Let T-R‘s courteous representa- tive plan and estimate your move. Tllis free service will show you how to save money and target about moving worries. Experi- enced men pack your fragile articles with the most up-to-date methods and your household eHects are moved safely to your new address. You are moved in. tool T-R‘s trained men lay rugs, set up beds and place furniture lfor you, getting you settled with a minimum of inconvenience and maximum efficiency. 'Phone today and learn how T-R efficiency can save you money. @3**::e;:f:m::mzxsrs nppn-mcunnnson LTD. MOVING . STORAGE PACKING . SHIPPING 4 TIPPET ROAD 638-2530 Enjoy the conï¬dence 01 shopping with cash in your pocket . . . ready cash from GAC. And shop early to make sure you get your first choice of gift items. . . the sizes, colors and styles you want. Stop in or call your GAC office. You'll get prompt. personal service and convenient monthly pay- ments ï¬tted to your budget. Get a cash advance from GAC for holiday shopping . . . or for any good reason. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"~RICHMOND HILL 20 Yonge Street. South . . F -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-TORONTO 25 Bloor Stteet. West 2290 Dundas Street. Wes 64 Vaughan Road 944A St. Clair Avénue, West. . ..' (St. Clair at Oakw 545 Eglinton Avgnue, East For the mpney you need ’tq do your Christmas shopping |34 Danlorth Avenue for a cash advance FINANCE CORPORATION. LTD GAB INIEHNAIIUHAL LOANS UP TO $5006 Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said John Hill will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have noâ€" tice. All persons having claim against the Estate of John Hill late of 224 Oak Avenue, Rich- vale, Ontario, are hereby not- ified to send in to the under- signed on or before January 26th, 1967, full particulars of their claims. Notice to Creditors Dated at Richmond Hill this 5th day of December, 1966. John Thomas Hirtz. Executor of the Estate of John Hill. by his Solicitor, Joseph Rabinowitch. Barrister, Etc. 65 Yonge Street 5.. Richmond Hill, Ontario In a;\\\\\\\\\u\\l\\\\\l\\\\\u\\u\\\\\\uummuuummuuumuumlmmumummmu“mum“\mummumummummuuummmumuuuuuummuuuunuu\mulmun“uuuIu\\\uuuuummuumluuulu\uuuummmuulll\‘\muluIlm1umnmmummummummmuuum ‘ppe‘ Mummmunummmwg“mm}lummqnuMilmum“|luuluuuuulmumulmmmmlluuuuunuuuuuumuIlumunmuumuuummuuuumumumnmmmuml I(lllllllllllllkllllmlllIll!llllmll"iIilllllllmtRmllilllllll(IIlllH\mlllmlill!lltllllllllllllllllllji \ge the Estate 0! JOHN HILL Retired, Deceased “And it’s nice to finally see the tender notice in black-and-white,†he said. He noted that the tenders will be open until December 21 adding “I hope we get some answers.†A similar pro- ject is slated to get underway at Newmarket. Announcement by OHC of opening of tenders comes 14 months after an official from the organ- ization met council and indicated that “if all goes well tenders will be ready for call in about a month and a half.†Mr. Lazenby assured that he was strictly happy despite the long holdup pointing out that quite a bit of delay was unavoidably caused by land acquisition for the extension and establishment of a road allowance on Dufferin Street east of Church Street to Pugsley Avenue. vReeve Floyd Perkins and his works com- mittee found themselves involved in long drawn- out discussions with abutting home owners for The 66-foot roadway is a necessary first step to installation of sewer and water services for the proposed project. “It’s been a fi ustlatmg two y,’eals ’comrnented Mr. Lazenby who has been inxoh ed with negp- tiations with the OHC since the beginning in March of 1965 as chairman of council’s 1ndust1 1a] committee. The building will be erected by the Ontario Housing Corporation on the Dufferin Street ex- tension at the end of Church Street. The OHC will develop the project in co-operation with the federal government at no cost to Richmond Hill except that taxes in excess of $25 per suite will be rebated. Councillor William Lazenby heaved a sigh of relief Monday with the announcement that ten- ders will be let immediately for construction of a 56-suite senior citizens building in Richmond Hill. Let Tenders For Sr. Citizen Building At Richmond Hill As Long Wait Ends Phone 884-4458 Phone 537â€"1 Phone 699-968 Phone Phone none 534.8816 ‘61-7276 St. Matthew's United Church was the scene of the November 5 wedding of Elaine Ann Lantz and Barry Alexander