Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Aug 1966, p. 14

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mmmmuuuuumummunumlmmuuuummmuumunmnuuu 14 VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill Municipal Hall l KIN GSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News Now is the time to change to . FURNACE BURNER OIL & SERVICE Maple and Richmond Hill Doug Chalmers Don Andrews 832-1551 884-1879 ”The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord and Edgeley districts. 1n Maple please phone Mrs. Janet Myers, 832-1423; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Norma Hewitt, 889-4061. v. o. N. BRANCH NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JEAN LOGGIE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SHUR-GAIN BULK DELIVERY! Front irow (left to right) are: Mary Anne Manning, Gail James, Sally Manning, captain, Susan Sherman, Shelly McKee, and__I)avgn :Iames._1_3_ac1§ royvzflJangt §oo~tt,2iane_Magee,_H§len Johns-on, Cathy Thacker, Maureen Thurston, Cathy Crook, Jac- Team members of the Maple Girls’ Juvenile Softball Team take time out from diamond action to pose for the photo- grapher. The team finished third in the York Central Girls’ Juvenile Softball League and will meet Markham in the first round of the playoffs. ’ queline Holmes. Missing is Coach Bruce Thurston, vonrholidays. YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU hulk feed service THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 18, 1966 SERVING YORK COUNTY 884-4101 Bulk SHUR-GAIN Feeds means 5 important savings for you. LET US SHOW YOU HOW BULK FEED CAN FIT INTO YOUR LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY PROGRAM SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE TIME IN HANDLING SPACE IN STORAGE LABOUR IN UNLOADING EFFORT IN FEEDING MONEY ON LOWER PRICE The engagement has been an-[event was spoiled by the inva- tended the nounced of Marga1et Ford of sion of a crowd of moto1cycle Convention To1onto to Gary Palmer, son hooligans £10m Chicago who in- New Xork of Mr and Mis Lloyd Palmer vaded the town and caused a lot,friends fro of Maple. The wedding will of trouble and damage. In were many take place at St. Aidan’s Angli-‘spite of this Ken did very wellnat this wee] can Church, Toronto, Septem- as there was only 4/1005 of a’cluding an ber 10. second between third and sixth two va'ietv The engagement has been an-[event was spoiled by the inva- tended the Lions International The Daltons arrived from Ire- nounced of Margaret Ford of‘sion of a crowd of motorcycle Convention in early July in‘land June 21 and have divided Toronto to Garry Palmer, son hooligans from Chicago who in- New York C;ty, along withitheir time between their child- of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Palmer vaded the town and caused a lot,triends from Toronto. Therelren who live in Clarkson and of Maple. The wedding will of trouble and damage. In were many events of interestiMontana. USA. as well as Mrs. take place at St. Aidan’s Angli- spite of this Ken did very \vell,lat this week-long convention in-;Campbell in IVIaple, They fly can Church, Toronto, Septem- as there was only 4/1005 of a eluding an international 5110\v,§back to Belfast August 18. her 10. ’second between third and sixth two variety shows. a boat ride: is >:: \ >I= Margaret was honored at aiplace. i‘a fashion show for the wives: New residents at 49 Lancer miscellaneous shower held at Attending to cheer Ken onjand 0f 001156 ,th? lf'il‘ge parade. Dr. are Albert V. and Edith the home of Mrs. Betty Rumble, were Mr. and Mrs. Art Wolf- _. *‘ " ’" "" _ Beggs and their daughter Ina. August 9. About 20 friends and reys who had gone to visit Mrs. Room and Mary Claire Urqu-lThe Beggs have moved here neighbors of the groom’s family Wolfrey‘s parents in Leaming- hart of Detrmt are ViSitlng their from RR 3 Woodbridge. A wel- attended this event. ton for the weekend. They left grandparents Mr. and Mrs- R- come from the community iS A trousseau tea will be held August 27 from 2-4.30 at the apartment Where the young couple will be living. The ad- dress is apt. 605, 819 Kennedy Road. All their Maple friends are invited to attend‘ Ken Hatton placed sixth in the National Motorcycle Hill Climb at Muskegon, Michigan. August 7. Ken reports that the MAPLE FEED MILL Here Are The Maple Girls - 832 4241 â€" People And Events In Maple Leo and Doris Roberts and children Gary and Laura of Goodman Crescent, returned last week from a three week trip to Edmonton. They went out by train along with Mrs. Roberts’ mother. Mrs. W. Had- don of Cooksville and a nephew. While in Edmonton they visited an aunt of Mrs. Roberts. From here they had a trip to BanfT and Jasper. They enjoyed see- lilo the ice fields, the museum in Banff the famous gondola ‘lifts and many other sights of‘ interest. Attending to cheer Ken on were Mr. and Mrs. Art Wolf- reys who had gone to visit Mrs. Wolfrey’s parents in Leaming- ton for the weekend. They left their girls, Gail and Lynn with the grandparents and drove to