Thank You, Mrs. McCanughy Hill and taught for more than 40 years in the public school â€"â€" and an- other eight years as a supply teacher â€" in some cases three generations of the same family. Her kindly, firm and capable handl- ing of her pupils both in and outside the classroom endeared her to every one of them and to their parents. Congratulations, Mrs. McConaghy, on this momentous milestone. It is our hope that Canada will continue to produce people who will serve it as well (or even half as well) as you have. Then we can be assured that our beloved country will continue to grow and progress and hold an im- portant place in the world. i 3 t 3 . Finance Minister Sharp said of last week’s emergency cabinet meeting: “I can assure you inflation is not on the agenda and I don’t intend to bring it up.†. . . And we didn’t intend to have it go up, either. i it * t it What a crazy, mixed-up city! While Toronto (Continued on Page 13) "The usual," he replied, “like What‘s your job? Where do you live? Are you married? Do you have any hobbies?†At that point my friend appeared lost in the brilliance of his own thinking. It didn’t take more was composed of H J Mills Jas- than a minute for him to recover. McLean Wes Middleton and “Come to think if it", he continued, “it sounded We" Lime‘ Winn“? Neal ifthis; as if I were being interviewed for some neWSpaperâ€. â€St appearance 1“ mummpal _ politics was elected to council (Continued on Page 13) in 1934 joining Messrs. Mills uuuu Ul‘Cb’il leiaL‘Cu lucucau. In 1933 John A. Green was elected to the reeveship, a posi-l tion he filled for eight and a‘ ’half years. His council that yearl bMimi““llllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllLlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-F (With population in the area expected to double in the next 20 years. York Pres- bytery of the United Church of Canada last fall ordered a report from a planning firm. Project Planning Asso- ciates Limited to provide a guide to the location and size of churches. the expansion of existing churches. and the grouping of churches in charges. During the spring session of the Legislature the Robarts’ Government gave every indication that it event- ually intends to allow North York Township to annex the southern por- tions of Markham and Vaughan. In making known its future plans, the provincial government was following†the line of thinking of the Goldenberg Report on the future of the Metro Government. In that report Mr. Goldenberg recommended allowing the two mammoth Metro townships of Scarboro and North York to gobble up the developed areas of Markham and Vaughan if they were unable to provide such essential services as water. sewers and public transporta- tion. The next decade will be a demand- ing one for the elected officials in both Markham and Vaughan Town- ships. How they govern their mun- icipalities during the next few years will to a large extent determine how long these two townships will be allowed to remain as independent municipalities outside the Metro orbit. Speaking in the Legislature Prem- ier Roberts has forecast that the reâ€" organized system of five boroughs and one city is intended to exist for five to ten years, to be followed by an eight-borough system â€"â€" by 1977 at the latest. The exact timing will depend on the rate of URBAN GROWTH in Pickering, Vaughan and Markham Townships which will be watched closely by Mr. Robarts’ De- partment of Municipal Affairs. The bill to amend the Metro Act â€"â€" con- solidating 13 municipalities into six â€" has incorporated features to allow for expansion of the municipal fed- eration. The report. which recom- mended the closing of 35 of the 600‘square-mile presby- tery‘s 5'7 churches. the en- largement of eight and the creation of 11 new ones. re- ceived a mixed reaction from lay members of the churches. If Markham and Vaughan and even Richmond Hill are to avoid the stated intention of Queen's Park to force them eventually into the Metro The August 1 issue of the United Church Observer ex- amines the problems created from the point of view of church members whose for- bears built the old churches which it is now planned to close. The Observer‘s article. “Goodbye to the Old Family Church". by Harvey Shep- herd. is printed below. â€"Editorl On July 28, 1866, a daughter was born in Richmond Hill to Dr. and Mrs. James Langstaff. She was named Lillian Mary and this year celebrated her 100th birthday. Born into and growing up in an atmosphere of devoted service by her father, who found time in his busy life to assume the duties of reeve in 1880, and conscious of her heritage as the granddaughter of John Lang- staff, who was the first teacher in the community which still bears his name. she became a teacher. Six miles north of the 12- lane highway on which cars speed at 60 miles an hour across the northern parts of the sprawling. polyglot met- ropolis of Toronto. 