alcohol tent heater, $15 4864. VACUUM cleaner. in excellgnt condition, for home or cottage, reasonable. 889-1597. c1w45 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Windows, doors. awnings. sid- ing. patio. enclosures. buy dir- ect from the manufacturer and save. For free estimates call: Larry Bartholomew. 884-2873 - 889- 1471. [IL-15 BEAUTYâ€"REST. Marshall Sim- mons, Serta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired, re turned just like new. medium firm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. 889-1591. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Speclal rental rates avail- able to students L. H. SIMS ADMIRAL refrigerator, in gooa condition, $45. Call 773-5231. af-ter 6 pm. c1w45 WHITE “eddihigidrâ€"ergs-ize 12 spotless, phone 884-6597. R.C.A. Victor 21".7complevteTy overhauled. $69. 884-7456. 40" Moffatt ele’c'u'ic range. ECâ€" cellent condition. 884-1598. condition, for home or cottage, CHEST of drawers. Regency reasonable. 889-1597. c1w45 style, beautifully finished $35. GIRL guide’s dress, $2.50. 13m Large square antique lamp blazer. size 10. $1. Tent, $15. table, pedestal base, 550- An- 884-1048. c1“,.45tique pine student’s desk $40. W 834-1383- 01MB BOY’S 28" CCM bicycle. exâ€" cellent condition, $30. 884-1426. c1w45 picture tube with warranty. $89. 884â€"7456. c1w45 23†Deluxe Console TV, three speakers. excellent condition. $65. 884-7298. (lw45 TWO (2) tiles & tubes. mounted size 5 90 - 13. S“. ’.0 Phone 773- 5738 after 6 pm c'2\\44 CRUSHED stone [on dll\ e\\a\s 1/2 load $14, also sand and {on soil. 293- 4060 *2w44 BROADLOOM‘ lug. 9‘ x 12‘ bland new nylon $49. HU8-7911 c2w44 1964 Hondé, 55 c.c.'s. black, low mileage. excellent running condition. $175. 773-5739. 88 Baker Ave Richmond Hill Cocktail dress. sherry color. size 14. 884-6065. c1w45 ORIENTAL m3 new, $29. Cash and carry. 488- 7911. 02w“ GOOD Housekeeping se\'ving machine. 1966 model. used for one week only. 889-6601. ACCORDION, perfect condition, $150. Phone evening 884-4934. c1w45 GO-CART, geared down for backyard use, $50. 884-6394 after 5. clw45 GIRL’S coat, dresses, sports- wear. teenager size 10-12. All for $10. 222-1654. clw45 FOUR-burner electric stove. oven, 42 inch, $25.00. 889-5994. cl\\'45 2 Hand mowers, 1 Rotary. R.U. Sanders, 121 Richmond St. Richmond Hlil. *2\\'45 21 restaurant bar stools, new. 278 Bayview Plaza. 889-1790. c1w45 ASMALLflliiby bed $5. baby 12" speaker, 4 months old $150. 884-2957. clw45 1 used racing bike, 1 used- an: ior bike. Phone 834-4215. 17" Dumont portable TV DRY white pine firewoodl “ffâ€"€44 blocks, approx. 3 ton lots. $8. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Must be dumped. Cadillac 'Lum- Sales and Service b‘er, 889-4973. vtfc20 Free pick-up and delivery for ALUMINUM ‘i‘e-glazing. Free estimates. Alu- Doors, windows, awnings. and|minum doors. windows. siding, railings. Ron Woods. 88+l514vmvnings. Quality installation â€036‘Call York Aluminum Installa- â€"â€" tion and Sales Co. 884-4553. W â€FPBPSTS,.J ‘ cums ALUMiR' “H“AA...‘ A NEW gas range. Take over con- tract with Consumers Gas. $3.50 monthly. 884-6079. c1w45 PORTABLE Singer sewing machine. 889-3088. c1\\'45 WEDDING dress with headpiece ALUMINUM 119'3132 0991‘s, windows, awnings and|11111111111 rallmgs. Ron Woods. 884- I514. ““11111" U036 Cd“ Y TWO boys’ bicycles, good condi- tion.889-1404.c1w45 BOYS bicycle, good condition. 889-1590. clw45 BED-Chesterfield, double, good condition. $25. 884-2645. c1w45 uassmeu auveruacmciua anvulu uc m a: “I“, ... u... r, week as possible but not. later than 10.00 am on Wednes- MAN to help milk COWS and days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone drive tractor {01‘ seeding. 833' us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. 3976. Cl\\‘45 _â€"â€"â€"â€"- REGISfERED nursing aSSiStanL 3 nights. Wilmonl Nursing ARTICLES ‘ FOR SA LE fliome. 839-7072, L:l\\'45 FOR SALE ,- *_ 'Cunlmgeu' ___7Â¥> MAN to help gardé'n'in’g con: _<_,__m w. _-.. â€â€œ7 _ 1OIL tank 100 gallons and space tractor. Good “ages. Steady em- PLACK ham-313392; “C43lheater. 884-2655. clw45 {1931139 33-4153. ’3}? ‘WALNUT glass buffet. 8831-354OICHA1N link fence, large and‘REQUIRED 3Hing maiifbiling- after 6. €2W44jsmall gale. 884-2536. C1w45‘ual. for shipping, receiving ang TWO boys' bicycles, good cdniiizs" Walnut console ECA NEW†}"_°"ki.