a ’lHE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. llltll'St‘lEl}. Dec 23 . A ‘ r . - ) ». L1 . . N People And Events In Maple t .\l1 and Mrs \lilfi'ed Kel'ferCenieniiial pl'Olt‘t‘l.‘ The “‘1 erl) made Christmas tai‘d14‘reda Bourke has asked that were hosts the second weekend decided to send donations to tire holder and Mrs Donna Stewart. they be thanked for their help 111 December to Dr. and Mrs retarded children's fund. the Maple, Concord and EdQEIEY DlStl’iC "The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord and Ldgclt‘.“ ditll‘it'w ll! _. 7 the Harold hm; Pam] as Com Maple please phone Mrs. Janet Myers. 832-1423; in Edgelcy and Concord, Mrs. Norma Hewitt, 889-4061. mum} git.†Patrick Noble pla)cd ino pi< ano solos and Mrs. .1 1966 home economist in York County‘and co-operation. ga\e an int’ormatne talk on 4-11; Grade mothers and assistants work. telling of the girls pro-‘at the Joseph Gibson School .iccts wvcrc: Ruth Garthwaite. Shirley Mrs H Jackson reported on Shields. Doris Roberts. Pain Corkill the WI convention and district.Rolt‘e, Edith Birkett. Pat Allen. Miss L Moruss. popular grade one teacher at Joseph A. Gibson Public School w as married Decâ€" ‘ . . . ember 17 in Port Colborne to gave an interesting talk on the‘executive meetings Mrs. CorkaFran Lippay. Shirley Ainodco O M I R S R Brian Beck. Wednesday last motto. “Do The Difficult Things ill conducted a unique card‘lsobel Ella. Barbara Hill. Lotiise . e e 0 - week. her class. assisted by Today. The Impossible Maylgame with Mrs. A. Snider MrsiEdmanson. Val Irvine. Inge Bit 1 their mothers. gave Miss Moruss Take A Little Time." She also‘B. Andrew Mrs. J. Dewsbury ner. Margaret Morris and i ' a surprise bridal shower. She read a humorous poem. " 'Tis and Mrs. N. Robson as winners..Frances McCarthv. Pinch hit- e I received many gifts from her‘the Season to be Frantic". Mrs. E. Harris gave the court-.ting were Bette~ Hanson and .‘ devoted students. Mrs. Beck Mrs. Payne showed a cle\- esies and Mrs. L. Kerswell andiLaura Boyd. i g ‘_ . . a 2 ï¬ne and ROSS of km“ cm~ will return to her teaching dutâ€"l N__ Ali's. A. Jones served a delicious} At George Bailey School imite\gi‘lghifgrjidi:h‘ll§“Stifyivemal anElaincral service was conducted “35 m January. Congrattuléathohs ‘lunch and a social hour fol-.‘Thursday evening the ladies former resident of Toronto. December 17 by Rev. A. Coyle and 13951 “Shes ale 9" en 9 0 lOM‘fl- ' were Marilyn Jackman. Lynn :Maple and Orangevme’ Samuelzof O].ahge\.me Baptist Church her. A “ >6 4 h Mrs. .Iohili liecce has “l‘JGllISOIl. Jean Lawson. Margaret IRobert Bailie who passed away at Dods Funeral Home. 0mm“ H .k h of Lannqa“ .‘spoonsntobse llc‘ncxl meet-,Mason. Elva Moore. hathleen December 15 ave 66 at Dufferin ville with interment at Maple . .led “f.†$5101), 1).. . Daub .mg “1 9. Equal,“ ‘l1 at ,l..h°.,‘]9nes' Nadya Le‘m‘H‘d' J03“ .A‘rea Hospitél oorangevflle Cemetery. ‘Sccon aiy itioo ian a I .home of Mis. Jackson. lhelees. .Iean Geddes. Audrc.‘ . ~ _ . t . ~“r v H > presented ‘two short plays last program committee will be MrsuMagee. Doreen Schanck. Ray 1.391" m Dunddlk’ IlFlalldï¬â€˜l P311b931'915 “me rm“ gâ€le lltOSda)’ 8116110011 to the grad“ _ 11. Jackson. Mrs. 11. Stephenson. Wolfreys. Elsie Miles. Shirley Bailie married the f91m91 “9 hews. Dr. Eric Mlll‘l‘iii‘ Ol 597" 9-11 classes at the school and Ladies Lt‘aglfl†‘Mrs. I, McQuarrie and Mrs. G.>.\IacDonald and Joan Jarvis. Atkms "‘1 Toronto 11} 19193119 boro. Tom Emerson. QUCCMVIHC. in the evening ' repeated the December. 