62-year- old Frank A. Reesor raises dairy cattle in the district where his Pennysylvania Dutch forbears settled in 1804, Sunday, he and his wife with 25 to 40 others After a few years in the profes~ sion, she married a young Midland doctor. When she was widowed and became the sole support of a fami~ ly of five. she returned to Richmond Hill and taught for more than 40 years in the public school â€"â€" and an- other eight years as a supply teacher â€" in some cases three generations of the same family. In One Rural Area The United Church Has Been Advised To Close 37 Chureh‘eé Subscription Rate $4.50 per year; to United States $5.50; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. W. S. COOK, Publisher “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa†THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Augus The Next Decade An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 Elbe liberal attend Locust Hill United Church, a congregation dat- inc from 1856. in a building put up in 1890. near the cemetery where his parents and grandparents lie. Last November, Mr. Reesor read in his newspaper that his presbytery was taking steps to close 37 community churches. Locust Hill, where he had been attending ser- vices “since I was carried," would be one of the ones to go. Three miles away, in the 5.625 - population town of Markham. 375 on an average Sunday attend St. Andrew‘s United Church. charge of the Rev. Albion R. Wright. who was born and educated in Alberta, was in business for a while. studied for the ministry: did a year‘s post- graduate work. and was,pas- tor of a church in the oil fields. St. Andrew‘s. built in 1832. has been extensively expand- ed and renovated. Its Sunday school offers registered nurses for infants; a stack of paperback copies of radi- cal Christian Harvey Cox’s The Secular City was close to hand in Mr. Wright‘s bright church office. Mr. Wright is chairman of York Presbytery. which includes an area of about 600 square miles stretching north from Toronto to the summer cottages and pleasant beaches of Lake Simcoe. In its urban communities. villages and The best way to thwart the annex« ation plans of such Metro politicians as Reeve James Service of North York Township and the officials in the provincial government is to oper- ate our municipalities in such a way as to avoid falling into situations that require outside help to solve. complex then we shall have to expect dynamic, enlightened leadership from our council and school board repre- sentatives during the next decade. There will be no place for little men with picayune thinking. “The time will come, within five to 10 years, that the problems in the fringe areas will become so urgent that we will have to make further changes in the Metro federation,†a senior provincial official has stated. The consolidation in the inner area will permit an outward expansion of the federation, he added. A breakdown in basic services. finances, and a general lack of co-op- eration among the various munici- palities resulted in the introduction of the Metro form of government in 1953 by the Frost Administration. The councils and school boards within each individual municipality must not; only co-operate and appreciate each other’s problems but they must also learn to think on a regional basis. Let us profit by the mistakes made prior to 1953. The development of the Southern Six and CORDA are both steps in this direction. Voluntary co-opera- tion is to be preferred to any form of: compulsory co-oneration imposed by the province. If the fringe munici- palities encourage industrial assess- ment on the one hand, discourage residential growth and endeavor to halt the soaring tax rate, they will have a strong argument against the piecemeal annexation of the southern part of this county by the Metro colossus. This was evidenced by the tributes paid to her on her 100th birthday by former pupils, by the town to which she contributed so much and by the public school board which 10 years ago renamed the Yonge Street School in which she had taught. the L. M. McConaghy School. The Dominion of Canada came into being when Mrs. McConaghy was not quite a year old and she was one of those who helped build the nation which next year will celebrate its Centennial. It was most fitting that her birthplace, Richmond Hill, and its citizens should pay tribute to this centenarian, who retains the keen mind and sense of humor which en- deared her to geneiations of lesi- dents farms live close to 128.240 