‘.‘gi‘fl2,3'_ “1“?†tion. 889-1404. c1w45‘modemV good condition. $100.rHr\lRDRESSER experienced, clientele preferred. 884â€" BOY’S bicsicle, good conditi61i_832-2087. cl\\'45 own _ . .- 7 -7â€".â€".~â€".â€".7. 7 .;2726. c1w4a burner alcohol camp stove Call the Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 889-3316 8 am. to 9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday; 8 am, to 5 p.111,Wednesday; 9 am. to 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 9 to 12 Saturday. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, .7c per word, min. charge .900. COMING EVENT NOTICE, 7c per word: min. charge $1.00 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.00 am on W ednes- days. Send ads by mall and enclose payment or telephone us at 884- 1105 or 889- 3316 and you “ ill receive an invoice. l‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May {entals Move Fast â€" When LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ADS Are Used 884-1755 “(:49 c4w45 c1w45 c1w45 c1w45 cl\\‘-}5 ‘ new. TIRES for sale, four 775 x 14. 790. whitewalls, brand new, $55. clw45 Sobie‘s Supevtest, Don Mills. lpieceJNorth of No. 7 Highway. c2w45 II“ size DRESSING table, stool, 2 small c1w45 chests of drawers, ivory. $25. black. ports pictures - Commercial Inning Photography. Open exenings and Sundasms Fast seivice â€" c1\\45 reasonable piices. 889- 6851. *1w40 brand an..[CONTENTS. beautiful large - and‘home French Provincial stereo. call: Chesterfield. matching tables. 373 -Elamps. paintings. rec. furniture. ucls‘dinette TV. 9 piece French P10- Sim_vincia1 dining 100m f1uit\\ood otheryimported set sening machine. |. re ,9x12 1ug. single and douple diumicontinemal beds outstandmg ser- condition. 889- 6644. c3wé3 On- Hi~Fi Amplifier, Electrohom_e '1 add to your present Amp. for “044 Stereo. $45. 889-3941. vvvw, 884- bottles. Good condition, reason- “,A; able. 773-5481. c1w45 l] e \V 1 riding Bolens tractor with at- ,tachments. Rotary mower. Snow iblower. rototiller. cultivator. Mlsitting Remune1ation £01 light twin top Opening, capacity 100| housekeeping 884- 6426 c1w45 BOY’S black hunting or show jacket, 12â€"14, worn twice, also horse prints, hitching posts etc. 7783 Yonge St., Thornhill. 889- 3606. tfc45 P.A. Amplifier. 10 Watt, new Tubes. $15. 889-3941. P.A. Amplifier. 15 Watt, new Tubes, $25. 889-3941. P.A. Power Amplifier. RCA. 70 Watts, new Tubes, $50. 889- 3941. Hi-Fi Amplifier - Homemade 15 Watts. Good starter. $15. 889-3941. Ruthe Calverley Gallery 50 Yonge St. S. FRAMING, custom and antique. Painters’ easels sale, studio and sketching. {“45 TENT 9’ x 12' $40., 10 cu. ft. Re- 884-7903- cums f1igerat01 $35. 00 22. calibre WAITRESSES day shift and Winchester pump rifle. $45. 00, afternoon shift Dish machine ‘large size car top ca1'1'ie1.$10.00 Jope1ator. Night cleaner, male, ‘884- 7973. clw 45 cooks. 833- 5411 €2\\44 WRINGER type “ashei $25, EOPENING 1‘01 Beauty Counsel- large 40" electric 1an°e $25,101, commission plus bonus child‘s recliner chair. $2 Boy s‘F1ee tiaining. Mis Nesbitt. summer suits, size 1 and 2. 223- 884-2237. 02w44 WRINGER type washer $25, large 40†electric range $25, child's recliner chair. $2 Boy’s summer suits, size 1 and 2. 223- 5927. clw45 OIL water heater, suitable for summer cottage or greenhouse, washing machine, wringer, wheel barrow, oscillator. light fixtures. Uarden hose, bird cage, Swede saw. number of miscel- laneous articles. 884-3632. Call after 7 pm. 889-3814 19" width. 3 11.1). Briggs 8; Strat- ton motor. as low as $54.95. Others at equally low prices. Thompson Repair Service, 103 No. 7 Highway East. 889-2973. tfc42 3 beds mattresses. Chesterfield and 2 chairs. antique buffet, large Caulfielcl washer. 11 cubic feet frig1daire. set kitchen table and chairs. 884-1797, 7 to 9 pm. 190 Maikham Road. c2\\45 MORE than 20 years experience at your se1vice at WILLOW PHOTO. Family - groups - port- raits in your home, also Pass- ports pictures - Commercial Portable Hi-Fi Lou use indoors or out. 1 2 at $25.00. 889-3941 FLUORESCENT fixtures 4’ and 8‘ 3;" plywood, other good lum- ber, nearly new. 889-2453 evenâ€" ings. c1w45 FREE MANURE and sawdust. Come and get it. Gaylands Farm, No. 7 Highway, 1,2 Mi. E. of Bayview. c2w45 ARIENS riding mower $190. cook, snm \‘VOl‘K. bus-aux. _ Toro self propelled mower $75. ““40 Electric grass trimmer. 