Give your family the fun of music for Christmas and for New Year’s, St. Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day, F ather’s Day, Birthdays and every day in between What do you need most for an old-{Ashioned family Christmas? Music! And music comes easiest with an Electrohome electronic organ. Even youngsters quickly ï¬nd enjoyment in making music. Electtohome’s excluâ€" sive “Rhythm King†provides 17 different beats auto- matically. So you can forget about rhythm and just think about playing the melody . . . and about the many instrumental effects you can create. Famous Leslie speakers add to the incomparably rich stereo sound Consoles are superbly styled by Deilcraft the ï¬ne furniâ€" ture division of Electro- home. Because Electrohome organs are made in Canada, they carry no import tariff. wwwww‘W‘3 \' So you get much more for \j‘w‘“ i your money. It‘s the family L ' gift of a lifetime for Christâ€" mas. And for a lifetime of music together. W"¢horlle". on! a! 10 Eloctrahom own- with an Electrohome Electronic Organ FROM HEINTZMAN YONGE AND STEELES AVE. - 223-4636 OPEN THURS. & FRI. TILL 10 PM. Towne 8: Countrye Square See and Hear I ELECTROHOME ELECTRON/C the incomparable Doug Hurst at the console FRIDAY, DEC. 9th from 2 pm. until 9 p.m. at. our new store in the ORGANS WITH THE DIFFERENCE ‘Christ The King Lutheran Church! >Held Oï¬iciaI Organization Service} Site of the new Ch ing Lutheran Church just opposite the old H1 house at the corner ( Site of the new just opposite the old Heintzman house at the corner of Royal Orchard Blvd. and Baythorn in the new Thornhill Green subdivision. The Heintz- man barn is presently on the property and will be taken down shortly. The official Service of Organ- ization of the church took place November 27 at Thornhill Mas- was Rev. Dr. president of the Eastern Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church in America which incorporates over 6,000 congregations in Can- ada and the United States. The choir of Christ the King parti- cipated also. singing “Praise to the Lord the Almighty“. Christ theiotto Reble. regional secretaryi ing Lutheran Church will belof the Board of American Mis-’ bridge 0 1 . . . . David Hartwick and Barry sxons, Rev. William Huras. paa- Howson bagged singles for tor 0f Advent Lutheran Church. themselves. Both were unassist-l Wlllowdale, dean 0f the Cen- ed Chris Sutton scored from tral District of the Eastern Can- Hartwick ada Synod; Rev. Kenneth That-in b ' 3 cher. rector of Emmanuel Angli-i we; ï¬r le Read \li , 4 can Church. Richvale, president; '0 :laumbervleul 4" ' of York Central Ministerial As-, Dave Hartwick rapped home tigflatgrzn, 3:352:12; InEStsï¬frisgitwo goals with Rocky Pantalone , . lNeville Le Page getting the Chulch, Scarboro. president oft .. , . , the Lutheran Council of Greaterlowmér onesa i331); £3350“: 0' a? Metro which incorporates Luthâ€"‘ (1318312111 ‘ on 1ecei ' eran clergy and laity of thate ““5 5' area. ‘ titlii . .. _ PEEWEES Pastor of Christ the king istecemb" 2 Arnold D- \jVeigel 0‘ 24 .OrwniThornhill North End Cleaners 3‘ Cres.. who is also the missmn} Wondbridge 4 developer, havmz arrived mi Michael Coyne scored twice Thornhill in June, 1965- ‘with Paul De Marco adding the Making up the Church Coun- other one. Assists went to Earn cil are Peter Allen, Miss Bev- ard Souche and Mark Wool- uu. 54v- \- Guests were present at the service from the community and such out of town points as Brampton, Oakvllle. Kitchener- Waterloo and Hanover. Many churches sent greetings to the newly - organized congregation and personal greetings were ex- tended at the service by Rev. Mnrk-Vaun WI ‘young Ten members of Mark-Vaun ing it WI enjoyed