Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1966, p. 15

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For their December meeting The Richmond Hill Symphony} The Sugar and Spice Club' Local ieal estate firms were members of the Inner Wheel oinrchestra presented their anâ€"lheld their annual Christmas well represented at the very the Rotary Club enjoyed dinner nual Christmas concert "Some-{party on December 8, enjoying successful dinner and dance at the Yangtze Pagoda and then thing To Sing About” to a most3dinner at the Summit View Res- held by the York County Real attended the delightful showingjenthuSiastic audience on De-ltaurant followed by a party at Estate Board on Wednesday last of “Hobson's Choice” at the cember 2 at Bayview Second-lthe home 0f Mrs. w. Turner, at the Summit Golf Club. Curtain Club. ary School. {Rumble Avenue. Handmade * - is - - 1 e - v * - * The Christmas spirit was wellgifts were exchanged, displaying Looking relaxed and suntan~ nul-_‘...-...-..n rm <nhn-d2v in evidence when the Richmonda variety of talent. ned are Mr. and Mrs. James Winners of turkeys at the‘cember 5. annual Christmas Bowl held by Coffee, Christmas cake and the Monday Afternoon Bowlingrpastries were served during the League were Flavia Redelmeier.|first half-hour, giving everyone Ruth Burns, Pauline Price andra chance to become better ac- Roz Anderson. Alice Luckins,‘quainted informally. Mrs. C. high spare. won a chicken. {Brenn led a game period, won neu vr:_L_ .._..I “I..- llav the Rotary Club was marked * - * - * - * by the induction of three new Senior Citizens members, Colin Robertson, The regular meeting of the‘ chief librarian of the local pub- officers of the local Senior Citi- lic library, sponsored by Bev‘zens Club was held at the Day Cook, and Peter Axelson of Centre in Legion Court Decem-k York Office Supply and Robert ber 8. Birrell of Investor’s Syndicateu Minutes of the previous meetâ€"l sponsored and introduced byling were read and approved? Aubrey Dunn. The inductionPreparations for the Christmas ceremonies were carried out byitree get-together. to be held at President Archie Crosier,assist-‘the centre on December 14. ed by Al llorwood and Art Dix-N'ere discussed and decided on. and the new members re-jupon. 11‘ the full membership‘ ceived a brief outline of the:turns out it should be a gala; objects of Rotary, their pins and‘affair. The more the merrier! literature- 1 Bowling at Allencourt Lanes, The December 5 meeting of mas story of Luke‘s Gospel. ‘ “Ii/[E'Kinnari is on the teach- ing staff at McConaghy Public School. Beth Rice presented Pauline Price, owner of the ABC Bowl- ing Alley, with a plant, extend- ing best wishes for a happy Christmas, and expressing the league's appreciation for her many kindnesses since the open- ing of the season. The guest speaker Was U. S. Vice-Consul Sam Fromowitz, in Toronto, who gave a talk on the electoral system in the U.S.A. He referred to charts he had made showing the trend after each presidential election for the opposite side to increase their membership in the House of Representatives, in the fol- lowing inter-presidential elec- tion. While members could not decide if Mr. Fromo- witz was a Republican or Demoâ€" crat, they were left in no doubt that he was a firm believer in his country's method of election! Entertaining on Saturday‘in evidence when the Richmond evening were Mr. and Mrs. Mattmm Taxi Company provided Kinnari, who held a Christmasfitransportation for 25 children party at their home on Cartierffrom the Loyal True Blue and Crescent. ’0range Home. The league commence bowl- ing again on January 9. Rotary Club BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES 85 roses STREET N. PHONE RICHMOND HILL 889-375 GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE The UCW of Richmond Hilhthe evening 4: . United Church held their anâ€" nual Christmas party on Deâ€" Patric a chance to become better ac-itaking over the seat held quainted informally. Mrs. C.lby David Lakie, who is m; Brenn led a game period, Won'longer