children should not be pen- i Chairman John Taylor com- aiized because of driver- mented that the complaints were board problems." He. stated lmore involved and extensive the attitude was found on ithan had been understood. He two bus routes. “It‘s not my iasked Mr. Flood to put his oom- problem. talk to the teach- lpiaints into writing and present ers. they‘re not letting the ‘them to the board so they may children out in time. I have the thoroughly investigated. I schedule to keep and 1 "‘Give us instances and if some leave at twenty minutes to ‘ieachers are. not, dismissing chil- four." he quoted one driver then in time we want to know as saying. ithat. too,“ he told the delega- Although the board normallylinn. required several days notifica-‘ He explained that hus com- tion of delegates so that time pantes carrying children to ‘school have come to an agree- iment on territories and east of iBayview in the. neighborhood of 7 illighway 7 has been assigned Problems arisina out of trans- portation of children to school were brought. to Richmond Hill Separate Srhool Board by a delegation of parents December 6. Delegation spokesman Paul Flood told the trustees or a lack of concern on the part of bus drivers who “on a day like this"' refused to wait for children to come out of school. “It has happened before." he stated. “and we feel that children should not be pen- alized because of driver- board problems." He stated the attitude was found on two bus routes. “It‘s not my problem. talk to the teach- ers. they're not letting the children out in time. I have a schedule to keep and I leave at twenty minutes to four.†he quoted one driver as saying. Although the board normally may be allotted on the ailenda However. in this rose. they had agreed to waive this regulation .in order that the parents could he heard. As Mr. Flood explain- ed later in the evening. when children had been left at school ‘bet-ause the bus driver that day had refused to wait for them, ‘the parents had been so angry that the delegation had been ar- tranged in a hurry. Put Complaints In Writing Chairman John Taylor com- mented that the complaints were .until the insurance situation is .cleared up. The question of in- surance is to be referred to the tear-hers‘ liaison committee. “‘Car insurance rates being what 'they are. a solution could be costly." the chairman com- mented. 7 Teachers' Brief The delegation also petitioned ithe board for support for a brief presented by the teaching staff asking remuneration for extra teaching aids in regard to the new catechetic system in St. more involved and extensive Joseph School. The chairman than had been undel'smnd‘ Hercommenled that the board has asked Mr. Flood to put his com-{hm as yet recehwd this brief ;plainta into writing and presentfmm the teachers and was sur- lthem 1° “‘9 board 50 “‘9? ma-V‘prised to learn that ratepayers The thOFOUEhW investigatednknew what the staff was doing "Give. us instances and if someibefore the hoard did. "This is a ieaChers are “Oi dismissmg Chil’imatter between the staff and the rdren in time we want to knowiboard‘n he claimed_ I .. -l ï¬nes. too, he told the delega \‘Zoning Chung†‘ . i (‘hnnaoe ni’ Martina nf erv/hnnl R. Hill Separate School Board Hears Complaints Re Transportation 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond H111. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 15. 1966 How Markham Township Voted Using Youth For Punching Bag 1 2 A~L Highland Park M-Z Highland Park Woodland Public School 3A Thornhlll Library 38 York Farmers' Market Abu~aou¢ Langstaff 16th Avenue Public School Elgln Mills Henderson Ave. Public School 47 Green Lane Colin Hood Butlonville Hall A Unionvllle 4B Unionville 5 6 7 11 :2 Victoria Square Victoria Square Bayview Glen School Frank Davies Kennedy Clinic Mount Joy SCOTCH PINE Hall's Domestic Fuel Oil and Burner Service 8844361 Richmond Hill Just Call! We‘re on the job. to keep you supplied with convenient heating oil. Prompt. metered de- livery. Dickson's M. Ryan Mongolia TOTALS 10¢ a shareâ€" payable Jan. 15, 1967 GUARANTY TRUST fq shareholders of record Dec. 31, 7966 DIVIDEND Company of Canada A. n. RAMSAY General Mananr consecutive quarterly 152"“l Polling Subdivision in; . CHRISTMAS SEALS FllEiHT TB . and other respiratory diseases buy â€" TB CHRISTMAS SEALS H111 to Bruce Tribbling. No other' bus company will pick up chil-' dren in that area‘ Some months ago the local separate school board came to an agreement with the board using the Trib- bling bus to