ELGIN MILLS CORRESPONDENT: MABEL Junior JEFFERSON Legion Report LOL‘TSE ROBERTSON Telephone 884-1396 By J- R; MM MIR Alan). trim-s \\c Ili‘l\(‘ I1t't"[| ('01) and Scout News ‘at St. John's at 8 am and again (1.ka my question. "1‘3-‘W'111 The annual father and son at 11.10 am. At St. Marks the \ hat j. the .Iunror 14.1mm“ banquet for the lst Jefferson service of Holy Communion will Other people hare common it (‘ubs and Scouts was held last he held at the regular time of mm the Red Lantern, the Jun- I‘il'ldii)’ evening at St. John‘s 9.45 am. .\la_' we mention that“), ngiQn-spiinsiu‘cd danci- f‘hurch. Not only were seVeral an organist is needed at Stjelub. of the boys awarded badges # Mark's to play for the Easter The jumpi- Legion it an or- â€lim)‘ of the fathers were pre- service. ilt's an electric organi gem/mm†run h_\* the young sented with their group commit- Sympathy Rev. they do not have the funeral because nesday afternoon for The service was from St. Icc badges iin Case they're ivorâ€" i’ying â€"â€"‘ ITO. to wear short they got. a badger. paints During the evening the Rev..Mr. 1‘1. C. Gerber appointediof chaplain and chaplain's badge. Following a delicious meal of is turkey. beans and corn. crearrr: eral skits. W as jello and as well as a Cub duet: a rendition of the Beatles: also extended to the family the late .I. E, Halloran who pasâ€" sed away the family Irrenibers of the mothers auxil- away March 19 and two accordion 50105 by Her- man Alfermann. 'l‘liarrks were given to was awarded his sed by all who knew Iiim. Sympathy mashed potatoes, green Ada Dibb; his sisters Ella. Mary ice and Lil. the boys presented sev- Roy. Sympathy of the community is men of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding arca Administration, finance. rec ‘eation and social activities. discipline and group projects are 111 the hands Of the club members themselves. .\s~ sistance is a\arlable on request from the Senior Lesion. Active at the moment are a dance clrib. a drill squad and a judo club. The (lance is a morr eyâ€"making proposition. while the others are social events for Le- gion members only. Membership fee is 3-1 for the first Near and $3 thereafter. Location is at Yonge Street North. tions are received on E. C. Gerber ofï¬ciated at service hEId Wed~ Neil Dibb. John's. resideirt misâ€" lifeâ€"time will be sadly Dibl). 3 Jefferson. of the to his community extended wife. Mrs. and his brothers Doug. Jack and Charlie. of last week. and to the of Len Hill who passed Applica- Sundays iary who, w tli Convenor Mrs Looking Around at 2 pm when weekly meetings A. MeFee, prepared and scrt- May we weICOme home Mrs. are held. Ld the banquet. Giles Kerswell, who has been That is our story. Further Church :vch staying with her daughter 111 questions can be asked at our There will he a service of Sarnia for the winter months meetings or by writing .I R, bmparation held Maundv Thurs- A welcome home too. to 'NII Sinclair. cro Royal. Canadian day at 7.30 pm at St. Johns. and “15‘ A- Saigcaiii- "their Junior Legion. Legion Court. During the senice colored Slid_ daughter Gerry. and her trance vonge Street North. Richmond (is \\ill be shown on the insti- Eric Saunders who returned Hill I'll gladly provide the anâ€" tiition ot the last supper Saturday from a two week \a-Iswers either in this column or ()11 Good Friday a service \\ill C0110“ 31 F‘111 Lauderdale F101“ 1" 111311 he held at 1030 am at St. [1011 of the story of the Cruci- fixion using filmsti‘ip and re- corded commentary. There will not be a service at St. John's on Good Friday. 011 Easter Sunday. there will be a service of Holy Communion tbr fMUV I N iii 3 If someone you know is movrng... A friendlv call by the WelcomeWag on Hostess ‘will help them feel It home. o 70% \QSiTIIRi/I/ Join in carrying on our community' a traditional wirit of hospvtality. I‘ell elcome agon the name and address of families you know who are moving. . 