Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1966, p. 6

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, May 19. 1966 6 tPhoto by Stuart's Music Gui/d Raises Funds For Copier Members of the MTH Music Guild all worked diligently selling draw tickets on a number of prizes, gifts of local merchants. to raise funds to purchase a dry copier. In the above photo Councillor Lois Hancey draws one of 13 lucky tickets from the con- tainer held by Sheila Orbok who sold the most tickets, while other members of the Guild pay strict attention. With her back to the camera is Diana Bubeloff. then (left to right) Beth Townei'. Leslie Hare, Mrs. Madge Goode, Guild President Mrs. Madeline Hare, Sheila Orbok, Councillor Hancey, Guild Founder Miss Ruth Garson. Linda Hare and Steve Towner. The Guild would be happy to learn of a good used dry copier available locally at a reas- onable price. It is a non-profit musical organization dedicated to furthering culture in Richmond Hill. Courthouse News Magistrate Admits Statement In HEADFORD NEWS CORRESPONDENT: .\iits Loam our“) TUNETOWN “Your l’aniily Entertain- R.R. 2. Gorinlcy Phone 884-3040 ment Centre" LC“ \\' \l' 11 1 k ' .\urora Shopping Centre ' < ' . e titan oo’ a lirsl tor her ' R bb 737-5521 -\ panel discussion lea’ttti't‘dit‘ttg hooked with rags: .\li's. Trlal Of Youth on Armed 0 ery Dl\\lOND NEEDLES the program at lleadford L'C\\’itieorge Barker won two firsts- t'or all popular makes ol Leinti'e, 17. 0f Otta- rake ruled that the police had May It) at the home of Mrs.‘an(I a third In flower arrange- Lind”) , . - . ‘ ‘ ‘ llarry Burton. 'l‘he sthCCt was merit. LN, 5mm” won second wa. was convicted last week lll not. done anything out'of the Stereo and Hi Fi Sets ”Resource Material For Vital pri/e for her composition on Magistrates Court. New market. ordinary lll dealing with the Double 01. Christian Living." I"'l‘he Pioneer Villafle" and 0" a charge 0‘ armed LODDCH‘ ”WHEN and allowed the “no. 2 99 Single Guest panelist. Mrs. P. Benâ€" Bruce Terry won a fourth for, Leinire. qalong;L “91th” Paul meiit to be used. . '. -t‘ 399 nett. Victoria square. laid the his display of knots and a crest icingmilg‘dl“ Ti «1829” 1‘3““? Iii his statement. Lemire eon~ Comp. \\i ll . . foundation by presenting the {01‘ his scrap b00k 0“ "COHBCFV' L latoe§l_\l\kll I g‘KTmD 1:1,?! .., TERT- tossed to staging the holdup, Famous name Brand Amâ€" Bible as the most important res lithllr" ill 5”] ‘ 1:0 . {or 3am} balm lle was remanded for sentâ€" ericaii Manufacturer at source._ She reviewed the‘ ad. "l'he‘t'air was a. busy day for ii'iii'i‘ithaii $3150 iiiMCiishi; once until 318).,26 for a .pre-~ York _ County‘s Largest vaiicc in scholarship, the fresh patents and children. Jtist prac- -\t 5mm“ last “09k in ltich- sentetltéfl icpmt. lletnmmgs selection of Discount (IlSCOVt‘i‘iCS made by archaeoloe- tically meryonc was there." The mood Hill and .\‘owmarket [ease “1” b0 heard ttodar' ‘iecoi‘tls. ists such as Dead Sea Scrollsworkcrs from Headt'ord were. Magistrate 0. S. “nu-”“1”“;“lltt‘btlal'. and the constant search 101‘ a 3‘1”- ‘I‘ thlh. (Ill't‘t‘tOI‘ 811d on “5th the voir dire evidence on L. W , ,7, H , , W, a. ,iii more complete meaning of tht‘ Saturday. Alf-N D. C._Cal(ler'and a statement given by Lcmire m _----____----__-__-___' WON" , {115‘ P“ Leek were In the .\ork Vaughan Township Police after I : Mrs. Burton, second DallC‘IlSl COMM] ”051m“ Aux‘haf-V he was arrested April 23 in] W . 1 V I reviewed the articles In the ()h- booth. Ottawa. i [(E LE L ' server. Through its pages win- 'I he ‘flu' bug attended the fair lle vas brought back to '10- g - dows open on the world. in inv also. CUhtllC Bttt‘lOtl came hUhlt‘ rotito by Constables Robert I ' ternational matters. political with all the sitnptons. Com-ts‘mallbonc and .\rnold Leeder. i RE [RED I and religious: world church 1115011111011 COIlllIF- and was taken straight to a : I / ' work by on-thcâ€"spot workers. Mrs. George Barber had five Metro division in Willowdalc.! - pertinent family problems and entries in the Richmond Hill where he was at first question- I Day shift, steady employment I the question box. Often amus.