c1w24§ AfUMINIm-P‘RFDUCTS.â€"â€" aliï¬iï¬ï¬‚fxsâ€"t};e:sf$2,â€"H37m Sales and Service Browndale Crescent. Richmnnd‘Dom‘s. windows, siding. Call Hill and 39 Spruce Ava. Rich- York Aluminum. 884-4558. vale. c3w23 ClOWlQ MOVIE camera and lights. Lad- ies golf bag and 4 clubs. play- pen. commode, bottle warmer, 222-2670. clw24 EASY autOmatlc lmner. 28" roller. excellent. working condi- tion. $60 or best offer. 889-7267. clu'24 BLACK Persian lamb cog, beautiful skins. very good con- dition. 14-16. $50. 889-4132. TIRES. Firestone 850x14. tube- less 4 ply nylon. whitewall. A1- most new. Very reasonable. 889- 1323. c1w24 ._ \Juuuncl xxch :1 u! GURNEY stove. freezer. frldge. Fm". chairs. cm dryer, wrlnger washer. Slroll-o- quolse leatherem chair ~ carriage combination. trunk, 389-1550. 889-1719. c1\\'24 H ' â€"râ€"â€"_...___._____,__A_ AVO ACCORDION 120 bass. 5 treble sorry I did not switches. blue pearl. Used 3511 my custome months by young lady. 889-6738.Christmas order. a “*2: I have a large sto EXCLUSIVE evening gown, size I Missed .VOU; PL 14-15. Reasonable. Discount Dal‘llng‘ 889-3202 Cleaners in the Mall. Richmond {MAS frees, 5c. Height! Cél‘ltl‘e. C1\\'24l\ln|1r nurn in (nil 3 Colonial style lamps. light floor lamp. 2 table Maple bases. tangerine Like new. 884-4787. CRATES of all sizes. suitable CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! ] for overseas shipping and Cast iron fireplace grates, 24" domestic use. assemble. Cen-pvide. self-feeding. $11-95. Fire-I tral Vln and Storage. tfcaï¬zln Centre. 46 Steeles Avenue‘ flnjflmï¬_â€";West, Willowdale. 889‘3133. flan" \II‘HAA‘HB Aunï¬nn- and: €2\V24 m" was“. “mmâ€: and u?“ "0" “1.9913†grues' .“HDOES Christnms sho ping Eet domestic use, reasonable. Cen- Wlde. self-feeding. $1195- Fll‘e-you down? Shop atp Wyn-dot tral Van and Storage. tfcatgln Centre. 46 Steeles Avenue ~ . ._.__._._ ___,_____v . your nelghboulhOOd store and ALUMINUM EweSt' WillOWdale‘ 389‘3132' 4 save time and money. Doors. windows. awnings. and' c w Excellent stock ladies and chil- ralllnga. Ron Woods. 334.1514. UPRIG‘H’PEâ€"plano. Marshï¬l and dren's wen- (we also carry over- tfc36 Windall, excellent condition. 2 sizes:. Wfâ€"_‘j bulky knit sweaters for boy or No fancy gimmicks to confuse o I came†and hght’S' Lad girl to fit Sizes 9 to 12, good you. Just honest values all the 19 l . s ‘0‘ bag and 4 dum' play as new. 773-5856 after 6 pm. y{timel npn rnmmndn hnttln \unrmnr "FIRESâ€"1117:}: LOGS Carefully selected. dry. mastly Maple. $16 a single cord. (4' x 3' x 16â€) delivered. Alvin Baker 889-2436. 3613 GOOD Battery & A.C. portable tape recorder. 5" reels. dynamic mike etc.A$75. Heathkit GC. 1a - long distance long a; short wave radio re- ceiver. cost over $150. unas- aembled. $75. Misc. electrical materials. wire, cable. fittings etc. at 1,2 whole~ sale priceâ€" One 8 in. kitchen ceilmg ven- tilating fan. grill-damper â€"â€" complete. $10. Misc. electrician's toolsâ€"diesâ€" reamersâ€"bracesâ€"tarches. Go- ing nm of business stuff etv. 221-4151. c1w24 wheel completely reconditioned 889-1404. c1w24 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in eluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod 015. Special rental rates avail able to students. 9. Very good condition. reason- able. 884-4593, *lw24 BOYS 3 speed bicy’cle’f ’26 GIRL‘S coat and hat 3): $4, snow suit. 6 $8. Girl's dresses, youth's bed $10. 884-4037. clw24 b..._.¢.. KAY guitar with hard case. like new. all new strings, $50 or clos- est offer. 884-3996. ('.1\\'24 KIDNEY shaped dressing table with bench and mirror. $8. 