Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Feb 1966, p. 13

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Mrs. N. McKenna of Jeffer- san reports seeing two mbins in her garden on Wednesday lastâ€"â€" Spring must. be just around the corner! pleasea to near irum Jun. u-........y.. ww . . , t - t‘ - * - * ltend the wuichng of her son. The Richmond Hill Horticul. The ladies' auxiliary t0 Branch Warwick. to Miss Mary Paulo tural Society have chartered a 375. Royal Canadian Legion. Belgfa'le in North KUWOYW- bus to visit the flower show on euchre committee held a Suc-Leicestershire. England. ‘Wednesday, March 9. The bus cessful euchre last week. AS' * - * - * - * ‘will leave the Richmond Hill these evenings have gained such Receiving the Sacrament of Library at 7 pm and rum-n popularity, the euchre commit- Baptism at St. Matthew’s United about 1] pm. Contact Mm tee is planning (by request) on‘Church on Sunday was Sandrainouglas Boyd about tickets. making this a monthly affair. Dawn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, * _ ,k _ * _ * Members are requested to watch W. Kendry. Rev. F. James Burn: Local residents spending the coming events for dates I jotficiated: a few days in the west Wind “Member; are reminded to at- tend the monthly general meet- ing to be held February 28. The York Choraliers are pre- paring to present a variety con- cert in Holy Trinity Church Hall. Thornhill. on March 16. The proueeds or the ticket sales will be shared by the FIRâ€"manue] Church (Richvale) organ fund and the Eastern Star welf‘u‘e. Ulgnu Luuu auu nu. Ann”... .. V.--” I \velf'u‘e. ‘ Th? local Legion have plan- Tickcts at $1 each may heEned this gala event for this purchased from members of thelSaturday at Legion Court with group or by calling Mrs. G.!swinging music by the Metro- Cook at 889-4553. iNotes Orchestra. * - * - * * The dance is being held from Congratulations to Mr. and 8.30 pm to midnight. with novel- Mrs. 0. D. Dearden. Parkstonties. spot prizes. bufiet and re- Court. whn celebrated their 45th (reshments â€"â€" at a hard time wedding anniversary on Febru- price â€" $3 a couple! Ell-3,23 ‘- *.*-*_* - I n u__ “HAL- On Sunday they were the guests of honor at a {11ng party given for them by their son-in- law and daughlela Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Redclmeier of Don Head Farms. St. Paul's LCW met February 16 in the congregation's fellow- ship hall. Opening devotions were led by Mrs. Erika Brat- fisch. A skit. "When A Guy's Got a Problem". about teenagers. was presented by Mrs. Polly Duef- fort. Mrs. Sylvia Limpcrt. Mrs. Evelyn Miller. Mrs. Esther Dawe. Mrs. Margot Wirt. Mrs. Barbara Barth and Mrs. Ina Johansen. The 19 members and guests: present then formed small dis-l russion groups. These consider- ed how adults can be helpful to teenagers with special problems. Presidenl Mrs. Limpert an- nounced the group's participaâ€" tion in the World Day of Prayer service to be held February 25. In St. Matthew's Church. Crosby Avenue. The congregation‘s Lenten services were also announced. These began February 23 and are held weekly on Wednesday at 8 pm. with coffee and discus- sion following worship. Mrs. Nelly Williamson and Mrs. Limpert reported on a workshop attended recently in Scarboro. It was also announced that a combination filmstrip pro- jector-record player had been purchased for the church schools. Communion *rviccs will be held March 6 a‘ 11 am and 7 pm at Richmond Hill United Church. no later than 5 pm Tuesday prior to publication. The service is free â€"- mail your contributions to 63 Yonge Street South 0. phone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1135-6 â€"- we'll be pleased to hear from you. Due to a change in policy. news items for “Life in the Hill" must be in the oflice Congratulations Your town is proud of your achievement at the Quebec Winter Carnival Tournament. Your town is particulariy proud of the way you con- ducted yourselves as repro- semaiives of Richmond Hill. Wm. C. Lazenby‘ 85¢:th Richmond Hill Lions Peewees Allencourt Shopping Centre Markham Rd. & Bzu'view Avenue Richmond Hill Allencourt Pharmacy Ltd. Planning on Entertainin"? Can Nanda Catering Service 884-3818 884-4461 to