Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1966, p. 15

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Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Sil Steffan of 290 Elmwood Avenue, on the death of her mother, Mrs. Humphrey Valen- tine, on December 16 at Kirk- land Lake Hospital. Staff members of Trailways of Canada Ltd.. and guests, held their annual Christmas Dinner at the Summit Golf and Country Club on December 15. Following dinner, entertain- ment was provided by two bar- bershop quartets, who later as- sisted with music for dancing. The home of Graeme and Donna Bales. 35 Vaughan Road, will be the 10cale for the New Year’s Eve Party being held by St. Matthew‘s United Church. There will be cards. dancing and dinner, and congregation members planning to attend are asked to call Doris Monahan at 884-2344 or Marjorie Mitchell, 884-5014. Winner of Richmond Heights} Centre “Triple Your Baby: Bonus" lucky draw for Novem- ber was Mrs. Joyce Davey of 11 Leisure Lane. Mrs. Davey has two children and her fami- ly allowance cheque is for $16 per month. She received a cheque for $48 from the centre. {WW2 Triple Winner GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE tended to Mrs.1 R. D. and Don Little of R. D. 290 Elmwooquittle Ford rSales Ltd‘., ‘were . nun. gun _----~ Little Ford Sales Ltd., were Bourne will be pleased to hear' Members of the looal Rotary‘ hosts at a dinner and dance that he has now returned irom.Club entertained members‘ held Friday evening at the York Central Hospital, and is‘children on Monday night at a Richmond Hill Golf and Coun- convalescing at his home on Christmas party. held at the try Club, for employees, and Bathurst Street. .Summit View Gardens Restau- their wives and husbands. .* - * - ’1‘ ~ "‘ irant. About 100 people sat down to a Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wilson The Centennial community delicious dinner. of Richmond Street are flying project for a piece of sculpture . A.“ nan-.. it» mu”... um nnfronno nf the A highlight of the evening was the presentation by Don Little to Service Manager Don Reid, of an Accutron watch, in appreciation of his 20 year’s .service with the company. One of Canada’s leading eye} 1’0 specialists, Dr. Thompson holds appointments at Princess Mar- DE garet and the Toronto Generalfiem Hospitals and a teaching posflNOVE in the Department of Ophthalm-erS- 1 h ni ‘ ‘ T - gm” oogy at t e U velslty of o Dam ronto. I 1 Palm Former local physician, Dr. G. A. Thompson, MD FRCS (C) has been appointed national consult ant ophthalmologist. Canadian National Institute of the Blind. ‘In this capacity he will be avail- ‘able to the broad prevention \program carried on by the instiâ€" tute which has already assisted 100,000 persons across the coun- try to preserve their sight. Senior Citizens | The annual Christmas Treeqlook and party was held Decemberhvhenp 14 at the Christian Education‘ Bunting 0f the Richmond HillLdaughl United Church with a record'gfiel'lfl attendance of 112 members. ten n‘ Rev. William E. Moore of SN 1,11,: Gabriel‘s Anglican Church‘ man es spoke and gave members a very ‘ dy ‘ interesting talk on the Christ-110a" my theme. The ladies’ auxil-‘moht ‘iai‘y of the church served re-lneas' l‘reshments. lac i A sing~song, mainly featuring‘glfifier carols, was held, and a pageant, and N very authentically dressed in Mrs the style of Christmas of the can; past, led by Fred Rose, was pre- hi 1’“ sented and enthusiastically ap- M; I plauded. \ During the afternoon each member present came forward and received, from under the tree, a gift brought by another‘ (but anonymous) member. The tree was attractively decorated and the spirit of Christmas was everywhere. A draw was made 101' a cushion and won by Mrs. ‘Moore. On December 9. at one of the bowling meets at Allenâ€" 'court Lanes, the draw for the N‘Doggie" was held and won by "Doggie" was held and won by Mrs. Nan Walton. The Senior Citizens wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 1967. Margot Sweeny, daughter of County Judge George Sweeny and Mrs. Sweeny. and Bob Cowan. son of Dr. Cameron W. Cowan and Mrs. Cowan, both passed the Ontario Ski Zone Am- ateur Instructing Course, held in Collingwood over the weekend. Margot placed 5th out of 30 successful entrants. Over 130 skiers participat- ed in the event. Keep “Life in the um" columns up to date with your Christmas entertain- ing â€" parties and guests from out of town. .Call 884-1105-6 or write to 63 Yonge Street South. The editor would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy holi- day season and good for- tune for 1967. to a Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wilson of Richmond Street are flying ning to Calgary to spend the Christ- Don mas and New Year holiday with Don their eldest daughter and her . infamily, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall. The Free Methodist Young Adult Fellowship held a very successful and enjoyable old fashioned Christmas Party at the home of Don and Marg Derry, December 16. Decorators Ruth Proctor and} [S Joan. Stelling hum: Christmasw le“stoclungs, huge stars. sprays oi“ S lholly and red and green stream- lé‘ers set among colored lights, 1fimaking a most altractive selling ‘le‘for a party. The Hi Hats Band wlsupplied the music. ‘ ‘ Spot dance winners “ere Mr. .1 and Mrs. R. Proctor. Miss Karen " Boyer and her partner. Rick aSIWaern and Mr. and Mrs. L. '_lStelling and lucky door prize §!