884- 5867. c1w24 EKO Spanish ï¬lm. s50. Pair MKN'S" ï¬ï¬Â¥Â§d1k7h33mfsize 88 Baker Ave Richmond Hill BARBIE and Ken dolls and clothes. half price. 889-6318. of ladies ski boots. size 612', $12.l 884-4396. cum! car. 884-2815 Order now. For early delivery. call 884-4532 or 884-2627. 05w21 PAIR 750 snow {ï¬gsilso 14" tire and rim for late model GM. DRY hard ivoé'dicutï¬lï¬â€˜rfnr fire- place. Dellvered single cord lots. 884-4519. “(:15 .__._._.r_ _-v CIVITAN’JEM‘AS’CAKES“ LIMESTONE For large or small arena. 884- 7768. Hch 650x13. snow tires 0n riinsi good condition. $25. 884-3047. c1w24 21“ Ramon-console. exael~ lent condition. 884.7298. trc9 . STRAW Good clean straw. 884-7768 “Want Extra Cash For Christmas . . Use Liberal Action Want Ads Now†CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst Insertinn .70 each word, mlnlmum charge $1.00. 'Second and subsequent Insertions if wording unchlnged. .7c per word, min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word: mln. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of we CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per In- eertlon $1.50 Classified advertisements should he in as early in the week As posslble but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by man and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 889-3318 and you will receive an invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 15, 1966 L. H. SIMS mm. Iall The Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 889-3316 8 am. to 9 13.111. Monday and Tuesday, 9 am. to 5 884.17455'13ï¬6ng ffC49;nA\r[g itioned. FIREWOOD c1w24 Truckload lots $10. Phone Cadil- (1Tri.lac Lumber, Maple. Ontario. lamps). 339-4973. clyv24 shades. FIREWOOD. 6 yeAr seasoned dwzfloak. $20; 1 year seasoned maple ‘ (.031. $18; 3 year seasoned elm $14. 3d c(,mPer single Cord. 773-5368. cl\\'24 clw24 “(‘23 u: ._ AVON ‘19 Sorry I did not get around to 3 all my customers for their 3- Christmas order. due to illness‘ E? I have a large stoek on hand. If zeI missed you. please call Gall nt Darling. 889-5209. c1w24 ANTIQUE organ, conversation piece. One kitchen suite. chrome Grey arborite table top. Four chairs. covered in tur- quolse leatherette. One large trunk. 889-1650. c1\\'24 XMAS trees. Scotch Pine. fresh cut. all sizes $1.50 each. Pine Boughs 50(- hundle. Bert Snell 31.2 miles along King on Keele St. any day 10 am to 5 pm ELECTRIC stoves, washers from $15 up washers and dryers lm's from $35 up. H-H G; L SERVICE ‘ XMAS trees, Scotch Pine cut your own to suit. One prlce any size. $1.50 each. Bert Snell 2% miles North King City on Keele Sl. to Green lane than 1'2 mile west. 10 am - 5 pm. Saturday or Sunday. c3w22 OUR ANNI‘AL CHRISTMAS SALE OF MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS IS NOW ox AT PON- KENT bass amplifier. 117 volts, one amp.. 18" speaker, tremolo 4 inputs. 1966 piggy-back model. Call 884-3316 after 5. c1w23 AUTOMATIC washer. suds re- turn, will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226. tfc14 Formerly “enable Service BBQ-7222 â€" 884-2283 Richmond Hill 773-5903 Oak Ridges. MOTOR and compressor for paint spraying etc. must sell. cheap, 884â€"1344. *1w24 FUR cape, black Hudson Seal, hip length. $35. Phone 884-2583. elm-24 CHRISTMAS TREES All sizes. $1.00. Call 889-6331 TING'S MUSIC CENTRE. 