Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Dec 1966, p. 5

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d-mumummuuumluuuummmum“\muuuummmun“uuumummuummumun\mmmummmmuummuuuuumuuuuummuuummtummumuuummlmunmmIluumummummmm-a t-ummmmuuumummuumuammmuuuununquummmunmmmnnunmnnuummummuummnumnmumImunuuumll\\\llm\\~manual“mummmuuuuu“m\unmuuu\uuuxuuumun48 The agreement â€" which expires at the end of the year â€" is a three-way affair between Richmond Hill, Markham and Vaughan Townships. Mr. Holt stated he was sur- prised by the turn of events but declined further com- ment until he discussed the matter with Committee Chairman Councillor Lois Hancey. Reasons for severing the agreement were not made public. "The committee recom- mends to council that the ambulance agreement not be renewed and that Operator Dave Holt be so advised." Decision came last week following a recommendation to council from its fire, am- bulance and bylaws commit- tee. Richmond Hill will not re: new its agreement with Vaug- han Hill Ambulance in 1967 “1 don‘t know what it’s about, I hope to find out," he said. The three way ambulance agreement this year saw Richmond Hill contributing The motion as moved by committee member John MacDiarmid read: Ends Ambulance Contract By FRED SIMPSON AND MEN’S HAIR STYLISTS ON BEHALF 01“ MY STAFF AND MYSELF I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO ALL OUR CUSOMERS AND FRIENDS BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ALLENCOURT BARBER SHOP Stock up with festive foods at. . . Greetings Shop where you always get a little more than you expect... ALLENCOURT IGA Season ’8 E WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Eric Basciano . . . Prop. The overall question of subsidies was a prime topic in many communities then with the service threatened due to the strained circum- stances ot‘ the independent operators. The entire ambulance ser- vice came in for considerable discussion both locally and provincially during April, May and June of 1965. In April of that year Rich- mond Hill and Vaughan Township were faced with cancellation of the service unless some subsidy was forthcoming to bolster the operation. 1n the past there has been considerable discussion reâ€" garding the annual agreement and what subsidy the muni- cipalities should pay to the service which is located in Richmond Hill. In May of the same year Richmond Hill Council signâ€" ed the three-way agreement with Mr. Holt after five months of considering an in- creased subsidy. $210.80 a month, Markham $58.40; and Vaughan $130.80. At that time Council Walter Scudds explained that the subsidy was being paid to Mr. Holt to enable him to from iQECHIQUITA G‘éfl’é“ . c IBANANAS :SPAGHETTI "SPECIAL AT ALLENCOURT IGA ONLY" (In Tomato and Cheese Sauce) n Operators will also be re- quired to obtain a licence in 1967 in order to operate such a service. This has not been necessary in the past. An indication of the fin- ancial risk involved in oper- ating such a service was re- vealed in h'Iai‘ch of 1966 when Mr. Holt asked and received permission from Richmond Hill Council to hold down a part-time job in order to keep operating his business. The provincial government has since passed legislation setting out certain standards of operation which must be adhered to if a municipality is to start receiving a 50 per cent subsidy. Mr. Holt said at the time that a part-time job had be- come necessary due to “unex- pected increases in operating costs.” stay in business and run an efficient ambulance service. Without some subsidy he couldn’t afford to continue the operation. Council gave its approval on condition it would not “jeopardize his ambulance service.” Mr. Holt operates two vehicles â€"- one an ambulance and the other a station wagon â€" in making calls. BAYVIEW & MARKHAM RD. RICHMOND HILL On November 14 Veterans Affairs Minister Roger Teillet. announced in the House of Com- mons that war veterans allow- ances and disability pensions would be increased by 15% and that the increases would be ret- roactive to September 1 of this year. In his statement to the House Mr. Teillet said: “It is proposed to raise the war vet- erans allowances single rate from $94 to $105 a month and the permissible income ceiling from $133 to $145 a month. The married rate will be the Provmcer raised from $161 to $175 a "r' * * "’ 1 month and the permissible in- The Legion sick board pres- come ceiling from $222 to $245 ently includes the names of) a month. Identical increases in,Comrade Bill Tucker, a patient‘ rates and ceilings will apply toin York Central Hospital; Comm recipients of allowances under rade Vic Bridges in York Coun- Part XI of the Civilian War ty Hospital, Nemnarket and‘ Pensions and Allowances Act. Comrade Sam Taylor in the “ . It is proposed to in- Convalescmt Hospital, Willow- crease the basic rate of disaâ€"dale. bility pensions by 15 percent".