Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Dec 1966, p. 20

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PINDER BROS. LTD. D OO”“W STEEL LINTELSi | BEAMS T VIIILIHILII IllluLn IL I'lI-l. REFRESHMEIT MR THEATRE SOUTH of HWY. 7 889.2505 cannons FOR m: qumssi' NOW PLAYING Show Starts at 7:30 D.m.; Box Office Opens at 7.00 pm. STEEL FABRICA TING Warner Bros: super acfion shovv ofshnwsL; fiHfNRY HINDA- RUBERI SHAW RUBERI RYAN- DANA ANDREWS- PIER ANGHI-BARBARA WERLE BEHRBEMUHIEDMERY-IYHARM-SHARESBRUNSUN HANS cumsnm MESH-WERNER PHERS-JMAES MacARiHiJR and‘iilh' SAW as Cw] Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service 9 SPEC/BLT? . cpacz PORTS oP/J T/OS'POPCWé'S OPEN THURS. FRI. ’TlL 9 PM. T0 Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 YOU ARE ASSURE!) A WARM WELCOME\§ AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS “PALM SPRING WEEKEND" 1941 l Rev. Kenneth Thatcher is shown above congratulating Brian and Vernon Walters on the presentation of their religion and life awards at the lst Langstaff Cub and Scout Father and Son Banquet at Richmond Hill Lions Hall November 29. Brian and Vernon are sons of Scoutmaster Les Walters of Pearson Drive. Richvale and earned their awards for knowledge of the,Christian faith through acting as servers at Emmanuel Anglican Church where Rev. Thatcher is the rector. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill AND FOR YOUR ADDED ENJOYMENT TROY DONAHUE ~* CONNIE STEVENS Box Office Opens Saturday & Sunday Only at 6 pm. Show starts at 7.30 pm. TWENTYâ€"FIFTH AN NIVE RSARV VlNCTâ€"CINQUIIMI ANNIVER‘AIRI DDEON W [E PHONE 889-3190 langsta/f Scouts Receive A wards IN COLOR Famine Relief [immediate assistance to people Rangers, Guides and Brownâ€"fin need. and to provide for the ies’ in the Thornhill area will‘future by helping them to help be distributing envelopes to alllthemselves. homes within the next fewl The organization is also sel- weeks in which householders‘ding Christmas Cards to raise are asked to enclose donations funds and these attractive cards for Oxfam. ’ may be ordered by calling Mrs. Oxfam is a non-sectarian organization helping people in need in 90 countries throughout‘ the world. Founded in 1942 as the Oxford Committee for Fa- mine Reliel‘, Oxfam is now in- ternationally known and reâ€" spected as a source of hope for thousands who suffer depriva- lion. Canadians can help relieve hunger, disease and misery through Oxfam of Canada. an independent national body whose ,funds are used to bring m Show Starts at 7:30 p.1n l 1966 Ontario, Thursday, Dec Emifiod fur your aim and mm ELECTRICAL lN-CAI HEATERS At n um :Istl Socially Speaking Technicolor "The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. J0 Cruise who may be reached by phoning 889-3190 The organization is also sel-‘ * * * * of each organization wnn spe- ling Christmas Cards to raise Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Connell cial music by the choirs. I funds and these attractive cards‘visited Mrs. Connell’s aunt Mrs. The Christmas Eve Chorali may be ordered by calling Mrs. H. R. Cruise and family, 27 Communion will take place De-l Mary Poaps at 485â€"6529 or Jahn Street, last week. The cember 24 at 11.30 pm. Carols writing her at 97 Eglinton Ave- Connells had just returned fromlby the choir will be sung from‘ nue East, Toronto 12. In buy-Switzerland where they lived‘ll pm. ‘ ing these cards you will helpifor two years and had many in-l * * * * to do a great many things suclrteresting stories to tell. {United Church as teaching peasants how to get‘ >:< >x * >ir . December 11 is Laymen Sunâ€" the best results from the land, Thornhill Golf and couml‘y‘day and the service will be providing water to grow crops‘cmb lost a distinguished mem- CODdUC’EEd by the men's 011113 in arid land. operating medical bel‘. Ralph Allen, last week who and male choir. The speaker clinics in rural villages, giv'died following a cancer opera- will tell about “Crossroads