Rev. David Dyer BA. BB. whol was appointed full time resi-lvisiting for the pas with his sisterâ€"in-law, Mrs. Beth on Jones, and niece. Laurie. of 177 brother. Andrew Wagner, Aug-promoted to a larger store in Centre and Mrs. Mortenson. Yonge Street South. left Mon- List 11 in his Tlst year. ' dent minister of the local Free Methodist Church at the East Ontario Confer..lce of the Free l Methodist Church held recentlynday to motor to his home in‘ :Victoria. BC. . will be ill charge of both ser- vices on Sunday next. . Mr. Dyer attended tlle Asbury‘ Theological Seminary at Wil-ltained on Saturday evening at a‘ more, Kentucky, for three years.‘pyjama party for a group of withiriends. all members hi the Tam of Mr. and Mrs. David Higginsrthroughout the summer for the Shanter Figure Skating Ci‘ii’ï¬llarding Blvd.~ was their son- September 30 opening of the and graduated last May his bachelor of divini * . z .3 4 The many friends of Dr. Johnland Mrs. James Graingcr, Yohge‘Arnold, of the Canadian Naval W. Copeinan, Mrs. Copeman andlS sons, John and David. fornicr‘ residents of Essex Avenue, who} ty degrcenO' Tony Jones, who has been t 10 daySlliam Wagner, Richmond Street, Bata Shoe store in the Richâ€"1m. manager of Ken 5““ Furs Sympathy is exreiided to Wilâ€" the passing of his only, Funeral services were held on ‘Monday afternoon with inter- ment ill Mount Forest Ceme- Miss Janice Graingcr enterâ€" tery. Janice is the daughter of M treet South. .._a:_*:s- Rev. C. G. lligginson, minister, A weekend guest at the home Lilliâ€"law, Lieutenant. Kingsley ‘Air Arm, from Belle Ayr Park,‘ «,Dartmouth, where he and his‘ wife, Beverley, are stationed. ,and llelene Knight and playing l Eddie Midnier. Browndule Crescent. of Midiner Dance Academy. is at present a patient lll York Central Hospital. where lhe underwent lllilJOl‘ surgery on ll’rlday. His man)‘ DUPIh “1†he l)l(‘it>- ed to hear he is now making szood ))i‘O:I‘E‘>S and already linol- liling plans for another success- ‘l‘ul tall program. ‘ Returning; on Finlay from a ,three week can trip were Mr. iand Mrs. Bob Bridges. Church Street South. who enjoyed a de- lightful tour of the Maritimes and New England States. , ‘l S . . l Greetings have been received Bil mm‘ managci 01 “e from Gordon Mortenson, popliâ€" mond Heights Centre, has been store Richmond in Heights the 'Northtown Centre. They are on route to the We“ Filling his. position iii the Coast on a Vacation trip with lOC‘iil‘bl‘HllCll is Jack Rayfield of their three youngest children. Oi‘iiha- ‘. Nils 15. Earl 10. and Sherry one year and their Beagle Rip. At latest report they had reached Calgary by Monday (the 15th! and Sherry was enjoying the trip immensely along with the rest of the family. The cast of “The Skill of Our Teeth“ have been rehearsing Curtain Club season. hi the lead roles of the large. talented cast are Sam Neillp Janie Clifton, Audrey Rowlaiids .llllltllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l Teenager l left last month for California, of RiChhwhd Hiii United Mr. and Mrs. Hi gins' other the children. Carol Cattermole. 