1 i (Photo by Stuart's Studioll K inettes Ne w Executive The new executive of Richmond Hill Kinettes was installed at the September 7 meeting: Above (left to right) front row are Marg. Weiss. registrar; Rear row. Anne Mad- held at Montgomery‘s Tavern. _ . Peggy Hopkins, president; Sue Fleiner, secretary and bulletin editor. docks, past president and Gina Morlock, treasurer. The installation ceremony was conducted by governor of District 8. . ‘ ‘ The Kinettes are looking forward to a corn roast at William Neal's Farm in \\’hitchurch this Saturday as a start of the year‘s activities. , -_ .. E 3015 I $111135 iAPPLETON. Andrew David â€"â€" LAGERQUISTâ€"Mr. I at York Central Hospital on: Monday. September 12. 1966.I 1 Andrew David. loving son of} Mr and Mrs. Sydney Appleton of 4156 Palmer Ave. Riehmondi Hill. dear grandson of Mrsl M. L. Burrows. in his 23rd. year. Resting at the Pipher. Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St-1CLEMENTâ€"Stuai't and Helen Harry Hudson. Uxbridge. former deputy- I The cav within» 5 your or 50,000mtle power 0min warranty. 1966 80351130" BRAND . CngRAND NEW Clare Lagerquist of Montreal: wish to announce the birth of a baby daughter, Stephanie, Irene. on September ‘1. i at sister for Karen Maria. 2 DOOR SEDAN clwll *ï¬ï¬â€˜r; Now Only I $2 222 North. Richmond Hill. Service. wish to announce the birth of, ‘,J‘.- , on Thursday at 2 pm. Inter-‘1 a daughter Tracey Lee on 1 merit H i g h 1 a n d Memorial Thursday September 1. 1966‘ o n E “s o N ’ Gardens. _ _ ,1 , ‘ at York Central Hospital. A . , T I I T (I .. -k \I At sister for Lynda and Bobby. CHRYSLER. . PLYMOUTH McCOI\NELL.F1e eiic . .â€" ‘ *1w10 >E< vs I Newmarket. on Saturday. Sep-i‘ , teinber 10. 1966. Frederick .N' CARRUTHERS â€"â€"Andrew and McConnell late of Thornhill. Susan are happy to announce. beloved husband 01 Minnie the birth of a baby girl, Chris-, Colberg dear father of Marion tine Elizabeth on September ' V.†â€"._-â€""â€"‘_â€"â€"â€"â€"-_â€" (Mrs. D. Bl‘Olhel’hOOd.l ReSted ‘11 at York Central Hospitalg LT D . at No. 7 HIQI‘WPY ’ Many more to chooso horn a! similar savings. 889-48 53 Duffe’in St. at the Pipher Funeral Home. Many thanks to Dr. Susan 126 Yonge St. N., RICIIITIOI‘ICI Nirenberski, and the York WE OFFER FOR SALE 11111. Serve 11.1.1 on Central ...-.111. c111-11 I Tuesday at 11 am. Interment 1r >3 ‘ ' 3 " 3/ †1‘ Thornhill Cemetery. In lieu “ROYâ€"Gerald and May lnee PIYWQOd CUttlngs’ /8 & Mk ’ flowers. donations to the Hos-‘ Martini are happy â€teo 31H Berh . . ........ 1.00 ea. and up I 31131 for Siitzdehildren “£01111?! nounce the birth of their son.‘ . . - i e appreciate -. c “’ Michael Bernard on Wednes- Drawel S, varlous Slzes’ ISHAVER 1â€, 7b :d I 3 day September 7, 1966 ati ' ' e 1 . - ‘ r9 ‘1 a sorneâ€" Pembrok Gen ‘1 H ital. Birch .......... . ..... 30c each 1 Suddenly. a. Toronto 011 m e M 05211111 day. September 9. 1966. Archiâ€" bald Lorne Shaver. beloved husband of the late Evelyn Jack of 94 Wright St.. Rich-i mond Hill. Dear father of Wilâ€" liam and James, in his Glst year. Rested at the Pipher‘ wk ‘4‘ >9 ’> Commercial magazine rack, Birch .......... $15.00 - 1 only Panels, 1%†x 14" x 36â€, Birch .. 