889â€" QUALIFIED supervisors for 1334‘ Cl\\'45 day care, nursery school. Phone fiUOREsé-ENT fixtmes 41 and|297'1423 day or evening. 16’ fibreglass canoe with out- rigger and new. 1.7 hp Neptune motor and cartop carrier. 884- 7303 after 6. c2w45 plow, $500. 889-1487 $14 per single cord delivered 16†long. 3 years seasoned Elm. Top quality fireplace wood. 773- 5368. t£c34 23" Walnut console RCA TV modern, good condition. $100. 832-2087. cl“ 45 $14 pet single c01d delinerred 16†long. 3 yeals seasoned Elm CANADIAN MADE LAWNâ€" MOWERS Loudspeakers L l at $15.00 UNFURNISHED basement £1211 c1w45 to rent, in exchange for baby cl\\‘45 cl “'45 ivator. GENERAL kitchen help. hours c1w45‘1 p.m - 9 pm. Also assistant man lcook, shift work. 889-5421. Ell‘; HAIR stylist. experienced, fem- ‘773_ ale, for modern salon. Full or tfc34‘pwiil‘t time. 889-2311. c1w45 SERVICE station attendant, full or part time. Mechanically in- clined. Apply Shell Station, Keele and No. 7 Highway. WOMAN required, assist elderly lady with light housekeeping and meals. Maple area. Supply own transportation. Telephone 832-1041. *1w45 E x P E’R I ENCED hairdresser full or part time. No Saturdays Thornhill area. 889-4451. TV, radio and appliance repair man. Experience preferred. Math’s TV, 45 Industrial Road. 884-7903. c1\\‘45 YOUNG man interested in learning the printing trade. pre- ferably with some Multilith experience. Write Box 49. the Liberal. clw45 FEM-ALE required to train for electronic alignment and test- ing position. minimum Grade 11 required. Ferritronics Ltd.. Richmond Hill. 889-7313. clw45 MAN over 21 for shoe cleaning and steward duties at Meadow- brook Golf Club. Unionville. Call Mr. Taylor 297-1591. STENOGRAPHER required imâ€" mediately. with shorthand and general office experience, for a large local firm. You are re- sponsible for your own job. Five minutes from Richmond Hill. 389-4842, after 5.30 pm. 884â€"7053. c1w45 YOUNG man. 18-22 years. with initiative required by a large local company. for costing inâ€" voicing etc. Our client offers an exceptional opportunity in the business world and progress is determined by your own ability. Hl-CORPS OFFICE ASSIST- ANCE 889-4842 HOUSEKEEFE’R’H‘equired who likes children, good salary. own room. TV, Thornhill, live in or out. 889-6697 GARDENER, 2-3 days weekly for season, mature or retired man. King Ci-ty. 833-5003. STORES - DELIVERYMAN An international company in professional cosmetics has an opening for a man who is look ing for a permanent career. The position offers a good oppor- tunity to learn the business from the inside. and could lead to the possibility for an am- bitious individual to take over a sales territory. For appointment call: PERMA PARIS tn.-. “v“ ................ v. . a“- -. ' .- . -. "l Bathurst St. N.. Thornhill “111 or general Vlcmlly 01 it's-“i“md'd Hkllerialstéoiyig 11:33 Positions Available: 'York‘s Steeles Avenue campus lclmon 1 ' - D ‘ C _ ‘Registered nurse - 2 eveningsRePlY V- Murray. 3442 Quesnel MAN over 21 for shoe cleanmgi per week. jDrive. Vancouver 3, BC. and steward duties at Meadow-Wurses aide _ 2 nights per c2w45 brook Golf Club. Unionvillel week. Call Mlï¬ Taylor 297-1591- [Kitchen help - 5 days per week.‘ ' 01“"45’H0usekeeping help - 2 days per} Tran3p0rtatlon FURNIfUpraZ-lier and drï¬â€˜l “Wk. :WANTED from Richvale to combined. Good working condi-EAPPI)’ Mrs. Stewart, 889-4931.'Thorncliff Plaza, Leaside arriv- tions, steady employment. [Wile-i a €2W45‘ing‘ approx. 8.15 am, returnlng fits. Apply Lamb the Mover. DRAFTSMEN ,4.45 pm. 889-7210. c1\\'45 889-4911. Also part-time help.| Junior - Intermediate - Senior iWANTED from Richmond Hill tfc42 Mapping office, vicinity of Rich-ito Kipling, Rexdale. arriving REAL-ESTAT_E career (0'1. men mond Hill, requires severa118.15-3_30 returning 4.35. 884- 0, women, free extensive train- draftslnen. Age not a factor but‘7047, c1w45 ing program. special assistance .CarEOfgraphic :Xgmiience (scrib- __â€"____ w t ' mm“. m9: is an asse . a ary commen- S’onge ansjtarde‘gsvs-toreaflo Tuldlsurate with ability. Transporta-; PETS FOR SALE Realty Limited. 222-2525. étion available. Reply stating WHITE miniature Poodle puppy. tfczslqualifications and/0r eXPeI‘ienCe‘excellent bloodline. $50. 884- m ... 