were thei A new feature of the Ruthei glug pai'tlealvcrley Art Gallery is a grotâ€" eir son-in-lo. set up in the basement (one .and Mrs. of the oldest in the Hill) and Don Head filled with unfinished antiques and \vondermems. Such was the * ’beauty of the existing : Februarylc0bwebs that the ingenious n‘s fellow-owner sprayed many of them devotionSigold! Mr. and Mrs. Len Pugh. Rug-1 Gue gles Avenue. returned on Sun-.the ’1 day from a week's skiing holi-lwill b day in the Laurentians, stayingEReeve at the Gray Rocks Inn in St.i“What Jovite. IAbout Mrs. H. R. Butt, Elizabeth Street. accompanied by her sisâ€" ters. Mrs. A. C. McConnell and Miss M, A. Szammers of Comâ€" bermere, left on Friday for a two months' holiday in Europe. two months' holiday in Europe. She will visit her son-in-law and (laughter, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Koopmann. in Nuremberg, Germany. and in April will atâ€" tend the w:dding of her son. Warwick. to Miss Mary Paule Belgrave in North Kilworth. Leicestershire. England. W. Kendry. Rev. F. James Burn‘ officiated. ‘ Attending the ceremony were Sandra's brothers and sister,‘ Greg. Doug and Beth. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Kenclry entel‘tainedi friends at a coffee and dessert; party at, their home on Cartier-j Local residents spending a few days in the West Wind Motel. Actinolite, heard a glowing account from the proprietors of three Richâ€" mond Hill boys. who. re-' turning home after a game in Montreal, were overnight guests. Crescent What better month to hold a “Hard Times Dance" than the month of February? Future plans for the gallery include a series of art exhibits of work by Kathleen Johnson, Fred Haines and Yvonne Mc- ‘Kague Houser. winner of the LOSA award last year. Currently running at the galâ€" lery is a "Golden Sale" with emâ€" phasis on a collection of fabu- lous antique frames. some of which are at present included in the attractive window display. l’leasantville Feb. ‘28 Dr. Benjamin Schlesinger, as- sociate professor of social work.i School of Social Work, Univerâ€", sity of Toronto. will be the spe- cial speaker meeting of the Pleasantville Home ahd School Association. The meeting will be held in the sc'lool auditorium February 28; at 8.30 pm. The topic will he “Sex Education in the Public’ :School". ‘1 Dr. Schlesinger who teaches ;in the area of human behavior and social environment. is au- jthor of a recent book on “Multiâ€" second edition. His articles on Ifamily life have appeared in Chatelaine. Liberty and the Globe and Mail. He has been a frequent guest on CBC televi- ;Roof" which explored the family life cycle in Canada. Active in ‘child welfare work. he is a mem- ber of the Canadian Association 'of Social Workers and the Nat- .ional Council on Family Relaâ€" tions. He was recently elected a ‘member of the Vanier Institute ‘of the Family. at the February1 Problem Families . now in its 501W ruary 16 in Wrixon Hall. I pack and troop were well rep- resented_ which made it the largest tilrnout ever recorded. The Cubs opened the program with the Grand Howl led by Pete Barnett and received by Akela Bob Painter. Grace was!feat said by Rev. J. F. O’Neil. folâ€"H393I lowed by a toast to the Queenfihf'ts The boys and fathers enjoyed}H111 ‘an excellent roast beef dinner R- ‘ Iprovided by the ladies’ auxiliary under the leadership of Mrs.. Iva White. Mrs. Elizabeth Hilla: by. as social convenor. had thei A full co-operation of all the moth-L100l ers. lGat Bill White. chairman of thee“ group committee. introduced tlielMl'? leaders. Scout Master Fred Fi-iA_ field. Assistant Scouler BrianiBl“ firm anm men Exh [tron \to 5 this i l l l sion programs on family Stanley. Akela Bob Painter. A lite and was consultant on a Bagheera Mrs. Pat Tennant, Bat-.Mis Six-part series “Under One loo Colin Crawford. \{Got Entertainment was providediTru the Cubs who presented a.offii skit. Speaker for the evening: F .was .Dr. D. Pimlott. showingthe .slide: as he spoke on the lifeIMa {of the wolf. .a l' The evening closed with Rethhe [onald Bone pronouncing the‘ C ,benediction. lSldt t. Sex Education Topic Home&Schoo| Speaker .