Muskegon for the events. Mr. and Mrs. Jack House and boys returned early in August from a three-week vacation at Honey Harbour. Earl and June Davidson, Gib and Goldie Keffer and their children spent a weekend early in July at the cottage of War- ren and Edna Bone at Four Mile Lake near Coboconk. Donald and Betty Weese at a two week vacation. Library ball teams that play every Mon- hours, for those brave enough day and Thursday evening at to walk through the construc- the community park. This tion at the main corner arezLion-s sponsored league has been Mondays, Tuesdays and Fri- action all summer and regular days 3-5; Frir‘ay evening 7-9; league play ends today (Thursâ€" Saturday morning 10-12‘ day). As of last week the Tiger * "F *‘ * Cubs are league leaders. This Ml‘. and Mrs. P. Fitzgibbon team is coached by Bob M0111. and boys are now well settled at tyre and John Pile. their new address. They moved In second place are the Buds, from Gram Street to 24 Lancer coached by Mel Clendenan and Drive in mid July, and reports. Smitheram. Third are the that they are very happy in‘Lions coached by Roger Auber- their new home. tin and Don Day, The Wild- * ’~‘ * ’1‘ cats are in fourth place. They Mr. and MI'S- George Camp- are coached by Albert Ball and hell of Goodman Crescent have‘Don Bagg Ernie and Aileen Birch had a quiet week while the boys were at camp, at a cottage on Geor- gian Bay‘ lt’s business as usual at the Boys’ Softball library. lVIl‘S. Ellis is back after There are four boys’ soft- Robin and Mary Claire Urqu- hart of Detroit are visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. Urquhart of Oldfield Road, for two weeks. Bob and Lois McIntyre, Lynne, Stephen, Janet and Scott spent the middle two weeks of July at a cottage on Lake Mus- koka. Last Saturday they spent an evening with Geo1ge and Lorraine Vigus and family at then new home in \Ia1kham Village. Mr. and Mrs. George Camp- bell of Goodman Crescent have had Mrs. Campbell‘s parents. 2'.er and Mrs. William Dalton of Belfast. Ireland. visiting them. Minister's Daughter I: Married In St. Andrew's White Queen Anne‘s lace and: Following the ceremony a re- blue cornflowers formed thejception and dinner was held for setting in St. Andrew‘s Presby-i90 guests in the church parlors. terian Church. Maple, for theiThe dinner was served by ladies all-white wedding of Janet Eliza-‘of St. Andrew‘s and St. Paul’s, beth Andrew to Charles HoggiVaughan. Guests included the of Toronto. The ceremony took'bride’s aunt and cousin from place JU1)’ 30 at 3 Pm- Vancouver and an aunt from The blide is the daughter of Nassau Bahamas Haiold 11“ in Rev B. F and Mls Andrew and ‘the brides biothei -in- -la\\) act- the groom is the son of Mr and(8d as master of ceremonies and His Wilbert Hogg, Toronto 1Mrs Irwin (the biides sister) Mr. Andrew escorted his received and seated the guests daughter down the aisle, gave‘in the dining hall of the church. The bride is the daughter of Rev. B. F. and Mrs. Andrew and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert. Hogg, Toronto. Mr. Andrew escorted his daughter down the aisle, gave her in marriage and performed the ceremony. During the pro- cessional the wedding march from Lohengrin was played on the carillon, gift of the late Lord Beaverbrook. by Mrs. John Cooper. church organist. Mrs. Denis Creighton sang "0 Per- fect Love." For her wedding the bride Niagara and Muskoka. Mr. ano chose a dress of white slipper Mr? Charles Hozg “111 take UP satin fashioned on princess lines WSldenCE in East Toronto. “it" “'“mpe‘ Sleeves and She,NEWMARKET: Elizabeth Cath- wore her great-grandmother 51ers, 22. daughter of former Con- watch and chain. She carried a s . ~ _, .. 7 e v ‘ 101k \orth. white bible and orchids. 3 name MP £01 1 C. A. “Tiny" Cathers, has been Mrs. William Searle was the credited with saving the life of matron of honor, Heather Anne‘an employee of her father’s at Irwin (the bride’s niece) was their home last week. Miss flower girl and Stephen Hogg Cathers leaped into the family (the groom’s nephew) was theipool and rescued George Pierce. ring bearer. The bride’s attend-l38, manager of the Cathers’ jants wore short dresses styledlfarm, who had been lying at similarly to the bride’s and carâ€"3the bottom of the [3001- After ried baskets of white chrysan-lapplying mouth-to-mouth resus- thenurns and blue cornflowerchiation. to restore his breathing, Douglas Lawrie of Toronto Miss Cathers called the am- \\as groomsman and Harold bulance and Mr. Pierce u as matron Irwin flower the gr ring be ants w New residents at 49 Lancer Dr. are Albert V. and Edith Beggs and their daughter Ina. The Beggs have moved here from RR 3 Woodbridge. A wel- come from the community is extended to them. Regular league play in the girls’ juvenile softball league has ended. Willowdale Clares finished the season in first place followed by Richmond Hill, Maple, Agincourt. Victoria Square and Markham Village. Maple meets Markham in the first round of the playoffs. This series will be completed by August 22. The winner