Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Aug 1966, p. 6

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Thursday, August 25, 1966 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, 1 HELP WANTED 1 HELP WANTEDA HELP WANTED WOMAN wanted ill nly home "~- to care for children, Monday . FULL andâ€"partâ€"tinle taxi driv- ers. 889â€"1154. c1w8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES â€"‘ '7 AA ~‘77 x v ‘â€" ' v V t CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word, minimum BABY blue] required from 3 O 6 pln, Monday to Friday. Demâ€" oharge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if aine Crescent. 884â€"7854. clw'8 Friday. 884-7626. c2w§ gTDCEEEEPE?milâ€"l-cT-fe'qtiiij. wording unchanged, ‘7‘ per word, min. charge 300- RELTIABLET boy-to :vork tinâ€"fat:- CASHIER. Full time employ- ed for concrete plant. Keele and COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 tory, good opportunity for ad- ment. Apply at Maple IGA, N0. 7 va 889-4925. ““3 pox NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50o vancement. 889-5467. clw8 Maple, Ollt._ ciw8 ExpEfiffiN’afiD waitress and CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, gill-EAé‘lING woman wadnted for “l'gLDER d B tilllolrt‘ordee cook. part-time alld AGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, T - _ urs ays. BayVIew all Stee cs FITTER we er wante . es vu - lme. 00d wages. Apply at 3130“ MR HS nersllgo 31.“.8894275. pay_ Can 884-6331. clw8 Ilie Halfway House. 887-54ll.I ' " ‘ . CLEANING lady fOI' Gormley FULL time motel maid. older .7-L,_ 7 Clll'8‘ dverti ements h l b l 1 th ,. , . . ---- hm. - Sifififdpozsible abut not lull-Ii Ilia: 930a5me3l-lngdnes? f0" “"9 "0”"5 diml- Ca“ 901' woman preferred. short day..5MP 0N TOOLS OF CANADA days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone let-:AEMfz-ZOZZ. ,_,___ 91)"? own transportation- 339'3011' N . ETD . . . no at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. CLEANING wonlall, one day A- ___ fl‘ls 'ue*\t\ 2339‘s; dtf 8727111 5991: 53”?“ wleek or 3 half days. Elgin AVC-- CLEANING woman. for home ltdad I 1 0 “5" o owes T mmmll- 889-2145» ““3 on Arnold Street (opposite post- ’ . .. ' FACTORY JOB OPPORTUNI't ARTICLES FOR SALE YOUNG man, 18 or older to be office). one day weekly. 884- TIES . FOR SALE (Continued) trained as _a tool room macllin- 3270- Cl\\‘8 Auto screw machine _ set up and, â€".-S_.â€"â€".â€".â€"â€"â€"â€" 50_cc 1965 Suzuki. 884-2602“.â€" 15" 389'G5°7' “13"3 CHARTERED accountants .i" operate Multi - Spindle Acme GIBSON electric guitar, $80. ch8 CASHIER. food market experi- Yonge - Egllnton area require Gridley; Warner Swasey 'dl‘ldl 889'1654- ““8 CITEAN Wm ence. Apply Allellcourt I.G.A. 11181) $011001 graduates. eleglble Wicknlan, need I senior set-up BLACK loam and top loam soil. ' tfc8 889-6511. ch8 for C-A- COUl‘Se- HU-7'1533- 8 mail. 1 operator only. 773-5412. tfc47 __-â€"â€"â€"â€" MATURE “perienced baby sip 01W METAL POLISHERS -â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-:--â€"-CHESTERFIELD, l ", I l . ‘ ______._______.__ - -‘ ., ~ . GURNEY electric stove, $30' tables and coffee 5311:1121 Elgcil-ii ter required 9 _ 5 Monday to LICENCED mechanics to “91k With ability to use ablaswe belts 884-5138. c1w8 re“ t r 884 2420 ‘ 1 ,8 Friday, while mother works. on trucks. Only A-1 mechanlcs 3110‘ to US? and 1191381) set-up VENETIAN blinds 3 large one câ€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"â€"*Hlntg,:a 0 i, tâ€" ,1 let“. Ph‘me 884'3665' ““8 fipply‘ T28 25:33295' ggflzlzgglr' 2:199:11: dial?“ (5:211:33 Tl)? ’ ‘ ca Ine , an e ec I'lc . inner, 6 - or - , ’ an C 'e. - small $12. 884-7624. c1w8 Frigidaire, in good condition. ERIVER. kmulill 1:110lll’ cull-"51 c1w8 partment has good dust control. . ‘ '. _ , our wee . lo esa e pou ry , _ TOOL CRIB ATTENDANT 190ng heavy duty SkllsaW. 884 884 2880. (31“8 delivery. 833-5282 after 11 an]. HOE/IE typlsts, BXDEI‘IGIICEd, to S 1', 1d ‘ t] 1 c1w8 “â€"’â€"‘â€"â€"’â€"‘- . _ . . ul 0 el man W1 1 some too - HARRIS TWEED Olive green Evenings, 773-3119 c1w8 pick-up and deliver to the experience Ability to use sinlplc DIAMOND rings, must sell, pri- sports jacket. Size 44. Worn , , Richmond Hill area. R1,, Polk . ‘ ‘ . ' - WAI'IRESSES wanted Mont- ,__ machine tools alld lead micro- vate. 884-2200. c1w8 tw1ce, $20. Phone 884-1337. . . , . Company (Canada) Ltd. 155- _ *1w8 gomerys 'laveln, 24 Yonge St. 7761 extellsioll 47 c1w8 metel. MACl-IINISTS To set up and operate simple 1965 Honda 65. Excellent con- dition. 