\\'inners. Mrs. Joe Rowley. Sieg- j’fried Heckhausen and Y. H. ‘Crocker. ) . . 3) A festn'e bulfet “as served at Derry, December 16. . Following the idea of the coming Centennial, the ladies wore the long, flowing dresses. while some of the men wore old fashioned attire. The house was very artistically decorated in the old faShioned, cheery way, candles burned, even a wood stove was lighted in the front kitchen. Carols were sung, and games played. Under the direction of Bev Bull. a very delicious lunch was served. a: _ av _ at it Congratulations, are ex- rand Santa in attendance on Christmas Eve to gladden the hearts of the kiddies at the hos- pital who can not be out for Christmas. Rotarians extend their best wishes to all for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. t _ n _ ’2: 4: Ninety children and their par- ents enjoyed a Christmas Party last Saturday in the proofroom of Ronalds Federated. R. Carson, man of magic, and the singing of carols preceded the arrival of the Jolly Old : 'l‘hdeaM Guild of the Pres-. bipe’rian Church wound up the. year’s activities with a Christ-l mas party at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Francis, Lawrence Av- enue. Mrs. Etna Shaw sang two familiar carols and President Mrs. Jean Mirrlees read an in- spirational Christmas message. An exchange of gifts revealed the identity of each member’s “M&M Friend” who had re- membered important occasions during the year with a card. Mrs. Hazel Giles will be the new president of the organiza- tion. front kitchen. Carols were sung, and games played. Under the direction of Bev Bull, a very delicious lunch was served. served. It _ 1- _ * * Congratulations are ex- tended to Isobel Savage, wife of the owner of Savage Cleaners on Yonge Street South. for her gay Christ- mas Window display. It has drawn many lav- orable comments from Yonge Street shoppers. at _ yr ._ * * Delta Lambda Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held a meeting November 29 at the home of Mrs. Helen Foord. The pro- gram “Music Into Drama and Dance” was presented by Mrs. Irene Dowden. For the Christmas social on December 9 members and their husbands enjoyed “Hobson’s Choice" followed by a cold turkey buffet at the home of Mrs. Lola Buckles. The last meeting of the year was held December 13 at the home of Mrs. Dowden. Mrs. Sandra Eveleigh presented the R. Carson, man of magic, and the singing of carols preceded the arrival of the Jolly Old Fellow (Bruce Humphrey). San- ta’s red throne was placed between two beautifully decor- ated trees. Each wide-eyed child received a gift, some had secrets to whisper. One small boy brought a gift. a paper .chain. and hung it around San- ta‘s neck. Gnomes assisting Ewere Misses Louise Schell and Barb Bellavance. The refreshment buffet was in charge of Mrs. Nancy Honey- “man. assisted by Mrs. Marilyn Jones, Joan Stelling. Jan Mil- ‘ligan, R. Haydeman and M. Ostrom. Clown Douglas Merrilees with Misses Elsie Anderson and Cheryl Fowler presented bags of candy. balloons and party hats, Messrs. A. King and H. Dickenson were in charge of decorations. Master of Ceremonies Cec Eidt thanked the many people Mrs. vHazel 'Giles will be the new president of the organiza- tion. $_.~.k ae- Recent baptisms at St. Mat- thew’s United Church were Jane! Laurette. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Adam. 109 Talmageq Gary Edward, son of Mr. and‘ Mrs. D. Brown. 108 Talmageu Glen Ronald. son of Mr. and] Mrs. R. Harding, 65 Cartierl Crescent: Susan Iris. daughterl of Mr. and Mrs. J. Henderson,‘ 104 Talmage; Donald Stephen and Kevin Andrew, sons of Mr.1 and Mrs. D. MacDonald, 63 Carâ€". tier Crescent: David Shawn. son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Porter. 67 Cartier Crescent; Wendy Mari- lyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith, 42 Rockport; John Anthony. