LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 . .. ready cash from GAG. And shop early to make sure you get your ï¬rst choice of gift items . . . the sizes, colors and styles you want. Stop in or call your GAC ofï¬ce. You’ll get prompt, personal service and convenient monthly pay- ments ï¬lled to your budget. Get a cash advance from GAC for holiday shopping . . . or for any good reason. Enioy the confidence of shopping with cash in your pocket 1A! 5!. Clllr Ave 2645 Eghnton Avgnpg. Eng, . . 3034 Dantoth Avenue 64 Vaughan Road 25 Bloor Street, West “RICHMOND HILL 20 Yange Street, South , . , ‘ . . . . . . . . . . F (Bloc! n Yonge) 2290 Dundas Skeet. West ........ For the mpney you need tq do your Christmas shopping for a cash advance (Opposuu Shoows Wouu Eghmbnialv Bany Rand FINANCE CORPORATION, LTD TORONTO F rant at Towers) MG INTERNATIUNAL LOANS UP To $5000 Phone 924-7731 Phone 537-1217 Phone 699.9687 >Phone 534-8816 Phone 261-7275 Phone 884-4458 } Only major difference of op- inion evolved around the ques- tion whether votes at nomina- tion meetings would be open to the general members or to dele- lgates appointed by the various bodies. Some felt general voting would enable one group or an- other to flood a meeting. This would be avoided by having appointed delegates casting‘ It was the careful, meticulous study of the new constitution that consumed the greater part of the time as Mr. Findlay read out each section and heard any objection from the audience. Elected Presidth was Thomas Evans, a lawyer from Bradford. Other members comprising the executive are: Donald Findlay. ‘King, City, first vice-president; Robert Brown, West Gwillim- bury. second vice-president: David Bachly. Aurora. third vice~president; Alf Lewis. King Township, fourth vice-presim dent; Ronald Sealy, Beeton, secretary; Floyd Corner, Aurora, assistant secretary; and Marj- orie Dawson. Aurora, treasurer. Area Directors: Simcoe Coun~ ty. Dr. R. S. McKelvey. Beeton; King-Vaughan, Dr. Jack Saund- ers. King City: Aurora-Whit~ church, Mrs. Jean Hill. Aurora†"nun u; VALIVIuAA’ Jnuuwu ulc new federal riding of the York Simcoe Progressive Conserva- tive Association at Bradford. But the bad weather did keep guest speaker Gordon Fair- weather, MP for Royal (New Brunswick) from appearing along with Elwood Madill, MP for the old riding of Dufferin Simcoe. Both were grounded in Ottawa by a combination of fog and rain. The evening was taken up with perusual of the associa- tion‘s newly drafted constitu- tion and the election of officers. Elected President was Thomas Evan: A lnwven frnm Rradrfnrri. A number of guests were present including Lex Mac- kenzie, MLA York North; Art Evans, MLA Simcoe Centre: William Curran, president of the old York North Association; Don Martyn, Tory candidate for York North in the last federal election and Bill Hodgson, pres; ident of the newly organized York North provincial Progres- sive Conservative Assodation. The federal redistribution for ithe Province of Ontario in 1965 called for a drastic revision in the boundaries of the old York North riding and Dufferin Sim- coe. ‘ Police said Kaieran Foster, 82 McAffee‘s truck was in col~ Wright Street, ran out from be- lision with a car driven by Gor- tween some parked cars onto don Kerridge, 255 North Taylor the street into the path of a car Mills, at Markham and Newkirk lriven by Arman W. Tripp, 429 Roads. Paliser Crescent North. Damage amounted to $250. She was reported in satisfac- Police also charged Mervin tory condition in York Central Preston. Whitchurch Township. One hundred and seventy-five persons braved the rain last week to officially launch the new federal riding of the York Simcoe Progressive Conserva- tive Association at Bradford. A six-year old Richmond Hiulflospital this week. with failing to stop. after his girl suffered a broken leg when In another accident Decem- truck was in collision with a car she was struck by a car on Hall her 9, Sydney W. McAftee. To- driven by Edward Rose. 297 Street December 8, about 5.25 ronto, was charged with making Gells Road. Rose suffered pos- Fog Grounds Speakers York Simcoe Conservative Assoc. Launches New Riding At Bradford Child Breaks Leg Running Into Car Police Accident Report Mr. Evans chaired the inaug- uration meeting. Mr. Curran