833-5782. clw8 P R I N T O MATIC duplicating Soutll, Richmond Hill. Apply in person. c1w8 EXPERIENCED payroll cle'rk. mmim machine, $100. Smith Corona DRI E. 1 _ 1 _ - , please apply ill writing to the machine tools, 2 jobs open, they best offer. 225-9845. *1w8 standard typewriter, 560- 833' monWR'ngil 31,13,1033fi3i33i: Busilless Manager, York Central are incentive. Usual employee 6856. c1w‘8 °‘ “ Hospital. Richmond Hill. benefits. Contact Plant Superin- mellt. Central Van & Storage. 884-1146. tfcw4 HOUSEKEEPER for kindergarâ€" ten boy from 12 to 4, Monday CHESTERFIELD d v 1 -. _.__â€"___â€" an two Clans ELECTRIC stove and refrigera- $40. 832-2628. c1wB . , _..______.__.___..â€", tor. Excellent condltlon. Reason- I‘ELECTRIC gmtan good condl- able. 294 s. Taylor Mills Drive. tlon, 1965 Honda motor cycle. c1w8 c1w8 SALESLAD_Y, fulltime. experi-‘ ellce not essential. Apply in per: son to manager, Coles Book telldent at 889-7501-4. l clw-SI Call after 6. 884-2482, 1 throudh Friday, cllild welcome. . . ‘ WES H C W CRATES 0‘ 8“ sizeS- suitable Center Richmond Hill. 884- 5““ R‘Chmmd Hugh‘s Cen' PETS FOR SALE 1 TING OiUSE vacuum for overseas shipping alld 1690. c1w8‘tre' _, CIW8 POODLE puppies wllite minia- °eanen “a“ Ste” Stylei g°°d domestic use. reasonable, Cen- FEMALE cashier, no experience tum, excellent blood line $50. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, live ill, condition 815. 884-4330. c1w8 tral Van and Storage, clwg light duties 5 Firestone Premium 500 tires. BROADLOOM rugs, brand new, necessary. hours 8 am â€" 6 pm . . 884-5663. Monday thru Friday. Apply In in exchange for c1w8 825 x 14' 884'2119 evenings. 9x12, $29 cash and carry. North {33.59“ 723?;5dé6912fstgm211 al- person Pirri’s Vienna Fruit WELL-BRED tOy poodles, ready *1w8 Park Liquidators. HU.8-7911. ' c1w8 Marketi- .89 Yonge St. N. Rich- tso iggigliaember 1st. Call after EUREKA Vacuum cleaner. Used c4w7 GENERAL ffice lerk re uired mond Hill- ”1‘73 ’ ' e W3 6 months, like new. Reasonable. mg; 1. . d . .°. . c d q t WAITRESSES. experience not Jll-L GODDARD. for profes- 889-3292. c1w8 . . l .. ° .. ’ 01 a mlnlstlatlon epartmen necessary. also cooks and male 5101131 P001119 01113131111 7783 -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_.- bland “Q“v $63 ”Sh and ca11y.0f large steel company Situated . _ ‘ . _ Yonge Street Thornhill 889- ELECTRIC stove, good condi- North Park Liquidators. HUB-near Maple. Phone J_ H. Boyd, d}Sh“ 351191‘5- TlanSPOI‘tailoll 910- 3606 . . tf 35 tion, 4 burner, $30. 884-4071, 7911. c4w7 collect, 223_2220 for informa- vided. 1867 Restaurant, Highway ~ ‘ C c1w8 $14 per single cord delivered tion. . c1w8 400 -- lung Sldewdd. 333-0411- FREE to good home, female, c2wS REAL ESTATE career for men or women. free extensive train- part German Shepherd. spayed, 10 months old. 884-3179. *lw8 REGISTERED nurses required for a modern home for the aged,} 16” long. 3 years seasoned Elm. DINING suite. 8 pieces, walnut, Top quality fireplace wood. 773- Knechtal, good condition. $300. 833-5540 after 6. clwg 5368. tfc34 Newmarket. Ontario, good sal-'. d ‘ ‘ . 1 ‘st nee 4 Burner Moffat gas Stove, good Fâ€"ULLY automatic washer, ex- ary, employee benefits and 12° nÂ¥:\ggl:tl;]fitesliem€opascsémfinis- condition, $10. 889-6784. cellent condition. Moved to working conditions. Telephone sions and “3,1,5 Can Tum EMPLOYMENT c1w8 country on well water, unable 395-5181- 02W3 Realty Limited. 22'2_2525' APACHE camper trailer, A-l to use, DESI. offer. 888-1715. YOUNG man over 18 to drive “1:25 WANTED truck and do general duties in parts department, chauffeur’s licence necessary. Apply parts manager, Skyline Pontiac, 9612 Yonge Street. 889-5665. c1w8 INTERPRETIVE staff for Black Creek Village. Must have trails- portation to Steeles Avenue and Jane Street. Mrs. D. Duncan, .Black Creek Village, 633-9901. clws,‘ CIWB :ROTOTILLER, 6 lip. with fur-3 REGISTERED NURSE ‘ yrowcr, good working condition, ‘Required from 8 am to 4.80 pnl,§ _ $149. or best offer. Baby crib,lMonday to Friday. ability to, 6-30â€"5-___ - c1w8‘.