; William Sandle. January 17; Margaret, Gee, January 19. Gordon Harmon and family in the passing of a loving husband and father. Gordon Harmon. The Harmon family were former residents of our community. Sympathy is also extended to Bernard Hood and Cherlyn in the sudden passing of a loving wife and mother. Mrs. Hood. and to Gordon Cullen and fam- ily in the passing of a loving wife and mother Mrs. Cullen. Laurie Tyndall, Janice Cowie and Scott Brumwell started school on Monday of last week at the No. 6 school. Laurie and Clarke Canning entertained a number of their friends on Saturday after- noon. in honor of their seventh and fifth birthdays re- spectively. On Saturday afternoon Jeanny Vanderkooy entertained a number of her friends. In honor of her ninth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tattoo returned home on Tuesday evening of last week after spending their Christmas and New Year’s vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tatton and fam- ily in Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family spent New Year‘s with Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Herrington and family at Lindsay. Friends are sorry to hear that Mr. Henry Hill has suffer- ed a heart attack and is con- fined to bed at home. A speedy recovery is wished for him. A speedy recovery is also wished for Miss Olive Glover who has been ill in bed. SUTTON: Alvin Foster, 37, and his nephew Gordon Foster, 18. will appear in Newmarket court January 28 to answer to four separate charges each as a re- sult of a Christmas Eve fracas in which Police Constable Vic- tor Higgs was attacked and threats were made to blow up Sutton Police station. Mr. Fos- ter has been charged with pos- session of explosives. assaulting a police ofï¬cer. Impaired driving and dangerous driving. His nephew has been charged with possession of explosives. wilful damage, assault and drinking Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Rev. L. K. Sider. Pastor SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 9.50 a.m. â€" Sunday School SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966“ am- "T, Worm? ,. 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Primary. Junior.l Theme Hldden Treasure Intermediate & Senior Church."30 p'm- â€" Evening service Theme “Jailer Gets Converted" Wednesday. January 19 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting. BUILDING TO PRESENT THE WORD TO THE WORLD PreaCh" Re“ H- E. MaCKa-V lBROUGI-IAM: Pickering Town- while under age. GENERAL WELDING 0 ON HEAVY EQUIPMENT O HARD FAC ING 3 O BUCKET REPAIRS l l & exterior railing We specialize in ornamental iron work. interior & stair cases. etc. lSaskatchewain. lior Choir members are asked to .ing for the election of ofï¬cersi 'son). .son, Hilda Kelly. Drew Boyiugâ€" Bickerstaff. Anyone in the com- munity between the ages of 14. and 20 interested in joining the group is asked to phone 889-‘ 5022. Meetings are held every" two weeks and the next one willl be on January 23. ‘ Post Ohice Richvale Post Ofï¬ce. formerly. located in the Richvale Drug Store, is now in new quarters in Wintergairdcn Paint Shop. BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: RR. 2. Gormley Neighborhood Notes The winter euchre series at Buttonville Hall gets underway this Friday evening. January 14. and a good season looms ahead. Last fall attendance rose to 27 tables of players a night. Games start at 8.30 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hood have returned from is Christ- mas vacation with their daugh- ter and family. Marian and Jack Stephenson. at Taco. (Unity) Brown's Corners Church Sen- be on hand this Thursday even- It was Communion Sunday at Brown‘s Corners last Sunday. Rev. Dr. A. F. Blnnington took the service. and Mrs. Donald Reesor was organist. Next Sunday the speaker will 1 Mr. Graham Scott. BA. 3 divinity student at Emmanuel College. , Mr. and Mrs. Brian Murphy' (nee Margaret Patterson) re- turned from a skiing honey-i moon near Huntsville last week. and are settling into their W11- lowdale home. On Sunday Wayne Todd Patâ€" terson. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Patterson. was baptised in a ceremony at. the People's Church, Sheppard Avenue East with Rev. A. Watts officiating. Following the ser- vice a family dinner was held for 25 guests. including grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc- Vos 687. Agnes Tripp 744 and Doreen Nye 619. Accident Last weekend your corres- pondent learned of an accident on Highway 7 cast of Bayview in which three people of this area were involved. Patients in hos- pital at time of writing this column were Walter Doyle and his wife Hazel of 16th Avenue and Mrs. Sadie Jordon. Duncani Road. ship to pay the assessment on completion of the subdivision. Sam Donnenfeild. a spokesman for the subdivision. offered to defer the $10,000 until a further debenture was made. . “Do you think this (the assessment) is fair?†Mr. Rumble asked Mr. Leonard, after Township Clerk H. C. T. Crisp had pointed out that the land for the site had been purchased four years ago at a. good price. “I feel somewhere or other this has got to stop. . . . We have to alleviate old residents of new costs.