1' . will be interested to know that Church. alld Ml‘s- iiiggihsmi’tdaughter, Suzanne. ii now livingMaiâ€"got Sweeny and George W â€18 Newspapel they are now living at 64091Centre Street EaSi-flh‘e Spehddin California, where her hus- Young. .. COIltBSt l WBSl-OVGI‘ Drive, Oakland, Cali- ing their iiOiiday5_ViSiiiiig their band, Lieutenant J. Range], is Muriel Gillard and Louise ‘ 1 fornia 94611. daughter. Nancy, “1 VahCOiiVei'~Canadian ofï¬cer in command atQuecn are co-prcducing the Leonard Huke 17 year 3, Prior to his leaving‘ Dr. Cope- During their stay on the ‘VESiiOakland. play, Bill Denison is designing old son of Mr and Mrs l 1 man, an anesthetist. spent alcoast, Mr. Iligginson has been! - - k . * - * the set and in the director‘s nuke North Taylor Mill: ‘ year on staff at York Central guest preacher at West POihi'R t rv Ne s .ehair is Cicely Thomson, who - ' . fl ‘- f i ‘ Hos ital Grey United Church. o a ‘ 3v . - l d" t (1 iv ‘u c ftl Drive. was i‘e Winner 0 a p ' x , . ., As the first part of their Aug- “’5 nec c max 5 C ess 1 contest run by the “After- M Mr. ’1’- ht a» *- Recent guests at the home of1 E. Stephenson. and Mrs. )list 8 meeting. members and{I wives of the local Rotary Club: enjoyed a swim party at the Curtain Club productions. iii- cluding “The Irregular Verb To Love". which played to packed Four" section of a Toronto daily, inviting suggestions for a name for the youth l ‘Hill laycees in '66-7, Itive of Richmond Hill Jayceei; Godwin and nephew Craig Miss Margaret her 8 year old Lig‘htbourne of Bermuda. were rccent \isitors at the home of Mr. aild Mrs. Lloyd Sanderson tlllfl family. Church Street North \l'hllc (‘lllullllfl cal trips to Niagara Falls alld Lake Simcoc. tra\ ellni: via maul highways 1‘llll spcccl limits of 50 - tit) miles per hour, the \’l.\lIOl‘ made many amurm: comments on Bermuda's top highway speed of 21) miles? They thoroughly cnloycd their Canadian holiday although Craig lound Lake Sinicoc "cold and hard to swim in“ by comparison to swimming at home. » ,v. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wort- man and daughters Pamela and Carolyn. Mill Street. returned; on Sunday from two weeks hol-‘ idtiys. spending a week at their cottage on the Severn River. and the remainder of the time on a sailing trip to Hamilton and back. Mr. Wortinan is .2 member of the local public school board. _ \- Mrs. l). Feathcrstonhaugh and son David. Arnold Crescent, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Michael Matyas and fam- ily at their cottage in Calling-t wood. l Glen Philip To Head The recently elected execu- TllE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘llursday. August 18. 1066 New Manager A Robert Pack (left above) new manager of the Richmond Hill branch of the Toronto- Dominion Bank, shakes hands with Peter Dyson, whom he succeeds. A his bank‘s branch resident of Richmond Hill May 1965, Mr. Pack has been manager of in Leaside. Toronto. he began his car there and has served as manager in Brainp- ton and Bracebridge. as well as at Leaside. is concerned in area banking which they expect, will be of great benefit to their customers. They will have a central branch with seven satellite branches in that area and are the. first bank to undertake this type of service. Good news for Richmond Hill residents are that Mr. and Mrs. Dyson and their four children will continue to live here. A mem~ ber of the local Lions. Mr. Dyson is looking since Born in oer in banking lGretel 013- were his sister ahd ‘ ' . houses in the s rin . . . . . ‘who will hold office for the - . . . . .0 en To :dlusband. Mr. and Mrs. W, wooiiighliziiniti §::{gu?aerig,i ilfgiiiï¬ï¬eighi‘, Season and iiiidiyigdual tickets’ gagging: Einsiliiiioï¬anadian lions-67 term is commseq Mil a daiilfhtzrmgiilsgiii'(lily? 31:32:53 son and forwardsto being president of the club not,“ 2 p .‘nough. formerly Gaminh-Mwhti'ilar meeting place. ‘iii'e already available and may Leonard submitted the President Gii‘“ Phiiih Past,‘ Afr. Dyson, who has heel: manager here italitlieiits’ozounzi‘lmii’t Rsiclihiiih‘dmhiliifflirh . .