889-1011 WELCOME WAGON- . OCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOCOOOUOOQDOOODOOIIO 0-. 0"...O...UOOOOIOOQIOOOOOOIOOOIIOOOOII‘ ida. Mark 8 Chapel. Oak Ridges The daughter service will include a presenta- 11311‘1 Dave 12111111101 ‘Florida thev not only visitchadded a romantic atmosphereiomel Miami but also took a cruise pending c'onversion to a teen- .tlrey saw Imer celebrities. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clarke must wear slacks or dress jeans. and family guests for Sunday dinner at theIages or horseplay will be tole e-r borne of Mr. Mrs. D. Drive. Visited â€16111 The Red Lantern has finallv her hus- broken the 200- head attendance While in record Tables and candles lia\e. where the) Diane and ougn the Everglades whele age nightclub. chss and con- tlre homes. and sum-‘duct regulations will still be residences 01' some 0f thPIrigidly enforced. Girls must Iwear skirts 0r dresses and boys of Scarboro w'ere‘No drinking of alcoholic bever- Clarke's sislei‘.Iz1ted. Breach of rules will re- of Naughton‘sult in permanent expulsion from the club Cracl.nell. TELEVISION 2 DAYS LEFT To Beat The Tax Special NEW TV’s 1' Admiral $129.00 Portable Richmond Hill TV 28 Levendale Rd. South Block Legion Court. , .._ your legion Report‘s /// \f a I (ï¬ght Branch 375. Royal ('anadiarr Lesion B)‘ Eric Chapman - 884-00115 ltcadcrs inaj. sometimes i.no \ou men are about to enter that quotations made from other .riic (II the inmt serious criuzizc- sourccs broxc lllit‘l'L‘\Illi‘.; rcad- merits that ever faced the (‘an- III: in this column. This \\cck.;id1.rn Corps. I cannot. .11 [IIItwo separatc quotations Iriiyciiroincnl. ulvc HID†information been made \\IIII‘II readers :is to w here this attack \\Ill be mIJIII like to compare staged , . whether it will be sue- Thc first 1. from an editorial ("01‘5le 0" â€01 ~ - . WP “‘01 con- containcd iii the current issue (â€11’1“ 117411 .‘UU \\ill succeed ()1‘11’1’1“. Leuronarv' where Others failed. for you . - ‘ hinc irc\cr yet failed iii any- '|lIr\c the wartime achieyc-Iliillfl .W'U hi1"? S91 .\‘0lll' hand merits of Canada's veterans dim- In «'11 21 Canadian Corps. You can inished in value with the passâ€" .L’U 11110 30110“ If‘f‘iin‘; assured in: of time" Are lllt‘ll‘ ser‘r ices “I this. and as the head of the in two world conflicts and Korea ‘â€"'U"I‘1'nmt‘â€1 1 ’41"? .VUU this .‘is- any less valuable now than dur- 5111711100 * 11131 ."0U need not ing the crucial days when the (081' that the Government and very cxrstcnce of our countryiilt‘ 601111112" “111 i'dii to Show and civilization was maintained .IUsl iilipi‘PCIHUfm 0i ."0Ul‘ scr- vicc to the country and empire 111 what you are about to do. and what you have already done. The government of tho couri- lr_\’ \\ill consider it their first Iduly to see that a proper appre- ciation of your effort and of your courage is brought to Ihe notice of the people at home. and it will always be our e11~ deavour so to guide the attitude only by the valor and sacrifice of our servicemen and their. uallant comrades - iii - arms of other freedom lovingI nations? These questions are promoted by the fact that. up to the time this issue went to press. no re- ply had been received to the request made by the Royal Can- adian Legion in its brief to Prime Minister Pearson on November 23, reiterating the urgent need for (Ill increase in war disability pensions. “The Legionary" maintains that Canada must continue 110I10ldl)l\ to discharge her ob-i ligations to those of her citi- lens who far more than any class or category. have earned the right to the fullest possible consideration by the try will support the government Ito prove to thc returned man its just and due appreciation of the inestimable value of the seirices rendered to the counâ€" try and empire. And that no man whether he goes back oi whether he remains in Flanders will have just cause to reproach the government for Inning . 