†1 Mr. Leonard said. , 3 Councillor Roman suggested the subdividers ab- ‘ sorb the assessment cost over the whole subdivision. Said Engineer Dusan Miklas: "We’re not talk- ing about $10,000; we're talking about $24,400." He ialcll the other $14,400 was for a second school to be ui t. Said Mrs. Aimone: “We need schools, but every- time we ask for money, it seems you’re giving us a. lesson in thrift. We don't. mind you issuing debent- ures if you tell the taxpayers we’re doing a good job and the debentures are necessary." Mr. Rumble then moved that the school board absorb the cost of the 30-foot frontage. “Then they’re (the school board) going to ask us for an increased debenture . . . are we going to say yes"? Said Mr. Sumner: “Under the circumstances, there‘s no alternative." Mr. Rumble’s motion was carried 3-2, with Coun- cillors Hoover and Roman voting against. The latter two also voted against introducing a. by-Iaw to authorize the execution of subdivision agreements at that time. However, the motion was lost and a byâ€"law effecting an agreement between Costain Estates and Whitby Homes Ltd. and the township, was given two readings. Two other by-laws authorizing the borrowing of money for use until taxes are collected and pend- ing the sale of debentures, were given third and final reading. The OMB’s request for an early submission of its five-year forecast for the township, was referred to finance. MRS. F. H. LEAF Phone 297-1741 specifically thanked non-mem- bers who have knitted articles for the shop - Mrs. Jack Gough, Miss Rhea Scott and Mrs. E. Sevenheusen. Mrs. Norman Reid Mrs. Norman Reid reported 20 members listed: Mrs. Kelly said according to in- formation the White Rose Ball profits should exceed $2.000. and Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Boy- ington assisted with the staff Christmas party which was held at the Lions‘ Hall in Richmond Hill. Mrs. Kelly also noted that February is election month. The group agreed to sell a block of tickets for a March fashion show to be held at the Royal York Hotel â€" tickets 91 each. and the auxiliary to re- ceive all proï¬ts. Another spring project will be a euchre beneï¬t. and the charge will be raised to 75 cents. During the morning the group made a good supply of attrac- tive tub swishers to be sold in the gift shop. and Mrs. Miller distributed new material for home workers. The February hostess will be Mrs. Chris Adair. BROUGHAM: Delivery will be made shortly of a new 618.500 GMC fire truck to the fire hall at Brougham. replacing an old 1937 model that has served for many years. The new truck is equipped with a new 500 gallon water tank and a 625 gallon pert minute pump. World Council of Churches WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Wednesday, January 19th, 8.00 pm. in THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Queen. Life is never dull at the Patterson home. Head-On Collision on Highway 7 Injures Six An expectant mother was critically injured. and ï¬ve others were taken to York Central Hospital following a head-on collismn on Highway 7 near Master Feeds Farm. east of Bayview Avenue. at the height of Friday evening's snow storm. Albert Cleland. 28, of Rich- mond Hill, driver of the west- bound car received head iniur- les. and his young wife who was in her ï¬fth month of pregnancy was taken to the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital in critical con- dition. Their flve-year-old daughter was less seriously in- jured. Walter Doyle. 48. of Thorn- hlll, and his wife suffered un- determined facial injuries. and a passenger, Mrs. Sadie Jordan sustained a double pelvic frac- ture. WI Social Committee Enter- talns at Hilarious Party Buttonville WI members were treated to a fun-ï¬lled New Year‘s party on December 28. when the social committee members dreamed up a whirl- wind evening for work commit- tee members. Everything was on the house. from a buffet supper served in the French manner, to bunnies t?) in frilly black skirts and leotards. There was a game of court whist and to conclude the evening father time (Hilda Kelly) introduced a scantily clad New Year (Orena Stephen- Hostesses were Emily Stots, Maud Wilkins, May Hill. Rose Brodie. Gertie Robinson. Hazel Hooper. Orena Stephen- ton and Jane Rodick. YCHA Mrs. Don Ridout served cof- fee last Friday morning when the Buttouvllle Branch of YCHA met at her Markham home for . the January meeting. Mrs. George Kelly was chair- man, and opened the meeting . T ‘4‘?" = z a I; l ‘ . ..... _ N}- ..o w-w‘ W... . .. u‘ "" o FRACTURED BANK BOOK? If the thought of all that Christmas expense has got you down . . . look here . . . for a. quick, in- expensive solution. Your bank book (and you) can wear a big smile after Christmas (or any time of the year) by turning those dust-catching, no longer needed items that are cluttering up your basement or attic, into cash. Thousands of prospective buyers are shopping the Classified Columns of “The Liberal†every Thursday looking for furniture, appliances, sports equipment, etc. The cost is very small . . . only $1.00 minimum charge. Pad your purse this week by placing an ad tomorrow. I . . n ,‘ ‘ .' ' > S Eda] flees on rallm s “\tlth the hospital auxiliary Stop 17.Yonge Street THORNHILL UxITED lship Deputy-reeve Mrs. Jean p p g prayer. Mrs. John Brown re- Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D.. (Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. B.D.‘.\IcPherson denied last week iportins for Mrs. Douglas Hood. Minister SUNDAY. JANUARY 16. 1966 Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organisti9.45 a.m. â€"- Intermediate and .I. C. Steel & Machinery Co. that she had attempted to halt .treasurer. said net proï¬ts from l “The liberal" t 13th A _ construction of the new $300â€" the euchre held December 10 - nmvel‘sar." Senior Sunday School lOOO municipal building. She had . . _ _ â€" [totalled $100.09 from all sourc- ll a.m. â€" Rev. M. F. Morden (11 a.m. â€" Nursery and up to llimerely relayed the complaint 4] MAPLE A\ E" RECH‘ ALE 889 684° ‘es. Mrs. A. W. Miller said all ) 7 p.m. â€". Rev. Gordon and Rev.i11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship ‘of a ratepayer concerning safety 630-1426 lunsold articles from the gift _ _ Muriel Carder of India 1 For further Information call precautions to the engineer and table were taken to the hos- _A_ Heart)‘ Welcome For All 889-2131 building inspector. she said. Ipital gift shop and sold out. She: V * 884 - 1456 28 LEVENDALE R0 889-36