SECOND SECTION RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 a . 23. V ()L. 89, NO SPORTS on asthma 3â€,, Dynes Jewellers Jump To Second, Edge Aurora 3-2; Tie Shultons H the Richmond Hill Dynes .Je1;el'leis 11101 ed into sole posâ€" lsesSIOn 01 second place 1'11 the York Simcoe Senior llockcy League chalking tip a um and its last ttcek. Serii ick 'l‘he Jettellers appeared 11ell on their way to an easy Victory when Paul Foy knocked home their third goal at the 5:01 mark of the final period with Kinnari 1 l i l l spots l i a u. . The Jewellers downed Aurora drawing another assist. y re Slmpson Merchants 3-2 Sunday and tied But Aurora rallied iiilh 'l‘hornhill Toronto Shiiltons 131 George Elms spoiling a shutout ; 'l'ticsday 11itli a goal at 10:51 from Clifl ; l 111 other ildlllt‘s Siiiiltons \1al- Heniinung and Jim Lindsay. , . . luped \Villoudale Rangers 7-3 ’l'hen came Aurora's final goal z!» I he Leisure .-Ig(’ and the Rangers about-faced and at 14:19 of the lipid period with f It seems that just about 11\ cryoiie is \1111'1'1'iilrl “03.9““Swim†6'1" .~ . g“? 1810 dol'w‘, the PM?†11-11111 11.958 tl1'1.\'.\‘ aim.†the zu'l‘hill til~ the leisure 111:3 >lhe 5llllIOIls‘ 1011111111911 111 o) .atchel and Llins. l’01‘<01'll' l .. ‘ ‘l .. .. H . _ first place by a single point tot» ‘ ' “ -' l’ ' v“ '\‘ “A". d ““3" \\1Jll_\lllt: that l “Olllllnl lo11ed in the .leuellei's 11ith In the other game the Shulâ€" )9 dttJtllltl When It ttl‘l'ltt‘tl. li1e. \Villoudale \iith four. and 1011's led the 1111} jumping into ‘ But undoubtedly it does impose stresses 1111 3 Aurora mm 0110. a 3-1 loud in the tirst period 1 Stlt'lCU' .Q‘eal'ed to work instead of play and that‘s ' “ “â€d “C“(‘JK‘WI' “Nd?"- l where sports Clltcl‘r’. the tht)I’\\'it\'. I‘lNorJenibelr ‘29tli(‘(ia:l1i'sl {31011 Mitchelll let: ‘the cherries ; l AI .7 ‘ ’ . , . . ‘. '. . . J . j. ’ )9 , ewe Cl‘s an _ ltl tons \\l i “'0 guns ill“ \\0 35515 5. ’1 1. B'tb' ‘120 ‘; b9??0:t‘uledplmh\Klu‘ll l†â€.‘lmKUl b1.†struggled through two periods Single goals went to Carin Sar- 5; l ‘ f9“ “.10 is ltdtl of ‘K'hmoml HI“ “lgh bChOOl S of scoreless hockey before gent. John Lightioot. Bruce Sim. é ‘ MUSIC?“ I‘JIUQ‘dUUn UE‘D‘dt‘tllleilt. ’l"hoinh'1ll opened the st01 1110 at Gary Stamp, and Jack Dubkow- _ It was Bill who a few months ago more-or-less thel 241113111 ofthefinal period ski I? pioneered a new look in sporting endeavors at the .0“ a goal b1 Gar) Stamp LC0 F91 sewed 1mm tor 11'11- SChOOl tleSlg’ned to prepare students for the full brunt 1 “‘9 lead “0"“ u†â€m†15- ’1 10MB†“’1“ wall‘ 51mm†: ot the leisure (lays 0f tomorrou when Doug Mclnnis took a pass notching the other one. ' 1' - . f' .. .. . , .fiom Tom Kelly and tied the STANDINGS g; l lie iiit1oduced liietime’ sports f01 grades 11,1ga,m_ w L T I‘ .11 mg, i t 12 and 13 of'feiing students selfâ€" chosen tiaining in ‘ '1 * '1 1 .Sliultons f: 11 2 19 10 6 1 activities the1 can continue to enioy in adult life The other game saw the Wit-Dynes 2 1 1 14 16 5 ' It means. a 11idei' 1'aiiet1' of sports than used â€â€619 “angels tolling ‘0 8“ ‘V‘HW'dale 3 3 0 3013 41 to be the case in the out- dated i'cgimented Dh} steal 9:53 16 3 “m 0‘ 91 Aurora Mer- Aurora SCIDRIgVGl 9 18 t education 1'la.'