was coâ€"chairman. The old riding of York North‘ which served all of York County1 with the exception of that por-‘ tion of Markham and Vaughahl Townships lying south of High-l way 7 and the Village of Wood-l bridge will now be split up in} such a way it will bear no re- semblance to the present coun- ty. The new riding of York Sim- coe will serve the municipal- ities of King, Whitchurch, Aurora, Newmarket, East Gwil- limbury, Stouffville and the northern part of Vaughan Town- ship including the Village of Maple, all in the County of York, plus the townships of W e s t Gwillimbury, Innisfil, Tecumseth and the Village of Cookstown in the County of Simcoe. The population of the new riding number 72,076. York County, plus portions of Simcoe County to the north and Metro to the south, will now be divided into the federal ridings of York North. York Simcoe, and Ontario. votes. It was decided to leave the final decision in abeyance. an improper left turn McAffee‘s truck was in col- lision with a car driven by Gor- don Kerridge, 255 North Taylor Mills. at Markham and Newkirk opportunity â€" don’t miss it!! PS. I've got a lot of Black 8: White Sets and Stereos too! Brenan Color Plaza Here is .1 "Once in a Blue Moon" opportunity for you to name your own price on a Color TV†We have to sell 20 Color sets before the end of next week. Our Bank Manager wants money! (I bought too many!) Don’t wait 'till January. or you will be kicking yourself -â€"â€" we can arrange terms -- buy now while we are in a jam! And enjoy all the fabulous Color shows over the Holiday. Come in and ask for me (I‘ll be in the basement, eating worms). This is a genuine 8116 Yonge St Police said the car skidded Present depUtY-I‘eeve- Jim Mur- into the back of a truck driven Fay. former mayor and member by Gerald Hutchings, scarbom. of council. defeated incumbent The truck was not damaged, - S. G. Patrick for the reeveship. A lawn mower engine was too “ï¬lth a majority of 93. Dick 11- much for a car in Vaughan lmgworth led the polls for counâ€" Township Dacembu 9. |cil and will be joined by Walter According to police, Austin Davis. Cliff Corbett. William M. Squires, Riverside Park, was Trent Mrs- EVElyn Buck and driving east on Mill Street when Pete Miller. There were 10 Can- he struck an object on the road, didates for the six council seats. ‘SHARON: Grant Walls of Ring- ‘wood was elected president of the North York Branch of the Ontario Plowmen‘s Association recently. Leonard Wellman and Floyd Forsythe are vice- presidents. Mrs. Sheldon Walker wa re-elected as secretary and Fred Timbers as treasurer. Winj W. Timbers, long-time OPA director and plowing judge. was: named honorary director. the‘ first to be named by this asq sociation. The asociation mem-‘ bers had met with considerable success at the international match and several junior plow- men have made excellent show- ing in various competitions. ' Allan R. Trotter, 37 Lancer Drive. Maple, told police his car skidded on an icy patch on Netherford Road, causing him to run into a fence in an acci- dent December 11. ‘ Drivers of the two vehicles were Geoffrey Tuppling, 19, ‘Willowdale, and Valdemar Vanâ€" aselja, 48, also of Willowdale. Damage amounted to $250. A rear-end collision December 9 on Don Mills Road. south of Highway 7, resulted in damage of $150 to a car driven by Harry ‘Kennedy, RR 2‘ Stouffville. According to police. Austin M. Squires, Riverside Park. was driving east on Mill Street when he struck an object on the road. Investigation showed a two- cycle lawn mower and some bricks. Damage was to the gas tank and housings. «run, . v v v u Rocco Flammia. 85. told Mark-Hormel- councillor. Tom Surg- ham TOWHShiD Ponce the “EMS eoner. returns to council to join caused him to swerve his car. Seneca Cook. Garry Broadbent so that he lost control and ran and Bruce Eves of the 1965-66 into a hydro pole. council and newcomers Don Damage amounted to $350. Deyo and Gord Clelland. Elec- In another accident the same tors voted 1.001 to 378 against evening. slippery roads were increasing the present bus subâ€"‘ said to be the Cause Of a tWO' sidy to Stackhouse Coach Lines‘ car collision on Don Mills Road. to $4,500 per year. 1 north of Victoria Squarï¬ Voters‘ interest was evident‘ A Toronto motorist blamed\ Deputy-reeve George Richard- the bright lights 0f 3 PaSSing‘son was elected reeve in a close car for an accident December 10 contest with councillor Tom on Concession 6 and Countymaylor. Clare Salisbury was ac- Road 14. _ 'claimed deputy reeve and Rocco Flammxa.35.toIld Ifgfjllt-iformer councillor. Tom Surg- l_.4r m A,,,__y_:A n-v_--_ The accident occurred at E1- gin Milis and Ohio Roads. De- cember 8, about 5.40 pm. Faulty brakes were blamed for the truck failing to stop. sible chest injuries and lacera- tions. Thornhill N. iNorthern York County Among the municipal elec- ‘tions held December 5 in this area, most interest was evident in the Town of Newmarket a where Councillor Drew Doak defeated Mayor Bert Kent by the whopping majority of 1,754 to 1,075. Mr. Doak had a major‘ ity in every polling division as well as in the advance poll. ‘ Deputy-reeve George Richard- ‘son was elected reeve in a close} Sunday sports carried 1,740 to 422 and Sunday movies were supported by 1,779 with 381 voting against. Extended fran- chise to all over 21 reCeived AURORA A veteran of municipal poli- tics in Aurora. Clarence Davis retained the mayor’s chair for 1967-68 with 3 1438-897 clearcut Victory over Ronald Simmons. present deputy-reeve. Jim Mur- ray. former mayor and member tors voted 1.001 to 878 against increasing the present bus subâ€" sidy to Stackhouse Coach Lines to $4,500 per year. Voters‘ interest was evident in that fact that, despite incle- ment weather, 52.49% went to the polls. Newmarket Acquires New Mayor Aurora, N. Gwill. Retain Heads Best Wishes for a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. To the Voters of Vaughan Township Tom Brenan Thank You Brian Bailey 889-2624 Present Reeve Joseph 0. Dales was given a real battle by Arthur Pollock. Keswlck auto- mobile dealer. but retained his seat with a 77 vote margin. In- cumbent Deputy-reeve Frank Kennington finished 235 votes ahead of Frank Willoughby. David Davidson. James Poyntz and Wallace Donnell were elect- ed to the three council seats. Elected public school trustees were James Day. "Bud" Fisher. Andrew Peters, Jack Cudworth and Clarence Selby. clear-cut approval with 1,519 voting for and 606 against. CLAREMONT: Donald Dunkeld. RR 2, was winner of the On- tario County 100 Bushel Corn Club this year. He had a yield of 125.7 bushels of shelled 15% moisture corn per acre. The average yield for the 2'? com testants was 95.47 bushels per acre. Elected to the public school board were Murray Binions. ‘Jean Baker-Pearce. Bert Turn- lbull, J. E. Buchanan, George Dawson, Leonard Ostick. Wil- iliam Coleman and A. J. Smalley. NORTH GWILLIMBURY ‘ Only about 2,200 voters went to the polls in the municipal election December 3. An esti- mated 8.500 persons were eli‘ gible to vote. The poor turnout ‘was partially explained by the omission of many names from the voters' list compiled from assessment rolls prepared under the new county assessment sys- tem. Interpretation of certain paragraphs of the Municipal Act was blamed for the omissions. Most were owners of summer residences. According to the inâ€"; terpretation given, either the husband or wife. but not b0th,l were on the assessment rolls. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1966 "mu-um“ I‘ILanll ILIT‘IL ~ - .1 . L‘: .mumcowmcnmsc: PLUS FOR ADDED THRILLS AND ADVENTURE ' éflfllflfllflflfl lfllflflflflllflflï¬l - w . . fl \ ... 4w sumumauimuaumnna SAUSAGES LEAN’SL’IEED’ENDS’ Shoulder Lamb Chops STEAK SIDE BACON Sirloin, T-Bbtié Porterhouse & Round .3IOIOIOOOIOIOOI. I | O O I O I O I I O O I I I I I O O 9 I I O II He battled his way : from the backwoods ‘ * , W " I I; new m " AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL 6 LEVENDALE RD. HENRY- KOVACK‘ woOPATASHU â€"Starting Thursday, Dec. 15th â€" Giant A" Color Fun and Thrill Show .IlIDU Mon. - Fri. - Open 7.00 pm. Show at 7.30. complete show 9.20. SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY Box Office Opens 6.00 pm. Show starts 6.30 2 Complete Shows at 6.30 and 9.30 pm. ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS POULTRY & HAMS . . . ALSO FRESH ' KILLED ONTARIO TURKEYS North of Steeles off Woodbine Free Electric In-Car Heaters for RED & BLUE BRAND .TECHNIEDlDRLTECHNIStflPE‘ - 293-9444 your comfort 7.30. Last 884-5801