MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH 50 v Maple Community Centre \ (Opposite Keelo Street North. Maple {Pastorz Rev Pastor: H. G. Wilson iSUNDAY, I Sunday Services ‘ 9.45 am. _ 9.45 am. Sunday School F0 11 am. Worship Service 11 am. _ 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Service "The H Wednesday. 8 pm. “The Simp Home Bible Study and Prayer‘ Meeting | Social ' ' """ Wednesdrnyfs 13.11). Home Bible Study and Prayer Meeting UNIONVILLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Main Street, Unionville Pastor Rev. E. W. R. Snwlor Sunday Services 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School ll am. â€"- Worship Service 7.30 pm. - Evening Service Wednesday 8 mm. Prayer and Bible Study Everyone is Welcome ANGLICAN 8T. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. Donald Bone SUNDAY. DECEMBER. 11. 1966‘ Advent 111 l 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€"- Morning Prayer (Church School {or All Ages and Nursery Care) 7 pm. â€"â€" Evensong Wednesday 10 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion “The Gimmes}- Word in The RICHMOND HILL UNITED Bible" , CHURCH Social “0“" FOHOWS L (Yonge and Centre Streets) A Warm Welcome Extended Ministers To All Rev. C. G. Higginson â€"vï¬{dï¬ï¬‚flujff_ Rev. N. S. Gibson ‘ Organist and Chair Loader . Gordon 1". Flaming ‘Sl'NDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1966 BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Stop 17. Yonge Street “Rev. Minton Johnston. DD. Min. 9-45 a-m. â€"â€" Primary, Junior. Mrs. Cameron Andrew. flrganist Intermediate and senior Church 11 am. Morning Worship School 10 am. â€"â€" Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€":. Nursery aml 11 arr, â€"-â€" Junior School and kindergarten . Nursery '11 am. â€"â€" Morning Servu-e â€"â€"T-â€"--â€"â€"“~~ White Gift Service ST- my; gggfggsgegflvm 7 pm. :cm We. 5...... Richmond Hill l (Convention of Ont. and Que.) Minister: Rev. F. F. Bennett 1 MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Keele Street South. Maple Minister Ph e: Residence)“ 8584-1464 I Rev. Norman H. Booger: Church 884-6323 ‘ Director of Music SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11' 1966j Mr. Hugh Armstrong A.R.T.C. 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 m‘ _. Sunday 5°11?“ Classes for All Ages ’ .SPI‘V‘CE 0‘ Wm‘““†11 am. #_ Worship . Kindergarten and Nursery "The Government Under The A Welcome To A" Son of God" 7 pm. â€"- In Church Parlor: Study and Discussion: in series. “This I Believe" ST. MATTHEWS UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. F. James Burn. BA, BB. Friday. December 9, 7 pm. ‘ Minister 884-5526 Annual Christmas Concert of SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1966 The Sunday School 111 am. â€"â€": Worship Service UNIONVILLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Maln Street. Unlonville Pastor Rev. E. W. R. Sawlor Sunday Service: 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 1) am. â€"- Worship Service 7.30 pm. - Evening Service Wedneuday 8 pm. Prayer and Bibie Study Everyone is Welcome THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bayvlew at Crusby Richmond Hill Rev. William E. Moore 884-4236 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1966 White Gift Sunday 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€"â€" Church School 17-13 years) 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer Church School (2-6 years) and Nursery Care 2.30 pm. â€"â€" Junlor Confirma- tion Class - Muckay Drive ~ Richvalo . School Rev. K. A. Thatcher 11 a.m4 - The Service 889-6789 The Sermon: Seminarian G. Mrs. E. V. Collier ATCL Schmidt Organist Nursery Provided SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1986 7 pm. â€"â€" Luther League 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion i VISITORS WELCOME 11 am. - Sunday School and; ZION LUWkCH Nursery _School (2 Miles south of Maple) 11 am. "‘ Morning Prayer Paul A. Schult, Pastor 2.30 pm. â€" Confirmation Class Organist Mrs. J. Keg“. Thursday For Information call the Pasto 10 am. -â€"- Holy Communion at 3324327 Maple The Anxllctn Church of Canadu Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitaxe. M.A.. DD. 