Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Mar 1966, p. 6

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 31. 1966 YOUR COMMUNIT HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS YE THURSDAY MARKETPLACE SERVICES. FOR HOME AND BUSINESS â€"â€" LOOK THEM OVER AT YOUR LEISURE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word. minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. .7c per word. min. charge .00c. COMING EVENT NOTICE, 70 per word: min. charge $1.00 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per CARDS OF THANKS. ENGAGEMENTS. sertion week as possible but not. later than 10.00 aln on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone 1581011 In Richmond Hill. 88-1-- us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. 61:11 i V FVCIW-iâ€"O -â€"____ _ . I. MARRIED woman for typing and general office duties. 889- ARTICLES FOR SALE 1838. clwto FOR SALE ORIENTAL rife. 9332â€"1161111 KITCHEN iune' 5 piece‘. , ‘Mrs. Hill. 889â€"3675. c2w40 h HUB 7911 _2\,40 cheap. 488-1911. c2“ 40 7 _ ’_ .. c eap. ' ' L \ ’ ' "CLEANING woman , Wanted. BABY carriage. $25. oak buffet $10. 884-4953. c1w40 5 BUNK beds. brand new. cheap.l 488-7911. c2w40 26" Kelvinator electric range"tic plant. Full or part time. ____.. _ - __L~__-.L . good condition. $33. 339-6183- , . 9 2613 'I'WO 600 x 13- tubeless tires. c1‘..4()stczld.\ employment. 88 - 1 4.0 . . . .--_.7 L 7 _ ,- ._ (.... EELPEOPE E? 75:76 ”2‘40. ALL mctal rabbit cages \vllh BABY Pram, new.‘chea )E488-l . . . 7. i; _ 7 7911. Ic2w40 gifts-'92., and “atollng Sbcltszlo 8 hours weekly. in small nurs-l --â€"â€"â€"-â€"~~â€"-~â€"-â€"â€"-~~ - ' _ . ,â€" W. . in}; home. Li"ht duties. 889- -JOLLY Jumper. 884'4163- lKITCl-IEN nook. rcfrigeratorozgofi c c1w40 Cl“'4014 bar stools. TV and two bird cages. 773-5319. DRIVEWAY’GRAVEL COMPEETIfâ€"setâ€"ofdruins.~ one week old. 884-7010. c1w40 GIRL‘S CCM. bicycle, as new: Delivered in, small quantities. Highway. 889-7383. M..-401 28 ”2115;813:1939-2119 Ca“ c. L~ “We Bat-3351:. YOUNGâ€"man. ......i... ...-.- BABY Crib. new. cheap. 488-. in- $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the (Continueol 159. 1WEDDINGTdressfsizeâ€"lZine ’de sole. full length gown. 889- city-10 c1w40' single cord delivered 110W. 8U 1. iWELDER. preferably with HELP WANTED 1 HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUSI - TO RENT .orr‘lCE cleaners. Iiiale. part-i 'time. 884-2830. clw40. HARTâ€"time . llClFâ€"H'Ellâ€"tfxl. _ fort 'storc. 889-1947. c1\\'40i UT torch: experience. Permanent position. 140 hour week. 889-6211. ch-IO; NIACHINISTâ€"Rcobil'ctl. cxpcri-l 'enced preferred. Steady employ- ment. 884â€"6981. clw40 silAlilpb’o’ig'irl. fol‘ibeautyi WOMAN to clean weekly April. May and June. half-day 9 â€" 1. ;hours 8 am - 2 pm daily. 889- 5421 or 537-3398. c1w39 FEMXLETIactory help for plas- REGISTEREDWIIloseâ€"required,i RELIABL‘Evmanâ€"forgofficeiand. shop cleaning. Full time. Perin- ancnt position. Keelc alld No. 7 training by expanding manufac- MALE'CLERK ’ ~15Lum;triofn'ltil‘riN'G .rLTRNISIIED'antl"unitirfiiéh‘edi FULL time. Apply in pcrsrutl 5- MILLS & SON LTD. rooms. 889-17tfli. tfc19 NI rle\"s Foodland. Yonge St..: James D' Stewart TWO-bedroom apartment. 884-. i O i ' 884 9201 Richmond Hill. c17\\.19| ‘~ ”6435482. lfc37‘ FUl-LERKBI‘URShâ€"I‘equire 2 139' â€"â€" . -. -- -- "ARAR'I‘NIEN'I to rent. 832-2070, ies to service local route. ‘Pick PAlf‘Llif-szNg-APER tfc39 your own hours, I_op_earnmgs.7R E Dunni’l‘U 4-2798 “C? rooms partly furnished 889- Evenings call 889-5381. c-lw37 7'7 ‘ g 4 7 .. - < ..-. 4'17 _. 77 . . “'7’ -- “if 7 -. l' PAINTING. carpentry- \1'0rk7 alub7b01; . .- .â€" 7_‘(1\“10 EXPERIENCED tellel requucvcl‘dcrations. rec. rooms and i~e.'FUR.\'ISIIED cottage. small. .Ielephone 0r apply at the Roya pairs. 884-50097 tic-10 884-7284. ““40 - - - 7. -â€" A , â€" â€" Bank. heele and Highway SOL’TH of Richmond Hill. 2 bedrooms. heated. parking. 6:36- 4923. clw40 3000’widcatâ€"plant Dora-storage CARPENTRY WORK tfc36 5-5.. 5 AAA 7A- 1;Clls‘.0m budding additions. re-7' w)“; RESS ‘“ISSEFE‘TSCES:lcréqrpairs. renovations J. W. Curtis.l 0“ . ”I” a l * ‘ ‘ 5889-2494. tfc43 ’ . N.. R‘:hin 11d Hill. {-.. _ 77 a 7_ , ‘ionge St K O ticggi SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED al‘ca. .gvalézéblc at below acct-ago .-._.-.-,- -.- ' "AA' ,_ - ' 1N0 fllss. no muss don't cuss. rate, 89- 55. cltv-lo ' . ‘ .2 llirc- ',_. .7 ;L.., -.. -.‘ .