‘horticultural monthy show and ed by otlicers there oti another i | ing but always to the point with earned five firsts. The premier charge. i _ i ‘pnhy advice. This paper is a‘entry was “Birds and Branches” During the voir dire. Defence ; ' , - ’ - ‘1 , .- resourcc that stimulates thought_ and she used blue birds and Counsel Donald Plaxton. argued | 03810111 PICtllre 14 rames compan) ! The material of the third forsythia. against admitting the statement i 278 Newkirk Road. Richmond HIII ‘ panelist, who was unavoidably Socials on the grounds that some intim- i I idation had been used by police to make him sign. However. Magistrate Hollin- .tl-<l-\h-‘r-tl-U-ll-\F-«1-0-0.‘I-ll-U-|).0.1I-U-U.II-ll‘ absent, dealt with active per- Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDoug- sonal resources. Loyalty makesjall and family were Sutiday it imperative that one’s beliefs guests With Mr. and Mrs. C.I be expressed in honest com-Let‘- munication with fellowmen: PUDIIS from N0. loyalty should promote under-the pleasure of visiting the ‘In Western Ont. Crash standing rather than tolerance. Royal Ontario Museum and Bruce: Carl Kent. 28 of Oak Ridges Members should have an tin-Fort York during the week. dGl‘Stalldlllg of the active work Headford pupils were ‘ or the whole church and havolcrrr. Joyce Homer. Susan Sta- “as one of two men killed ‘the knowledge to defend its ton. Matthew Watford and ROCli’l‘liursdav when the car in which position when worthy of de- Calder. ‘. . .. d . .. ,. . ‘t’encc. Members should loyalty At. 'l'liornhill Secondary an $356:ellimlgsfgsysiesmihgéhHi: .accept and offer criticism and Cl't‘hlhfs’. sponsored by the ‘. D , . ._ .. q _ I_ iin all walks of life live accord-.“lehcn 0f Performing ANS" right. ““5 15 a bmdl tommui 7 School had‘Oaâ€"It Ridges Man Killed Studiot TV - RADIO - HI-FI â€"'I'I.IBES- ONE LOW PRICE o $1.69 TEST YOUR TUBES FREE . . . . . ity on the St. Clair River. 15 mg to Christian ethics. Mrs. Lyhad as performing members tniles south of Sarnia. . Gttild acted as moderator. Rosemary Leek and Jean Clark Police said the cal" 22 1965 Mrs. Stewart Rumble conduct- in the choir and Keith and ed the devotional service. conâ€"‘Rlcllal‘d Burton in the orchestra. Itinuing the lessons from Luke.1 A delightful banquet was held She told the story of the womenlfilt VlCtOt‘ta Square ChUI‘Ch Maijraig of West Hill. were riding‘ .who served Jesus, “on the road.”‘9 to honor the CGIT. Amongin the back seat. Eugene Mc- iMustang convertible, was torn Iin two by the impact. The dead men. Mr. Kent arid Bruce Miller Victoria Square Neighborhood New Church News Empringham. Melodie Coles The ladies of the congrega- school. in the sudden The annual CGIT and Ex- and Muriel Mortson._ Judy tion are invited to attend the plorers mother and daughter Mortson also received her Lan- open house at Victor Home May Hunt. banquet was held in the Sunday yard award. ‘25 from 2 to 4 pm and from 7 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon school room Monday evening of Yearâ€"end reports for the Ex- to 9 pm. Visitors will meet the well and family of last week. 'plorers and CGIT were giventboard members. staff. and a Jean Clark was toastiiiistress by Anne Smith and Roseinary‘,liost of other friends. The ladâ€"iMrs. Reid Brumwcll. with Rosemary Leek leading the‘Leek respectively followed byiies of Centre and York Pres-I sing-song. She was accompan-‘a skit. byterial will be the hostesses“ led at the piano by Barbara" Mrs. P. Bennett conducted the A congregational meeting has. Empringham. Mardi TyndialllExplorer graduation exercisesibeen called for lVlay 27 at 3301 proposed the toast to the churchtwhen Margaret Empringham, pm in the local church to con-I with Dr. A. F. Binnington reply-iLynne Durden. Linda Sander- sider the recommendations of ing. Susanne Hibbard proposed'son and Anne Smith graduated the planning and development the toast to the mothers and‘to the CGIT. committees. was replied to by Mrs. Leslie Cora Brodie conducted the York Pines Church ._ the Hart. exercises when Barbara Emp- new United Church for the Ket- Mrs. Percy Bennett leader ofiringham and Jean Clark grad- tleby charge will be dedicated the Explorers presented Lindatuated. ‘ Sanderson. Margaret Empring- Mrs. ham and Barbara blackness with first class honors in the curriculum ing the weekend. May 29 at 3 pm. Guest preacher‘Benevme Stewart Rumble ad- will be The Very Rev. J. of her grandfather, Mr. wiiiiam‘clearly teaches that the Church home 01' MI‘S- G. Dodd. Stout‘f- spent the weekend with Mr. and Congratulations are extendedi to Mr. Art Storey in receivingl subjects taken in his final year . ‘ at Pine Hill University, Halifax. ed the hostess and the panelists chance Art now has his BA, BD. Mrs. Percy Bennett attended eve workshop Five Oaks. Paris, Ontario, dur-. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fritz oilWilmerS A“- R spent Sunday ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. PHOTO ATLAS SUPPLIES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE PHONE 884-3221 ifl‘om village 10 village. fl‘Omlthe graduates was Jean Clark‘Laren of West Hill and Stanley .town to town. They were Mary Headford. MISS Cora Bl‘Otlle IS a . .~ . . ‘leade‘of th omb'n d h ‘h Petetski of Hageisulle. (.Ilhel. 0f Magdala. a sinner; Joanna. . I e C l e c uic es are both in hospital with severe a lady of the court, \vife ot BIOUP- - - ,- H ~ 1‘ ' -. . ff‘ -- l‘ Gormlev Headford Victoria anUlles. ‘GIOC s minister o inance. ant .. ‘ YCHA 3“ ~ t 't 1 All four men were construc- passing Susanna. a follower. The lesson m{little “1 mee d tle tion workers employed in build- ing the new $220 million On~ tario Hydro Lambton generating station at Courtright. needs to know how to yoke in Ville TOW“ Lille May 30 at 8 Brum- common harness the diverse Pm. Members please bl'lllFl work. Ramore talents of her members. lleadford Arrangements were made to 1 came across a lovely “Ot‘d. assist at Victor Home Open "serendipitious." Couldn't find House Bila‘v 25 and to accept a it in the dictionary but I found day‘s work at the workshop in‘Serendip. the island that is now hisiSeptember. ICeylon. On it lived three magic ‘ Mrs. A. F. Binnington thank-princes who always by happy turned up something for an informative and happy better than they were looking ning of fellowship. for. You know-you dig for clamsl ' The next meeting will be at 311d find 301d 01‘ go 011 a blindl Keswick. at the home of Mrs. date and find YOUI‘ soulmate. That is a serendipitious Occasionr' you are in a state of serendipi- In our small community of dence and that is serendipity. I Headl‘ord we become accustom- think. DEAL with the Used Car Dealer who can be TRUSTED pg .. THE . . LAW'I'ON BOYS Always 35 Reconditioned Cars to Choose From . Terms. I all at EH. Acreman, June 14. Low or No Down Payments â€" Easy with dressed the graduates with Jean Mutchmor. . s . .. . . , . . Headl'o '(l was , r ~\ to s; \ ’ their perfect attendance recâ€"Clark giving the \‘aledictory The Mav meetinO’ of the L‘cw “1 . .ed 1? “11.1”” and is ‘Mi haliii" Uoocl-bvelto \lr aiid [\lrs nuo‘h ERIC THIS WEEK S SPECIAL! ”RUE” “- ords. Cora BOle leader 0[ the atldl‘t‘sbt The Netting (‘IOSdeill be held lllbllle Sundav Following 31?. ‘L‘e ol‘hcers 01t9.}ei)01l"thaf' Dlde” tum act Deverell who have imoi‘ed tto Y CGIT, distributed perfect at- with courtesies by Judy Mortâ€" school room on May 25 at '8 the “I for 1900-67. ‘ Gadgfdh Uliibiversiili' “dihdlilJbllOl‘S iYork Manor. Good neighbors in 1964 FORD GALAXIE 500 X1, ”1191:???" ‘i‘l‘fllsfllo 332211333331“ taps ‘1’“); . BliiflwlFliglgfig‘em‘lufl;- ’11:]: Larry Thiessctf “on [he jun- the conniiunits" they have been 2 Door Hardtop, "ago" V8. automatic: power steering. S 00 ‘â€" 7W Wisallehgi‘ethi‘sutlimaeh:'tllm ii ipiiilell lie Hart, 1515 \lice-APivzsicl‘eiit ior championship for his school. gacm'ilmlfna “me “mg [0 5113‘ power brakes. radm. Immaculate. Drive this beauty. " iia as. ‘ . , t"‘n. BEDDING PLANTS invited to attend. lMl‘S G. Joyce. Secretary Mrs. Bd5‘le“ Secondary .10-1. dbws/ e\eie bl ess Neighborhood Notes J. McCague, Treasurer Mrs. tin-ow at the Georgian Bay: . . ' d . B ' The May meeting of the W1 Harold Hill. Assistant Seemâ€"trials. AURORA. The Boaid of Ltd e [05. King City Florists and Greenhouses Phone or call for your annuals soon. Delivery daily in King and surrounding areas. Our green- houses are located on the 6th Line, 1 mile south ,‘was held Tuesday evening _ _ ~ ilast week at the home of Mrs.’PlanlSt Mrs. R- Britnell. lEarl Empringham with Mrsaaht MFS- H. MCCaghei iHeber McCague in charge. Director Mrs. H- H111! The roll call was answered by ate Mrs- E- Mrs. H. Barber. .was Deputy Chief Bob Hood of "eyv 0fttary-Treasui‘er Mrs. V. Weedon.