a resident of the district by Mrs. Cal Kirby and Mrs. Max * * * * Kaye. The business session “A Festival of Nine Lessons was conducted by lst Vice-Pres-fand Carols" will be held at St ident Mrs. Frank Scuthwell. yGabriel’s Church this Sunday .Ann The evening closed with Chrismas worship in the chapel, led by the Wednesday morning unit. Mrs. William Babcock and Mrs. William Ellis directed the attention of all present to the Christ. through familiar carols and the well loved Christ- mas story of Luke's Gospel. Bowling at Allencoui‘t Lanes is progressing well with very gratifying results. The main idea of the league, of course, is to get members out in a group and to encourage fraternization as well as to indulge in the healthy physical exercise which bowling furnishes. Competi- tion is not the main issue 81- though at times. there have emerged some rather amazing scores. The gain decorated home of Mrs. Lorene Swanson, Crosby Avenue. was the locale for the Kinettes Christmas party held on Monday evening. Thirty- four Kinettes and past Kinettes were in attendance. A short business meeting was conducted by President Peggy Hopkins, and Kinsmen Presi- dent Ted Hopkins installed two new members. Mrs. Joan Burton and Mrs. Pat Mills. Mrs. Joyce Woodhead. who is a transfer from Nova Scotia was also wel- comed into the club. and all ‘three were presented with pins and a corsage. Thank you letters had been receiVed from York Central H05pital for an isolette purâ€" chased by the Kinettes and from the Canadian Mental Health As- sociation for Christmas gifts donated for patients. The club has also donated 510 towards blazers for the Richmond Hill Majorettes. Who in February are attending the winter carnival in Quebec. A children's Christmas party was planned for December 21 at Montgomery's Tavern. Yonge Street. Following a pot luck buffet members exchanged gifts. PHONE 51) 889-5782 23 9) V The piano playing of Tedlleaden skies and rain here that tRobinson IJim Heeler) encourâ€" she had left on the coast. but elaged many to use their vocal‘had enjoyed good Weather at “cords, singing songs of yester-‘the Lakehead where she stop- tl‘yeau' with great gusto, but it ped over for a couple of days to , ’was noticed that Trevor Stanley‘visit friends. There was no snow }‘(Willie) did not accompany Tedlon the ground there but she will 'Iwith the jews harp -â€"â€" substanti-‘see plenty of it in the next two hating the statement made by weeks during which she will fly v;chille Cross (Tubby) earlier in to Whitehorse in the Yukon and : gthe evening‘ Prince George, BC Charades were played and numbers to remember were F.2. â€"- Mrs. B. Sheppard. and 050.â€" Mrs. G. Fenwick. Christmas snacks completed the evening. Staff members of “The Lib-. * - * - * ~ * teral, husbands and wives, cele-' T. Patrick Henry, a formertbrated the festive season on resident of the Hill, now living‘Friday with a Christmas party in Aurora, has been appointed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf to the Board of Trustees of Stung, Chassie Court. the York County HOSpita], * - * . * â€" * taking over the seat held The annual Christmas lunch- by David Lakie, who is noleon for staff members of the ,4 mrrs_4-__ I’ 4.! “A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols" will be held at St. Gabriel’s Church this Sunday afternoon at 4.30 pm The cus- tom of singing carols and read- ing lessons which tell the story of our redemption is an ancient one and is an appropriate way to begin our Christmas cele- brations. n.5, vvwnl VV’VAv-l-uvuâ€" an... ‘ The Play; WhiCh has received excellent entertainment â€"- f0“? curtam cans eYeYy mgm if repeated, plan to attend during the run, delighted the and join in the spontam Saturday night‘ auduence,_ “(ho eons gaiety “Wipe Out .66” expressed their apprematlon‘ evokes ,with five curtain calls â€"â€" giving; ' leveryone an added impetus to llllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllllllill“ll(Lllll\l\\\l\l1111\l\\\llllllllllllllllllllll {celebrate i A pre-Christmas visit to her f