pick up children in that area to transport them to separate schools in Richmond ‘Hill. When this did not work well a contract was signed with the bus operator to carry these children at a rate of .35 cents per day, Mr. Taylor explained. He added that one of the buses under contract to the board, passes the end of Briggs Ave- nue, “but that is as far as we can no." Breaking Safety Regulations G. Castelletti of Briggs Ave- nue charged that the bus driver has dictated that the separate school children must assemble at one point to be picked up and that he stops in front of other houses and waits for the chil- dren. He also claimed that the driver has been reported to the Department of Transport over several serious infractions of safety regulations. “1 don‘t trust the man with my children or any man who would make my children walk four and a half miles. He. has done this twice and I believe he has promised you it won‘t happen again." Another parent reported his children had been left at school that day. He reported he had. on occasions. had to cram 17 students into his station wagon because the bus had gone without them and on one occasion had stood in front of the bus so that the driver had had to wait for the children who were running out of the school doors at the time. When Business Administrator Jack Matthews reported that the board‘s present insurance policy: protects the board against pub- lic liability but not the teachers when they use their cars to transport pupils. the board in- structed him to notify the teach- ing staff through the principals that no extra-curricular trips between schools be undertaken ed receiving a- one-year . term and John Taylor. John LeClaire, Mrs. Thomas Gleason and Sam Neill re- ceiving a two-year term. All separate school sup- porters in the area are urged to attend the annual meeting to hear the financ- ial report and participate in the election. The new board will hold its inaugural meeting Januâ€" ‘ ary 10. 1967. ‘i liiililllliiii“iiilllliiiliilliIll“iiililllliiiiiiiililiiiiiiilllliiiiillllliliiiiiiil ‘Christians Schools were taken after consultation with the in- :spector because of the addition ‘to Help of Christians. over- Tcrowding at St. Joseph’s. The board also hopes to do away .with a portable at the latter ‘school. "This was a practical necei- isity or the inspector would not lhare given his approval,†Mr. Taylor stated. “He is strongly .opposed to any unnecessary movement of children from school to school. since this can he very upsetting in some cases.“ The business administrator ex- plained that the principals in- volved had heen notified in May and it was their duty to notify the parents. “The board is un- aware of the parents concerned but the principals are aware of the addresses. That is why we .left it to them.“ he explained. ROTARY CHRISTMAS TREE E‘Leï¬il'ï¬iya“ TnHawc DarLinn In+ YQNGF_.§I;.NQETH Saturdays Reeve 43 121 73 85 118 102 80 64 47 95 116 68 64 165 78 Deputy-Reeve 79 72 “This was a practical neces- sity or the inspector would not have given his approval,†Mr. Taylor stated. “He is strongly opposed to any unnecessary movement of children from school to school, since this can The businegs administrator exâ€" plained that the principals in- volved had been notified in May and it was their duty to notify the parents. “The board is un- aware of the parents concerned but the principals are aware of the addresses. That is why we left it to them." he explained. U! 43 1831 489 297 I 354 :nsportation‘ until the insurance situation isl ‘cleared up. The question of in-‘ surance is to be referred to the, teachers' liaison “Car insurance rates being what they are. a solution could be: costly." the chairman Com" mented. 7 ‘Teachers‘ Brief . The delegation also petitioned the board for support for a brief presented by the teaching staff asking remuneration for extra‘ teaching aids in regard to they new catechetic system in St. Joseph School. The chairman commented that the board has; not as yet received this brief from the teachers and was sur- prised to learn that ratepayers knew what the staff was doing before the board did. “This is a matter between the staff and the' board," he claimed. Zoning Changes committee†‘incident The next day. Stonehouse said he visited Lennonville to tell him he would forget about the involving himself. Lennonville agreed. and then reiterated his request, to Stone- house to forget. about the other charges. When he refused. Lennonvilie hit him again. Stonehouse said. Stonehouse