)“iI‘II“I'III“iiâ€"i Mrs. Maurice Hamill of Cedar Grove will give a demonstration on Christmas Ideas. Hostesses will be Mrs. F. Gee, Mrs. H. Mortson and Mrs. W. Sandie. Community Hall A meeting to elect the board of trustees for 1967 will be held December 16 at 8:30 pm in the The Christmas meeting of the Toronto called on Mr and Mis monocl Assocmtlon launched its WI will he held December 13 al'RoIph Boynton on Tuesday Centennial â€We“ November 8 pm at the home of M125 Leslie afternoon of last week. 23 in the school auditorium The Hart with Mrs John McCague| Mr and Mrs Alan Smith andltheme for 1967 15 “Tillicum as convenor. Roll call will be family of Sandford visited Sun- an Indian word meaninâ€"g answered with a gift for the day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. “Friendship." . Children‘s Aid. Christmas car-Ralph Boynton. This theme was emphasized 015 will be led by Mrs. R. G. â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"by the showing of a NFB film Britnell. STOUFFVILLE: Ontario Minls- entitled “No Longer Vanishing“. lVll'. and lVlI'S. urr many more town could legally substu- "the need is there and i‘ F o l - oll wng the service a con years of happiness together. he the extension when “the ‘ seems silly to have a bu: grezatlonal pot-luck luncheon was held in the schoolroom, re- Sympathy is extended to Mrs. service is out of the mom running in the area ant placing the annual Christmas W. O. Nursey (Irene Smith) in icipallty. This would have not going to the hospital.’ concert. After lunch the child- the very sudden passing of her to be looked into." he said. The transportation commit‘ ren received a Christmas treat husband last week. MFS‘ Nursey a former Victoria Square d M. Bin'gt h «115, , . . c d' I d C k I igloredrsslidesn‘ï¬f°?hj ‘Qiï¬y g1r1.aslster of Walter Smith. ‘ ana Ian n Ians an Ta e Pace Land. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee and Euchre ‘Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gee at-f Another euchre party will he tended the funeral of Dr. W. O. I 20 h C H & S I T Id held in the community hall this Nursey in Toronto Saturday n t enturY; S 0 Friday evening at 8.15 m, morning. . . . . Women‘s Institute p .i Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Davisnn. CI‘OSb-V Heights Home and dian “'1“ find his place as The Christmas meeting of theiToronto. called on Mr. and Ml‘s.'SCh00] Association launched its‘parmer in building the futi WI will be held December 13 “Ralph Boynton on Tuesday‘CentenniaI project Novemberof our country. 3 pm at the home of Mrs. Lesliefafternoon of 135: week. .23 in the school auditorium. The Mrs. Gordon Johnston of 1 1 Hart. with Mrs. John McCague; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Smith andiiheme for 1967 is “Tillieum’hâ€" Cape Crocker Reserve silo“ as convenor. Roll call will be family of Sandford visited Sun-‘3n _ Indian word meaningimany examples of the s answered with a gift for the day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. "Friendship." . iscreen printing process me The girls’ intermediate class and read the scripture lesson in un- yea] ison and Mrs. Percy Bennett Gor told the Christmas story. John- cem ny Hill and Louis Mortson took Coll up the offering. Special music A was provided by Anne and Gloria Smith of Sandford, who alte played their accordions. Dr. {1W6 Binnington gave a short serm- _1an onette and many gifts were re- m t‘ ceived. “sf“ Richmond Hill â€"- Barrow Insurance Services Ltd 884-1551 Thornhill - Frank Re3nolds Insurance. 889-52 Willowdale â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 221-16 The annual white gift service was held Sunday morning at a combined Sunday school and church service. Superintendent Percy Bennett conducted the service assisted by Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnington. 'AI‘““‘II“‘II“1 The chair had a short social time after practice last Thurs- day evening. The members ap- preciate Mrs. Stan Dane’s kindness in providing dainty Christmas refreshments. Church News My sincere thanks to the people of Markham Township. and especially to those of Ward 3, for an acclamation. I feel very grateful for the many expressions of appreciation for my stand on some of the issues. My best wishes are extended to you for the holiday season and the Centennial year. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CONTACT YOUR ECONOMICAL AGENT TODAY Branch Offices: Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, London, Harmlton. Toronto Ottawa, Montreal, Moncton. Halifax. ALL-lN-ONE POLICY can save 10% on your Insurance costs Combines your HOME, Contents, Liability Insurance UNDER ONE Policy... Head Offlcc MARKHAM TOWNSHIP ELECTORS RR. 2. Gormley CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE CANADIAN ALL THE WAY A large number from here attended the 50th wedding an- niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam J. Orr. at an open house in the King City United Church Saturday afternoon. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Orr many more years of happiness together. STOUFFVILLE: Ontario Minis- ter of Municipal Affairs Wilfred Spooner has appealed a decision by the committee of adjustment of this village which would have permitted the building of a home in an area zoned commer- ciaerhe property is owned by Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Burkholder, Albert Street North. Wedding anniversary congrat- ulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis. 30 years. December 5; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hardie, 22 years, De- cember 9; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard. 39 years. December 10. Birthday greetings are extend- ed to Barbara Empringham. De- cember 10; Julie Hardie, 5, De- cember 11. north hall. It is the responsibil- ity of the people of the com- ‘munity to elect a board which will be a good liaison between our centre and the Markham Township Parks and Recreation Committee. Neighborhood Notes Telephone 887-5421 Charles Hoover Kltchener, OnQario 889-5222 221-1611 A Cree Indian. S. Buller. sec- retary-treasurer of the Indian- Eskimo Association of Canada. who serves on the Scarboro Board of Education. brought further information on Canadâ€" ian Indians. He outlined the ‘many problems facing the In- ‘dian in getting an, education. Despite these problems vand given understanding by the white community and better educational facilities â€" Mr. Bullet is optimistic that the In- 123 in the school auditorium. The ‘theme for 1967 is “Tillicum†â€" an Indian word meaning i“Friendship." . This theme was emphasized .by the showing of a NFB film entitled “No Longer Vanishing“. This color film traced the struggle of the Indian to inte- grate himself into the 20th cen- utry technological society. Case histories of Indians from across Canada who have won leading positions in law, medicine. teaching and the armed forces. were shown. The message of hope for the future of Canada's Indians was well received by the more than 200 adults and grade '7 pupils present. Mrs. Gordon Johnston of the Cape Crocker Reserve showed many examples of the silk screen printing process made by the skilled workers of this Ojibwa community. These items. which were on sale. included bridge sets, table linens, hasti- notes. Christmas cards, etc. President Mrs. Ann Hughes was in charge of the meeting. Miss K. Beatty showed the film, Mrs. E. Sandy extended thanks to Mr. Buller and Mrs. D. Payne introduced Mrs. Johnston. STOUFFVILLE: Parents of pupils attending Orchard Park Public School from the west end of this village have peti- Mr. Mansbridge. stated that the servicewould be designed primarily for the employees at the hospital "the great majority of whom live in Richmond Hill." Mayor Thomas Broad- hunt wondered aloud if the town could legally subsid. he the extension when “the service is out of the mun- icipality. This would have to be looked into." he said. “There have been no definite decisions." he said, “and there will be further discussions re- garding routes, times. fares, and whether the hospital would par- ticipate financially/3? Committee Chairman Ivan Mansbridge said a meeting to discuss the question had been held between the committee and representatives frbm' the hospital and Trailways of Can- ada. Possibility of instituting a bus service from Richmond Hill to York Central District. Hospital is being investigated by coun- cil‘s transportation and parking committee. TYRC Opposes Advertising 0n Bus Shelters Council To Consider Bus Service To Hospital next time you blow a fuse remember these facts before you blow your top 2 ltyourhome'seleo- trical system is not adequate to serve all your needs you’ll notice other symptoms: Lights may dim from time to time, your toaster will take longer to toast, and appliances with motors may appear sluggish. When a fuse blows itisasignalthatvou have overloaded part of your electrical system . . . a circuit. 3 lfyourhome is more than 10 years Did, the chances are yourielec- trical system requires updating to take care of toâ€" day's requirements There are now more than twrce the number of applrances used in thehome than ten years ago. SOLUTION it is not necessary} to put up with the inconvenience caused by an out-dated electiical system. STOUFFVILLE: Parents of pupils attending Orchard Park Public School from the west end of this village have peti- tioned council asking immediate action to estimate hazards on the 9th Line North and South. More than 100 signatures have been obtained. Recommenda- tions in the petition include banning parking from 8 am to 6 pm on the 9th Line from Elm Road to Sunset Boulevard. 3 speed limit of 25 miles an hour. and prohibition of parking on town property near the corner of Main Street and the 9th Con- cession. Mr. Mansbridge explained that the committee was not asking council for any decision at the present time but was only advising what had taken place to date. . Deputy-reeve Floyd Perkins observed there had been no de- cision on whether or not the hospital wou1d make any financ- ial contribution. Reeve Donald Plaxton meeting had been attended by shelters." stated Mr. Mans- pointed out that at least 50 Councillors Mansbridge andIbridge. "This is not advertis- porcent of the run would be Lazenby; Gary Chatfield YCDH mg to me. It' 5 just stating a in Richmond Hill. Iadministrator; and Larry Need-:fact And the TTC does the Mr. Broadhurst inquired as ler and Peter Smith of Trail- same with their shelters. They to the specific demand for such ways. are a public body and so are a service. 1 * * * " We." Mr. Mansbridge said the; Councillor Mansbridge and‘ Mayor Thomas Broadhurst primary concern was the staffl‘his transportation committee's stated bluntly that “if we‘re. and "I was_ given the under-_ efforts to provide three more paying the way we have a standing there is a definite de-‘bus shelters for Bayview Av- right to it and should do it.