,5 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Sept no . .__, 1966 BIAESIIIEII llllï¬ EH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .70 each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, .7c per word, min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word: min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 501: CARDS 0F THANKS. IN ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per aertlon Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednesâ€" days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. W ARTICLES FOR SALE (Continued) complete resume to Box 85 “The ..â€"_..-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"- GAS space heater, used very Liberal ‘ _. 913:2 BLAï¬ci; loam and top loam :03; little. $50. 884-6235. clwlZ KITCHEN help. female. Tues- 113â€"4.... __.______.1.L_ ’66 Suzuki, Sport 30 __ immacu-iday' - Saturday. 8 - o plii.‘Apply CLEAN wheat straw. 884-7763. late black 339_3555 c1“,121L9\€ndale PaSll‘Y SllOPs 22 LGV‘ tfc8' ’ ' ' elidale Rd. *iwl2 889-4106 after 5 pm. tfclO .___â€"_â€"â€"â€"~---- JUNIOR bed and mattress $20. ALUMINIUM EAVESTROUGH 884-4896. ______.___â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" PIANO. upright. BUNK beds, wagon wheel, brand pm. 889-3802. HELP WANTED 1 MEN wanted to work at arena. 884-1368. c1w12 YOUNG men required to instal aluminum siding. no experience inecessary. 889-6161. clwl2 ‘EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, small office. must have own in- transportation. 889-4981. tfell 51.50 SHORT order cook. full or part tilne. Good wages. Apply Half- way House. 887-541]. tfc9 WAITRESS wanted. l‘illl or part time. good wages. Apply Half- way House. 887-54“. tfc9 SERVICE Station managerial- 000 per annum plus bonus. Send FOR SALE TECHNICAL position available in laboratory of York Central Hospital. Apply in writing to c1w12 Call after 6 HELP WANTED 'Continuedl DRIVER. local and long-distance moving. Good pay. new equip- ment. Central Van & Storage. 884-1146. tfcw-l PAPER BOY OR GIRL "The Liberal“ requires an ener-l getie carrier for an established ‘ paper route 011 the south side of' Cl“’lziLakc Wilcox. Apply Mr. lCnnlirie. circulation. 884-1105. 1103\1'11 11%.- 1 HELP WANTED l lContinuedl machnie c1w12 WOMAN required as operator. 889-6255. . WOMEN and men, pluckers. (arm experience. Harvest Moon Turkeys. 889-2626. c2w11 Viiâ€"V'flï¬-V light clean 1 1 GIRLS wanted 1017 lactory work. 889-5467. LADY wanted to clean on Fri- days. 3 adults. 889-2625. even- ings. elw12 SALESLADY. weekend. part time. immediately. Bayview Var- iety. 884-0090. clw12 CFGM RADIO TECHNICIAN TRAINEE WANTED Enterprising young basic electronic knowledge. Ex- 111811 11 ithl EOPTIETENEIED hi‘c‘iï¬ggï¬z 1:3 cellent opportunity in interest- ’ clw12 mg and excmng field-For full --- . _ particulars call Mr. Brian Saw- SALES woman wanted. lull yer. 889-4915. c1w12 $133: ‘01 Hunts Bakeiles “2:313 YOUNG woman. over 25 - 40 ' years of age required for gell- GIRL to live in. light duties and baby-sitting. own room. char kept. 889-1887. c2wl2 CAFETERIA help. female, non- eral office duties. Must have ex- perience in filing and answering phone. Some bookkeeping. ex- perience preferred but not es- R. L. Dunn. . c1\\'12.. . -. - . ,- . . new $35, cash and carry, 433- ______‘._ _ _-_â€" “15' h- A- Ha’gwa‘e' ““12 rotating shifts. Excellent iiages..sentlal. For appomtment call 7911' 0211112 TBQEORDION $100 Phone 188192‘ SERVICE Station attendant. Top 339-4251 clwlZ 889-7531. c1w12 . -. - . . '3‘â€" __ _f_“_'_ wages. John Buchanan. R. D. . , . â€" .y ‘ -CABINET fact .0, in LIVING room than $5, chrome 3 piece tgdrooâ€"m suiTe blondc Little Ford Sales. 889-1105. YOUNG man 1equiied fol gen Tl ‘ l'll ‘ lnanu ttu1]1_ ll ,1 igh chair $5. stlollel $0. 884- . ,' . _ ' ,hvllieial Shop wOlk. Must have 1011111 169111105 901110211 3470. c1w12 WY 884‘37186- ““42 L , chauffeurs licence. 889-6161. minded man or woman for office -â€"-â€"â€"â€":â€"â€"â€"Tâ€"â€"â€"“’â€" ' - - ' â€" lean :1 712 work. An adequate educational . “1, l o- 1965 MODERN 13 cu. ft. refrigera GOOD dHVelS “allied C t w . _ 3111?? 5 31:30:11 11:13-30:21} 889- ‘0‘? 30" 9180““ Slove- $150 0“ recm'd‘ $100 1’“ week guaran‘ rIRS'T class tool and die baCkgmund ‘5 9359““3' for the 3193" 'c1wl2 best offer. 884-3954. clwlZ teed. 889-5477, ask for supei-Z- maker ‘3 ‘39“ hour also tool- position. For inform-mug“ and _-._'___.__ __.__.__. "Tu drâ€" visor. tcl , .