11 country s government What we broken 33:12]] mm] KIT Infrid\,‘.h° primarily wish to stress is the won an e†Ken f: m I†principle of our war veterans . . . . Ir ‘1 nt ‘ receivrng lair compensation I L I“ 10‘ & Briynklc â€f Branch 375 Comrades Bridge & Potter. .5110“ 11 from the countiv for which thcyi fought and bled and the prin- ciple of that compensation being . 1a first charge on the national 1.1mâ€: 15 no. charge for treasury. These veterans. still sron and films “111 ‘sull‘ering pain. discomfort and Call Of the WCSI Indies'. ‘worry from wounds suffered in‘All American FO‘Olball' war are surelv entitled to an Free from Care. Tire increase as much as civil serv- ants and members of the Forces. 1‘10“ from filmgocrs ‘01 ‘ (1 We are aware of the compleNi-iSI‘O‘mlDS A benevolent report films will be next Tuesday admis- ‘1965 and film sports ‘ties ol' rovcrnment financing . . . ‘But we Estill believe that the promoter (’Old Mlllsi reminds people of Canada “.m “am.el‘ve1yone tbev are welcome at 'their elected representatives toI‘,t he C01“ 119’“ Thursday â€911' , .give first priority to the gallan need. We sincerely hope Prime‘ Minister Pearson will announcei in the near future that the Legâ€" charge 101 admission AURORA FIed Boycer 747 110115 request will be met.†/ .. ,-.. A. .y dispatcher iitb the Aurora The second quotation comes P011“? Departrrent {01‘ the past two years. Central Hospital following recent heart attack. He had complained earlier in the day of Ifiom a speech made by a for mer ‘distinguisbed Canadian Prime .Minister. I In the year 1917. just before Itlre Battle of Vimy Ridge. Sir 391/919 p31115_3f1‘055 1115 011951 IRobcrt Borden addressed the itroops. in part. as follows: Your RED CROSS is Serving Today i“ . .. You are men actually fac-. fling the enemy day and night. IYou are suffering greatly fromi Ifatigue. overstrain and lack of pest The marvel of it is that .men could undergo such a strain ‘of public opinion that the mini» at 8 pm.1 includezj committee welcomes all sugges- ‘ futurei, night - 1 ing. There is to be dancing till 5: Imen who offered their lives in midnight and his advertised ' 1.GC hour of Canada’s greatest statement that “'fortune smilesi ‘ on all" must indeed be true. because here again there is 110' a'. was taken to York‘ a1 Tlll‘; Llfilï¬lL-H, Body†Said Part OI Old Barbeque Inns oi cd 11‘in III I book oi In 1.131 i~ 111.1 In L"\tlttl in . :I \ lo iooi plot .\iioiiin; In W Ilcliukay Inn near .\ltl.‘~~t'llliélll\ 1.;ikc last property is :r tamritc iirceiiii; \\eek spzii'ki-II an iii\es:i_'.iiion place on the weekends for by \I'hitcliurch l’oliie. but [I was young coiiivlc- iroiii 1hr city (I short Ilitl' om t‘hici \Iosoii \(lltI his depari- "I don't think lilt‘l't‘ s rtl1}- irrcni had \t‘llI three bass oi thin: in ii' .ud c‘hrci l-‘red ciii'tIr Ii-oin the site to the .-\1- Mason. \\.io Irllltllltti‘d .‘i \t‘i'tl‘t'Il ioi'iic_\‘-(}ciicral"s department tin of the area after tirani llelmltaj. analysis. biit had riot rcceried C(illt'L‘SMUll “. L'xbridee had Iiny report back as yet been reported finding the W . A scorched remains in his pasture XEAVMARKE'IU Mid'iil' AIDOI‘I lx'ent recnflrri‘lcd Georee \‘Ictor Spencer on a recent television program as an old :rrmy buddy Spencer was discliarucd from his postal department Job 111 Vancouver because of aileucd deulinas with the Russians .\lr. Kent reiealed he had attended an iiivestiture (It Buckiirflham Palace iii which .\lr. Spencer was awarded the British Empire Medal In the late Kin: (Ieoruc \'l durin: a rovtrne \isit to the field to check on his cattle "There wasn‘t a hair. or bone. or ariythinu“. Chief Mason said, He :~£ll(I the \llt‘ had been a former czlmplllil area and lrc thought what had been left he- hind were the remains of a barbecue .