- 7 EX'EHEIR[gallicadgignféliiililcfiidll l3ank call us. Phone 884-1168. 1‘ ice' 2 bedroom modern apartment. iiichommercc Maple Ont. 832_.cstlmates. V V , Alf-‘15.! fridge and 5”"9 and su'immine 8216 . tfc38 LET DON DO IT: lpfiol. 884-6148. “W40 DON BUTLER TV 884-3500 'BEDROOM. small sitting-room and bath. $15 a week. 884-7428, c1w40 5 room town house, 2 baths. all electric finished rec room. For information call 889-4690. *lw-IO FURNI'r'uR'E'bé’éiterind’drivert combined. Good working coudi-t ”633‘ tions. steady employment. bcnc- --.- ...- .L- . 7. - L . fits. Apply. Lamb the IVIO\teI'..E{‘l\Ll( “5 [0711‘ you; Sglndi‘grlgvg- _ ‘t-t' helx‘l . Op .801 an ac a .7 889 4911' Also pal nlle(.4\\,é73Pi'olnpt delivery. Reasonable‘ rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple, ”1832-8876. th7i i .IANITORIALMSERVICE tWEEKLY or monthly contracts invited. staff bonded and insur- _. ed. Call 884-7331 days. 633-0506 884-5482. tfcllfl rRURNISHED’roomfeooking fa- cilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east Road. Richmond Hill. WANTED 2 young ladies wish_abai‘tmcnt.‘evenings. tfc20 of Clarke‘s Drug store at yz?g294 cleaning 889-5927. 11038 IS YOURâ€"VDRIVEWAY ~-v- â€" ---.-- -v c - -, _..-._.1_, - - ., EXCELLENT furnished room. GRASS cutting for summerc “Film“ [Centre St West Parkind Liv . - . 't. "t ' .‘t c 2-; 'c. - - -- “ months. 884â€"3731- ”“40 mm 1 “I 1 line- on 1” ing room use. New furniture. Phone 884-7768. Free estimates! E'XDP’E'R'IVEN‘C’E‘D'elcaningt ““137 Phone 884-7252. ‘l‘l\\'39 7911- C2W40 $14 l’el‘ turer standard hourlv rate, 884- woman would like house work.‘___ 7 77 'A'1_bcrdi .L- _ ' ____...__,.__.,. _, 7 ... , . . ‘ ‘ 7 _ _‘ 7 7 . . - . 1 room apartment. very ELECTRIC steel Guitar. with .11.?”1°33“?55125155353223 [2171; 55577717 _ 7 _ 77_77_7 L7-7-_“1“49 878493007 aflfl 5' , ‘hi40.Plasglyafrfaliisivccgaflilf and close to shopping and transpor- Amplifier. like new. reasonable. 53d8q p ‘tfc34’JANITOR. Thornhill area. three LICENSED plumber desirestplastic Tile repairs years of tation. stove and frie supplied. 884-1901. Evenings. c1w40 ’ .. _ Râ€" ALE nights weekly. two hours per weekend 01' part time work. Call experience, in repair work.384.6335~ ”(.40 WESTINGHOUSE automatic FLOAT F0 5 evening. No 2experience ”ff-150 31137777336971_T -..Vliwtcjeorge. 884-7045. tfc18 BKCHliloâ€"0R1?)lldiiZAI‘tedl‘OOIl‘l “18511912 800d condition 525- Brand new tandem.4ton capac- Sa'y‘, 884'245' - C “‘ YOUNG MEN. '16-19- lQOkmg‘ CONCRETE MASONRY apartments. intercom and hal- 884-3893. c1w40 ity. all steel construction. l-a,m;57iII‘ULL time sales. men's alid for work. Anything conSIdered CARPENTRY c-(iNTRACTORS copies. phone 884-3345- fRIGIDA’fDE’ele’c‘triF‘st‘bve and $7511. 859-0851. c1w40 boys” wear. Apply Sarvette. Can you “11885128633” Sfflvgé‘Bundmg anemmm & repairs. ('4\\‘37 , , __~_'_ LA ..__---..,_._ V _ W ‘ . , _ . C i -. v- .7" .A.A -7. ...A--.‘ . \VEShmE machine. 384-5672 1 straight gas power mower. Yonge 8‘ Steeles. 889 3‘73“1\_740 “97155-131 ...â€"--. -.L, 7‘ prompt service '450 square ft office and storage _ clw40 20" cut with adjustable wheels. __7__L-_-_L_L__.‘ ‘ L EXPERIENCED demographelw WALKER & MITCHELL space. 376 Enford Rd. Rich- BROADLOOM i-ugs‘ 9-537â€"1‘2; Just used 1 year. 884-3731. iOPENING available for Beauty wisties to do typing or book- 889-2526 th8 mond Hill. 884-6331 01. 773_ brand new. cheap. 433-79117 *lw40lCounselor. will train. Commis- keeping for small local firm.tâ€"â€"â€"â€"~-â€"â€"RALPH ELMSâ€"D-ECTRATINI‘; 5781. c2w40 "_ . c2w40 USED pine lumber. 1" andâ€"2" 2221253135 bonus. Mrs. Nezbjitd gfiflgf‘F-éLL-chjfl] Painting. paper-hanging. inte.._'2_Beth-0011i;apartmcnt.$l25bit ‘REFRIGEâ€"RA'ITO‘R. good condi- also John Manville siding. doors. ' '---L- ? c ‘ FEMALE UNIVGI‘SI‘W Student‘jor and exterior. Free estimates.,m0nlh~ centrally located [or tion. reasonable. Phone 884- 7197. TRAILER, 1958 3 ft. Chev. piEitl barn siding. two 200 gallon oil czwggitanks. 889-2453 after 6 pm C 1w40' up body. New 6-ply tires and tubes. $135. 859-0851. clw39 ANTIQUE piEe. walnut. brass and copper. also Doulton and glassware. 884-2865. c1w40 89" BED. spriRg and mattress, almost new. $35. 889-3814 after 7 c1w40 7 WEDDING Dress. size 15, lace. full skint with train. 884-6749. clw401 GARDEN tractor with all at- 3. room suite. including Mr. and Mrs. dresser. Washing machine. excellent condition. 889-2240. and 5. one turquoise. sizes 4 and 5. 2 piece b1 2 BOYS‘ blazers. 