†mand {or such a service' *enue have run across a stumb- Mr. Mansbridge said he Councillor William Lazenbyiling block. would get in touch with the stated the hospital would guarJ The stumbling block is the road authority stating “I‘ m hop- antee a certain amount of usage. {Toronto and York Roads Com-Sing they will reconsider." “But I feel." he said, “the need is there and it seems silly to have a bus running in the area and not going to the hospital." The transportation committee Have your household wiring examined soon. See how easily your home can be modernized electrically. You can add any number of new time-saving apphances to your home. 1 You can useas many appliances as you wish at the same time... without giving fuses a second thought. BENEFITS Your appliances will operate more efï¬ciently and Wlth less strain on motors. You can enjoy the convenience of having all the electrical outlets you desire.You will avoid the inconvenience of place the as a future The shelters in effect will be on property. controlled by the Roads Commission and permis- sion for advertising has to be approved by it. slon for advertising has to be The four-foot by eight-foot approved by it. structures will be located on “I can see no reason why the Bayview Avenue at Bayview commission would object to a Plaza. between Rockport Cres- message stating courtesy of cent and Centre Street. and be- Trailways Bus Lines _ and the tween Elmwood and Palmer Av- Town of Richmond Hill on the enue. The stumbling b10ck is the'road authority stating “I'm hop- Toronto and York Roads Com-‘ing they will reconsider.“ mission which is opposed to anyI Councillor Lois Hancey com- advertising 01‘ messages being mented that it “is unfortunate painted on the outside walls this has come up this late in of the shelters. the year." “I think this is~a very petty Council approved the shel- and unnecessary bit of red ters a few weeks ago at a cost tape " he said to the municipality of $983. 40. The shelters in effect will be Remainder of the total cost of on property. controlled by the the shelters of $1, 966. 80 will be Roads Commission and- permls- paid by Trailways. meeting had been attended by shelters Councillors Mansbridge and bridge. Lazenby; Gary Chatfield, YCDHIing to administrator; and Larry Need-‘yfact‘ Ad ler and Peter Smith of Trail-‘same \v ways. are a g AMOUNF 0F ‘ LOAN 3 100 300 550 1000 1000 2500 3000 4000 5000 Anon plynmm Includn orlmlnll'ond Interest and m bmd on prompt "payment. but do nut lncluda (In cost of HM lnsumcn. RICHMOND HILL ‘% 15 Yonge Street Northâ€"Telephone 884-4431 HOUSEHOLD FINANG Fill all your holiday shopping needs â€"with an HR: Shopper’s Loan mm mm 126.25 146.71 MONTH LY PAYMENT PLANS M 4! 35 30 20 1 months month: mom/I: moat/Ismailâ€): Ina 73:35 88.02 (over the Bank of Montreal) Ask about our evening hours 57.72 90.18 108.22 144.30 180.37 23173 41.45 $6.12 18.35 32.86 58.11 shelters." stated Mr. Mans- bridge. "This is not advertis- ing to me. It‘s just stating a fact‘ And the TTC does the same with their shelters. They are a public body and so are we." I) maul/Is $9.46 28.37 51.24 91.56 Mayor Thomas Brnadhurst stated bluntly that “if we‘re paying the way we have a If your holiday shopping list has outgrown you: budget, catch up with an HFC Shop er’s Loan. You’ probably _ save, too, by paymg cash. Later, repay HFC conveniently. Ask about credit life msuranco on lens at low group rates. TAKE NOTICE that the following are correct statements of the questions to be submitted to those persons entitled to vote thereon at the municipal election and if the assent of the electors is obtained a by-law will be taken into consideration by the Council after the expiration of one month from the 17th day of November, 1966. J. M. MCDONALD CLERK 1. That for the purpose aforesaid, there shall be borrowed on the credit of the Corp- oration of the Township of Vaughan at large. the sum of $2,750,000.00 and debentures shall be issued therefore in sums of not less than $1,000.00 each bearing interest at the rate of 7% per annum payable annually and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest. 2. The said debentures shall all be dated the same date and shall be issued during the year 1968 after the date this By-law is passed and may bear any date during such period and shall be payable in 20 annual instalments during the 20 years next after the date borne thereon and the respective amounts of principal and interest pay- able in each of such years shall be as set forth in Schedule “A“ hereto which is declared to be and to form part of this By-law. 4. The said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation and signed by the Head of the Council, or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treas- urer whose signature thereto may be written or engraved, lithographed. printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced. The signature of the Head of the Council of the Corporation may be written or engraved. lithographed. printed or otherwise mechan- ically reproduced and, if such debentures are countersigned in writing by the Deputy- Treasurer, the signature of the Treasurer thereto may be written or engraved, litho- graphed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced. 5. There shall be raised in each of the years 1969 to 1988 inclusive, by a Special rate sufficient therefore. over and above all other rates on all the rateable property in the Township of Vaughan at the same time and in the same manner as other rates‘ the total annual sums of principal and interest payable