Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Dec 1966, p. 23

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gmxmmmmxmmxmg .4 -m-.fl- .0.o.u.o.o.o.u.u THANKS For Your Support THANKS For Your Confidence As Ever Ward 1 Comes First! Now You Too Can A ffora’ A Beautiful Wig For Christmas! i A. Fully Hand-Tied ‘9” Made from hair 14-16 inches long. Fully hand'tied and double knotted on the finest English silk and nylon ventilated cap with built-in adjust- able elastic for excellent fit. Weighs only 61/; ounces. B. Semi Hand-Tied 100% HUMAN HAIR WIGS Both wigs available in these beautifully natural colors: Black, Off Black, Dk. Brown. Med. Brown. Lt. Brown, Dk. Auburn. Lt. Auburn, Golden Red. Ash Blonde, Lt. Ash Blonde. Platinum, Black Salt & Pepper, Brown Salt & Pepper. Cllp Coupon and mall today with your name and address to: Color: ............ “ ' 'A. 1 . . . $59.95 B. .. $39.95 I enclose my certified cheque or money for the full amoufit. NAME m- ADDRESS PHONE __ Saturday, December 10th I966 POLL N O. ELECTION DAY ALLAN SUMNER Advance P011 11 12 20 21 2 33 15 Same as above but machine made and hand tied front edge for natural Township of Vaughan From 10:00 o’clock am. to 7:00 o’clock pm. HUMAN HAIR WIGS, BOX 125, “THE LIBERAL”, RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Thornhill North Patterson Edgeley Maple West Pine Grove East Purpleville Elders Mills Kleinburg Nashville Teston Jefferson Richvale Vellore Crestwood Road Arnold Avenue Thorndale Concord East Boyle Scott East Yongehurst Carrville Pine Grove West Concord West Elgin Mills Westwood Lane S. Maple East Thornhill South Maple South-West Uplands Garden Avenue Scott West Yongehurst West Murray’s Corners All Electors are asked to exercise their franchise PLEASE ALLOW TWO WEEKS FOR DELIVERY POLLS WILL BE OPEN IN AREA PLACE Municipal Offices. Maple. Ont. Special Xmas Price Only $39.95 Thornhill Public School Don Head Farms Office Edgeley Public School Joseph Gibson School New Pine Grove School Mrs. Gaby’s House Elders Mills School . Kleinburg Public School Twin Elms School Mr. Roy Cooper’s House Jefferson Public School Roselawn Public School Vellore Community Hall Powell Road School Thornhill Public School Langstaff Public School Concord Public School Langstaff High School Charles Howitt School Ross Doan School Roselawn Public School New Pine Grove School Concord Public School Baptist Church - Oxford Street Charles Howitt School Township Office Thornhill Public School George Bailey School Langstaff Public School Langstaff High School Charles Howitt School Ross Doan School Woodbridge High School J. M. McDonald. Returning Officer The truck then rolled down a six-foot embankment. Mr. Bar- ager was thrown from the cab, but was not pinned beneath the truck. A 58-year-old Toronto truck‘precautions had been taken on it turned off the Credit Stone driver was killed instantly Mon-{them A_ lRoad onto Jane behind the first day morning when his truck. Markham Township Police‘car. Hansen. who was going rolled over at the old Sabiston‘are investigating ‘south on Jane. hit the Hess car. Gravel Pit at John Street and * * * " sending it into the Vorkapic German Mills Road in Mark- Charges are pending against‘vehicle. ham Township. a Richmond Hill youth. follow- Police are looking for a hit- Killed was Nelson Baragerfng an accident November 28.and-run car. which struck a car 204 Sherbourne Street. a drivel-2’,“ which a pedestrian was in‘ driven by Thoma: G. Hough. Jured. Thornhill. on Carrville Road, for ROthOtt and sons' Toronto" an..- n--- 11...... a1: nnll......o n: hnfl‘nrin Strap? Police said Mr. Barager was proceeding up a hill inside the pit with a load of garbage when his truck started skidding back- wards down the slope. The pit is used ‘as a garbage dump. A freezing rain all Monday morning. left roads :1 sheet of ice everywhere, unless salting} Trucker Killed lanhm Township Police Accident Report Damage to the two cars, which were both going north on Yonge Street at the time, amounted to $300. Willard J. Smith, 198 Mark- ham Road. suffered back injurâ€" 'ies when his car was struck by another vehicle at Yonge and Wright Streets November 28. mazwsuaaamm Police said Vorkapic was driving south on Jane, intend- ling to make a left turn when he iWas struck from behind by the \Hubrick car. The impact them ‘ ent the latter into the north- ound lane. I The Hess car was struck when a-m I More than $1,000 damage was done in a fourâ€"car accident at Jane Street and Credit Stone Road. December 1 in Vaughan Township. Involved were vehicles driven by Paul Vorkapic‘. Brampton; Geraldine Hubrick. Downsview; a Helga Hess, Toronto and Brian ElHansen. Mimico. walking from west to east on! A Willowdale youth. Martty the green light when the ac-Pirinen. 