A very successful Poinsettia Tea was held on Saturday at the Church of St. Gabriel. Richard Lacnille, Zelda Cres- rent, Ken Jellicoe. Traybom Drive, John Williams. Leven- dale Road and Jim White of Richvalle, who all secured ten or more new customers, along with 196 boys from all over Onâ€" tario were weekend guests of the newspaper. Rev. W. Moore ofï¬cially open-‘ment of tempting desserts. ed the tea, and his wife, Anni And they deliver right to your drew the draw tickets. Mrs. door! Mary Bellavanoe of 236 Ax- minster Drive was the winnerof Ken Shields, Yonge Street the door prize, a lovely handJSouth, who was injured when tooled handbag, donated by diving off a dock during the auxiliary member Mrs. V. Cox. summer. is now making excel- Second prize, a lawn chair, wasilent progress at Lyndhurst won by Mrs. Hilda Smith of‘Lodge. Toronto, and is able to 431 Crosby Avenue. greturn home for the weekends. The auxiliary wishes to thank Ken was one of the top sales- Blll Brewer of Hunt's Bakery,‘men at S. J. Carlisle Real E5- for decorating the cakes. and tate, and in this capacity made all those who donated baking many friends. who hope it will and loaned card tables. ‘not be too long before he is * * - * â€" “ ‘back on active staff. *-$_$_)|' Enterprise pays off! Four local boys have just returned from a weekend trip to New York as a result of a circula- tion contest held recently by the Toronto Telegram. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Smith. for- mer residents of Centre Street East. were guests at the annual dinner given on Wednesday by the town for unpaid committees. at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and fam- ily have now moved from the Lakehead and are living in To- ronto. The highlights of the trip were going to the top of the Empire State Building, travel- ling on the ferry to Staten Is- land, seeing the Statue of Lib- erty, visiting the Cathedral of St. John (the second largest rhurch in the world) and tour- ing New York City. Rotary News Bert Williams. yard manager at the CNR. Marshalling Yards at Maple. was the guest speaker at the November 28 meeting of the local Rotary Club. Introduced by Jack Hollowell. The WA of Richmond Hill Mr. Williams gave a fine ad-‘Presbyterian Church held their dress and showed a film on the‘December meeting on Monday “Humpâ€. Members learned that‘last. the "hump†is an artificial him The Christmas message was up which whole trainloads of read by MrS. P. Ross. The bust. freight are pushed, then the‘ness meeting followed with the force of gravity sends the Cal‘s.1‘eport on the snack luncheon 1‘0"ng down to automatic and bazaar by the convenors, switching devices that re-as- and the nominating committee semble the cars on about 80 announced the executive for different tracks at the rate Of!1967_ 4 cars a minute. Joe MalbOCUfI A social hour followed with expressed the thanks of the an exchange of gifts. and host- members. esses for the evening “ere Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier became a 0. Hopkins and l‘ll‘S- U- \'an 1'" .........o_.... “““ ,. ."j member of the club. ably intro- WECI‘I- foams Lï¬â€˜es {-Anxllllar) [“515 duced by the induction team of. * - * - * ‘ * 1e ..On 19r5(d\ .3.“ a v, ' Dennis Stainer and Bill Bed- The ladies‘ auxiliary to Branch Fall] 5 Lutheran phulch.‘ l\l]l(‘v ford. who gave him the Rotaryl375. Royal Canadian Legion “‘9‘“ members “ere DlL-‘benb 1:: literature, and President Archie held their nominations and elec-IenJo-l 5“ 511°†busmess “106“"? Crosier presented his Rotary tions at the last general meet- and ‘atteru'ards thehshonmg 9% pin. Ernest fills the import-i113. la 113.3ng filmv The): mm; ant classiï¬cation of agriculture. Zone Commander Gloria San- 56â€? ‘ YR.“ D?†9‘0““ then and his presence in the club will ford took the chair for the pro’ â€.10‘7'9 “mob “35 Very educa: add a new dimension to the ceedings with scrutineers from tional and showed all the: program o£ vocational, commun» the Aurora auxiliary. President people Who .make CUbS andi ity and international service. Peggy Orton and EXECUtiVe Of_“Scoutlngâ€130551ble. ed 3 hri . . , ficer Marie Anderson. Ofï¬cers A $1113 gift was present to pgemitgas3tlzet 5:11]? itgatfï¬ilor 1967 are President .Lucy‘Mrs. Audrey Graydon. Beliï¬â€™i Rotary location, the southeastiRICkard~ lst Vice-President‘llarrey‘ and Mary Hamllton‘ln corner of the Loblaw parking‘Edith Titshall. 