‘ganL i‘ .10 “fie lave â€11g 01 The group then adjourned to}be .obtained bi calling Anita; Winning entry Teen “Tempo President Leo MOrier. lsl Vice- for the past seven years, has gone to Rex- School daughter Barbara is a gradebh . ‘Caiim‘ma' .“ iere they p an to‘the restaurant for dinner. and Stainer 3i 83i'705i- _, '66". Which is now being Pi'E‘Siiiehi he“ Wallace. 2nd! dale as administration manager for the student at the same sch 01 and N n lid . Itake L'U.¢__.Sideiici_e'__ the rest of the Program which ii ' "i ‘ ii ' used extensively in adver- Viceâ€"President W. H. Davies.l Rexdale area. The Toronto-Dominion is Peter attend Pleasantvill: Public Sillfiyola . erve 0" i ' consisted 0f some very interest-J Phil Barth Of Barth's Clean- tising the BXhihitiOlL Secretary Doug Sutherland†introducing a new idea as far as banking IPhoto h'Stuart‘ Studiol , ' hig Sii‘ies 0f the Chili's paSiliers' Yong" and Levendale’ and “is Fri“ was a â€â€œ55 ‘0 Treasure" Ga†Leai' itliiiiuIlilllllimilllilililllliliilliiliillllliltluuiiillitiili 1 L i S PHARMACY HOURS the fishing trips, Christmas tree Mrs. Barth, have recently re- the whole exhibition. Mr. Davies represented the‘ i “““iiiiiiiiiii turned to th air Harrygan Cres- cent home, following a week atl their cottage at Joyland Beach. Lake Simcoe. ‘ During their local group at the 3lst National: illilllllllliilliilllliilllilltlllillllwlltilllitwillllwilltlllllllllllllllllllll Jaycee Convention in Edmon_. “It‘s a wonderful fishinglton. At this convention approval area", reports Norm Lewis ()[lwaS given to the unifying of Mississaguan Lake and the sur-vall Canadians Jaycee units by cutting, Christmas parties etc. which were very entertaining, Members and guests then, - heard a recording of a speech by the new Rotary International [pooch/41:; Cextw; ers.G.Everett Brown DiesSuddenly 0’ "‘ n" "" lLived ln Richmond Hill For 38 Years Sunday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. - 9.30 pm. Friday 9 a.m. - 10 pm. their absence. Teenagers? President Richard L. Evans, son Jack carried on the familyl. . . - . l r â€"entt‘ L F 8. ti n Saturday 9 3-m- ' 9 D-nl- who stressed 10 points for albusiness.’ ,, 83:22:? illii".esaiiileal\’ii‘is.Efés-iirsilgifebfec. Th: iittfenagniilsg “(if The Storybook Players who Mrs. _G. Everett Brown. who Besides her husband, she is Free All Day Delivery better world through Rotary. i. - r . z - . have just returned to tlleir hometdorsed a transfer of the con- presented “The Coral King" has reSided iii the same house sut‘Vived by two sons. Edmond Every Day >.: -. f â€" * - *1 Mrs. Ernest Raymond, Mrs. at 55 Travborn Drive. after anistitutional authority over tlle to packed houses locally lon Church Street South, Rich- of Agincourt and Douglas of Retur‘niing "0:“ holidays: ghuctgaiuiiaï¬lwzihldi hi‘rlsrsd’t’ill‘lila‘ii‘i enioyablei holiday there. spent Indian population from the fed-i, E“: itsurmgfllelllg tdlfm'Cts l‘lnond Blind fOI'ddthel past l3§|i§lfhm0nd Hl‘lli thrcc daughtt‘â€. Allencourt file‘ltghi'zltliiigganaannisv?r‘:::\5li? Safage were recent guests of in boating, swimming and iiSh'Iemi to the provincial governâ€"1 toS fii’lfilll' illicit.fl aliisliitighmoji lgï¬himeinhomzuatelhbobcaatygeioeill i31t'iljl51331? thliisierli’eiiii‘iiiiyilhligi i 11“ V " l- ' These and other items of Mr. and Mrs. Don Danard at theiihg- This year Mis- i‘eiiii‘ OUi' merits. - i having a Storybook Theatre lJulV 28. 'Ruthl of'Dow'nsviewi-ind Mrs [ . 