Presentations were made by parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank man Scott (Hobsonl to Director‘Southwell was enjoyed by Miss l’Gerry Crack. for making theiBarbara Southwell of Vancouver {production fun for both cast andllast week A stewardess with ;crew. and by Mary Monks 1Mag- Canadian Pacific Airlines. Bar- giel to producer Roz Anderson. bara will have 10 be on duty at ‘1‘01‘ carrying out heraxiom “feed Christmas time. She was dis- lhe cast and keep them happy”. appointed in finding the same Carols new and old will be sung by the choir and there will be ample opportunity for conâ€" gregational singing. A warm welcome is extended to visitors, their families and friends. The ladies’ auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion, held their special Christmas party for member’s children and grandchildren at Legion Court, Sunday last. Expense for the party is fin- anced throughout the year by donations from members of the auxiliary. Gifts. candy. favors and balloons were distributed to the children and food and en- tertainment provided under the direction of committee chair- men, Nelly Spence and Gloria Sanford. The assistance of branch members, Bob Dickson, Arthur Spence and Arthur Rick- ‘ard was much appreciated. As space is not available for the December general meeting at the Legion Hall, members are reminded that the meeting will be held in the home of Anna Lehtonen. December 19. Christ- mas dinner will be served at 7 pm. Among the out-ofâ€"town guests were the families of Elsie Bur- nie, from Peterboro, and George and Ida Ellis from Streetsville. A “Green Room" party was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Beresford Anderson, Centre Sh‘eet West. following the final performance of the highly suc- cessful Curtain Club produc- ltion of “Robson’s Choice”. Over 300 people attended the first of Richmond Hill Rotary Club’s Travel and Adventure Series held December 1 at Bay- view Secondary. Speaker for the evening was Sasha Siemel. the only white man who hunts tigres for a living, armed only with a hand-made spear. (Tig- res are the animals known to us as jaguars.) So adept was Sasha at mastering the difficult and dangerous art of dispatching tigres with a hand-made spear that he was honored with the title of “Tigre Man" by the Brazilian natives. 'higher and wider than Niagara); Ithe lovely tropical flowers and wild animals: the Brazilian dia- mond mines and the mine work- ‘ers: and the Siemel children and their pets in camp. Following a brief intermission iwe were returned to the Braz~ ‘ilian scene this time to witness tigre hunting. Sasha and his ’son Sashinho went together in .the first hunt chasing the tigre ;on horseback and later on foot. {Discovering the lreed tigre. Sashinho shoots. stunning it and lthen finishes it off with his ‘spear. “real life Tarzan". is a tall. handsome and distinguished- looking gentleman who speaks with the ease and charm of the seasoned lecturer that he is. Following a brief demonstra- tion of the method used in hunting a tigre with a spear Sasha then proceeded to narrate his film. An expert hunter. explorer. jungle guide. prOSpe-ctor and soldier of fortune. Siemel. a It began with the return ofionly to the Siemel Famib' to Brazil,»fight‘ showing shots of the raft fish-n This ermen. the marshes with thelevening birds and animals which inhabitlaudienc them, and the rivers with then-imond l hungry crocodiles and their The 1 hungrier piranhas. Included in January this segment of the evening Gl‘omer were scenes of the Iquussu. tthe traveler American waterfalls which are Canyon 300Armchair Travellers Enjoy Hunting In Brazilian [angles tall v - # ‘ Mr' and “'5‘ Joseph Dunn of Bm" “Yemen N°bl‘ ’36] Neal Drive entertained fol-Davey, Noble Pete 1 Local ieal estate firms were lowing the christening of their and Noble Dick Ersser. well represented at the very grandchild, Janet Elizabeth )Ic- v< - >:< _ as - a- successful dinner and dance Niven. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.