91; DAVIS DRIVE. OPPOSITE} NEWMARKET PLAZA. FLOOR‘ MODELS â€"- DEMONSTRA: TORS - ETC. ORGANS â€"‘ ELECTROHOMEâ€"LOWREY â€" CONN. HANDSâ€"ALL MAKES. Saving's on guitars, drums etc. now is the time to buy that en- tire family Christmas gift at greatly reduced prices. For your convenience we now have a bud- ‘get plan. please ask for details of [our Christmas programmeâ€"No [payments until February. In ad- dition for every Organ said from ‘now untll the end nf the year. 'we are giving stx free lessons. | C6\\20 Fresh daily. Hubers. 884-3028. *Iw24 (Continued) CLEAN straw-834.2538. tfc20 l‘Qï¬ï¬‚anl‘d. Standard (1.0%?! shape. Mortal 30" 4 burner gas stove. new. 773-5488. c1w24 fKD‘IiE-Siâ€"bdcktail dresses, hats, {suit size 9-12. Cheap for quick sale. Moving. 884-2698. c1wz4 ONE pairâ€"ofâ€"skts. Oneâ€"pair lined ski boots. Each pair sold separately, 884-5110. c1w24 Biking hollow body electrlé guitar. has 2 pickups. like new. 884-7511 after 6. c1w24 FUEL tank. 100 gallon; Crossley Shelvador refrigerator. 884-2655. clw24 ELECTRIC train. 5 cars with track. Call 884-1576 after 6 pm. c1w24 HOME MADE BREAD FOR SALE . IC ’ ‘n 1&0,“ gigs; Au‘t‘grlmgg: PARTS MAN -â€" experienced in , . r _ construction equipment. capable .nsnga5dï¬ï¬rs' refuge“ of assuming responsibility with L SERVICE & REFRIG, aggressive repair centre. ERATIOI)‘ LTD. c1w24 {1334, WYN-DOT LADIES WEAR *4w21 (‘2wZ4 *4w21 _fr:s_l{:Bayvlew Plaza (1 mile East of pine; Yonge) at Richmond Hill Snell. 334-2214 U015 WANTED part time clerk typist. approximately 20 hours a month. hours required may increase. Must be capable of confidential- ity. Apply in writing giving edu- cation and reference to Miss Jean Loggia. Nurse in Charge. Victorian Order of Nurses, 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. c1w24 RESPONSIBLE bookkéeper to trail balance â€"â€" requires typing and reception. MAN for greenhouse. experience helpful but not essential. No age limit. CANADIANA ‘Thornhill. an Ontario Village. the history of the oldest village ‘on Yonge St. by Doris M. Fitz- gerald. with illustrations and reminiscences by Thoreau Mac- Donald chapter by Willard Simpson. Photographs. nicely printed and bound $4.50. Avail- able in Thornhill at Margaret Cordingley Interiors, Colborne & Yonge, J. F. Cole, Jewellers, 7590 Yonge. or by mail from Mrs. R. W. FitzGerald 7616 Yonge. clw24 R.C.A. Victor Orthopho‘nic high fidelity record player $50., port- able radio. 15 transistor with A.T.C., 3 bond. A.M.. F.M.. and MALE management trainee â€" fulltlme for well established finance company. ATTRACTIVE switchboard op- erator â€" with good typing skills hours â€" 5 - 9.30 pm. Saturday 9-5.00 pm. SECRETARY to sales manager ‘-â€"Shorthand. electric typewriter. ability to work on own initiative with minimum supervision. short wave $35. Rondomatic 8 mm camera. battery Operated. zoom lens pistol grips, leather carrying case 550. Mansfield 8 mm projector. $35. Folding beaded movie screen $15. Boy‘s bicycle with carrier and light generator $25. Pair of living room lamps $8. New pop up toaster. 37. 884-1919. *1w24 4847 (t3w22 ‘Tiomon’s XMAS TREES“ Have a family outing and out... your own tree. Special. apples etc. also. From Aurora go 5 miles East, 1.5 mile South. 888. 1738. c2w24 (SEN‘C’FEV'TSIf‘eerï¬ti’ï¬ï¬mme, consisting of â€"â€" Combination stereo TV; 9 x 12. 12 x 18 gold rugs; 10059 cushion, 4 seater Chesterfield and chair, green and gold; dinette suite. marble and fruitWood tables, wing-back chain, 10 original European oil paintings, lamps; black vinyl recreation furniture. Moist sell in two weeks. OutStanding con- dition, 889-6644. c3w23 'FULL time service station at~ tendant. top wages with all com- pany benefits. Call Bob Gustaf- son at 884-0083. clw24 FEMALE help. full and part- time in the snack bar. Experi- enCe not necessary. Apply to Mrs. Purvis, GEM Store, 7171 Yonge Street. c2w23 WAITRESSES wanted. 