.':1.' 11' '1 1' '1 1 “ans . . . ‘ _. sscs hull l1L1l 111131: the 110111). Gm... Dune led U... 11111 111111 1. A Pts. 3 l\'1)-‘ZOHI el'fmt \1itli othei'sleo l"c.\ \V. ."1 2 7 .. . . . .. BUI/S'eye Marks The Spot 1' ISIIUIg, (1'0“ , [010, going to Leo Fex (lord (Lurie gallskaiin‘: 3.1: i ; . . Acti1iti1-s such as tennis. e'olt'. l'ishiiirr (i'li' [mu m“ “Hm" 3â€â€˜l'l01“m-‘ Dl'l'm‘ em†_ - -_ _ l’iett1 nood shot musesl Richmond llill High .81 liool IfllV‘SItZtl l'jwdiitiition liis'tii'utoi Bill Bahmck as he tallies up the and up“, casting). ll'itl) shootinu ....,...}.g...,..t 1'1111- â€â€˜0â€9- _ DB‘“ l‘nigeun “‘ l; ; .'. score tor his above students. all part 111 the leisuie age†upbeat school spoils 1111111 iiluiii at the lxichniond Hill High _- ï¬. ._ .w. ‘ . . . ‘ . 0-1 Bruce sun. 5. ._ .' l l } s f h‘ t.-_ lldl shootlnq) ett 110.111.... “11111111., and â€unlm†H’Ol\â€l8 tethmtIUQ-N November 2.7 Gaines Bob Mitchell. S. .'l .3 6 Bill- idea 13 10 mtlUt‘e “101'e particmation 1“ a ‘l'ltlf‘ Hillel} â€l 5001'“ â€N 1111111: '1‘“ “’5' l: “I l I91 l3 {2,} n thi j sue. 1 can still recall when physical education in high Dynes, Jewellers lumped into Gary Stamp. S. “l 4 6 For Itllihel‘ 111101 mation on this dilleient approach to high School sports I't‘dd SllUll Ptlt‘ l.‘ 19‘ lllll 5‘ l ‘ ‘ schools meant 111) minutes a day of either basketball. a 3-0 lead and held on to edge Jack Dubkoit'ski. S. 3 4 5 ’ -.,,. _-_, †‘ - ‘ « - 1 - . - . 1 -- :2 '1 -- Dui'ie 11'. 2 4 6 â€60â€â€ â€M touch lootball. 01 hi ooinball. ind then '1 11111-1 til) -"'\“‘°â€â€˜ Mmtl‘m‘“ ' 1 ("“5 1 3 Goals For BrOderICk t0 the showers. I ‘ l ‘ l Matt Kinnai'i opened the Matt. Kinnari. I). '2 4 S iqruunvrwaur. TEENAGERS! For the best in ROCK & ROLL RHYTHM & BLUES EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT it's Score An of the period as Aurora played the player more than the puck. The Lions had two penalties and Aurora had four. [11 the second period at £i:l16 of the Lions stick- Juveniles Frlda) evening the Lion 1’00- 11 cos resumed play at the town aiena and defeated Aurora 5â€"1. The Lions remembeied their last enc'ountm 11itl1 A11101a and play ed \1 ell inainder 1 . At 2:46 01' the first period :‘Leli’an it t d l L 'I I V V J iii Catcn br0le out and handled \1e ant score 1111» CLUB lL‘NthL'ANl) 53011011 011 a pei'tectlgoal. linding assisted making it 3- 0 101' Richâ€" I f l 1 I V ‘ "H 'l ‘. lthe to: 1i°ht comei with a 111011d llill ’ bPLLIAL GUEDI DEL Itllh Itaid ciri1e.' \‘al Stelfah 19- In the lhiid peiiod ."~\uioia at SCOl‘ed at 1..46 The Lions skated 4:46 and e1e11 uhile the Lions and checked 11ell and scor.ed new a man short they 011 ned again at 8.01. Steve C1 onknlidht the puck and scored at 3.13 ‘being the marksman assisted 111' Biian Dunlop getting the goalDennis Acomb. Again at 13:14 unassisted lSte1e Brown scored. assisted by Penalties marred the re- 'Acomb. The Lions played *7-'# l-heads -up hockey throughout the ' :game and once again pr'o1ed ceired a boarding penalt1 Dare Mickie featuring the Dynels UNIONVILLE ARENA North of Hwy. 6 O O O O 9 O O 6 O O O O O O O O O 9 0 g Kennedy Road Hill Thev met their advers- arms and leceited their bruises lbut as good sports they went lthrough the ritual of shaking lhands with the 91111013 playeis betore lea1ing the ice The Lions 11ill be out again this Saturday uith peanuts and has too cold. Friday. they play bridge. Saturday at THIS CHRISTMAS 2 Door Hard Top. missmn. Etc. 1140 4 Door Sedan. 