‘ " . -, '. » . , . further details please call 889- N ‘ 't . e ’ b' n TAPE recorder. Philips 401 -LA. 1;“: ‘_..___ inakei applcntlte Oi 1111p10\91.1 . ‘ _ , ‘ 53%;; cgggzjdpgig... 1:83? stereo. 4 months old. $235. 889- . PHARMACIST! 889-6557. 7 c1w12v6243' ML 013' _, 3Ҡ7911. c21v12 7010. clwlz Part-time. at the 1011-. Central RICHMOND HILL manufac- MACHINE OPERATORS Stainless steel tube processmg. and balance wheels. and boy‘s racer. Reason- able. 884-4529. clwlz 1965 Honda 50 cc. Super sport. $160 or best offer. 884-7446. c1w12 NYLON rugs. 9 x 12 brand now. worth $79, sell $49.50. Cash and carry. 488-7911. c2w12 BABY carriage, lTkâ€"e neivbeb-y GIRL‘S bicycle SHOW Will pink fur 832-2453- adts, 2 nights weekly 11.30 pm Good salary. Apply in person - .0 . 1 . - I c1\le___________.____ï¬_°9to 730 m Nu~ in Home ~ - 11 1011 j hts WANTED wâ€" â€"â€"â€"th°11 61 Comet, “me walls, â€dm' TOOL & -._._.___._ _ . ‘ . - a - 15 g S.S.K1esge S-Rcmml eg , E w PAYNE Good shape 5500 889-2269 KENMORE wringer washing $14 per Single cotd delivered Thornhill, 839-7072. ClWlZlCentre or call 884-7841. clwl2 . \l ._ , ‘ _1 ‘ . , ' . , j. ‘VIANTED ' ' ' _ i h‘ 16" long. 3 years seasoned Elm. . ‘ , “OMAI desnes homew 01k. 884 10181115. septic tanks. All types ClWlZ EQUIPMENT mac “‘9' 7 years Old, $35- 884'1‘ H fir 1 , d 773 SALES help required for iull GRADUATE nurse or state reg- 5887. c1w12 of concrete work. TO RENT “Ur-‘1 -1 _._._â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-- â€"â€" 3153, after 5 pm c1“.~121_0p qua l y ep ace woo . - . . . . L d P _ . . . 7 r ' _ _ ‘ , . .63 Pontiac wagon, good famly RENTALL, 41 YONGE N. 0368 tfe34 time 1105111011 In even ale as lstered noise, 2 nights weekly, MATURE . . ld lk 889 5162 FREE ESTIMATES _ - â€"- . . . . 1 7â€" 773 "17 WHITE enamel annex stove - _,__.___., ___.t1-y Shop, 22 Levendale Road. 11.30 pm to 7.30 am. Nursjng . ._ “01m“ “0†1. e ticgllFARM. 00 acres. north of T0~.C31' Mu“ 591- $10 3- ‘°°‘ ~Rug shampooers. floor mach- with pipes, bird cage. PhonelOASIS de'lmmidiï¬el" lined 884-6691 clw12 Home, Thomhill. 889-7072. “011‘ at home' 884'1417' 91ҠWWIASONRTâ€"CHOvTTRACTOR. ronto. 222-4207. chi-20; _~__'_______~°1_‘L1_2incs, tools, chairs. 884-8761. 887-5830 “W12 drapes suitable for basement #â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"’â€"~â€"-. clwl2 FINNISH woman desires light ‘ . .. .. ‘_ .13 bedroom honfe 10“., te'ml1954 G.M.C. single-axle tractor tlc3l ' apartment. Reasonable 884- FEMALE k’tChe“ help. 9 am ' housework in Richmond Hill StonewOik. Fireplace, etc. V‘l » - ’ 5 l with 30’ flat bed single-axle “'â€""‘_‘_"‘ ‘ â€" ‘ ROTTED cow manure, top soil, 6305 ' clw12 3 pm. Waitress, full-time. Ap-lCLEANING woman required. Call after 7 889-7456 *111'12 Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. Sâ€; 9359' 773‘3126- Clwm‘trailer Call 889-3674 after CRAWLER, crane, half yard, sand and stone. 172 and full â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"_~â€"-â€"â€" ply Peter’s Restaurant, 7584 Wednesdays or Thursdays. Re- _ ' ' Richmond Hill. phone 8842 or 3 room apartment in 3:530 pin ’ clwlz 800d C011d1l10m30 b00m._clam loads. 293-4060. *1wl2 WINTER Fevemble 003‘; boys Yonge St., Thornhill, 889-0027. liable, references. Bayview- Arellable man. floors wall. genâ€" 5688. tic231pi-ivaie home for lady with 31-'â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€" . . “Ck“; 5911reasonable-P1‘Wa‘e- BABY’S ch t f d" T " “75129 10;. bm‘v“ Cheek. 5““ “’“h c1\\'12 Steeles area. near bus. 889- eral cleaning. chauffeurs lic- CMALL us for your saï¬d‘amel year old girl. 889-6880. c1w12:1953 Renault Dauphlne, ideal w . es 0 lawersy new two pairs trousers, size 12. All . 1275. c1w12 ence. 884-4736. *1w12 . - -’ °- ’ . second can 300d 00mmâ€, PORTABLE Tv RENTALS unpainted, $15, cash and carry. in like new condition 884-2753 WAITRESSES. fOi day and . fill t0P $911 and. 111119th119 WIDOW desrres small unfurn- radio private $575 334-1401 488-7911. c2w12 - ' 1“,â€. night and part time. 7 Drive-in SERVICE STATION ATTEND- EXPERIENCED typlst and gen- Prompt dellvery.- Reasonable ished apartment. Centrally loc- ’ I ' CIW12 WEEK 0“ MONTH“ mâ€" ___1_____i__ Restaurant, Don Mills and No. ANT eral office worker seeks employ rateS- J. B. DeFerrari. Maple. ated, call morning5_ 334-1394, .