$3_ Carriage, $5. Bassinet, linedltype necessary. Apply to Direc-r WASHER and dryer $2.25 for blue, white frill, two mattresses, t0? 0f Nursing, York Central both, or best offer. 889-7198, quilt, $5. 773-5527. ciws HOSDital- ClW3 anytime. c1w8 RED Chesterfield and chair, ACCOUNTING clerk required CRUSHED stone, half-load 315. John Woods glass lined, hot for accounts payable and pay- Also top soil and sand. 293-4060. water tank. G.E. Electric stove. F011 dutiesa some tVPing req‘m‘ *1w8 Console table, rangette. reason- ed. Bookkeeping experience Wm. Ed_ able. 889-3766 after 5.30 pm. essential. Write Box 67 “The munds, 102 Roseview Avenue, c1w8 leeral.’ c2w7 Richmond Hill. clwa COTTAGE fireplace screen FURNITURE packer and driver ALUMINUM clearance sale. Floor models â€" combined. Good working condi- Doorg, Windows, awnings, and slight imperfections. Terrific tions, steady employment, bene- railings, Ron Woods. 884-1514, bargains. Fire - Glow Centre, f1tS- Apply Lamb the Mover. tfc36 46 Steeles Avenue, West, Wil- 839-4911- A150 part-time help. c1w8i â€"â€" _______g__, __ . _ ‘ 2 .- tfc42 ’ . :, ‘ , ., Ruthe Calvcrley Gallery lowdale. 389 313';- c “6 GRADE 1.2 gladuate lequned condition. $425. 884-5708 even- clw8 i1185- c1w82 movie cameras, both same, 5m bgd one new leather case. 6 rolls ’ film, trade for gun, rifle, wrist ood condition. 884-5 2: g 38 8 watch or what have you. 884- clw __.___._____ ._. 1523. 1 8 TENT trailer, like new, sleeps 5, c W A reliable mall, floors walls, general cleaning. 884-4736. *1w8 GRADE 12 student would like work for Saturdays. 884-3731. *1W8 YOUNG MEN ‘- i 5 Yonge St. Heart of Richmond for work. All-ythiIl: IEOnSIFdOelI‘ScL .Hlu MaJof'Oll C_0- G°°d volume, Can you help us. Call Salva- ,a1nlost Immediate posseslon. tion Army. 889-4869 iWrite Box 71 “Tile Liberal” or ---â€"_~â€" -- ----- - _ ---, phone Cooksville 227-1967 0511- DUTCHWOMAN “111 (10 house- awa 723-1126. (,2“.3.\v0l~k. from 8.30 1111 3. Good -â€"â€"â€"---A---- ----â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" referent-ex 884-3968 ft ‘ ".“0. OAK RIDGES ! 3 a m c0138 RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT SECRETARY requires permam CENTRE ent position, 2 â€" 3 evenings per Caretaker, full time, cook, full week, Richmond Hill, Tllornhill and part time, cleaning women. area. Write BOX 72 “The L”)- Telephone Thornhill. 889-5779. eral”. c1w8 c1w8 BABY sitter for pre-school age child and one school age for 1 hour after school in vicinity of Beaverton Road and Centre Street. Commencing September lst. 884-3997 after 5.30 pm. SALESMAN for progressive moving and storage company. Local applicants preferred. Ap- ply Lamb The Mover, 127 Birch- Ave., Thornhill. 889-4911 for ap- pointment. tfc44 SERVICE station. For lease. " . ' . cupboards and mattresses ill- 30 Kgnmme electriciange. au- tomatic oven etc. 21' Crossleyv eluded. 834-3045. c1w8 TV c bill I; B t1 g Cl (1- , a e. o 1 00 con 1- GRADE 13 text books, good con- tioll. Markhalll. 294-3148. dition. Pllone 884-4744 after 6. pm. clw8 5_or 7 piece dinette suite, small bookcase, tire 710 x 15. 884- tfc52‘ GARDENING LAWNS cut. Tom Mashinter. 884-7573. tfc44 RETIRED landscape gardener, lifetime experience. Trees and sales CONSISTE NCY! LIBERAL CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS HIT THE MARK WITH A LARGE AND LOYAL AUDIENCE EVERY WEEK \l'ork these ads as hard as you like â€" they’ll go to work for you one Thursday. all month if you prefer. each week donlg a rigorous selllllg Job on thousands of readers and prospects who shop “The Liberal” Classi fied Section regularly. Flexible too! More than 25 different classifications to provide an easy to shop market place for the items you want to sell or buy, the services you want to offer. or the property you want to rent or sell. A HELPFUL Al) TAKER WILL ASSIST YOU I’HONE 88-1-1105-6 - 889-3316 MISCELLANEOUSE TO RENT l USED CARS l PLUIIB’ING - HEATING_ FURNISHED and unfurniShcd 55 Mercury 1:: ton pick-up. Call) A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 ______-v . WV 7 11043 POST hole digging and fencing. 889-4432. tt'c-l WALL \EATSIIING 884-7627 l ___ A.___ tlc491 PAINTING & PAPERâ€" HANGING R. L‘. Dunn. 884-2798. tic PAINTING, carpentry ,_ work, al- terations, rec. rooms and reâ€" pairs. 