in such years on the said debentures as set forth in Schedule "A" attached hereto, but no greater rate shall be levied in any year for such purpose other than is required to pay the said sum after taking into account receipts from any other source in respect of the said work. MUNICIPAL HYDRO UTILITY (a) Are you in favor of the Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Vaughan securing a supply of electrical power from The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario? an (b) Are you in favor of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan passing a by-law to provide for borrowing, by the issue of deben- tures, the sum of $2,750,000.00 required for the purchase by the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan from The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario of the works required for the supply and distribution in the said Corporation of electrical power? AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any tenant entitled so to do who desires to vote must deliver to the Clerk not later than ten (10) days before the 10th day of December, 1966 the declaration provided for by subsection (4) of Section 260 of The Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 249. On the 28th day of November. 1966 at his office in the Township Hall at 12 o’clock noon the Reeve will, in writing. appoint two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk of the Corpora- tion and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons who are interested in and desirous of voting in the affirmative on the said questions and proposed by-law and a like number on behalf of the persons who are interested in and desirous of voting in the negative on the said questions and proposed by-law. 3, The debentures shall be payable as t6 both principal and interest in lawful money of Canada and may be payable at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in the Village of Maple or at the principal office of the said Bank in the City of Montreal and the City of Toronto. 6. The debentures may contain any clause providing for registration thereof author- ized by any statute relating to Municipal debentures which 15 in force at'the time of issue thereof. IN THE EVENT THAT THE ELE‘CTORS VOTE IN THE AFFIRMATIVE ON THE ABOVE QUESTIONS THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE COPY OF THE PROPOSED BYâ€"LAW TO BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION BY THE COUNCIL AFTER DECEMBER 17th, 1966. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN BY~LAW NUMBER ............ ~ WHEREAS, as provided by The Power Commission Act. RSO. 1960. by election duly held on the 10th day of December 1966. the electors of the Township of Vaughan voted in favour of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan entering into an agreement with The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the securing of electrical power or energy from the Commission. AND WHEREAS as provided by Section 288 of The Municipal Act. R.S1O. 1960, by election duly held on the 10th day of December 1966 the electors of the Township of Vaughan voted in favoui of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan issuing debentures in the amount of $2 750 000.00 for the purposes aforesaid: AND WHEREAS it is expedient to borrow for the purchase. construction and installation of a distribution system for the supply of electrical power or energy to the inhabitants of the Township of Vaughan 3 suminot exceeding Two Million. Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($2,750,000.00) upon the credit of the Corporation, to issue debentures thereof bearing interest at the rate of seven per centum (7%) per annum payable semi-annually, and to provide for the discount and the expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such debentures. 19 . approve of the said, undertaking and the borrowing of money for such purpose and the issue of debentures in the amountvof $2,750,000.00; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: YEAR 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 8, 1966 READ l FIRST and SECOND time this AND WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board did on the READ A THIRD time and finally passed this THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN SCHEDULE “A" TO BY-LAW ................ A By-law to authorize the borrowing of $2,750,000.00 upon debentures to purchase, construct and install a distribution system for the supply of electrical power or energy to the inhabitants of the Township of Vaughan. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN STATEMENT OF QUESTION TO BE SUBMITTED FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A PRINCIPAL $67,000.00 72,000.00 77,000.00 82,000.00 88,000.00 94,000.00 101,000.00 108,000.00 115,000.00 123,000.00 132,000.00 141,000.00 151,000.00 162,000.00 173000.00 185000.00 198000.00 212000.00 227000.00 242000.00 750000.00 RATE 7% 7% 52.441.250.00 INTEREST $192,500.00 187,310.00 182,770.00 177,380.00 171.640.00 165,480.00 153,900.00 151,830.00 144,270.00 136,220.00 127,610.00 118,370.00 103,500.00 97,930.00 36,590.00 74,430.00 61,530.00 47,670.00 32.83000 16.94000 day of day of A. H. RUTHERFORD REEVE TOTAL $259,500.00 259,810.00 259,770.00 259,380.00 259,640.00 259,480.00 259,900.00 259,830.00 259,270.00 259,220.00 259,610.00 259,370.00 259,500.00 259,930.00 259,590.00 259,480.00 259,530.00 259,670.00 259,830.00 258340.00 191.250.00 day of Reeve -C1erk Reeve -C1erk 1966 1966