Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Dec 1966, p. 6

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6 THE LIBERAL. Richmond H111. Ontario, Thursday. Dec. 8. 1966 “Want Extra Cash For Christmas . . Use Liberal Action Want Ads NOW” Call The Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 889-3316 8 3.111. to 9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. 9 am. to 5 p.m. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. 9 to 12 Saturday CLASSIFIED charge $1.00. wording unchanged. .7c ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion .7c each word. minimum Second and subsequent insertions it per word, min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra CARDS 0F THANKS. sertion IN MEMORIAMS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per charge per insertion of 506 DEATHS, in- $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 889-3316 and you will receive an invoice. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Iâ€"â€"-â€" ARTICLES FOR SALE 21" Television Console. lent condition. 884-7298. ttc9 MOFFAT stove. good'eiinliiuon. $50. 884-7650. c1w23 excel- â€" FOR SALE (Continued) 884-2588.’-tfc20 CLEAN straw. 'ACCORDION,‘1’2‘0‘Baé'sfexc’cl- lent condition. $125. 889-3419. l clw'21 I BEDROOMâ€"suiteâ€"Imitâ€"\\ralrut. HEINTZMAN piano. excellent'also porcelain table. 4 chairs. condition. Phone after 6. 884- 7705. 7 c1w23 GIRL‘S bi‘ey‘cle‘.‘ "23" wheel. Sump pump. Phone Maple 832â€" 1380. cl\v23 BENCH grinder llfiIthâ€"‘ire- brush and stone. Must sell. cheap. 884- 1344. *1w23 BRAND new. custom bjiltdstore coun-ter with built in showcase. 884-2203, clw23 GIRL'S CCM bicycle. maroon: dition. Ideal Christmas gift. $15. 384-1841. clw23 PRENCHVPITovinCiIIIVliving room suite, two months old. 884-6682. c1w23 OIL-FIRED construction heater. Master 320. $275. 884-3179. c1w'23 SPACE heater â€"â€" CommanTâ€"Re; frigerator â€"â€" Crossley Shelva- dor. 884-2655. *1w33 BEAUTY salon haierryErqwith chair. $50. Excellent condition. 884-2472. c1w23 PLAYPEN and pad‘sifsn'glis’h pram $35. Carriage $10. Baby Tenda $13. 884-1046. c1w23 BOY'S black‘ri‘gurekkites. size 1. $7. Juicex machine $40. 889-5760. cinS FIREPLACE. realistic mid brick. electric logs. complete acces- sories. 889-3202. c1w23 STRAW "j ' '7 Good clean straw. 884-7768. tfc23 CRIB mattress $5. high chair both almost new, 884-7488. clw23 SKI boots. lady‘s froln Austria - Koflacl'l. inner shoe. like new. size 6-7. $25. 884-1379. c1\v23 CLIMAN washing machine. $50. Mrs. Ball. Dufferin Street. Con- cord. 884-6443. cl\v23 RO-Yb car-coat. size lafrgrcy. pile lined. zippered hood. worn once $7. 889-3364. clw23 GAS stov'eTV‘iitâ€"ihif‘z'sxfiriiil'y automatic. like new. 884-5349. c1w23 VIKING portable record.player, new needle. excellent condition $25. 889-1516. IIIMESTONE 7768. DRY hard wood cut 167’7'_f6r fire; place. Delivered single cord lots. 884-4519. tfc15 CIVITAN XMASâ€"CAKES ". Order now. For early delivery.‘ call 884-4532 or 884-2627. c5w21 COFFEE table. kidney shape. black al‘tlorite. $40. 2 head- board sets, $10 each. 889-5760. c1w23 HARMONY bass guitar and a Traynor bass male amplifier. 85 watt. 15" speaker. As new. best offer. 884-1375. c1w'22 FOR Christmas - hand-knit children‘s sweaters and dolls‘ skirt. sweater and 884-3007. c1w23 ers' Tile Mall. CHRISTMAS trâ€"ees.-rs2. 37’3IHeights Centre. clw'23‘fits. flSLCONTENTS Leaside tfc19 zig-zag l IReasonable. 884-2698. clw23 McCLARY 4-Burner 36" electric range. Kroehler bed-Chester- lfield. Reasonable. 832-1080. clw23 KENT bass amplifier. 117 volts. ’one amp.. 18" speaker. tremolo i4 inputs. 1966 piggy-back model. Call 884â€"3316 after 5. clw23 GIRL'S winter coats ltwo». size 12 to 14. like new. Also Lloyd baby carriage, in good condition. 