Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Dec 1966, p. 5

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Also present at the banquet and Remembrance ceremony was former Ontario Hydro Chair- man Ross Strike who said. “I am grateful for the invitation to join you here tonight. You are not only the guiding light of the Ontario Command but you have been my guiding light as well." Toronto's expensive attempts to acquire culture were criticiz- ed recently by the Rev. S. G. West, preSident of the Canad- ian Correctional Chaplaincy Association. _ Mr. West was a guest speaker at the annual banquet and Re- membrance ceremony of On- tario Hydro Legion Branch 277 held at the Prince George Hotel. He asked Legion members: “Are you satisfied with an inadequate Don Jail which deals with dam- aged lives, or are you more satisfied with new art centres and expensive sculptures as your Centennial project? . “Take a look at that big piece of culture, the Don Jail. where we put men behind walls that are designed to keep us out. We don't even give them the dignity we give to animal husbandry". He urged Legion members to continue serving their country by assisting with the rehabilita- tion of offenders against society and concluded. “Service is the rent you pay for your room on earth - Service is the way to Remembrance." been my guiding light as well" n 11 >1 1: Mrs. Jessie Tompkins of Brockville was elected to her third term as president of the Ontario Command Ladies‘ Auxi- liary at the three-day convention of the organization, held in Windsor recently. Some 1,050 delegates, representing 360 branches, heard reports indicat- ing that the ladies were doing some outstanding work in rais- ing funds for Legion service. extend via the usual channels. hearty congratulations to Com- * * * * rade Alfred Petherick and his This Thursday about 72 Can- wife Emily. of Bayview Avenue, adian veterans will gather at on the occasion of their goldeniHong Kong‘s Saiwan cemetery 11edding anniver.sa1y Comrade to pay ttibute to the 400 or so Alf. who is 87 vears young and Canadians buried the1e. a. Boe1 Wa1 vetelan completed It \1as 25 yeals ago on Dec- fifty years of wedded bliss oni ember 8.1941 “hen fighting Decembel 6 Fiom all appeal-[bloke out in Hong Kong. Out- ances he looks to be in good numbe1ed {cm to one by the enough shape to complete an-[Japanese the Allies held out for other fifty. three weeks but the Hong Kong Comrades Les Dodd and Roy garrison fell on Christmas Day. Legion members Mrs. Jessie Tompkins of Brockville was elected to her third term as president of the Ontario Command Ladies’ Auxi- liary at the three-day convention of the organization, held in ing funds for Legion service. Comrades Les Dodd and Roy Gordon Wakefield of Wood- Dymond report that a few vac- stock, command president, in- ant seats still exist on the Leg- stalled the officers and address- ion jet charter flight to Britain ed the convention. “The ladies scheduled for September 2, 1967. auxiliary is the Show window of As previously reported the re- our organization," he said. He turn fare between Malton and noted that the auxiliaries over London is $222 per seat with the years had contributed over children under the age of two $170,000 to the Ontario Com- being charged $25. mand Bursary Fund and now Duration of the trip is three were contributing to the Cen- weeks, but this will not neces- tennial Fund. sarily all be spent in the air. ______..â€"__â€"___â€"â€"â€" M Q ‘ A A AWA AVAvamVA"AVAVAVmeVmV-LVmVAVmeVA"53620,."him“ «in: m”m‘m“m' m‘m‘m‘m‘mmmmflz Pipher Funeral Home FULL 6 OT. BASKET 69c SUNNY MORN c I LB. FLAT ALLENCOUR'I' IGA BAYVIEW 8. MARKHAM Shop for value and quality at... fl Your legion Reports aaaaaaaaa Serving the community The Wright & Taylor Chapel Richmond Hill, Ontario Patrick Biggs, command secreâ€" tary, thanked the ladies for the more than 520.000 contributed already towards the 1966 burs- ary fund. It would enable the command, he said, to award seven bursaries in each of the nine Legion districts in the pro- Vince. The Branch 375 Ladies Auxili- ary held their nominations and election of officers last Week and returned Lucy Rickard for a second term as president. Also elected were lst Vice- President Edith Titshall, Sec- ond-Vice President Gl‘ete Ton- ner, Secretary Elsie Bernie. Reâ€" cording Secretary_Joan Dickson, Sgt-At-Al‘ms Audrie Apperly. The six executive members will be: Lillian Miller, Adelaide Mills, Rose Donnelly, Grace Lindsdell, Nancy Sutcliffe and Mona Shuttleworth. Comrade Peggy Orton of the Aurora Leg- ion, and Sgt-Atâ€"Arms Marie An- derson, acted as sci‘utineers for the election. While on the subject of ladies it is interesting to note that Aurora Legion recently elected as its president for 1967 Mrs. Betty Butler. She is well known for her secretarial work at Leg- ion zone level. She becomes the only woman in Legion district “E" to head up a branch. 