0“ ie p dimmg fished her husband and the 1h? newly-elected halwhai' l ‘ Donald Smith i i “I'- interest. comprise “Life in Thursday performance of the, in Richmond Hill. ‘ , tMal‘garctl weekly 01' Single dances l the Hillâ€, and the editor “Eddy Arnold Show", at the catches included northern pike.;l)l‘esl(l€lll is PEN-‘1‘ (J. DOI‘mah The group feels there is Born at Lemonville on hiathornhill; 11 grandchildren and Pharmacy Ltd. . .. ‘ ._ . from Mount Bruno. Quebec. l - 9’0 1891 sl " tl d ht .. . - '. .‘ l would be delighted to re- Okeefe Centie. Pltkelel and bdbï¬- _ . . _ l a cultural need â€"- that of a “g ' r ‘e “d5 ‘9 aug Ci two reat- randchildren; and PI Wm. C. Lazenby. l tiiih idii‘ call ‘- ceive your contribution. After the performance they * - ‘ "i ' * ,i Ellie} 0111i“? tJaytclees "11.153611 theatre for children and oler. and illii’s- Jacob i‘iihaiivisistelg Mrsg. R. Perkins (Alice) . . _ .- . __ .. . . . - ’l . (1 Mrs. R Jolicoeur anlel )9: lbs 0 le na .1 na . an spent ler girlhood in ~ - .. .. H . . a Ystelllatlc Sound The seriice is free i.ele enteltained at. a cocktail Ml. an ' , ‘ ‘ . teenagers fiom 3 to 18 .D of Victoria qudlC. ugh A Wight, BSC-th. ! *3 phone 884-1105/5. or write Dal'tl' and had tlle pleasure of daughters Debbie, Lynda and conference in Ottawa and the years. who may act in or 'Markham Township. Her fa-l The funeral service was llelrl Brian Baker, BS. th. 884-4461 thei' later served as recve of the- Village of Richmond Hill for several years. have world congress in Toronto, ‘wha‘ch will bring to Ontario lJaycees from all over the world. Mary, Pugsley Avenue. recently returned from a week's cottage holiday at Marmora. meeting the celebrities of the show Eddy Arnold, the Stonemans and Boots Randolph. for your top Disc Jockey attend at least 4â€"6 plays a year (at least one of them on the high school curric- at the Piphei‘ Funeral Home July 30 with Rev. F. James Btirn of St. Matthew's United Church 63 Yonge Street South. IL ’L’ IF * Congratulations to Joyce and choice Allencourt Shopping ,hiï¬i‘eiifiek‘imï¬iiï¬Ã©iii Sihalï¬gvanliélngeiiaifiis atitgngiistéfdéi - 5331.331: 1323:? :3: i235 0†“b“.“al‘y 11' 52 yeai‘s 3%“ iiihit?i"vgi'cuiriigensnciiltreméilifoi Centre l 884-7298 Road, on their recent achieveâ€" ceremonies for the evening. Florence staunton WI“ TeaCh creative courses. ’ Greta Lelia Lunau married G' tery. Pallbearers were Herb M kh Rd B ' i ment in the scholastic ï¬eld. * - * - * - * They are at present nev- Everett Brown and the young Sanderson Fred Urben Robert at am '& ayView J Joyce achieved the highest Weekend guests at the home otiating for local premiszs couple homesteaded m Mani- Ross. Donald Pickering Floyd Avenue academic standard in grade 8 of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. MacKav. and would appreciate hear- {Oba and Saskatchewan, return- Perkins and Herman Mo'rtson. PETER MlHAY ing to Richmond Hill 38 years‘ ago. During these years she watched Richmond Hill grow from a little hamlet to a town of 20.000 population and alwaysl Arnold Crescent, were their son and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter MacKay. and granddaughter, Kathryn Ann, of Toronto. Perceptually Handicapped Here Miss Florence Stauntcn, wholDr. Richard Apell. directors of in June retired from the staff the Gesell Institute of Child De- 0‘ Pleasantville Public School.lvelopment, New HaVen. Con.r at Jefferson School and received the trophy donated by A. J. Saunders, well known Jefferson. resident. Katherine recently graduated ing from prospective mem- bers who might wish to act or take one or all of the courses that will be avail- able. Richmond Hill W PHOTOGRAPHY l wowowooooooommo omooqwocmowocw 5-4- .. P it‘rom Toronto