3.00 ea. Wall cabinets, various sizes, Birch .............. .. 4.00 ea. HOBBSâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Murrayv Hobbs lnee Winona Hewstonli are happy to announce theI birth of their son, Stephen Kirk. 9 lbs 712 oz. at York Central Hospital, August 23, 1966, a brother for Cathy. clwll N., Richmond Hill. Service was held on Monday at 1 pm. and Mrs.‘ ‘truction :Richvale. 96% Markham Building Permits For Family Homes \liii’e IIIIIIT 511i )Jt‘i‘ct‘iil iii Illl‘ value of l)IllI(Illl‘.‘, permits issued in Markham 'I‘ownship durinu the month of .\ii;usi were [or single family dclachcd dwel- lings. Total valuc ol‘ the per» mils was 31.121500, Of this amount 8072.500 was for resi- Vaiighan Awards ICUIIIIIILICCI l‘i‘oiii Page 1i application 10 1110 ()Alb’ for por- ‘ mission to proceed with the work at a cost 01 8300.000. An attempt was made to cut costs by rcducin;r the under- ground water storage capacity to 250.000 gallons from 500.000 gallons but as the saving was Montreal General Hospital. A10 Decker Contracting Limited (2 water Bow Cs for the construction of and sewer services on Road to serve Intei'provincial Inks Limited. Cost was 722.16 but this \iill be paid b5 Interprovincial Inks and other incidentals. 1 The $9037.25 contract awardâ€" 7 ed last week was to Street Con- , Ltd. for an sidewalk on Garden asphalt Avenue,‘ Toronto Man Injured In Motorbike Crash A 21-year-old Toronto was injured Monday after being thrown off his Yonge Street Legion Court in Richmond Hill. Gordon Wood was travelling north when the mishap occur~ red and was thrown Legion parking lot. His cycle travelled on and stopped t‘ront of a store window. Wood received a fractured left wrist. concussion. and mul- tiple abrasions. He was treated at the scene by Dr. James Lang-I staff and then taken by} Vaughan-Hill Ambulance to York Central Hospital. 1 Interment Clarkson Cemetery. clwll 1 WICE. Julia Mary â€" At her‘ home, 43 Grandview Ave.. Willowdale. Thursday. Septem-l her 8, 1966. Julia Mary Bel-I . clier. beloved wife of Roy B. i Wice, formerly of Thornhill, ‘ dear mother of Kenneth. Willowdale. Dorothy IMrs. J.i Dobbini, of Oshawa. Ethel at; home. Harvey. Brampton} Hlida Illlrs. A. Ziegler). Wil- 1 lowdale. and the late Russell.i 1 also survived by 13 grandchil: i dren. Rested at the Pipheri .\ "\r. . Funeral Home, 1:16 Yonge St.‘ , . I ‘ J" N.. Richmond Hill. ServiceiSEPTEMBER 16' FRIDAY 8 pm., 1 Mei/d flflfleï¬f WK 5 . Public Library Auditorium.‘ {2:592:16‘13" ï¬féiiiiliii‘l 32:31:33 Richmond Hill. Naturalists Mem- _ ‘_ clwll bers NIEIIt. Everyone welcome; Two mental patients at a rest 91‘" Ironic were exchanging experi- ences: First patient: “When clwll1 I go to bed at night I see pink Doors, 1%†for paint 2.00 ea. Arborite panels, 3/4†x 16†x 48†... .... 4.00 ea. TOBALEX LIMITED RICHMOND HILL UNIONVILLE. No. 7 Hwy. ‘ 301 Markham Rd. Opp. Buyette ' 889-1869 297-1570 i~>‘slki OMING l ‘ Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. 1 i I BINGOâ€"~THURSDAY night 8. 