26 Yonge St 889-1073 By Eric Chapman since 1876 884-6021 g Sgt. Marcel Doiron, 46, of Dovercoul‘t Rd., Toronto is one. He has joined John Stroud, pre- . sident of the Toronto. branch of the Hong Kong Veterans’ Association of Canada, and a Slcouple of other local vets on this week's pilgrimage to Hong |Kong. v- v.) Messrs. Dodd and Dymond‘memt also reported they have secured ledge an aircraft for the trip but Tm would not disclose whose back- will yard it could be located for in- Comn spection. Nor would neither 0f|“’1‘he them profess allegiance to a of G rumored Aurora and Stouffville At th ‘airline and storm window com- stewa ‘pany. ‘Will I Pilots estimate 12 hours flying time, six there and six back. and application forms are avail- able at the Legion Court. The entertainment committee reports that tickets are now available for the New Years Eve dance. As with other years a maximum figure has been set for attendance at the dance and it is expected the demand for tickets will again exceed the supply. This news is con- veyed with reminiscences of last year when many members were disappointed and subse- quent complaints were directed towards this department for lack of prior information. This year you have been duly warned and all requests for res- ervations should be made with haste and directed via the tele- phone number appearing at the top of this column. All other conversations and comments pertaining to the de- partment of public relations will be received in the normal way via the usual channels. Of 2,000 Canadians from the Winnipeg Grenadiers and Que- bec’s Royal Rifles of Canada, sent to bolster the Hong Kong barrison, only 1.400 came home For the survivors the fall of Hong Kong meant nearly four years in captivity. The sick and wounded were kept in Shamshu- poo POW Camp at Kowloon, across the bay from Hong Kong. The rest were sent to Japan to work in labor camps. For some, death would have been easier. Maple Community Centre Plamfing a Christmas Party? For Reservations - 832-2530 The Facilities are Ideal at RICHMOND HILL St. John's Anglican Church observed Bible Sunday Decema her 4. Members of the con- gregation were given a chart prepared by the Canadian Bible Society on the history of the various translations of the Bible. They were also given a sheet containing 25 questions prepar- ed by the rector, so that each member couLd test his know- Church News The 11 am service next week will be a celebration of Holy Communion, when the theme is ”The Stewards of the Mysteries of God”, the sacred ministry. At the fireside at 7.30 a film on stewardship will be shown, “The Will of A. Nash.” Rehearsals for “The Christ- mas Story“ continue Wednes- days for presentation at 7.30 pm December 18. The offering at this service will be used to help retire the mortgage on the rec- tory. The married couples Christ- mas party will be held at 8.30 pm December 9 in the upper room at St. John‘s. Two films will be shown. One of the highlights 0f thetHillaby and Mrs. J. Abrams and evening was the presentationof‘in the juniors Miss Gwyn Urquâ€" the horticultural service dlp- hart, Miss Margaret Urquhart ‘loma by Dr. Lillian Langstaff and Master John Rumney ‘to Mrs. Hugh MBCKRY- In mak- The court of honor (cultural) mg the presentatlon Dr. Lang-.was won by Mrs. Risebrough staff said this w-as_ one of thefand Mr. Little and the court of most pleasant dUtleS She had honor (arrangements) was won ever performed for the soc1etY]by Mrs. Barker. in her many years’ associationi with it and all agreed \xdth her" it was a well deserved reward for the charming Mrs. MacKay.i . . one of the society’s honorary QuaIIty Cleaning directors and a very hard work: AT er in the interests of the so-‘ ‘ er in ciety. In the cultural class Mrs. F. Titshall won a lovely silver tray donated by the T. Eaton Company for accumulating the most points. Second was Rob- ert D. Little, third Dr. Hugh MacKay, fourth W. Anken- man and fifth Arthur Stong. The married couples Christ-l A party has held N01 ember mas party will be held at 8.30 26 £01 fo1me1‘ members of the pm December 9 in the upper 2nd Road Construction Comp- 100m at St. John'.s T110 films any. Royal Canadian Enginee1s will be shown. lat the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. St. John's Women's