884â€"5009. tfc40 PAINTING - Interior and exterior. 884-7027. tfcl PAINTING ATDECORATING‘ Work guaranteed. Free estim- ates. 889-6907. tfc2 CHIPMAN PAINTING C0. Interior & exterior pailltillg, all work guaranteed. 773-4268. tfc2 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenclliilg. sewer 8; water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 CARPENTRY WORK , Custom building additions. re- pairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. 839-2494, tic-13‘ LET DON DO IT! DON BUTLER TV _ tfc33 CALL us for your sand. gravâ€"e-l. fill. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. th7 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc31 PLASTERING & TILEâ€" 884-3500 ' 889-1766. l‘OOlIIS. home. after 5. 884-6245. C2W7l tt‘cl9,889-2T-12. FURNISHED room to rellt, new 1958 Volkswagen $150. 889-55754.» clw'8‘ clw8l 884-5933. c1w8lPhone 884-1880. c1w8 furnished. 88-1-6922. LARGE recreation room, semi-615 and up for scrap cars. 587- c2w8‘2326. c4w8| ft. Reasonable. Good location. Call 884-5701. tfc51 fiD-sitting room, kitchen, suit businessman, $15 weekly. 889- 3698. 4 t0 6 pm. tfc6 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke‘s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 SMALL house. 2 bedl’OOmS, Lake Wilcox area. Mr. Kejser 782-4792 between 6 and 7 pin. c1w8 APARTMENT. 2 bedrooms, 5520 {Elmdale Court. 884-7527. c1w8 FURNISHED room and kitch- ennette on second floor. Parking Langstaff. near Yonge. Business person. 889-4190. c1w8 PLEASANT bed sitting-room, with kitchen privileges for lady school teacher or nurse. 884- .1623. c1w8 IMMEDIATE possession. an. Plaster repairs. ceramic tile bathrooms and floors. Years of experience ill repair work. George. 884-7045. th4 E. “TPAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. 8., Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpenâ€" try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889â€"2546. th3 ALTERATIONS. repairs, cus- tom building. Registered and ‘bonded company. Free esti- mates - advice. Phone evenings. rooms, tile floors. 889-3653. FURNITURE REFINISHING If you have old furniture you ing and paper hanging. 884- 1215. tfc47 HARRISONS CUSTOMS CARPENTRY ‘ " '7 {MALE representative bv local head Office. Applicants! » ----â€"â€" -- -.â€"â€"-~~â€"--â€"-â€"â€" -- --’ 50 Yonge St. S. i MOVING . . . - .- l ‘ - . GARDENING work and maint- FRAMING, custom and alltiqlle.;IMOV1NG to larger home. Fm.‘wjanvteccl,r I01 .lal-geA‘ maltqun-“ldflmmt haveago‘od typing and apvtl- cnance hedge clipping any, sale custom nlade fire-place,” Olllle. company. . DD .1 In DC ‘ltude fox figmes. Excellent w0lk- ' * Painters' easel ' i . - . -- - ' ._ sketching 8845-45021: Stumc’na‘l‘i‘screen 36" x 23" and utensilsson' Central Van & Storage. 232mg conditions, For appointment “We “01k ,dnd.soim“lg" lie? â€"~-â€"â€"--1--A_- J. _ _ c 330 Excellent condition Pedi_«1ndustrial Road, Richmond Hill.§call Mr. \Vardlcworth, 339-5415. estimates. “1011111111. 389-03359; - ' ' tfc4‘ CI\\8 ‘ “ l . ALUMIN '~ . Siles‘ilgdl’slig‘IQiCTS gree English pram. blue, like , new. $35. 889â€"5966. c1w8 MAN or woman to service cus-l MEDILOAD LTD. 1 medical secretaricsl Door, " i ' ‘ . . . 5 windows, sldlng. Call fROADLOOM 501 NYLOâ€"N tomei‘s’wltll Watkins Products= in the lown of Richmond Hill. . , and nurses requ1red for temâ€"i York Aluminum. 884-4558. 1 0 "Part time c10w8 C MMERCIAL REMNAI‘TS Earn $75.00 per week and up. TREE CUTTING Dead elllls, pines etc. cut and‘ (Moan New large pieces suitable Full or part-time Write: RJporary employment. Write giv- l screened, deliver-ed; also sand domestic wall-to-wall or rugs Lemieux 9620 St. Lawrencelmg. details of experience and removed. Reasonable rates. Fire-i and stone delivered in small $5.95 sq. yd. Installation 8; pad Blvd., Mentreal, Que. C11w51iavallablllty. Write Box 42 “The . _ l loads. Call C. L. Knappett, 334 if required 83 per yd. Terms. â€"_ Liberal”. c13w4place wood a specialty. Alvm! MOTHERS SHIRT packager for dry cleanillngakel._ 889-2436. 3039 after 6 pm. tfc8 Call Scarboro collect. 282-3655, “'1 ,1 Y tfc51l M ..- . ll e our . . . LIVING room furniture, 1:“.th _.._._____, 2‘3” Children Sleep plant to start In the middle 01 _â€"wr , , WYN-DOT LADIES’ WEAR l September. 