Christmas dinner at: Nee the home of Mrs. Frances Shin- are a agl, Essex Avenue. December 1. leader Each member brought a hot‘group: dish ora salad to go with the pende roast beef. They repeated “The lack . Lord's Prayer" instead of the not re usual “Creed" to open the they ‘ meeting and Mrs. Holt reported entire on the visit to the Buttonville exper institute. give 1‘ . < A Akin The five members who at- tended that meeting enjoyed a display of dolls made by Edna Guild who had dressed them in period costumes from British history and from Canada's first century and presented them to her grandchildren. “The past is fascinating and we are part of it.†she said. “We must not dwell on it, but cherish it". A report was given of the Novem- ber 30 meeting of four members at the home of Mrs. N. Hicks. Mrs. A. Drew, Mrs. E. Maier, Mrs. F. Wilkins and Mrs. Hicks made mincemeat for the mem- able I agreed worthwh District Dennis I Election This 5 Let's pu by havi the polls The pol close at ride, a would b 'â€" Institute members made plans to send cards and take cookies to shutins during the next few weeks. After the meeting Christ- mas music and games were enjoyed. Hockey Rink bers A debt of gratitude is owed the several men who braved the old .weather of Saturday and Sunday to set up the boards for the hockey cushion in the Pear- on-Fairview Park. Now, people to flood both the hockey and pleasure rinks are needed. If we can get several volunteers there will be less work for each person. Call me if you would be willing to assist. A few people have done this work year after year and I believe it is time to give them a break. This would be a good project for The women's missionary group from the Weldrick Road Baptist Church will hold a Christmas Party at the home of Mrs. Grace Goodman, Hillsview Drive, on December 13 at 8 pm. An exchange of gifts, turkey supper and special missionary guest. Miss Chloe Chamberlain, will highlight the evening. Home & School Just a reminder not to forget the Christmas concert in the auditorium of Roselawn Public School December 12 at 8 pm. lll‘uu Thornhill United 3“ Holy Trin- ity 2; Thornhill Presbyterian 5, St. Luke‘s 0; St. Edward's Cubs‘ 6. St. Edward‘s Eagles 1. ‘ ATOMS St. Edward's 10, St. Luke‘s 2; Thornhill Presbyterian 8, Thornâ€" hill United 0. PEEWEES Thornhill United Wolves 5, St. Edward’s Tigers 4; St. Luke's 8. St. Edward's Lions 2; Thornhill Presbyterian 1. Holy Trinity Rockets 3; Holy Trinity Terrors 3, Thornhill United Bears 2. \Neighborhood Notes A happy birthday is wished for Lynn Price, Morgan Avenue, Lynn will be 10 years old De- cember 9. Birthday wishes also go to Billy Barkwell of Morgan Avenue who will celebrate his fifth birthday December 10. A welcome to the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. Bryan and son who have moved into 114 Henderson Avenue this week. A cordial welcome also goes to Mr. and Mrs. A. Dollavo and children who are living at 137 Henderson Avenue. Doncaster Bible Chapel Sun- day school will hold its annual Christmas Concert December 10 at 7:45 pm. The concert will be held at Woodland School and all members of the community are welcome to attend. DONCASTER Correspondent Mrs. May Barbour 136A Henderson Ave. 889-5205 CORRESPONDENT: M 84 Garden Avenue. LANGSTAFF NEWS Anny the Following the Service of 01'- ition ganization. a reception was held 2 ex- in the hall for the congregation Rev. and guests. nun ' at iin- r 1. hot the The the the rted rille at- d a :dna a in Heh young people's groups. work-1 ing in teams. . Needed badly in this area also‘ are a leader for Guides and a‘ leader for Brownies. These two groups *have had to be susâ€" pended for a time because of lack of