VOLKSWAGEN SALES 8. SERVICE W.& P. MOTORS LTD. I78 YONGE ST. N. PHONE We personally handle all sales bills and advertisingâ€" Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG Joscelyn, Laughlin, Franklin, Tucker & McBride Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont, - 889-6562 884-4474 112 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 6844177 Telephone 884-1861 Bank of Nova Scoua Building Aurora Telephone Aurora 727-9451 32 Yonge Street South Delicious piping hot, Chinese food to take out. Home delivery or pick-up. Heat retaining containers. Ask for our special take-out menu. Fastâ€"Efficientâ€"Tasty PHONE: H. D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate 8: Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plaza) Phone 884-1075 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Sept. 15. 1966 A Complete Transmission Service Automatic Specialists 54531/2 YONGE STREET 225-4701 PHILIP A. LIMPERT Chartered Accountant 446 South Taylor Mills Drive Richmond Hlll Ontario Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 889-6662 Peter R. Thomson 80 YONGE STREET S. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. FESIDENCE: 884-6507 OFFICE: 884-6011 Alvin. S. Farmer Arthur G. Broad Town Inn TAKE~OUT SERVICE 884-1136 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY F.I.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Chinese Food Auto Transmussuon Automobiles 889-359] Accountants ll Chiropractic (Continued; NE 886-5311 GORMLEY, ONT. Chiropractic Richmond Hill Auctioneer 21 Bedford Park Ave Richmond Hill 884-4251 By Appointment L. E. Clark By Appointment 884-1137 FIND THE SERVICE YOU NEED FOR HOME OR BUSINESS I Engineering I HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY 884-1812 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 36: Insurance - Mortgage: Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Member ‘ Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association “OI-01' vemcle Finance Service TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario IPl'eparatory For Examinations» Piano - Voice - Theory Studio: 428 S. Fernleigh Circle Markham - Bayvxew Area Richmond Hill. Ont. 13 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Next to Woolworths E. A. McDonough 889-6849 Dr. J. Perdicaris Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings 78 YONGE ST. 8.. RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Hair Styling 8. Beauty Salons We Deliver Toronto 8; Surrounding Districts For Particulars. Kindly 7598 Yonge Street THORN HILL Village Plaza (ground floor) Tel. 889-2644 Hans H of mann, NATION -WIDE INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. LOWEST RATES AND TERMS FAST SERVICE Phone 884-5892 MEDICAL-DENTAL CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES PHONE OFFICE 884-3571 Corner Agency Limited SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno? Machine Shop 73 CENTRE S'I'. EAST RICHMOND HILL 889-1974 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12. ONT. Ph. 485-1145 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 CONTINENTAL HAIR STYLIST Complete Insurance Service Roy V. Bick 812 889-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICE’S FLOWERS STEAMFITTING WELDING Insurance “Flowers For All Occasions†Phones Flowers Dental 635-6158 884-1462 Call 244-6573 363-3959 'Barrow. Insurance ‘ Servnces Ltd. BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC Floyd E. Corner. Q.C. Bernard R. Fox-gang 47 Yonge Street South Edward D. Hill B.A. LL.B. Barrister. Solicitor and Notary Public. 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ontario. 884-7891 220 Bay Street. Suite 701 Toronto 1, Ontario. 366-9411. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill 884~5829 Richmond Inn Block Res. 884-2117 Toronto Officeâ€"- 7 Queen St. E. Suite 151 Phone 363-5877 T. C. Newman, Q.C. BARRISTER 8: SOLICITOR Suite 2 Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon 884-7 561 James H. 59 Yonge Street N.. Richmond Hill. Ontario 889-4413 889-7052 80 Richmond St. W. Suite 402 Toronto 1. Ontario 366-3156 884-1551 Ernie Brock & Son Barrister. Solicitor & Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Ruth Garson AoD-CM Parker & Pearson STUART P. PARKER. Q.C JAMES H. PEARSON ROBERT G. PARKER 889-4955 Lawlor LeClaire & Bannon BARRISTER-SOLICITORS COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bun. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 Floyd E. Corner Plaxton, Deane & Mann Norman .4. Todd Barristers, Solicitors. etc. J. Rabinowitch Fire. Auto and Liability Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill, Ontario Office 884-1780 Residence 884-1863 By Appointment Telephone 727-9488-9 THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. 889-5144 884-5701 LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. CONCERT ARTIST PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION Barrister. N at nry RICHMOND HILL Insurance Thornhill Office 889-1197 Aurora, Ontario THORNHILL 889-3165 Richmond Hill 50 Yonge St. N. (Continued Legal Music Q.C. Solicitor, Public Timmins 884-1543 884-1219 Office Telephone 147 Yonge St. N.. [834-1432 Richmond mu lOffice Supplies ll Upholstery IDr. W. Allan Ripley i VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies. Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales and Rentals. RUMBLE TRANSPORT A. W. Kirchen, 0D. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill (formerly York Office Supplies) 16 Yonu Street North Dafly Richmond Hill Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Information: 889- BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Langdon's Coach Lines Ltd. Ontario Land Surveyors 4901A Yonge St.. Willowdale 221-3485 George T. Yates. OLS Res. 24 Denver Cres., Willowdale 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. Local and Long Distance Hauling Sporting Goods Coaches for all Occasions P.C.V. Class A. C. and H COM. 8: Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods ‘ WINTER GARDEN Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Transportation FOR INFORMATION Trailways Of Canada Ltd Optometrists aim-Wallpaper 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Yates & Yates FREE DELIVERY DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO INTERIORS LTD. 889-1059 Veterinary Surveyors Local Bus Service By Appointment Trucking 884-3962 884-1013 364-2625 Telephone 833-5351 889-7585 Custom Upholstery Chesterfields & Chairs 884-6214 Tho Christian Sciamo Monitor Ono Nonvoy St... 3on0», Moss. m ‘5 "8098 enter my wbscrlpflon to the Moni’tor for the period checked bu- bw. I enclose 5...... (US. Funds) DI YEAR :24 El 6 months $12 [1 3 months 56 Street. ALLENCOURT PLAZA | TREND UPHOLSTERY menmnmmm world news In f®CUS Western Canada Head Ofï¬ce: Universal Household Movers Limited. 14504 - 123 Ave.. Edmonton. Alberta Phone: 455-4147. 0 NEW PALLATIZED WAREHOUSES: AGENTS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES: HALIFAX, MONTREAL, OTTAWA. TORONTO. WINNIPEG, SASKATOON. CALGARY, EDMONTON, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SAVE MONEY, CALL UNIVERSAL HOUSEHOLD MOVERS LTD. TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA, B.C., ALBERTA, SASK., MAN, QUE- BEC, AND MARITIME PROVINCES. OVER 2000 FAMILIES HAVE MOVED BY UNIVERSAL THIS YEAR FROM COAST TO COAST IN THE FINEST MOVING VANS, HANDLED BY WELL TRAINED PERSONNEL. COMPARE OUR RATES. CALL UNIVERSAL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE WITHOUT OBLIGATION. - 636-7440. ZIP C4 MOVING? Mammoth Family Picnic Plan For July I, I967 Joseph Dwyer. of Taylor Mills Drive South. will head the Richmond Hill’s Centennial Committee's sub-committee in charge of the July 1 celebra- tion next year. Mr. Dwyer read an outline of a suggested pro- gram at the committee‘s meet- ing on September 1. Envisaglng the day as an old-fashioned family picnic in Crosby Park. Mr. Dwyer sug- gested a program featuring the various cultures which have gone to make up Canada during the past century and which will contribute to the next century of Canada’s progress. He sug- gested a parade from the town's southerly limits to the park to start off proceedings. with pic- nic type sports provided for the youngsters and refresh- Richmond Hill “These girls were really something.†said Bonnie. “You know what else they did? While the mothers are enjoying themselves in the recreation hall. the counsellors patrolled the grounds to check on crying babies.†“As soon as the fire alarm went. the young counsellors got the children to the bottom of the hill by the creek. In a very short time they had the children under control. They deserve a great deal of credit.