19. has been charged cident occurred. with careless driving. following In an accident November 30, an accident December 3 on Mrs. M. Gadsby. and her 'daugh-|Bathurst Street, north of Steel- ;ter. Susan, 2. suffered bruises es Avenue. and cuts when the car in Whmh’ Police said Pirinen was park- they were riding was in cm'led on the west shoulder of lision With another vehicle at‘Bzathurst Street. when he ac- Yonge Street and Benson Ave'celerated, spinning the car nue. _ around until it hit a post. a Mrs. Rose Dunn. 316 Mill east of Dufferin Street. Street. suffered back injuries‘ The car is described as a when she was struck by a car;1956 Chevrolet. blue body with driven by Richard B. Briscoe‘lwhite top. heavily rusted, dam- 16. 357 Browndale Crescent. at aged on right side. The first the intersection of Yonge and letter of the licence plate is H Centre Streets. Damage to the Hough vehicle Police said Mrs. Dunn was amounted to $125. Police said Mrs. Dunn was walking from west to east on the green light when the ac- cident occurred. The two were passengers in a car driven by Mrs. W. Sawyer. Orangeville. which was struck from behind by a car driven by Harry Smith, Thornhill. Driver of the other car was Genevieve Grellette. Toronto. Damage to the two vehicles amounted to $125. According to police, the ac- cident occurred when a car driven by Mrs. Margaret Gandy, Toronto. skidded into a car driven by David G. Roche. Wil- lowdale. as the latter was mak- ing a left turn. Excitement and enthusiasm for Canada’s Centennial year is catching on as one enthusiastic group sparks yet another to get in on the celebrations, John A. Breekie told the North York Historical Society. Mr. Breekie is director of Centennial Plan- ning for. Ontario, and under his‘ guidance plans 'for celebrating our country's 100th birthday are many and varied, with the most interest being shown by villages and small centres. Women's Institutes. each in its own way, are very actively en- gaged in projects. he said. The historical society is en; thusiastieally participating in‘, HOntarios Centennial plans with1 ‘its interest in the restoration} ‘of the 1843 Gibson House and the Willowdale Cemetery. It‘ is also publishing a book on the History of No1th York. 1 A rear-end collision on Yonge Street North resulted in a total of $200 damage to two cars. North York Hist. Soc. RenewHome,Cemetery Mrs. H. Egerton Young. chair-I man of the churches and bury- ing grounds committee of the society. announced that $3,500 had been collected from fami- lies Whose forebears are buried in Willowdale Cemetery and this money is to be used to- wards development of the cem- etery ‘as a memorial park. Trustees of Willowdale United! Church have agreed to turn the cemetery over to the township for park purposes, and the township will match donations up to $3,000. Further progress on this work is waiting the de- velopment of the plans between Architect Napier Simpson, Jun- ior and D. W. Snow, commis- sioner of parks and recreation. The next meeting of the so- ciety will be held January 26. NEWMARKET: Changes in the directions of two streets in New- market have brought a warning to motorists to be on the look- out. From now on Timothy Street is a one-way street going west from Main Street to Lorne Avenue. while Botsford Street is now one-way going east from Lorne Avenue to the Market Square. BRADFORD: A Newmarket area farm worker was killed November 30 when his tractor was struck by a CNR passenger train. Police said 49-year-old George‘ Cattell either didn't see or failed to obey a signal at a level crossing near Highway 11. HOME PORTRAITS WILLOW PHOTO SITTINGS AND PROOFS FREE! NO DEPOSIT OR DOWN PAYMENT - Family Open Evenings ' 1 With colder weather here. it turned off the Credit StonelYork Agricultural Representa- Road onto Jane behind the first tive A. A. Wall advises that. car. Hansen, Who was gaing ridiculous as it may sound. new south on Jane. hit the Hess car. is a good time to install venti- sending it into the Vorkapic‘lation systems in farm build- vehicle. ’ings. As the temperature drops, Police are looking for a hit. doors and windows are shut Damage amounted to $1,000.