Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jul 1966, p. 8

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m THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July 21. 19% Button ville Community Happenings ' One month of summer past » the wheat is golden in the lields.‘to spam and Italy, 0 6 O O S cizhborhood Notes 6 O O 6 i,\'(~uch.‘itr.‘l. Switzerland. and activity i: ‘took some interesting side trips interesting too. 113“ “'N‘k a heavy one flew over from a western direc- O O i O l' V .. a... M.“ ".. c... L i 4...” corn is high. and next week the.‘ The Bobbitt family is taking a lion dangling a heavy steel C ._ , . . ’ ' “ ’ " “ ' “mm“...- “In hum. motor trip va-atmn this summer pipe on a longv rope and 9 ’ TIC FUEL 0"- In the meantime home based #ai'ound the great lakes, (lopogitpd 1“ load at [hp . HALLS DOME . children are takin: r’lfllHllIaElt" Rodney Venus is working on airport. A new type, 0f air 9 . (if every available pool in thea farm at Vineland this summer. freight transport for this : AND BURNER SERVICE . vicinity. and mothers are toting and Mixaiid Mrs. Bernard \Ien- neighborlmnd. you may . carloads of water babies to their I" and Susan will visit relatives have heard also that But- . 884_436‘| RICHMOND HILL . Red Cross lessons. In Montreal dlll‘mfl‘ lltlllda.“ lonville based helicopters O . This “pok Jami: (‘mlg is Dr. and Mrs. L. Bartram of are assisting with CFRB WM”O”OOOOOOOOO“OOOO‘ writing exams, (.mnpimmg her London spent some time with traffic reports during rush .â€" »-» N, we meme ’03:“: second. year at the Toronto Gen- MFS. 5. J. Englishon Sunday. hours and n" “101“.“th 99........‘. ‘ . ' I I I I I I I ’cral School of {\ursing. She Mrs. :\ W. Miller had the Dr and “1.. George Kelly ' ' . completes her psychiatric train-Casts remoycd from her wrists attended the wedding of Mrs Colour Mowe Film $2.95 .... or m and .... w 1...... arm- we a... n... M... In _[ rocessini: \\lll take a three weeks holiday weeks of” imprisonment . lhe ouglr last Saturday; and Mr. S ' p - before continuing hei course. dOHtfl “as pleased with themand Mrs. Bill McArthur were. Fraser Craig is surveying in but it will be some time before guests when their nephew Jack“ - the London area now. and spent she is up to ltt‘t‘ usual Speed. .\Ic.\rthur was married at St. 35MM colour Fllm $2.59 the weekend at home with his- If you are drivtng around Margaret‘s in the Pines. Scar- , parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter the countryside Some sum- Incl.p1‘0cessmg Craig. mer evening, you might Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walton take a look at Buttonville Airport on 16th Avenue west of Don Mills Road. Toronto Airways is expand- ing. and a new building is returned early last week from a visit with their daughter and her family at Port Credit. The Hooper famin expected B E? W FILM 127 - 620 - l20 R I, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooper well underway. Helieoritcr 3 o S 99/2! home early this week from aYk ’ ’ ""‘V” ' trip to the Calgary Stampede and the west coast. or county Mr. Bill M r. Hood and Mrs. and Mrs. companied by 30- PH 0 1'0 SUPPLIES ATLA dinner and a performance of Eric Nicol's new play “Like Father. Like Fun" at the Royal Alex. The lloods were cele- brating their wedding anniversâ€" ary. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Selders The only tractors that have and their family are delighted been seen on the roads in York 10 have Mr. Selder‘s brother‘coum." in recent weeks have with then. this summer. on abeen there in courses or nor< two-month visit from Holland. ,mal farm “'01‘k. Agricultural Mr. and Mrs. William Cllam- Representatii’e A~ A “"3” 1“" pion's daughter Mary returned ports. They have definitely not home from Europe where she attended school at parade. MOS! farmers tcounty have the opinion that, ' using tractors in this way isn‘t ;a very good approach to solving ithe problem. Besides, with hay ‘coming off at top speed. there hasn't been a tractor to spare. l Some form of protest or ac- 3i“ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE PHONE 84-3221 Wuoowoooooowoouooooo 00““..“OQOOOOOOOOMOOO 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0...... l t l l TO ALL PARENTS OF Markham Township School Area No. 2 In the past month. the trustees of Harkham T.S.A. No. 2 have received duplicated letters and signed by the parents of kindergarten children asking the board to reconsider their decision to not provide kindergarten facilities in September. 1966. Since this letter was a duplication that necessitated only» the parents signature many omitted the address of the parent. For this reason then I find it impossible to reply individ- ually and as a result. I am using the media of the newspaper as an alternative. ition is supported. Price levels tat the farm for most products haven’t changed much in the llast 10 years, he claims. In ispite of some rise in prices of milk. beef and hogs there has lnot been an upward swing to match increases in operation icosts. A small percentage of :farmers has been able to keep ‘on top by doubling or tripling volume. but for large numbers expansion has not been prac- tical. There just isn't enough land. money or rwnpower to go MedicalGraduatea"°f“d- .. , Videotaping Of The trustees are sympathetic with your reâ€" quest but feel that such a facility, if installed. must be available to ALL pupils of the area. Taking into consideration the lack of population density in the area. one can readily realize the transportation necessary is out of proportion with the operating cost of those buses necessary to operate the remainder of the elementary grades. The trustees agree that the provision of such a facility in Area Two is in the planning of the not too distant future but until the consolidation of the smaller schools such a programme is highly impractical. DR. ALVIN G. KELLY Son of Mrs. Marion Kelly and the late George Kelly of Gorm-t ley. Dr. Alvin G. Kelly received his degree in medicine from the ,University of Toronto at the June 18 convocation. l Dr. Kelly is a graduate of The $6.500 in York Central lRichmond Hill High School. He District High School Boards is interning at Toronto Eastaudio visual budget, together with an additional $3,500 will be used for the purchase of a video tape machine and neces~ sary appurtenances. The recommendations of the management committee to this effect was passed unanimously at the June meeting of the‘ board. This was described by Sup- erintendent S. L. G. Chapman at the first phase of the board‘s plan for the use of TV in the school system. At the present time a numâ€" ber of fairly good educational Your concern and interest in this matter has been appreciated. Yours truly. W. G. Morley, Business Administrator. TV programs are broadcast through commercial channels. Usually however, these are broadcast at a time which con- flicts with the school timetable and to arrange for one grade to watch a program at a parti- cular time often involves re- Before 'I‘heihlzgiislrate “.1. - A former Toronto real estate 9 ec rlc wa er ea er broker, Albert l'l. Porter. 