Teachers' College A recent guest at the halite of will continue to teach in Rich-inecticut. - . . - tretained a keen interest. in the Pass 0115 _ Portraits . D a . . , . . ,. . l __ . .. Applications Will be re- , . , . . . ti land will be teaching at Walter Mr. and Mrs. Don Little, Hig‘h- mond Hill in »epteinber. She Perceptual handicap was} ceived bv phone at 889- Lillldtcn of ‘hei neighborhood. Weddings _ Commercial Scott Public School in the fall. land Lane~ was her sister. Mrscwill be teaching the senior placed in proper focus and; 6322 or 8534-2528 or bv mail many of \1'.‘lOln found great CAFETERIA MANAGEMENT iplCHSlll‘e in visiting and talking * - r - r - .- John St. Clair Ross of Van-children in a branch of the numerous suggestions were giv-l to 19 Leonard Sire . STU ARTS STUDIO h . _. . ‘, c et.Rich- ._ .. . n . . .. .' ~ . -- . .. ln 3 popular column of acouver, Sutherland Educational Cliniclen conceining specific tech-1 . . to then fiiend. we planned minimum" or an addition“ secondaiy ‘\Toronto daily newspaper. a * ~ * - * â€" ' .to be located on the secoiidlniques for evaluating. teaching, mond Hi“ Mrs. Brown was a member of 884-6741 school and the desire of an experienced manager to have less responsibility, provide opportunities for capable women to become familiar with the important function of cafeteria operation and in due course to qualify as managers. The annual period of employment coincides with the school year. Persons selected will not be required to work a full day at the outset, but if later appointed as managers will work for eight hours each school day. A vacancy exists now at Thornhi'll Secondary School. , ' l It can be sung to any tune,‘pen, Harrygan- Crescent, have A branch of the clinic iiaslMONGOLIA: Tm.“ brothersi diCaPDCdillllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllttlllllltllIt_ll_lllltll111111111111lltlllilllllllltlllliRiChmOhd Hill United Church.1 and is printed below: returned from a well deserved'been in operation on Lawrence Glenn. Ken and Grant Barkley,l Come to our Centennial fair holiday. Avenue West. TorontO. for the captured a rare, all-white} ‘Centennial song was published. It's business as usual at tlle‘floor ot’ the Christian Education and living with the ban - _ lwritten by Mrs. J. T. Rich-lLevendale Pastry Shop now‘Building of Richmond Hilllchild. l ANNETTE’S BEAUTY SALON You can reach it by land, sea Mr. and Mrs. Van Kempen past three years, Miss Staunton groundhog last week as it tried, or air. and their daughters Rosemarie reports. to escape from a hole in a field‘ Of mond Hill. lthat Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Kem- United Church. A welcome awaits those who and Diana, spent two weeks Preparing for her new career,‘near Claremont. The boys spent. do camping and visiting friends in Miss Staunton was among 500 . . . h Successful applicants will have a definite interest in And we will be looking for Windsor and Detroit. persons from Canada and thelligézlelt hours digging out i el B Q 37 ‘ Illa“) P Z , playing a part in the education or students by providing li’OU. ' 'i‘ - * - " lUnited States who attended the! ‘ * .:« Lfk 1 attractive nutritious food and prompt service. They will There’ll be many strange lac-i Home again following a two-lseminar for parents. educatot‘slNEwM ARKET‘ Thirtv five; have the potential to be trained to accept responsibility and to supervise others. Some high school education desirable. Training or experience ill restaurant work helpful. but not essential. es from faraway places All come for the fun of the Georgian Bay. are Dr. Dennis itair. Stainer, Mrs. Stainer. and sonslust 8 to 12. There‘ll be l'llJSlC for dancing. Mark and Paul. Centre Street was sponsored by _ l ‘ Children \\’ltli‘liâ€~‘ wish to announce that we have taken over the business of institute in Toronto from Aug- workers in'the paper products The conference‘oi’ei'aii‘)“ of Nemnarket‘s Office} the OntariOtSpecialty plant, will be offered ' ill Brampton when the week holiday at Thunder Beachfland professionals at Ryersonl ________________________.