people. of whom about 52.000 adhere to the United Church. if you believe the census fig- ures. The membership rolls list 10.617 adult active mem- bers. Some families still oc- cupy land deeded to their forebears by the Crown; but in York Presbytery, as in Canada generally. there is a move away from the farm into urban areas. And the trend to urban life fosters a demand for better community faclities, including church facilities. Since any church. regardless of size. has. fixed expenses such as the minis- ter's salary and maintenance costs. the cost for each church member is larger when the congregation is smaller. In York Presbytery there are 57 United Churches. grouped into 30 charges un- der 26 ordained ministers. three students and one lay supply. Seven ministers serve three churches; 12 serve two. The presbytery has perhaps more than its share of elderly ministers; in the past quar- ter‘century several ministers have retired from Mr. Ree- sor‘s charge. and the present one will retire next year. During that time exactly one has left to continue work on another charge. COMMISSIONED CENTRE Last year the presbytery commissioned a report from a planning firm. which had done similar surveys in Hal- 1966 Probably the least appreciated present received by Luci Johnson and her husband on their wedding day was the one from her father of a pair of “his†and “hers†secret-service men to keep an FB Eye on them during their honeymoon. Qegrge Mayes 0n ~â€" Forgive us our press passesâ€" Sixty-four reporters who crowded into a small Yorkville coffee house for a press preview of a topless aâ€"go-go dancer unanimously agreed the show was a bust. But, let’s see: with three newspapers and two or three TV stations, and eight or nine radio stations . . . Sixty four? Sounds like it was press a-go-go. New York’s hospitals were at a loss last week to explain a. sudden more-than-doubling of the city’s births during the week. Finally, someone who was using his head (and his fingers) pointed out that it was just nine months after the big blackout of last November. Ah, that candle light and wine sure is romantic! And when you add a blackout and beer . . . Even Batman’s young sidekick, Robin, became a father last week -â€" and we didn’t even know he was married! Holy Matrimony! . . . Probably some young bat. LONDON â€"- (AP) â€" A London pub announced a new gimmick yesterday â€" trading stamps with drinks . . . Well, after a big night, it would give you something to do with your tongue when it‘s hanging out, and you could keep a promise to turn over a new leaf â€" in your stamp book. Apparently Don Adams had second thoughts about trying to do a stand-up comic role before the huge CNE grandstand audience. . . . Or you could say the star of Get Smart got smart. Finance Minister Sharp said of last week’s emergency cabinet meeting: “I can assure you inflation is not on the agenda and I don’t intend to bring it up.†. . . And we didn’t intend to have it go up, either. [on Presbytery near Hamil- ton and in Sault Ste. Marie, with these objectives. 0 Over a 20-year period. the presbytery would try to come to the _ oint where each charge would have only one church; O No rural church would have fewer than 250 families; 0 No urban church would have more than 500; and 0 No rural family would have to go more than six miles to church. The resulting report pre- dicted a 70% increase in membership by 1985. and recommended that, by then. 11 new churches be built. eight existing churches ex- panded. 11 existing churches remain substantially un- changed. and 37 be closed. The total number of churches would drop from 59 to 32; each would have one minis- ter; overage membership would be 537 as against the present 180. Six of the new churches would be in grow- ing communities in a north- south ribbon of development; three would be in two grow- ing towns, the others would represent the consolidation of several smalx congregations. But some churches. like Mr. Reesor‘s, face a dead- line which will come much sooner. July 1, 1967. was set as a date after which three- point charges. which were felt to overtax a 20th century clergyman and underserve a 20th century congregation. would no longer be accept- Me Flip Side ABOUT TO BE SWALLOWEI) UP? able. These seven charges were asked to have alternate plans ready by that date â€"â€" which did not necessarily have to mean closing the churches. What this report really means to the future of these churches is still in the hands of men like Mr. Wright and Mr. Reesor. Mr. Wright, with the authors of the report, stresses that churches must Plan to serve communities which do not yet exist. and generations yet unborn. He speaks of the church as hav- ing to struggle