58. of 26 'l‘horncliil‘e Park Crescent. was fined $500 and sentenced to was Cr t d f I 15 days in jail when he was ea e OI' peop e Two Metro policemen testified I ' ' they had checked a room at El~ w O InSlSt on haVln liott Trucking Sales. Highway 7 one-quarter-of-a-mile east of Kennedy Road. June 3. and b round an unlisted phone. rat-in: a undant hOt watgr \Vhilc they were there. seici- al bcts were placed mer the phone. they said. I Mr. Porter. \"lio operated the mom. said he used it for real h i ' B k' C(lll\'lt’l€(l on a charze of book- shcets and a tele\:sion sci tuncd estate purposes. The Cascade 40 electric water heater will produce all the hot making Tuesday in Magistrate's to the races that afternoon water you‘re ever likely to need. Cascade 40 is flameless. safe lleaiy iail terms vere handed out to [no men. who were conâ€" i.cted of bl‘C‘aklll; entering. ‘uef: and tilt ’l'lll: and clean. Since there is no combustion. the Cascade 40 needs “I?!“ ’1 ““‘l‘g‘l' 37: M. D““ ' - - . _ ~ . i \. “ti‘ ‘1‘” (‘llthi ( Kl}. no flue and can be installed in any convenient location in your war» “mic James “1 Rai- home. Cascade 405 tank is cruaranteed for ten full years. 31:11,]. .’.i“‘..;f:‘."...._ m t.» 1).... It you instst on having abundant hot water at low cost. call )1).lf‘ll‘Illlm‘j‘i““”§“”1“”5" . . , . Q . s . .. of Hl'tl H. ‘tttt “ ‘tt‘ ..'esl- your Hi the and ask about the C ascade 40 electric water heater. ed Mi. m -.-- .. mm and (liar;- cii our. llit\*C>>.Illl ".cze d5â€" ..‘.;ll gcd 'I‘Iie (itiat'tc' as :1’:cs'i:-tl h) main Township l’olxc last ‘-. .17” l“. Lll tt‘llIlCt'ltlll "‘ lil‘i llL‘CI- ygur y To a; .i \CI'LC~ o: cheque: iiiiou v' .Ie tout 11:11.3‘ The L.lCtl'_ “..t .i' been :i‘..nic out or. etiue ' :itzn: iii..t:‘.::.‘€ :‘ ‘ ‘ r l . lvi‘ans L'or.‘ .. .l‘i'iv‘ an en e 41:35.12" “::Working At Farming, Not Tractor Parades recentlybee" participating in a tractor“ in this Educational TV To High Schools it l)5if"lt‘tlla‘j ‘me o“ “1‘.“ E. . NE\\'.\I.\ilI\'El .\ "it“‘(l ‘. . ‘ . / t.. ‘ r. _ boro. .\li's .lmnes McQuay was also a guest at wedding. A thought to remember m Rruces' Mill Conservation Areal is a delightful place to stroll or swim on a warm summer even» the McArthur Mr. Wall says that in his opinion, prices should be at i a level that will enable a moderately sized. well~run farm to stay in business ‘ and keep up to date. It is . doubtful if tractor parades. ‘ government subsidies or pegged and controlled prie- . es are the answer. He feels that organized mar-i keting with bargaining strength .is a healthier approach. albeit ‘not an easy one. The road tot ‘organized marketing is a very rough one. he warns. The ne- We don’t know of a finer exterior white. Exceptional hiding qualities, even over contrasting colours. Super-Lastic One-Coat White flows on smoothly. Special additives per- mit firm film thickness on sharp edges. Resists mildew, fumes. discol- ouration and weather. Halves the labour, paint and time! cessaiy loss of individual free- itom and control of the product is bitterly resented by some lpeople. If mistakes are made. imany find it difficult to underâ€" ‘stand that perfection is a rela- ftively rare item. The leaders loften get rough treatment and ,as a result prefer to stay at theme and mind their own busi- mess. 1 However. progress is being made â€" the kind of progress lthat will last a lot longer than most easy, spur-ofâ€"the-moment actions. Programs Brings timetabling the entire school for the day. Often too. the program: 'On a particular subject, such as a Shakespearean play for in- stance. are broadcast either be- tfore or after this point has ,been reached in the course and lit is seldom that students are .able to View a program at the lappropriate time. With the video tape machine. :such programs will be put on tape and may then be viewed ‘by classes when the matching ,sector of their course is being ‘studied. While at the present ‘time. TV sets are rented fort lparticular programs. it is antiâ€" cipated that TV monitors and ‘rcgular sets will eventually