leaders. If they are not resumed in the near future they will have to be disbanded entirely. If you have had no‘ experience but are willing to give it a try, training is availâ€" able. I am sure we are all agreed that this is a most worthwhile effort. Please call District Commissioner Mrs. Dennis Moore at 889-1741. MRS. GEOFFREY COOK e. Phone 889-4553 Pastor of Christ the King is December 2 Arnold D. Weigel of 24 orl‘mlThornhill N( Cres.. who is also the mission} Woi develop-er, having arrived in‘ Michael ( Thornhill in June, 1965. with paul D Making up the Church Coun- other one. A cil are Peter Allen. Miss Bev- ard Souche erley Benum. Frank Kenel. Hans nough. ‘Lotz. Mrs. Helen Mabley. David December 3 Matt, William Miller, Edmund North End ;__ Let's put Langstaff on the map by having the best turnout at the polls of the whole township. The polls open at 10 am and ,close at 7 pm. If you need a ‘ ride. any of the candidates would be happy to arrange one. Just a reminder not to forget the Christmas concert in the auditorium of Roselawn Public School December 12 at 8 pm. Members of the home and school as well as children will be in- cluded in the program. The big event of the evening will be the arrival of Santa Claus in person. Teachers and students of Ross Doan Public School will be sorry to see Jerry Sykes leave. Mr. Sykes, who is on the main- tenance staff will still be em- ployed by the school board but has been transferred to another area, ; Bowling News An additional reminder is given to parents that the school will close December 22 for the Christmas holidays and will re- open on January 3. The Cards Bowling League will hold a Christmas party De- cember 16 at the Lions Hall on Spruce Avenue. There will be bowling first and then on to the party. Brighter Happenings Congratulations and best mas wishes are extended to Linda bills Major and Tom Fredericks on St. P their recent engagement. Both year‘ Linda and Tom are former resi- PTO“ dents of Richvale, now residing wou] in Willowdale. The wedding date ent * has been set for May 20, 1967. 01 Neighborhood Notes Mrs. kn? NORTH RICHVALE NEWS Belated birthday wishes are extended to Mrs. Edith Titshall, 88 May Avenue. Mrs. Titshall ‘celebrated her birthday with 25 guests attending the party on November 20. A visit was made by Mrs. Kathleen Millard and daughters, Laurie and Mary-Anne to the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bonner of 46 Hillsview Drive. any. fighter Happenings Delighted winner of a Christ-l Congratulations and best mas tree decorated with $25 in 'lshes are extended to Linda bills at the November 5 bazaar of Iaior and Tom Fredericks on St. Paschal Baylon CWL was 11- heu- recent engagement. Both year-old Gwen Adams. She. .inda and Tom are former resi- promised at the time that Shel tents of Richvale, now residing would put her unexpected presâ€"t n Willowdale. The wedding date ent safely in the bank. 1 as been set for May 20. 1957. Other lucky wmners werel \leighborhood Notes Mrs. A. Levesque who won a} Belated b‘ th - box of delicious candy in the. ir day WlShes are raï¬ï¬‚e, Mrs. B. Carr who wonl extended to Mrs. Edith Titshall, . - 38 May Avenue. Mrs. Titshallan â€tram“ thtmas cake. :elebrated her birthday with 25 3.11% Mfrfs. Jthi‘énerty who car-. guests attending the party on me 0‘ a 00 rug. November 20 All Visitors were well fed A visit WAS made by Mrs with the delicious pizza served‘ . . ' -‘in the “Pizza Parlour“ with 233111-3811 “gllllslfd rand daughtersvlgay checkered tablecloths to home ofanher early-ArneMto th; carry out the ltalian theme. _ Mrs J' B p 1en 5' .r. an ‘ A SPEClal dellght to the ladies Drite 1m onner 0f 46 I'11115Vle“’who worked so hard over the V - bazaar w s the willin and Best wishes are extended to cheery haelp given b}:g Girl the mother of Steve Arbon. 