IWKKWKGIKKK WWW THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 8, 1966 NKWI Kmmxuxmmmmmmï¬ï¬‚mmmx S. mmmeemewgwemem + Free 30 Day Charge Privilege + On The Spot Financing i + No Down Payment 12.34aammzmazmmaamaamamambmx Lg; mugs“:w:mama»nevwg'm’emagmgewmmm reg’asamegwmememwy: mmmzmemzemwgmegng gmgxmgmmmxmm M -_./' â€\u . Capture the Enemy Super-Spy! s E c R E 'r s A M -.\-~ Cummolv dewsed sov-cotchma kit A serrpr mmhmmmn hf Complete with red, green, blue. pink or 342110“! bulb .............................. ... to clear flood Floodlight Kit â€" Weatherproof socket. wall bracket, earth h5p1ke,6-ft. cord and plug. With clear bulb, . Floodlight Socket and Spike With cord and bluz. (less h‘ Clear buib for OUTDOOR BULBS ,ng color 1e 2.19 .59 BRIGHT WAYS TO ADD CHRISTMAS CHEER €?§2.88 3.44 . 1.79 12 LIGHT 15 LIGHT 25 LIGHT SET SET SET' 3.19 3.99 6.66 ‘ Available with TRANSPARENT .. or GLO~TYPE BULBS Multiple-lighting â€"- indepenâ€" dent ‘burning. Assorted col. ors, Glo-type and Transpalu ent. ............................................ xsparent Type b5. ea 2.95 Chriztma: Tree Stand â€"- Easy to set up Sturdy construction, well balanced. Big 17†am. Water conta 4 for .52 5 for .65 spread; holds tree Chrinmu Tree Ho ner to keep tree 6 8 . o u uptoa These will go great with our 42†Tree! 10 light set -..___ Iultiple, glow-type, independent burning bulbs ‘Set of 12 2.59 Extra Bulbs 4 for .31 SET of IO, MINIATURE llGHTS SET of 7, INDOOR llGHTS‘ 2.88 20 Light Set, only ._ ________ __, 2.39 LOAD UP ON EXTRA BULBS only 5 for .39. Rotary Electric Color Wheel - Moulded plastic lenses: built-in motor. Cord and plug. (Less 6 bulb) A. , EXTENSION â€COLRDHSETS indoor with can an (door with can and plugâ€"1 SEWW’MKMIM‘KMKW 1.69 1.39 6.44 L39 K59