Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Mar 1966, p. 11

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SECOND SECTION SPORT &â€" Ll. he dihri‘al VOL. 88, NO. 40. ....__â€" Sport Spots By Fred Simpson Richmond Hill Lions pla} ed last Tuesdzrx the North Y'Oik League for the Lions. John Barnett Mustard On The Hotdog, Please Take Doublerink Arena in Vaughan Township, place a youngster in it with knuckles wrapped around a box of popcorn or choking a traditional hot dog. Smear some mustard on his chin to give the proper itiom chk webo, ed the scoring at the two min- 1111c mark Lettwingei lRanieri got the second goal at and brothm 1 touch. Bill Weber unassisted made the Now add some two 01‘ three thousand other [score 3-0 at 12:30 of the first youngsters. As much popcorn, as many hotdogs. WNW ‘ In the second period the team 'came up with their new play» ing pattern and Bill Weber, as- sisted by Chris Andrews. got his second goal of the game at Oh yes, mix well with moms and dads. The recipe you end up with is the second annual Vaughan Township Carnival Day headlining Thorn- hill and Maple hockey rivalries, a broomball mis- fortune among the mothers. female hockev, skating exhibitions and youngsters getting ingen- iously lost. It all; happened last Saturday. Also on the scene for awhile was this youngstei who arrived brimming with optimism until he tried to"find a parking space. Finally gave up, drove to Richmond Hill, walked back. .Arrived winded and entered withthe other youngsters. ii I 8 he completed a hat trick, assist- ‘ed by Barnett. Brother sank, a pass from Larry Kellett mark. Newmarket the rink to mix _ the second period 6~1. 1 If Youngsters Here, Youngsters There 1101111». Lions They were all over the place, on the ice, off the an.“ he”, them 569101955 {01 10 ice, but especially at'the concession booths; I was “mums and 20 ”“0““- going to overwhelm a' hotdog and coffee but got overwhelmed by some youngsters instead and lost my place. Gave up temporarily, erased a bruise and started looking around for a sto1".y , Met John McKay of the day’s organizing cem- mittee from Thornhill. He was happy’over the tt'irn- came and a minute later (Continued on Page 12) RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. )IARCII assisted b1 Ronldrews on \chricn and Dick Weber open- iminutes remaining in the game bi otlicx 5 co- operated John 011 a goal. Bill hitting the tar â€" the four minute mark on a pass the land Ranieri at the eight minute roar in the second period. Ibe'le't't off the scoring sheet and at 32 seconds. at 9:15 managed to get a tally. by Dick Weber and Ball. Ra . making the score at the end of ieri put the puck 111 the net on, ‘a pass from Kellctt. and Robbie By the time the third pcriodSackfield at 14:03. and a min- .opened, New‘mai‘ket had got onlute later new play pattern it 3 O unassisted. Being a little 01"eiconfi(,..lent second petiod {01' with a thi1d goal to earn a hat All- Stars fought L' l 3_ 2 a 1 1 trick. He was assisted bV An- 8: 47 scored again Biian 0111 (‘1 l ions “6 Mame He mam-z assisted bv being pionship and the trophy ‘the maiksmau. 1 ‘the Petei‘boro :31. 1968 play otts. this one the \\ebc1' for his fourth counter Ell ITIC. 1'et With 111 'Peewees Garner Another Trophy “B" Champions Belleville Tourney One of the best games of his hockey season was night at Newmarket as Rich- mond Hill Lions Peewees ousted \ewi'iiziiket from linul score was 0 o f This was the worst defeat ~ 21 Richmond Hill team has ever handed a Ncwmarket team. Coach Ray Brooks credits this to the fact his boys have been playing in "A" competition lately and have improved their game. Friday the Lions played the A-llstai‘s killing (111' one no Chi is Brian Oliv hard and Paul Brown Lions "AA" Saturday the team figure ‘two minutes. Fifty seconds later,Richinond llill Bantam Second [1 Dick altv in a scmeless fiist period. The Lions really staited to withl refused to,Ba1‘nett getting the first goal‘ He was assisted 11-' Andrews made Aii- the Lions relaxed as the ”md‘ueason .