‘ Empringham, to their credit. Keith and Richâ€" last week the board notes the .“A Safety Tlpj’ Guest speaker Branch Directors Mrs. D. Rum~ Mrs. 'the Markham Township PolicelBOyhton. Mrs. C. Walker. With 42 schools competing injhas appealed to merchants to; Assist-ithe ‘Quaker Relays’ at Pickeringihelp keep Yonge Street clear ' Districthollege, Tlioriihill Secondary of delivery doubleâ€"parking. In Altern- came second. They had 11 firsts a letter mailed to merchants Ltd. 727-9427 ard Burton are members of the practice creates annoying trafâ€"‘ S. team. fic congestion and danger tOl . At Richmond Hill fair Mrs.motorists and pedestrians. 138 Yonge St. N. - Aurora of King - Nobleton Sideroad. 833-6330 Department who provided in! ‘formation on safety and first aid plus a demonstration on res- uscitation. .\lrs. Leslie llart. the new president for 196ti~67. took charge of the business portion of the meeting. Refreshments were served at the close. The May meeting of the Gormlcy - Headford - Victoria Square Branch of the YCDlh auxiliary will be held May '30" at 8 pm iii the Iiotne of Mrs: Gordon Dodd, Gorinley. Stouff-l ville Townline. ‘ This will be a work meeting and all ladies are invited to attend. The first game of the York Central Juvenile Girls‘ Softball League will be Mry 25 at 7.30 pm. It will be Victoria Square versus Markham at Markham. Cotiie and give our girls your". support by cheering them along. The loeal team is being coached by Wayne .\lortson and is being sponsored by the local Lions club. The next game will be May 30 at 7.30 pm against Richmond Hill at the Square. .~\ll home games of the local team will be played in the community centre park. Birthday greetings to Sheila Gee. May 21: Ronald Gee. May 22: Barry .\IcWhirter. May 24: Colleen MeWhirter. four years. May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Draper ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE TELEPHONE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Excellent opportunity to become established with well known motor club. We are looking for mature men and women interested in earning a good income. We offer an allowance during training. plus commission, as well as generous fringe benefits. For interview appointment telephone: 773-5283 3 8 pm. AUTO BODY SHOP will celebrate their 27th wedâ€" rling anniversary May 20. The pupils and teachers of Let us remove dents and sc‘atches \0- . W001 of l“ *0 3 "'0‘.“ by bus to the Royal Ontario Museum and l’ort York. Toron- to on Thursday of last week The) report having a wonderiitl time! Syiiiptttli) is extended to .\Il and refinish your ear in good time FOR SPRING Simply drive in for (1 Harry llunt. teacher of .\o. 7 free estimate wwuv * _ .. . .. . ._ , . .\IARKIIAM VILLAGE The 33 [0 “LL 0L“ DLRHLL (LDIUMLRS acre site sought for a hospital Service and Parts hours: Mon. to Fri. â€" 8 8.111. to 5.30 p.iii. Saturday â€" 8 am. to 4.30 pm. in this village has been sold b.‘ Crown Assets Disposal Corp to private interests tidentity not known at present'. The local committee has been trying to purchase the land. originally in- tended for an RCMP establish ment. since 1964. and in March THE BEST eosrs .\‘0 MORE BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Wilson-Niblett Motors Ltd. sent in a bid of $128,000 foi ., .- -- - - - - - H - . - l . "' l.\~5”‘: ”3;“ ‘ 300 \onge Street .\. - Richmond IIlII - Shit-old) :3;:[::]U:;lg\lm21081;) .05: 111:. ELEICRIIY PUIFRR Pii ‘ ’ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' J ‘ able H male: '5‘ trl sac | ‘ (0t RThsi (ARS .\vtiiAth ., 3, "i. 0 met but :‘eve ted. I the Whole family sleeps better when you install an electric a1r condltloner Day and night, the whole family is healthier and more comfort- able in air that‘s fresh, free from pollen, dust, smoke and cooking fumes. Add to your family’s comfort and health. Iii- stall an electric air conditioner today. your h ydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY â€" ctric Commission AL HORWOOD, Superintendent 884-4466 Richmond Hill Hydro-Ele SAM COOK. Chairman 56 Yonge St. North

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