\ group of members of St. Mary's Anglican Church. who each has almost 50 years of membership. was honored by the social service committee of the Women of St. Mary‘s prior to the recent annual meeting. The lone service members enjoved a dessert and coffee gathering With officers of the church. Five Have 50 Years Of M embers/lip Front row (left rlcauu: Lavuna. a mun. A u . v u v . . a gl‘ot’ Students of Langstafr Second-L. ~ ' f an oil 3}“ ‘One‘ary School presented their win- {filfiinagndbs 110231: “first, Mrs. 111’. and ning production of "Suppressed £1 McTagg‘al-L antiques Desire” in workshop form to; 'Tickets at $1 may be obtained was She members of the Curtain Club at‘by calling Mrs J_ “R. Turner at ex15§1ng|t1‘eil. regular meeting held Mon-18843869. . Innnlnlic . , u.-~»..- to right): Mrs. George for a urope. -in-1aw Mrs. Guest speaker March 1 at the Tuesday Luncheon Club will be Reeve Donald Plaxton. Reeve Plaxton will speak on “What Women Should Know About Estate Taxes". The club meets regularly at Prince Arthur House. Toronto. The foyer of the O’Keefc Centre will be transformed into an enchaming Japanese garden from March 8 to 13 when the 12th annual Spring Flower and Garden Show of the Garden Club of Toronto gets under way with the theme “East meets West“. day night at the theatre. The play was the regional winner in the recent Simpson's One-Act Play -estival prelim- inaries held recently at Rich- mond Hill High School. In the absence of President Neville Cross, Vice-President Ron Solloway chaired the brief; business meeting. Castings are at present being held for the Spring production “Irregular Verb To Love" di- rected by Cicely Thomson. and UU'x’quv. *-* * * The Friendship Circle of the Church of St. Gabriel met last Thursday and as part of their program Rev. W. Moore assisted his wife Ann in showing colored slides of her trip to Balla Coola, British Columbia. in 1960 where Ann spent the summer as an in- terne in the local hospital. The slides showing some of the In“- diarn patients and their reserve were most interesting as also were the slides of the logging In the absence of President Neville Cross, Vice-President Ron Solloway chaired the brief business meeting. Castings are at present being held for the Spring production “Irregular Verb To Love” di- rected by Cicely Thomson. and coâ€"produccd by Muriel Gillard ‘and Len Jones. Refreshment were convened by Audrey Knight. The 4th Richmond Hill Cub Pack and the 4th Richmond Hill Scout Troop held their annual father and son banquet on Feb- ruary 16 in Wrixon Halli Both pack and troop were well rep- resented _ which made it the largest tm’nout ever recorded. The Cubs opened the program with the Grand Howl led by Pete Barnett and received by Akela Bob Painter. Grace was Bill White. chairman of theKCamly“ names, ‘15 group committee. introduced tlleers' Barnes and the leaders. Scout Master Fred Fi-‘A: Barnes» became U field. Assistant Scouter Brian‘iBl“ 73“ T01 0f Vanc Stanley. Akela Bob Painter. Attending the b ‘Bagheera Mrs. Pat Tennant, Ba-‘Misses Petra Mag loo Colin Crawford. «{Gooch, Kathy Dia ‘ Entertainment was providedtTrude Van Tol. Rev lb the Cubs who presented a‘officiated. ‘,skit. Speaker for the evening“ Following a recent was Dr. D. Pimlott, showingthe bride‘s home lslide: as he spoke on the lifellvlaple Lane, the cou lot the wolf. a honeymoon in NH 1 The evening closed with Rethhe Laurentians. Ionald Bone pronouncing the‘ On their return tl |benediction. Iside in Richmond H They arrived after a sevâ€" ere snowstorm. which pre- vented several of the staff from reporting for duty, and immediately shovelled the driveway. assisted with dishes, and prior to leav- ing, neatly folded their bed«- ding and left a note expresâ€" sing their appreciation to the proprietors for accom- modating them. These boys. who will re- main anonymous. refute the erroneous impression of teenagers of today. Chadwick. NIiSS Marian Carter of the host- ess group. 311's. L. Haworth. Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor and Mrs. Kay Carter. another host. Back row tsame order): People's War- den W. D. Russ. L. Haworth. Rector James O'Nvil. Wardon Emeritus Harry Stanford. Rector‘s Warden Gram Panto“. Local Architect Douglas Allen attended the three-day conven- tion of the Ontario Association of Architects in Toronto last week. "Macbeth" being presented by Films of Note March 16 and 17 at the Richmond Theatre. “The Vogelbird" â€"â€" a Polish cartoon 0” school teachers and students, completes the program. Tickets at $1 may be obtain- ed by calling N. R. Clifton at 884â€"1355 The mixed bridge. dessert and coffee party. being sponsored by the Pleasantville Group of‘ YCHA on March 17 will now be held in Wrixon Hall. Convened by Mrs. W. E. R. Boone. this popular event will feature favors. a prize for each Mable and a rafi'le for an oil For fun and enjoyment come ll the MTH Music Guild held at 428 South Fernleigh Circle. sze fun choral singing and playing the recorder and learn about the great music compos- ers. There is no cost to join. The meetings are held once a month on Sunday afternoons from 3 to 5 pm, and are open to - For further information about the guild please call Steve Towner a-t 884-1049. were camp At the close of the meeting the members thanked their guests for their most enlighten- ing talk. Surf Marine and Sports Com- pany, 9002 Yonge Street. Rich- vale, will be among the many firms participating in the 19th annual Canadian National Sport- men’s Show in the Coliseum, Exhibition Grounds, Toronto, from March 11 to 19. The local firm’s display will feature In a r i n e equipment, boats, . motors, _ trailers. boat lifts and accessories. Richmond Hill residents. Peter Youtoff and R. G. Tenna-nt, will be pleased to see their many friends from this area at the show. A wedding of local interest took place at the Church of St. Gabriel on Saturday when Miss Carolyn Barnes, daughter of ! Mrs. Barnes and the late Philip A. Barnes. became the bride of Bill ‘lan T01 of Vancouver. i‘ i Attending the bride were! ‘Misses Petra Mager. Lynne; :Gooch, Kathy Diamond and! Following a reception held at the bride‘s home on Sugar Maple Lane, the couple left for a honeymoon in Montreal and the Laurentians. On their return they will re- side in Richmond Hill. Reserve your seat now {or Photo by Wainwrighu Moore 0nd Cm andiTo Feature Antiques mg Mr. and Mrs. Graham Walter. Folly Farm, leave on Friday for six weeks‘ holiday in Mexico. Marjorie Gourlie. Spruce Avenur‘. returned home recently from York Central Hospitai where she underwent a series of tests and observation. Drive, leaves on Thursday for Vancouver. where he has been transferred as manager for Western Canada of the Denver Equipment Company of Canada. His family will be joining him in the very near future. At no Next Sunday morning the sidesmen of St. Mary's Anglican Church are sponsoring a Len- ten communion and breakfast at 8 am. Speaker will he Professor '... 8. Thomson, member of the parish The Couples Clul of the Riel» mond Hill Presbyterian Church are holding a dance this Satur- day (February 26! in the George Francis Memorial Hall at 8 pm. Members of the congregation are most welcome. Please bring a box lunch for two, and enjoy a night of fun and good fellow- ship Sunday evenings in Lent at St. Mary's Anglican Church will feature some "Revolutions in1 the Church today". 1 The first of these under the? heading of Christian education? will be presented next Sunday1 by Canon T. D. Somcrville. gen-{ eral secretary of the Christian! Education Program for Canada.‘ who will preach at 7 pm and‘ there will be a "talkback" with him afterwards. There will he a group church parade at the Church of St. Gab- riel at 7 pm this Sunday. 1 The visit to the Mondrian showing concluded the present ‘course. Cubs and Scouts of the lst Beverley Acres. the lst. 3rd, 7th and 8th Richmond Hill groups will he represented. along with girls of the Rich- mond Hill Guides and Brownies. Assembly is at 6.45 pm sharp with full color guards in the basement of the church. The rector will conduct a non- denominationa-l church service Parents are welcome. Attending the Pict Mondrian Art Exhibit at the Art Gallery of Toronto on Wednesday last were Mrs. S. Ker Appleby. Mrs. D. Gillard. Mrs. M. Deciantis. Mrs. D. H. Hutcixesou and Mrs. J. Rabinowitch. The group have all been at- tending lectures throughoutth winter in the “History of Art" conducted by Mrs. Rabinowitch at her Yonge Street art gallery. Richmond Hill is enjoying