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer HoLv Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH ' - w $30322" 8353‘3721-6" -_____ THORNHXLL SUNDAY DECEMBER 11 1966 Brooke and Jane Streets H330 am _ Chuich School Rector 11 a. m. â€" The Sezvice Rev. E. Rezinau‘ Howden, B.A.,j Nursery Available L-Th- 3 Church School and Worship Estelle Markham. ARCT., RMTH at Thornhill Masonic Hall, Organist and Choir Director \ Elgin Sireei. Thornhill PRESBYTERIAN I 8 am. - Holy Communion 1M 4 i 6 p.m. :Young People‘s Senice THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1966 EVERYBOD\ IS WELCOME ii am. â€" The Chrisimas Pageant and White Gift Wednesday CHURCH 10.30 aim â€"â€" Holy Communion Hwy: '78. 1;:__Mile \Eesj of longe Rector: Rev. E. H. Costignn 3 am. â€" Holy Communion (Chapel) 10.30 mm. -â€" Morning Service The Rector 11.10 am. -â€" Sunday School Organist: Howard Jerome ARCCO, ACCM LANGSTAFF s . ‘1'“ , BAPTIST CHURCH T PAUL S CHURCH 7 n . . (Fellowship of Evangelical Reg‘h [Soï¬efl‘anrez‘gï¬migtfl Baptist Churches in Canada) SUVDA ' E ‘ B 1 1965 as Church Street. Thornhill 10 Aa.m. :gtffncllreï¬ï¬sldhurch Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. _Watson and Sunday School Benson Stu Thorflhl“ The Lord's Supper SURDAL DECEMBER 11. 19%le am. __ SL. Paul's Church 11 am. â€"â€" MeSSage: “Witnessing . --â€" One Way Or Another“ and Sunday SChOOI 7 pm. â€"- Message: “Dramatic Events of the Future" Special Music ~ Central Baptist U N I T E D Seminary Chorale. Under the direction of Mr. Clare Cressman CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Supervised Nursery at all Lord's 9:45 am. â€" Worship Service Day activities ‘ and Sunday School ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 884-7456 28 LEVENDALE ROAD 889-3756 EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH ALLIANCE RICHMOND HIIJ. 'I'V HOME 30‘ _‘!l ï¬ï¬‚IFIIFl lhl Ithl Ah ‘8“ 6-2L BAPTIST ’ Anglican f‘ ‘ Church 31112 to It RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL UNITED UUNL‘AS'IEK HIBLI‘. L'HAI'LL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. A. I. Higgins, B.A.. 8]). (Clarke 8.: Willowdale Sts.) (A Fellowship Church) SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1966 sUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1966 50 Wright Street 9.45 am. ~â€" Intermediate and 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School (Opposite the High School) ' Senior Sunday School 11.00 n.m.â€"â€"-Family Service Pastor: Rev. A. B. Arnot. DD. 11 am. â€" Nursery and UP [0 11 Mr. Paul Gooch SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1966111 a.m. -â€"- Morning Worship 7 pm. ~â€" Study Seminar 9.45 am. â€"~ Sunday School ' For further Information call ] “’ednesdny __ 3 pm, For All Ages Prayer, Praise. Bible Study Prayer Service and Bible Study 11 8-m- a Sumac“ ,, 389'2131 ‘mcuvALE GOSPEL CHAPEL “The House of Mercy 3 24 Oak Avenue "The Simplest Word in The‘ RICHMOND HILL UNITED Sunday Services . 31b†' CHURCH 9:30 am. Remembrance Ser- Social Hour FOHOWS d d (Yonge and Centre Streets) ‘ vice A Warm Welcome Exten e Ministers \ - To All Rev. C. G. Higginson ‘11 am. â€"-d;3‘:bé:h:i:1ur & Sun- 'â€""vffo'ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬l Rev. N. S. Gibson i7 __ I“) q vi BAPTIST CHURCH Organist and Chair Leader ‘Tu‘esrgav 8 Snipeâ€"lâ€" E’s-gygfheet- (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Gard‘m “- “emmg mg and Bibie Studv Stop 17. Yonge Street SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1:966 Women‘s and Young People‘s Rev. Minion Johnston. DD, Min. 9.45 am. â€"- Prirnar'y, Juniorn Meetings as Announced Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Drumst‘lntermediate and Senior Church "Jesus Sin/es and There's No 11 am. Morning Worship ‘ School Other Way" 10 am. â€"-â€"- Senior Sunday School 11 am. --'I Nursery “Nd ‘ ‘ 11 Mr. â€"â€" Junior School and‘ kindergarten . ill a.m. -â€" Mornin Service Nurser: 4 m“ gnuâ€.