________-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- RICHMQND “ILL TV sights Sllll 2 Sores lielf $191957 APPLES AND PEARS 7 Highway, 889.5790 or 297-1280. Young man for service station, ment in Richmond Hill. 884- 832-8876. “C1212wbedroom â€"â€"-â€"t t “11‘â€" 1964 Volkswagen Deluxe, clean, 884-7456 . 389.3756 . 8. S S - Manning and Sons Orchards. c2w11 must be neat courteous, will 2376 after 6 pm. clwl-Z v . _ apar men 01’ 01159 Wolfsburg radio, gas heater, t£c43 Nearly nEW- 244-9952. c2w12 Dufferin Street 1 mile south of W - ~ 1 4 ~ CHIMNE‘S - m ““31 area for 2 adults 773- seat belts rivate sale 884- ~ - W. Maple Sideroaci 832-1274 FARM SALESMAN “3‘“ ‘fnecei‘aly- C“ R0" 88 ‘ YOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking Chimneys built and repaired. 4370, c1w12 5303 ’ p 'clwiz MAPLE Sharpenmg semce' 2° 7, 6†X 6, 6,, 1 200’ a ï¬ll“ 0“] ' tfcll Opening for one farm) and land 6891' CZVVII for \VOI'k. Anything considered. Free esï¬lnfltes. Expert “'Ol‘k‘ Wâ€"fâ€"‘hâ€" _______________,______._ Keele St‘ N" “Taple‘. 832-1323‘ tank 832 2431'; â€a on .0) . salesman in our head office. Call ' RECEPTIONIST Can you help us. Call Salva- manship. Phone Walker and H"; room 11‘3“â€? 1n Richmondlisso Mercury, 4 door hardtop, Silage and Forage knives, saws, _;__.;~__,_21L13 FIREPLACE .S""e“"- me“ Mr. McLean. 889-1176. David F... pa... “me even“... work in 11011 Army. 839-4869 tt'c52 Mitchell. 889-2526. trcii,NJ 7 01b ‘Thmlljlln area ~ by 18 cylinder $180. Older car aC-Jointer and Planer. kmves â€"~ CHESTERFIELD and chairs. imdrapes. matching bedspreads McLean Ltd., thrs.. 74 Steeles 'e ffic ti: in andl‘EXPERIENnED ’. . . . PIONEER sander; All â€ms: Off 0‘ em ELL “2?:73j17:_ {@212 cepted as trade-in. 889-6331. scissors â€" pinking shears. gar- excellent condition 8322650 and drapes numerous windows . ‘ 31 “late 0 e’ 5p g '1 C P‘ “smal‘ ‘1 FURNISHED - t ' €11le den tools 02011 ' .;1 .12" aluminum ’storm and scrEEAIAvenue, “’951- ,ifl good telephone voice essential. Miehle. Kluge. seeks permanent hardwood floors sanded and re-lï¬ L . R' ‘1 apa‘rtmeli , 31-â€"â€"â€"â€"»-â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"--.â€"â€"â€"- ' “' . TM“ Call Gord Smith 889-7624 oriposition. Reliable. conscientious, paired by experts. For free csti-‘mo‘m‘ m ‘L 1mm“ Hm “cm" PRIVATE 5319 1961 Vauxhalli__â€"_.-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- PING PONG table. champion-1‘ ship size. phone 884-1585. . c1w12ll SMALL compressor with motor $35. also box trailer $25. Must sell 884-1344. *1w12l FRESHLY picked Bose i and Bartlett pears, apples and toma- toes by the basket. 884-6367. c1w12 CRATES of all sizes. suitable Special price $4.39 per gallon. tor overseas shipping and Butler and Baird Lumber Ltd. domestic use, reasonable, Cen- tral Van and Storage. tics ATTOMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. andECONTENTS. 12’ x 18’. 9’ x 12’ railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514.:cinnamon rugs. 20’ x 95" drapes. tl‘c36.‘9-piece French provincial din- fADY'S clothing . _ '_ l‘ . Winter and ‘ summer, sizes 10_ 11 alid 12 imtables. Bar. with stools. Rec. screen. 884-1559. EN'LTARGER. “Lucia! 1twin lens, takes up to 2‘4" 31/4â€. Never been used. 8100. 089-1051. clwlZ WINTER coat, spring coat â€"i new, 18-20. Hand mower. Budgiex cage. Fur cape. 884-6088. good condition. also fireplaceit'urniture. TV. Lamps. 5 originaliflls- Appll' Lamb the MOVE!“- c1\\'12.0l1 painting's. Custom 4-seater.889-4911. Also part-tune help- * 5.:lcliesterfield. Dinette suite. tic-121 lode169 "L .6 , , . _ ..,L_..___L. . _. .' - alge steieo. Beautiful mud" MALE sales representative. clw12 % DOUBLE bed. spring, with fold- ing legs, smooth top mattress. Excellent condition. 884-2806. Ch\-12iB.EAGLE pups. â€Make good pets. 8 Yongehurst on lROild. Richvale. I’BOXER puppies. excellent blood elwlfl “â€94 BOYS standard bicycle with froiit and back lights. Good c ditlon $20. 884-2909 after 5. McCï¬R‘l’ï¬eleâ€"oinâ€"store Soo sandmch toaster. electric dcei 7970. _ -M OR rec. room. two 9‘ x 12 pat~‘ terned identical rugs S20 eaeh.'P Chesterfiel ‘ .9 nine week; white. Grandsire Ch. ven‘ ntlv lo ‘1†' d 1 " “ ‘ ~ - - - - . d 53' 884 “404' - iRothara Tlie Pirat: Trained to \lali: IBM (Egged‘v (5:111:13 $11111 as Chartered Accountant. Reply. ARDENINC 8&1th ‘ ‘ BLACK PerSIan male. 2 )931‘51 NO' 11 Highway. Holland Landâ€"l. ' I . Mâ€"- â€" C-lwmlbc collar-tied $85 884-7716 E)hariii ‘Salarui bc'osiiimenfilratelin writing giving full particu- â€"~â€"â€" ‘ -â€"â€"~~--v-~-- - Lâ€"fdb COW†9565' Reward. 