884-4093. Desk. good condition. Portable lkitchen cabinet. 884-6835. I, c1w23 IAUTOMATIC washer. suds re- lturn. will deliver and guarantee lone year. Ken Clark 889-5226. tfc14 .oak. $20; 1 year seasoned maple $18: 3 year seasoned elm $14. lPer single cord. 773-5368. tfclS‘ iFALUMINUM PRODUCTS Sales and Service windows. siding. ’Dooi's. Call 12 - 14. latest style. 850. Man‘s dress suit tails. plus acces- {ories perfect. Size 37, $35. 884- 1294. PING PONG table. bats. $25. .Oak ladies desk. $50. Oak wash- stand. $45. 884-2147 after 5.30 pm. 106 Yonge St. North. Rich- mond Hill. clw23 ‘BICYCLE. girls. overhauled. painted and repair- ed. new tires pedals. seat. Ex-z7729 vohge St. Thornhill. 889â€" cellcnt condition. $25. 884-1841. c1w23 NTIQUE large copper kettle. spool bed. spinning wheel. rockâ€" ‘ing chairs. sausage stuffer. flat- ?irons. other items. 884-4351. T ClW23 h o m e. IA Spanish style living and dininglNO fancy gimmicks to confuse. For large or small areas. 884- room. 9'x12' rug. drapes. TV.§.\'ou. Just honest values all the andltime! ‘ sewing machine bedroom suite. 488-9131. clw'23 Bayview Plaza (1 mile East of. 7 HORTON’SI XMAS. TREESill Yonge) at Richmond Hill Have a family outing and cut your own tree. Special. pies etc. also. From Aurora go 5 miles East. 12 mile South. sea-{m c2w235 HELP WANTED I ‘WOMEN 738. BOY'S rubber boots. size 8 {hockey pants. large; lady's coats. gsize 14. $10, size 16. 825; girls‘ ‘drcsses etc. Teen sizcs 10-12. very reasonable. 222-1654. I cl\v23£COIDS de ISOie ev'eninngt‘ 5.. Richmond Hill. App 10. Lady‘s blacklliqugn' IGOLD peau gown. size Illarathea suit. clw23. TABLE tennis tableâ€"as Illewfi.‘ clw231011 paintings. lamps; black vinyl - 'recreation furniture. OOmPIEIPIIl’leaI-ll and many other useful gEXPERIENCEDâ€"waitress. 'l‘hree‘background ap-I‘ c3w23 FOR SALE HELP WANTED 'Contmuedi ‘CODIIDLIPI‘II . «PAIR Ford wheels and snniv‘HAIRORESSER.'male or {e1 ltires. 750 x 14. 884-1269. clw231male. Call 884-4784. clw23 FIAT’--600"”parts.88413189' MECHANIC. experienced in‘ (~2w23 tune-up and electrical. 884-5368. 21km bales'of IlrEtItillt'hayv17832- 7 ,. 7 v CW3". 2458. *2w22 MAN over 25. married. required CIIRITâ€"SHIITWT-Ic”16"Wfldeicondi-Ia”: machine operator. 889-6255. ‘ - ~ 1 .1) lion. 889-1373, clw23 , .1, , 01“.,“3 lVlIORSF cutter for sale r'ood BASS Guitarist wanted immed- 1A. 7 .. _ '72.. 97 '7'” .73: lately. mutt have. good equip- .,"l’,“"‘“' 884, ’4. ‘1“ gmcni. 884â€"4710. (‘l\\'21i IACCORDION. 120 Bass with 7*! ,,,, ~- .case. immaculate condition. cost HAND‘ MAN [ml car dealership. $4957 Accept 3200' 884-6382. .llaplcw'ood Motors Ltd. chle Fvus ““43 St. South of Maple. Steady em- IIADIFS hlm k7 - d.ployment. 889-7634. Hull? :1 .. aC' rocker. back an f â€" {â€"7 g: 7 _ lseal called. $357 ’l‘wn antiquelMAm lequllcd IOI genelal lab- ‘I ‘k.. A- ‘ ‘ . o *l . our. APPLY in person. Canadian (02:; :llairl ESTJUELTP :13} e211; Spawn and Supply Ltd. Ncwklrk 884-3917 ' A elk‘éé‘Road at Water Tower. clw‘23 b -eia ._,,,i , ,4 r I 7 fl 7 W 7- Y”- 7 LEAGUES BOWLING \OLNG man. mechanically 1n cllned. experience not. neces- Wholesale prices 0" turkeys. sary. Math’s TV. 45 Industrial ducks. capons and geese for Road. 884-7903. ““23 quotations call. --â€"-- â€"â€" â€" â€"-â€" - â€" -- FEMALE h l . full and art- Maple Egg Grading" Station 9 p p . . 9 1time in the snack bar. Experi- ng. 833-52842é47'l‘oronto 364- once not necessary. Apply to Mrs. Purvis. GEM Store. 7171 Yonge Street. c2w23 SHORT? order “cook for' coffee shop. 5-day week. No evenings or Sundays. Apply at Houston's c3w'22‘ BABY Tenda. like new. conv‘éFIs? to playtable. $10. Lady's brown winter coat. one year old. size 12. $25. Lady‘s dross _5"0“’-Drug Store, Stouffville. 