10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Dec. 15, 1966 Bell‘ Canada’s Extended Area Service program in the Richmond Hill 884 Exchange goes into effect this Sunday. ‘ I Equipment technician James Bradshaw of Trench Street. Richmond Hill, is shown checking switching equipment recently installed in the local dial exchange to handle the new serVice. Extended Bell Service Begins This Sunday n the Rich-. Introduction of Bell Canada's llange WillExtended Area Service . lls to‘means the addition of an esti-‘can mated 700,000 telephones to the exc ' local calling area, an area with- Willowdale-Don Mills. .in which calls can be made free lof long distance charges. Telephone users i mond Hill 884 Exc be able to make local ca numbers in the Willowdale-Don Mills and Toronto Core ex- change areas starting this Sun- day. call into, and from. livered now. MW Wm My sincere thanks to all the voters of Vaughan Township who supported me in the recent elec- tron. exchange. l Bell surveys have ml {7 zKKKEKKKKKKKï¬Wz cm W W year. “Season’s Greetings To All†DR. C. W. BIRKETT. troduced in‘ the 884 exchange. l ‘ WNNNNAKN «xMAW i l c lcall. LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 Fill all your holiday shopping needs â€"-with an III-'0 Shopper’s loan If your holiday shopping list has who supported me in the elec- tion on Saturday. I received my money's worth in experience land somebody else gets all the ‘work. The new township school MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS . . . board will consist of four meni- “ I! JFlMlZU'H nanirs‘mnm months mm: mm. months outgrown your ibcrs of the 196566 Board â€"â€" 7A†7 V W $7.:l8761213976 budget. catch up :\\'ari'cn Bailie. Ross .lollii'fe. ~-i:- “11.35:: ga-él with an HFC Terry Goodwin and Dorothy 33‘†£3“ 51"“ Shopper's Loan. Rohcrisoii and new member. glib You‘ll probably save, too, by paying cash. Later. repay HFC conveniently. Mrs. Marjorie Black 01' Elgin Mills. I'm sure they will be able to work well together for the two years 10 upgrade the level of education in the schools of our llowiiship. ‘. Volunteers are urgently need- }ed to flood the rinks in the iPearsonâ€"Fairview Park through- lout the winter. Call 889-4553 if you can give any assistance. l. Sybelle Duvel. who formerly llived on Garden Avenue. wants ‘to be remembered to her friends. She is now living in an 41.45 58.11 Io..)5i 90.18 . . ‘ 88.02 108.22 101.01 111.37 144.30 126.26 146.?1 18037 “on payment: Innuau nuncipal’liid inmost Ind in ma , III mam npnymnl, but do no! Inckidu Iln wstol lilo "minim HOUSEHOLD FINANG RICHMOND HILL 15 Yonge Street Northâ€"Telephone 884-4431 (over the Bank of Montreal) xii/C about our earning liomi‘ Ast about credit We insurance on loans allow group rates. always compare! GALLONS MONTHLY PER DAY CASCADE RATE 3.29 3.29 3.29 3.29 Can Save You Money! A CASCADE 40 Electric Water Heater assures you of everything you want in a hot water heater. 