9.111. sharp, jackpot; â€" 4 spec-» 1:11 and 25 regular games. Our‘ Lady Queen of The World Hall.1 East side of Bayview at Crosby. Ave, Richmond Hill. tfe41“ iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiMilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiimluiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiilï¬iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiii *.< >.'< >.< ... .1. er WIDOMSKI. Steve «â€" Suddenly at his home. 11 Harding Blvd.‘ Richmond Hill Wednesday >‘ « a- a SEPTEMBER 17. SATURDAY 1.30 pm. to 4.30 pm. Richmond and purpie lights m front at September 7. 1966. Steve \Vid- Hm. ‘ HPFUCUMHM . 5003?.†my eyes. _ _. , Flowei Show and Fall I‘dll‘. omski. beloved husband of . ‘ _. .. _ _. . . 1 .Lions Hall. c4w8 Second patient: "Did you ever Ph-‘hs ““101ka geai {mick a ,1 a . -v a - - or see a psychiatrist." 3?.H521t-‘h a‘ndfaggriljetmsltneâ€;SEPTEMBER 18-25 Inclusive bl‘m d e] 0 ‘ ° ‘ Church of Christ. Concord. Linhz‘ï¬d §E§$Piï¬fï¬eat 3}; Evangelist Ray Miller of Wind-1 Yggnn St ‘1 Richmond. I-IiTI 1sor, conducting series of meet- °e ' ‘ ' ‘ ings. Sundays 11 am and 7 pm. Funeral was held Saturday to . . . .. Monday through Friday 8 pm, St. Mai) Immaculate Church All welcome. clwll for Requiem Mass at 10 am. a 1. Interment Holy Cross Geminiâ€"SEPTEMBER ery. clwll First patient: “No. only pink and purple lights." Hope that one gave you as big a yak as it gave me. But if, you‘re seeing colored spots be-1 fore your eyes when you go over your clothes these days then it‘s time to gather ._; v 20, TUESDAY. Euchre and Bridge in Masonic . Hall. Crosby Avenue. under ausâ€" them all together and get them CARD 01“ TEA-“‘5 pices of Eastern Star. Admission to us. We'll return your gar- We‘would “‘9 to thank 9‘9â€" $1.00. Refreshments, door prize. ments in no time fresh. one tor~ the cards. telephone favors. Time 7.30. clwll spotless. looking like new. calls. visits and flowers I receiv- I _ed during my stay at York ‘Central I‘IOSDllal. before and CARD or THANKS ,after the birth of our daughter. The family of the 1319 Gar- Heather Lyn. Special thanks to rigid Ella wish to express their D" 53130 and “‘9 Illlrd “00" sincere thanks and appreciation nursingv staff for their care and 10 all their relatives. neizhbors kindness in me and friends for floral tributes Sincerelv I . . 1 . _. . » . cards of s} mpatny sllu\‘111 us in Lynda and Bob Moss ‘ the loss of our father. Special ICARD OF THANKS :hanks to the W. R. Scott and BOWEN: 311â€". and Mrs. John Son Funeral Home for their et- Bowen. 2‘2 Cr0sby Avenue would ficent service. Dr. Sabo and Rev. like to thank the many friends. 31- Jenkinson for their com- neighbors and relatives for forting words. and to the I‘eston YONGE & LEVENDALE â€" RICHMOND HILL their gifts. cards and flowers on,L‘CW for providing 30d serving Free Pick-up & Delivery 884-4411 ithe occasion of their sixtieth‘rthe lunch after the service. .3. ‘ HIL EARTH ‘\’/* Sanitone Certiï¬ed Maslrr Dryc/mnrr *lwlly ‘tion call Mr: VENTS SEPTEMBER 20. 7.30 pm Bridge ' and Euchre sponsored by the Richmond Hill Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star No. 302. at the Masonic Hall. Crosby Avenue. Admission $1. Prizes ' clwll . and refreshments. * SEPTEMBER School. students 50 cts. Secondary adults $1.00. ~~i11ii ' SEPTEMBER 22. THURSDAY 2 pm. Annual mceling ot' the Maple Branch Canadian Cancer Society at the home of Ali's. C. I .