889'6323' ing. 895-4666. tfc34 for knitting, sewmg or Egg-ï¬ll) di-esser. 36" x 21.. x“. . . cllvll :rith eiperiencg Call R “P Cor-ll?“ including details of eduea- RETIRED landscape gardener. PLASTERING & TILE . tfc531_,___-â€"â€"-â€"dï¬.-â€"-â€"-*1: :rocheting. These positions and l? . 3 large drawers, 2 small ert. Aersol Packaging. 8001â€â€œ and any busmess exnel‘lence lifetime experience. Trees and Plaster repairs. ceramic tile SMALL grey and white .ci‘t†CRUISER 1 consist of assembling elec- 'at cupboaid. Mirror. Good Keele St 889-73'6 chi-19‘“) Leonard R. Rosenberg. C.A.‘plants supplied. 884-7903. bathrooms and floors. Years ofigmv dot on lower lip. VlCllllLVl - V ' t . om onents to be Wendi." DIAY CLARE _â€"‘;â€"79 I “lP'O' Box 95‘ Aurora. c2wlli *4W9.‘experience in repair “'OI'k-iThOrnliill or Richvale. Re\rard..196°220rd cus\:°?;658h?cutg{nég:i ronlc_ c Pd t . g TENT trailers, several usedh“? . . . “GENO“ “ILL BOOKKEEPER required by‘GARDENiNG work and mint-George 834-7045 After 3 1711118898176 evenings. c1642.“ 0"“ “e 1 ' ' 1 “59d m â€â€™0 â€â€œ5 ring!" 1955,DA\ caie. South Taylor Mills SALE OPP TUNITY . . ’1 i 9' 9323 ll . {10' 383- You Make The Offer. l f ortable radios ‘10 models to choose from. 4â€"8110 Drive. 88-1â€"6940 elwl'll ‘ S on Chartered Accountants Ofï¬ce enance hedge clipping, any18â€".â€"â€"â€"_D- corgtâ€"fl. ,. tc BLACK wallet. lost week ago 1 Y’s RAWIBLER SALES ‘. mm p - Gâ€"sleeper units with mattresses.‘“. ANTI: ‘ ' ' . _ .. David \IcLean Ltd Realtors arefor permanent employment. Re- stone work and sodding. Free, UPHOLSTERY ,Thursdai. vicinity Town “mi I’LRDl Pl 4 773 '481 Q space VEth’leS- spare wheel and tire. 887â€"5455“ Preter Polegicix'liailllsegxholdigiil'iint‘reasma their Richmond l-lin‘l’l-v l“ “’Tltlllï¬ Stating full par-lestimates. Thornhlll- 389'5333-lREC0VERING â€"* RESTYUXCU‘Yonze Street. Car ownership Loca lone _ .3 clwlZi. If you can qualify for one 01“.}? .- "ed 1 e -C 00 US: .. ‘ , , n: ticulars including education. cx-‘ tfc52rof all types of furniture. Latest , ‘ d d. 3393295 [1...†_,_,,_..._ Q . _ . “â€7T‘kf'ff , ;â€"-~~ “I“- 384"‘98 after 5- 91Ҡ(“:le staff and have opening: perience. and salary required. 10‘ ’ “‘â€â€"T - . [abric<_ i-easonal le ll‘l('£‘i. Guarâ€" {1:119}? e - r; . L'SED TRUCKS Of these Important 0051' M0\ INC to apaitment 33 ;qltl- â€".---~ ~- . â€"- -~--â€"â€"â€"~-~ lol - -alesmell 01 sales ladies . . C L- hb-XPPEII ‘ 7 3. l ' 3p0\\‘\ wooden irunk ('Olllalll~ . . - minum ext ladder s-il'eix 411-.) DAT “â€0 “alum“ 4 â€a†and Our stlt‘t‘esd‘lll lone est'lU‘lsned Leonard R' Rosenberg. LA" L‘VDSC‘Pl-VG ,anlced “Wk Arm? LDhOIS’e†5,; \ 1...},19 Daptl“ d'apt“le" ‘53 Ford 13'1ҠPit'k’l’p' 6 CH“ . 110115.301! “ll“ . “Mk m H ~ -. .-.., - s “- '.,... a) “ ‘ ,.- 1; a; A‘.\. l ‘19- . . ladder. “heel burrow. luixn EEKâ€"(Algal 101 â€Iâ€: Dll‘eb‘jlll"; company otters unequalled 00â€" I33 BM 3:).7.\111Old.â€" "£1010ch screened 10am and top- 839_'~)-’4-‘ ‘ n My semimenliil value. Vicinity lleal‘l' duty 6 Ply life-:- L591 30- 0 clean. pleasant em‘ll‘on sweePCL gal'llt‘ll mills. Excellent b..“':0,‘f_1_. L. .1- $11,017. porlunltles 101' 119W 0009'? 9â€" PAPER BOY QR GIRL Em] manure. “ind 111' gram-18844981 Resldt‘nee 8844-31" ï¬nd 111' King. CFliB Sltlel'oad and .117263'0'68310’141" Sig? - - .. menl . Pal‘llClpale in a“ condition 334-4151 *lul‘.‘ DAY care available 1]] my home. tering the business. For llllel'~ "llIC LIlJE‘I‘Hl" i'€(l\lll'€5 an am- (‘C’dal‘ llE‘dEC’S- lalldSK‘aINHS 334‘ 7 “13:1: Baii'iew Ale. 889-7316. clil'l‘l - D°d39~ I 1,0" “In†“mm Y advanced emplmee bene- ï¬tiifeh‘iik‘tï¬lflrnont'crs ~ 1.91;.- wilcox area. 773-4180. \‘iew appomtment can 5.4195 biilous t'al‘l‘lCl‘ Io: an cslablishâ€" 3089. 11m SEPTIC risks ' _____. bod): Dositl‘atllon 1'9?" “id- . . . ', Sales 3.“ Service ._ cllllfl‘llanager: 311-. lchi-emz‘. sap-ed “Nbpapm. mum m the Jef, -1. PLNIPED 5.5 00 8 ATS \IOTORé heavy duty- 750 .\ 17 lit-es. Lita: fit proglam O can an Iat- D . _. ‘ . . o _. WILL. 1" 'fff ' rflâ€" :A 11164. gym-â€gs 88-1-2811. tel-son area. Here is your chance TREE CUTTING 0. . A 11900. $825. _ ‘ traetlre income. Including YOOJI‘S'A “m.d°\â€' sum}? call in n“. (11101. a teitbatbyd. (artehlldy clue} to earn some extra money. i . . . ‘63 l.H.C. 1 1011 with 3 fl. eX- 0 premium pay for 2nd and or lumlnum. 884'4938' Oak ï¬idcorjm a"??? is}??? Wr-ï¬Â»; . . }Phonc Mr, Cunliffe. circulation. €18. cabin cruiser, fibreglas. .COV- press box. 4 speed transmission 3 (1 hit q.