8 to 4. Monday to WEED CONTROL Provincial, excellent condition, bedroom suite, dining-room table and cllars, kitchen tablel {EARN S 8 per hour demonstrat- lillg Par-Tee Toy chests. Unusual‘ :alld unique lille of toys and gifts.1 Friday. also for minor repairs. every other Saturday, alld foldâ€"‘- LAWN FERTILIZING de LESTARD BROS. BAYVIEW PLAZA 884-2214 and two chairs. Call 88-1-5819. DRAPERY SALE )No deliveries or collections. 5.11.1”? sometimcs' Swlyls'dtisfaction completely guaran- clw8 6 widths lined 95" long. covers necessary. lBaNhs Lleaners, 198 longenegd, 102 \Vedgev‘ood Drive, mommm 1‘2 ft. across. Reg. $49.98 llow‘lCall 851-2050 or 884-5014 or 5mm“ MM" -, “.msi‘v‘uuw‘lale’ 9‘3" sale. Floor models __ slight im_ only $39.98. Stock on hand, comewrite Box '1‘. \\'oodbridge. iFOREMAN for woodworking 3534881 c1w8 shop, near Markham. Must be tfc 51 experienced in custom w ood-. work. supervising help. readlllg‘ pet-factions. Terrific bargains,early for gOOd sclectlon. Fire ~ Glow Centre. 46 Steelesl _ ___ Avenue West, Willowdale. 839â€"lGAS stov 3133. c2w6 INTRODUCTORY offer Boys‘ . L â€"CAREER_OPPORTUNITY_ _â€"-â€"â€"" eMofl‘at.llew.-Cl'o~sle_v - ., - - . . , , . . _ _ , . Sllclvador refrigerator, suiiablc {dead-“.1”. life ”Ewan“! company blueprints and laying out “'Ol'k- LOST ___ llequlles 4 salesmen. 'lllesc A“, b' .. . S d' . .. -- - for cottage. 88-1-2630. clw'3l - . . ~. . . .‘ be no “He" tea -‘ “0”“ - - ., . . .. - lopenlngs ale the dllect lesults with a progressive companv lBLAClx PEI‘Slall male. - beats.) wear dept. 10% off on all Boys' ROLL top desk $45, Pine ward-{of promotions and expansion. Apply telephone number Zgiilcopper eyes. Reward. 889-6323.! Suffers 4‘14- Hurry! This is a'robe 825. Ice box 84, Love seatj’l‘he men who qualify will bed-110 ‘9 to 5 pm ““81 t1053l, ac to school special for a‘$25. Gas stove $8, Glass book-lthoroughly trained and will be. . -.â€"â€".T*â€".â€".-Al . . 61.. ., limited period â€"â€" ‘case $45. Footstool Sit), Fireâ€" paid a monthly salary plus full GARDEI‘ER'MAPTEI‘AXCE lgfiiééaltgaigf?ggg“mill;”cg:l WYN-DOT LADIES WEAR screen $8, Coal had 512, small colllmissions. If you are between MAN 1131, with bells very, nervouSI BAYVIEW PLAZA pine desk 812, Oak buffet 825.125 and 45 and own a car. nlakeifOI‘ larger private reSidence.ini\'icinity of Centre Street (High; Richmond Hill Phone 889â€"7041. clw8lthe nlost important call of youriTliOl‘nhilli this full time 1013‘“.ay 7B) west of Yonve 511101.", life by phoning, 362-4231 forlincludes lawn cutting and gen-‘ " ‘ [ c3w I ; 884-2214 hill since Julv 19 Could wander. - . l . ,,. - . _; . - _ , c2w'i‘l E Ian appointment; Leiaâ€"“Stella? Ismuxghmalrllllteuinsg'elfifqlwould appreciate any lllfOl‘lIla-j â€" DAY CAR . MEN - WOMEN - GIRLS p a 3 5° 9 0‘” “ition. Reward, 444-4530 or Box EXTERIOR and interior one-I_ ‘experience preferred. Five day,70 coat super-white latex paint.DAY care. 2 years alld ovel‘.lWould like your own hours allweek. Reply Box 55 "The Lib-1 ““8 “The Liberal". Special price $4.39 per gallon. 88-1-7114. clwfllulllimited income. plus lllde- 91.31" tfc3> Light colortones available at no DAY . . 'i'. - . '- ..pelldencc and relive? - '-__--- -- 4- . , , . 01 weekly cale 101 tiny, . P_ b ‘3 _ \‘OL’VG I _ _ \‘t 1 h ‘-h ll ' “ha charge. ftots by young experienced Holiday Magic Lo’metws, grade; 191103313 J_u~ 1,98,11,31 02¢ T001 & EQUIDIIICIII. Butler and Baird Lumber Ltd. grandnlothep 334.5933. 93“; Call offer exactly tllat. Partâ€"tllllej‘_ . - , .. ‘4‘ 1‘ ~ NTA L 191 Yonge Street N, . -* r _ 1' 7 . or full-time. wholesale alld re- fl>>l=l§m ‘0 d“°‘“l£““‘ f“ p ant; RE 1. 3344125 or 869-3506 A\ AILABLE Hi my 101119: 1310- tail pOsitions open. lll Rlchlllond Hill. Excellent â€"RENT:\_1:LPâ€"TI_YVOVNGETV.