†The junio1 counsellors who did their wonde1ful work on a voluntary basis, had the job of taking the six o’clock morning feeding around to all the babies in the camp. Feeding babies at Bolton Camp is no joke. Howells Unit p1 epared the formula for the day And a good time was had by all, according to Bonnie. Bonnie reported that Auguét 21 the craft house went up in smoke to the tune of $14,000 worth of damage. As in other summers gone by, Bolton Fresh Air Camp has been a source of happiness to countleSS mothers and children. A4 sociél worker from the family services came once a week to advise and consult with the staff and to assist campers with special problems. Swimming instruction was provided by qualified instructors. As there Were frequent periods of free play during the day, some of this time was given Over to family swims. The pool was never open unless there were six life guards present. The children were given tests by the counsellors and once in a while a drowning was faked in the effort to teach the principles of life saving. Discussionsv wefe bopular and maï¬y “dent/fed around the preper teaching of sex by the mothers to their youngsters. Bonnie said that up until two weeks ago. smok- ing was allowed only in the mothers' recreation hall but now smoking privileges are extended to the dining room as well. After cabin clean-up, by girls aged seven. eight. nine and ten, supervised by junior counsellors. the day’s activities began. There was a nursery for the very young, 3 toddlers’ section and a kindergarten. Older children played croquet, took part in exercise programs and had sing songs in the recreation hall. The more mature children learned crafts or took part in oral French programs supervised by their counsellors. Curfew came at 8 pm for the older children. After the mothers put their young children to bed. they were free to go to the 1'ecreation hall to enjoy plays, fashion shows and occasional mock trials. Mary Ashwell, the director of Hewelis Unit held a. course in drama. Mothers enjoyed the exper- ience‘ef lemming to project Atheir voices properly. (Continued from Page 2) raising ceremony the children had their breakfast. Children under two years ate in the highchair dining room. Children from two to six ate in the low chair dining room while older children and mothers ate in the main dining room. Rambling Around1 The Flip Side Eastern Cumin Head Office: Universe! Household Movers Ltd.. (Formerly Hedges The Mover Limited) 148 Norï¬nch Drive. Downsvlew. Ontario. John Graham of Vaughan Road, has assumed the chair- manship of the publicity and ladvertising sub-committee. Peter Dawson of Fauna Avâ€" enue has taken over chairman- .ship of the Centennial Caravan sub-committee, and with Chairâ€" man Jack Corbett will be at- tending a regional meeting at ‘Stratford on September 8. ‘where the caravans will be the Ichief topic under consideration. William Ruttle of Laverock Avenue will continue to act as chairman of the recreatioaal. William Cook. of Centre Street West, of the educational and Mary Dawson of Yonge Street South of the home-coming sub- committees. Sgt. Ted Green is the police liaison represent- ative and Reeve Donald Plaxton council’s representative on the Centennial Committee. ments made available as reason- ably as possible. The program would be concluded with a street dance on Newkirk Road. During the day a ceremony will be held to rededicate Rich- mond Hill’s Centennial Project. the swimming pool located on Crosby Park. and it is hoped to have this recreational area re- named "The Centennial Parkâ€. At Mr. Dwyer’s suggestion consideration will be given to providing a portable saluting base to be used during parades in Centennial and future years. I (Continued from Page 2) Executive Councll did not en- dorse this petition, feeling that bans fide settlers could be 31- lotted lands in their own right. (Continued from Page 2) ation seven licensed hotels and six licensed groceries. There was also a distillery with its fires blazing night and day to keep up the supply of stimu- lating beverages When the farmers of Mark- ham. Vaughan, Whitchurch, King, Georgina and the GM“â€" imburys desired to reach the lToronto market. they came We know nothing about Mm Bond as a hatmaker, but in 1800 he did estabilsh the first fruitj tree nursery in York, at the corner of Duchess and Ontario Sis. This town lot was put up for sale in 1804. as was part of his property on north Yonge St. The latter was described as having excellent soil for orch- ronized every bar. After the‘ For a number of years, when advent of the Northern Railwayithe radial railway ran between hundreds of these farmers fromeorontn and Sutton. Bond Lake the north were never again seen‘ was operated as a park and was on Yonge Street. a very popular spot for picnics. Between Richmond Hill and‘baseball games, boating and Toronto, in the days of the old swimming. It has since re- omnibus regime. every business- verted to private use. man going to the city had to run the gauntlet of 14 jlolly- faced landlords, all on the ook- - out for recognitiOn and anxious Autora Bridge (“lb '5 to serve. By the time they goti ' back to the Hill, most wereiunderwav Forl966.67 within tipsy limits. “By the courtesy of the Metal rcpolitan Railway we can nowl The Aurora Bridge Club got go to the city, do business, and underway last Friday night for return sober, if we wish. In the 1966-67 season. They will fact we travel so fast in these play in Trinity Anglican Church days we don't have time to on Victoria Street every Friday take a drink.