3â€"11 pm shift. Esso Service Centre. High- way 400. Experience not neces- sary. uniform supplied. For in- fOrmavtion phone 832â€"1555. tfc24 ENERGETIC young?†with chauffeur's licence to assist in pick up, delivery and parking of cars in new car dealership. D n A anlu .fll‘hlnh an a a emu. HAIRDRESSER ~ at léast 6 years experience with styling degree. Wholesale prices on turkeys. ducks. capons and geese for quotations call. Maple Egg Grading Station King. 833-6282. Toronto 364- 4847 iPHOTOGlliAPHY ‘Hansa 35 mm enlarger, easel. deveIOping tank. lamps. plus ex- tras. $85. phone evenings, 884- 2105. c1w24 SKVE‘ofCï¬iï¬s‘TMKS'fï¬EE‘s Come out to Knappeti's on Bay- view North of 18th. Scotch Pine and SprUCe. your choice $3 this weekend. 884-3089 evenings. HI CORPS OFFICE ASSIST ANCE case. Immaculate condition. cnst $495. Accept 5200. 884-6382. Evils s’ï¬ffli Eig' leéf 'Philodendmn. 889~4556. c1w24 ACCORDION‘ 120 Bassâ€"wit}; EM “360 HELP WANTED CONCORD FLORAL CO. HIGHWAY 7. CONCORD 'IIE'AGUES’ BOWLING FOR SALE 18 Yonge St. N Richmond Hill 889-4842 (Continued) 3" parts. 334-31 9‘ c3wZ3 g-back (IL-24 W95†ENERGETIC young man with ‘melchauffeur's licence to assist in 5‘ 5°“ pick up, delivery and parking 33093.; of cars in new car dealership. c “ ' Apply service manager. R D. Little Ford Sales. Ltd. clw24 {"385 MALE sales representative llnfle‘wanted for large nation-wide - FMâ€" moving company. Apply in per- ; and son. Central Van 8L Sun-age. 28 “13130; Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. c1\\-24| clw24 clwza c2w23 SHOP cï¬PENTER ‘Wâ€" . -- mature. reg1ster- Experienced Versame man for ed. silver. 2 litters to choose shop werk and manufacture of'fro ‘ . . . . , v _ m. groomed ready for Chnst- wmdow names. Steady employ lmas Eye. 8844716 c2w24 ment. all employee benefits.l good wages. Must be prepared TINY CHRISTMAS PUPPIES ito sign on for full year. Lansing Poo-Hua-Huas? Chi-Hua-poos'.’ Building Supply Ltd‘ 258 Shep- Mother reg. poodle. father reg. lpard Avenue East. Willowdale.{Chia-Hua-Hua. 8 weeks. honey 01W23inr black. 515. Robert Rice. after I LUMBER éï¬ii’pï¬z ‘5 pm. 832-8949. c2w24 CONCORD CORRESPONDENT "The Liberal" requires a cor- respondent Ior the Concord area. If you enjoy serving your community and earning some extra money then phone our Editor. Sam Cook at 889-3316. ‘ nc3w22 Earn $75.00 per week and up. Full or part-time. Write: R. Lemieux. 9620 St. Lawrence Blvd. Montreal. Que. c8w17 i MEDILOAD LTD. ‘PArt time medical secretaries land nurses reguired for tém- ‘porary employment. Write giv- ing details of experience and availability. Write Box 42 “The Liberal". clw24 SCHOOL custodians, 40 hour week, liberal fringe benefits. Contact Earl McMaster. Supér- visor of Buildings and Mainten-i ancé. 135 Keélé Street. Maple‘ Ontario. Phone for appointment. 889-4821. c2w23‘ CAâ€"RRIER'BOY 0R GIRL COUNTER girl â€" for dryclean- ing plant 9:00 - 6:00 Monday ~ Friday and 7:00 - 12:00 every other Saturday. to aler do tag- ~ Friday and 7:00 - 12:00 every other Saturday. to also do tag- ging. No experience necessary. year round employment. Apply in person to Barth's Cleaners. 198 Yonge St. N. c1w24 EAiNK has several openings for] young male personnel. Grade 12 CLIPPING and groOming â€"â€" all minimum. Good starting salary breeds â€" by professional. Free with due consideration given to pick up and delivery. Gordon level education. Excellent tap-Garrett. 