1to Box 47 “The Liberal". .5663 c1w45 lContinuedi TV and stereo, rent, lease, buy, $2 week. 884-3211. [ft-42 AUTOMATIC “ashe1 and re- y‘higeratm “ith ac1oss top free- zer Both in excellent condition [384 7197. CM“ COOKS, countermen. needed for leading drive in restaurants. Good wages, meals, benefits. Call 889-7168. c1w45 REAL ESTATE career (or men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited. 222-2525. EXPERIEN’CED driver-salesman with chauffeurs licence for ice cream truck. 773â€"5666. *1w45 WOMAN required to operate light machine. 884-5671. HELP WANTED Downsview 5 FOR SALE l HELP WANTEBJ HELL: WANTED ,ZLIIECELLANEOLE 1966 c1w45 c1w45 y, unu in 01‘ CARETAKER WANTED for new 01“,†York County Health Unit Build- ing. Starting salary $3,000. Ap- Vegfldy ply to Dr. B. c. LePage, Medi- -etu‘ed cal Officer of Health. 64 Bay- _ view Avenue, Newmarket, On- 01‘V43 tario. V c1w45 clw45 cl\\‘45 tfc45 flat‘PROFITABLE interesting 0p- :aby portunity for mature woman to lgh‘t model and sell exclusive jewel- W45 h'y. Earnings well above aver- ;eâ€"y, age. Sales experience not neces- ays_ sary. For appointment, call 884â€" 1612. clw45 HOUSEKEEPERâ€"companion, re- sponsible mature person for light housekeeping duties for elderly lady, live in. Full or part time. Separate accommodaâ€" tion in modernized farm home suitable for widow with school age child. Phone 889-1992. considered. Belt sanders. one year experi- ence, preferably sanding venâ€" eered stock. Toolmakers, experienced in press tools and fixtures. Machinists. Good all round machinists considered for train- ing as toolmakers. Upholsterer, preferably an ex- perienced wood upholsterer, fully experienced metal uphol- sterer considered. Maintenance man. sound gen- eral background in mechanical and electrical work and steam fitting. Apply in \n‘iting. or by ‘phone to: The Personnel Manager. 895â€" SECRETARY to general man- ager of a recently established national company in Richmond Hill. Shorthand preferred but not essential. Write stating exâ€" perience, age and marital status to Box 46, “The Liberalâ€, c1w45 SENIOR clerk for payroll. cost, typing and general office duties, NCR bookkeeping machine opâ€" erator. Own transportation re~ quired. Beamish Construction Co. Ltd. 7901 Bayview. 889-1191. c4w44 EXPERIENCED clerkâ€"stenogra- pher shorthand required, gov- ernment office vicinity Rich- mond Hill, transportation pro- vided, state experience and give references. Write Box 48, The Liberal. c1w45 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Welder. gas or are welder for training on miniarc. Spray painter, at least 6 months raperience. 4th class stationary engineer, shift work. ' Cabinetmakers. apprenticeship, completed. or equivalent experi- ence. Good finished carpenters RICHMOND HILL SALES David McLean le., Realtors, have an opening for one Sales- man in their long established Richmond Hill Office. Call Mr. McLean 889-1176. c1w42 SALESMAN for progressive moving and storage company. Local applicants preferred. Ap- ply Lamb The Mover. 127 Birchâ€" Ave., Thornhill. 889-4911 for ap- pointment. tfc44 YOUNG man to work full time and young lady for full or part time, at hamburger drive-in. Steer-Inn Drive-in 255 Yonge St. S. c1w45 FEMALE bookkeeper-secretary, capable of managing small of- fice of three girls and books to trial balance, 5 day week. Full benefits, Thornhill area. 889- 7506. clw45 DIE MAKER First class, $3, plus, per hour. Steady employment. Richmond Hill Tool & Die. 889-6557. CLEANIlilGi woman, one day weekly. Keele St. and No. 7 Hwy. 889-7088 after 6. c1w45 MAPLE YWCA. require women to help supervise morning pre- school, Fall program. 832-2666: 832â€"1098. cZw44 EXPERIENCED teller required. Telephone or apply at the Royal Bank, Keele and Highway 7. Office Specia 5-13 Timothy Stree SHORT order cook. experienced only, Halfway House. 887-541]. tfc43 CLEANIlVG woman, one day weekly. Keele St. and No. 7 Hwy. 889-7088 after 6. c1w45 MAPLE YWCA. require women to help supervise morning preâ€" school, Fall program. 832-2666: 832â€"1098. c2w44 EXPERIENCED teller required. Telephone or apply at the Royal Bank, Keele and Highway 7. tfc36 DIE MAKER First class, $3, plus. per hour. Steady employment. Richmond (Continued) MAN, woman or student, full or part-time to work around green- ;houses. Please call Maier's Nur- :series. 