6 Cylinder. 155 Horsepower, Automatic Transmission. 550 Classic, Automatic Iransmission. Etc. 77 0 Classic Sedan, Automatic “'liansmission. Mam Extras. ALSO AVAILABLE ONE ONLY. 1966 DEMONSTRATOR Like New. Automatic Transmission. Radio. Seat Belts. Washers. Etc At a Low Special Price of $2122. BAKERS ““5 “ SERVICE “'0. 9144 1011131: 51., RICHVALE 889-1189 303 03.0303. "ii at Wood- Bo11 man- 'I‘HESE 1966 MODELS ARE ON DISPLAY . AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 6 Cylinder. Automatic Trans- 11'ill take on Metro's second. place I'ed l1ee\es team in the local arena JUV ENILES Slut Maline Ju1eniles hosted 911110111 in a iegular North York League game and non by some of 8â€"1.Da1e Broderick semed thiee goals and Wayne Harrington picked up four points in the assist department. In the tirst period Br'odeiick scored at 3:20 on assists by Nel- son. Lund and Bob Gra1e1 .BI'Uce Shilton Rov McBrien and Rod Chapman scaled unassisted seats to make the score 4- 0 1'01" the Hill at the end of the ï¬rst period There has no scorine in the second period as both teams played a close-checking game. Broderick scored at 2.41 01' the third on assists from (inner and Harrington. Shilton. Biod- 'ei'ick and Lund scored \tlIIl l-lar- rinzton a>Slsting on all 30.03 010‘0‘0‘0‘0..0‘0‘0‘0‘0‘0.‘.0‘0‘P0‘0‘0‘0 03.030 3.0-.- ,-- Q P goals. Dare \Vhiteside scored vi En“ â€SI-MBNHIE “HRISIMAS SHUPPERS the only goal for Aurora in the ._._ ' " third. g- The jureniles iiill be playing V .1 tllllSllllllllllli lltlllES ,1.- Petel‘boro West Rouge or \\ ek- .‘. FROM ll'ord at the local aiena next % .‘Sunday at 1 pm I Richmond Hill N01 tli End Cleaners outskated. outplayed, " outshot and out~penalized the 1isitii1g Oshaua Redmcn 011 Mi Sunday in a spirited puck bash 'degï¬fmabKMWACMd; Pâ€. at the handbox. The only area where the local 0015 did not hate an edge was \‘.llt"l‘(‘ it iNEW 1967 counts most. on the at'Ut‘t‘IJLiill'Ll. the 041111121 lC‘dlll tallied tlii'ee :oals. one in each period to (lt'lt‘dl IllC‘ locals Ji»l lien lluulitw it'ltii'iicil 111 25†RCA VICTOR COLOR CONSOLETTE \Valiiut \ cheer $895 on dual 0 03030303020- . .1 tendin: 1-l11n'1w alter .'1 built '1' till 'llii. the but it 1111s apparent all 03.030. D t'tiliinct ‘l ,1 0303.0 Q 1 "020i0If)I0'1'/IE01020i0i0‘i01010101020201111011'0‘10‘1' K010 i 1 g 1' I Rectangular ‘. 5“ 1TH XOLR E “.'. ix T b '. \‘r g 1' 11311119111 b'rRADE'IN \‘é g 1 YEAR WARRANTY ON ALL PARTS AND TL'BES 3": ‘1‘ RICHMOND HILL IV '3' g . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ {$1 .- 8844456 Phone ... 88993756 :.:~.. F. 2S l eieiirliile Rd" South Block -â€" Richmond Heights Slinllllltl'l i “It†E5 ' " a 9.! 