297-2597. t£c22 portunlties for advancement. JILL Go D ‘ H. Experience not necessary. Tele- aional Poggï¬chpï¬gg‘prgge; phone Mr. Montague 839-5091 Yen e S - ‘ for interview. C4W21 3:05; treet’ Thomhlu. :23; Man required with knowledge dig construction material to handle doors trim plywood. lumber etcr. Must be energetic. accurate‘ andiLARGE able to take responsibility. good male. 3 wages steady employment. ad- PAIR ' vancemént opportunities. all 01' benefits. 18°“ “- Lansing Building Supply Ltd. 13â€â€ 258 Sheppard Ave.. East wniow. “Tard- ,31 dale. clw24 LOST E "The Liberal†requires a car- rier for an established paper route in King City. Must be reliable and responsible. Please apply Sam Cook. 884-1105. BOOKKEEPER or experienced accountant for North Metro con- struction company. Costing. typ- ing helpful. transportation necessary. Apply. stating experi- ence, education, referencés, age, salary and telephone number to Box 130 “The Liberal". c3w24 REAL ESTATE career for men or women. free extensive train- ing program. special assistance to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited. 222-2525. WAITRESSES wanted. 3-11 pm shift. Esso Service Centre. High- way 400. Experience not neces- sary‘ uniform supplied. For in- fOrmavtion phone 832â€"1555. WILL tutor grades. 6.10 alléi subjects. 884-7672. "1w24't _ w- A o AVAILABLE for all elementary E subjects: grade 9 to 12 French, b New Math. Teacher. 384-3079. I‘ CLEANING woman. renular em- ployment. Thornhill area. Can provide transportation. 889-5023. c1w24 HAIRDRESSERC’male or fe-Eâ€"XPEITIENCED w'iitressï¬hre'é maligvcleEM-Hflifl _C}l\'?§'Coins Restaurant. 3613 Yonge WANTEDâ€"Cashier forâ€"full time 5t- 5-. Richmond Hill- ADM-V in employment. Apply Maple IGA. Per-‘0â€- “(‘21 Maple. 0m. clue; â€"‘_i€rb'nï¬oï¬n HILL CLEANING lady, Fridays. (Mi SALES OPPORTUNITY transportation if possible. Bey- David McLean Lid. Realtors are view-Steeles area. Start immed- increasing their Richmond Hill lately. 889-6697. c1w24 office staff and have openings NIGHT watchman {01. Richmond for 2 salesmen or salesladies. Floral Company_ Roseview Ave_ Our successful long established hue. Richmond Hm Apply in company offers unequalled op- person. c1w24 portunities for new pelople en- ‘» â€"-â€"7 _ view appointment cal Sales HOUSEKEEPER 800“ Wm Manager: Mr. McGregor. 889- mok. 3 adults. day help kept» 1164. Eveninï¬s 884-2811. clw17 phone mornings 332'1035‘ larlnd H1. hne’hmu I‘nr Intnr. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, part time, hooks up to and in- cluding trial balance. 889-7647. between 9 and 5. ('1w24 HELP WANTED ‘ HELP WANTED (Continued) (Continued) LUMBER SHIPPER TUITION nc3w18 c1w24 LOST Beagles, last seen Sunday near Maple - Kleinburg Side- 2road. Answer to Pokey and Mike. Call Maple 832-1408. r0 311:1 mile North of King City, be- :Eï¬fhween Dufferin and Keele. a antary Bully Master Bitch, fawn with tench, black mask. weighs about 100 l-5079.lbs. child's pet. Gnod rpward c2w23‘far its return. 773-5607. c1w24 (‘1w24 tf025 tfc4 male. 889-2436. c1w24 PAIR of glasses. dark rims with gold trim. on Friday between library and Odeon Theatre. Re- ward. 884-3209. c1w24 IPOODLEsgmmiature. register- fed. silver. 2 litters to choose [from groomed ready for Christ- .mas Eve. 884-7716. c2w24 HOUSEWORK - or any other type of work â€" baby sitting. Evenings or weekends. 889- 7142‘ c1w24 TWO Italian women Want work, good at needlework. Anything considered. 