889-5344. clw45 'REGISTER now for temporary employment. Require stenogra- phers. bookkeeper; reception- ;ists, switchboard operators, typ- ists. Call 889-4842. Hi‘Corps :Office Assistance. cl\\'42 TWO men, age 18 to 30 years to learn tree surgery and land- scaping. Chauffeur's licence es- ‘sential. Year round work. Rich- unond Hill Tree Service and Forestry Company, Ltd. 884- .7774. c1w44 Lu: clw-15 clw45 c2w45 c2w44 ACCOUNT executive and family want to rent 3 or 4 bedroom (house, west of Yonae Street. Good references. Write Box 52 “The Libera‘l‘. c1w45 How about a cocoa puff choco- late, male poodle? Reg, wormed, 3 months. Yard trained. A real beauty $80. .884-7716. c1w45 CLIPPINGâ€"â€" and boarding for all dogs Cat boarding $1. 00 per day, dogs $1.50 up per day. Hersom’s Kennel formerly (Honey Pot Ltd.) Dufferin St., 889â€"6772. c6w43 HERMITAGE Cattery for Siam- ese cats. Kittens now available. Seal point females only. Papers available. Also excellent board- ing facilities with outdoor runs. YOUNG married couple with 2 school age children, wish to rent 2 or 3 bedroom home in Maple, King City or Richvale area. Reasonable rent. 889-1753. BY MAY 12, 3 01 4 1ooms,base-| 1““ "AK'VEX- “4'51“. ment apartment 01. above sto1e l {VManufacturers Former Se1'v1ce AV1 Ovm f1ig and stove, 1easonable1Managfl). [suit 1e11t,11ea1 t1a11spo1tation Rich-‘ â€'4“ 43 R611 mond Hill,Tl1or1111ill a1ea. 884- WINDOWS AND FLOORS [and 3632.01“ 431 CLEANED. 'mor , ' -, , , 019 501 HOME OR OFFICE jand 335K..mli’£§§§.‘ï¬it’ u .31} .n 3.1.1. ' 884-7627 Blai EXECUTIVE, wife and three teenage girls, wish to rent, 3 or 4 bedroom home. Unfurnish- ed. Long term lease. Very good tenants. References. Urgent. 884â€"3169. *1w45 YORK University professor. wife. two children, wish to rent comfortable 3-bedroom detached house, unfurnished. for one yea!" commencing July 1 or August 1 in Maple, Richmond Hill or general vicinity of York’s Steeles Avenue campus. Reply V. Murray 3442 Quesnel Drive. Vancouver 8, BC. WANTED from Thorncllff Plaza, I ing approx. 8.15 a 4.45 pm. 889-7210 ONE year 61a male white Poodle. Forced to sell. A real pet $75. 884-7482. c1w45 SMALL type puppies. 8 weeks old, 90 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. 884-1571. c1w45 S:A\IOYED.10 month- old male, housebioken. good “ith chil- dren, house. etc. $25. 884-6979. JILL GODDARD for profes- sional Poodle clipping 7783 Yonge Street. T horn hill. 889- 3606. Lfc35 â€"MOTHERS DAY PRESENT ‘ WHITE miniature Poodle pupDY. excellent bloodline. $50. 884- 5663. c1w45 HOUSE 01' bungalow, 2 bed- rooms, Richmond Hill area Option to buy. 884-7488. MAN on days, desires lightiStonework. FiTEyldCe, etc. V. housekeeping room North end Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S.. will furnish bedroom set if re- Pichmond Hill, phone 884- quii‘ed. Parking required. 638- 5688. tfc23 aaao. cl\\'452nAnpnï¬Rv wrmf; "Minn.“ FAMILY with horses wish rent small farm with option purchase, close proximity Richmond Hill. Write Box “The Liberalâ€. clv HOUSE, 2 01' 3 bedrooms, Rich- mond Hill area, farmhouse con- sidered. 727-4532 or 884-4851. c1w45 URGENT. 5 room house wanted gy June 1, family of 5, young- est is 13 years of age. 888-1153.. 2 bedroom apt, or house, Rich- mond Hill area. June 15 to Aug- ust 31. 884-5411. clw45 HOUSE or apartment 2 or 3 bedrooms, reasonable rent. 884- 7838. _c1\\45 BRIGHT upstai1s “aumâ€" 100m, “1th adult family. Central. Palk- ing. 884-1547. clw45 May 14. ‘Tienching, seuei H. C. T. Crisp Township Clerk, footings. 889- 3604 Township of Markham, RR Zim Gormley h ulna wnmw cm. GARAGE for storage of antique car. Call Ron 884-1521. *1w45 HELP WANTED Mature responsible man requir- ed for the position of Bylaw Enforcement Officer in the Township of Markham. The person selected will be one with initiative and capable to investigate and prosecute bylaw infractions. Written applications will be re- ceived by the undersigned until stered WANTED TO RENT 113 Richvale to; Leaside a1'riv-’ am, returning' ). clw45 c1w45 cl“ 451884-1245 ish to ion to ty to ox 51 clw45 c1w45 full or green- ’5 Nur- clw45 c1w45 c2w45 389‘ HOME IMPROVEMENTS Recreation rooms, garages etc. Carpet, Armstrong flooring. exâ€" pert installations. Lumber and building supplies. Call Mr. Lynn H & G. Lumber Company 889â€" 6522, 222-2845. tfc33 TV - RADIO SERVICE i1. 