640â€" bootB brand neuralblaclk. 5711221892222. c1w23 $7. ee ink u y ine, . ' -' :L_.. -'.* - - - lwide fiber? to ceiling drapes»2 MAFUBE typlsts-stenograph- $30 '8‘32â€"1069 clw23 ers required for large ware- ]. ‘ A“ .. .7 . .llousing company near Maple. IENGLISH doll carriage $15.3Phone 223-2220 collect. Mr. Child‘s desk set. $10. Child‘sBm-d. ““23 lplan" and “0°13 510: 89"”lHOUSEkEEr-ER'.“ Grind-wage drums. $4. electllc clllllng lmn'and home offered to capable 84. Bell & Howell. 8mm movie camera and case $25. home gym ' . . . _ -9 , set. as new. $6. 884-6382 “727410) responsibility. 889-537.: ‘21 c1w23L. _L.,..LV ( “ . ~flmriWANTED 2nd class smiollary ‘ h . 8887ie7ngineer.7Chief of boiler opera- .. lass for shift work. Write Box steel 1 beams. 10 length. 4 C_ ._ . .. 7 truck rims solid 7.. x 20-.7 5.7791126; The 7Ll7bcral .7 7 (4171278 13. I4 and 15 wheels and tires. LUMBER YARD for various makes of cars. 889-‘Requires truck driver for light 6001. ci“‘23.truck. Steady employment. 51.2 CONTENTS of executive?home.‘lda.v week Keele & Highway 7 consisting of Combinationlal'ea- Warden Lumber 889-4849. .woman who can live in and en- .Ym‘ Aluminum 3844553 , ,stereo TV: 9 x 12. 12 x 13 gold c1\\_'273 A , 610“}? rugs: loose cushion. 4 sealer‘YORKâ€"CDITNTY‘HOMEMAKZ IFUR coat â€" Alaska seal. sizelchesterfield and chair. green and ERS‘ SERVICE €019; dinette 5'“le marble anleomen urgently needed. some frultwood tables. \\'In§Z’DaCkl“.“h transportation. some with chairs. 10 orlglnal European home nursing experience. some as housekeepers. Phone New- Must selll v" I - T 77" V n 7 ‘ 1 a v -_ i V 17/771517?qu 4 figment; uelectifljcfin two weeks. Outstanding con- malket 895 8601.7 (MB Excillent Condition Oilselfl oonlv dition. 889'6644' CBWZBISCHOOL custodians. 40 hour ' two months. Owner has movedl ANOTHER SPECIAL 12.90?) 1':?I:T11\1f}i\l,l"gi beqncflts. Best offer. 832-2586. c1w23 PURCHASE . 0” “t “" L a“ 9" ‘ “”9“ .15 vinyl arm chairs $10 each-"150" of Buildings and Mainten- ‘20 solid oak office chairs $5 allce. 136 K9919 Street. Maple .each' 5 students‘ desks ‘$10.Ontario. Phone for appointment. reach: 30 assorted Ileadhoards.‘ 02“.? $4 to $8 each: small electric stoves; kitchen chairs $1.50 889-4821. CARRIER ROY OR GIRL ”The Liberal" requires a car- ‘rier for an established paper froute in King City. Must be reliable and responsible. Please clw'23 apply Sam Cook. 884-1105. I nc3w18 ‘itcms. Village House Antiques. 4734. open 7 days. DOES Christmas shopping Eetl you down? Shop at Wyn-dot Your neighbourhood store and save time and money. iExcellent stock ladies and chil- dren's wear (we also carry over- sizest. REAL ESTATE career for men or women. free extensive train- ing program. special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited. 222-2525. tfc25 FULL or PART TIME lMen or women in this area. School - Home co - ordinating. work. Guaranteed income avail- lable. Writelllr. M. Leitch. 31 ‘Castle Drive. Barrie. Ontario or phone Barrie. 726-6786 collect. I c1w23 1 RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT CENTRE For children. requires educat- ors. child care staff, and people in related professions. Please llbmit application with some information and. to Brown‘ Box 800.l clw23: WYN-DOT LADIES WEAR 884-2214 and men pluckers. farm experience. Harvest Moon Turkeys. 889-2626. c3w21;S experience Limited. Restaurant. 1168 Yonge your ly in;Camps tfc21lThornhilI. size 16: red \vool.FURNITURE packer and d'ri’rertt‘ONCOBD”CORRESPONDENT tam 595- dress. size 16. Discount Clean-Icombined. Good working conch-{The LIDPI‘HI” I'G‘GUH‘E‘S a 9m" Richmonddions. steady employment. bene.