‘ The right size fans in the Fans cost money but they last a The youth SUffer'Sd C1118 and a right places will do the job, the long time and cost of electricity minor concussion. lagricultural representative stat- is low. Extra production and Running into a fence post on es. Size depends on the number lower veterinarian bills can Maple Road. east Kleinburg, re- of animals and generally good easily pay for them. sulted in undetermined injuries to Mrs. S. Boudreau, 67 Neth- erford Road, Maple. December 4. about 1.30 pm. Police said Mrs Boudreau was westbound on the Maple Sideroad when she went over into the east-bound lane onto the south shoulder. landing in the gully against a fence post. Sfle Was Vtaken to York Cent- ral Hospital for injuries. A new look has come to On-l tario’s highways, with the first vehicles sporting the 1967 lic-' ence plates for passenger cars and station wagons which went on sale December 1. The plates have white lettering and num- bering on a blue background and carry the lettering 19 On- tario 67 on the top and 18 Con- federation 67 on the bottom.‘ The licence numbers are sep-i arated by a crown instead of a dot. i William Neal I967 Licence Plates Are Now On Sale Here William Neal, local licence issuer. reported no great rush for the plates on the first day of sale, but stated some‘hardy souls had braved the slippery condition of the roads to pick up their plates. Most sales December 1 were to dealers anxious to deliver new cars to their purchasers, according to Mr. Neal. ‘ There is no increase in price for the plates this year. but Mr. Neal pointed out that the uninsured motor vehicle fee has been raised from $20 to $25. He also told “The Liberal” that motorcycle plates will be available by December 19. For commercial vehicles, trailers and conversion units, 1967 plates will go on sale March 1 and the expiry date of 1966 plates for these vehicles will be March 31, 1967. All other 1966 plates expire February 28. smug NATIMAL LINE “The Liberal" 889-6851 63 Yonge St. S. 884-1105-6 Groups iBarn Ventilation System Paysig In Better Production And Health tight. and without good ventila- ting equipment. problems can result. The biggest problem is hu- midity â€" a herd of 30 cows will exhale from 70 to 80 gallons of water a day. This water is absorbed into wood. keeps floors wet and slippery, freezes on windows and keeps the air un- I healthy for the animals in the‘ barn. Fresh air is not expen-y Hay chutes. open windows or sive and can do a lot towardsmpen doors are not a satisfac- WW £ ”‘e health °f the'éiiyfi;}‘b§ffé“ii;ot§‘§§ytfiisufiérify’ STARTING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th The right size fans in the Fans cost money but they last a . . . right places will do the job the long time and cost of electricityl NOW at RegUIar AdmISSlon Prlces ...A. .1; _. .A-.4___-.rl 1.: _ -L- L :. n r.“ perature they eat better, milki better and stay healthier. 1:11:11 7‘) “:51 CBC AL ““3 LCIH' g; uuu .lJ-Ullquy uuuuvu usvuuvu uuu uvvvuu I Richmond Hill Hydro - Electric Commission SAM COOK, Chairman 56 Yonge St. N. Sirloin, T-Bone, Porterhouse 8: Round STEAK ITEAN SLICEDiENDS SIDE BACON Shoulder Lamb 7 Cho‘psilbfi. 49? SAUSAGES fi’TRiAVSPECIAL Hind Quarters of Beef “3.47:! Cut and Wrapped 6 LEVENDALE RD. l Grill This Christmas, make sure you’re one of the lucky pe0ple who receive electrical presents. Modern electric appliances are miracles of efficiency. They’re beautifully designed and cost so little to use. Just check the appliances you want on this handy list (these are just a few . . . you may want to make your own list) and leave it where it will be nc\lced. Over the bathroom mirror is a good place. here’s your handy hint list Washer Range" Drier Refrigqrator Kettle Razor Power Tools Polisher Lamps Clock Steam Iron Fry Pan Broiler TVâ€"Portable Electric Casserole Fan Vacuum Blender Mixer (portable) Mixer (table) Electric Blanket Record Playe: Bottle Warmer Electric Train Table Lamp firojector (slide) Radio Percolator Toaster sized units are needed in a 6 multiple system. Fifty mature S cows need three fans with ale total capacity of 6,500 cubic feet‘ 5 per minute. A small one wouldlg run continuously with two larg-‘t er ones on thermostats to cut in‘: when needed. Fans should be e on the leewan side of the building and at least 20 feet away from doors or windows. People working in barns like the temperature around 65 but this is too hot for the cattle. They are comfortable at 50 or even 45 degrees. At this tem- perature they eat better, milk better and stay healthier. RED and BLUE BRAND RED & BLUE BRAND THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, Dec. 8. 1966 23 884-5801 i . THE MOST [OVEBLY ‘ MOTION PIGTUBEDJ‘ All. TIME! WMEFJJWAcademv Awards including Best Picture. TECHNICOLOR Tuna. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AL HORWOOD, Superintendent live better the safe clean modern way! ELECTRICALLY 884-4466

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