was treated at the hospital after the first, heating. it it! I it A hearing. in French-Canadian which two women from‘ 'North Bay were charged with 'being in possession of stolen goods. was remanded until Feb-i ruary 9. just after it had got underway. Magistrate Pearse put the hearing over after the counsel} for the accused had complained‘ that the interpreter being used" by the court wasn't adequate“ even though he had said earlier that an interpreter wasn't neces- sary in the first place. Charged are Jacqueline Tou- pln and Jacqueline Dube. 1 I" it t 1 Drinking liquor while under from Rexdale. were part of a contingent of youths who rented a room in a motel in Vaughan Township November 4 and pro- ceeded to stage a mild orgy. Convicted of drinking under age and fined $50 and costs were James Wilson. 16, and Ter- ry Gnucher, 17. A charge of committing malt- cious damage was withdrawn against Gouoher. Three other youths still face charges on the same count. Mr. Pearse told the youths that a repeat, performance would result, in a jail term. #1 it It or Hannu Hyytianinen, l7. Scarâ€" horn. who pleaded guilty to charges of car theft and driving while under suspension. was remanded until December 15 for sentence. Constable John Thoraell lesti~ fied he picked up the youth in a stolen car November 25. The youth admitted to the theft and also produced a driver's licence. which was later found to have been cancelled August 26. YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL Changes of znning of school areas without notificatiOn of the parents concerned was also cri- ticized by the delegation. The chairman told the parents that these changes in the boundaries of the areas served by St. Jos- eph's and Our Lady Help of l1mm“llll\“mulllllllllllllllllll“llIll“lllllll!!llll|llllllulullllllllmll 60 Last year, because of amalgamation with the Maple Board. a completely new board had to he re- elected. with the above nam- ed receiving a one-year term and John Taylor, John LeClalre. Mrs. Thomas Gleason and Sam Neill re- eelvlng a two-year term. The annual meeting of the separate school board will he held in the auditorium of St. Joseph’s School Decem- ber 28. Loblaws Parking Lot Four members of the eight-momber board are up for re-election: Mrs. J. J. Hogan, Peter Smith, PM 01- tawny and John C. Penny- father. All separate school sup- porters in the area are urged to attend the annual meeting to hear the financ- ial report nnd participate in the election. Ward 1 Councillor 113 34 35 19 42 13 20 53 17 Stanley Stonehnuse. Oak Ridg- drinking. was fined $50 And es. told the court Lennonville casts of $7.50. The usual fine had struck him in the face, is $25. knocking him cold, December 2. “I'm taking a dim view of after Stonehouse had refused drinking where young people his request to drop charges are together". Mr. Pearse said. against another person. ’ The two other youths. both Magistrate Russell Pearse re- manded George Lennnnville for a pre-sentence report after con- victing him on one charge of an- sault occasionlng bodily harm. and another one of common as- snult. An Oak Ridfles .VOU‘h. Who age is going to cost more in the kept using another youth for a future. punching bag will find nut Ito-‘ Magistrate Pearse warned day) Thursday. what the final that he was upping the ante on decision is to be. youthful offenders in this cate- Magistrate Russell Pearse re- gory after convicting three manded George Lennonville for youths on the charge. Brings Two Assault Convictions tummcm Pumamss Memorial Fund (47 Arnold Street. Richmond Hill) Hannu Hyytianinen. 17. Scar- horn. who pleaded guilty to charges of car theft and driving while under suspension. w3s remanded until December 15 Russell Bursey. 17, Richmond Hill, who was checked in a car on the parking lot of the Steer Inn by Police Conqtable J. Grieve. and found to have been drinking. was fined $50 and cnsts of $7.50. The usual fine is $25. SAM COOK, Chairman 56 Yonge St. North Righmqnd Hill Hydro-Electrigï¬gmmjssiqn YONGE ST. NORTH AT LEVENDALE Give those special names on your Christmas list an electrical gift. Watch their eyes widen with surprise and pleasure. They’ll say "you really shouldn’t have done it†but they’ll be over- joyed that you did! Use this handy check list to help you give betterâ€"electrically. your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY use this Christmas checklist to give bett_erâ€" _ I 7 Proceeds to YOUTH ACTIVITIES GENERAL WELFARE Al. 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