ing ““001 meals to children tion. Mr. Allen was managing Africa”. who otherwise have nothing andieditor of the Toronto Star and. Family white gilt Sunday will aiding refugees and Victims Of‘nell known as the author of be observed December 18 at :disaster. "several books. “Peace River 9-30 am. The Christmas 1333' The cards feature a Madonna.Country” was his best known eant.will be. presented at the land child, Christmas in the Citylbook and was a Literary Guild evening S_el‘VlC9- Theme _0f the land Star of Hope. These areselection. Mr. Allen is survived‘I’blgeém.t 15 ”The Adoration (’Jf ’lovely cards and the cost is‘by his wife Birdeen and three the Chiefs, Braves and In(“film'- [$1.25 per box of 10. ‘children. Glen, Gail and Genel Communion service Will take Brownies are assisting by.He was 53 years old. ‘place December 24 at 11-15 am. donating the knitted test re- * * * e _ "' '*' " f Iquirement squares to Oxfam. Please remember the Gilldes and Brownies senior citizens have volun- - Fourteen Guides from 2nd teered to sew the squares to- flat: 2:11-1:11? menilal theialih Girl Guides were enrolled by Igether for afghans, Wool is. t); “is being ‘30 face 11 their Captain Mrs. Pat Frantsi, ‘needed for G u id e s 35' e c urc. es an S res. November 21 with District Comâ€" :well as Brownies to make extra * 3k * 1‘ .missioner MI‘S- Vera Moore 35 squares. A small amount of Congratulatlons t0 MF- énd‘guest of honor. Lieutenant Mrs. iwool makes a six inch square. Mrs. J‘ Segdrvick. Valloncl'ffe‘Nm-een Gorssline assisted at 11f anyone has any small or odd Road, on the nlrth 0f the” son‘the ceremony. balls of wool please call “11.5.;Decenibe1‘ 1 at York Central Enrolled were Frances COX. ‘Moore at 889-1741 and she wili‘HOSpltal- Debbie Dowker. Susan Dauncey. ‘arange for it to be sent to vari- * * * * Sherry Hubbard, Aime Ed- ous groups to be knitted by thei Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill, 100 munds. Janice Jessop. Susan girls. You will be contributing John Street. with sons Mark and'Raymond, Linda Smith, Anne to a very worthy cause and Michael and their boxer dog, Steward, Judy McLean, Mary people in need of warm blank.“‘Jester" returned recently from McLean. Lynn Wilcox. Mathy ets will be very grateful. a‘tu'o _\\'eek holiday in Florida.‘L01‘(l and Barbara Eberhard. ."ii rm... “and" an‘rnnrl ‘Zn-rl 'l‘hnrn. ’l‘hornhill residents were sad- dened to learn of the death of Mrs. R. Moore. nee Margaret Langley former Thornhill resi- dent who resided on Centre Street for many years. Mrs. Moore died suddenly last week in Scarborol She is survived by her husband and three children, Linda, JoAnne and Jerry. Sympathy is extended to l\/Irs.i"“1 “ecu“‘ue’ “- Gerald Culley on the death of: * * * " her brother Arthur E. Wilson of‘ SCOttiSh Country Dancing Sorel, Que" formerly of Angola. classes held in Thornhill United Africa. who died November 23;ever_v Saturday morning for as a result of a motor accidentJVillage Children completed the Mr. Wilson was also the broth.‘first term of the current season er of Mrs. Calvin Chambers of‘last weekend. Classes will re- New Westminster. BC, a former sume after the Christmas holi- Thornhill resident. days. Best wishes for success and good luck are extended to Dr. R. H. Leibrecht who recently opened the Leibrecht Animal Hospital at 7569 Yonge Street just north of the Farmers’ Mar- ket. Dr. Leibrecht has built a new. modern and well equipped hospital. He is well known in the area and was formerly on OFFERS his experience for the service of the people of Vaughan Township as Councillor. Ronald Mitchell RONALD )IITCH ELL Professional Engineer 8, 1966 For Cars or Information Phone 889-4200 VOTE the staff of the Thornhill Ani- 031761 service will take place, mal clinic. He resides on J0hn,“Nine Lesson Carol Service". Street With his wife and twoLessons outlining the Christmas sons. story will be read by members * * * ’ of each organization with spe- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Segdwick. Vallonc-liffe