2nd Vlce-Preslâ€"lappreCIation of the fine serrlce lot. dent Grete Tonner, Treasurer‘they rendered when membersl Anna Lehtonen, Secretary Elsie of the auxiliary. 1 Burnie. Recording Secretary‘ Each member brought a small Joan Dl0k50l1~ Sergeant at Arms item of their own talent for? Audrie Apperley. Executive Of- sale. the proceeds of which went1 ficers are Lillian Miller. Nancy to the auxiliary. Sutcliffe, Grace Linsdell, Rose A new sunshine comcnorn Donnelly, Adelaide Mills. Marie Mrs. Dorothy Maskcll was ap-‘ lFinnerty and Mona Shuttle- pointed. She may be contacted? |:worth. Adelaide Mills is the at 884-1048. sports oilicer. -' _ _ a _ a ; The auxiliary entertained the Senior Citizens 110C311 Senior Citizens on Wed« L‘nrepresscd hearty laughter nesday last with their current and good fellowship are two of l CONVENIENT lOCATI O N S GLASSES 00 'FAST - CCURATE .PRESCRI PTION SERVICE ‘ShOW “LUCKY 375 Calltinaï¬-‘the greatest medicines for the W 1'l‘he Richmond Hill Chapter of‘good of mankind . . . either 1'01- PTICAL the IODE provided and served the old or the young. refreshments. The local senior citizens†club . RICHMOND IIILI. RICHMOND HEIGHTS Full. 25. VONGE Si. N. 884 on Members are reminded of the “as the guest of the ladies“ special children's party on De- auxiliary to Branch 375‘ Royal cember 11- Lâ€" ;Canadian Legion on the occa- ‘slon of their anniversary night R i] R 0 R E R ii R O R E R BR 0 R hilarious musical play “Lucky: 375 Cantina". This production Will You Have A Healthier Christmas? ‘must have called for a terrific amount of rehearsal and it was carried off by the members [all 14 of theml in perfect Spanish style of song and dancer An The coming holidays can become happy days to be long remembered unless sickness is per- mitted to ruin your pleasures. So many people spend so much time and energy Christmas shop- ping during Deceinber‘s changeable weather. unidentified. very beautiful. tall dancer in typical Spanish black that their overtired bodies pick up coughs. colds, headaches or indigestion. brought down the house with her own interpretation of a true ‘Castillian step. The hroducer “as Gloria Sanford uho seem» ed to have enjoyed the head- aches she had encountered in whipping these "outlaws“ into line. ha.†«in. vnllr lmrlv nnnm-nuuarv troubles. CONVENIENT LOCATIONS GLASSES 00 CCURATE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE '1‘ gmé‘ï¬Ã©lcm RICHMOND MILL RICHMOND HEIGHIS PUU. ‘, 25‘ YONGE ST. NI 8146“! 'I’AST umuuumuuuummmuuumuuuumuuuuuumumuuuulmum cents). Toys may be left at the Church of St. Gabriel be- tween 9.30 am and 12.30 pm any Sunday morning, or pickâ€"ups may be arrang- ed by calling Tom McKeage at 884-7969. Lou Reid 884- 7716 or Frank Cambray 884-1938. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll The WA of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church held their December meeting on Monday last. The Christmas message was â€AA; L.. at... n I)..-“ ml". knol, l Ticket information and times? Mothers with sports minded of performances will be an-‘youngsters would be wise mi inounced next week. 1drop in to the YWCA Resalei * - _ * - >1: Shop at 25 Yonge Street North‘ Many guests attended the‘for gift ideas before battling Christmas party held on Satâ€"‘the Christmas shopping rush urday evening by the MapleiThey have a good supply of Valley School of HorsemanshipiskatES, skis and hockey equip- at the Honey Pot Ski Lodge. ment that would brighten the The younger set “rere enter- eYES of any wouldâ€"be athlete. tained downstairs with a m-ag- There is 3150 a miscellany 0f lician and conjurer, dancing torthe“ articles that are well the music of the “Loose Endsâ€, worth a visit - - - Why not drop and light refreshments, while in today? the†parents en-‘Wed a buffet llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllullllllHull“ ‘supper and dancing in the Red Around The World iCarpet Room. A social hour followed with an exchange of gifts. and host- esses for the evenng were Mrs. 0. Hopkins and Mrs. G. Van Weert. Can You Help." Toys Wanted For Needy Families The sidesmen of the Church of St. Gabriel are collecting toys that will be repaired and distributed at the famous annual Christ- mas sale at Trinity Church. Toronto, and sold at nomin- al prices (10 cents to 20 cents). Used toys are wanted to provide a happy Christmas for needy children. Toys may be left at the Church of St. Gabriel be- tween 9.30 am and 12.30 pm any Sunday morning. or pick-ups may be arrang- ed by calling Tom McKeage at 884-7969. Lou Reid 884- Monica Wood of the “Village Coiffure†and her assistant, Miss Cheryl Berg, attended a recent hairdressing convention sponsored by Bruno Radiant at the Royal York llotel. In keeping with their policy of being abreast of current trends. they both attended a class in the morning. learning exciting new cuts and hairstyles, and later saw a demonstration by some of the top hairstylists in Toronto. class in the morning. learning UCW Will be held today we- exoiting new cuts and hairstyles. cember 81 at 2 pm. and later saw a demonstration Rev. N. 5_ Gibson will show by some 0f the 10? hairstylists pictures of Newfoundland. All‘ in TOX‘OMO. ladies of the congregation are * cordially invited. no: x: w * )k Rehearsals are now in full swing {or the Storybook The- atre’s production of “Sinbad - _*.* David Coon, formerly a mem- . _ ï¬ber of a local legal firm and- Afld The Mermaid†WhICh 15 be"active in the Curtain Club, has' ing presented January 20, lebeen appointed a full magis- and 22 at the Lions Hall. itrate. Mr. Coon has been on The play is being directed byithe bench for only 18 monthsI Ron Chudley and cast membersland in most instanceS, the proâ€" include Malcolm Cass, Fredbationary period is two years. Bannon, Margot Sweeny, GerrylHis appointment is retroactive Crack. Ricky Wellbanks. Steph-lto September 1. ‘anie Agg. Jack Riging. Len Mc-i Mr. Coon and his family have Hardy, Steve Shore, Marjutimade their home in Stouffville‘ Nine pupils of the Midmer Dance Academy will be dancing this Thursday (December 8) at “Christmas Fairyland". a Christ- mas show being sponsored by the Telegram at the ONE. On December 15, they will be appearing, doing the same dance routine, on "Uncle Bob- by’s Show†televised on Chan- nel 9 at 9 a.rn. ‘4‘ _ :i - 3‘} - H‘- Planning a Christmas party â€"- at home â€" for your ofï¬ce group or club? If so. why not drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South, or phone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105-6 Karu. Carol Bannon and Susan Duffy. Local residents who attended with their families .were, Mr. and Mrs. D. Douzlasâ€"Crarnp‘m. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Redelmeier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Beresford An- derson and Mr. and Mrs. J. A’- :Court. The Christmas meeting of the 9th Richmond Hill Cub and Scouts Ladies Auxiliary was held on Thursday last at St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church. Nine- teen members were preseni to enjoy a short business meeting and afterwards the showing of a training film “They Also Serve". Ken Dawe showed the movie which was very educaâ€" tional and showed all the people who make Cubs and Scouting possible. A small gift was presented to Mrs. Audrey Graydon. Betty Harvey and Mary Hamilton in appreciation of the fine service they rendered when members of the auxiliary. Each member brought a small item of their own talent for sale. the proceeds of which went to the auxiliary. A new sunshine convenor, Mrs. Dorothy Maskell was apâ€" pointed. She may be contacted at 884-1048. , Citizens of the Hill who {should be eligible to be mem- Ibers of the local senior citizens iclub. but, for some reason, are putting it off, are missing a lot ‘as long as they don‘t join. iHow about it? The costumes. which were most appropriate. were the work of Lucy Rickard. who out- did herself in making the theme authentic work of