11111 111111.11 Muggiwaaaawaawm00111101101111MMIMI! ""'“' Lions Beat Aurora By 5-]; l ‘good ambassadms of Richmond.l cliOcolatc bars. as last Saturdayj rule and Sunday at 4 p111 they: a and 3-1. three. a stiong outside team possibly It" .'...'- 1011 did“ 1 like these It “A“ “N scoring at 3:43 of the first period Future Games (Richmond Hill t9‘°.bad'. V011 stood around and killed time while you 0.. as...“ {mm Ed Semi“. and Arena) \\ alted tor the next class . . . or something like that. Moe Williamson. December ’1‘-9:13 \lll‘m‘a 1's 313V“"£l}'- . , Doug Mclnnis made it 2-0 at Dynes: 10:30 \Villoudale is Sliul~ Bill is very concerned about this leisure time 13:41 from Matt ““1131“ anatom- business and is anxious to trite, the youngsters an incentive to all kinds of sporting activities and keep ag'oodly number of them out of such places as pool moms 01' nailed to Dad’s chair in the living room watching telet'ision. 8-1 Win was not light 11itl1 him yet as' the casv Oshaua c'ounteis slid Pay as you play Hockey ‘SI'IINNY l)_\.. 7 1.1 y :11 x: v; John t'l‘he Bombt Broniley . x ‘ 7‘ n ‘ . .sa1ed the 11mm 1mm 3 unite Accent 0n Playmg 1311(1le AGAIN nash “hen he tialted a floater “I don’t like the business of spectatorisni and . in “0‘“ the bluelme l’aSLB‘fi‘mï¬â€˜C‘; prefer to see people in1olved.†states Bill. DOUBLE RINK ARENAS at H“ prised Oshawa goalie has been playing good defens- ire hockev and lately has beguni to show an Offensive threat 11ith.‘ 1110 goals in the last two weeks: Friday night dynamic Dave Addley was called on to sub for the ailing Hughes in the North Enders’ net and turned in a solid 60 minutes of hockey to lead the Cleaners to a 3â€"1 win over Aurora in a North York League game. iSly Daryl Rice accounted for too goals and Dick Weberl lguided the third and clinchingl goal into the wine. l Dai 1'1 5 second goal 11 as a dis-l , 11131 of persevei'ance as he ' stole the puck twice Iroin A111». ora players and then split. tliel defence to flip the puck past: l Daytime classes are usually split with half the time spent 011 football. the other half on archery in- struction. When bad weather t'orces the program indoors. basketball may be combined with badminton . or other tennis-type sports. l (Continued on Page ll) r091 ' u-\ ' gig-9 15"†“41:93:, ‘3‘ .‘.u *‘mg‘,1 v1. WI -\ ;; 4' Afg- -535 5.6. u, RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 1252.00 â€"- Play all day S to 4 11.111. PUBLIC SKATlNG Saturdays S-ltl p.111. Sundays 2-4.30 pm. i l a: e.) ‘4' ~, '9 3' g ‘ a 316' ‘xdj'é "ll‘va n94 G: "‘v‘,_ m; â€ll/RS. FRI. $107 ’ l 1 9* in Meat: â€" A.“ 1' â€V LY TILL9 . 9P.'.\I. UNTIL CHRISTMAS m k V' q-‘ï¬, r" v"’& Q . . wOPEN DAI SAT. TILL 6 PM. .the opposition goalie. The Cleaners have been i11â€" \'ited to participate in the Riverâ€" side Bantam Tournament in Windsor at'tei Chiistmas and great things are expected. The ionly fly in the ointment is the fact Oshawa has also entered‘ ‘the tournament Oshawa is the only team to defeat the Cleanâ€" eis in both games of an exhiâ€" tbition series 6-2 at Oshawa NANAOLA RADIO Easy listening with this handsome and ALARM CLOCKS i . . ‘11 =1; n . ' Desk and dresser alarm clocks With re- ATOMS liable alarm and attractive shape. Plastic reliable. Nanaola PPILEdble radip 1:15: l Sunday, a much improved. casing in ivory or black with black numâ€" the “cal Xmas gift or ‘0‘â€- am 5 and friends and the Kresge Markham Peewee crew gave the . > ‘ ‘ ' spec1al price 15 so attractne. lNorth End Cleaner Atoms a.