â€"I “051 fel‘ablb' three 01' four 3‘0315 Old- 884-3956 starting salary and oppol‘tulllty 2 - . . “4 .. ‘. -h ;--â€" 834'1287- “Ills-[0,- interview. for conscientious worker wltll Rug Shalllpooél-i tag-(l)Ati'tll'llalL I TYPEWRITERS lDAY care availiallile for pre-' clwsiaplitude alld intelligence. Applylmcs~ [001m Clldllb- ' ‘ tfc31 â€"â€"A - -- â€"- - lfor interview in own llandw'l‘it-l RICHMOND HILL "The Liberal". l SALES OPPORTUNITY 1 c1w81 WEEK 0R MONTH. l . v eiHAIRDRESSER required for} RICHMOND HanL'T\ . Llong standing establishment inl 8344436 ' 889'°7°6 [Richmond Hill. Must have 6 lyears experience, a styling de-l 5gree plus their diploma. Be neat} and well groomed with a good sonality. Excellent salary and the right girl, ADDING MACHINES school cllildrell 111 my home fivel days a week. Newkirk - Elginl Sales Service Rentals ‘ Authorized Dealer Mills area. 884-3880. cle All POPUI‘“ makes for sale ”VISA? or wegkly care for baby David McLean Ltd., Realtors ar eluding new and rebuilt stand-‘01. pre-schoolers by motller and increasing their Richmond H11 ”‘1 portable and 91‘3“”: mog'lteacher. Richmond Acres. 884-30ffice staff and have openings els. SpeCIal rental rates avall16661. c1w81for 2 salesmen or sales ladies. able to students. liOur successful long established 1“ H' SIMS company offers unequalled op- . 88 183k” Ave. portunities for new people en-iper _ Richmond 11‘“ 5terillg the business. For inter- OPPOFIUDIU' f0" illg. Box 69. PORTABLE’T‘V RENTALS COTTAGE 5 FOR SALE DEAD STOCK 884-1745; 3 "ALUMINUITSI 15 i N’G'A’ND Custom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs ,-,Kitc-llells a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tic-15 “WINDOWS ANDâ€"FLOORS? CLEANED. HOME OR OFFICE 884-7627 tfc-13 EAVESTROUGHS 15 years guarantee. For free estimate call 889-4106. H. Butt, 'l‘llornllill. ALCAN DEALER tfc'? UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING â€" RESTYLING of all types of furlliture. Latest fabrics, reasonable prices. Guar- anteed work. Active Upholstery. 889-5345 Residence 884-4813 1101-} 884-1981 SEPTIC TANKS PL'MPED 825.00 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe. C. STL’NDEN 88-1-1245 Richmond llill # Transportation No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price tfc28 want to look like new again. We can do it. We also do paint- ern 3 bedroom detached bunga- 'low' in Aurora, $135 monthly, ;small family, must have refer- ;ences. option to buy. 1 WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms, in Richmond Hill vicin- ity. Phone 884-7462. tfc3 8-9719 after 5 pm. unfurnished. adults. 773-4370. :2 bedroom apartment, ‘nlallagel‘, two adults and two lcllildren. 884-7251 from 9-6. BUILDING 200.1“; 30’ good for162 Corvair, 4-door. {shape $995 or best offer. Pri-‘ 1 . - ‘ ' ~ . pcr montll. self contained. 41,51ape Call 832 1430’ altel 6 pm ‘ automatic.l MARKâ€"V_Jaguar, excellfiellt con: dition $795 or best offer. Pri- vate. 889-6653. cle 1953 Volkswagen Vail with 1960 engine. for sale or wrecking. 884-5767. c1w8 1960 Ford, 750 dump truck and Hay loader, after 6. 773-4357, clw8 57 Cadillac Eldorado, cxcellcnt‘ vatc. 889-6653. clw'8, 1961 Rambler Classic. ill good c1w8l 1957 Ford Fairlane 500. autonla-' tic, one owner. Best offer. 889- 2315. c 1w>8 1962 Rambler Classic Station Wagon, first class colldition, $895. 406 N. Fernleigh Circle,. 884-3714. c1w8 m matic, radio, power rear window, white, clean throughout. Pri- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GREEN MAGIC .PLANT FOOD LTD. OFFERS and storage. Reply FURNISHED room near Yongc.l1963 Dodge, excellellt conditionl EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISES. Sales and merchandising train- ling provided. Successful appliâ€" callts to supply own transporta- tion ill iwriting giving full particulars vate. 773-5050. c1w8 c1w8 an 2 bedroom house or apartment Required by 2 1958 1966 Honda 300 Dream. excellcn shape. 3 months old. Must sell. W 834_5152“.Call after 6 pm 832-8843. ‘ *lw8t ('1w3 PRIVATE SALE i1963 Volkswagen bus â€" good 'condition, 36,000 miles, phone 884-5251. clw8 1963 Renault Dauphine, ‘second car. good condition, radio. Private. $575. 884-1407. 1 bedroom apartment, or flat 1960 Vauxhall, Cresta, 6 cylin- in a home. Adults. Call Crescent der De Luxe. Only 31,000 mi 139 . Mercury Monterey, 1955 Lincoln Capri. 4 door make offer. 884â€"4110. l clw'8l, â€"A1‘TENTION TRUCKERS T E A’C'HE’R-re (I a i refrain ls‘ll responsible couple. 773-5171. clw 2 bedroom house for two quiet adults. in Maple. or vicinity. No children. Required ill Septem- ber. Harvey, Box 195, Exeter, ,Ont. *1w8 ‘COUPLE with one child need 74 room house. Markham or ,\'aughall Townships, south of 'to do minor repairs alld decorat- New'lllarket. $75 a month. willing illg. 889-5350. clw'S SWISS couple with two children lrequire three or four bedroom house. Reasonable, October 1. Responsible with references. lHouse and grounds will be kept 80. lin good colldition. 