-- mivfhd Nursery and Cribroom Facilities for Infants Parking Available A Cordial Welcome to All ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayvlew Avenue 8.. Near Centre St. Richmond um The Rev. James S. Dauphinee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1966 Third Sunday In Advent 9.30 am. â€"- Sunday Church . School 11 a.m4 - The Service The Sermon: Seminarian G. Schmidt [ Nursery Provided 7 pm. â€"â€" Luther League I VISITORS WELCOME (2 Miles south of Maple) ; Paul A. Schult, Pastor ‘ Organist Mrs. J. Keffer For Information call the Pastor; at 832-1327 ' SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1966 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. -~ Worship Service (The Friendly Church) CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH rHonNHiLL - LANGSTAFF RICHVALE ‘ Arnold D. Welgel BA. BB. CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 94 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 884-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorensen :SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1966 10 am. - Sunday School ' ‘11 am. â€" Morning Worship ‘ 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service Tuesday 8.15 pm. - Prayer Meeting Friday Pastor 8 pm. -â€"- Young People CHRXST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH THORNHILL - LANGSTAFF RICHVALE Arnold D. Welgel BA, BB. Pastor 24 Orlon Crescent. Thornhill Phone: 889-7216 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 1]. 1966 9.30 am. â€"â€"- Church School 11 am. â€" The Service Nursery Available ‘ Church School and Worship ‘ at Thornhill Masonic Hall. \ Elgin Streel. Thomhill SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 19661 9.45 um â€"â€" Church School Message; Junior - Grade: 4. 5 and 6 Senior - Grades 7. 8 and 9 7 pm. ._.. 11 am. ~â€" Morning Worship Also - Nursery, Kindergarten, & Primary School - Grades 1, 2, 3 5.30 pm 12.30 pm. ~ Presbyteens, Grades 10 and up 8 p.m. â€" 7 pm. - Evening Worship Church I 8.15 pm. ~ Young Peoples Hour. (:1 Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister Mn. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1966 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a_m. -â€"â€" Morning Worship. Sacrament of The Lord's Supper 11 am. â€"â€" Nursery Department 7.15 pm. â€" Young People‘s \ Society ‘ Friday December 9, 8 pm. ‘ Pre-Cnmmunion Service Maple. Ontario and ST. PAUL‘S CHURCH 7th Concession. Vnuzhan. Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 196 RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LUTHERAN pm. - Ynung Peoples VISITORS WELCOME Rev. Dilwyn T. Evans. Minister St. Andrew's Church Sunday School Lord's Supper â€"- Sn. Paul's Church Sunday School 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. F James Burn. BA BB I. ‘ Minister 884- 5526 of SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11.1966 11 a..m â€"â€" Wmship Sexv1ce es‘ infant Care Church School 9.30 a.m. â€"â€" Ages 6-15 11 a.m. â€" Ages 3-5 MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Keele Street South. Maple Minister Rev. Norman H. Booger: Director of Music Mr. Hugh Armstrong A.R.T.C 11 am. â€" Sunday School Service of Worship Kindergarten and Nursery A Welcome To All 4 pm. â€"- Ages 6-8 Ample Parking CONCORD Sunday Services 9.45 am. -â€" Bible School (Classes For All Ages) 11 am. -â€" The Ministry of the Word 7 pm. â€"- Worship and Communion Wednesday ‘ 8 pm. â€"â€" Bible Study Min.: A. E. Atkinson.889-3364 Sec.: R. Witty - 889-5057 Other Denominations 889-7221 Meeting every Saturday 80 Elgin Mills Rd. West 11: mile west of Yonge Street 9.15 a.m.â€"â€"Sabbath School. 11 a‘mAâ€"Worship Service. RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Pastor Rev. David Dyer, BA, BB 884-6629 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. I966 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School Classes for all ages 11 am. -â€"- Morning Worship Service Message: “The Bible Has The Answers" 7 p.m. â€"- Evening Fellowship Hour Wednesday 6.30 pm. â€"- Christian Youth Crusaders 8 pm. â€"â€" Midweek Prayer Hour Church of the Light and Life Hour, CKFH 5 p. m. Sunday GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Ave. and King High Drive Rev. L. K. Sider. Pastor SUNDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1966 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Theme: “Exemplary Steward- ship 7.30 p.m. _ Evening Service Pastor's Theme: "The Man Who Lost A Crown" Wednesday, December 14. 8 p.m.: Prayer Meeting THORNHILL UNITED ' SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH W. M. Mercer, Minister Wednesday |u1u CHURCH ‘THOMAS â€"â€"- In loving memory ld Ruggles of a dear husband and father, ‘ Henry Keith Thomas. who BA, BB passed away December 8. ‘ 1955. R 11‘ 1966 A page in our book of memories {Is gently turned today. lnh nn] DONCASTER BIBLE CHAPEL (Clarke 8.: Willowdale Sts.) RIDDELLâ€"Bill and Sandra al’e‘Centennial c happy to announce the arrival‘their services of a son Dale Robert. 