889-2253 after six. c1w24 BEAGLE puppies. unregistered, 3 months old. 889-5774. c2w23 PIGEONSV and doves for salé. Call 889-5331. ClW24 FOR RENT IDEAL FOR TRUCKER OR BUSINESS OFFICE Modern bungalow with yard at North east corner of No. 7 and Leslie Street. $250. monthly. Call D. McLean, 889-1176. Even- ings 889-3419. David McLean Ltd. thrs. c1w24 DECORATING done, finished for Christmas. Very reasonable prices. 884-2902. c1w24 FREE to geod'ho’méf'puppies, five weeks old. Ideal fOr Christ- mas gifts. 884-7576. c1w24 CHIHUAHUA Vpuppiés. W111 hold for Christmas. Phone, 727- 4462. c1w24 éERMAN shâ€"egh‘eï¬fs} terriéis‘. beagles. cockers and other small dogs. 889-7478. 02w23 JILL GODDARD for profes- sional Poodle clipping. 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill. 889~ 3606. Lfc35 MAN"th woman wants work of any kind‘ 884-7488. c3w22 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Army. 889-4869. tfc52 THREE room office suite on Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill. Ample parking. 889-1937. c1w24 LARGE recreation room, semi- furniahed, warm and clean. Business persons only. On bus line. 884-6922. c2w24 FREE to good home f0ur 6-week old pups, small breed. 884-2573. c1w24 5 room town house, full base- ment with rec. room. Couple with teenagers welcome. 741- 0609. c-1w24 FURNISHED room. cooking fa- cilities. 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke's Drug store at Yonge. t£c24 RICHMOND, HILL SALES OPPORTUNITY David McLean Ltd. Realtors are increasing their Richmond Hill office staff and have openings for 2 salesmen or salesladies. Our successful long established company offers unequalled op- portunities for new people en- view appointment call Sales Manager: Mr. McGregor. 889- 1164. Evenlnus, 884-2811. c1w17 tering the business. For inter- conveniences. 884-2734 or 489- 9427. c1w24 ROOM‘To rent gentleman only, clOse to Yange, Richmond Hill, 81 Centre Srteet, East. c1w24 CLEAN room in private home, cooking faeilities. Any hour. 884- 1016. c1w24 COMFORTABLE bed - sitting room. kitchen privileges. for lady school teacher or nurse. 884-1623. c2w24 BASEMENT apartxï¬eï¬t, ’ suit business lady. 884-3072. c1w24 LARGE exre‘cï¬ftlvel type family home tn rent. Available January 1st. 884-6308. *1w24 bathroom. private entrance. 884- 7985. clw24 SMALL hou’sé.’$7’0’ï¬mï¬h1y. No FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. 889-1766. tfc19 3 unfurnished"roomfmivate PETS FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED T0 RENT German Shepherd LOST c1w24 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfcll Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Speoiality Free Estimates 884-1245 ï¬aRrï¬isrbBafdea. very reason able. Thomhm area. 889-2531 GENERAL contracting. altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices. factories. Custom carpen- try bf all descriptions. Les Webb 839-2546. ma PLASTERING a; TILE Plaster repairs. ceramic tile bathrooms and floors. Years of experience in repair work. George. 884-7045. tfc24 Adâ€"dlllï¬ï¬s 8c Renovatiohs GRAY BROS. CONSTRUCTION Custom work. plans and spec!- fications. For«free estimates. call 884-5670 or 8774788. tfcl'l TREE CUTTING Dead elms. poplars etc. Cut and removed. Reasonable rates. Alvin Baker 889-2436. Plastering UPHOLSTERY 0003510931 E RECOVERING â€"- RESTYLING Avenuejfl of all types of furniture. LatESt WEEKLY m fabrics, reasonable prices. Guar~ baby preferr anteed work. Active" Upholstery. 889-5345 Residence 241-1893 Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. 889-2528. t£c11 CARPENT'R? wo’nxfaddi'tions. renovations. garages. recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889~3653. tchB HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. ren‘ Mons, additibns. and rep Kitchens .3 spacialty. M: Harrison. 