___.â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Apply promptly in writing to (i. W. 'l‘indal. Business .3 moon {01‘ romancing West. Association fol" . . ~ . . a] . g v r , V t w / l Administrator, York Central District High School Board. ‘ And we'll look for you at the Richmond Hill visitors dur- Learning gisalnlitles writh. the gljtytilaliiclndlCliiiijlfliwn“nigh-«nil: [90er S Blgg-IUY Y bAL()[59 Yonoe Street North. R-hi d 1‘ . , ,lall‘. ing their stay were Mr. and support an co-operation o1 le ‘ ‘ t . f . _ . 5 V . V . . ° it â€on 11“ Ont * . * â€" * - * Mrs. Harold Monks. and Dr. Ontario Department of Educa- lliel'e- Uéllt’l‘al Manager. 0- i- /b 1 01196 b“ Pet South, RlChnlOIld I'll†- Local Public School Superin- Robert Painter. Mrs. Painter.ltion. ’ Berry. Said 135‘ week. .. telldeiit Gordon S. McIntyre and and family. The program “as directed by He said also [hill \‘Ol'herb and U I†be able t0 better Sen/‘6' our CllStOIHC’I'S '2 8 * Dr. Ray Barscli. director of making the move would be al- Public School Board Chair-teacher preparation in the area,lowed up to $200 to cover ex- ‘w'eek holiday at Cape Hatterasflmm W. H. Hutchinson, Harding-10f the phB'sicall)’ handicappedmcnscs. while for those not North Carolina. ‘Blvd.. returned Sunday from a and th neurologically impaired wanting to go to Brampton. anl 1 They enjoyed a leisurely drivelwo week vacation at Temagami lat the Universit.V 0f WiSCODSIh..attempt would be made to find down Visiting Gettysburg, Wash~y His wife and family are stilllalong With D1‘- -i0hh Shell" and them a position at the Newmar- .ington and Williamsburg. andlenjoying cottage life and plan .1 ‘;ket plant. The latter will still lrelnain open and will construct Mrs. McIntyre, Lucas Street. recently returned from a two on. the west side of town. The same courteous and efficient service will be given to all old and new patrons. l lreturned via the Smoky Mountâ€"lto return to the Hill at the elidWHE ains. lof the school holidays. ; la special line of steel cabinets Phone 884-3531 l Accompanying them on thel * - â€" - * "Challenge ‘and storage units for schools. ‘, ,trip was Mr. McIntyre’s brother,l Best wishes for a quick l V 3 ‘Alex McIntyre. of Paisley. l return to health are extend- {OF ' 7 . . _ 7 _ . . . . l * - ' - ‘i â€" 3’ ed to TOW“ Works COmmis- ‘ . , i:.U.Il’lI-U-r(I-'-I‘.€‘-4‘.‘~|-â€-l'-“.‘l-‘_"-‘.0--“-lO-0-l7-.-ll-il-ll“-HV-fl.lh The many customers of Vari- sinner Otto Whaleu, who is <CCUILP’ NOTICE 1 ‘ety Sea Foods, Levendale Road. at present a patient on the "0“, (. (. S FINDS WERE medical floor of York Ceil- tral Hospital, where he will reiilain for a period of three will be pleased to see proprie- tors, Mr. and Mrs. P. Jennings. back at their store again follow- SPEN'I‘ IN 1964 (fiscal year ended on 1/2 PRICE SALE CHILDREN’S SHOES (SIZE 121/; -4 BROKEN LINES) ing a relaxing and pleasant weeks. 