\1. Hamilton, 65 Richmond Street. Maple. Ontario. av rr ï¬r rt SEPTEMBER 24, SATURDAY 10 am â€"â€" ‘.’. St. Andrew's WA Maple. Rummage Sale. Sunday School Room, St. Andrew‘s Pres- byterian Church. Keele St. S. c3w10 SEPTEMBER :37. TUESDAY â€" 1 St. Mary Immaculate Church C.\\‘.L. annual Bridge 8; Euchre at Lions Hall. Centre St. E. clwll OCTOBER 1. ve East Central Branch of \ork Central Hospital Auxiliary L‘SED FL'RNI’I‘L'IIE SALE. Lions' Hall. Centre 51.. E. Richmond 11111. For iiii‘oriiia- R. RLISSCII 884- 3994 or Mrs 11. Gazer 864-2723. . a l o n g .. ‘with 6 percent engineering costs man " motorbike on ‘ in front of the- onto the '0 in 21. WEDNESDAY. 8.15 pm Richmond Rose Chapter ‘ IODE Fashion Show. Bayview , Tickets. clwll ' .lcnccs. $14,050 for additions to E‘ILEIIL dwellings. and 557.300 for tour accessory DIIIICIIIIQS ircsi- .lciitiiil Also Included wci'c one addi- tion to a commercial building. \alqu at 515.000: one industrial buildinu. mined at 816.000: two signs at 81.350: and demoli- tion ol a commercial building at 5500. Seicnly-l‘nrce budding pore mils brought the township $2.» '22] in fees and 16 septic tank permits brought $96. for a total of $3.417. Building William Craiu‘ also presented a compari- son of the total value of build- IllLf for the month of August from 1060 to 1965 inclusive. Inspector THE LIBERAL. Ric O O O In 1061 the total was SIS-113.150. . lllcllltliil: 8306.000 for residence Q 53200 for accessory build-. mes. 832.450 for industrial and . commercial and $500 for public . huildiiids In 1062 the total 1‘ as $677,258. including 8367.300. for residenc- es. $7.968 for accessory build- ings. 8171.030 for industrial and commercial and 8130.940 tor public buildings. In 1963 the IOIRI ()5. $157.- .“50. including 8134.700 [or resi- dences. 3.?50 for accessory buildings. $18,000 for industrial and commercial and 31.800 for public buildings. In 1964. the total was $2142.- 100. including 5187.900 for resi- dences. 814.000 tor accessory \\ its O O O O O O 0 O 0 O O O O onlv 616000 and the Israel. In 1960 total building value buildings and 340.200 for indust-z _ ‘ ,' . _ , . . ‘ “g, was 3707.050. which included rial and commercial. 21:42:38]]; liaiuéoiixiiglpgdhing: 8531.000 for residences. $52,000 In 1965. the total was 3786-: the OMB-to apprme the 3250;“) tor industrial and commercial 030. including: 8.319.500 for resi- . additional. Estimates of 1hoand 3120.000 for public buil-deiices. 85.800 for accessory . work had been made ulmosliiivhi.s"1aii(l $4.050 for accessory building‘s and $260,700 for rm. 8 .W‘al‘ BRO 800 the lenders “inkling"; -, a 7 . (lustrialand connine‘rcial." . were slightly higher. ï¬e ‘RR.RTNRR.{.KRKRKXKRRKRFV‘NKWKWKWKRRRRX?) 0 Three contracts wcrc opened 0, ()9 Monday night for the doublet? ATTENTION LADIESI (A. chip surfacing of Elder llillsf/ . é). Sideroad. These were from w; v g. Miller Pa\ing. 311.380: w. at? 5‘ art 98 b 2,: Ryder Paving le.. $14,395 and / ty 1 2 Royel Paving 1.111.. swoon. g5 eau 83 on g“ A member of the engineering -/ 7 . 