†ts -~1€m\\8‘884-7840beb an lc imon ““1194 PERMAFNENT 1884-1105. ncwlO Dead ehns. pines etc, cut and lered hull. zig‘lip. motor. 11‘81ilPIZ7.with positraction rear end. 3 81y r s i asblanI-‘llffllljl. n "PEWMTERS lump-.13â€; go,- mums a“; TEiIPOR 4111' l URGENT {removed Reasonable rates. Fire-i W1; 750 x 17 tires. Ser. No. cw257- 9 “- :lieninshsif:val a e 0 y . f ‘ ‘ ‘ . . . _ . , , - . ' -- -. a ee 8 s. ADDING MACH‘TES pro-school. Beverley Acres -â€" 0“ l“ e are lookingvfor a girl to 1mg“place wood a Specialty. Alvin, :0 iii mafiifiifidn pï¬leescliginxic. $321188? ton with utility body]. Sales Service Rentals Browndale Cres. 884-6235. PART TIME m our home “‘11-" and countryl. I l .1 ‘E ' p. d “"11: automatic baler 4 eed transmission with posi- Apply 8 am. to 2 pm Authorized Dealer , e1w12 REGISTERED NURSES to do the general cleaning and Baker. 989-2435. itcoi‘; .1 ‘ M391??? 11‘ T 9 Vet; Wt. r 3 end 8 my 750 K At All popular makes for sale in- mm For Green Acres Home for the care for our 3 year old daughter. 1 WE-CLEAN ’3le life_be 1’ (Etc-2010; e 10.19 353910" Se rt ‘10 ‘3C93603-6109- eluding new and rebuilt stand-l 0h.s‘11001nffrl 0:693 ‘_ ' lid Aged. Next-market. Salary range Preferably 18-25 years. some ex- ‘ BRAINS .II‘allel' 5‘00‘ 88 " ~ . C -: "ismsespï¬ e . . . 280 CENTRE ST. E.. ard portable and electric modâ€"[S1d 0‘ \. if: or DfP-eartio..18369 to 3426. Graduate nurses perience and a fondness for; DRESS‘I AI§IVG I 518' ‘Vel'mmllll cruiser “it“ 196†l ‘ . ' . . T L ElS- Special rental rates avail-‘1‘“ _ “ Lia} .30., "0%â€. He aiiialso required Apply Green Children and dogs vOlder applf-'__ ‘ 17777 ‘ _ . 30 hp Mercury motor. Sleeps 3 D05 .‘llI-LS TIN-9K SHALES 0 RICHMOND H] L able ‘0 “WC“l-‘i 11391 “C" ' 8 â€'0' ' 7 ““1“ Acres Home for the A900 194 0:103: L'OlHKlE‘I‘é‘d :5 3110\9 qtlall- [ESLG’NING “we†‘3‘?â€le 0" 4. head. stainless steel sink 3‘84-1,‘336_0r 291-229 _ 0 Phone 884-7481 L. H. SIMS \l'lll 2'10 d8) rare to one or Eagle S1. \eu llla“l\1‘l 01 Per-110811011,s Lippi} S123 111011131 ‘ DRESSMAKIVG without than}; ‘11“). (“<hlrlv’lli‘d- “Whom "‘"m‘ ‘ "““° 50Ҡ01 â€â€œ5" ' 0n . 889-737' 88 Baker Ale. l‘lo t' 1 illi‘C‘ll. 71 (iii).- 1‘ PPM}. 111 501101“. tirziie 12:1,: 223111 “our. '1.‘l)c.‘..'.1'.11011‘.:(1:1.\"0\‘1“a' bei. .\LTl-ZR.\TH)\S or learmc up pipe ‘ m. Kim? -ell ll? (-l-‘T‘lill“ l 1“ \\1,mdblnc . \l' \ “-11. "c Richmond Hill 384-1715 l\l\ 111mm. Rh-hninnd Hlil. 88-1- L‘ltx Hoâ€! 17» .111'11 367-81113 " 'l’ciemnne 640-21538 min-1' “4.13m t'. r-‘l‘l’.\lll.\ no. :11'1'_ 5:44.33†Arm-s irnm l-‘rank \l'atts Midi O "‘ ‘ ' l" ‘ . tic-ill BABY crib $15. High chair $10. Very good condition. 884-3474. clwlz LARGE mangle suitable for rooming house. Make offer. 889- 5024. c2w12 BABY carriage. rocking horse, sterilizer, lounge chair and has- sinet. Phone 832-2622. c1w'12 1 7 Hospital. Call Mrs. Sherk. 884- Wanted, top wages. 884-6151. YOUNG man for parts depart- ment, to drive truck etc. Thorn- hill, Boben Equipment Ltd. 889â€" turer has vacancies for gas wel- ders. Permanent position. good working conditions. some over- time. 889-6211. c4w9 DRIVER for country and city delivery. Five day week. 51 hours. King area resident pre- ferred. Phone 833-5282, evenings 773-5119. clwlZ EPERIENCED office cashier. 171. c1w12 EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER c1w12 301. c1\v12 lent condition. $50. 884-7298. 21 Televiswn Console. excel- REGISTERED nursing BSSiSt- also soda fountain supervisor. 1 new plant, good wages, all benâ€" efits plus profit sharing. must have car. Age group 21 to 35. ASSOCIATED TUBE INDUS- TRIES LTD. 7455 DON MILLS ROAD 293-8278 cliv12 EMPLOYMENT M_ISCELLANEOUST TO RENT ' [5008 Fast. Courteous Service Phone 884-1105-6 889-3919, 1 USEL CARS USED CARS PLUMERTGiâ€"IIEATING i‘t‘iiTvl’sRED and nixâ€"{$319136 locoâ€"TR 3. Sports car. 84003-1__,_.,.L,-'CP£“““E‘“ ,_._ . .\. EllLLSDS; :0“ LTD. rOoms. 889-1766. new best offer. 884-6940. e1w12‘.1960 CHEV. Sedan Delivery. 1 . ' {3777- '4 V 7‘ V» I†~ ‘ I. ' - ‘ ‘ 2" 19:84_220f“an i‘l‘LRNISIlED room, near-1958 Volkswagen. good ruliliing;$4°0' 884‘4608' clwll tl‘c-IJ‘ICI‘OOIST 889-1670. cllvl2lcondition. 884-4007. c1w12l ' ...- -- . ' . ROOM in quiet home. suit fen-‘19? F '0 ll 11 T ' k l POSI hole (113†,- - . g 0 0‘ "‘ °“ F“ “‘1 889443., We and femi‘f‘ï¬iilcnion. 884-2621. clwl2 .3150. 889-7412. clw12, ‘VANTED Wilf‘gos'ol{1151-11ng erairsABATHURST and No. 7 Thorn-8 Tow Trucks. completelnyA’NTED. self DI‘OPBllE‘d 1'01? 