‘.l'espondent for the Concord! Apply. Lamb the pincer-harm. If you enjoy serving your Browndale Crescent. Richmond XMAS trees. Scotâ€"ch Pine cut 889'4911- A150 part-time help,‘.commun11y and earning some Hill and 39 Spruce Ave. vale. Richâ€" your own to suit. One price any. C3}\'2§isize. $1.50 each. Bert Snell 2‘2‘MALE MMCCLARY space heater. auto_lmlles North King City on Keeleiwanted for large nation-wide.s__._«----~‘ r-1' tfc42|extra money then phone our. lEditor. Sam Cook at 889â€"3316. nc3w'22 sales representative matic. large. with oil tank. Rea-15L ‘0 Green lane the" ‘2 miletmoving company. Apply in perâ€"1Man 01‘ woman 10 59W“? CUS- .west. 10 am - 5 pm. Saturday orlson. Central Van & Storage. zgltomers with Watkins Products. sonable. 489-2074 collect. c1w23 FRIG and 2 burner stove 5507. Double bed size spring $5. Chesterfield ideal for cottage‘H-H & L SERVICE & REFRIG- Thistletown - Woodbridge Area $15. 884-2932. ANTIQUE mahog c1w23 any secretail-e. Large occasional custom made Complete repairs for all house- terested. chair. 895-2974. Newmarket. ““22 889-7222. 884-2283. Oak Ridges year. Experience an 8559131111llimum. Good starting'salary WI?" - 773-5903 MLS available. Members 0f.\vith due consideration given to for overseasa sslllizsglnzmtaatlld “\‘zylfbllgcntgoflrffyl I‘ZSI-‘lilrebBSfillllsd1486:1111“?l education. Excellent 0pâ€" domestic use. reasonable. Cen- ELECTRIC SaneSl “Ting”‘Woodbridvei 8514143 cllv‘78 W'u‘lllllfls {m advancement. tr“ Van d S 7 washers from $15 up. Automatic 77 7777 r- 7 7 ' - Expellente llot necessaly. "lcle-l all, lmflg“ ”C3...a7.1.9..§ and dryers ..e{..i..e..a_ ORGANIST and CHOIR DIREC- phone Mr. Montague 889-5091 ALUMINUM {tors from $35 1;.) ' 7 TOR .for lnler\'ie\v. c4w21 Doors. windows: awnings. alld‘H-H & I. SERVICE & REFRIG- Required for “’oodhridlc I'lllt- W’ISHOPICAIRPENTER 'fi' _ railings. Ron “oods. 884-1514.. ERATION LTD. Jed Church. Commencing .lallu-‘pxpm-mmad yereame man {0.- ”(‘35 Formerly ‘Rl'.\' 1. 1957- '3 morning SPFVII‘E’S shop work and Illanufacturc of XMAs‘lr‘et-s. scotch pinef fresh cut. all sizes $1.50 each. pine ass-7222 ~ 884-2283 Richmond Chm” Applicall‘ms Eddie-“9‘11 Boughs 50c bundle. Bel-t Snell 312 miles along King on Keele St. 10 am to 5 pm Saturday or Sunday. FIREPLACE LOGS Carefully selected. dry. mostly Maple. $16 a single cord. (4‘ x 8’ x 16“) delivered. Alvin Baker 889-2436. tfcl3 TYPEWRITERSâ€"fi ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer els. Special rental able to students. L. H. SIMS SR Baker Ave. Richmond Hill Sunday. 3 SEE COLOR TV ‘ In our Showroom At ERATION LTD. Appliance TV Sales & Service for gentleman or lady. ’hold appliances. Reliable Service Hill 773-5903 Oak Ridges. *4w21 Woodbridge. Phone 851-1887. OL'R DAVIS DRIVE. NEWMARKET PLAZ jMODELS DEMONSTR .TORS â€" ETC. ORGANS lELECTROHOMEâ€"LOWREY â€"- ECONN. PIANOSâ€"ALI. )IAKESJSleeles A‘enue- “7 3‘ Vim-“Facili- on guitars. drums etc.‘ lnow IS the time to buy that ell-l atllVe require a young girl withlterlng the busmcss. All popular makes for sale III-‘greally reduced prices. For _\OLlI‘.§OOfI appearance and pleasantfvieu eluding new 311d I‘E’blllll Sland'kcnnypnien‘vg we now have a bud-lpel‘sonallty In small banking OI-IAIRIIaEP“. .\lr. \chregor. 889-‘. 3rd portable 311d 919“”0 mfid‘lgef plan.plca>e ask for details Of flce. Experience preformed hul‘llti-l, Elenlncs. 88-1-2811. citll7.‘ rates avail-1m... Christmas pl'ozramlllev-Xo will iraln appllcan‘; w'lli office I paymenl: umll Fehrualv In ad-lewel'lent-e ‘dlllnn for P\f’l‘\ Organ mid from toe Canadian Imperial 5 iSaving' the family Christmas gift now until the curl of the year Bsi-lttfi‘we are going 51x free lesson- tic-191 c3w22§lndustriai Road. Richmond ‘ 7m ANNUALTCIIRISTMAS‘-â€"â€" 03““ SALE or MUSICAL INSTRU-l :MENTS Is NOW ON AT pox-l ~11sz ML’SIC CENTRE. 