91 Guides in helping clear all the May Avenue. on her 86th birth-booths away. Special mention day. Mrs. Ada Arbon, 87 Spruce is owed to Rhonda Oulette and Avenue. had a visit from her‘Palfla Saunders who stayed daughter, Ada of Meaford. to right to the end and helped the {help her celebrate. ICWL ladies finish up their suc- rnn.‘ “lawman“ nf Wandv ceSSful d3),- Little playmates of Wendy Munroe, Yongehurst Road, help- ed her celebrate her fifth birth- day at a party December 4. Guides 8:. Browniw The enrolment of the tender-l foot recruits into the 3rd Rich- vale Girl Guides was held Nov- ember 30 at Ross Doan School. 1Nine girls were enrolled, with ltheir parents attending. Refresh- !ments were served later in the :evening. The 3rd Richvale Mothers†Auxiliary will be holding a Christmas draw. Guides and Brownies will be selling tickets from door to door. Correspondent: Mrs. Jessie Boss 17 Yongehurst Rd. Phone 884-2845 work League {yum 11- Year- Old Winner will be atomelBiII Decorated Tree ATOMS ; December 2 j Richvale Ready-Mix 3. Wood- bridge 0 ‘ David Hartwick and Barry Howson bagged singles for themselves. Both were unassist- ed. Chris Sutton scored from Hartwick. December 3 1 Richvale Ready-Mix 4. ton 1 1 Paul De Marco paced the of- fensive with two goals and two assists. Mark Woolnough had a goal, tw0 assists; Hugh Mathe- son, a goal and an assist; John Regan. goal and one assist; with single goals going to Ricky Hopper and Michael Coynet Rick Hodge had two assists Falong with Jim Martin. Norm Ast son (two) BANTAMS December 2 Thornhlll Building Supplies 3. Woodhridge 2 Randy Carr led the way with ‘a pair with Larry Uteck scoring the other one. Assists went to Joe De Marco, Ian MacKay. Norm Ast (two) and Keith Gilli- December 3 ‘ Thornhill Building Supplies 7,1 Stouffvllle 1 This was an exhibition game at Doublerink Arenas. Goals went to Norm Ast. two. Joe De Marco. Keith Gillison, John Blackborough, Ken Moore and Ian MacKay. Assists went to Doug Sheldrake with three, and single assist to Randy Carr. Keith Gillison, Ian MacKay and Ken Moore MIDGETS December 3 Wilson's Esso 2, Woodbridge 4 Mike Burkart and Wray Wind- sor scored the Thornhill goals. Thornhill rallied from a 3-0 de- ficit to score twice in the second period but couldn‘t maintain the impetus in the final stanza. Thornhill remains in second place with only one loss out of 5 games. . 4. TIKES Thornhill United 3“ Holy Trin- ity 2; Thornhill Presbyterian 5, St. Luke’s 0; St. Edward’s Cubs 6. St. Edward‘s Eagles 1. ATOMS Thornhill United Wolves 5, St. Edward’s Tigers 4; St. Luke's 8. St. Edward's Lions 2; Thornhill Presbyterian 1, Holy Trinity Rockets 3; Holy Trinity Terrors ‘3, Thornhill United Bears 2. , BANTAMS St. Edward’s Jets 2. St. Ed- ward’s Hawks 1; St. Luke's 7, Holy Trinity Rifles 0: Holy Trinity Rams 4, Thornhill Unit- ;ed 1 . BOWLING Ladies Afternoon Bowling Club: Standings: Rosebuds 41; Sweet Peas 39; Petunias 38: Pop- pies 26; Camelias 23; Tippy Tulips 22. _ -- . “___ High triple (flat) Marian Dun-ll can 556, Dorothy Hunt 524,‘ Mary Redman 514. High triple (hep) Lore Schimkus 658; Joy Picthall 642; JO Cruise 618. High \single (flat) Elizabeth Groh 245;l :hael Coyne scored twice Paul De Marco adding the one. Assists went to Bern~ Souche and Mark Wool- THORNHILL CHURCH HOCKEY LEAGUE UXBRIDGE: Retirement of‘ Mayor W. E. Bradbury, Deputy- reeve John Ball and Councillors William Hickling and A. H. Cooper will result in at least four new members on town council for the next two year term. Former Councillor Chairl ‘les F. Steward was acclaimed; ‘mayor and