4lbs.‘a1-winning a: 1302., November 20. 1966 aqhis services York Central Hospital, afany time dun brother for Shirley, Scott andg‘agreed to pm PM Special thanks to Dnltalented your Kovacs. clw23‘make vamab] Tuesday 8 pm. â€"- Prayer meet- ing and Bible Study Women‘s and Young People‘s Meetings as Announced. “Jesus Saves and There's No Other Way" WHITEâ€"Ted and Joanne of Cleveland. Ohio are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Dianne MarSe, 6 lbs. born November 30, 1966. A sister for Kevin. c1w23 Eraths GRAY. Jamesâ€"~Suddenly at his†home. Teston on Sunday even? lng, December 4, 1966, James1 Gray. dear brother of Julia, (Mrs. J. Bishopi. Rested at the‘ Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge‘ St. N. Richmond Hill.‘ Service was held on Wednes~ day. Interment Maple Cemet-‘ ery. c1w23. *xlxnki KENNEDY, Jamesâ€"(Pensioner of Massey-Ferguson) Central. Lodge No. 110 A. F. and A.M., Grenville Chapter No. 22 Royal Arch Masons Prescott, Ontâ€"At York Central Hos- pital, Richmond Hill on Sun- day December 4, 1966, James, beloved husband of Alice Mc-x Guire, of Maple. step-father 1-,", 2 Nita Corbett suggested thallHydro will be in charge of 0165,11â€; to‘2»0‘000‘peo31emonrthefl a beauty contest, with the wln~‘installation. her to be named "Miss Cen-i Peter Dawson. who is in tennlal" or "Miss Richmondl‘charge of the visit of the Cen- Hill". would make an interest-:tennial Caravan. May 1. 2 and 3 ing event for the. year. Thefreported that he has been un-f committee agreed to pass thls‘ahle to get any firm commitâ€"‘ suggestion on to a group which ment about the opening cere-l might be interested in taking‘momes yet. He also reported; this on as a project for Centen-yefforts to have the opening hour nial Year. pointing out that the,moved back to nine o‘clock in committee‘s prime function isjthe morning have been fruitless‘ to co-operate the activities otiand the hours of viewing will reâ€" all local groups. main at 11 am to 11 pm. John Graham presented each Mary Dawson reported thati member of the committee with Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling an LP record “Canadian School Club is holding an invitational Days 1867-2067". This record tournament on the weekend of was prepared by CFGM and has the “homecoming". which will been sent at no cost to every bring the best bowlers in Oil-i elementary school (public and tario to Richmond Hill. Entries separate) in Metro and York are already being received. She County and to every radio sta- also reported contacting the tion from coast to coast as the York Choraliers who had volun- local radio station's contribution teered to sing at the opening to Canada's Centennial year. i l city-owned property. He said he had been negotiat- ing with Ontario Housing Cor- poration and an investment com~ nany. and the latter had offered to purchase part of the farm to build 5.000 to 6.00010w-rentalt public housing units, to be man~ 'aged by the OHC. Council later met with Mr. Dennison. fellow controller. Margaret Campbell, and Dave Alexander, city property com- missioner, to discuss the situa- tion, but nothing was decided. at that time. The township, however. would like the area for industrial and commercial development. BRADFORD: Police are still in- vestigating the death of Joseph ceremonies, and that they wil11Mullen. 45, whose body â€was: t ( 3: t i g I KENNEDY, Jamesâ€"(Pensioner of Massey-Ferguson) Central: Lodge No. 110 A. F. and A.M., 3 Grenville Chapter No. 22 . Royal Arch Masons Prescott, Ontâ€"At York Central Hos-j pital, Richmond Hill on Sun-‘ day December 4, 1966, James, beloved husband of Alice Mc-x Guire, of Maple. step-father of James and Elsie McGuire and also survived by 4 grand- children. Rested at lhe Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. Service was held on Wednesday. Interment Maple Cemetery. c1w23l Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stoddart, of Richmond Hill. announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Henrietta Pam- ela to Barry Donald Boeckner. son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boeck- ner of Maple, Ontario. The mar- riage will take place in St. lPaul's Lutheran Church. Rich~ \mond Hill. at 7.00 o‘clock, on