0nd. REFRIGERATOR. A1 condition $50. \vasmng machine $15. baby lbathinette $10. child's folding table and 2 chairs $5. 889-2892. c1w40 modern C red. 5153‘4 2 girls' suits. one gold. 1 I b36- 1w401 EXPERIENCED service station attendent. for garage. in Maple. Mature. married man preferred. 832-2381 c1w40 WE require young lady with grade 12 education for general office work. Write Box 84. The Liberal. c1w40 WAREHOUSE man, permanent position. Keele and No. 7 High- way. Must have car. Truck driver also required. Phone 889- 1138. c1w40 ERRERIENCED structuralis’tefiel fitters and welders and burner. Required for progressive shop with children. 889-6058. WELSH pony and would like summer job. May to C 11 88-1 6248 shopping. schools. etc. 884â€"3720. September. a - . c1w40 HALL FOR RENT Available for weddings. .Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc 31 E. w. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types' of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l'i MASONRY CONTRACTOR . Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. .Ostergaard. 16 Elizabeth St. 5.. Richmond Hill. phone 884- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations. garages. recreation rooms. tile floors, No job too *Iw40l MAN withâ€".pick-up‘tI'tiCkaaIits‘ job of cleaning. basements and ban- vards. Reasonable rates for 5011- Hall. c1w40 toria Square Community 886-5409 for rates. HfiNEWMARKETâ€" Four young business people to share new furnished apartment. 5 rooms. washer and dryer iii- cluded. 895-2482. cIW40 RICHMOND Hill Capri apart- ments. 180 Bayview Ave, mod- ior citizens. 884-7888 - Anytime. *2w40 M PETS FOR SALE BOXER female. 1’12 years. good c1w40 saddle. $7755 c1w40 Complete. 889-6804. balcony. parking. $110. Superin- 2'1‘00 isqfft.’ factory ispace. Ohiol quets. meetings. Catering. Vic-' ern one bedroom apartmentsd In IRemortam USED CARS 1 Transportation 1936 llolfrrton 7 Chev. V pickup. WANTED to arrive zit Kiiie'zind 8150. 833-5294. cliv-ltl Yongc 813 .' 1 .' ' n W 111-» C . . ’ - » 4311 and» 3 11:.- éggifgihfmun SPARKES-Jn loving memory ["3“ pm“. good running vondl- ‘ i l i I ‘Vclu-ltl ol' Sydncy Slilirkes u ho puss- 1011.7 hone 88-1-1410. nr-u-lt) cd awoy Mm“. 3] 1964. 1960 Karmann Gillit. recently â€".__â€"_____ If 1 had all the world to Lll\’(‘. overhauled. 297-1257. (-11140 BOATS In a w l'd :lvc it. yes and mol‘v. 4 J ‘ V‘ E ' ' t I ' ‘ \V \ ‘ CARS and trucks. picked tip fol" -V -- OR b‘XLIJ 1” “5“”. her ‘01“ ‘md “L h” tSCl‘ap- 889-6640. (-1“ .10 \\ lLl. trade car-top prom and ““119 ‘1‘160 Yolk “El“(‘llili’lllii ood n 1‘: hp motor for 14‘ 01‘ 115‘ And 91001 her at liiy door i . ' 's ' ‘. L‘ co â€" .. . . . . . . . o ' . '1 ‘. R - 23:. - , But all 1 can do. deal motliei. «(lltlml 5273. 832-1155. cliv-tt) ‘ 35‘” -8 4 l ”,“4” Is no and tend your grow. And leave behind tokens of love To the best mothcr God ever mode. 1 like to think. when life is done. -\-l-7CISTER.\'.\. Bruce and Evelyn. Wherever lic'ivcn may he 179617Yolkswagcn De luxe. with radio. Will sell reasonable. C1111 after " 889â€"6021. clw40 1. 1.96571110ch ‘ Honda? 50 cc. .condition. best offer. 88-l-.'19‘.25.l> 3115 Mill Street. Richmond ’l‘h't 71 .11 1 717 l' 7 71 I] i . c2\\‘-ltli Hill. are happy to announce (llocdw )e 5 ”mm- A w 11955 Austin 6-cylindcr settand ll‘? ‘ll'l'l‘i‘lj‘l ”‘0” “m- Jol‘“ Up their to welcome mo in. good ”mm”: til‘tlt‘l‘. Siltâ€"Ll Mic-11:01. 1 lbs...- Alitt't‘ll ‘34. Sadly lllis‘st‘tl m, the ““le 889-4300. after 6 pm. clw-ltl 1966, at Mount Sinai Hospital. ‘ ' ”“746 t _ 7 _ ‘ 7 7 lol‘onto. .\ brothcr for Alfie. .. 1959 Morris-Oxford. Series 3. Mark and Paul clw-ltl ‘ i . iExccllcnt condition. «I scat-belts! r >1: ... r MATHESON' George \1'. _' In loving memory of a dear hus- band and father who passed away March :10. 1.065. One year has passed since that sad day 339':- 2'7-‘7‘1'?2397;7777 #““leLL‘KOVI'I‘Sâ€"Joc .‘llid Lynda 175 cc 1962 Allstate motor-j are happy to announce the cycle. excellent condition. $200.1 arrival of their sccond daugh- iCall 889-2 after six. clu-Itlv for. at York Central Hospital. JO! _ -. 77 7 7 77 7, 'I‘IU': 11y. Mi -- 24. 9'11 .18 \Io-lksumt‘n standout. _oodi 1 I“ i “(h 1 (I: 40 When one we loved was called tcondltloii $22.). 884-7033. 1’ 77 ( \ awav '. clw-ltli ‘ - V ' i " : 7 .L/.. '7 ~ . . -- th‘RD ()l“ TH‘ANKS (Jod- took him home â€"â€" lt was ‘1960 -\U5lm 83"- '“ excellent I wish to express thanks to .H'“: MH' condition. Phone 884'539”' ‘my friends and neighbors for “3112131” Our hearts he livcth S . clw-ltl' - . - . . .