ven balmy weather, according to m" weekend visitors at the home of the Mr. and Mrs. Eric Zinck, Beav-lwas erton Road. Mrs. Bill Paworoz-l ,1 nik. Mrs. Zinck's aunt, MissitwC Jenet Martin came from Win-‘011U nipeg, and Mrs. Steve Kraseylsm] from St. Boniface, Manitoba,where the thermometer was 112â€"; C cording 50 degrees below zero. H19 Paul Atkinson. Kerrybrook rive, leaves on Thursday for ancouver, where he has been ansferred as manager for 'nstern Canada of the Denver Also enjoying the weekend with the Zincks were Mr. and Mrs. Al Kotack. formerly of North Hollywood. now of Tor- onto. The Zinc-ks had dinner Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Kotack and Mrs. Krasey in To- ronto. "The Richmond" Shop Fine furniture and antiquesl are featured at “The Richmond’? 21 new shop recently opened at 12 Centre Street East. Propri- etor Victor Parisi has had sev- eral years experience in this business in Eastern Ontario. The new store is specializing in nine furniture, as well as in pine furniture, as well as‘ other “Canadiana”. and in cleaning and polishing copper and brass items. Among the in- triguing display of articles for sale will be found many fine examples of early glass. china. brass, copper and silver. The store also handles baby grand pianos which are in great de- mand for refinishing at present. AURORA: The town this week pays tribute to the Queen’s York Rangers by conferring on it "the freedom of the town”. The Rangers have been a part of the town's history for more than 100 years. The “freedom” is the highest peacetime honor which may be conferred on a regiment by a municipality. After the ceremony the Rangers will march through town with the traditional rights of a company of "frecmen" â€"â€" “colors flying. drums beating and bayonets fixed." 355 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill - 889-5435 - PA. 7-9453 CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, F.85, CORVAIR CHEVELLE, CHEVY II, ENVOY, 0.K. USED CARS ‘Lynden. Bruce Curtis. Robert as Kernohan, Ross MacMiIlan and in Jim Graham. Elected to the 1‘ committee of stewards for three in_ years. were Harold Rin°g. Fred for Martrn. Neil Crows, Victor me Buckmgham. Jee Rowley. Ron “3 Joyce. Fred Lmdars and Bob “LL McKee. ing murmur» ‘ ' ' ' ' ' 10 ill é he g} Y “F (5 Charm am ‘g. ‘2 315 (fi Phone Mal :£&V&&&\W&\9€ Richmond Hill's top waters in the public and separate schools will match tones all during to- day tThursdayl and tonight in the annual public speaking con- test to be held at schools throughout the town. Public, Separate School Orators Match Tones In All-Day Contests Public school spcakcrs will be the first on the list with competitions being held at Mc- St. Matthewk United The annual congregational cial finals. meeting of St. Matthew's United: Last week, members of the Church was preceded by a pot public speaking committee at- luck suppeiz An active and pro-tended a meeting of the public ductive year was indicated by school board and said that, he reports presented by the con-‘sides the individual trophies for gregation's boards and organiz-ithe winners, all entrants in the ations. The successful Christian'lower grades would receive mini stewardship campaign in N0~ ature trophies, While those ir vember. directed by Alan Bar-Igrades 7 and 8 would receiVe ron of Capital Funds Service ofibooks of synonyms and anton ithe United Church of Canada,yms, and a thesaurus, respec !was a highlight. tively. 1966 Budget $25,000 CUU Plan Organ Purchase m The trustees reported sale of two and a quarter acres of the church property to the Flint- stone Construction Company. Contributions to the Mission- ary and Mainfenance Fund of the United Church of Canada totalled $1,781. an increase of 752% over the previous year. In addition to the $25,000 budget for 1966, it was decided to seek contributions designed for the organ fund with a view to purchasing an organ during the year. The organ committee reported its findings and also an anonymous ofl'er to match con- gregational contributions up to $1.500 for this fund in 1966. ‘Concern was expressed about the shortage of Christian edu- cation facilities and it was de- cided that following the organ campaign this need should be given attention. v Elected to the session for three years Were Orval MaGee. Les Justice, Jim Lowens. Jack nut; "lullvl m ugh... ...