9.:specialize in farm and land sal 7 7 OPPOSITE‘Wim active successful 1011: es-l SALES OPPORTUNITY A.FLOORIIE1bIIShEd company. For inter- A_.vle\v appomtment call )le _}Lean., 889-1176. David McLean c6w 20' l Hm'lin the tfc4.HILL. town of RICHMOND ‘ v, __ .i,-..i __ _ ,’__1 USE SALESMAN WANTEDI lFull or . . . .‘Lemieux “e n ' l 2 de k su1tabl . ' ow lave S S If me_lBl\'d. Montreal. Que. c8w17 .- _ . L .. active alld alert canlBANK has several openings for ‘make 818.000 to $20,000 periyoung male personnel. Grade 12 HO partâ€"time. Write: R. PM“ 511003)- JUIIIOI‘ and Senior window frames. Steady employ- ment, all employee benefits. good wages Must be prepared to sign on for full year. Lansmg Bulldln: Supply Ltd, 258 Shep- FAR‘IV SALES‘IAV jpard Avenue East. \Vlllowdale. A . A ‘ . ‘ c1w23 Opening for one salesman tov“N_ . . _ . LL--.L es}. RICHMOND HILL .to: Mr. Hal-old Huestls. Box 537, c2w22: I David McLean Ltd. Realtors are MC"increasing their Richmond Hill office staff and have, openings 2 salesmen or salesladlcs. _ successful long established ‘xhullcompany offers unequalled op- thrs. Head office 14 "for BANK' TELLER For inter- appomimcnt call Sales April). in persrm to . Rem; ROOM and BOARD (‘nmlllcl‘ce Maple. (0"‘8' 7 7 7 appointment purine 8132-3310 -\\',»\ll.\Rl.E .n refined 884-6631). tICth) abstalner. 't“ lad} €18.23 .FURNISHED and unfurnished ‘turning 4.45 pm. 884-3089. Earn $75.00 per week and up,- 9620 St. Lawrence .portullltles for new people en-. 7_ MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING - iiETATIN'G TO RENT FURNISHED room. cooking fa- cilities. 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. tfc24 DELUXE Santa Claus suit. Langstaff Young Women's In- stitute. 889-3270 or 889-5113. I c5w19, LET DON DO IT! DON BUTLER TV 884-3500 “(:33 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free. estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc3l BASEMENT apartment â€"7co'ml Ipletcly furnished. Quiet private 7 . F“ W PAYNE 7 lhome. Non smoker _ single nfi'Dlalns. septlc tanks. All types .7 775 . klv. 884-lnf concrete work. "mane“ $1 0 “"e' 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES 6259. *lw231 'r "T â€".W“ -*- “H” , l tfc31 LARGE furnlshed room and W1..- _- ._ .kitchcnette on second floorn “IASODRY CONTRACTOR ’Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S.. Hill. phone 884- tf023 lParking. Langstaff. near Yonge. lBusiness person. 889â€"4190. 7 ('lvl'231RIChlnond l5688. WINDOWSACLEANED RESIDENTIAL t #â€" .7, i- HALL FOR RENT Available for weddings. ban-. .qucts. meetings. Catering. Vic-l toria Square Community Hall. FLOORS CLEANED 887-5409 for rates. clw23‘ 884-1311 I tfc22 l 5CALLVIIsWIor your sand. gravel. EMPLOYMPJNT lg” “:13 (15?” and Flimestrme WANTED romp, elvery. easona e lrales. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple. lMAN or woman wants work ofl832‘8876' ”“12 ‘any kind. 884-7488. c3w22: CHIMNEYS ‘WWMK 884_6650_lChimneys built and repaired. . ““23 Free estimates. Expert work- I . _ ..-. ..L_._-_-- unanshi . Pho . W 1 SECRETARY with several years Mitchelrl. aaa-znsge. 3 Ref trill? experience as bookkeeper and . . receptionist. 889-5570. c1w23 GENERAL contracting. altera- ' tlons and additions. homes. of- lYOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Army. 889-4869. tfc52 .‘TY’PIST-Receptionist. Grade 10 graduate of two-year Business GRAY BROS' CONSTRUCTION . .Custom work plans and speci- and Comm rc co re. D sIre . . ‘ . ‘ l e e u 5 e s flcatlons. For free estimates. call work In Richmond Hill “93.887.766.70 or 877-4788. “(717 (884â€"1946. nc3w2l m.