†Mr. Harrison‘evening at 8 pm, until the new wrote in 1907. community centre is available Until the year 1875 shop lic-‘for use. Non members will be ences were issued permittingiwelcome on any night Of play. the sale of liquor to all merch-' Beginners' classes will begin ants in the village who applied!Septemher 20. The course will for them. To assist in the sale[be of 10 weeks duration with of goods and groceries muchlclasses limited to 10 persons. treating was done, either as anlDoue Coucnman at 727-6655 or inducement to purchase or as an'Bobbie Kohan at 727-6768 are incentive to future patronage. the persons to contact if you In those days a nenny’s worthfare interested in these classes: Until the year 1875 shop lic- ences were issued permitting the sale of liquor to all merch- ants in the village who applied for them. To assist in the sale of goods and groceries much treating was done. either as an inducement to purchase or as an incentive to future patronage. In those days a penny's worth of tea and a quart of whisky were not unknown quantities for many a home. In 1874 as the second reeve of Richmond Hill, it was Mr. Harrison's duty to grant two shop and three hotel licences. The following year no shop lic- ences were applied for and none have been issued since. (Continued from Page 2) on Psychology in Madrid. This is an exaggeration. All they are actually doing is biting their fingernails over the way the Department of Indian affairs is spending their treaty and welfare money for an Indian pavilion at Expo ’67. Torontn educational parents shouldn't spank agers. they may be too Once!! Question Of The Week -â€" How come all the new season's TV comedy shows are still using the same old laughs and titters on the sound track? And the general manager of the Canadian National Railways predicts 200 mph trains between Toronto and Montreal by 1991. . . . Well, they may be partially profitable. By then, lots of people may be glad to travel FROM Montreal at that speed. Metro is considering cop Francisco in making it a. fin. of gas on an expressway. . . only be good to the last drop Finance Minister Sharp says Canadian incomes should not grow more than 4 to 5 per cent per year. . . . And does he want to bet they won't?-- Things are so mixed up in Quebec these days that Montreal radio stations are advising their listeners to read the Toronto papers to find out what is really going on. . . . Score one for our side in the bilingualism battle! Wilson-Niblett Motors Ltd. AUTO BODY SHOP Let us remove dents and scratches and refinish your car in good time Simply drive in for 355 Yonge Street N. - Richmond Hill - 889-5435 Window On The Past COURTESY CARS AVAILABLE FOR VACATION TRAVELLING THE BEST COSTS NO MORE BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Flashback D ALL OUR SERVICE CUSTOMERS Service and Parts hours: Mon. to Fri. â€" 8 mm. to 5.30 pm. Saturday - 8 am. to 1.00 pm. copying New York and San fineable offence to run out authorities say one reason children is that. as teen big and spank back . . . i Mrs. John Kohan, 21 Brown- ing Court. Aurora, is the sec‘ retary-treasurer of the club. Her phone number is 727-6768. «rd. grain. and pasture land. with a field of 10 acres in fence besides other clearing. ‘It was also beautifully situated hav- in: part of the lake commonly called Bond‘s. within the lot, and a great supply of fish and fowl. Thirty years later the follow- ing advertisment appeared in the Gazette, “We have a de- lightful site on Yonge St. com- monly called Bond’s Lake, dis- tant about 16 miles from To- ronto. price £350. The stage coaches between Toronto and Holland Landing‘ and New- market. pass the place daily and there Appears every pros- pect of Yonge St. either hav- ing a railroad or being macad- amlsed very shortly. Apply (if by letter. free of postage) to Robert Ferrie. at Hamilton. proprietor.“ At the Ontario Provincial Championships in the Royal York Hotel. Doug Couchman and Grant Real paired to win first place in the open side game against 47 other pairs. . Even good drivers will free estimate