‘ The York presbyten held by the York County Real John McNiven of Vancouver. ‘Church Men held theii Looking relaxed and suntan- ned are Mr. and Mrs. James Symington of Kerrybrook Drive. who returned on Saturday from holidaying at Montagu Beach, Nassau. Canadian Heat Treaters Ltd., Newkirk Road. and their famiâ€" lies, was held Saturday noon at Victoria Square Community Hall. lies, was held Saturday noon-at! Members of the town‘s works Victoria Square Commlmltymepartment, accompanied by Hall. ‘their families, enjoyed a most Folowing IUHCDEOU, catered successful Christmas dinner at for by the UCW of Victorimne Lions Hall on Sunday after- Square United Church. the noon. children were entertained with Everyone joined in a sing movies. each given «3 balloon,fsong before dinner, and prior to and later in the aftel‘n09n. tra'ileaving for home. all the child- ditional candies and fruit from Ten were presented with gifts Santa Claus. from Santa Claus. llllllllllllll\llllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll “mm, H19 1,“ mom were higher and wider than Niagara);‘pm in Bayview Secondary the lovely tropical flowers and School and Rotary members will wild animals; the Brazilian dia~tbe on hand to help you fasten mond mines and the mine wor’qyour safety belt. ers; and the Siemel children! and their pets in camp. 9 Later. when Sashinho had re turned to the US. and his school Sasha was shown going on a second hunt. this time ac- companied only by his hounds, and a photographer of course'I. Sasha faced a first ligre which eluded the hounds. and charged at him, only to run away when he felt the spear. At this point a second tigre appeared, play~ hm cat and mouse with Sasha. At length the tigre charged, only to die in the ensuing spear fight. This brought to a close the evening’s trip to Brazil and the audience was returned to Rich- mond Hill for another month. The next trip will take place January 5. at which time Julian Youth took the stage on Monday evening when stu- dents of the Richmond Hill High School presented their show “Wipe Out ’66” for members of the Curtain Club at their regular Mon- day night meeting. From the moment Mis- tress of Ceremonies Margot Sweeny introduced the show with the “Wipe Out Dancers” until the finale. the theatre revel-berated with applause for the verve and artistry of these young performers. Taking part were: “Wipe Out Dancers”. Candice Turner, Susan Duffy. Kathi Knott, Lucy Wolanska, Shel- ly Whittall. Jercey Shep- pard, Sue Rogers and Judi Ainslie; “We Three and One", Eve Harwood, Cathy Trew, Sally Trott and Den- nis Paxton on guitar; “Pet- er Gunn Theme”. dance by Candice Turner; Folk songs by Martha and John Cover; Fashion Show. Sue Rogers. Marnie Miller and Nancy McNaughton with commen- tary by Margot Sweeny; folk songs by Margaret Queen. who accompanied herself on guitar and the auto harp, and “Happening ’ â€"entire cast. The show was fast movâ€" ing, well co-ordinated and excellent entertainment -- if repeated, plan to attend and join in the spontan- eous gaiety “Wipe Out ‘66” evokes. R.H. Students Wipe Out 66 uidc )ff with his,I The CGIT would like to take lthis opportunity to thank all linho had re~§the wonderful people who .8. and hisihelped make the vesper service shown goingisuch a success. A special word this time ac-‘of thanks to G. Fleming and the his houndsgjunior choir ior their hours of :r of coursebpractice and resulting delightâ€" ligre \vhicliful music: to the members of and chargedlthe Venturers and all the cast 1 away \i‘heniwho formed the living picture; At this pointxto those who supplied proper- Jeared, playfities; especially the Boy Scouts, with Sasha.gBill Babcock. Peter Addison, gre charged,;Mrs. Jack Bedwell, Mrs. Allan ensuing spear Ripley and the CBC; to the ,church staff for advice, coach- a close theling and coâ€"operation in every razil and thelfield of this endeavor. 'ned to Rich-[ We were thrilled to have )ther month. such a large congregation and it 11 take placeJis our hope that you exper- 1 time Julian ienced some of the joy that was the armchair ours in preparing and present- lhe Grand infl this service of \i‘orship. - begins at 8 A Merry Christmas to you all. Dr. Arnold Am! and Mrs.’ Architect Douglas Allen and .Arai, Resemar Gardens, were Mrs. Allen, Laverock Avenue, 1lmsts to members of the local returned home on Sunday fol- :Rotary Club and their wives. at‘lowing four days in New York. .a Christmas party held Saturâ€"] »;« 2: _ A»; _ ,2 A buffet dinner was served low) 131 Shamaly Shrine Club and Santa Claus. Joe Malboeuf. were held at their regular meet- presented gifts to all the guests ing December 5, ‘3“ being 1.0 cents or under in‘ The new executive for 1967 Yalue‘l) Th‘5.mu5t, have cans.“ are as follows: President Noble “My Old 5.3”“ N‘Choms tlumllfloss Oliver; Vice-President a pmblem 1“ these days of m"Noble John Cuthbertson; Secre- flauonl. tary Noble James Swan and Dancmg complfled a most’Treasurer Noble Eric Bird. Dir- Successful evenmg' [ectorsz Noble Jack Martin, :3 ‘ " - “ ‘ “ [Noble Al Asselstine, Noble Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunn offBl'ian Webber, Noble Vern 261 N92] Drive entertained fol-:Davey, Noble Pete Castellan This annual event was run by the works department benevoâ€" lent fund. l Games Were played and priz- 1es Won by Alice O’Neil, Olive Savage, Jerry Rimmer, Rose Canny and Sadie Brent. The ceremony took place De- cember 4 at the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto. where Mr. and Mrs. McNiven were mar- ried seven years ago, Godparents are 1‘1r_ and Mrsfihe Board 01 Evangelism 3110‘ Thomas Benson from Liverpool‘Social Service United Church ofL England. and Mrs, John Define Canada, was the theme speaker.“ of Toronto assisted by Rev, Gene Young.‘ ,assistant minister of St. Luke's United Church, Toronto. Mr. Young answers questions on . - . the hot line Person to Parson your social activities dur- . . . on Sunday nights on CHUM TE. Elle. fflfi‘flisuiefig‘f' Radio Station. x: x: _ :2 _ 2a Keep “Life in the Hill” columns up to date with Among the 120 guests were members of the Works commit- tc en famille, Deputy-reeve Floyd Perkins. Councillor Lois Hancey and Councillor John MacDiarmid. Members of the Women’s Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion held their Christmas party on Monday night at the home of Mrs. J. Arnold Price, Fernâ€" leigh Circle. Elections were held for the new executive, and plans made for the dance to be held at the end of January. v A buffet subper was served and gifts exchanged. A. T. Crosier, manager of the Yonge Street branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. and Mrs. Crosier, are guests at the Royal York Hotel this week, following an invitation to Mr. Crosiei' by the Chief General Manager L. G. Greenwood, to attend the an- nual meeting of the bank being held this week. On Sunday they were enter- tained at dinner by Regional General Manager R. C. Nurse and Mrs. Nurse at their home on Ardwell Gate, prior to at- tending a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood in their Royal York Hotel suite. Other guests attending the din- ner and reception were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kimm, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. F. Little, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mac- Call, South Porcupine. and Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Quinn, Sudbury. Happy holiday everybody! There will be no meeting until next year â€" January 4. to be exact. Included in the itinerary for Mrs. Crosier was a day of curl- ing, shopping and sightseeing at Yorkville. and visits to the To- ronto Career Centre. where they viewed films and received make-up counselling and to the bank‘s head office building, viewing the main banking hall. vaults, reception area and the tower. C GI 7' Doing: Richmond Hill United Church Keep “Life in the Hill” columns up to date with your social activities dur- ing the Christmas season. Call the Social Editor Mar- got Crack at, 884-1105-6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. We’ll be pleased to hear from you. Looking