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, 35 Church Street North. and Sharon Louise, Wil- liam George. Edward James and Patricia Elaine, children of Mr. and Mrs. James Bickett, 166 North Taylor Mills. a. The last meeting of the year was held December 13 at the home of Mrs. Dowden. Mrs. Sandra Eveleigh presented the program "Dance". A wedding of local interest‘ took place in Elora on Saturday" when Miss Marlene Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Jones, became the bride of; Paul Atkinson at Knox Presby- terian Church, Elora. The Jones family lived for many years on Elgin Mills Sideâ€" 'road, where Mr. Jones ran a most successful nursery busi- lness. - SéCl‘et pals were revealed by the exchange of Christmas gifts moud Hill were Mr. and Mrs Elmer Orr. Mrs. E. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. M. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sniezek. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cain, Douglas Snell and family, his mother, Mrs. P. Snell and Mrs. A. Rice and family. The staff association dance held by Ronalds Federated at the Masonic Hall was a gala! aff The many friends 9f C: 114110121” News Mrs. Barbara Barth, in charge‘ of devotion. gave a Christmas devotional reading, interspersed with the singing of appropriate ‘hymns. This was followed by a colored sound film on the his- to‘y and events leading up to, and the birth of Jesus in Beth- lehem. Congratulations are ex- tended to Isobel Savage, Wife of the owner of Savage Cleaners on Yonge Street South. for her gay Christ- mas window display. Groups of members then took turns decorating the large tree with Christmons. while other members sang favorite Christâ€" mas carols. They then adjourned to the Sunday school rooms where entertainment was provided by Mrs. Ev Miller. after which re- freshments were served by {he hostesses. )lrs. Betty Haney The lst. Richmond Hill (‘ub and Seoul. Mothers' Auxiliary held their Christmas party De- cember 9. Thanks are extended to Mrs. Helen Todd for assisting with the party and the attractive decoration of her home. also to all members who took the time for fancy cooking and bakingâ€" proof of its enjoyment were loosened belts and skirts. and Mrs. Polly Duefferl Guests attending from New officers were introduced and in the presidential chair is Mrs. Muriel Flagler. who preâ€" sented the Scout pin to Mrs. Betty Morley. {or successfully fulfilling her duties as the aux- iliarv president for the past two iliary preside years. air Me Rich .12 The Centennial community project for a piece of sculpture to grace the entrance of the library is well under way with the approval of the committee, the local library board and the architect. Members are hop- ing this sculpture will rival the “Archer”! Plans were made to brighten} the Christmas season in the lo-‘ cal hospital with decorations, and Santa in attendance on \Christmas Eve to gladden the hearts of the kiddies at the hos- Ninety children and their par- ents enjoyed a Christmas Party last Saturday in the proofroom of Ronalds Federated. wMvéeter of Ceremonies Cec Eidt thanked the many people involved in planning the party. auuuuuuuuumumuunuummummun“umun\\\\\\\u\\\\\\uuu Members of the local Rotary The East Central Branch of; YCHA held their meeting at: the home of Mrs. W. Charles,‘ Bedford Park Avenue. with 30‘ members present. The meeting took the form of a Christmas party. with the singing of carols. games and ex- change of small gifts. Program Convener Mrs. W. Sayers. who had resigned be- cause of ill health. was honored in - small way by the gift of a lovely Christmas corsage. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Sanderson, Rosemar Gardens. It 'is planned that Dr. A. Arai Will Show pictures of the hospital acâ€" .tivities. To combat the post Christmas let-down, the Storybook T h e a t r e is presenting a delightful children’s play "Sinbad and The Mermaid” on January 21 and 22 at the Lions Hall. The play tells the story of Sinbad, who with his friend Ali. sets out by boat to the Shimmering Island to confront the wicked Sharkell, who in league with a magician Ting Tang Tong, plans to steal all the pos- sessions of his uncle, the Caliph. The boat sinks, but they eventually reach the island. and Sinbad and Ali become involved in some hair-r a i s in g‘ adventures. Helping them accomplish their mission is a beautiful mermaid and some very clever penguins. MARKHAM VILLAGE: Re- cently M. 0. Shepherd wondered if he was seeing things that weren't there. On his way home from Kirkland Lake. he was driving through blinding snow There will be two per- formances a day â€"â€" at 1.30 and 3.30 pm and tickets at $1 for children and adults may be obtained by calling Mrs. G. Truss at 884-3665. Attention All Children! )ugh blinding snov he vicinity of Brace n suddenly an air d up ahead of him had made a force! if him. forced ad not vcucu "J u--." __. _,, fl , followed by carol singing. At the close of the meeting a buffet supper was served. The Women‘s Circle of St. John’s Baptist Church held their Christmas meeting recent- ly at the home of Mrs. Ruth Burkholder. Tareyton Road. An excellent program, con- vened by Mrs. A. Kirchen, was Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leahy. and daughter Kimberley. are celebrating their first Christ- mas in their new home at 212 Cedar Avenue. .; Kim‘s grandfather and grand-i mother, Mr. and Mrs. William; ‘Leahy of 27 Arnold Crescent,‘ will be her guests for Christmas,‘ and arriving from Calgary, Al- berta. are her aunt and uncle. IMr. and Mrs. Richard 500, who will also spend the holiday sea- ‘son in Richmond Hill. able Recent baptisms at St. Mat- thew’s United Church were Jane Laurette. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Adam, 109 Talmageq Gary Edward, son of Mr. and; Mrs. D. Brown, 108 Talmagefl Glen Ronald, son of Mr. and} At a recent meeting of the CWL of Our Lady Queen of the World, Chairman Mrs. V. Hanna extended a welcome to all and introduced new members. I She reported that a card and a basket of fruit had been sent to Father C. J. O’Donnell of St. Mary's parish. and thank you cards received from Mrs. R. Kirovac and Mrs. P. Reilly. A letter of thanks acknowledging receipt of 16 bags of clothing gathered by the parish mem- bers to aid the needy was read. A. Van Hees SJ., the writer stated that this parcel would be sent to Father Hourrigan on Manitoulin Island for distribu- tion. Mrs. L. Wilson advised that UNICEF had acknowledged their donation, and Miss Marie MacDonald was thanked for her effort in tabulating the funds. Mrs. Wilson also reported that at least six contestants from mph M the two schools could be was thhvn u. u... Whose iatucr Mary’s Anglican Church for some years. * * >k -*_ - Ken Brown, manager of thei local branch of the Guaranty. Trust Company, has been ap- pointed treasurer of the East York Plowmen’s Association for" 1967. Archie Little, former; Markham Township councillor, succeeds Lloyd Doner of Gorm- ley in the president’s post. Mr. Brown was raised on a farm near Button, in the St.3 Thomas area, and competed in plowing matches while at high school. Although no longer a} farmer, he has retained his in- terest in plowing as a hobby and( last fall won a first and a fifth prize in the King and‘ Vaughan plowing match, two thirds at Stouffville and sixth,‘ seventh. 11th and 13th prizes at: the International Plowing Match KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKQ I Robert D. Little. whom verses have appeared in “The Liberal' from time to time, has recently brought out a brochure containing many of these verses. Mrs. Wilson also reported that at least six contestants from each of the twa schools could be expected to compete in the pubâ€"i lic speaking contest to be held‘ 1in the parish hall February 19.3 ‘ Mrs. J. Daley volunteered to lconvene the bridge and euchre‘ Ito be held February 10. D.Leâ€" [Maire again brought to mem- ibel‘s‘ attention that the school‘ iboard elections will be held De- cember 28, and urged everyone :to attend. The title of the brochure is “Light Verse" and is his second publication. In 1946 he published a book of rhymes called “Rhyme and Reason" we Kt me I‘l u‘I "l vgq No fancy gimmicks to con-' fuse you. Just honest val- ues all the time! BA-YVIEW PLAZA (1 Mile 1 at Richmond Hill - stuck ladies' and ren‘s wear I\\'« carry over-sizes Wyn-Dot Your Neighborhood Store and Save TIME and MONEY EXCELLENT Friends of Mrs. William Hood of Buttonville offer congratula-‘ tions to her and her team mates on a curling rink from Union- ‘ville who last week won the jWomen’s World Curling Cham- ‘pionship in Scotland. Mrs. Hood is the former Molly Secret, whose father was rector of St. Mary’s Anglican Church for‘ Seaforth NEW LOCATION Dr. J. Perdicaris DENTIST OFFICE 59 Yong‘e St. North Richmond Hill Vw "WEE service continued with the lighting of significant brance, penitence and dedication until the only lights in the by CGIT members, all lit from the central candle, symbolic he gave to the world. ymmmma burton, has been appointed area‘ sales representative for Rich; thelmond Hill Area of Ontario! nty‘Hydro and will be working out ap_ of the HEPC offices on Pugsley‘ MM Avenue. 6 Carl Simms, a native of Han-é The Couples’ Club of St. Mat- thew’s United Church held their annual pot luck Christmas buf- fet in the church on Friday last. Over 30 couples enjoyed the turkey meal and later carol singing led by Bud and Pegg Renshaw. Mr. Simms is married and re- sides in Weston with his wife Corinne and two sons, Garry 18 and Michael 17. Lgfimmezemmiméfi 2m:me .95?! C G I T Candlelight Service It’s the nicest way t0 give! Richmond Heights (‘entre South B)ock W WWW Self Serve Buffet Free Refreshments 889-3619 21:219.»).thth HM candles through acts of remem- darkened church were those borne of the life of Christ and the light and THE SINGING PLAINSMEN For Information (‘all (Photo by Stuart's Studio) Corsages for Ladies Door Prizes

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