with horse- and-buggy organization in a space age. Mr. Reesor, though. is keenly aware that what looks good on paper does not al- ways work in practice. “There‘s no use closing up a going 'concern unless you've got something better to re- place it." he says. The charge which includes Locust Hill is currently hir- ing a student minister to give summer help to the Rev. F. J. Little, who is to retire next year. They are looking for other ways â€" perhaps using a student, perhaps clos- ing one church each Sunday in rotation ~â€" to keep all three churches open until next June. If they can't find a way by then to comply with the no-three - point charge rule. does Mr. Reesor expect that pres‘oytery will force the church to close? â€I don't see." he says. "that This H ousewif e’s Diary One of the best ways to find out what a man likes in women is to ask one of them. Occasionally I meet a co-operative male who is just itching to present his views on the whole darn world of women. Well, I met One the other day. He discussed heatedliy about women who take jobs away from men; about housewives who spend more time out of the house than in it and women who expect him to give up his seat in the street car, open doors for them, etc. “I’m not saying this to hurt youâ€, he said half~ apologetically at the end of his mischievous little tirade but looking so pleased with himself I’m sure he didn’t give a hoot whether I got hurt or not. I interrupted. “Alright, since you’re so smart let’s pin it down a little. You say a lot of nasty things about women but just name one thing you wish women wouldn’t do". “My dear, you have asked for this one†he chortled. “I wish women didn’t have to know so much about a man. Why. .the other day was a good example. I eat out, you know, and I couldn’t get a table at my favorite eating place. They were all fil- led except one, occupied by one woman. I asked her if I could share the table She said yes. So far so good. Five minutes later she asked for my name. Then she began to question meâ€. I leaned toward him with renewed interest. “Um . . . . m! What questions?†“The usual,†he replied, “like What’s your job? Where do you live? Are you married? Do you have any hobbies?†At that point my f1iend appeared lost in the brilliance of his own thinking. It didn’t take more than a minute for him to recover. Rambling Mound Lawson Mumberson lives in another three-point charge not far away. When he retir- ed from the Toronto police force 13 years ago, he moved to a bungalow he had been using for some years as a summer place and formed an active attachment to Victoria Square United Church, where 75 to 90 of the 142 members attend church each Sunday. and where M and M givings last year were the highest ever â€"- “but we could use 100 more members." they’re going to do anything too drastic." If he had it to do over. he he might. like others at his acquaintance. attend not the closest church, but perhaps a larger one in Richmond Hill. three miles west, where one of the two churches has a weekly attendance of 475. the other 250. But he could never change now. Elsewhere in the presby- tery. he thinks. you could put together five or six existing congregations and still not have enough for one good church. â€When you get down to five or six families, no matter how loyal they are, you just can’t afford it. You can't afford to have a minis- ter preach to 15 or 25 people.“ But not in his charge. Vic- toria Square shares the Rev. A. F. Binnington with Brown‘s Corners and Head‘- ford. At Headford. attend- ance ranges {mm 15 to 25, Firm Explainsl Its Scholarships Weyerhaeuser Canada Lim-‘ ited has provided a four yeari CLEANING UP THE LITTERI WALKWAYS scholarship with a total value of $3.000 cash this year for a‘ Richmond Hill grade 13 student who will be attending any ac~ credited. tax exempt four-year college or university in Canada or the United States. Selection of the recipient will be made by York Central Dis~ trict High School Board on the basis of scholastic aptitude, leadership and good citizenship. No discrimination may be shown in the selection process on the basis of race. sex, religion or country of origin. The Weyerhaeuser company has its Canadian offices at 121 Yonge Street North in this town. H. C. Fidler vice-president and general manager. has point- ed out to “The Liberal" that his company did not mention the possibility of a scholarship to Miss Sharon Hamilton, who is seeking a student loan to help her obtain nursing train- ing, as reported in our issue of August 4. Because of the conditions under which Weyerhaeuser scholarships are issued, with selection of the successful can- didate being in the hands of the local educational author- ities. nn “red tape" was in- Ill-‘4 y:|\a\ nllu Lulu-unanmn be led in change their habit: completely in this respect Shanghai had. I believe. a repu. tation for filth a couple of dec ades ago. And let us not fall into the American error of dismissing pvprvthinu ï¬hinneo :1: mar. will be no calf scramble at Markham Fair this fall. The scramble which has been an important feature of the annual fair for many years has been cancelled at the request of the: Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. ities. no â€red tape" was in- volved with the parent company in the United States he noted. MARKHAM VILLAGE:_ There but "mind you. if you had 300 people in a congregation of the same quality as those at Headford, what a church you would have." At Headford, in some fam- ilies the fifth or sixth gener- ation is attending Sunday school. The planners recom- mend that it be closed. The 37 churches which the report recommends be closed are scattered through the presbytery. The report says "nearly all . . . are poorly lo- cated with respect to present or future population or are in poor structural condition". But seven of those slated for possible closing are excepted. They are in good condition and they are not badly lo- cated â€" yet. There is Brown‘s Corners. a few miles west of Markham. remodelled in 1960. and located east of the intersection of two pro- posed superhighways â€" but settlement is expected to take place south and west of those highways. There is a new portable church in thriving Newmarket â€"â€" but. the plan- ners think. in the wrong lo- cation. There is Ebenezer. a "beautiful old church†lo- cated “on the northern edge of the projected growth of Metro Toronto" (see cover)â€" hut “Ebenezer, as Brown‘s Corners. will not be well placed with respect to future population.“ (And the plan- ners are not sure that Brown's Corners and Eben- ezer will not turn nut to he years. for instance. Mr. Rees- or’s Locust Hill has acquired a new organ and furnace. Action is already underway in three charges in accord- ance with the planners‘ rec- ommendations: admittedly. in these charges it was already \Ccntinued on Page 13) Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services iDiversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation . For Further Information ‘ 884-4070 | â€0W by Elizabeth Kelson een'ades ago. , ll) Teachers and school prin- the And let us not fall into the cipals must. instruct the children oil American error of dismissing to go straight. home from school. everything Chinese as mere Parents must co-operate by in- â€"‘ “brain-washing“. Such cam- sisting on no loitering in the paigns could not have succeeded walkways. without'the willingness and en-l ‘2) Families around the walk- thusiasm of the participants. ways must ignore the children As good capitalists, let us bor- mine the shortcut. , row all that is best in our com- (3) If necessary the walkways ‘petitors‘ methods. should be closed within a reaâ€" l Yours faithfully. sonable time after school has I N. ROY CLIFTON, closed for the day. I was at a meeting in a park :recently. and the future use of this place depended on the con- dition in which it was left. I noticed that it was elderly people who picked up the choc- olate bar wrappers. kleenex and match packets left by other people. Perhaps it was their own fault. because they were likely parents or teachers (we all teach by example) who had failed to make their concern clear to the younger people they associated with. You have done a service by. publishing a photograph of the litter under the benches on Yonge Street. There must be many citizens who have been disturbed at the garbage strewn on our streets without thought, which makes it hard to take pride in the appearance of our town. Dear Mr. Editor I read recently that Dutch and Chinese cities are almost antiseptle in their cleanliness and tidiness. The Dutch seem to have acquired this habit some‘ centulies ago. but enough has been written â€" especially about the anti-fly and anti-sparrow campaigns â€"â€" about China. for us to see that a whole population can hy good planning. and an appeal to na- tional pride and enthusiasm. he led to change their habits completely in this respect. Shanghai had. i believe. a repu- The council for 1929 and 1930 was composed of Henry Davis. A. Chapman, W. Middleton and Frank Sims. Mr. Middleton was to serve as councillor for a quar- ter of a century. serve in that office until 1932. In 1936 P. C. Hill was elected The 1926 council was compos- to council for the first time. ed of J. R. Herrington. Gordon with other councillors being H. Sloan, Walter Baldock and J. J. Mills. J. McLean and Alex Green. Jas. McLean replaced J. Little. Messrs. Mills, Little. Hill