- NEWMARKET: I\"Iayor Albert M. t. ‘ Kent has lashed out at critics yo msptftcnéon a any of the town‘s dog control pol- ' icy. He saidlilaggcaltlghetrl) G E N G A B L E S Lowe had part of his agreement with the town. He reports monthly on “glere and “l‘hen dogs arel pickd- Licensed & Supervised 0 up. it hey are rec aime ’r , , and how and where they are smefHue 640"“)61 destroyed. ‘ ‘ ' Mm“; Hearts and sweethearts were the theme of the annual Valentine dance at MacKillop l’ulilk School February 18. The popular event. sponsored by the school's home and school association attracted more than 200 parents who all enjoyed dancing to the music of Don Gilkes Orchestra Chatting during the refreshment hour (above) are, left to right: Mrs. J. Hunter, Mrs. P Nye. Mrs. R. Bergman. P. Nye. R. Bergman, J. Hunter. Charm and Modelling School THE STUDIO MacKi/lop Valentine Dance Happy Event Phone Marion Williams 884-5976 ‘5 United: Last week, members of the by a pot public speaking committee at- and pro-tended a meeting of the public -2 cated by school board and said that, bclfi the con-‘sides the individual trophies f0!" organiZ-lthe winners, all entrants in the}: Christian'lower grades would receive mini-j in N0~ ature trophies, wnile those 1113‘s llan Bar-Tgrades 7 and 8 would receive? Va-.. of Those competing would be: he transported to the various. 1:.ischools by taxi. : Members of the committee,‘ n_ all assistant principals at the? of‘public schools, are: John daiHincks, Walter Scott, chairman; oftW. Kinsley. Beverley Acres;; iEarl Orser. MacKiilop; Jim Or-i 00 ser. Crosby Heights; Fred‘g? engrowning, Pleasantville; David} MiGarlick. McConaghy. ;, \RKkM'““ ’ W W M Conaghy, Pleasantville, Walter Scott and Beverley Acres start- ing at 2 pm. Speeches will be in both the impromptu and pre- pared class for grades 4, 5, 6, '1 and 8. The contest will wind up at 8 pm with the grade 8 prepared speech only forrbothuseparate public >school pupils taking place at St. Joseph's Separate school, Honey Avenue. The winner will receive the Richmond Hill Public and Sep- arate School Board Trophy, and will also win the right to repre- sent Richmond Hill in the county competitions at Newmal'- ket March 15. '1 that will then go Our elderly guests receive personalized professional care in a spacious and congenial country home. The Manor is open {or your inspection at any time. KIND COMPETENT Nursing Care FINEST CARE . . . IN A COUNTRY HOME ATMOSPHERE 7 (or the ‘onvalescent and Aged Hill in the 0115 at New-mar- The winner of > to the provin- \ CENTENNIAL YEAR \ NV SOUTH BLOCK - RICHMOND HElGHTS CENTRE Richmond Hm Cemenmal Lumnmwe E.) ) 85 YONGE STREET N RICHMOND HILL will be discussed with representatives of Building organizations at a meeting in Notices have been sent to all known organiza- tions in the municipality. If your organization has been inadvertently missed, please send a renresentative who will be most welcome. GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE BOOKINGS FOR ALL ST )AMSHIPS AND AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES The sole and heel of a Unimold shoe is made as a unit and molded right into the upper. It forms an unbreakable, watertight bond that shrugs ofT wear. tear and impact, When other shoes would have made a trip or two to the shoemaker. Unimold strides on. There is no stitching on the side to break or give. There are no nail heads to trouble )oung feet. And more good news for busy mothersPUnimold shoes never leave marks on floors. Theyre quiet too. FROM 6.98 Our conscientious staff and Guaranteed Fittings are your assurance of complete satisfaction.” Richmond Hill’s Program for 'J‘H U RS DA Y. The shoe with the sole and heel that outlasts the upper. Valentine dance at M'acKillop Public (Just We Richmond Hill Centennial Committee I." Unimold 1“ El} BRUARY 2‘1, 8 13.111. arth's Cleanel m [Hf FAN/IV the Municipal Stuart's Studio) PHONE 889-5782 local 13 [U/v/h/U 9') “x. )))})II)).I|I\I )x)\l)\(\l)))\l)ll))))ll) .I.) Vl/VY/u/uC/x/‘lvcly‘fg/«lkgg/Y/Vx/Vu 9)

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