0 SPEED O ECONOMY 0 SAFETY O CLEANLINESS All the Hot Water you want â€"â€" when \ou want it at a fixed cost Rent a fast, economical Electric Water Heater today S? ELECTRlClTY MAKES AWDRLD 0F DlIFERENC[ Richmond Hill Hydro 56 YONGE ST. N. â€" 884-4466 Twoâ€"way 10cal calling in this programiexpanded area means customers‘ ‘ the 15- hanges in Toronto Core andiChristmas Concert Toronto directories carrying hem the-u. annual these “Changes are bemg. .de' concert on December 9. There ant event. A map outlining is [the new calling area and listing about a children-S concert par_ the “Changes “limb can be ticularly in a small church id’aled has been malled to “er where the warmth of a family customer in the Richmond Hull-intimacy exists. . . Show" pageant of The Nativity. that calling Increases six to 10 was quietly and beautifully p1.e_ times when long distance chargâ€" es are l‘e.‘“°‘°d- r1‘hlsmeantthe‘linked it with the event 2000 installation of thousands of‘dol- lars worth of additional smtcli- the aisles was led by candle. mg. cguipmem in . the localIbearing angel costumed older. sw1t:liing centre during the last‘gifls singing hymns of praiseï¬ â€˜ On January 3 automatic numâ€" iber identification is being in- ANI allows dialing of long the infant Jesus_ distance calls, without assist- lance from. an Qperatori .wi‘en junior classes presented their made by direct distance dialing. The ANI eqmpment recordslstage unperturbed because thel miaummaticam’ the number Oflfaces before them were familiari lthe telephone used to make the a d loving Addition of this service; I extend many thanks to those apartment in Munich. Germany.‘ RICHMOND HILL EAST WALKER is fast approach- with it comes many and outings for the By MRS. Christmas ing and projects A. 'Guides and Brownies of Richâ€" :mond Hill East. Many of the packs and companies have iiiâ€"- lready started their Christmas lgood turn projects. We like to 3think that through these proâ€" Ljects the girls find pleasure in‘ giving to others. On November 17. five new ‘Guides were welcomed into the 7th Guide Company by District iCommissioner Mrs. S. Focklcr. .iii the absence of Captain Mrs. Whaley. The Guides were ‘Gail Melsncss. Linda Grcig. .Debbie Luck. Mary Jane Hi):- lcompaiiy leader stripes. Margie Donovan received her patrol} leader stripes and her lanyard. and Maria Davidson and Janetl Kernohan received their lan-I yards. Mary Walker was pre-‘. sented with her cook's badge. After the Guides were dis-i missed. St. Gabriel‘s Mothers’; Auxiliary held a meeting at. ‘which new officers were install-l Headford News Correspondent: MRS. LOREN GUILD RR 2, Gormley Phone 884-3040 I The Headford Sunday School Christmas something very endearing The opening number was a This sented with a simplicity that years ago. The procession up and joy. They were followedi by Joseph and Mary, shepherds and wisemen as the narrator read the story of the girth of l 1 Kindergarten, primary and l l inumbers like veterans of thel l The intermediate boys have lwil] not effect the basic iiioiitli-;two comedy Skits. “The Loafera.‘ ly rate for the telephone serv- ice. ,aiid “The Eyes Have It†and the intermediate girls presented a skit. "How Peter Rabbit Arâ€" ranged A Quiet E\ ening At Homeâ€. “Christmas Through The Ages†was a unique preâ€" sentation of Christmas memor- ies portrayed from cradle to old age. Musical numbers were con- ;tributed and much appreciated lby an orchestra of five, Keith land Richard Burton, Doug Mar- tindale, Dave Harris and Mr. C. Pierce. Dr. A. F. Binnington acted as chairman and Santa appeared in l . . . M . lpririfgn to distribute gifts and‘g “ENS CORDUROY I PERMANENT On December 9 Graham Scottie TROUSERS PRES†; ‘assi-ztant to the minister at ‘v 9, t “I 9% 100% COTTON , Gnu»; plug Headford. who is in his final S: r. t.