1 . é staff was given the lenders to I5 ITOVV Offers Hall. LOIOrTITg by the ag study during the evening and at :11 ‘1 ., )‘ the c1050 of the meeting. on his ; NIL‘V, SENSATIONAL IPULLY it recommendalion. the contriicll : W11 1.. 111. 1... W11 ig PROVEN COLOR-XL UNIT ï¬t. 1Roycl Paving Ltd. V . . . d) . 1 Two resolutions were alsoyé . PROCESSING TIME FOR COLOR RINSES, é). ipassed awarding Individual con-:2 'IVINTS AND BLEACHES IS REDUCED TO /. tracts for the Sherwood Fire.) AIINUTI‘S 3 Hall. Kcele Street which Is. in r? ‘ ‘ ‘ H‘g ' ' . 3. the main. being built by town-S/ . [HE (CLUR \\ ILL Bl‘. MORE EVENLY ). ship employees. .\ contract inrï¬ DISTRIBUTED THROUGHOUT THE HAIR. g). the amount of $2.110 was [’7 . IESS DAAIAGE TO THE II I i. awarded to All Way Rooting’y/ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A R. é). Ltd. Scarboro forthe supply and t5 . LESS IRRITATION TO THE SCALP. 93. installation of‘ rooting “for the C/ . ABSOLUTELY NO DANGER TO THE ()9 building. A 391.7 contiact \ias1/ PATPOV OR HEP HA]? {:6 .given to Ovcphcad Door C08 ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ HI. 1.. S---lr (I'. ,1. , , .,,,,M,.‘ ï¬ienaélfppkidangf1...‘1:'11;‘{‘,§,, ‘3, L IN 1le. MALI. RICHMOND 111316“ is (LMRL j: three overhead doors. I/ RICHMOND HILL 2. A contract was also awarded 0; j. )9 g. k/ W $3.~ . GREEN GIANT CLUB HOUSE Peanut 2 Lb. Iar E. D. SMITH'S For Appointment Phone 884-6151 Kéxxmï¬y§mx§§mmwxxym§§ixxxxx\‘xmxmmw \) \VWVVVVMVVVV NIBLETS 14 Oz. Tins 59¢ Butter 69¢ KETCHUP MAXWELL HOUSE Instant ‘I O BUTTS cilv. 10 ‘ SELLING YOUR BOAT? Find a buyer through a clas- siï¬ed ad in "The Liberal" on sale every Thursday. It's easy to place your ad. Just call 884- 1105 or 889-3316 FOR FAST RESULTS. wedding anniversary. Hazel. Bruce. and Howard. Illfllfl111111IlllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111lllllllllllllllllllll1111111I1lI111111llllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllll1'1 RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB "29 YEARS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE" 11 Oz. 805. 39;! Coffee 602. 1111 $1.09 Fresh Pork Roasts LUCAS W . 59¢ Lb. SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER Large Head 2Lb. SHOULDERS - 49¢ Lb. Poly Bag WASHED hniond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Sept. 13. 1066 ’0â€QOOO Oâ€OOOOOOâ€OWâ€OM UFFET SERVED IN RED LION DINING ROOM ALL YOU .25 CAN EAT FOR Hot and Cold SUPPER WILL BE SERVED SUNDAY 5.510 PJI. TO 9 PJI. â€" KIDDIES “3 PRICE BUSINESS MEN’S 85¢ LUNCHEON SPECIAL†Richmond Inn Motor Hotel PHONE 884-1101 - 889-1921 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill 29 Yonge St. S. - Richmond Hill GENERAL MILLS CHEERIOS 101/2 Oz. Pkgs. 69¢ GRANULA'I'ED SUGAR 5 LB. BAG 39¢ DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE and GRAPEFRUIT or PINEAPPLE and ORANGE 48 Oz. Tins $1 .00 GENERAL BAKERIES SLICED WHITE BREAD 24 Oz. Loaves 39¢ f ARTH URS TRIANGLBEEBERFAND Ieners srrrkrrrrs 99¢ ILb. Pkg. 59¢ BRADFORD No. l Celery Carrots 3 Lb. Bag 19¢ Large Stalks 19¢ STARTING TIME - 8 PM. LIONS HALL d v 4 09......9.90.09...OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOO0.000000000000.00000...O...