884-28 ‘ c2w8 WANTED BLNR beds, gOod condition, 884-4945. c1w8 U’SED‘ l2-gaugc sun." 884â€"5901. clwll .s’l‘ RAw" w antedflrnbale’d‘. 7887‘- ,5545. c l \\ 8 BOWLERS WANTED Early league. 7 to 9. Thursday evenings. ’l‘hornvale Bowling League. 773-5104. c2w7 lBOWLERS wanted. late league. 9 - 11.15 pill. Tuesday evenings lCOllIlllellClllg September 13. lArnly. Navy and Air Force Lea- ‘gue. Call 884-2425 after 5.30. c2w8 l l l i l ROOM and BOARD CLEAN room. bunk beds. stilt 2 near transportation and indus- try. 88-1-6236. tfcb' EXCELLENT room and board. gentleman only. 34 Rescvicw' \xe. lichlllond llill. lic3 Pâ€"R1\'A<'1'E room available with pl'i\ atc entrance. Board optional. ”“ “""ll c1w8 WANTED daily ride from nil-li- mond Hill to Havergal College ‘to arrive 8.50 a.m. alld if 1305- ed. 773-5577. sible return 4 to 5 pm. 884- 21-17. clw‘8 WANTED from Beverley Acres tf‘343,to Toronto Teacllers‘ College,‘ Danforth and Pape 8 am. Return 2495. c] w8 TRANSPORTATION WANTED - Richmond Hill to 00 --)..A ROOM. suit lady [feather or nurse. Board available if desir- after 6.30 pm. clw8 PERSONAL l4 pm from September 13. 884-,Do you have a drinking prob- ilem. 11' so AA can help. Write Box 8-1. Richmond Hill, or call EM. 6-8684. ti'clT . A ”9:121“KNTErDâ€"allâ€"Rinâ€"droâ€"ffldegd:n- View appointment call Sales Ill-CORPS RILEY LAKE. 90 miles Toronto downtown Toronto arriving ap- MOTHERS to bowl wanted. Alâ€" ' FOR-EIGâ€"BARGHINS lllllals. For fast spruce call 834- Manager- .\1:'. \lctil’cuuli 389-1 OI‘HCE ASSISTANCE ‘10" k 30' ‘l lJt-‘tll‘OOIll cottage. inordinately 8:31) 3111.. rc‘llrlllll: lcncourt Lam-s, \l'cdllcsday CONSULT THE 12338 or ZEllitll 3-‘28110 Llcellcr l16-1. E\C‘lllll‘,‘s 88-1-2811 889-4842 lul'lllsllcd, l'vn lots back from after 4,30 pm. 88-1â€"3324 cvcn- é"ll’lll!) l’rce lidl)‘->llllll‘.§ wr- LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS '.\o. 20-1-03. tl’c'dl, cl .\ vi. Ll :o‘uicllch. $2.3m). 6119-1578;). clutlings. Llwl’ll\it't,‘_ uni-151m), tic. 1‘. ”d If you are l _ .. _, ,4 ,No. 11 Highway, RICHMOND HILL or Thornhilliing. 895-4666. area, 2 or 3 bedroom house, by! c1w8 SMALL factory or plant, Rich- mond Hill, Markham or Union- ville area. 889-6075 or 221-6868. 8 eral chests of drawers, corner ’SALE REGISTERS AUGUST 27, SATURDAY Auction Sale â€" Furniture, sev- cupboard pine finished, antique l t I 1 Smith HI'l'Eâ€"Dr. Wllite are pleased to annoullc the arrival of Julia Katherine 1966 at Yor t Central Hospital. A sister 10 Mark Andrew. August 18th, DRESSMAKING DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4670 l'gl . 4' " "v 1 ' . -" " -" " - Atii'lil-Eml‘llflgllElllusmg or smfifiégsibqllable 8841626.- t...\\8yand references to Box 69. _ ml. ..-,i . . 136 CIWV- 11’ l0“ 1)le up. IOlIE‘Brownsville, Ontario. c3w8 .) room house with basement on box. 889-3828. c1w8; 17 acres. Yonnc St. Soutll 01’1'9‘39_ngd‘.f 7‘.“â€" ~ 1 ‘ . I: an ~ ‘ . gc station wagon, V8.4 CFRB R0““- @339” Wj'l‘lg automatic, radio. 884-3047. LIVESTOCI{ - 1 bedroom apartment, equipped“! c1w8 suit young. business couple origâ€"55 Ford Meteor. scat bgltS,‘ FOR SAIJE .°',£‘c‘:,l?‘~’lԤ9:l-_8§fl;3fl1--QWS'radio, best offer. 832-1023. lBAY gelding. 4 years oldâ€"16 TlVO'bedroom ap_artlnellt.avail-‘ Cl\\'3“hands, 1,2 bred, hunter. 884- ggiefifiptembcr 10. No CllllCll‘ClI.11958 Pontiac 6 cylinder, antâ€"042555- clw8 .â€" ,, 8 __E'1“'81matic. radio. tires good, body HEAVY hunter 8 year old geld: OFFICE spacc. approx. 500 sq. fair. 884-6429. clw8iing, 8 year old mare, English or Western. Both well manner- ed. 884-7768. tfc8 c1w8 88114018 DYSONâ€"David and Lillian al' happy to announce the birth of their daughter Sara Beth August 17, 1966 at York Cen tral Hospital. A sister fox Nancy and Susan. clw- * It r- u SMITHâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Hug (nee Pat Smith) an nounce the birth of their so Andrew McAulay, August 18 1966, in Richmond, Virginia. clw #11"??? alld Mrs. Roge clw. idealiCARD 0F THANKS The family of the late Eri and Ricky Hadwen wish to ex *1w7 press their most sincere thank to their many friends, relative les an d neighbors for the kindness d excellent condition. 