â€" CARPENTRY WORK. additions. .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" renovations. garages. recreation try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfc3 Additions 8.: Renovations 1 rooms, tile floors. No job too I PETS FOR S*ALb small. Free estimates. T. Price BEAGLE puppies. unregistered..889'3653- “C28 3 months old. 889-5774. c2w23! CONCRETE _ MASONRY 3DOBERIIIKN pinséhafIEElo',(CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS ‘15 months. champion sired. vcry‘BUiIdlng. alterations 8: repairs. 889-1707. c1w23 prompt service affectionate. EGERMAN shepherds. terrievrs: “ALKER & MITCHELL beagles. cor-kers and other small 889'2526 ”€11 dogs. 889-7478. c2w23 TREE CUTTING ’ “‘7‘ - - â€"’*' '- Dead elms. poplars etc. STUD 1 hi . Wh t serv1ce aval a e 1e Cut and removed. Reasonable miniature poodle. champion' . blood line. 884-5663. CIW23 rates. AlVll’l Baker 889-2435. tfc13 CLIPPING and grooming â€" all W breeds â€"â€" by professional. Free HARRISONS CUSTOM pick up and delivery. Gordon CARPENTRY Garrett. 297â€"2597. tfc22 Eustom digit homesci Ions. a llons, an JILL GODDARD for profes- Kitchens :1 specialty. Morris sional Poodle clipping. 7783t - 7 Yonge Street. Thornhill. 389-~%LEth45 3606. tfc35; 7 . Plaster repalrs. ceramic renova- repairs tile experience in repair work. George. 884-7045. After 6 pm 895-9323 collect. tfc10 DESIRE Thornhill R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates Transportation REQUIRED. Leaving Yonge and Levendale 7.45 am to Eglinton.l arriving 8.30 am. 884-5782. after. 7 pm. clw'23 AVAILABLE from Richmond Hill to City Hall. leaving 6.15 a.m.. returning at 5 pm. 889- 488-7521 889-3185 6616. clw23‘ tfc20 BUSINESSTgIIZI I'edul‘r‘es transâ€"l IIFHOESTERY portation from Lucas Stl‘ecthECOVERING â€"â€" RES’I‘YLING area to Finch - YonzP. arI‘iV-lof all types of furniture. Latest ing by 9 am, returning approxi-' mately 5 pm. 884-6459. clw'23 LADY on NOIth Bayview wishes transportation to downtown Toâ€" ronto. arriving approx. 820 ro- anteed work. Active Upholstery. 889-5345 Residence 241-1893 tfcl'l SEPTIC TANKS $25.00 cl “'23 I l PUMPED 137123th mfi’iZtilrâ€"e'n’oéidieiiii’ck and gold collar. Yonge 8; Crosby c1w23 .SUNDAY. cat. 7 months old, “black male, red leather collar. Please call 884-2909, after six. IReward. c1w22 LAB-GERMAN Shepherd. black- white markings chest and paws. area. Reward. 884-5552. Sewers cleaned without digging One ear dl‘OOpS. Answers to 7 _ “Duke". Vlcinity Garden Ave- or tearing up pipe ‘nue. November 27. If scen or. (T. STL'NDEN lfound. please ’phone 889-3279884-1‘345 Richmond Hill: after 7 pm. Reward. clw'2fi DR7E7‘S7SMAKING ‘ TUITION AVAILABLE for all elementary. subjects: grade 9 to 12 French. 159 Ruggles. after 4 pm New Math. Teacher. 884-5079. t-lw23 c2w23l’57’nlfig-"difi' ' . _ LL_ -. . 1 less altelatlons ex- PIANO and THEORY Private lessons. preparing for 174 X. Taylor Mills. Richmond conservatory e x a m I n a tlons. Hill. ““22 .Thornhill area. 889-4304. ~- ‘ --â€" clw Fast Service 23 DRESSMAKING lst. CLASS Dresses. suits. coats. Expert al- terations and restyllng. 884- 6869. c2w22 g WANTED 889-16755 (‘lw23‘ 25 good laying hens. DAY CARE GAR9IGE~7iO SIOI‘G car I01~ \KII‘I- RELIABLE lafIV \I'III glVQ day ””7 83‘1"”3” ““23 care In her home. 773-5322, C2w21 B B v TTINC DAWYanVI'EdeIl‘lnzfiIifieTwL-lk'or A ‘1 SI A 1 occasional Sa‘urdaxs Benson RELIAEITEAIIOnEnâ€"to care for VON”: ”M 884-76761 (““2“ 3 how 10 and T 1' :Il'e parent: DAY (3‘? alallahlt‘. for»: \cars lat-‘llln. E'elllllaz‘y 8-19 1430- and nude 1.4' III Mill’- Dr“: 733-1. Clulifou'n. 884 7333. Ci ~_'i rooms. 889-1766. tfc19 A. MILLS & SON LTD. TO\V.