- . th ‘1' 1a d. tlt wcrs and kind - . _ Ll k l \ J Sadly missed by Wife Annie. daughter Louise and son-in-law John. clw40 {1959 Consul. good conditi0ll.ivisits to me during my stay in 16150. or best offer. 684-1223. hospital. also to the Rev. M. Jen- cl\\‘~ttlikiilson and to lcllow members .1953 'Vniksiranenf’st-ries 1500.“?C ,TCR'W‘ “may . 5““001- lBest offer. Private. 887-3893. Spectal thanks to Dr. I‘LlllCI‘lml. 17 ““4001: Saunders. Dr. llardy. and (_ - 7 ____ 110 the nurses ol‘ the pediatric ‘17338 Fmd' \iB.â€"$99. 19'” D‘XIl-m'lfloor. York Central Ilospital. (1 cylinder. $9.). 19.77 Ford 6.: Gary Burbiduc $70. 884-6269. cluâ€"lt); “W40 ‘17965fiHondaiiAl_shape. V 7381 ‘miles. Any reasonable offer lac-WARD OF THANKS cepte_d. Phone 889-4319. (32\\'39jCL.-‘\RKâ€"We would like m ex- Illi- 1DlCEMAN~In lovin: memory of a dear motller alid grandâ€" mother Edith Maud who pass- ed away March 31. 1955. In our hearts your memory lili- gcrs. lchctly tender fond and true. There is not a day. dear mother. That we do not. think of you. .- W- - L. .- 7 _ LovinEly remembered by OLD CARS and trucks pickedlljmss 01” deel’ gratlttitc to m“7.lohn. Winnie and drandchith ‘ ‘ ‘ .. . .__ 7. . . ' . K, . up 101 bCIdD- 1 hot” PltlxllD-mam relatives. filcnds and drcn Norm, Linda. Carol. Mar- 889â€"2761 351.- for Mei. tfc13 neighbours for their many acts 0- a t g . _ ‘A lot kindness. beautiful flot‘al~’:'le nc tetc. ““40 i *‘ii * :. :1, 7K *iitikdt 11954 Ford 3-ton"truck715‘ plat-i 7.b L _7 7‘ 7 d 7 71 1 iform, good condition. Eit'ccllcntflll u 8511' “”15 I‘m” “9135, Vi’vSTUNDEN-Jln loving memory ‘for farm work. Price $150. 884szmpat l m HQ 055 Of d “3‘“ 3‘ of a dear mother alld grand- loved husband. father and ' tfc32l . mother. Oliv. V" 10" ' - grandfather. Our special thanksI passed away CADl.i‘lC1”-f933ho 1956 Chev. for wreckind. V-8. ._ ~ 2 -h- i . 265. 4â€"barrcl carburetor. powcrig)...Dl(3..:ll:;ll$‘ [Tile :3th C(il 231121113621;th Strange that those pack. heads. and dual exhausthrim. Busti Hospital. the Ogden And those WP IMO the b- t .5100 832‘1434‘ llc""'4O‘Ftiiiet'a1 Home and Rev. John‘M? iusl the ones Godwcalled 2 door, Forbes for his consoling wordsl‘ ' ‘ 17774. 179760-Meteor7 Montcalmi _ 7 away. hardtop. good condition. Reason-.and the beautiful serv1ce hetAnd took them home to rest able. evenings. 889-5155. ‘COntlUClC‘l- Every time I think of you Mum city-IO . 1 > a _ Mrs. W. L. Clark and familyl seem to near God say, 1956 International 1 ton. van ““40 Have faith and trust my proni- truck. Good motor Cc body. Full . y it * isc. ‘price $175 or best offer. 889-1CARD 0P THANKS You’ll meet again some day. ‘6804. clw39 I would like ‘0 EXDI'CSS Sadly missed and never to he AA 1 ’ ’ ‘ ’ ’ “lSDG-‘Clal thanks 10 DI‘S- McPhee. forgotten. Daughter Helen. Soli- ‘ A‘TENTION TRUCKERS 'Blake.\‘ and Bate and all HUI‘SCS in-law George. Grandsons Chris and staff for their ereat kindâ€" and DaVid. ness to me during my stay at ivork Central Hospital. ' Mrs. Doris Lcith3 llf you are looking for used} ttrucks. parts. tires or accessor-l clw40 lies. see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts 8; Sales. Old AlllNo. 11 Highway. Holland Land-1 th3-l: * a * plied: TV. outlet and balcony. 1953 Chevrblet cab and ChassisiCARD 01,- THANKS SUll ZEN-“11955 gll’lS- $13 a week hydro type line truck equipped: W.3 wish to express our s-m_ caclt 08 Richmond Stl‘eet 884-twith the following: line hnciymere thanks to an em. friend; clw-lt) 31928815 COMEK. \t’ioletâ€"Suddenly at the York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill on Saturday, tachmen-ts. Excellent condition. metal beds with s fin s. 833- in North West area. 889-6285.}11flL-G613D’ARD [oi- pt-ofes. small. Free estimates. '1‘. Price 389-7237- clw40 54107 p g c1w40 Ml‘- Vozel. ““33 sional Poodle clipping 7783 339-3653- tfc2_§_tendent.884-6654. _02‘_V3‘91 TAN colored‘HQERWRveEd'iEEe 65.: sea-0...... 3;... '20"’e.-tsuMliiiT Gitâ€"11'8â€" CEiTntrT Ciiib Yonge Street. Thornhill. 889â€" CHIMNEYS LARGE 3 room apartment. 7 p ket size “'38 $930- 884'6452- coryd. Csord size 3‘ x 4‘ f: 15'? 1 requires waiters. cleaners. ladies 3606- F411}? Chimneys built and repaired, utilities and frig and stove sup- ms. 890-4666. *lw40 year seasoned Maple $16 per stewardess. 2nd. cook. occasional AQUARIUMS: tropical fish; Free estimates. Expert Work- COLONIALâ€"3 pieee Chesterfield cord. 8' x 4' x 16". Delivered “9711’- §l‘°e shin“ “Penence complete line of supplies. Early mafia? 