884- words and cards 0f sympath *1w7 and floral tributes offered us 1 our recent bereavement of a 4 . . _ . lovmg husband and father an- c1w8ldoor, custom radio, $395. nlcc loving son and brotller. Specia [0,. st()’,.ei’t‘al‘. 1950 Chrysler, make offer. lthanks to the Thompson Funera _1 ‘é‘Home. Aurora, the pallbearers cL‘Rev. M. Jellkinson and the WA. ,of the ’l‘eston United Church 832-1036. “~31 e . .- . . ~. . . .- 7, - â€"- - -. , L roonl with kitchen privileges, .tIUCI‘b' paltsptiles 0’ accessor â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ,CARPEN1RY WORK. additionshneal. Bayvlew Secondary 884- les, see the tluck wrecker fll‘St.. . ‘ renovations, garages, l'ecreauonltifig'l, ' c1w8’M°°"e Truck Parts 5; Sales, Old‘VANDORI: A request from the Methodist Church coking for usedglrs. Eric Hadwen and family Holland Land-,Howerla Sports Club alld the tfc34 ' Free tha I they be allowed to build more cottages on their land, was ap proved last week by the Ontario Municipal Beard. The Howerla __Club, which consists of 115 acres north of Ballantrae on Highway 48, is made up of people who imograted to Canada from the Ukraine. They have organ. Radio, number of antique,34 cottages and wish to add guns, cut glass. cranberry glass. .Marie Gregory glass, hanging other Al I" ltique vases. and many articles not mentioned. 11. Con. 5 Markham. lllile soutll of No. 7 Highway, The property of M. Colpitts. Terms Cash. Sale at 12.31) DST. Alvin 5. Farmer. Gordon Orr Auc- tioneer, phone 887-5311. [:2 Ir OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ". **Â¥>I< AL’GL‘S'l' 27, SATURDAY. .1966 â€" Auction sale of llouse- llold furniture, electrical appliâ€" ances. suites. bedding. linens, antique articles, dishes. glass- ware. utensils. garden tools. etc.. at Lot 21. Concession 8. Mark- ham 'l‘ow‘llship. Prcllticc's New Idea Farill, being the properties of Davies, Edwards. Milllers, Miles. Smith alld others. Sale at 1.00 pm. Terms cash. No re- serves. See sale Dusters for full listing. Clarke Prentice. Auc- llOlICPl‘. Markham, 6-10-3686. clw8 airei SEP'l‘EMBER 7. WEDNESDAY. 7.30 pill.. DS'I‘. Antique Auction Sale. From a former antique dealer's household furnishings, I will offer a good selection of continental and Early Canadian fine furniture and other inter- esting items at the York Farm- er‘s Market at Thornhill, On- tario. Articles will be on vlcw from 1 pill. Tuesday, September 61h. until 10.30 pm. and all day Wednesday until time of sale. Catalogues ll‘C'C. Ample parking space. .\l\lll 5 Farmer. Auctioneer. 387-5311 cZwS < x SEP'l'EAlBl‘Lll 8. ’l‘llL‘l’lSlHiYâ€" Auction Sale of farm stock and implements â€" 2 horses: poultry â€" 13 disc seed drill â€"- 7 ft. binder 31H. 51: ft. mower .\I.H. full line of horse drawn imple- imcnts. Quantity of furniture, ibaled hay. baled straw, and grain. Large pile of top soil. At lot 10 Con. 3 Vaughan Town- ship. 114 miles llortll of No. '7 Highway. Property of Bert Wilt), .\'o reserve. property >Ul(l. terms cash. sale at 1 p.111. DST. .\l\lll S. Fal'lllcl'. .\llt'lll)ll:‘t-l' Q lseven more. The Free Method- . _ _ list group would like to double lamps, oil lamps. (Ollet sets. aII-lits 27 cottages. lot - p” O O O 0 0 00.09.9090 9 o o o o 9 . t t o o o o 9 Texas Instruments Incorporated HAS OPENINGS FOR FEMALE ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS hiring Ladies now to work about Sept. start 151h. . 111 a modem. ultra- :lcall plant. No previous experience is required. but applicants should have good eye - hand co-ordina- lion such as that required for knitting, sewing or :rochcting. These positions consist of assembling elec- tronic components to be used ill products ranging from portable radios to space vehicles. 11 you can qualify for one of these important posi- tionsyou will 0 work III a clean. pleasant environâ€" ment 0 participate iii an advanced employee bene- fit program 0 earn an at- tractive illcome, including premium pay for 2nd aild 3rd shift assignments. . openings available on all three shifts. Apply 8 rim. to At 280 CENTRE ST. E.. RICHMOND HILL Phone 884-7481 889-7"“" 00‘) ,\ll\\ ('nnl)i":|lillll 9 a pan. 0‘ O b 00.... 0.0...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... ‘ c2\t8,{¢...QOQOOOQOO.

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