- n (I ., .. i g], RT \‘HIRTS l' . " . u H year of studies at Emmanuel i 0.__ i “ 'IALKhlé College. presented a 40-pagc g: 59-0“ Cil- 4; I‘D 10 6X brief to the Ontario Committee 5: J $54.93 ea. on Religious Education in the Public Schools. of which the \H.~\g lion. J. Keiller Macliay is cliair- ‘ ‘ man. l’lLE The brief called [or the conâ€" . ~ 1tinuance and enrichment of the LIBLD .preseiit worship and religious JACKETS instruction now permitted in. the public schools. Especially 519.95 he called for a Christian oriâ€" to ented education for Christian‘ children. He suggested co- operation with the Roman Catli- olic Separate Schools as a posâ€" sible solution to the problem of securing a wholesale Christian orientation in education. The committee spent an hour discussing the proposals. They ‘considered his points cogent .land forceful. For his part Mr. lScott found the committee a delightfully toughmiiided and sincerely generous group. Mr. Scott suggests that if concerned Christian parents would write the committee. Suite TOO, 431 University fue- nue. Toronto 2, and state their emphatic support for Christian orientation for Christian child- dren in the schooLs they would be making a significant contri- bution to the cause of Jesus Christ in Ontario. Headford Sunday School had the pleasure of having Mr. L. Heise as guest observer from Markham Township Sunday School Association. Neighborhood Notes .\t Richmond Hill 1101‘11L'l11- tui'al Society pot luck supper Mrs. (G. Barker i'as availed [fie highest number of points for the year for t;ecorati\e arrangeâ€" ments. for the :iiglicsi number of entries place in the court of honor, six out of seien. as well as prizes for \egetables. Warm congratulations are ex- tended to Reeve Stewart Rumble who received a fine vote of confidence from his township and the best wishes from the community are with him for a successful and pros- perous term. FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSL'LI THE LIBLRAL CLASSH'IEDS 1 NOTES ‘cd Ali‘s t). is the new Lii'aiil president. Mrs. G. lligliaiii. sec- rctai‘y and Mrs. W. Fox. treas- urcr. 1110 following commit- tce chairmen were appointed Mrs. Barton. phone; Mrs. Finlay» son. food: Mrs. Morrison. serv- ing; Mrs. Whaley. publicity; Mrs. Limpcrt. transportation and Mrs. Norton. membership. New members are reminded that their membership fee is now due. HosieSses for the evening Laura Caren Day idson. Luck and were Marla Fox. Gw on Crawford. On Novoiiilicr sCycrul Brownies ol' the Illh Pack were awarded proficiency badges. Patti Bickett w as presented with her collectors and w i‘iters‘ .,., 1ham and Maureen After the enrolment. Valerie‘her “mers badge and Jam. ‘Fll‘mall was presented lovers badge. Guides and Brownies of Rich-. mond Hill East attended a church parade at St. riel Anglican on November 20. It was a lovely service and thel girls and their leaders enjoyedl taking part in it. St. Gabriel‘s Guide Brownie Skate Exchange operate until the end of Decem- ber at the home of Mrs. Grant. 