of the best two-out-ofâ€"three games will advance to the next round of playâ€"ofl's. Girls’ Softball Playoffs start next week so come on out and watch these budding ball players During the reception, the bride and groom presented Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robson of Maple with a gift in honor of their wedding anniversary that day. Mr. Robson is an elder and Mrs. Robson a choir member at St. Andrew's, Following Niagara and Mrs. Charles (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) a wedding trip to Muskoka. Mr. and HOE-{g will take up East Toronto. I The Voice or Concord Scouts ‘ Excitement ran high on Sat- urday morning as the Scouts‘ were eager in expectation of their work at camp in Halibur- ton. Most of the boys arrived at Concord School well before departure time of 8:00 am. After all Scouts were accounted for. Dr. Peter Granger had the boys line up and he presented each one with a commemorative scarf. They then boarded the bus, waved good-bye to their par- ents and settled back for a long and noisy trip. Carl and Gloria Herman, King Severn and into Lake Simcoe High Drive accompanied by where they spent a few days. their six children Peter. Mar- * * '3‘ * ianne. Karen. Patric, Carl andl Ed and Ruth Hay, 'sons Rick, Gloria arrived home August 13 Gordon and Scott, Southview‘ from a 6‘2 week trip to Mexico. Drive and Henry and Lois Nor- The Hermans have a con- din, children Ron and Alaine, verted bus which is self-con- Roekview Gardens started out tained and the only time they in July for the East Coast of found it necessary to use Canada separately. They met trailer paiks “as “hen they. their second day on the road wanted a s“ 1mm1ng pool. This‘and spent the 1est of their 18 The Hermans have a con- verted bus which is self-con- tained and the only time they found it necessary to use? trailer parks was when they1 wanted a swimming pool. This is the second year they have had their bus and they claim it is the way to travel. Last year they took a trip through Que- bec. They drove directly to Mexico City and then south. The people in this area are very friendly and go out of their way to be helpful. din, children Ron and Alaine,‘ Rockview Gardens started out! in July for the East Coast ofi Canada separately. They met: their second day on the road and spent the rest of their 18 day camping vacation together. They travelled directly to Bar Harbor. Maine and took the boat “Blue Nose" to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Rick Hay told me he saw a whale while crossing‘ here. Most of their time was spent in Cape Breton and Prince Edward Island. They found the camping fac- Food is cheap and the weather ilities excellent and the weath- wonderful. The temperature erman most coâ€"operative. Ev- ranges 85 - 90 and cools,off at eryone had a terrific time. night. The summer is‘ their * * * * rainy season and it rained every The Frank Ward family arrived day between 7 and 8 o’clock home last week from a wonder- for a whole half hour. .ful trip to Virginia. A few of the places Visited were Mexico City, Guadalajara, a very modern city; Acapulco and Aztec Ruins. Mrs. Herman speaks some Spanish, but believes you can Mkfifiimls 4 lLb. pkgs. s] IGA Oven Fresh Lem cocdannt PIE 55¢ FISH & cHibs 24mm. 57¢ COFFEE [GA COLOL'RED FRASERVALE FROZEN MAXWELL HOUSE MAPLE YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 17 MAPLE We reserve the right to limit Memorial Fund (47 Arnold Slreel. Richmond Hill) Family Size smile your way through Mex- ico. When asked if she enjoyed her trip, the reply was “marv- elous, terrific." G. Dollery family. King High Drive started out on July 29 for a two-week cruise on their boat. They spent eight days in the Manitoulin Island and Georgian Bay Area and enjoyed the rugged scenery. The water in Georgian Bay was rough and they ran into rain a couple of days. but for the most part it was sunny and calm. They came back through the Severn and into Lake Simcoe where they spent a few days. TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS quantities. 18, 19 & 20 § i BEE/£216? will). Flat 9 5 ¢ SUNNY )[ORN RINDLESS SLICED M MAPLE PLAZA JOIN CANADIAN FARMERS TOUR ENGLAND - SCOTLAND - WALES A. H. Creighton Tlavel Agency PO. Box 149 Tel. 889 5643 Bellevxlle Hanover K1 Orillia Owe Richmond Hill Sailing from Montreal EMPRESS OF CANADA October 4th. 1966 Personally Conducted All Inclusive - 34 days Fare: $875.00 For itinerary and full particulars phone or write M. N. FOYLE, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Each $100.00 grows to $134.39 when left on deposit in a five year, 6% Guaranteed Investment Certificate. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES Brampton Kingston 1 Owen Sound IN FIVE YEARS WHEN INTEREST IS LEFT TO ACCUMULATE AND BE COMPOUNDED HALF-YEARLY THORNHILL, ONTARICS St. Marys 34% Lindsay Peterborough I Stratford Canninglon r Liszowel Exeler Meanrd Port Credxt Toronto (5) 884-1107 889-1308 Gode nch Newmarket Renfrew Whitby

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