\inllollseZ- {looms full Jamezszsofitlewart basement. adults only. 889â€" ” tf-4'l 4690. *l\v‘.13‘__77 ,.,,,_ - ,, L . IIOL'SE'fOrâ€"rent‘No‘rth " of PA” Eli‘f'cfkffipfik 'I‘hornhlll. $125 monthly. 889- ‘ ‘ ' 4823. (.1\\23.R. E. Dunn. 8847-27987 tfc RO’OMf‘slo vvecklvvf’Rlchvalev' “'AII;184VI:-;TIHING area. Evenian 889-5786. ‘ ('l\\ 113 ___7777 7 77‘ villi) 2 BEDROOM apartment avail-j . PAINTING able Jannary 17 .\'o “.3597 Adults Interior and exterior. 884-1311. only. 884-5928. clw23l___7 7 7 ”('22- .RAvviEiil‘rlm."niEhmnnd BAKERS phenom: 111111, 5000 square feet. base-l 7EXCA‘ATING 7 ‘ment. gym-am, ”n1.“ 884-5669, 'l‘l'cllchlng. sew-er & water lines.[ootings. 889-3604. tfc2 fices, factories. Custom carpen-' bathrooms and floors. Years of‘ fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar-l \PALLAS DRESS’SIAKER*1 portly done. Audrey Arsenault.. USED CARS . 889-2742. '48 Chev. coupe. good condition: 67.000 miles. 727-5266. clw23I *lw23 .dition. .1960 Valiant statibn wagon in} good shape $495 or best offer.‘ .Phone after 5. 884-5168. (‘l\\'23‘ ‘61 Clicvaâ€"elair,‘27door. 6 cylin-I dcr. Must sell. Excellent. condition. 832-2328. 884-6279. cl\\2.'li .‘DODIGE station \I'agon._. i chZII ‘196177Pontiac 'Laureintian.â€"V8.‘ automatic. tinted windshield. back-up lights. snow rims. 8650.; ‘884-1050. c1w23‘ 1963 Clfifilet‘BisESy-nef'a automatic. 4. door. good running condition. best cash offer. 884-. 24702. after 6 pm. clw23. 1964 Valiant. Vloo'sthd; radio. good tires. new brakes. clean condition. 727-8819 even- ‘ings. 889-1171 Ext. 256. days. I c1w23 l l l . CHRISTMAS IDEA! Buy your wife a good used can. Custom Dodge Royale. 34.0001 original miles. in excellent con- dition. 889-5233. clw23‘ 11960 Plymouth Fury. 4 door. lhardtop. 1959 Buick. 2 door. hardtop. 1959 Dodge Sedan. radio. needs motor work. best ‘offer. 1159 Chev. sedan. deliv- ery. 889-6001. clw231 363 Corvair. 2 door. automatic. .‘radio. private. Excellent condi- tion. good. family car. 8950 or‘ reasonable offer. Cash or $350 down. Must sell. 884-3079 after ' clw23 ATTENTION TRUCKERS- If you are looking for used trucks. parts. tires or accessor- ies. see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts 8: Sales, Oldl No. 11 Highway. Holland Land- ‘ing. 895-4666. tfc34 PRIVATE 65 Pontiac Parisienne, V8. 2 door Vinyl hard top. Power. lsteering. power brakes. white walls. Custom push button radio. I 1.7. {gas Cher. in good r‘unnin’gYnn-CUSTOM plowing. ‘monte of 78 Elmwood Avenue. 7' lRIchmond Hill. Ontario will not 77 77 77 (“V-23.1w responsible for any debts 1959 Bllick. a cylinder. automarincurred in my name after this ltic. radio. real sharp. pl‘l\'ale_“dale without my signature. reliable car. $350. 889-2624. GARDENING 2781. tfc17 0‘35- _ML FACTORY FOR RENT .INFORD & LEGAL NOTICE Lawrence .1. INDUSTRIAL RDS. 5900 Sq. Ft. Richmond Hill 487-1591 ILarry I Lo- Wanted! I‘ARTS COUNTER MAN for CANADIAN TIRE STORE Must be public oriented. aggressive. willing to work. Usual company benefits. Part time con- sidered. Experience an asset. Apply Mr. Amodeo. Parts Manager 889-1101 or 884-1196 APPLICATIONS Will be received for the position of Police Constable for the Township of Markham. Application forms may be obtained at the Police Station. Harvey N. Cox. Chief of Police. R.R. No. 2. Gormley. Ont. IDeSRuI Dhalhunan To design and prepare working drawings of projects for plant Engineering Department such as tool and die plant layout, schematic diagrams, light machine design and modification. Contact Mr. C. J. Isaac - 889-7511 Crown Cork and Seal Company Ltd. One owner. 24.200 original miles. 