33441796 KEN HARVEY. 884-5144 'â€"“ 1‘ 1Manufacture1“s Former Service‘Avrgggil Manager). ‘ h- CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations & repairs prompt sernce REPAIRS 1am HOUI‘. UUi-Zdifli. CZWQQ Lawn 8; garden equipment re-‘YORK County Homemakers’ paired and sharpened. Picked Service. Newmarket. 895-8601. up and delivered. c4w45 UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING â€" RESTYLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- anteed work. Active Upholstery 889-5345 884-1981 Residence 884-4813 Thompson Repair Service 103 No. 7 Highway East. 889- 2973. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell 889- 2526. tfc44 CALL us for your sand gravel fill, top soil and black loam Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple, 832-8876. tfc7 CARPENTRY WORK. additions. renovations. garages. recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 ROTOVATING, GRADING, POST HOLE DIGGING Seed and sod preparation Call Joe Hampton 773-5922. RON’S radio and TV repairs, Lake Wilcox. South Road, Sunâ€" set Park. (Ask for Ronald Gray.) c1w45 ALTERATIONS, repairs. aus- UNFURNISHED flat in farm- tom building. Registered and house on Dufferin, separate en- bonded company. Free esti- trance. Non-smokers, couple mates - advice. Phone evenings. only. 832â€"2458. c1w43 832-1036. c4W44lm PLASTERING 8: TILE Plaster repairs. ceramic and Plastic Tile repairs, years of experience in repair work. George. 884-7045. tfc18 E. w. PAYNE f Drams, septlc tanks. All typeslModern 1â€"bedroom. Parking, or concrete work. 135100. Immediate occupancy. 884- 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES!6654. c2w45 tfc3ll ........ ,_ . n _ -__,__.__ RICHMOND HILL CAPRI APARTMENTS HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, ten: tions. additions, and rep Kitchens a specialty. Mo Harrison. 884-2838. t1 PAINTING, carpentry work terations, rec. rooms and pairs. 884-5009. t 889-2494 LIMESTONE For driveways 01' parking lots. Phone 884-7768. Free estimates. . tfc42 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates Work guaranteed. 884-7902. CARPENTRY WORK Custom building additions, re- pairc, renovations J. W, Curtis‘ PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R‘ E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING I‘renching. sewer & water lines MASONRY CONTRACTOR WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tf PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchens Rec. Rooms. Flooring. Panelling. Bathrooms Budget Plan Available Bowdcn Lumber Contract Division 889-4921 or BA1-9316 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe ELECRIC REPAIRS HERRIDGE. 884-3211 LET DON DO IT! DON BUTLER TV 884-3500 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 C. STUNDEN 889-4404 venings Richmond Hill renova- repairs Morris c5w44 tfc 31 [Ic34 UNDERGRADUATE mechanical '4313 engineer wishes summer em- L014 ployment 884- 3008 before noon c1xx45 tfc44iIRONING done in my home. $1 ‘an hour. 884-2838. c2w44 tt'c42 [£043 tfc45 tfc45 tfc33gFURNISHED room, near Yonge “1'44 tfc43 tfc40 tfc43 re- tfc DAY care for one or two, Sussex and Markham Rd., two years and over, 884-6946. c2w45 YOUNG grandmother, experi- enced with children, will give loving care. Babiea a specialty. 884-6922. c3w43 WOMANâ€"\x‘anted toâ€"care for 2 pre-school children. ages 3 and EXPERIENCED business‘ per- son would like part-time job in Richmond Hill area. Typing etc. Good telephone voice. Prefer 2 or 3 days per week. Please call 884-7897 or 884-1628, day or night. c1w45 VERSATILE working woman with car, desires employment in day camp. Call evenings 889- 6735. clw45 MAN requires position cleaner, caretaker or watch Reliable and honest. 884â€" BABYSITTING or care of elderly people. Experienced. 884-3632. c1\\‘45 YOUNG MEN. 16-1'9. looEing for work. Anything considered SEMI-retired man would like 2 or three days work a week, sen- ior matriculation, junior book- keeping. 889-7185. *2w44 MODERN APARTMENTS AVAILABLE I, 8; 2, bedroom suites. Refrigerators and stoves. Rental includes heat, Hydro and water. Only steps to Rich- mond Heights Shopping Plaza and Yonge Street bus. Mrs. Blair. 884-6729. tfc43 Can you help us. Call Salva tion Army. 889-4869. tfc51 monthly. Aurora. 727-5597. 