‘ The branch wishes them all The fact that war disability a speedy recovery which we all‘ pensioners. war widows and warhope will enable them to spend veterans allowance recipientlehristmas at home. ‘ will receive these retroactive in- Branch 375 members are re- creases is of course good news.‘nfinded that election of officersl It should be noted, howeveriwill take place this coming Mon- that the Minister’s statement‘fiay at the general meeting makes no mention of the wife which commences at 8 pm. Theyl and children of the disability/litre also advised that admittance~ pensioner, so that the increaselto the meeting will be by cur-1 is applicable only to the pension‘rent membership card only. paid the veteran himself andl It is hoped to see at least a not to the additional pension he fifty percent membership turn- lreceives for his family. Similar-[out at the election and if this ,ly, while the widows pension islis to be achieved it will natur- being increased, that of herlally include you â€"â€" the mem- children remains the same, andlber. who is presently engaged SO does the Pension for OrphanSuin reading. You should by now These exceptions are not jm-}have received a bulletin in the mediater apparent on reading'mail listing those nominated for the Minister's announcement, office. and if you haVen't seen and it is only right that they it you should perhaps sum should be drawn to the atten- looking for it among the bills tion of those concerned now so and other propaganda which that, when they receive their sometimes inadvertently gets pension cheque before Christ-llaid aside. The married couples had a‘ very enjoyable Christmas Party; in the upper room Friday. A film on the building of the “Dew Line" was shown, fol-$ lowed by “The Will of Augusta Nash", about the stewardship of1 money and tithing. These were! followed by refreshments. During the next week, en- velopes for January, accompan- ied by a letter of explanationl from the rector, will be mailed‘I by the Hilroy Company. This isi a new system and was unan-f imously approved by the joint} advisory boards. St. John's Sunday School party will be held at 3.15 pm in the lower hall of the church December 17. There will be live ,talent, carol singing, a double 'quartet from the North York Barbershoppers. games. gifts and refreshments. The party will end at approximately 5.30 pm. Planning a Christmas Party? The Facilities are [deal at Maple Community Centre For Reservations - 832-2530 These exceptions are not im. have received a bulletin 1n the mediater apparent on reading/mail listing those nominated for the Minister’s announcement, office, and if you haven't seen and it is only right that theylit you should perhaps start should be drawn to the atteil-flOOking 1'01‘ it among the bllls tion of those concerned now so‘and other propaganda which that, when they receive theirrsometimes inadvertently gets pension cheque before Christ-‘laid aside. mas, they will understand why After your wife has found it. is does not include an increasetand you know who is running based on the whole of the pie-{perhaps you'll tell her that your vious figure but only on their presence is required at Legion own personal pensions ‘Court next Monday. The pension rates were dis- If she lets you come, tell her cussed fully at a meeting of the we thank her. for like you, she :Legion's Executive Council in has the branch interests at Ottawa on November 23, and‘heaI-L tthe council’s views were incor-~ » rporated in a brief presented to; ‘Prime Minister Pearson and the Cabinet on November 24. The‘ stand of the dominion council,i and the federal government’s reaction to it, will be reported win a subsequent columnm. 