‘drews, assisted by Kcllett seoie‘d1pe1iod opened and the 211d All Ezit this; point and 10 seconds‘Stars capitalized on this lapse latei Newmaiket 1etaliated withiwith Don Bi'own their second goal. At 12: 50 Barl- and Paul Brown clicking for 'nett got his second goal assistedlgoal. At 5: 47 Steve C1‘1',onkwiight equalizer 3595th by Andr.ews 1 by Mike Ball and Dick Webcr1broke away to flip a pass from “we” ietu1necl to form and up ‘Chris Andiews into the net. CI a Ilie at played in, .the Belleville Tournament andl ‘lost a hard, fast game 3-1. ‘Weber ‘for the Hillers. tof the Lions‘ got the only However. Bill. goal one goals was disal-i 'j‘lowed and a disputed goal was; awarded to Peterboto ._ They’ll be proud of the men of the . family. . . at the head of the Easter Parade in: clothes from our array of men’s and boys’ fashions! Sporl Jackets A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY TWEEDS AND WOOL VVORSTEDS IN A VARIETY OF STYLES TO PLEASE THE YOUNG AT HEART. Sizes 8 to 20 from $12.95 Blazers ALL THE POPULAR COLOURS IN ALL WOOL, BLACK, BURGUNDY. ELEC- TRIC. BLUE & OLIVE. THE LATEST ' STYLES IN HI FASHION. Sizes 8 to 20 from $1 2.95 Slux AWIDE \ ARIETY OF SLAX IN COL- OURS AND FABRICS. OVER 400 PAIR TO CHOOSE FROM. ALL WOOL, WOOL BLENDS & KOROTRON & WOOL. CONTINENTAL AND BOYER BACK STYLES. SEE THE LATEST IN PRESS I‘REE PANTS. Boxer Back sizes 8 to 12 ..... $4. 95 Up BOYS‘ 8; YOUNG MEN'S 3‘1 TOP COATS. SMART STYLED 5“ COATS FOR SPRING & FALL \VEARING IN ALL THE POPULAR SHADES. BEIGE. SILVER GREY. BLACK & NAVY. $12.95 $16.95 Boys" Sizes 8-20 from Young Men's Sizes 34-46 from .. Also a Large Selection of Men’s Spring & Fall Topcoats Kent Cloili» SOLTH BLOCK OI RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENIRE 16 LEVENDALE ROAD 884'7521 RICHMOND HILL In the second game. the local boys polished off the Ajax representatives in fine fashion, counting eight goals and with Goalie Dave i Addley registering a shut- out. )chi‘ien led the scoring spi‘ee1 with {our goals and appeared to have glue on his stick, He was assisted on the first by Bill Weber and Ranicri. 011 the second 111‘ Stokes and \llCll‘C\\s ‘ on the third [)1 Stokes and was unassisted 011 the touith He was picked as the first star of the game. Raniei'i earned the second Suit) stai'. contributing an unassisted, goal to the total. Steve Ci'onk-l ,w‘riglit was assisted by AlldI‘CWS,‘ ‘Bill Weber by Ci‘onkwriglit and John Barnett by Sackfield 011 their counters. The third star was awarded1 to the Ajax goalie because of the game 43 the stops he made during the B1" _FRED SIMPSOX. game as the Lions bombed him Starting gun .[01‘ the Secâ€" ond Annual Richmond Hill throughout. The Lions earned another another trophy and the championship of the “B" division of the tournament, as they topped Kingston in the third game of the day. Kingston scored in the first1 peliod when the Lions got into ‘difticulties in front of their {own net and made it 2-0 in the, the same Richmond Hill then ‘staited to fight back. Raiiiei'i1 flipped the iubber into the not" 'after being fed a pass by Bill chbei and Barnett got the Rose Bowl Road Races won‘t sound until April 80 but 01'- ganizing officials are already off and running. Committee Chairman Der- rick Milnei', of Oak Ridzes. and members Councillor Wil- liam Lazenby, John Passâ€" more and Ed Brown ironed out preliminary plans for the big meet Wednesday night of last week in a meetingy held at the municipal building. Foremost 011 the agenda was the decision to purchase three main rose bowl troph- ies plus other awards at a total cost of $200. ‘netted the winning goal on at Mr‘ Lazeiiby said COSt Of pass from Stokes to give the, the awards would be taken 1 out of savings 011 expenses last year and would cover 1 the amount