Road, on the birth of their son December 1 at York Central Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill, 100 munds. Janice Jessop. Susan John Street. with sons Mark and‘Raymond, Linda Smith, Anne Michael and their boxer dog, Steward, Judy McLean, Mary “Jester" returned recently from McLean. Lynn WUCOX. Mathy a two week holiday in Florida. Lord and Barbara Eberhard. The Hills stayed near Sarasota? The newly formed 3rd Thorn- \\‘here they enjoyed perfect hill Guides held enrolment cere- \\'eather with 82 degree tempera- monies November 9 and 23. tures and balmy breezes. lThe company is under the lead- * * a: u: lership of Captain Mrs. Mary Birthday greetings are ex-.393'd and Lieutenant Mrs._Lila tended to Cathy Campbell of Timney. District Commlssmner Richmond Hill from her friends Mrs. M90” 911"”le the “110“" in Thornhill. Cathy celebratedmg Guides: Debbie Beal, Patty her 10th birthday December 3_.Bowyer, Ellen COOK Linda Gib' Birthday wishes are also ex- son, Marie Menc, Marie France tended to Lynn Price. Morgan Menc, Kim Schoeler. Jane Sues, ‘Avenue, who will be 10 years‘Julie Timmins, Gretchen Tim- at” mummkm. o .mms and Suzanne Wiles. Birthday greetings are ex- tended to Cathy Campbell of Richmond Hill from her friends in Thornhill. Cathy celebrated her 10th birthday December 3. Birthday wishes are also ex- tended to Lynn Price. Morgan Avenue, who will be 10 years old December 9. Scottish Country Dancing classes held in Thornhill United every Saturday morning for village children completed the first term of the current season Please remember the gifts for the mental health patients being collected in the churches and stores. It would be appreciated if anyone who has any Christmas plans. parties, trips or houseguests, or any items of interest. would please contact me at 889â€" 3190. I am always anxious to hear of any activities in the area. (Photo by Stuart’s Studio the Son léging Africa". r and‘ Family white gift Sunday will or of be observed December 18 at River 9.30 am. The Christmas pag- :nown eant will be presented at the Guild evening service. Theme of the rvived pageant is “The Adoration of threg‘the Chiefs, Braves and Indians”. tral“ Enrolled were Frances Cox, Debbie Dowker. Susan Dauncey. Sherry Hubbard, Anne Ed- 100 munds. Janice Jessop. Susan and'Raymond, Linda Smith, Anne :log. Steward, Judy McLean, Mary fi‘“WW“\llll““lll|\\l\\ll\llll\l\“\ulllll!“INN“!llll“H““lull!lll\\\\“\llllllllllllI“l“l\lll\\ll\\\l\\lll\l\l\l\\\ll\llllll““\\\l“Mullllll\\lllllllll\\lllll\lmll“l“lllmullllullll““lllll\\l\\lll\ll\lll““““lml“Mn“llll\ll\llllllllll‘\llllll“lllllllllllll\l\llll\lll“ll“\llll\\l\\ll{l\\l\l“\“Hllll‘ll‘ Corporate communion will bel {held December 18 at 8 am and a ‘men's association and young} ‘lpeople's Christmas breakfast will follow. The rector will preach an inâ€" teresting sermon, "Christmas .Gift Suggestions”. at the 11 am lservice, December 18. At 5 pm on the same date a White Gifts At Two Churches} Begin Christmas Celebrations 1 Holy Trinity mony December 1 in the Pres- A Christmas pageant, “The byterian Church Hall. District Nativity”, will be presented at Commissioner Mrs. Moore was the 11 am service December lliin attendance and participated in a new and refreshing way by in Brownie activities prior to the children of the church. The enrolling Brownies Cindy service will end with the pl‘e- Cruise, Wendy Gibson. Lou sentation of white gifts by the‘Hodgson. Vivian Markovich and children. There will not be a Sheryl Vincent. sermon at this service. ‘7 Marilyn Belch was awarded United Church Decembe1 11 is La) men Sunâ€" day and the sonice \1111 be conducted by the mens club and male choir. The speaket will tell about “Crossroads Retiring Chairman John MacKay commented that the Thornhill Church Minor Hockey Association and the Ontario Minor Hockey Assoâ€" ciation were under different executives even though they co-operated regarding the supply of players. “It‘s