15’ long 6’ beam, 33†plywood,‘ â€031.34 ï¬nished, selling for cost of ONE and two bedroom apart-{materials _ gengine bai‘gam. ments with balcony. Ava‘ilable‘3385- Rhone 884'7°63' *2w_4:§ immediately. 55 Trayborn 884-13’ cabin cruiser, in excellent 6467- Markridge Apartments, condition, fully equipped, 50 h.p 150 Colbourne - Indoor swim- Johnson motor, many extras, ming pool. 884-6401. tfc41 832-1447. c2w45 APPROXIMATELY 2,000 squareils’ molded plywood runabout feet air-conditioned office space windshield. steering, top, uphol- on ground floor in central loca- stered seats. will take up to 40 tion on‘Yonge St» \VithPBI‘Eing, hp motor, best offer. 884-5265. WENMAR APARTMENTS Bachelor and 2 bedroom apart- ments available. Modern apart- ment building. elevator, F.M., balconies, 165 Colbourne. 884- 6263. tic-41 APARTMENT. comfortably fur-1 APARTMENT. comfortably fur- nished equipped kitchen, separ- ate entrance. One or two teach- ers or business adults only, $90 monthly. Aurora. 727-5597. HOUSE on farm on Dufferin Street. available June 1. Run- ning water, no bath. Telephone 889-2460. c1w44 APARTMENT, 2 bedroom, fl‘ig, stove, right at Yonge Street. Available June 1. $105. Adults. 884-4883. c1w45 COTTAGE. Haliburton area. all conveniences, hot water. We bedrooms. Cabin also available. 889-4373. c6w45 3 room apartment. separate en- trance, conveniences. Suitable for couple. Maple and Jane area, $10. weekly. 832-8710. c1w45 Street. Reasonable rent. 884- 1019. c2w45 LIGHT housekeeping: r0661, equipped. Fridge and stove. Ladies only. 884-2196. tl‘c41 2700 sq. ft. factory space, Ohio Road, Richmond Hill. 884‘5482. tfc38 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom and bach- elor apartments. Intercom and balconies. 402 Markham Road. 884-3345. tfcw43 E. Benson Avenue area. 9-5, fiveiYOUNG m lays weekly. 884-6834 after 5.30.‘baby sittin c1w-15 Saturdays. SOUTH of Richmond Hill. 2 bedroom. $89 monthly. 1 child. 636-4923. c1\\'45 SELF-CONTAINED one bed- room apartment} adults only. 889-5233 call after 6 pm. *1w45 LANET apartments â€" 2 modern bedrooms‘ frig. and stove, swim- ming pool. 884â€"6148. c1w45 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke’s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. 889-1766. tfc19 ROOMS to rent, board optional. King. 773-9011. clw45 TV repairs, day or evening. Ed. Harvey. 889-4573. c4w45 MISCELLANEOUS! USED CARS easonable rent, available June EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY CARE TO RENT Continued 884-7045 tion as atchman. C1\\‘45 c1w45 ;31Va.HALIBURTON LAKE, private [fc52 lakefront lot, large 4 bedroom ï¬e. 2lcottage, knotty pine living and senJdining room. Stone fireplace, 300k_ifu11y furnished. All conveni- 2w44 ences and boat. $300 per month, July or August. Evenings after aman 7. 884-1383. c2w44 ï¬fiéf golf clubs. and bag ladies’ left hand. 884-2273. C1W54 BABIES‘ twin stroller in good condition. 889-1432 after 4. USEFUL and saleable articles of any kind by the Victoria Square District Lions Club for its annual Auction and Rum- mage Sale. Phone 887-5420, or 887-5413 for pick up. c1w45 HALIBURTON LAKE, lakefront large 4 bedroom cottage, knotty pine living and dining room, natural stone fireplace. fully furnished. all conveniences, boat. private 100’ lot adjoining 100' available. $8.000. Evenings YOUNG married after 7. 884-1385 17‘ Catamaran cruiser and trailer, sleeps 2. needs renova- tions. Would take good rotary cultivator in part exchange. 884- 7917. c1w45 18’ Weymouth Catamaran boa‘ and trailer 75 hp. Johnson elec‘ tric controls. Fully equipped Excellent condition. Call 889- 5233 between 7 and 10 pm. FOR mon'th of August, modern 3-bedroom, lakefront cottage, near Minden, safe, sandy beach. 884-6489. c1w45 4530. c1w45} PORTABLE Tv RENTALS WEEK 0R MONTH. 2 brand new motor cycles for sale or exchange. One or both ngzlï¬osg? gill-131%?“ for a car or riding lawn mowerJ 889-3184. c1w45i tfc‘ 1964 Impala SS. 327 motor, 4 speed transmission. Must sell. Call 884-6001. c1\\'45 OLD CARS‘Jd trucks picked up for scrap. 1 hour pickup. 889-2761 ask for Mel. tfc13 WRECKING 1957 MG. Sports car, 1957 Chev. Ranch wagon, call 884-7049. c1w45 1959 Dodge V8 station wagon, automatic, power steering, very good condition. Bargain. 884- 4530. clw45 1960 Ford V8, radio, $495, 1958 Pontiac Standard $165. 