required. About 200 athletes from across the provinces are ex- pected to participate in the five planned races for which sanction has been granted by the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada for athletes regis- tered with it. Chairman Milner said that All proceeds from this tournament, sponsored by the Shriners. were for that group‘s work with crippled children â€" and the Lions were happy to participate in the event which had as its slogan “Strong Legs Skate So Weak Legs May Walk". _ 1 due “to the great success and Sunday. the Lions went on popularity of last year‘s the ice with no pressure. to event a local elementary cross sticks with the Scarboro Lions. an “AA" THL team tContinued On Page 121 ‘ school race for boys has been included. This race,‘ 'he said “will be about thiee quaiters Lett to 1i<1ht ale Duiin1 Bo111c Il1111‘1ew; 3c and went on to tow the title the spotlight entries from such well known ondary School (juvenilei merited on last yeai’s show and added that Prizes will be awarded in two age groups 01' 2 years with expected the success of such a 1ace encourages The courses in general will follow a rotite from Newkirk and Centre Jeni Canadian athletes including Road Dave Ellis. Toronto Olympic . tseniorl: R011 Wallingford "19‘" and Gord Dickson. Hamilton A.C. (seniori: Dave Savage, rent holders for Toronto Olympic Ijuniori; are: Ken Hamilton. Bayview Sec~ 1. Senior. Ball. Sinclaii and Thomas. Wooclbiidge (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) Bayriew On The More 1Some fast bisketb .1ll action here as B1111‘ie11 Secondzii'i Schools Jim Biiidlev (14. in daik drives tow‘uid the basket in action between Bavview Seniors and Woodbi‘idge during the 1ecent championship tour'iiinient won bx B1111iew B211 1ie1V \1 on young people to take an i11- tcrcst in track and field aeti- vities.” The races to be held are: the 35 minutes. 54.8 seconds. Dave Ellis, Toronto Other big names likely to Olympic Club: Junior. 18 be in attendance will be such minutes, 12.6 seconds, Dave outstanding international Savage. Toronto Olympic names as Abby Hoffman, Club; 3 Juvenile. 14 minutes. Maureen Wilton, and Rob- 16:5 seconds. Dave Smith erta Piece of the Don Mills Bayvicw Secondary School; Track Club. 4. Midget. not held: 5 Ladies, Mr. Milner and other mem~ four minutes. 14 seconds, bers of the committee comâ€" Abby Hoffman. Toronto Olympic Club; 6 tal Element- ary. four minutes. 20 seconds, Crosby Street. down Markham Road to Bay- Avenue and back. The 1965 records and cur- races Public Starting Date For Rood Race April 30 of a mile and will start and finish on Newkirk I'lozid.‘ School: (bl Elementary, four minutes. 31 seconds, Bob O‘Toole. Our Lady Help of Christian Separate School. under and 13 years or Senior Over 20 years‘. Other members of the com- ovci‘. Plaques and medals two laps of course, A. 712 mittee include Eric Crump. will be presented to the first miles: junior iunder 20 yrs}. in charge of publicity; and three finishers in each age one of course A. 3531 Pat Smith, honorary chair- gi'oup. miles; juvenile tundcr 18 man. There is no entry fee [or yearsi. two laps of course B. The majority of the funds elementary school particip- three miles: midgettundcr 16 for the committee was don- ants. Registration t‘orms will yearsi. NO 18135 of COUI‘SC B. ated by commercial organi- b? mailed out ‘0 "HIGHS thiee ““1051 ladies, (Open). zations last season. It is hop- high schools, elementary lap Of course C. "4 111110: . .1 . _ ed a giant will be fotthcom- schools and track clubs clementaiy schools 'a1. 13 in" from town count“ throughout Ontario. 311d 0V01‘1 0118 13D or course a i The senior. junior and ,iuv- “4 mile; and tbt 12 and cnilc segment of the races under- one lap of course C. will cop the major share of 34 mile. 1 Location Only PHONE 889-1105 Richmond Hill 7/ 111511 CENT FINANCING

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