Taylor of Toronto. Rev. James Burn The bride is the daughter of§Sharp, flower girl was Maur~ Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold‘een Bright and ring~bearer was Lantz of 101 Cartier Crescent, David Nott. A11 bridal attend~ Richmond Hill, and the groom is ants were gowned in turquoise the son of Mr. and Mrs. William‘ Alexander Taylor of Graven-(â€W4 hurst. ‘ "MURDERER'S ROW" COMING SOON! Wed In St. LAMB THE MOVER LTD. 127 BIRCH AVE. - THORNHILL PHONE 889-4911-2-3 DEAN MARTIN LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE MOVING DUFFERIN DRIVE-IN in Color ll] MR. AND MRS. BARRY ALEXANDER TAYLOR Contact Matthew's United (hurt/1 Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services Diversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation om â€OW Richmond Hill & District Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients The matter was later referred to the indus- trial committee and Mr. Lazenby. “Now I’ll be able to reply to the large number of phone calls I receive asking when the building will be built,†said Mr. Lazenby. Council has already passed a bylaw â€" approved by the Ontario Municipal Board â€"â€" re- zoning the site to allow apartment dwellings as well- as the planned minimum 25 percent parking. The seeds of a senior citizen building were first sown in 1963 by The Richmond Hill Senior Citizens who appointed a committee in 1963 to go into the matter of senior citizens’ housing. In late 1964 legislation was brought in by which the federal government assumed 90 percent of the costs and the province the other 10 per- cent. He would also have to convey at no cost to the town a 15 foot easement from the extended intersection of Pugsley and Dufferin easterly for about 650 feet required for storm surface water run-off. The secondary plan at the time called for H. J. Mills Ltd. to convey all road property widen- ing requirements without costs to the town from the one foot reserve on Pugsley to the west limits of his property on Dufferin Street. A sanitary trunk sewer and watermain would be installed on the frontage portions of the road conveyed and prOVide only for service con- nections to the citizen apartment. securing of the right-of-ways to extend the road. The only cost to the town will be that of extending services to the property line of the site. In October of 1965 council received and accepted a secondary plan to extend services at an estimated cost of $12,200. For Further Information 884-4070 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY satin and wore corsages of white and pink carnations. Dave Miller was the best man and ushers were Don Cameron and Norman Latenski. A reception for the 40 guests was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bright of Concord. McCANN BEFORE YOU BUY DO WHAT OTHERS DO. COMPARE PRICES AT 3450 SHEPPARD AVE. EAST AT WARDEN 293-3671 VOLKSWAGENS A Call Will Bring A Salesman To Your Door TORONTO’S OLDEST Authorized VW Dealer A (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio; VOLKSWAGEN COIN - OPERATED DO- lT-YOURSELF Next Friday, Saturday & Sunday NEW DIFFERENT EASY TO USE SOFSPRA ___________ SOFSPRA EAR WASH Have you been paying a dollar or two for a car wash? Or, worse than that, have you been spending half of your precious Saturday morning washing your own car? That’s about as out-dated as doing the family wash on a washboard! With SOFSPRA, properly rinsed cars airâ€"dry to a streakless finish without wiping. Paper towels are dispensed from a vendor for windows and chrome. Coin-operated vacuum cleaners are available, too, to clean your car’s interior as thoroughly as you’ve always wanted it done. Ash trays, too! So drive in â€" give us a try â€"â€" we’re sure you’ll get the SOFSPRA car-washing habit! COIN-OPERATED CARWASH Now. with SOFSPRA, you can wash your own cal street clothes. and for only a quarter! Ingenious 11 water combine to make it possible. DEC. 9th CORNER MARKHAM RD. 8. BAYVIEW AVE. .m. To 12 Midniie Every Day! éflDON'T MISS OUR (NEXT TO THE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, T hursday, Dec CAR n wash your own car in five minutes, in your regular quarter! Ingenious new equipment plus chemicals and soft DEC. 10th SHELL STATION) Wash your car for only 250. It’s fast, easy and fun. . . You can even wash your car dressed in your Sunday best. THE FIRST IN RICHMOND HILL COIN-OPERATED DEC. 11th 1966