Green in 1927 and D. Hill re- and Christian Nelson made up placed Mr. Baldock in 1928. the council which held office During 1928 Mr. Herrineton in 1937, 1938 and 1939. Jacob Lunau was elected reeve in 1926 and continued to serve in that office until 1932. During 1928 Mr. Herrinqton resigned from the council and Albert Chapman was elected in his stead. Harold Mills. J. Monkman. J. McLean and D. Hill were the 1931 councillors and in 1932 John Green replaced McLean. flashback useful after all.) There is Headford. “a fine old church in good condition" but near Victoria Square. which is "generally better suited to be the district church". There is Sharon, a few miles from Yonge Street in the north of the presbytery. where a large church will be needed in 30 years. but in an area where planners feel effort would be better spent at present strengthening other churches. And there are Kettleby and Melville, churches which planners believe should con- solidate with others. STRUGGLED TO KEEP REPAIRS Even for the others. it would be a mistake to con- “ J'ure up visions appropriate to a Gothic novel. of tumble- down mildewy nearly aban- ‘ doned church buildings where weeds grow rank over the tombstones and doorsills and melancholy winds dowpanes. Generally. the congregations, small though they may be. have struggled to keep their churches in good repair and in operation. And their labors so far have not been in vain. In recent years. for instance, Mr. Rees- or‘s Locust Hill has acquired a new organ and furnace. whistle , through long-shattered win- ‘ WW CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill & District Unit 15 Yonge St. N. . Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients ‘Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services ‘Housekeeping Service ‘Home Nursing Services Diversional Programme Thomas Trench. who succeeded his father as owner of the Trench Carriage Works located at the corner of Lorne Avenue and Yonge Street, served as reeve in 1925 (his seventh term of office). Councillors that year were William Pugsley, J. McLean, J. Lunau and J. Greene. Letters should not exceed 300 words, must bear the writer's signature and complete {address although a pseudonym may be used for a stated reason. All are subject to editing. We cannot return letters. In Year: Gone By Letters To 105 Woodlane | I believe the walkways should remain open. Closing them will not remove what. I believe is lthe real cause of the trouble. 1. To say that we have bad chil- {dren in Richmond Hill is wrong .â€" most of them are really not ‘bad and from them will come our finest leaders in the. future. However. our children our nor- mal and in fact to my mind, lies the simple cause of all this trouble over the walkways. Let us think back to our own childhood. When we were young. I believe all of us delighted in finding somebody we could tease and provoke to anger â€" and when we found a person who would react in the desired way we would return time and time ‘again to tantalize him or her. They were all probably good adult citizens. telling us to stop our noise. stay off their lawns or out of their apple trees. or to move on if we stopped to talk in loud voices in front of their property. I have been deeply interested in the reports of complaints to council and in letters to this column about residents being abused by children using walk- ways in the eastern portion of town. Dear Mr. Editor I think this is what has hap- pened on Richmond Hill’s walkways. particularly on the one on South Taylor Mills Drive. As the cause is simple. so is the solution to the problem. Thos. ’I‘rench was reeve and Dr. J. P. Wilson‘ William Neal. Wes Middleton and R. D. Little were councillors in 1940. 1941 and 1942. Mr. Greene returned to the reeveship in 1943 and his coun- cil that year was composed of J. A. Bales. Ralph Paris, P. C. Hill and Wes Middleton. BEVERLEY ACRES RESIDENT The Editors Middleton and Little, The same council served in 1935. Harry Addison, prominent city automobile dealer and in- dustrialist is the other ap- pointee. Mr. Addison is the father of John Addison MP York North. First elected to Parliament in 1962. John Addi- son resides at RR 3, King. His father owns a farm in Whit- church. Mr. Addison Sr. is a past chairman of the harbour board‘ William Neal held the office of reeveship from 1944 to 1947 (Continued on Page 13) The third city council nomi« nee to the board is Murray Tate Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services Diversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Acpommodation For Further Information 884-4070 Richmond Hill & District Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients SOLUTION