the feeling of the rec- reation committee executive," he said, “that the two bodies should get together for grant purposes. It‘s always a prob- lem when the executive has to decide which group should get this and which that. This way it will go into one body.” Fourteen Guides from 2nd Girl Guides were enrolled by their Captain Mrs. Pat Frantsi, November 21 with District Comâ€" missioner Mrs. Vera Moore as guest of honor Lieutenant M15 N01een Gorssline assisted at the ceiemony. The Thornhill Area Recre- ation Committee wants minor hockey in Thornhill to unite as one executive body. This and other matters â€" including a raft of reports â€" were paraded before 20- some persons attending the annual meeting last week at Woodland Public School. to decme which group snouiu get this and which that. This way it will go into one body." He explained the church league was the original minor hockey association in Thorn- hill and later the OMHA Allâ€" Star teams were created using the best players from the association. “We have sent a letter re- 'lllllllllllll‘llllllllllIll“llllllllllllllllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllIlllll“tillll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\l“llllllllllllllllllllllllll“\lllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“lll“illllllillllllllll“llllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllllllllllll“'3 Illlllllllllllllllltlllltllllllllll‘M‘ullul\llllluuuuuuuuuuuuuu i119. up to a $4.378 deficit. Operating surplus for the swimming pool operations the past season amounted to $1,205.31 after subtraction of $3.500 borrowed from the sinking fund to compensate for the poor previous season. The actual surplus was $4.- 700 for the pool which Mr. unuuuvu n; ILLIDQLAUIIGI ul' ganizations. ”The current cash balance. of $4,836.08." he said, “should cover the committees costs until next summer with the expected provincial grant in February." The committee's for maintenance provements reserve and im- has a current CHIUCI' 1Uv 1:100, was $0‘kl.00. Receipts for the season totalled $2,286.84. Expendi- tures $1,739.28. The Thornhill and District Baseball Association ended up a successful year with a cash balance of $204.59 com- pared to $13.60 in 1965. Re- ceipts in 1966 totalled $796.- 19. ‘ would like to call on you with ‘housewarming gifts' and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL Call her at 889-4735 w§§®l§§l ®$i®l§§§ He explained the church league was the original minor hockey association in Thorn- hill and later the OMHA All- Star teams were created using the best players from the association. The 1st Thornhill Brownies held enrolment ceremonies No- vember 29 and December 6 in Holy Trinity Church with Dis- trict Commissioner Mrs. Moore enrolling the following Brown- ies: Susan Batten. Barbara Hicks. Patsy Lewis. Sandra Lewis, Sandra Stewart, Susan Turner, Mary Winn Cosentino. Ann Antonaci. Linda Dauncey, Christina Henderson. Patty Henderson. Melissa Sharpe and Gretchen Kebses. The 2nd Thornhill Brown- ies. under the leadership of Brown Owl Mrs. Helen Mowat. Tawny Owl )lrs. Norma Bol- ton and Grey Owl Mrs. J. Ariss held its second enrolment cere- Want Thornhill Minor Hockey T0 Unite By FRED SIMPSON Retiring members are Chairman John MacKay of 167 John Street. Les Moore, 16 Vista View and Murray Henderson, 198 Arnold Aveâ€" nue. llllllllllll\lllllllIllllllllll“ll‘.\l"All!llll.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘ ins. up to a $4.378 deficit. Operating surplus for the swimming pool operations the past season amounted to $1,205.31 after subtraction of $3.500 borrowed from the sinking fund to compensate for the poor previous season. The actual surplus was $4.