462 South Taylor Mills Dr. Her phone number is 884-7054. Vari- ous sizes for exchange or sale. A Guide enrolment and a Brownie fly-up took place at Our Lady Queen of the World; Roman Catholic Church on Deâ€"‘ am Brownies of the 12th Pack flew-l up. Many Guide and Brownie mothers attended this import- ' "‘\_,\ ’KXR’K‘KXK\KKKRKRKKX‘RRKKK‘CRRRWKR’RRRRKKKKW ( i .i , 5, RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY :3: r2 . "r’ a) ' ‘ri connizsroxnex'r; .wns. w. SANDLE ChnStmas 8' New Year Open'ng Hours 111 R.R. 32. Gormley â€" Telephone 887-5421 CHRISTMAS .K' Saturday. December 24th Open 9 â€" 12 iioon ԠC5 Sunday. December 25111 t‘losed iji Euchre will come to \isit him. Tliere‘g/ Monday. December 26111 (‘IOsed ‘1‘ There were 12 tables of euclire will be cartoons and soil drinks ‘5 Tuesday. December 2711i Closed 1:: players at the ('()Illlllllllii_\ hall and a welcome to all. ['2 Wednesday. December 2811i Open 9 â€" 5 pm H Friday eiening of last week. Candlelight Service NEW XEAR \\"iuncrs were Mrs. J Dews- The annual candleliglii carol ;/ gamma). December 3151 Open 10 A 5 pm iii biiiy. \Irs. Ii. (in, Mrs, 1“. service will be held in the .2) Mondim Jannaâ€. 2nd (10;ch ' frl Briimwcll. .1. Gibson. \V .I. t'lllll‘t'll December 13 .11 7:30 pm. :/ ' ' ’ .3 Muirliead and Wally MacDon- ald. .\ box of groceries was won by Mrs. R. Emery in a lucky draw. The nest cuchre will be held January 6. Hall Meetinz A board of trustees for the community centre will be elect- ed at a meetingY called for De- cember 16 at 8.30 pm in the north hall. (‘hurch News . December 9. Graham Scott. student minister on the Victoria Square charge. presented a bricf to the Ontario Committee on Religious Education in public schools. of which the Hon. .1. Keillor MacKav is chairman. In his 40-pagc briel'. Mr. Scott cal- H°â€Cllel'~ badges. Aiiiic \Vori'cll received led for continuance and enrich- ment of the present worship “'ltll Anne Limperr received her book and religious instruction now permitted in the schools. He especially called for a Christian- oriented education for Christian Gabï¬children and suggested co-oper- ation with the separate schools as a possible solution to the problem of securing this. If Christian parents would write lthe committee ISujte 700. 481 will Um"91‘sity Avenue. Toronto 2i and state emphatic sunport for such a program. Mr. Scott be- lieves they would be making a significant Contribution to the Cause of Jesus Christ in Ontario. Christmas Party The Lions Club invites all children up to the age of nine years to the annual. children's Christmas Party. Children icember 5th. New Guides of the must be accompanied by a par. '12th Company were enrolled alld‘ent or guardian. The party is scheduled for December 17 in the community hall from 1 to 5 pm. Santa will be there and Walmsley, Debbie and Kathy on hopes all children of these ages V SN OW MEN'S O VER THE FOOT ALL WOOL SUITS as&&&“euewmÂ¥\mms§x\csx\cx 9&6“. mwmxxxwxxxus This will be a co-opcrative serâ€" vice with the CGI'I‘ and Explor- 777â€"77 ers groups from Victoria Square ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ and Brown's Corners pal‘thlpai- . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' I Choose Your : GIFTSI From Our Large I Selection of I Movie and sun I tug. Neighborhood Notes Dr. A. F. Binnington attended the funeral last week of Rev. George McMullen in St. James- Bond United Church. Toronto. Mr. McMullen was the annivers- ary speaker in the local church in October last year. The UCW catered to the Can- ndiou Ilcat Treaters annual Christmas party in the commun- ‘ ity hall on Saturday. A speedy recovery is wished. for Miss Grace Boyiiton who is Gaineras l in York Central Hospital. Rich-I P . LL. ' mond Hill, ' , r ' t . Friends are pleased to see “°“““ ‘9JeCt0lS ' that W. J. Muirhcad is able to . _ be home from hospital and outil “\‘wfï¬ poe Recorders I again. V . “râ€"‘â€"- t>\\'e welcome to our commun-VI ' I ’ TranSIStor I ify Mr. and Mrs. Hiornis of To- . ronto who have moved into thei Radlos I former H. Forster home. 1 ,â€"~ ' Birthday greetings to Lloydl Blnoculars Vanderkooy. 15 years old on .__.__ i December 16 and to Donnie ' Nichols Jr.. two years old Deâ€"‘I Mlcroscopes ccmber 16. V- M t ' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Forson VIEW_MASTER Packets leW as erS ‘ of Cannington called on Mr. and v. M t 3 el packets 21 Triï¬s ~ Mrs. Rolil Boynton Thun- 'eW‘ 35 er 'fe . . (lay of 131511“.e€k on b ' iullacolor stereo pictures. e escopes ' Mrs. Florence Boyd entcr- I taiued her granddaughter Miss Marian Walinsley. assistant dir- ector of nursing at Monte Fiore "a E Q Hospital. New York. and her ‘ friend Miss Cathryiie Welch, I I clinical associate in nursing education at Columbia Univers-. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE I ity. New York. Mr. and Mrs. J.l PHONE 884-3221 I l'\““““““““‘ iA Saturday afternoon. «massacres:a:legislateweiaesiaiaiaiaaeieiaeeiciaiamacalamaï¬eiéizaEnhancement“teaseratersvsnannieszweisema:newmmmmzmmeumimmwumxuzmmv BOOTS y =: .- GIRLS’ SIZE 13 to 4 g; $6.95 N y 5': WOMEN s g $5.99, $8.95 & $9.95 g MEN‘S :5 58'†SHIRTS N and r F El; 3935 $0.00 if, \ ARROW 7; l’LAIDS 5; $7.00 5! N S! y 5‘ ti :2 $55.00 TO $69.50 xi g 315 ALL WOOL iii SPORT COATS :g $24.95 ea. t? (‘L’RRIL‘ i‘iics $1.50 a $2.00 PACKARD SLIPPERS N i .95 pr. l\_\l l-‘.\I \SLIPI’ERS $51.19 to $3.93 $29.95 ea. MEN'S L1.\' E1) LliA’l'llliR GLOVES $11.95 pr. W001. $1.23 & $2.98 Airlriuillï¬iï¬ki h}. RE}? )ï¬ï¬ï¬lkiflsh}. Mr}: hIPikirii 2'1’rhhï¬khirkhkihi‘ihhï¬i )1 >¢}r)i2 i1)vpl.:fl()i>" )- 2i 2.}:;-.?.)Fli>.2v. hit 2. )i )1}: 34.341549121242421 hih )i)1#r)(?‘i;’43r}r?r?i a; / BLOL‘SES earl ‘7: u ( ’l‘, $4.95 ea. LADIES: 53-“ 95L . in $5.95 ea. 'I'OQL 13s A g 76?" .issi‘i) STYLES \‘3’ V“ 2.00 ea. GlRLS’ DRESS COATS Lp to 6X LADILS' $17.93 , Qt \Ll'll ' (.Ii:1..<' . . â€" ., H . HR,†l’ll.l.()\l.1{... _ . .. ' 1 519.9.) 10 $29.51.) “[uisglig "m .. ('.\1{1)1(}A.\'S 4 to b.H 9-) $1.95 ea. 7 to 1‘3 yrs. [U SIMPSON 'S DRY GOOD 12 Yonge St. S. . Richmond Hill LADIES’ DRESS COATS $39.50 PILE LINED to SKI JACKETS $5950 93, GIRLS’ & BOYS‘ 8 to 14 yrs. 3,, SUEDINE $9.95 ea. COATS LADIES‘ Fully Pile Lined $12.98 ea. $34.50 ea. . .. , NE“ LADIES' S'I‘RE’l'CllY QLH‘U‘P LL Machine Washable $934.00 ea. SLIMS $7.95 ea. PURE VIRGIN WOOL SLIMS $10.95 ea. SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS $29.95 ea. l'lm‘s .\\ i.o.\' QI'IL’I'EIJ __ PEA" JACKETS If) JACKETS Fur Tl'llllllled flood ' FULLY ’l'o 6X $7.95 PILE 8-14 yrs. $8.95 ea. LINED 8 » 14 yrs. $12.95 ea. ARNEL $2.98 ea. SLEDELLENE $3.98 ea. “ pr. my: i ‘ DELL'XE SLIPS $3.98 ea. xaaxaiaimammmama:)izmmaiaammammmaamamis).3.3.hmammmmaamaamammamx3.3mmhandmade):araauamammamaaaaaaammaman»;amaamanaaxaaagmumaaamm $13.95 ea. $5.95 ea. SIMPSON ’S DRY GOODS l2 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill amamaammamaaaaimaamamaaammno. mamaaimaia.ammmammmi