1956 Dodge $65.95, 1956 Chev. Hard- top. 884-4110. c1w45 No. 1]. Highway. Holland Land ing. 895-4666. tfc34 1962 Pontiac station wagon, 1 owner, private. Call 889-1660. c1w45 1960 011133161, 2 door. hardtop, V8. power equipped. radio. Ex- cellent condition. 884-2273. PRIVATE 1964 Ford Fairlane, hardtop. Big 6 engine, automatic trans- mission. radio. back up lights etc. Call 884-7809. clw45 $250 or best offer. 884-6934. ‘y ROTOTILLING ‘ c1w45iSave your back. Let me work MG cyl. automatic,‘y0ur garden. 8844380 after a 4 door. radio. excellent condi- pm 01' Saturdays. C3“'4"Â¥ Lion. private. 884-1814. *1w45 STABLE peat moss, 50c per 1959 Pontiac-Laurentian, auto- matic, radio. two-tone finish. A good clean car. 884-4215. *1w45 1959 Oldsmobile sedan: excel- lent condition. Power steering, bi‘akes. Radio, new transmission. Sacrifice. $395. 884-1636. c1w45 ATTEï¬â€™IbN TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks, parts tiles or accessor- ies, see the truck \necker first Mooxe Truck Parts & Sales, Old BOATS - MOTORS 1960 $250 59 Volkswagen Deluxe, $200. 884-1497 after 5 pm. c1\\'45 1962 Volkswagen Van for camp- "1°91 121-1122. m ing, $595. Private. 889-4170 any- PLOWING- ROTOTILLING time. c1w45 Complete cultivation. Grass 1960 Ford 4 (100! sedan Good:\\eed cutt1ng_ 884- 2337. th‘ lunning condition 884- 3632 iPLANTING and maintenance 1960 Pontiac station wagon, V8, automatic, radio, $475. 889- 4283. *lw45 SCRAP cars “'3 537-2326 after 5 1964 Volkswagen Deluxe. Pri- vate. 889-3351 after 6. c1w45 BABY SITTING COTTAGES FOR SALE Monarch. ngeds repairs or best offer. 884-6934. COTTAGE TO RENT W A N T E D 5246 ‘anted, $15 oman, wishes evenings and €2w44 c1w45 ;s and c2w44 5 up.-LAWNS curt. Tom Mashintel‘. c4w43 884-7573. tfc44 clw45 uayu. asset-'ROOM and board in grand home first. at 33 Arnold Street (two doors " Oldm'est of Post Office) accommo- ‘anmldation available at week-end. tmdcw 884-1628. c1w45 1w45 tfc45 5}STABLE peat moss 50¢ per ' 41bushel. 5 bushels for $2. Recul- 1}ve1 Faim 18th Avenue, near ,1Bay\1ew Richmond Hill. c3w43 BEAUTY Salon for sale, Main Street location. Excellent op- portunity, call 832-2081 Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9, other evenings after 6 pm. BUSINESS opening, independ- ent milk delivery route, in a SMALL riding horse,’ well schooled, good jumper. Write Box 50, “The Liberal" c1w45 BEACK purse lost. Reward. Phone 384-2667. c1w45 good local district. To arrange for an interview: Phone Cousins Dairy Company Ltd., Aurora. 727-4205. c1w45 25 acres of land, near Hunts- ville. Private. 884-6331 or 773- 5781. c1w45 WANTED all kinds of dead an< imals. For fast service call TU. 4â€"2538 or ZEnith 3-2800. License No‘ 204â€"62. tfc3l Do you ha lem. If so Box 84, Ril EM. 6-8684 BUILDING LOTS FILL kinds of sewing, altera- tions, slip covers made. etc‘ 884- 4347. “(:32 LADIES and children’s dress- making also hand smocked baby gowns. 884-2885. c2\\'45 ONE clean room, bunkbeds, suit ROOM and board available in private home. close to transpor- tation. Parking, 884-7940, NE‘V LOCATION Garden Gate Nurseries (form- erly Jones' Garden Centre.) Sales lot. 20 Elgin Mills Road W. Plants, shrubs, trees, fertilizer. 889-5942. tfc44 TIâ€"IORNHILL LAWN EQUIP- MENT Repairs to all makes of mowers, sharpening of reel-type mow- ers. All work guaranteed. Hwy. 7 and Yonge. 889-5517. c2w45 TV RENTALLS Lowest rates from $2 a week, Henidge TV. 884- 3211. tfc43 â€"â€"RENTALL 41 YONG-Eâ€" N. Rug shampooers. floor mach- ines. tools. Chairs. 884-6761. 2, near transportation and ‘in- dustry. Child welcome. 884- 6236. tfc44 GARDENS rototjlled and lawns rolled. 884-2838. 05“}44 FOR care of your lawn, cali Weedon‘s Lawn Cutting Ser- vice. 727-4122. tfc-‘H; Complete cultivation. Grass 8; weed cutting. 884-2337. tfc43 PLANTING and maintenance of lawns, shrubs and flower beds. Free estimates. 889-3509. tfc43 STRAWBERR $2. 50 for $3 2533, evening ROOM and BOARD Oak Ridges Tool & Equipment BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DRESSMAKING No job too 1 small DEAD STOCK LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GARDENING PERSONAL SODDING DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4670 RENTAL have a drinking prob- so AA can help. Write Richmond Hill, or call {84. tfcl7 A. RYMAN LOST Y plants, 25 for , 100 for $5. 832- arge 01' c] u 43 c1w45 clw45 lfc43 2\\'45 tfc3‘l