889-6511 or 638-4159. c1w23. BUSINESS 1 OPPORTUNITY 7. ‘IT pays to grow cucumbers un-; der contract. A guaranteed mar-‘ ket is available to you. Con- ltracts are being taken now for l1967. For further information, Vwrite or phone Frank Wattsf; 7059 Yonge St. Willowdale. 889-1 5494. tfc23j PERSONAL ‘ DO you have a drinking prob-. lem. If so AA can help. Write? Box 84. Richmond Hill. or call EMS-8684. tfc17 l BOWLERS wanted for infill lllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIllllIII\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllll league at Allencourt Lanes â€" Mondays 9 pm. phone 884-4862. c8w19. TOOLS & EQUIPMENT I RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. 7 lRug shampooers. floor mach-‘ lines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. tfc31 PORTABLE Tv RENTALS 1 WEEK 0R MONTH , I I '.l RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 - 889-3756 tfc43 FOUND GERMAN Shepherd Dog. 773- 14141. clw23.‘ L_AIDY'S \vatchf-RiighimondgHill. Plaza on November 26. Call 884- 7703. clw23 DEAD STOCK WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call 884- 2538 or Zenith 3-2800. Licence No. 204-62. tfc31 NURSERY ‘ SCHOOL (W. !, The Four Winds Nursery School Yonge Street. Thornhill. ‘mornings and afternoons and all day school. Transportation iavailable. 889-4664. tfc12 l ‘7951 WANTED i .- TO RENT ‘ FARMHOUSE 'snd'barns. want- ed immediately. near Highway " Must have conveniences. 889- I. .7478. c2w23 I "l l ‘SALE REGISTERS: DECEMBER 10. SATURDAY. 1 pm. â€"â€" Auctlon Sale of house- ‘hold furniture. 1954 car includ-l. mg Chesterfield set. 21 in. Phil- lllps Television. Full set of good 1China dlSheS. dining room fur- ‘niiul'e. odd ClIall'S. glasses pine hnxes etc property of Mrs. 1.. .l. ‘Glass Lot 5 Con 5 Twp Kin: on King srderoad ,lu-t weal of ngnwa) 4N1 - Cordon nil ‘ Allrlloncel 4212123 l "lllllllilllllllllllllllllllllltlllIllllllIlllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIR11IIIIIIIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ‘5 I" l STATIONARY ENGINEER Fourth class certificate for 'l‘hornhill Secondary School. Please phone 889â€"1048 or 884-4477 for application form or interview. George W. ’I‘indal. Business Administrator. York Central District. High School Board. 59 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. Il‘ REGISTERED NURSES WANTED FOR YORK MANOR HOME FOR THE AGED, NEWMARKET. EXCELLENT SALARY AND WORKING CONDITIONS. 895-5181 IIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllitlillIll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllIllllIllIIIIIlllIIIlIIIllIIllllllIIlllIIllIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIllIlIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIlIIIllI'llIIIIlIIIIlE-i EXPERIENCED SECRETARY ' Required to assist the executive director of a newly formed organization. Must be self reliant and capable. Shorthand and or bookkeeping know- ledge considered an asset. Office located in Richmond Hill. Apply in writing: D. J. Reddington Executive Director Central Ontario Regional Development Council 15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Urgently Required For January 3rd, 1967 KINDERGARTEN TEACHER (.»\I‘"I'ERNOONS ONLY) GRADE ONE TEACHER (FI'H. TIME) FOR OUR LADY OF THE ANNI'NCIATION SCHOOL IN OAK RIDGES 312 Miles North of Richmond Hill RECENTLY COMPLETED ADDITION INCLUDING GYMNASIL'M SALARY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT STANDARD I 83.800 to $6.200 STANDARD ll 4.200 to 6.600 STANDARD 111 4.600 to 7.000 STANDARD l\' 5,000 to 7.900 SIX YEARS‘ TEACHING EXPERIENCE IN ONTARIO RECOGNIZED AT 5200 PER YEAR Please write stating qualifications and last 1n- spector to R. E. I'rquhart. PO. Box 127. Oak Ridges. Ontario. or Telephone f‘ollect 773-5739. ‘1 . W

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