888-1715. ““1291!†900 bmldms. large door-equipped. 884-3232. cin-iztiller. will buy or rent. 884-281.). -__. ,- _77 4- . .,. . â€"- L, â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€".- . 2 “ALL WASHING 1“ “fl 3131(9-"8839ELL- 51919.49 Buick, 4 door. automatic..___ - -___.. .1-..‘.~â€"i11\3 384-7627 1Diricn space. approx. 500 sq.‘884-3616. clwl2‘NATIONAL Geographies. back . .1'1. Reasonable. Good location. " ~â€""" "'7'“ ' "â€7 CO ies to 1950 [01‘ classroom “59' __ tlt-ltl .' __, , 1951 Pontiac. good running or- p . . PAINTING &’ PAPER hlLilLagtiffll; .1. ,, ‘33} der. two snow tires, $125. 889- 3150.95“ .‘lryl‘iw'e‘ 1" 5°33 HANGING 91 bedroom apartment. private 267B. c1w12lcondmon‘ â€3-0317' c “ " ‘ 884-2798. tfc PAINTING. carpentry work, alâ€" terations. rec. rooms and re- pairs. 884-5009. tic-40 PAINTING Interior and exterior. 884â€"7627.i 889-2ll3 after 6 pln. ’3'11112 cilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east Sof Clarke's Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 i . 88-1-7243 or 783-6154. Extension 40. Ltd. 'iiï¬l'ï¬ï¬vo 8.- DECORATING Work guaranteed. Frce cstim-' ates. 889-6907. tlc2 â€CIIIPMAN PAINTING co. Interior & exterior painting. all work guaranteed. 773-4268. Sam Sorbara Real Estatel c3\\'121 FURNISTED room and kitch-l liette on second floor. parking.1 Langstaff near Yonge. Businessl person. 889-4190. clwl2‘ SHARE accommodation with 2‘ girls. 2 bedroom apartment be- hind plaza. 884-4651 after 5.. C1wl2 2 bedroom apartment tor Octo- tl'c2 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines? footings. 889-3604. “(:2 entrance. available October 15. 1958 Pontiac ., door 6 cylinder‘ _ ‘ A. _ , automatic. $70. Trade-in accept- FURNISHED room. cooking fa-.ed. 889-6331. iSCOOTER 1961 Lambretta 123 lgood condition, $125 or best of-‘ fer. 884-3877. Ll l - ‘ ' ' 1W. . W tfcl ’Qd‘oom3‘33â€â€œâ€˜emieqmpped'llsso Hillman convertible. best offer. Joe‘s Garage, Markham. 1965 Honda 55. good condition, lengine recently rebuilt, reasonable 884â€"2705. cellent .body good. 832-2413. ’oliei. 889-5069. ROOM and BOARD ROOM and board for gentleman, clean home. good food. 889-7153. CZWIZ available (Board 0D- c1w12, PRIV Aï¬l room private entrance t'lonall. 889-3270. elwl'z EXCELLENT board, shared room. gentleman only, 84 Rose- view Ave.. Richmond Hill. clwlz clwl2 very *1w12 1955 Chevrolet, new engine. ex- mechanical condition. clwth 5-7 Oldsmobile, 2 door hardtopâ€y immaculate condition. Best cashl c1w12‘ tfcll COTTAGES FOR SALE 12 MILES north of Barrie, col- CARPENTRY-WORK her 151 33.1.49“ and Ham, lWRECKING '7 r . _ . . . .. ‘ - . . am. 4 a 0rd. excellent ,_ ' ‘ _ Custoni building add1t10115.~1.e-l] child welcome. Call Ali-5.1fibl‘eglass fenders and other lzgech‘ildféhenélvsg:i% 2e2§§5§§7€ Eggzaéinmauons' J' “' Gigngrooks 884-6148. cln-lz‘parts. 884-4547. c1w12 ' g gm“- - . ’owâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-~_L- ... 1 . ‘ _ _fl _ LET’DONflDOVIT! ‘. MAPLE , . .1966 Chrysler \Vlndsol, 2 door 2 lovely family size cottages, l 1 DOV BUTLER ’I‘V jZ bedslttlng rooms with lighthaidtop. Fully equ1pped. Pll' luxury with extra size boat ‘ 884-3500 housekeeping facilities. bath. W- CIWlZihouse ‘with living quarters ill [f033‘(1)\;;; entrance. me" only. 832"1951 Pontiac, standard, 800d rear, on 450 feet of lakeshore ‘ al191 6 D171. CZWII Condition. Best offer. 889'4790.p1~0perty' Safe Sandy beach. 3 STUDENTâ€"PHOTOGRAPHER Will photograph your child in 3311‘ Biggiizgsï¬Reasonable 53:91? liable tenant with one or two. - . children. $165 monthly includes‘. RALPH ELMS DECORATING garage. Available September 28. Painting, paperâ€"hanging. inter-.Phone after 6. nus-0114 or RU1- lor and exterior. Free estimatesaï¬e. c1w12 Work guaranteed. 884-7902. 9 room house. on Dilifferin SE. above Hwy. 7. on farm. suit re- '58 Volkswagen, clw12 1964 Chevrolet Impala, two-door hardtop. V8 automatic. Call‘ after 6 pm. 889-3927. c1w12 excellent run- ning condition, $100 cash. 884- 6300 after 6.30. c1w12I docks. 6 boats and motor. Sil- uated on a string; of 4 small quiet crystal clear lakes. North East of Toronto. Suitable for re- sort. $19.500. $10,000 down. Pri- vate. 884-1919. c1w13 windows. aluminum storm and CAR WASHERS ,screen door. 884-7426. c1wl2 Drivers and wipers, full or part! â€" time. male or female. Apply EQUESTRIAN GIFT SALE North Yonge Car Wash. 5940 Horse horns, wagon wheel chandeliers etc. LADY Canvasser Equestriana House, 7783 Yonge St. Thornhill. 