5 September 30th. 1964‘ holiday. ~ - - “' - * I. I. .1]. .. They enjoyed several day Staying at the home of Mr. ' - ~ â€ionic “’“i d â€Uiii‘i" totalled 34.615200 in 1964. A detailed accounting will be found ill the audited financ- ial statement which is avail- able upon request to any unit of the Society. . . . Expenditures totalled 84.399386. These funds were used as follows: trips. including a visit to Toâ€" and Mrs. George Doherty. Ben- ronto Island and other places of son Avenue. is Miss Margaret interest with Mr. and Mrs. R. Kelly. who arrived on Friday Lovoll from Norway. who are from Ireland. holidaying with their daughter Miss Kelly. a professional and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. hairdresser, intends to make her Holbeck. Kerswell Drive. home in Canada. WASH DOUBLE LOADERS EARLY SHOPPERS‘ Large Selection 0 Research and 49 t 99 SPECIALS or on Veteran 0i Irish Reg. And RCAF “Prisms 5mm . 0 . now in stock Piolincialtaiicer . . ¢ 10 OFF . _ Poundatlom 369.888 R 1 (_ 98 9 9% It â€"-â€"-â€" Cancer Education . 843.610 8 U a]. L. to . .. i [la 1 V ‘70 MacDonald Fleming Died Aug. 5 . g Q ~ 0 \VlNTEl’ COATS For Boys and Girls Services timid-T c . .. 0. , . . . . , , , \ . , ., , ‘ H minutes .1 \eteran of \l'ol'ld War II. Canadian LL‘PlUll Cost ot Pl‘OHCllll‘l OI“ (Sd\ dbe 8" Bustel BYUW n) “ “\ihR ~i»\( “hi5 i 111 which he saw active serl ice Sulwiilng tie-sides ills mothcl Services 318.1355 0 SXO\\' SUITS to tirst with the ll‘ltll Regiment and wile are tour children. Cost of Fund L d V0“, l'ntil S‘e t 6 0““, H Wars and then with tile RCAF. Mac- William John. Glenn and Paiâ€" Raising ...... 268.321 nun ry EARLY BIRD spï¬t‘lAL [NTIL .\U(;_ 315‘ ' K p. ‘ Donald Fleming 0" 4.5 Maralim ricia. all of Richmond Hill: Recovcrablcs . 60.335 . . ‘ . . . ‘ , . . Road. died in Toronto Western brothers. Reginald of Milford. Total £Xl)(‘tl(llllll‘(‘\ 4.399.386 BAYV'EHI DLAZA 70 OF butlre thCk 0f (.Ihlldlen .8 511083 HospitalAugust after all ill- Connecticut. Norman. William Added to - - Just mention this ad 10 receive your discount ness of Just a week. and Outer of Toronto and sisters Resources 315.814 ., .\lrs. ll. Reeve winner and Mrs. 0111mm“ -- -l'-1-1l’l"l‘-l‘-Il-i'-“-"-t‘-I'â€" i-Il_ll_ly-l>-tt-“-l'-I|-\‘-U-ll-|‘-U-.4-tr-H-tn-l ! ! ! l ! ! l g g g t t l t l l t l I. i l l l l l l l l l l l 1 Born in Parry Sound on No- '\<"\\r\;\ws4c§’W\\«N\\«W.w&\t-§VKKW&WT;~?, .ember 14. 191-}. he was the son E. Mattison IJeanl also of To- P'NNRNWNM \Nm\\\’\m \“NXN\\'\\\‘\\\W\M\’\’“71 of Mrs. William Fleming of ronto. g E T g} , 1 7 Toronto and the late Mr. Flem- The funeral was held August 55 G RAVEL ER I E '/ leELDb W \ ing. 3 from the Pipher Funeral . . ‘ a . _: m b\\@ 3 Mr. Fleming was employed Home. with REV, A. McLean of (5 BOOKINGS FOR ALL» STEAMSHIPS A.\D 5 up fl ' for 1'? years as salesman with \Villowdale Presbyterian Church .(3 AIRLINES. TOURS A)D CRUISES x: ‘ an interior decorating firm in conducting the service. Inter- :5 . ‘ ‘ ‘ , 5 “WWW Mil/fuller Richmond HEiD‘hts (‘9lilt'e \l'illowdale and lived 'in that merit followed in York Ceme- / 85 YONGE STREE'I .\. P1403113 ff ‘5 community before moving with tery, \\ illowdale Pallbearers /] RICHMOND HILL 389.31k2 ',, Yonge St. N. â€"â€" Richmond Hill his will and family to Richmond were Clyde Armstronz. Douglas j '« <01...“ Bl OFK th‘ll'\10\l1 lll'l(.ll‘l< (‘FV'l‘TiT; liill Ill years ago . l-‘lemin; Law-g Demne. )laurlcc . N†sel‘ylt‘e (hart-(\- nn booking fee i i i i i i . llr il\ a lllt‘L‘lle†it two \\'.l« hexane Dal id \"l11\llltllï¬ :tnc ' lo'wdzile Elantn of tllt‘ limal litmaltl .\l.itti~on ;1§i§§§§§¥t§§\u§§§\cl§§itii§i5i3i‘3‘.\\\i‘ \.\§\.211‘\ \\\.§.I i-..,.___. a -â€"-e-â€"_ amuse»... eâ€"gmgâ€"-uâ€"- -â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" -â€" â€"â€" -~. .r