1 A? a rMpnf dietrir-f mpmhpr-‘ At a recent district member- ship meeting held in Orillia, Comrades George Wood, Frank Barrett and Al Fogal heard the Legion’s national standing com- mittee on membership has come up with a fresh campaign idea for the Centennial year. In 1967 our organization will strive to hit the 300,000 mark in enrolment and the idea is to give a special lapel badge to members who bring in one or more members either new or reâ€"instated. The badge will in- ‘corporate all flhe regular feat- ures of the present membership lpin, but will have the word iéntennial” inscribed in the @ Your legion Reports Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion By Eric Chapman scroll underneath. It is hoped the badge will en- courage member participation in the 1967 membership cam- paign which begins in January. Already quotas have been as- signed to each command and awards will be made to those successful in achieving the set figure. It is interesting to note that if every Branch 375 member is nearing the Centennial badge ‘r'is time next year we could well be the second largest in the province. "MURDERER'S ROW" DEAN MARTIN DUFFERIN DRIVE-IN in Color 884-6021 31:.azo4gc Your IGA Store Carries A Complete Line of Christmas Nuts & Candies. 7é3£Notice t0 Creditors Church News The Christmas Story will be presented in the chancel of St. John‘s Church at 7.30 pm next Sunday evening. Mrs. L. Harn- den, choirmistress and organist, is producing the event. having drawn on talent in the congre- “the old, old, story" told once again in the matchless words of scripture and carol. The 11 am service will be morning prayer and “The Lit- any". ‘ All persons having claim 'against the Estate of John Hill llate of 224 Oak Avenue, Rich- vale, Ontario, are hereby notâ€" ified to send in to the under- signed on or before January 26th, 1967, full particulars of ‘ their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said John Hill will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have no- tice. gation and Sunday school. Come and bring your children to see SAVE 14c 2 LB. TIN MAPL LEAF MINCEMEAT 41° HIQC bklfiks 3433599° SAVE 60 GREEN GIANT 12 Oz NIBLETS CORN 2n~s37¢ Dated at Richmond Hill this 5th day of December, 1966. John Thomas Hirtz, Executor of the Estate of John Hill. by his Solicitor, Jeseph Rabinowitch, Barrister, Etc. 65 Yonge Street 5., Richmond Hill, Ontario the Estate of JOHN HILL Retired, Deceased ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON CORRESPONDENT: LEONARD LOMAS Telephone 884-3000 I A party of Scouts spent a very 'cold Saturday near Sharon, cutting Christmas Trees \n'th W. Costoff, K. Wilton and J. Full- man and other fathers. The trees are now at the home of Mr. Costoff, north of the Sum- mit Motel on Yonge Street. ‘They are for sale, in aid of Scouts, at $1.50 for your own ' choice of tree. Congratulations Congratulations to Mrs. Marj- orie Black. president of the Jef- ferson Community Club on her election to the township public school board. Mrs. Black will be the only neu'face on the board. Cubs At 7 pm December 15 at St. John‘s. the Cubs‘ Christmas party will be held. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ensor and Jennifer have worked hard for this pre- sentation and Mrs. J. Tanquiy is in charge of the musical side of the program. Christmas Trees XMAS GIFT WRAP 3 Rolls R . 99‘ xii 05m ROMS ¢ $1.50 Value Now Only COLOGNE 8. RICHVALE PHARMACY Reg. $1.75 Shulton’s Desert Flower Let us save you money on your next prescription. Nothing to join. 9014 YON GE TOP BRASS HAIR DRESSING SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. Dec RICHVALE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES DUSTING POWDER Spec .sIJB 69¢ Rev. Earl Gerber performed the wedding ceremony in St. John's Anglican Church. Jeffer- son. September 10, of Ruth Elizabeth Appleton and George Ernest Croft. The church ‘was decorated with gladioli in pastel shades and the wedding music was played by Mrs. J. Harnden. Croftâ€"Appleton Wedding In St. John's Anglican Honeymoon In Antigua, Barbados The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Appleton of Oak Ridges and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Croft of Elmwood Avenue. Rich- mond Hill. The bridal party entered the church while the hymn “Praise My Soul" was sung by the choir Escorted to the altar and given in marriage by her father. the bride was gowned in full length white peau de soie, fashioned 889-1111 Gerber performedmink sweetheart roses and white REVLON‘S SUPER NATURAL HAIR SPRAY $63.00 Value Holiday Spec. FRESHPAK BOXED CHOCOLATES Reg. $1.10 Holiday Spec. OLD SPICE After Shave Lotion oz. â€" Reg. $1.7m Spec in Stisweetheart carnations 1:3.03.02030102MZ§ FREE DELIVERY 1966

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