889-3606. EXTERIOR and prints. books. brasses. Christmas cards, hitch- ng posts. horse print fabrics. Yonge St. Willowdale. 225-0981. c4w10 wanted, part time, 2 to 3 hours daily, salary and commission. Could lead to sales position with the largest food organization of its kind in c3\v12 interior one- ] ‘knows trade. Apply Box 87 “The Liberalâ€. ne3wll 884-4425. c1w12 17107111080 HILLâ€"PUBLIC. ‘ity. Phone 884-7462. tt‘c3 mates call 884-7566. Grant Craw-l ford. (â€â€œ1113 bedroom house. Bayview area. 1 l EXPERIENCED shorthand sten- ographer, desires any kind of home typing. filing etc. Some LIBRARY. Library assistant re- quired. Fullâ€"time. Some even- ing and Saturday work. Apply in writing: Mr. Colin Robertson, Chief Librarian, 24 Wright St. - â€"~ .H _ lapprox. $120 monthly. 2 school GENERAL . nt" 't g. alter-| . _ ltious and aIlC‘TIIlOIdlfs.nl’anlCS. o‘l-‘iaged children. 884"488' clwll flees. factories. Custom carpeil-EMANAGER of a local chartered Richmond Hill. clwlZ MALE and female for punch press and buffing machine, ex- two or three evenings a week. Receptionist. general office coat super-white latex paint. Canada. 741-7900. CIWIZ perience not necessary. Full time employment, good wages. TAXI DRIVERS work or store, vicinity Richmond Hill. 884â€"5309 after 6. c1w12 Minn. 4 months old. 884-6939. PUPPIES for sale $2 each. 884- 15200. PONY, child’s green jumper. 13 ‘,hands. 889-7003. )1 . fry pan. garden tools etc. 834‘8101181 .;.l“.12\'011ge Street. Thornhill, 889- - -â€" â€"â€" 3606. 191 Yonge Street N,, Wanted full time taxi drivers 884-1125 or 889-3506 over 25 years old. Apply A. c3w11 Leckie. 52 Yonge Street South. Richmond Hill. 884-1144. c1w12 FURNITURE packer and driver combined. Good working condi-l, ngroom fruitwood and marble . lions, steady employment. belie-1 wanted for large nation-wide. moving company. Apply in per-i son. Central Van 8; Storage. 28 Industrial Road. Richmond Hill. tfc-li PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT I FOR Plate Shear Operators Machine Burners Radial Drillers , Structural Steel Filters and layi out men. Excellent working conditions. c6w10 PETS FOR SALE c1w12 clw12 0 GOod hunters. *1w12 fringe benefits. 889-7549. 385 Realty Limited. 2132,2525. mixed league. Call Allencourt 727-4973. Aurora. c1w12 availability. Write Box 42 "The HOMEMAKERS. you work too Liberalâ€. c13w4 Call Mr. L. Brown. Strap Sleek. registered. colour l‘ed- ~1 ~ 11'†9: -1 .1 ~19 .i‘an-n. 845. 884-5883. L‘l\\'l‘2 gécï¬ilggï¬ï¬lbgicgéï¬kgf “JILL GODDARD loi pi-Ofcs-: ‘ 0kg†‘ “ Poodle clippinz. 7783‘; " " Rapidly expanding manufacturer requires a man to be responsible for the records and the financial side of management. New con- tfc35 male, registered, OODL'E. (€337. t’lVlI. <1»: I I ceptable qualifications to train} l.»'l::1..1>‘. cla'i .1 . . knowledge of bookkeeping. Call try of all descriptions. Leslbank requires three-bedroom any time. 884-3786. ell-.112 Webb 389-2546. tfc3ilmllle. Phone 884-1109, after 5 BUSINESS lady requires work ALTERATIONS, repairs. cus-1884'4137' “â€12 tom building. Registered and URGENT, would like to rent bonded company. Free esti- three or four bedroom house in mates - advice_ Phone evenings. Willowdale 01‘ Thornhill. 389- 832-1036. tfc3 7153. clwlz CARPENTRY WORK. additions. 1 or 2 bedroom apartment in lWe can do it. We 1150 do paint-itime at 889-6704. c4w12 “025 Lanesâ€"SW, _ «fewgling and paper hanging. 384'1HOUSE. 3 or 5 bedrooms. good MEDILOAD LTD. HAVING A DANCE 0R WED' 1215- ‘ . “C47‘condition. close to separate Part time medical secretaries NEED A 1311‘s? JOCK“, PIONEER SANDERS lscliool. Richmond Hill. A150; and nurses re uired for tem- . '. - - . .- Wanted to buy. doll carnage- q . . For the best 1n recorded Il‘luSlC All types or bald“ 00d “0°15 . 1 , 2 130F311! employment. Wl‘lte glV' to suit any occasion Call Bill sanded and repaired by experts. 884'7023- C “1 111% details 0f experience 311d ' For free estimates call 884-7566.]WILL share accommodation any time. Grant Crawford. c3wlll'house or apartment. Board op- . . y ‘ hard. YOU deserve illll‘l. Comet ‘ 7:. .‘ A, ; tional Thornhill 01' Richmond REQUIRED immediately “omen‘bowling Tuesday aftel‘lIOOIi.l HARRISON†CUSTOMS vQH'H ‘ggors-r'g elwl" {Oi prOClllCIlOll \101k on light Free baby-sitting and trans-3 CARPENTRY LI, 5â€"0;~<~ #7; machinery and assembly. 