- 700 for the pool which Mr. Marilyn Belch was awarded her golden bar by Brown Owl Mrs. Mowat prior to the cere- mony. Guide and Brownie badges earned and awarded recently are as follows: 2nd Thornhill Brownies. H e at h e r Heid- man, junior swimmer: '2nd Thornhill Guides. Beth Gourlay, Meg Goodwin and Pamela Stew- art. junior swimmer. MARKIâ€"IAM VILLAGE: leeve ;A1ma Walker was returned to :office by acclamation, but 21 ipersons are seeking other posts 1in the 1966 election. Incumbent A. E. Laidlaw is being chal- lenged for the deputy-reeveship by Doug Mehard, builder, five candidates are contesting the three council seats, and 10 are running for the public school board. 'Special congratulations to Wendy Wright of Thornhill Land Rangers who has success- fully passsed her first class. toymaker, little house emblem and all round cord. Brownies from lst Thornhill are being entertained December 13 at a party from 4-5.30 by children of the Thornhaven School For Retarded Children. Refreshments and games will be enjoyed by the group. Last year the Brownies entertained the school at a party in Holy Trinity. garding the uniting of the two executives” he said, “to the persons concerned”. Mr. MacKay also observed the year was “a very good one financially compared to 1965 which was our worst." Poor weather crippled the swimming pool receipts in 1965 and other activities, add- “ll“lllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllI\llllill““\lllllllllllllllllllllllllill‘ Three new members were elected to the Thornhill Area Recreation Committee to re- place retiring ones. They were Don Jackson of 28 Elmridge Acres, Geoffrey Walker. Highway 7 East, and Harry Craib. 25 Almond Ave- nue. DR. CHARLES BIRKETT BIRKETT, M.D. CHARLES MARK YOUR BALLOT MacKay termed as an ave: age intake. Most of the swimming pool financial gain came as a re- sult of a reorganization and increase in the prices of lesâ€" sons. Pool Manager Ernie Dub- kowski made a number of recommendations for the 1967 season including raised prices. closing of the pool for supper from 6:15 to 7 pm plus purchase of two new metal lifeguard chairs to replace those “which have become very dangerous as a result of wood rot." Treasurer Derek Giles’ financial report noted that the committee has received $500 from the Thornhill Lions Club to date and $750 from Markham Township to add to TARC funds for redis- tribution to recreational or- ganizations. “The current cash balance. of $4,836.08,” he said, “should cover the committees costs until next summer with the expected provincial grant in February." ' The committee‘s reserve for maintenance and im- provements has a current RENAULT 16 ) RENAULT 10 ‘â€" RENAULT 8 § All models have the fresh air heater for the utmost comfort and mileage â€" up to 45 miles per gallon Test Drive Now! HANS AND EGON’S \ GARAGE A 889-4612 7377 Yonge North - THORNHILI. ° Efficient Administration balance of $15,327. Interest of $672.35 will be added dur- ing the winter providing a fund of about $16,000. A report was also heard from the fledging ski club which will start functioning in January at the Honey Pot skiing area with members picked up from the Thornhill Public School. The club will concentrate on the one school this season to test the reaction from pupils. Lessons will be given at the club. The pupils will be picked up at the schools and returned following the ski outing. Sandy Kelson reported on the badminton club activities which comprised 195 mem- bers made. up of 79 seniors, 58 intermediates and 58 jun- iors. Bank balance as of Nov- ember 10, 1966, was $547.56. The Thornhill and District Baseball Association ended up a successful year with a cash balance of $204.59 com- pared to $13.60 in 1965. Re- ceipts in 1966 totalled $796.- 19. IN VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Minutes from Richmond Hill Intelligent Aggressive Planning Vaughan Township’s interest to higher levels of government Better Communication with You Better representation of VOTE PHONE “a.“ \w v .‘ , ‘\\\\\ ,\\\ .fiw If you are NEW-TO-TOW N or have just moved into a new home 889-5632 I966 CAR OF THE YEAR NOW BUILT IN CANADA WELCOME SERVICE Thornhill’s Own . . . ®:\\\\ \\

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