December 30, 1966 In memoriam VSEdly-missed by wife Irene and family. *1w23 CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to all my friends and neighbors for visiting me and for driving my wife to visit me every day for seven weeks with their offers of transportation to Newmarket Hospital. Many thanks. Kelly Welham. Maple. c1w23 iflnrihrnming marriagw Bayview Ave. - 88-1-7006 OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE WORLD CHURCH BANQUET HALL and CATERING SERVICES AVAILABLE 19 Of Max Biaithwaite of Orange Pam- ville has written a very believ- ckner lable sc1ipt and it is presented 309019be p1ofess1onal actols in a most 3 mar- linteresting way. with commen- n St ltary by Elwy Yost which will Rich~ help school children understand :.k on the significance of Canada'S} *l\\23 Centennial. It blings a nostal-l gic glimpse of the little red schoolhouse schools of the piesent and a glimpse of the ï¬lm ‘ ‘iuture. ‘ Vaughan,Goodhead Come To TermsYR. H. Fire Brigade 5 WA TCH penalty costs. In moving the first and sec- ond readings of the bylaw only. Councillor McArthur nbserved that he would like a chance to study it a little more carefully before its third reading. it was agreed that third reading would be given at council's final meet- ing of the year, December 19. The bylaw is a regulatory one which can be amended at any time and presumably will give council a firm position from which to bargain with Metro if the township is forced to ac- cept. Metro wastes as provided under recent provincial legisla- lion. Two younger citizens of Rioh-‘Street, 300 feet north of the mond Hill attended the Decem- intersection of Markham and‘ her 1 meeting of Richmond HilliVaughan Roads. It is hoped to Centennial Committee to offer‘have it erected by the year's their services. Gary King, med-{end The lighted sign. which al-winning accordionist. oï¬â€˜ered‘bears the town‘s crest, and two his services to the committee Centennial emblems. can be any time during the year, and converted for permanent use. agreed to provide a list of otherllt weighs 160 pounds and is talented young people who can‘seven feet high and 50 feet make valuable contributions Io-jwide. The color scheme will he the year‘s program. ired and amber. Richmond Hill Nita Corbett suggested thatiHydro will be in charge of the a beautv contest. with the whi~[installation. The fourth bylaw passed ref- erring to dumps was an amend- ment In Bylaw 2523. This latter is a general zoning bylaw but one sec-(inn of it includes regula- tions respecting the operation of “itlmut A permanent fire de' Young Citizens Offer Services W To Town's Centennial Committee iDecisive Margins The records were distributed only two weeks ago and have been received with great en- thusiasm, Mr. Graham reported. Many schools have requested additional copies and CFGM has had to order an extra 1,000. manv SCHUUIS nave l‘tqucaLcu . ISTOUFFVILLE: John Alfred FG addltlonal copies and C MD'Amato. 26, of Brimley Road. has had to order an extra 1.000.! . To date costs of this project/Sigincourt. cattle dealer, has are between $5,000 and $5.000‘1been charged with uttering a bar. Graham also remnedflorged document and pnssessmn that after consultation with the;0f VliVBStOCk 0"†$50 by police Department of Highways and‘officers from Whltchurch and the local works department and‘Meh‘O- It is claimed that the hydro. decision has been reach- cattle were removed illezallly ed to place the llluminatedlfrom the premises of Stouffvxlle Centennial banner across Yonge Stockyards Ltd. Continued from Page 1! alty of $300. exclusive of Tuesday, December 20th, 1966 at the office of Cox & Moffet, Architects, 4894 Dundas Street West. Islington, Ontario. St. Margaret Mary School 1966 ADDITION Woodbridge, Ontario SEALED TENDERS on a stipulated sum basis, plainly marked “Tender for St. Margaret Mary School 1966 Addition" will be received until 3:00 p.m., Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Architects on deposit of {cheque for TSiloâ€"lilo:payzible to the Architects. This deposit will be returned upon return of plans and spec- ifications in good condition. Tenders of mechanical and electrical sub- contractors will be deposited in the Bid Deposit- ory, Toronto Construction Association before 3 :00 p.m.. Monday, December 19th. 1966. One set of plans and specifications will be available for in- spection at the Bid Depository of the Toronto Construction Association. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THE COMBINED ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP LECTROHOME G. Hess, Chairman clumps. specming prohibition of burning depth of fill. etc. As this section is not really conâ€" cerned with control of land use which is the reason of the by- law. and the regulations are now dealt with under the new dump control bylaw. this sec- tion of 2523 is deleted. The township’s position then. as it faces a possible onslaught of pressure from Metro for more dumps. is that any such dumps would come under the new dump bylaw with its stiff condi- tions and which can be amended as the need arises: Norman Goodhead‘s dump is subject to the same con- ditions and if he violates them. bylaw 3312 could be quickly revived and the township could go into court asking that his dump he closed. in a stronger posi- tion. havlm;r demonstrated its attempt to co-operate with him. Richmond Hill United Church By Sharon Everett 1 Welcome back to all exam writers! While you were away we’ve been busy with prelimin- aries for our vesper service. Now rehearsals are in order for the highlight of our year, to be \held this Sunday. December 11 at ’7 pm. Girls will meet in the tprimary room promptly at 6.30 ‘pm. Be sure to invite your ‘family and friends to worship with us as we trace the Christ- ‘ian heritage of Canadians. York Choraliers who had volun- BRADFORD: Police are still in- teered to sing at the opening vesiigating the death of Joseph cexemonies, and that thev will Mullen 45 whose body was require a piano. The Y had3found floating in the Holland also been contacted to provide River last week. assistance in sewing coffee and 0001(195- _ m After discussion It was agreed that accommodation in the town hall would be very cramped for the reception and that other accommodatlon in the vicinity should be sought. Chairman Jack Corbett volunteered to take care of this. (GIT Doings E The report also revealed the municipality had been advised ithal the insurance underwriters ihad found it necessaiy to in- {menu the fire insurance late: this van: in all municipalities without a permanent fire de- partmenl. partment was in 1956 with the addition of one pumper. There are now two pumpers. a 1946 Ford which pumps 420 gallons 3 minute, and a 1956 Internaâ€" tional which pumps 625 gallons 3 minute. In 1965 there was a dacrease in volunteers. In the same per. iod the population increase was 14,553 and buuding assessment increase was $27,944,495. "In simple terms". the report reads, “our population has quadrupled or increased 300 percent and our building assess- ment has increased 900 percent. "We are required to give fire protection to this increased pop- ulation and building assessment with less facilities than we had in 1956." party after his victory had beent WW? conceded. Mr. Dennison said he § would press for the development 5 of the 630-acre former Langstaffl Jail Farm for a “planned com-é munity" of public housing. L Last September, Mr. Denni- son was quoted in a Toronto daily as saying he would pro- pose a “vast housing complex for up to 20,000 people on the city-owned property. Last September Mr. Dennim son was quoted in a Toronto daily as saying he would pro-i2 pose a “vast housing complex i for up to 20,000 people on the e; city-owned property. 2 He said he had been negotiat 9 ing “ith Ontario Housing Cor- ; po1ation and an investment com~ pany. and the latter had offered†to purchase pait of the farml to build 5 000 to 6 00010w-lental public housing units, to be man-K aged by the CBC. Council later met with NILE Dennison. fellow controller]. Margaret Campbell, and Dave Alexander, city property com- missioner. to discuss the situa- (Continued from Page 1) Continued from Page 1 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 8. 1966 There's Something For Everybody Complete the form below and send it to us with your cheque or money order for $4.50 (35.50 U.S.A.) for one year - 52 issues. Name Address LIVELY EDITORIAL PAGE WOMEN‘S NEWS and VIEWS COMPLETE SPORT COVERAGE MORE DISTRICT NEWS MORE COMMUNITY FEATURES THE LIBERAL Subscription, Order Form WW m"m"‘&'~"m"m"’m"~"m"m“m‘&m“ m“m‘m‘m‘m'§m“m‘ in: m" mV-n'kï¬m‘m'm“ '55 In Every Issue N COOK CAROLINE School Board Township Vaughan Elect a )§)I(II