884-2838. t Rug shampooers. floor mach‘ mes. £0015, chairs. 884-6731. Interior and exterior. 884-1311. tchZ MAPLE sharpening service in?! appliance repairs. 832-1323. CALL us for yOur sand, gravei, fill tOp soil and limestone Prompt délivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple. 832-8876. mm PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€" Telephone ~â€" 884-1630. “('24 MISCELLANEOUS BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenchlng. sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. m2 ETAâ€"1:1T ï¬'EmS_DECORKï¬NG Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 Painting. paper-hanging. Inter- MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard. 16 Elizabeth St. 5., Richmond Hill. phone 834- 5688. mm R. E. Dunn. 884-2798 inr and exterior. Free estimates Work guaranteed. 884-7902. PORTABLE TV RENTALS WEEK OR MONTH RICHMOND HILL 'I‘V 884-7456 - 889-3756 488-1521 'RENTALLT 41' YONGE N 'PIJiJï¬Bï¬KTHE’Aï¬Rh’ A. MILLS & SON LTD‘ TOOLS & EQUIPMENT WINDOWS CLEANED RESIDENTIAL FLOORS CLEANED 884-1311 PAiN’ï¬NG a; PAPER HANGING BOARDING STABLES Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe w'A'IIITwKsï¬m’G 334.1311 LET 070N770?!) VIT! DON BUTLER, TV 884-3500 James 1). Stewart 884-2201 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 C. STUNDEN E'W. PAYNE CH’I'M’P’I'EYS PAINTING R. CLARK Richmond Hill 889-3185 Thdi'nhill renova- repairs Moms c1w24;â€The Liberal *3w24 tfc43 tfc31 tchO tfc45 tfc33 tfc13 tfcl'? tic“ “049 tfcfll tfc22 tfc ~Ibaby pl'éférréd. Call 773-4262. clw24 FARMHOUSE and burns. want- ed immediately. near Highway 7. Must have conveniences. 889- 7473. c2w23 ROOM wanted for young single woman. Homeowner must be animal lover. Call called; 533- 7415 until 3.30 pm. c1w24 ONE 0r two bedï¬bm apartment in Richmond mu. Call Mr. Watts at 384.6205. c1w24 The Four Winds Nursery School 7951 Yonge Street. Thornhill. mornings and afternoons and all day Schdol. Transportation available. 889-4664. tfc12 TEACHER requires small apart- ment 0r large room in private home in Richmond Hm. cen- trally lncaled‘ Reply to Box 129 EQUESTRIANA HOUSE HORSE LOVER, GIFTS Horse prints. books, china, Christmas cards, hitching posLs, brasses. hams. lamps. stationary. etc. 7783 Yonge Street, lst house North. Thornhiil lGA. 889-3606 open evenings, c2w24 BOWLERS wantéd for mixed Hague at Allenmurt Lanés ~â€" Monday‘s 9 pm. phone 884-4862. c8w19 IT pays to grow cucumbers un-i‘ der contract. A guaranteed mar» ket is available to you. Con-i tracts are being taken now for“ 1967. For further information,‘ write 0r phone Frank Watts, 7059 Yonge St, Willowdale. 889-l 5494. tf023‘ 1960 Vauxhall Victm'. 389-1993.| clw24l 5375-37 ion stake. A1. 3250. 884-4697. - c1w24 1960 Morris-Oxford. excelIéHt condition. 889-2590. c1w24 1960 Consul? $95. or nénrest offer. Clean body, radio, mech- anic's chance. 884-5152. c1wz4 LADIES' dress alterations ex- pertly done. Audrey Arsenault. 174 N. Taylor Mills. Richmand Hill. c4w22 DAY care avanmfï¬pirs’anfd under. TAylbr Mills Drive S. 884-7353. c1w24 DAY care. during tKeâ€"Wéék'and Occasional Saturdays. Bens‘on Avenue area. 884-7651. c1w24 DO you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Bax 84. Richmond Hill, or call EMS-8684. tfc17 1§52’F3rd. 1 ton pickup. 8‘ b0x. 4 speed. Timken Axle. bent of- fer. 889-2992. c1w24 \l\.~eu “u. “Bur. .uv. “mu “- "'“bnbï¬lbnl‘lbhu aulte. SECOI’IQ tires A-l condtlon. Will sellhand' in good condition, 334. bes_t pffer. 