82332535 walk” “35‘; suite. new. cheap. 488-7911. 773-5368- c2w39‘piefer1ed. Apply Managigwo spring specials. 1 Richardson THIORNHILLâ€"‘ITAWV_E7QUIPO 5978 clw39 c2w40 _._,_-Â¥-. ‘1" 5‘"; _ 77 ' Drive. Aurora. *2wS9. 1 - ’7 -W7 4_ 7 7 _ PURCHASING a pamtmg' SMAN - A AA’ ’AA " MENT WENMAR APARTMENTS ONE twin carriage. One sinâ€"g1; carriage. Two car beds. 884- urst Street. north of Mill Street,;] c1w40 Richmond Hill. 'Phone 884-45685 7541. WEDDING dress with head m appmmmem‘ 62“"39‘}Z.1Â¥L3T13bTil‘iikiiiiaeiisiiimmhi piece. cocktail dress. sherry.’ ANTIQTJES ‘pditiitmeii’tlfnl ' - 22:71:30 colour. Size 14. 884-6065. c1w401 A .-.-.-_-.,.- A" “ T UTILITY trailer. well built 4‘ ti (11105. Pine. glass. etc. week day Visit the Garret Gallery. Bath-ISALE Millstone An-’ aftern 00115.; by 6‘3‘with spare tire. ExcellentiThursday and Friday evenings.'turer Should have typing and condition $70. 884-5929. c1w40'All day Saturday. Across from general office experience. Own HONEY Northtown Plaza. . c1w40 transportation an advantage. WERNER BAYVIEW - Fifeshii‘e District. M1" Rmhal‘dswv 8894965 889-2724 tfc21 approximately 45 yards. grey _A7~ ~_ 91mm box. propane stove. Sleeps 6. . Car hitch included. $1.000. Phone 773-5083. clw40 SINGER electric dryer. like, new. Crosley Shelvador Refrlg-l erator. Acme electric apartmentl size range. 889-2230. c1w39 GREY Persian ia‘ckei. $100,- boy‘s camel jacket. size 16. Lady‘s new winter coat. size 12. 884-2865. c1w40 TRAIRST-iding boots. nieit'S black. size 9; ladies‘ brown. size 6. knee length. 884-3189. p ________ clw40. TOOL SHED. in sectionsT-large enough for small car. lst house north of Orange Home. Yonge s . lplow aild disc. $260. Can be seen tf025 t' ““40‘81 Reliable Mowels Richmond ' " "7 - ‘ ’1 '7‘ .._‘-.-.______- â€"-~-â€"- . ' ‘ '. EXPERIENCED clerk - steno- FRAMING. custom and ailthuelHilL 884-4464. ”€39 drapher shorthand required Ruthe Calverley Gallery. 50 â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"-':~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"l_: 7 ‘ f. 7. . . ; NEW AND UbED APPLIANCE.goyernmcnt of ICE. \lcmll). Yonge Street, 5.. Richmond‘ Hill. tfc35 DRY white pine firewood blocks. approx. 3 ton lots. 88. Must be dumped. Cadillac Lum- her. 889-4973. tfc20 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc361 FIREPLACE logs. carefully selected. seasoned. m o s t l y Maple. $15 single cord. 14' by 8‘ by 16") delivered. Alvin Baker.. 889-2436. tfc35 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Windows. doors. awnings. sid- ing. patio. enclosures. buy dir- ect from the manufacturer and save. For El spacious ool. lCompletely snowblade. AL 540. 221-4151. all wool twist, broadloonl in one piece. Good condition. $150 also 2 cllestcrfield chairs, like new. c1w40 etc. 297-1257. EIOA'l’EtcTréEeT’e'éiieTed sli grounds. WHEEL-HORSE tractor. 4. hp. overhauled. mower HOT point wall oven and 4 ring cooking top. both fully au-l tomatic. Frigidaire Imperial au- tomatic washer: 14 cubic ft. G~E-l“'1‘he Liberal“ requires a car-l frig. some articles of furniture clw40 PARTS for '17s. swimming Morgans Marina on the Holland River. Newmarket 895- 6051 or Toronto 363-3297. c4w38 with attachment, Wringer rolls. gears. belts. stove elements etc. Math's TV and Appliances. Industrial Road. 884-7903. all makes] 45 c2w40 Sales and Service \rilinqs. Quality UMINUM-PRODUCTSW Free pick-up and delivery [orlnoon i‘e-glazing. Free estimates. Alu-i niinum doors. windows. siding.l-~â€" w instaiiationiMATURE ladies needed Call York Aluminum Installer-Pleasant. interesting work \\llllfâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" {tion and Sales Co. 88-1-4558. for progressive noving and storage company» Local applicants preferred. Apâ€" YbUNG woman for pay roll dc- partment of Maple manufac- JUNE 15th opening for senior secretary capable of supervis- ing stenoeraphic staff: 35 hr week. good fringe benefits. sal- ‘ary open. Thornhill area: Write Box 28 “The Liberal". tfc39 : ’cA’RR'IERâ€"bov 'OR‘GIRIT i rier boy or girl for an establisll- ,ed Liberal route in the Thornhill. iarea west of Yonge Street. Please phone Mr. Cunliffe. Cir- culation 889-3316. nc3w371 REAL ESTATE career for men- or women. free extensive train- ing program. special assistancel7 to new starters. top commis-‘ sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited. 222-2525. 