\lr. llclrrikay had (In: In) the spot when he found car tracks leadinL‘. to the freshlyâ€"turned sod. The pieces of flesh were found in the centre about six inches unde the surface. with 6999999....9904 . CANADIAN 1 CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill & District Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Two Remanded In Vaughan Robbery Three breakâ€"ins from busi- ness places in l\'leiirburg last week have resulted in the arrest Of two youthful residents of the town. Vaughan l’olice reported. Charged with breaking. enter irig and theft from Perry‘s Drug Store. Bob's Barber Shop and Sheila’s Illiilfilflt‘rst‘ls are Sim. .en Ireland and Roderick Hogg {both 16 The two appeared in IRicbmond Ilill Magistrate‘s .Court Friday and were reâ€" manded until itodayi Thursday. The sum of $200 and a quan- . ‘ . tit_v of pharmaceutical supplies For Further Information were taken The businesses are 884' 4070 all located in the same building .........â€â€œ.. Local Services Rcrrdercd to Cancer Patients 1 Drugs Dressings Home Visitinu Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services Diversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation Let us remove dents and scratches . and refinish your car in good time to prevent further damage by Fall and Winter weather and road salts. 1. Simply drive in for a free estimate 1 TO ALL OUR SERVICE CUSTOMERS 1 Service and Parts hours: 1 Mon. to Fri. -â€" 8 a.m. to 5.30 pm. Saturday â€"- 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. THE BEST COSTS NO MORE BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Wilson-Niblett Motors ltd. . TIILIIIII 'litl lliif. (I Left-over billsto pav’ Tunepavment accounts? Heavvexpenses?Ciesn 'em all up wrth cash from BeneficraIIYou [)le theterms .yroripitktle payments Get that BIG 0 K at Beneficral! Call up and see! Benoflciat FINANCE CO. OF CANADA RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE. RICHMOND HILL L150 Yonge St, North 0 Phone 88-1-1417 Rumors ,i't‘.i tantrum Pm» i.» is" oslit ODLN LVLNINGS BY APPOINTMENT~PHONE FOR HOURS WVWMJMWW éDECORATINGT $2.00 PER GALLON ClLTONE SATIN LATEX $1.95 GALLON Regular $9.95 Gal. CILTONE SEMI-GLOSS Reg $3.35 5.2 15 QUART a Limited Period at CHARLTON HARDWARE 11 YONGE ST. S 884-1331 ALLENCOURT HARDWARE Tu y for RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE 889-3756 PHONES 884-7456 :Ready for Tomorrow Richmond Hiri Branch C.R.c. ' e/o Richmond Hill P.0. Iwithout breaking: but you have inever yet broken and history Iwill appreciate that in days to Icome. (BAYVIF W AND MARKHAM RD.) 881-5331 355 Yonge Street N. - Richmond Hill 889-5435 COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE 2113311 118.85%, IGA CATSUP COFFE MAXWELL HOUSE (SAVE l4¢I rOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 30, 31, APRIL 1. 2. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUAN' ‘ITIES. SCOTT PAPER SPRING SPECTACULAR SAVE 12c. White. Pink. Yellow. Turquoise SCOTT TOWELS SAVE 18c. White. Pink. Yellow or Lilac SCOTTIE TISSUE ‘2 (ents Off White. Pink. Yellow or Aqua. roll pkes Purex TOILET TISSUE 21m $A\ E llc. Handy in any room in the house Scott TOWEL HOLDER 1.45,: CUT-RITE. 100 1"]. ROLL WAX PAPER 29¢ (Save 10c) 11 02. Btls. 2 Roll BAG PK. GET YOURSELF ONE DOLLAR! Just for trying something new in vegetables â€" “Deep Buttered†LIBBY'S VEGETABLES CARROTS. PEAS. LIMA BEANS. PEAS & (‘ARRO'I‘S 214......39. ,30N5LES-s ROUND ' r) u Just send the labels from four different varieties to 100 â€- ROLL “Deep Buttered Vegetables". Box 8312. Terminal "A", Toronto. R E Fl LLS FOT fl! Royal Guest Rindless Sliced ' FRESH! CALIFORNIA pioneer. I e LB. or t‘.5..~\. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ASPARAGUS NOW AVAILABLE! THE ALL NEW IGA GIFT CATALOGUE Pick Up Your Free Copy To-Day T Wlth bigger SEIECIIOH Â¥ Full of Famous Brands 1- Illustrated in full colour