884-15187. Ilka? 7946 c1w24 5b Plymouth’Vï¬, 73061-7 lum- matic, $85. Call 889-6331. condition. $795 or best offer. 884-1281. clw24 i955 Chev. ln‘gBFd running con- dition, with radio, $100. 889- 2742. c1w24 59 cn’evf’ï¬pilf can’veruble red‘ After 4 pm.‘ 884-1274. 191M an't’i’aEdehB’riedm, lnw mileage. excellent shape. 884- 5168. c1w24 AUTO INSURANCE We place special risks. terms ar- ranged. Call Mr. Tucker. 921~ 2167 or 884-1010. “(:24 1955 Pontiac. 2 door, very good running condition. recent tune- up. ready for winter. $75 cash, 884-5871 after 6. c1w24 If you are looking for used trucks, parts, tires or accessor- ies. see the truck Wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts an Sales. 01d No. 11 Highway. Hollmd Land- ing. 895-4686. t£c34 1955 Dodge hardtoiprï¬tgr and 58 Hillman. 4 new whitewall tires. new battery. anti-freeze. clean. $150. 884-5178 after 7. 1957 Pontiac, s-cylinder. auto. matic. good rubber. Good run- ning condition. 884-7628. {after 6 pm. _ clw24 ATf‘EN'ridï¬â€˜fnU'cEm’s". . Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 to 12 Saturday 62 Chev. Biscayne. 4 dour. Good DRESSMAKING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY USED CARS { DEAD STOCK LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PERSONAL DAY CARE NURSERY SCHOOL WANTED TO RENT DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4870 Eiffel-{ref Small c1w24 c1w24 c1w24 clw24 c1w24 WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For inst service call 884- 2538 or Zenith 3â€"2800. Licence No. 204-62. tchl Eï¬s’fï¬mm suite. second Cu’s’T’divalowing. 225-2731 ACCOUNTANT - CREDIT MAN Office Young man. 25 to 35 years of age. possé'ssing a recognized a'ccdunting degree, or a final student in such a course, is required by the Head Office of a large Wood Products Company. Duties will include some accounting detail, analyses of Financial Statements. special Finan- cial Investigations, Credit and Collections. Apply in own handwriting only giving per- sonal history, present employment, salary re- quired and when available. All replies held in strictest confidence. Excellem working conditions and employee benefits. Send resume outlining age, education, exper- ience, salary expected, etc.. to: - Mr. R. L. Craig, c/o Weyerhaeuser Canada Limited, PD. Box 179, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Experience on National with automatic changer an asset. Usual company benefits. Apply For profeSSional office in Richmond Hill. Duties include telephone. filing, bookkeeping and typing. Office experience preferred but recent graduates considered. 14 years highly diversified experience in accounting and nftice management. including: Financial statements. in~ ventory control, purchasing, personnel administration etc. Pnsseas diploma from certificate course in business at University of Toronto Accustomed to reporting to top management. WRITE BOX 127, “THE LIBERAL“. GARDENING 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL APPLY BOX NO. 131, “THE LIBERAL†WANTED Gilt Her Will: Security! We 7/ Help Wrap It Up Salary commenSurate with experience This is a growth pasition. SEEKS CH ALLENGING POSITION Mr. Stather. Canadian Tire Slnre Richmond Hill RECEPTIONISTâ€"TYPIST CASHIER REQUIRED This Christmas, give you child a 4% Savings Account with us 1.1. N. F‘OYLE, MANAGER CANADIAN TIRE STORE Manager Controller tlc17 for Evenings and Saturday Apply In Writing Box 128 “The Liberal" Required by Local Firm Switchboard Operator $55.00 per week 884-1107 889-1308