1 Richmond Hill. Transportation‘ .provided. State experience and. give references. Write Box 83l "The Liberal". city-10‘I GROUNDSMEN 1 Now hiring for seasonal help.l Apply to Mr. Norman It'IcKenna.. iGreens Superintendent. Summit Golf and Country Club or phone 884-4797. 7.30 ain - 8 am. 121 - 12.30 and after 4.30 pmfl c1w40l forl Sarah Coventry. Turn your} c10w39 spare time into cash for that Larry Bartholomew. 884-2873 -roak drop-leaf desk 530- 889-1471. BEAUTYREST. brat-siialiTSini-l mons, Serta. Seely and other, spring mattresses repaired. re-' 1 12 Centre St. E. 88-1-1853 or 884-6412 clw-IO tfclSlRicllmond Furniture 8: Antiques DRIVING turned just like new. medium firm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. 889â€"1591. tfc44 i. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale tn- eluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates availâ€" B able to students. ti B 'new. on. igh Plaz crib. Cost aby icycle. large Boy‘s. ahnOst newlsary and continued assistanc 522, ElziulFor interview appointment ca chairs 3. open & Friday cl w-ttll BARGAIN natural 5-12. cost 8-18.95. sell cash. wood. sell cash. lGOOD buys ill boys‘ & girls' winter coats. Attractive gradua- confirmation & brides- inaids' dresses. Baby carriages. bassinettcs. ‘Y.\\’.C.A. Re-sale Sllop. Allen- court Saturday .131. and like $12. CHE-RRYWOOD chest of Tdraw- special vacation. 'I‘ransportation ers of high quality 575. Jacob- free estimates ca“.lean Oak high back chair S40. needed. Call for interview in Ithe privacy of your home. 888- ‘1193. or 621-5353. instructors neededl lfor both part. and full tiine.l with own car. Instructor‘s per- lnit not a must. we will help you: acquire same. Must be over 21 ,years of age. and presently holdt a driver's licence. Top com-t lmissions paid for both automa- tic aild standard shifts. Inter- ested persons call 88-1-4113. Cl\\’40 “RICHMONDAHILLASALES; (Opening for two salesmen or salesladies iii busy successful. long etablished Richmond Hill. Realty Office. Training if neces- c. 11 $40. Miss Collins. 884-3686. “LOOKING FOR A SPEC c1w40 - EXCELLENT home want‘ed’IBE purebred Samoyed. 10 monthsnFor repair and sharpening 0f your lawnmower call 889-5517 for free pickup and delivery. Reasonable. c1w40 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered -â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon frieze €99. One-bedroom apartments avail- able. Modern apartment build- ing, elevator. F...M balconies. 165 Colborne. 884-6263. c1w40 [AL ~ 7 EASTER GIFT?” tft3 White miniature poodle puppies. excellent bloodline. champion 5 years guarantee_ Terms if de- SlOck- 650- 884-5563- {1340 sired. A. Smith. Upholstery. WANTED ROARDING. clipping. bathing. Phone 339-1583 “€43 TO RENT pet accessoues for all bleeds o CAREFUL family. requn-es 4_ dogs and cats. licenced board- CARPENTRY . _ ing kennel and pet shop. Owned Custom built homes. renova- bedroom house. reasonable-tents. and operated by Philip and tions. additions. and repairs mime 222:5}28'.’_‘HX3 Jane Hersom. Do: in the Winâ€" Kitchens :1 specialty. Morris 2, 3 or 4 Bedroom house in dow. 2615 Yonge 488-7752. Herâ€".Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45;RiClllIIOII(l Hill. by Apl‘il 20- som's Kennel. Dufferin St. 889-1 HOMâ€"Eâ€"IMPROVMNTS.‘884‘4613' *1w40 6772' 3Vbed1‘oom house in Richmond Hill area. Reasonable rent. Ref- C3W381Recreation rooms. garages etc. ,Carpet. Armstrong flooring, ex- lpert installations. Lumber and erences. 884-2230. ClW-IO PERSONAL .bunding supplies- Call MF- Lynn ROTC/thfilrslieâ€"dfcentiialmRich- A AlH & G' Lumber Company 889' mond I-Iill. Private. 884â€"6789. Do you have a drinking prob-16522. 222-2845. “033 ““40 lem. If so AA can help. Writer Box 84, Richmond Hill. or call EM. 6-8684. tfc17 Expert teacup and card reader on all problems of life. Readings; UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING â€"â€" RESTYLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- anteed work. Active Upholstery. THREE-bedroom detached home in Richmond Hill by May 1. Reliable tenants. Will sign le'ise. 884-7579. c3w38 also at parties and gatherings. 889-5345 BASEMENT apartment wanted 889-5620. c4w40-884-1981 Residence 884-4813tb-V _Apl‘ll 13- Young coupleL ab- Waldâ€"IZIyâ€"in‘IAQS-Q‘P636F011 tfc14stainers. references. 884-732(838 anvone witnessin accident' HOME . _-- . - . .. .. . - ..