‘ .liockey lesson. The Hill team“ .11 as just not skating 01' playing.†positional hockey. But for the goal tending of Terry Haviland. l the score 11 ould l1a1e been .larger. as it \1 as Markham “on an easy 5-1 Victory. Chucky Lunau got the lone local goal nith assists going to Scott Mer- ritt and Rick\ Sackt‘ield. NOV ICES ’Ihe Countiy Gentlemen \01- ices tied A"211101a -2 F1 1d31 night in league play. lxivimaki and llampton 11ei'e the goalgetteis and Clonkwright and Mclx'eage picked up assist points. hers. Keep time the NO“ 1"' "l The Gentlemen delcated B L‘ s d ' . .-F.M. RADIO ciiiiépix‘iilhai‘ifli 3.1331331}. 1'3: CHRISTMAS WREATH KOWA Alel .1 1. 111.11 1... ‘ ‘1 l l l"~ t 101ii1 eaui 1' - â€â€˜m tADlES' 11ith stiong and clear reception. goal and an assist. David Malâ€" 2- band portab‘ lory and Rick Hampton added tallies and Merritt. Campbell. Hawkins. Curtis and Kirimaki were credited with assists. Friday the Gentlemen go to \Voodbridge and 011 Sunday 11111 Red poinsettias inteimingle 111th pine cones and Gold 01' Green toliage It really cariies a Christmas Message. LACE SHELL BIOUSE Christmas for Mother. Sister 01‘ Wife. 11ith a beautiful lacy. SICQVO' less lined shell BloUse trom ix'resâ€" gosf Choose 110111 a rainbow host Cedar Hill in the 101111 111 DH‘U.“ pastels 111 arena at 5 pm. sizes Small, \lcctiuni ,1ct a BAth out 01 your Chrl-tiiias and i I . and Large. .\e\.1 Years l'estitities'. Boxed crackers, .‘lIUbI‘JIb <‘1ll‘llalllllifl paper hats. fortunes and 11111 lll sr'asunal ruliirs Ill ltr'tl and 1,..- I 1111 \0101111101' ‘29 the Legion Midgets ioui'ncwti to Oshawa 101‘ an exhibition gaiiiir' and appai'cntll \\(‘l‘(‘ tl\(‘l't‘(llllt" t).the hi: hi: beautiful menu. The}. were tila-ied 8-1 tun ll'dVC iiioiiiised in l'P‘t‘l‘C‘ this at the 111ml incctiii: Altiiplu 1' .1; the lll.’1|'l\\lllall 1'ltll an 85‘1‘l Il't)l]l Ulllllle). In a league game against Aurora. the Legioiinaires had one extremely good period. but couldn't seem to get untracked in the other two. They pent (icon to defeat 2-1. although in a wild and woolly last period, marked by lots of penalties. they swarmed around the Aurora goal. Bruce Hutch- inson got the lone counter unassisted. On \t'ednesdai‘ at 9:30 the Legion Midgets met Woodbridge 6- CUP IEAPOT Drippy glaze decorates this attractive. sturdy teapot in Bronn and tone: of Green OVAL BLUE ROASTER Blue porcelain enamel roaster for sure Amplv holds a 7 t0 9 "Wit NOVELTY DOG perch on a Christ~ cooklnl every ti me. pound i011 l 01 10 10 1‘21 Fun to sit on a dresser your DlIID‘1" 01' Heat for was token for a friend '11} in a regular league game. and VI...) (Ohm...) iti‘l inla‘ the return game in 1min .Lm... “"9â€â€œ “3? lllda‘ â€â€˜3†SWI‘ 11'11'.‘.!i~:i'.:: .a it“ 11' the hi: "'ll 13le '0â€.