For a Good Used Car? If So. See The USED CARS Column in The Classifieds _105_6 0, Keith Cambden opened the3 Yonge rally with a worship service. ye,“ be Ross Scrimger, president of ,m yam UPUCMC for 1966, gave words of welcome and expressed his ‘ ipleasure in being able to serve W“_S worksfin this capacty for the men of mixed by‘york’ ed, a most: Al Olding of Uxbridge intro- dmnel‘ at‘duced the guest speaker. Mr. “day after"‘Hord, who spoke on the death _ _ {of God as seen through faith 111 3_ Sll‘giand culture, exclusivist, co- of‘ officers ‘relation and surrender, explain- ing the effects that Karl Barth, Paul Tillich, and the death of ‘God boys had on the thinking that produced the idea of the death of God. After the speaker there was an hour of group discussion on the theme. In the lunch hour Archie Little showed pictures of the new camp site at Hart Lake, east of Bracebridge. The afternoon session began w_â€"7 â€"A- with a sing song led by Orvan Mrs. E. J. H. Redelmeier, Don iBrethour, followed by the nomi-{Head Farms, entertained mem- lnations committee report read‘bers of the Monday Afternoon 1by Bob Dowse. IBowling League at a snack On behalf of the men's counâ€"‘luncheon prior to their annual cil and th: men of York. Don1Christmas Turkey Bowl at the Asling presented Mr. ScrimgeriABC Bowling Alleys with a certificate of apprecia-f * - * - tion folder for his leadership in] Many guests attended the men’s work during the past showing of oil paintings. land- years. scapes, seascapes, still life and yk The annual elections ot‘ the meal E1 Shamaly Shrine Club were held at their regular meet- ing December 5. The York Presbytery United Church Men held their annual rally at Cedar Glen last month. the theme being “Are You Dead or Alive in the Church of Jesus Christ?” Rev J. R. Hard. secretary for the Board of Evangelism and Social Service United Church of tion folder for his leadership in] Many guests attended the men’s work during the past showing of oil paintings. landâ€" Years. scapes, seascapes, still life and Mr. Young was introduced by drawings by Dutch Artist Wil- Mr. Asling, after which he and liam Wegman held on Friday Mr. Hord became involved in evening in the Gordon Mac- dialogue concerning the prob- laren Auditorium of the local‘ lems of the church, and gradu- public library. ally drawing the whole group Mr. Wegman, who has lived‘ into discussion. Following this in Richmond Hill for many Dave Armstrong conducted the years, studied at the Amster- service for the installation of dam, Arnheim, Tilburg and Tiel FRESH FROM SANTA’S PACK COMES THIS WONDERFUL ARRAY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY . . . SNUGGLY WARM ONES . . . EXOTIC BROCADES . . . INTERESTING NEW STYLES . . . ALL BOUND TO SPARK HOLIDAY CHEER ON CHRISTMAS MORN. N “MOHAWK” Men's Shag Slipper Sandsmne Brown 6.99 CALLING ALL SANTAS "TEASE" Ladies‘ Brocade with matching fur trim. 0 Black I Lt. Blue 5.99 SHIELDS “ "AMBASSADOR" Men's Black Dressy Slipper with Grey Paisley Vamp £\ 5.99 IF YOU’D LIKE TO SUCCEEI) AS A SANTA â€"â€" MAKE IT A SLIPPER CHRISTMAS.’ FIVE/70079151}? Eflffifm m5 FAM/ZV KAUFMAN FOAM'I‘READS Academies Men's Corduroy Slipper 0 Black Watch 0 Bottle Green 0 Blue Plaid 4t in; , Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Petherick, 9670 Bayview Avenue are shown above cutting the cake at their 50th wedding anniversary celebrations held at their home December 6. f’e’éherick who is 87 years old is a veteran of the Boer War Both natives of England, the Pethericks met and married in Canada. EXECUTIVE" THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1966 “CHATELAINE” Ladies’ Black. and Gold Weave x Wedge Heel 50 Years Wedded Bliss A11 Machine’ Washable with 5.99 “SLEEPYTIME Misses Style 0 Red 0 Turquoise 3.49 “OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9:00 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HILL NomMérk’mgi Leather Soles Sturdy Corduroy 0 Red Plaid 0 Blue Plaid 3.49 0 Canadian Tartan 3.99 ‘SANDMAN”

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