Wilfred H. Gould was returned to the reeveship. also by acclamation. Councillor lDouglas 1. Hall was acclaimed ;to the office of deputy-reeve. *Five candidates will contest nthe four council seats. inï¬dVCleaners 7, Bramp- The Thornhill Sports Scene Thornhill sporl-s SCBIIe NEWMARKET: Canine Control Offlcer Walter Lowe. told coun- cil last \seek that he had e1ected \‘ancy No1tho1p 259 Oxer 200. Exa Hinglm 723; high single.C1eighton 221; Jan Bradley 208 signs at and near his property Mary Redman 203: Jo Ciuise‘wfiau Eva Hingley 266 1hdcp1202; Peggy Ross 209 208 Irene \in accordance with a request 205: Lore Schimkus 203. Joy 294. 1Clark 220: Jane Ball 228. 214. from council and had also had Picthall 212 Ruth B1ain 2021 Over 200. E13 Hingley 266 204 Bonnie Manzies 222; L11 1115 piemises inspected by Dri Marian Duncan 211; Nana/1203; Ellen “agar 224; Si1i11ey1Poole 220 1J. C. Sherman of Schomberg. Northorp 235. High average, Mary Redman 207; Jean Smith 180: Flo Hall 176. THORNHILL MIXED BOWL- ING LEAGUE Standing at the beginning of the second series: Cy Ball '7; ‘Denny Stewart 5; Erma Palmer 14: Reg Edwards 3; Harold Hing- ‘ley 2; Ray Teeter 0.’ i Men: High triple (flat! Reg Sparkes 626; high triple (lidcp) iDenny Stewart 711; high single 'flat) Ken Poole 262. Ihdcp) 268‘ Over 200. Cy Ball 238: Reg Sparks-s 214. 214; Roger Ball 210. 208; Ray Teeter 205; Harry Hingley 223; Murdo Ross 219. 205; Ken Poole, 262; Denny Ste- wart 221, 214; Don Bradley 224; Bill Swan 214. 205; Dick Dawson 229; 216; Walt Hughes 236; George Sabo 233. Women: High triple (flat) Jane Ball 646; high triple (hdcp) HEADQUARTERS FDR This Week’s Extra Special . DECISIVE LEADERSHIP ON ALL STANLEY POWER TOOLS THORNLEA LUMBER YOUR STANLEY POWER TOOL CENTRE 5% DISCOUNT A Guaranteed Heat Saver - PHONE - 889-1436 889-1838 "4x8. .H'm4x7... SPECIAL SANDED PLYWOOD The Xmas Gift for the Handyman MICA FII. Lesser SPE CIAL Insulate with Bishop 25 Sheet Lots Lots Slightly Higher Your Weldwood Headquarters . . .3935 $3.85 per sheet 85.75 per sheet 36.85 per sheet 88.20 per sheet WARREN $8.15 As an associate veterinarian. Dr. Harris graduated in May 1966, and is a native of British Columbia. 10 am. - 12:00 Saturday 10:00 am. - "WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GOES FURTHER " THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday BAG Armstrong Veterinary Hospital :RYCE . AGGRESSIVE ADMINISTRATION CEILING 'I'II.fE “71mm 101/ ( so. White . . . . 101/gc sq. ft. Random . . 131/2c “kits, SKYL‘Xil-l-{l UBEIGF: - GREY SPUNGOLD - SWIRLTEX. Etc. ALSO CARRIED IN STOCK Tile SPECIAL BUILDING PRODUCTS FINISHED ENTER HERE Dr. H. R. Armstrong To $1 500 VALUE OF I Visit our showroom. Just complete an entry form and deposit it in the entry box. Enter as often as you like. The 24 second prize winners receive enough amber elm or fire- side elm plywood to panel a 12'x12' room. SPECIAL VINYL ASBESTOS WIN A YEAR'S FREE LIVING EXPENSES YOU COULD BE A WINNER WELDWOOD‘ REEVE Dr. Gerry Harris RECREATION ROOM loyxmr COMPLETE FREE ESIIMAIES Choice of 5 Colors Lots of 10 Cartons has now joined the staff of the 5445 Yonge Street, 221-7400 Consultation by appointment 2 pm. - 4:30 DEC. 10th STRAPPINGV - WALLBOARD FLOOR & CEILING TILE, ETC. from announces that 10’ x 20’ As Low ROOM A! Sunday ..with... A LITTLE MORE COMPLETE SELF- STORING ALUMINUM COMBINATION PRE-FINIESHED LAUAN ’ x 7’ .............. $3.29 ’ x 8’ .............. $3.77 25 SHEET LOTS Weldwood Headquarters Dealer FINEST QUALITY V-GROOVED UNFINISHED LAUAN x 7’ .............. $2.69 a: 8’ .............. $3.08 Observatory Lane RICHMOND HILL ’ 7 pm. - 8:00 pm. 11:00 am. - 1 pm. . PLANNED PROGRESS All Panels in Stoc Dec. 8. 1966 $149.00 LDWOO D†21