Lucy Rickard. who out- A wedding of local interest ' did herself in making the theme t00k 131309 at St- Mary's Angli- authentic. can Church on Saturday when Following the play. when the Susanne Austin. daughter of audience had re covered MI'- and MFS. ROY Austin. Tray- their composure. members of'bOl‘n Drive, became the bride 0‘ ' the Richmond Hill Chapter of‘John Spencer. son of Mr. and the IODE furnished and served Mrs. Jim Spencer 0f JBCRSOD an appetizing luncheon and this’Stl‘eet‘ Maple. I was the opportunity for the‘ Entertaining at showers fOI‘ social side of the evening to the bride prior to her wedding ‘ take place. And it was quite were her aunt. Mrs. Noel Austin, evident that everyone went Maid of Honor Miss Jill Dixon‘ home with a pretty warm feel- and Miss Linda Cole. Mr. andl ing in their hearts. May Man~ Mrs. Peter Angus were hostsi ana never come! to the bride and groom at a‘ Our Lady Queen of the World Club 50-50 winner is M. Catania, 242 Bluegrass Blvd. who re- ceived $140. The ticket seller was Nick Cusimano. If you are frustrated “ith your own attempts at making at~ tractive Christmas decorations, plan to attend a repeat demon- stration by expert, Mrs. G. Campbell of Edwards Gardens. "‘ - * - " - * i C. H. Bourne of Bathurst A nativity pageant ent1tied Street is a patient in York Cen- “Behold Your God†is bemg tral Hospital, following 3 cm- presented December 18 by the angry a week ago senio1 choir of the Richmond His many {ï¬ends hope his Hill UnitEd Church. This “ill‘stay “ill be of sho1t dmation zeplace the legular evening sen-and that he “in be home in vice at 7 Pm. _ good time for the Christmas The Christmas meeting of the celebrations. The Christmas meeting of the Thursday afternoon unit of the UCW will be held today (De- cember 81 at 2 pm. Rev. N. S. Gibson will show pictures of Newfoundland. All ladies of the congregation are cordially invited. Mr. Coon and his family have made their home in Stout’fville during the past few years. [HEIIL LH'dL \xuulu ULIEHLCII Lu: eyes of any wouldâ€"be athlete. There is also a miscellany of other articles that are well worth a visit . . . why not drop in today? Mrs. Evans has had four years pf hairdressing experience from ltop beauty salons in Metro, and ers. Ablett is a local resid'entl who has been active in hair-dressing in the Hill for the past‘ lllllllllllllllllllulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllull“_ six y ears. l Around The World At Christmas mmu1uuuumuuuumulmuummmuuuuuumlmuumuulmuu Entertaining at showers for the bride prior to her wedding were her aunt. Mrs. Noel Austin, Maid of Honor Miss Jill Dixon and Miss Linda Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Angus were hosts to the bride and groom at a sherry party held at their Nayo lon Street home in Maple. Following a reception held at F n l the Four Winds. the couple left I for a honeymoon in the Caribâ€" bean. On their return they will ' reside in Richmond Hill. ‘4 ‘ - Carols by candlelight will be presented by the senior choir of St. Matthew’s United Church this Sunday evening. The choir is un- der the direction of Mrs. Eileen Robbins. Bayview Secondary School Brass En- semble under the direction of Miss E. Mathews and St. Matthew’s Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Barbara Beattie will assist in the program and Rev. James Burn will give the commentary. This year the choirs are taking a trip in music to visit Christmas in many countries. Because of cus- toms and climate, the words of carols and Christmas songs differ. Some Christ- mases are always green some white; some are cold and some hot; some people sing about St. Nicholas. Kris Kringle and Santa Claus; some sing about ani- mals and birds â€" but all proclaim the birth of the Christ Child and his con- tribution to the world. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to everyone to at- tend this outstanding pro- gram of Christmas music. A very attractive Christ- mas window display can be seen at the YWCA Centre, 25 Yonge Street North. A nativity scene of a creche and stable â€" made by twa of the members’ husbands, W. S. McCord and E. Robertson, from split old rail fencing -â€" is depicted with the figures of Joseph and Mary. Arrang- ing the display were Mrs. A. M. Miller and Mrs. Robert- son. With colored lights across the top it certainly bright- ens the Yonge Street scene, and the ‘ " is to be con- gratulated on setting an example of brightening the Hill for Christmas with a simple but imaginative ar- rangement. Have you seen Annabelle? She arrived from New York last Thursday and is the new- est addition to the staff at Warwick House. where she can be seen daily until Christmas Friends of Mrs. Diana Weisser are sorry to hear she is still a patient at York County Hospital, Newmarket, and hope that she will now continue to make good progress and be able to return home in the very near future. Following a period of hospit- alization and convalescence, Works Commissioner Otto Whalen and Foreman Fred Bo- vaird, have returned to their duties with the town works de- partment. Finalized plans for New Year‘s Eve? If not, why not join in the New Year‘s Eve cel- ebrations at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club? There will be champagne. noisemakers and a midnight buffet and dancing to the Hi Hats Orchestra. Two new additions to the staff 0f Karl‘s Beauty Salon in the Richmond Heights Plan are Petra Evans and Maria Ablett. Who has been the asï¬stant curate at St. Mary‘s Anglican lChurch for nearly four years has been apnointed rector of the parish of Christ Church, IRoche‘s Point. Church for nearly tour years. 2nd RICHMOND HILL has been apnointed rector of‘ ‘ the parish of Christ Church, By Susan Gallant Roche's Point. 2nd Richmond Hill Guides He will take up his new dut-‘are preparing two baskets 01' ies early in the New Year. [ood for needy families [01' During his time in Richmond‘Christmas. Hill, Mr. Bone has been ac-‘I They have hadabusy fall sea- tive in both parish and com- son. October 24 they held their munity activities which have Hallowe’en party. Prizewinners won for him many friends. A for costumes were Debbie ‘parish reception [or him and hiS‘Blackburn as a black cat, Gail :wife will be held on the even-\Robertson as a gypsy and Di- ing 0f January 8 in Wrixon anne Wright as a wounded NHL Hall. hockey player. Everyone en- REV. DONALD BONE Appointed Roche's Pt. NORTH GWILLIMBURY: More than 2,000 bags of candy pre- pared by the Friendship Corner Club, were dispensed along the route of the Santa Claus Parade last week. There were also three bands, the Newmarket Legion, North Gwillimbury Pol- ice and Scarboro Optimist Boys’ Band, marching in the parade. Magistrate David Coon will be the guest. panelist on the CBC program "Front Page Challenge†on Monday next (December 12). Planning a Christmas party â€" at home â€" for your ofï¬ce group or club? If so. why not drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South, or phone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105-6 and keep “Life in the Hill†columns up to date with your festivities? The ser- vice is free â€" why not call today? ATLAS The Color-Slide Projector Univer- sal 173.5 lens. brilliant SOD-watt, Single slide editor. lever action slide changer, turbo-blower cooling, steel and aluminum self-contained case. Uses 60 or 80 slide. Space- saver trays. MODEL 538 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE PHONE 884-3221 -““““““‘ (er. Rev. James O’Neil officiated. zihe bride is the daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin. 135 Trayborn Drive and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer of Jackson Street. Maple. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- (length white peau do soie gown. fashioned In A-line styling with geiSh-a sleeves trimmed in white fur. It had a cathedral train which fell from the shoulders and the shoulder-length veil was held by a white fur pill- box headdress. The bride car- ried a white Bible with stream- ers of white roses. Large bouquets of white and rust colored Chrysanthemums formed the setting in St. Mary‘s Anglican Church for the De- cember 3 wedding of Susanne Kay Austin to John Roy Spencâ€" Susanne Austin And John Spencer: Wed In Pretty December Ceremony .