-. March 19‘ 4 pm. gYOng andi IMPROVEMENTS RELIABLE tenants. need 3 bed- Crosby Avenue. please writel Kitchens, Rec. ROOMS. room “01159 by _AP1'll 30- Rea- ‘Box 31 ”The Liberal". “(.40 Flooring, Panelling, sonable rent. References. Phone _. A._ ._,_- _~,-- - Bathrooms 884-6703. 61040 GLADYSâ€"If your small appli- ance is not working â€" call 884- 1380 after 5 pm, or on Satur- days â€" for fast economical ser- vice. c2w39‘ LOANS $50 - 55.000 1 FAST SERVICE ATLANTIC FINANCE Corporation Ltd. 20 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hillt 884-4458 - 889-5562 Budget Plan Available Bowden Lumber Contract Division 889-4921 or BA1-9316 Evenings 889â€"4404 RELIABLE tenants. want 5 or 6 room house in or around Rich- mond Hill. willing to pay up to $130 monthly. 884-1919. 3 or 4 bedroom house. posses- 51011 April 30. option to buy $140 monthly. Richmond Hill 884â€"4329. tfc34‘ SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 bedroom house. to rent in Wil- *RVENTALLâ€".â€"-II YONGE N. rSPANISH grammar tutor for iRug shampooers. floor mach-{first year student. Richmond ines. tools. chairs. 88-1-6761, Hill area. Phone 884-5708 after tfc31 5. city-10 .. - - . .L 7 7 7 ENTALS 5 chest of drawers or dressers COTTAGE TO RENT 13111511er Lille. month 61 PORTABLE Tv R l... H. SIMS racing set complete. 2 cars Mrs. Wilson or Mr. McLean 389.'Ju1y. $500. 4-bedroom. lake- BY DAY. WEEK 0R MONTH. and 5 kitchen chairs Not more 88 Baker Ave. mounted. extra track: ctc.. 1176. David 11"].can Ltd. llead front cottage. All inside con- RICHMOND HILL T“. ithan $5 to S7 for dressers and Richmond Hill 884-1745 new 83-1. sell cash. 88. Phone Off'ces, 74 Steeles Avenue \‘cvicliccs. boat and motor. 83‘2- 884-7456 - 889-3756 82 per chair. 1389-2923. “’04:? 884-6467. clulOWest. cl\\39 [2416. Cl\\-10t tic33 €l\\-ll) .. ‘1959 Chev. Bel Al *‘Iw-lOl 0211-10“ COUPLE. 1 child requireâ€"twol lfwlth Crew compai‘tmlenll. doubletand neighbours who were so .cable heavy duty “11““ he"“»V‘\‘r.*l'7v kind and helpful during duty 900'“ New “”7““ and our recent bereavement. Special‘ tiransmlsslon recently Installed. thanks to the doctors and staff 1 - . Vehicle can be seen 731’ Hydlomf York Central Hespital. Reva: .Warehouse. 104 Newklrk Road'iDonald Bone of St. Mary‘s Anâ€"t March 26. 1966. Violet, Comck. dear mother of Norma. Dor- een and Jim. Beloved sister of May. Elinor and Betty. Service was held at the R. S. Kane Funeral Chapel (Yongc St. at i?844466 ' A] Horwood. Super-gum“ Church and for the many Sheppard Avet on Tuesday ‘mtendent. - . beautiful floral tributes. ‘ at 1:30 pm. Interment York Lucy-01d, -’i'-“J"Yd’°'_.- .C.-l.\\40i MVS~ Charles Matthews 5‘" Cemetery. *lw40 WHOLESALE CARS TO BE sons Charles H. and Roger s. a ... .-. l. SOLD TO THE PUBLIC ‘ ‘1961 Pontiac Parisienne. 4-doori ‘ sedan. V8, automatic.CARD 0F 1 power steering. power 1 brakes ‘ Licence No. H70590 ‘ 4-door ell/<40 DIBB. James Neillâ€"Suddenly at Jefferson. on Friday March 25. 1966. James Neill Dibb. beloved husband of Ada Gra- ham. dcar stepfather of James Graham. Thelma and Bar- bara. in his 70th year. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held ill St. John‘s Anglican Church. Oak Ridges. Wednesday at 2 pm. Interment adjoining cemctery. c1w40 x >11 at- s THANKS . We would like to thank our fr‘cnds . neighbors. relatives and Temperanceville WI for the1 lovely going-away party held at‘ sedan'l.'l‘empcninceville School on $299lMavch 18. ‘7 r 4-door. V8.‘ The gift of money. clock and automatic Lie. No. 321842 WI pin was very lnueli $399appreciatcd old your kindness 1959 Ford Wagon. V8‘ autoina-lWlll always be remembered. 7 tic. Lie. N0. 3779K 5299 Beverley and Isobel Neill. . *1w40 l Folks Game A Lang Way To DeaI‘At ‘ LITTLE FORD led and cheered me with gifts $6997 1961 Vauxhall. ‘ Licence No. 1158949 in v- s * FINDLAY. Gladys Violaâ€"At York Central Hospital. Sun- day March 27. 1966. Gladys Viola Virtue. beloved wife of x=krk>k ‘CARD or THANKS l Many thanks to all the friends land neighbors who remember- . 1L0catiojn. nly . 7 7 7 7 the late Talbert Findlay. of l ' PHONE 8,89‘1'105" :iishgg“de:.:‘in“Lind: 1.22;“ 3,323. ’l‘hornhill. dear mother of Ola l clw40‘in York Central Hospital. 1811‘st Walker! and [Fll’e’i‘l' ”Thanks to all the nurses and :‘lgé’Agi'dndlgfitlle: 0}! Gald' _’ ., _ 7 7 ‘ 7 t ra . r ene. iris opler all BOA’FS ' DIOTORSEligi-ialmihaiilk: tOCLD‘i‘fl Wig/2:5! John. in her 74th year. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held Wed- nesday at 3.30 pm. Interment Thornhill Cemetery. clw40 >t’< *1 >61 FRY. John R.