Auxil-‘iJ. McDougalL 11 Stancroft iary will hold a Christmas Party Drive. For many of those pres- at the rectory at 2 pm December ent it was their first reunion for 14. Baby sitting service will be 23- years. The McDougalls are provided, so that all women of eagerly looking forward to a the parish may attend. visit from Bud Warren of Ot- St. John’s Sunday school will tawa whom they saw last in hold its Christmas Party on the England in 1943. afternoon of December 17. Community Club The church telephone, 884< A very rewarding meeting Annual Awards Night The Richmond Hill Horticul- tural Society wound up the sea- son recently with their annual dinner and awarding of prizes. with a very good crowd in at- tendance. During the evening musical entertainment was pro- vided by a double quartet from St. Mary’s Anglican Church and amusing skits by Mrs. June Ward of Toronto all of which was greatly appreciated by the audience. Mr. Little presented the rose trophy to Mrs. W. Risebrough who had a big lead on the Mrs. Hugh H. MacKay ls Honored By R. Hill Horticultural Society Elgin Mills And Jefferson News SAVE ON IGA's OWN SUNNY MORN (SAVE 100) 1 LB. BAG COFFEE ROYAL GUEST (SAVE 120) 1 LB. BAG 3013. has now been disconnected owing to the greatly increased rates for business phones. To contact the rector, it will now be necessary to use the rectory phone, 884-6929. The rector is usually at home between 10.30 and 12.30 during the morning. Brownies A party of 11 Brownies from the lst Jefferson Pack had a pre-Cln‘istmas treat when Brown Owl Adele Costoff and Tawny Owl Linda Diceman took them for an afternoon‘s bowling at the ABC Bowling Alley in Rich- mond Hill December 3. A hearty thank you is extended to Mrs. F. Powell and S. McDowell, who provided transportation. IJ- Rumney. Mrs. Titshall. Mrs. \E. Redelmeier and Mr. Stong. .1“ the vegetable class Mrs. Tit- ‘shall was the winner followed ‘by Mr. Stong. Mrs. Barker, Mr. lAnkenman. Mr. Howard and .‘Mrs. Redelmeier. For the new ‘members there was Mrs. A. Hillaby and Mrs. J. Abrams and in the juniors Miss Gwyn Urqu- hart, Miss Margaret Urquhart and Master John Rumney. The court of honor (cultural) was won by Mrs. Risebrough and Mr. Little and the court of The Cubs‘ Christmas Party will be held at St. John‘s Dec- ember 15. Forces Reunion The draw arranged by the mothers‘ auxiliary will be held December 12. Cubs others in the rose class - D. Howard, Mrs. A. Hillaby. Dr. MacKay and Mrs. Titshall. Winners in the arrangement class were Mrs. G. Barker, Mrs. Iln DISCOUNT PRICES ALTERATIONS DISCOUNT CLEANERS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE The Mall 884-617] was held November 3. featuring a talk by Hugh Martin on pro~ grass being made towards geti ting the Festival Choir of‘ Vaughan to Expo in May. After- wards, \\'ith Mr. Martin as chairman, candidates for coun» oil and public school board preâ€" sented their programs to the audience. A lively question per- iod followed. The meeting gave ‘those present an excellent Beat the high cost of living with our [OW lOW prices on your drug needs Save on Drugs EVERY DAY at Mm c 74¢|A§§3§IN 64¢ w RUB mm No Delivery c I GA R ETTE S 0\nthis item carton $ 3 .51 BEEl Y Ll N New Low Prescription price Policy now in, effect at Richvale Pharmacy Let us save you money on your next prescription. Nothing to join. 9014 YONGE ST. NYLONS 2 99¢ I NESTLES 59¢ 99999 RICHVALE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES Xmas Boxed Cards 20% OFF RICHVALE PHARMABY FRESH, BROILER GRADE ‘A’ â€" 510 IO LB. AVG. LOIN RBAST 0’ PBRK CENTRE CUT ROAST or CHOPS lb. 79¢ ALLENCOURT PORTION grim. 49¢ 13. chance lo decide for whom to vote. Polling for the Jefferson area will be at the school this Saturday. Oak Ridges Arena A very successful dinner was 0 held at St. John's Church Dec- 0 ember 5. It was held to in-‘. form local organizations of the Q intentions of the arena com-‘0 mittee. Progress was reported, .â€" 9,000 shares have been sold}; FRESH PORK LOIN SALE! THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘hursday. Dec. 8. 1966 5 ,mWWOO” 889-1111 3 LB. AVG.) 000‘ WWW 'l‘ues.. \\'ed.. Thurs. 4 p.111. to 12 Fri. & Sat. 4 p.m. t0 2 a.m. Sun. 4 - 11 pm. bOOO‘ VILLAGE PIZZA BAR Reg. 99c MADE TO ORDER TAKE OUT & DELIVER} l‘ues., Wed.. Thurs. Fri. 8; 4 pm. to 12 4 pm. to Xmas Gift Wrap TENDERLOIN PORTION WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET A llTTlE MORE THAN YOU EXPECT. 884-3171 FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC. 7, 8, 9, 10 3 Rolls For 89 YONGE ST. S. 59¢ FREE DELIVERY

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