3150 Ziportation We aren‘t looking forlCustom built homes. whom-CLEAN reliable family require .young men lol‘ Pl'OdUCUOI‘ work. champions just a chance to‘tions. additions. and repairs 3 bedroom house. End of Nov- APPl-" Texas Instruments 230meetllell'Vacquaintances.\Vecklvimmhmls a specialty. Morrisclnbel'. Preferably west of Centre St. E. Richmond Hill,draws Turkev Rolls Year enEi'rlarrison. 884-2833. tic-15 Yonge. Retercllces. 884-4757. _F " .. . . .- “_1 ~ . 4. ;_..L ,_,._- .â€" __ - - â€"â€"~ , .) 102011313 A“ f‘†“15' V'txyolbailquet. 884-5821 or 884-5778. WINDOWS AND FLOORS ““1“ : -L.__L.11,-L. _-‘ cl\\'12 CLEANED. " "' " ' .GRADE 1.5 gladuatc \llth 90- HOME 0R OFFICE LOST 1.1'21 ‘ RSI-1113 Ill-Illunnd lllllI {with older lady or couple in‘ Envoy. 27,250 miles, snow tires, very good condition. 884-2412. 9 LIVESTOCK “Win FOR SALE Chevrolet.‘ _.__,_ - . . and HEAVY hunter 8 year old geld- toning. 8 year old mare, English lRoad 884-1884. c1w1210r Western. Both well manner- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"~â€"â€"’_ ’ - led. 884-7768. tfc8 11959 Ford half-ton pickup. 8, ifOOl’, DOX. heavy duty spi‘ings._â€"_._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- lgood condition, $600. Phone after 6. 884â€"5117. c2w12 _._._._â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€".â€"-â€" 1963 Ford half ton pickup, cheap. Needs body work to front Wynnâ€"CRISIS 1965 1parts cheap. Also chickens lducks for sale. 97 Pember BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY _____,__._____.__â€"â€"- GROCERY store for sale. Phone Ohio Road Richmond Hill. renovations garages recreation Richmond Hill or surrounding end Call 889-4961 or 884-6001 . . . _ _ - - _ c1w12 CZWH PERSONAL Erooms, tile floors. No 1JobP too area fl); y’oningcclouplilsl “iltgglziw 889 4492 SALESMAN for progressive BMWâ€"OWLERS r .â€"â€"-â€".â€" ismal. Free estimates. ‘. rIce .Vear 0 C11 . a co cc -.1957 Ford Fairlane V8 automa- ~#â€"~ . 1 altdi- . .-. -. . .,. ,. ._ . movmg and storage eon'lparly.meadue at 1111211011131 2:35: @9233; .. , [1‘38.336§.§$.f°' Ddl‘ne‘ 94““?1111'. power steering. PPIV'BI‘LW. . . . . ' | I " Local applicants preferred. Ap- 'l‘hfirsdavs 9 pm. Phone 884-28847 CONCRETE â€" MASONRY BUSINESS couple, 3 school-age brakes. radio. fair condition. 0 P 0 ply Lamb The Mover. 127 Birchâ€"J ' wwlgwhgpmmy CONTRACTORSlchildren. desires house with Best offer. 889-2295. clwlZ : \ ‘ii'l Ave..Thornhill.889-4911fol-ap- ~ -â€" â€"-- “lBuildi’nc‘ alterations & repail‘s garden. Richmond Hill area ““T’â€". " .. . "TV" 1 . _ \ . , ,. ,. o, , . a. . . _ ‘ 9 6 MGB excellent condition. - pomtment. “044;??in ‘ha‘faa d1 Inikllnb \lilolln prompt service mud-November occupancy. 834‘131-gy'wi1h red upholstery -â€"â€"dark 3 -\l REAL ESTATE career for momâ€: , â€4‘ c‘m 1-9 p' .‘.'.e. WALKER & MITCHELL 399?,‘1f18r61’fu- ., fil‘lliwrer tOP- Drive" Only 151000 . , .Box 8-1. Rlchlnond Hill. 01 tall 889 9'28 â€.11 1 . « , --, - - --- A .5, . . . 0 T . :5 or women. free extcns‘ive traln- EM. 6-8684 tfcl? > _. .. ’ :°~ . / 7 f _LRGEN FLY needed by couple miles. radio and wire wheels. . 9143. mg program. special assistance; ~-,â€"',~-, â€".-â€"â€"~â€"â€"_â€"~-* FURNITURE REFINISHING with 3 children. house or farm-.Call 884-2528. nclwl‘l 0 w to new starters. top commisâ€"AINX‘OAL \I‘ISlung[?b0“1'0n'3n1f you have old furniture youlhousc on or before Noveln-fggo‘jfwd'6“]fA-F51Q’ngm.. Instruments slons and draws. Call T1113 2 “9mm“ eague 0‘ an e"'mml>"l\\'aiiit to look like new again. ber 1. Anything considered. AmTCoacll. In use. Licensed. Good 0 Incorporated condition. Some new and used†parts. $500. Call Mr. Canfield. Q [889-6201 or 887-5518. clu’lzl. ‘_4_________,__.._-_.â€"» 11959 Pontiac PariSienne. 2 doori lhardtop. 6 cylinder. standard.1 ‘traiismission. new tires. goodl 1radio. 884-5218 after 6 pm. clw .1962 M.G.A. Mark II coupe. lldeal commuter winter sportsf ‘car. spare rims with snow tires.‘ block heater. wind up windows. Door with locks. 832-1025 H AS OPENINGS FOR FEMALE ELECTRONIC g ASSEMBLERS . . hiring Ladies now to start work about Sept. 15th. , in a modern. ultra- :leall plant. No previous experieIICe is required. but applicants should have good eye - hand co-ordina- tion such as that required 12? l cl“ 2 ii'TTENTfoN'TR‘L'Oki-IRS I if you are looking for used trucks. parts. tires or accessorâ€" ies. see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts 8; Sales, Old “9099â€â€ O 9 O 0 6 O O 0 0 0 O 6 0 O E i O 9 O 0 O 0 g 6 O O i O O O O 0 0 0 O 0 O O O O 0 0 E O O O O