~Suddenly at, his residence. RR. No. 2. Gormâ€" ‘15‘ Petel'boro boat & 10 hp and Dr. Kerr. iJohnson Motor. $295 cash. 88-1- Mrs. George Taylor 16782. *lw40 clw40 ‘ONE 18‘ Delcraft run about 3‘ . :with 40 hp. Johnson motor and CARDS Ol‘ THANKS _ l'l‘ee Nee trailer. all in excel- ’10 my friends relatlves and lent condition $1,175 or nearest neighbours. who kindly rememd- an air-'- 1k offer for quick sale. May behel'ed lne “'llll flowers. fruit . i- .. , .. lseen at 170 ’I‘rayborn Driveicél'ds during my stay in “95' 1136602; llii:l;(71iililv:iliici\ile2n‘i: 1884-5214. ”Wm-pital. I “15h to expiess my 5m” her of the Canadian Kennel cere thanks aild special thanks‘ to the staff at York Central ‘Hospital and attending doctors. Joe Roberts c1w40 Club. Funeral service was held Tuesday from the Cruik- shank Funeral Home. Halifax. Funeral arrangements by the G DRESSMAKIN ‘7ALL kinds ol’seTiâ€"in’g. alter-a! Mgr. R. G. (Bob) Huvhes lowdale. Thornhill or Richmond . . a tfc7t Hill area for May 30th. wmdtlons, Slip covers made, etc. 884- s. .. 4 t. Riphcr Funeral Home. 1216 ' Box 85. “Tile Liberal”. *l\\'40 4347' “C32CARD or THANKS ””89 St N“ R‘Cl‘mondd‘ilw , - _-,_ *‘.A'A"A'A'AA ‘._-'=___.__â€"â€"â€"_â€"-â€"â€"â€"== THOMPSON â€"~ In the midst of I , ‘ RELIABLE. adult tenants scekl / ‘ _‘ .j' ‘ .-- "; _ * II: 2t it ROOM and BO-ARD ’ ~' ' house 01‘ bungalow. 3 bedrooms. FIXRE“ our 701,1,0?‘ “f,“llsh to gm?” HILL. Lindsay Leonard ‘Lenl *~-~'--»1-- "-5-“ WECIEAN W ...-.91.... i. m‘ IMPIEMFNTS W‘ WW ...»..- Ln... . ...-..i in... ... ROOM a\ailable. board optional. BRAINS lfiood shape Will pay 3 montlls J L J . clatlon to our many relatives. Yotk Cential Ho pita] Rich D ' ‘ l _ A" A" A' A 5 7â€" , -(, . ‘ ' 5 7 -. ‘ - Close to bus. 889-3270. . , . .7 item in advance. 884-6813. ‘2 Fun“... 1110“: 3 point hitch. friends and nci_hbols 101 the mond Hill on Saturday March ““39 chi-108842337- ““40 kindness and sympathy shoun 26 19(“‘ l‘Kd '1 'd RTCTCI-‘ilâ€"féln‘d boardâ€"IraRtefd_in Sewers cleaned . us in the loss of our beloved 1111 “(by ”1" 536V ”490"?“ country home or farm. for “ll-hm“ digging t _ LOST A husband and father. Walter (Lake li'vbaiinei- ‘3” H‘i‘hsvi‘é“; young man. 444-2944. "lw40. or tearing up pipe. ‘V ANT‘ED A . 77777 7 7 Ihompson. We especially wish fir. Richmond Hill dear [ROOM and‘ifilifi‘fiiil’éfilfin c. STUNDEN _ l--â€" 7_ 7:77 74 4 WHITE Samoyed pup. Regis-1.”.‘lllainl‘.milllf‘rlle‘}ELIE-$0.1“ mm... 0. Ruth .M..‘5_ Rm, 1 .1 - y (1 .884-1245 Richmond Hill LIVING-room chair. wood tcred. 884-1900, clw-lt] .0' 15 “"1501”? “01(5' 3 .119 B 1 it p w I « d adut home- (058 10 onse- .7 7 177" _ -_ L 7,- _ 7_- (mm-S ..r the mam- beam...” 9mm. xemae 1- «111 parking. Gentlemen preferred. lange. outboard “101011 “he LITTLE red 1182011 on Lucas {10...1 offerinm the calltc'ire‘s Leonard. Rested at the Pip- 88-1-7940. *lw-IO . watertank. 884-7703. \Cl‘VWtSti-ect. on Saturday. 881-7541. amid”... ping; Fun'em’ 1‘10"“; her Funeral Home, 125 You'le EEDERLleâ€"aâ€"dy wants l‘oloiniifk T001 & EQUIpment OUTBOARD motor. HP. or age clwlt) h... their kind and efficient St. N. Richmondufllll, Serâ€" .boai-d in comfortable home, RENTA ls not important if It IS in fair management of. thc service. ”(... “33 held on lucsday at \\‘itli kind lady: urgent. in Rich- *‘ COIIdlIlOll._8B;l-1919. » ”lb-10 DA}? CLARE Mrs. Connie 'l‘hompson. 3 pm. Interment Aurora Comâ€" mond Hill. Write BOX 30 “The. TV RENTALLS WANTED to purchase. bar for 7 ~ _ i Audrey and .‘tlvin. etery. ““40 Liberal". C3“'39 Lowest rates from $2 a \veek..l‘ecrcation room. 889-6319. M01 HER ”“9“: (5193“ home *11140 HCI‘l‘ld"e TV 884-3211. tt‘cS-li ”“40 and loving care to school age , - .- ° ' -~--â€"-- A - Club or THANKS children or young baby. Monday (Engagements ‘throuqh Fridayl‘rayborn Drive. \11- ,\ R Young and MIMI)" 884-4816. Cl‘-\'-lllulsh to thank their relatives- _,__'_- ll'lCllfls and neighbors for i'low- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Paxton 7 ci's. cards and many acts of announce the engagement of l__QEA]2A§T>()C71_\_7A kindness diirin: their recent their datizhtcl‘ Leste to Gary “ANTED all klnds of dead an- bcremement, with a <pcc1al Donald. son of Mr. and Mrs imals. For fast servlcr call TU thank you to Rev C Hl‘ngllSOIl danfihi Donald. Elflin )lllls -2538 or ZEmth 3-2800. License and the Pipiicl' Funeral Home ‘l'eddln: to take place, October ..Vo. 20-1-62. tfcali win-10.1.3. 1966. citric

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