\ mvékmj Gillian Dixon was maid of chose a Clnilam‘m‘wufl honor, and the groom‘s sisters,‘and coat .‘Vlth tan 30‘ Helene and Louise Spencer'and Upon the.†return “1 Marilyn Bowers Were the brides- couple Wm live ‘9“ ‘ maids. They wore identical Road, Richmond H1“- floor-length gold silk shantung Out-ofâ€"town guests dresses topped with coats of the wedding were from ‘ same material. The maid of Michigan, Barrie, honor carried rust colored Kingston. Toronto, ’mums with leaves sprayed Woodbridge and Maple They have had a busy fall sea- son. Octobe1 '24 they held theh Halloue e11 pa1ly. P1ize11'inners for costumes we1e Debbie Blackburn as a black cat Gail Robe1tson as a gypsy and Di- anne Wright as a wounded NHL hockey player. Eve1yone en- joyed a 11onde1‘fu1 pa1ty. Novembe1 13 the Guides went ‘to the Ice Capades pe1fo1mance ,at Maple Leaf Gardens. November 19 second class Guides \\ ent on a mile hike to a beautiful house on Gamble Sideroad. They enjoyed lunch there and admired the horses. "71:11VeVChristmas Party will be held at Wrixon Hall. Badges have been earned by PHOTO SUPPLIES The Richmond Hill Free Methodist Church recently concluded a very successful â€Good News Campaign" in its Sunday school. All boys and girls took a very active part in the program which was carried on after the pattern of a newspaper selling program. The. young people were called “carriers". the people invited were called “prospects" and those who came were “customersâ€. Three children were declared winners and three others Abbxe (left to 11ght) 111e1 a1e shown 111th tl1e11' superintendent: Joanna Paterson (12). Cindy VlacKinnon (8) Steve MacKinnon (6), winne1;s Reggie Chisholm (6), Paul Brown (7), and Richmd Flynn (6), 1un11e1‘s-up, and Supe1i_nten(_1ent Ha1'o1d B1111. The cambaignpr'oved to be a record-breaker for the school and several new records were set, including one for attendance and one for enrolment. The hard work on the part of the 20 children has proved beneficial to both church and community. those who runners-up SPECIAL THIS WEEK Gardens. 19 second 11 a mile hi $59.95 Winners 01‘ "Good Ne w: Campaign warty. Guides went performance GUIDE AND BROWNIE NOTES vu -vuuu v-lV-‘u- RICHMOND HILL U 889-5782 E; gold and the bridesmaids can, vied white ’mums with gold I leaves. Their headdresses were $2 2 2 small ciiclets of gold leav.es No service charge, no booking fee g; B1ian Tinkei “as best man >M W1) WWW-MW and Duane Pattield Ted Bui- chel and David Wei1 “(2‘16 the ushers. W Following the ceremony a reâ€" ception for 80 guests was held1 at the Four Winds The blidesl mother received in an orange shaded brocade dress and jack-1 et with gold colored acceSSories and a corsage of peach and white roses. The groom‘s mother chose a red velvet dress with matching cloche hat and shoes. She carried a white sequined bag and a mink stale and her flowers were red and white roses. For the uedding trip to Nas- sau and Freepmt the bride chose 3 cinnamon- -colored dress and coat with tan accessories. Upon their return the young couple will live on Markham Road, Richmond Hill. the following: swimmers, Col- leen McCullough, Terry Battler, Debbie Blackburn: 2nd class badge. Debbie Blackburn; re- porter’s, Karen Kiddrill; child care. Lorna Waters; toymaker's, Janice Mark, Dianne Wright, Penny Travis; homemaker's, Di- ‘anne Wright. worlo‘ news THE LIBERAL, Richmond-Hill, Ontario, Thursd guests at the from Vermont 1‘ i e, Midland onto. Weston the Ammmmkmm‘K’K’k‘l‘mmmAAmmmmmmmmmmurxr‘mAmnl‘mmml‘mmn BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES $5 YONGE STREET N. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 889-075 GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE A comfortable shoe that keep; close touch with fashion. Broader, more walkable hee and combination last for more toe freedom and heel hugging support. Me||0w and Soft... huggm-g APOLLO" SOUTH BLOCK ICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE SHIELDS W 0 BLACK CALF‘ 0 BROWN CALF (Photo by Stuart's Studio: Dec. 8. 1966 PHONE 889-5782 15.99 9.500