be purchased. With a monitor set. the same program can be shown lto individual class-es while they ,remain in their own room. lt is estimated that a video tape recorder with a minimum of back-Lip equipment such as iantenna. cameras, monitors. etc. could be obtained for about 310.000. While it is recognized that within five years time more sophisticated equipment would probably be in use. Mr. Chap- man stresses that n is importâ€" ant that before this happens. teachers should gain some ex» pcrience in the necessary tech- niques and some orientation in this direction. Pointing out that the Depart» mcnt of Education has taken educational television out of the curriculum branch whcre it has been prmiously and made it a Push-Button separate branch by itself. .\lr. COIOUF Spray Chapman feels that it is eii- dcntly becoming as important 16-025. . SUPER-LASTIC PVA LATEX PAINT BEFORE IT RAINS . . . 0R IMMEDIATELY AFTER! .98 GALLON 2.25 QT. For interior or exterior; Tinting Base or Finishing Whiteâ€"same price! Dries to a fine flat finish in 30 minutes. Peel and blister resistant. (select from 160 decorator-endorsed colourant tubes â€"â€" from 16c each.) age properties. \ y , i ,to 4,. \ was _/ 3-Brush Painter's Kit 1.29 Gloss or Satin Liquid Plastic HALF m .98 QT. â€"â€" 2.79 as all of curriculum. "TV is as important as bein: able to read“. he saltl. ".Iust as Large assortment of Thick set in rubber \‘e teach children to read critI- colours in Household Pftl}'-L'1‘€'1ha“e ."‘ bristles 3 popular call)” by writinu es.a_\s. etc we Enamel finishes. better than varnish " “ q ‘ .. lllll>l teach them to View ('i~iti- H ‘ . finishes â€" a rimsn like glass. S];',GS â€"_ l, a. and 3 . cally. 'l'hev are not livin.‘ taught am ”‘91 ‘ ' For interior or exâ€" Choose the WW”. this about '['\' “(my ’ and Marine Laquei’s. te r j 9 r. wood or . . . _ The camp... would at... be Quitk drying. metal surface. $116 for any JOl). utilized so that students takin: Dart in plays can view them- \el\C.‘. They \\lll be tauuht to + No auialyre what makes a Pi‘oéldm or a comma-grab clfecine and to see their o«*i‘. .‘I'lf‘ll'S UlllClI professionals aio;.l. lt l> emisaged that some “.me in the future. possibly in fiic Mitt“. eacn school we Hill ha\e facilitte: ‘r. piod'iu lll'flfll'éillls :1: 3 lf“.€‘l \‘.ll.'l tjinxp t).‘tii(lllt't>(l ' reasonably mixtppcd >ilICIlt). “non” " ‘ii‘ooaoq. no ”WCII H. t“. i' i tl'.-lll. shop Willa Credit lCard Convenience + On ’l"tt_ oc ‘ igicil 11;. rent; .i..j. 4 and lt- th.i:.n.. iiiiiudi‘as' to at“ litt ll >\fll'.ltli a‘. 2:5" 0c: LAT” 889-llOl OUTSIDE WHITE _ HOUSE PAINT .98 GALLON 1.19 QT. CAN BE EASILY TINTED! A tough paint with high cover- Alkyd modified plus titanium whiteners for adâ€" ded beauty and durability. For the home. cottage. fences and trellises. Tested and proveni 70 YONGE ST. NORTH, RICHMOND HILL i§§§am GLUE). co-cgutNe EXTERIOR °NE~COAT WHITE HOUSEPAINT IHUIIIH CLEANSING Actually washes itself in the.I rainl Rain tonight â€" bright house tomorrow! BLEN-DIT ACRYLIC LATEX HOUSE PAINT T50 TINTING BASE “‘8 I 91‘. Marine Enamel HALF PINT .64 to .71 QT. 2.10 to 2.49 For interior or ex» terior. Awdable in ready-mixed colours. primers and tinting base. Fast drying. Beautitim Tools colours available (Tint tubes slightly extra). .98 GALLON 1.79 QT. FINISHING WHITE 1.89 QT. -â€" 6.49 GAL. and weather-proofs in one application. Dries to a low lustreâ€"bugs don't even get time to spoil it! 192 clean up in Paint Roller and Tray Set .98 Handy 9x l3" metal 7‘2” tray; smooth r U n n in g mohair- blend 1' o l l P r fitted 3'3”?) liai'ri‘.'.orvl han- die. Down Payment The Spot Financing 884-ll96 + Free 30 Day Charge Privilege

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