1.3 saw Canasta Watson are on the lunch com-:Lois Horner substituted for an established Bailie Printing 591“ Kenneth Atkins. Malton and performances to interested par-.takc l pornts from Bridge; mittec. ’absentec, ‘vice in Orangeville with his son David Ham-Cy. Richmond llill: ems and friends. The casts of Rummy. Poker and Solitaire UCW ‘ The home and school shode lCalVln but “ï¬rm thl'ce Years and Melville Atkins of Toronto both plays are full of Maplc.took 5 pornts each from C1‘ib~. A pot luck supper was held at“"l‘he Ugly Dachshund“ last lago and had spent the time since .travelling in Canada and the lU.S. He was a Past Master of lFairbank L.O.L. 2261 and a member of Fairbank A. F (S; A. M. 592. He also belonged to and Roy Bird of Burlington. names. Participating in “Sun- bage. Euchre and Old Maid. This Maple United Church for the day Costs Five Pesos" were leaves the standing Canasta 32.}UCW general meeting Decem‘ Shelly James, Joan E?1‘115l12;\\1‘;lsl.lnlEmyl29. Cribbage :28. Poker.ber 13. Approximately 60 memo . ‘ _ _ .. 1d 1311‘ llls Torrcnce. n "Tic . uc ire 17, Solitaire 15. Old her and 6 -s \' ' r ‘91 Bame 0f Ollanggmle‘ Doug-E ttei 7X were Steve Shore.lMaid 9. tenâ€: .3 z,dLlcl'tSi low pdesgnhto l 1 ff nd \Ncslcy Boron 0 3 . . . l . _ J y eic ous an vai.ed 35“ ‘9 9†3 Frank Winkler. hilarvin take. [11in single for the night‘meal. the Irish Regiment of Canada. of concgrd‘Hl‘lg’mnlAllhaégheftf‘Margaret Fraser. Robert Fraser. went to Isobel Dahl with 328' . R‘cmnon 1 31 ‘ Bonnie Prince and Mary Annc‘and high triple to Lorraine Together with his wife, Mr. '. .. Randall and B113" Balhe oriManning. ‘Coombes with 673. Averages Bailie is survived by five chil- ‘ y ‘ ‘ dren. daughters Mrs. J. Boron Thomhlu- . h 1 Director for both plays “.as'at the top are as follows: Det (Audl'eyl. of Concord and Mrs. A Masonlc Sel‘Vlce “'35 “FfldlMary Neill and according to re- Palmer 208, Anne Bates 188. J. A. Whaley (Elva), of Richâ€" December 16 by Orangeville.heâ€S the young people deserve Isobel Dahl 187‘ Betty Fraser mond Hill: and three sons, War- Lodge AF. 8; A,M., With sonsla 101 of credit for their per-185, Sandy Sinclair 177_ ren, of Thornhill, who is Vice- Warren of Vaughan Lodge and.f0rmances. Men‘s League Friday evening. This presenta- tion was enjoyed by all who saw it. The next movie will he "Pinocchio" shown the last Fri- day in January. January 4 is the date of the Mrs. J. Pile led the devotionahnext meeting of the association. which was followed by a play- It will be of particular interest iett. “Two Christmas Boxes". to parents of grade 8 pupils as This proved to be hilarious. Ac- the speaker will be Miss Ruth tresses were: Mrs. Blake Yake, Kinsella, head of guidance with Mrs. Bruce Thurston. Mrs. the York Central District High George Barker. Mrs. Roy Hor- School Board. She will speak ner, Mrs. S. Valentin and Mrs. on “Choosing The Right Sec- Ten grandsons acted as flowcrv bearers. Wayne, Kevin and Dan-1 l . lions (hair l On behalf of Maple Lions Club, President Rick Soderberg is shown above. right, presenting a cheque for $500 to Hugh Martin, director of the 250-voice Festival Choir of Vaughan Township to aid in getting the choir to Expo ’67 next year. Looking on. centre. is Vern Sebastian. district 7 paying an official visit to the club. It‘lllllllllllllllllltlllllittliliiliiiiituti1111IiiilltltIItitttltilillilttltlilttlllltllltllltllitillllllltttlllllttllllltllltll111i11111litill11111111111111111111illitlltttlltllltllltlllltltlIIItilltllllltltltttitlllllllllillltiltlttllltilitlltlltllllitllill~13 ‘ Christmas In Maple Churches? Chairman of Vaughan Township Ross of Robertson Lodge par-l * *4 r ‘ _ The wednesday Night Men's Pile. A session of carol singing ondary school Courseâ€. Since School Board. Calvin of Or- ticipating. Pete Shore who now l1VCS. m‘Lcague finished their first ser- was also enjoyed with Mrs. grade 8 pupils will have to make lEdmonton will be spending ies, December 15 and Bruce Harry Jackson at the piano. their choice seine time in Januâ€" Murray's Team with 66 and Clarence Palmer‘s Team with 61 won the right to enter the spring playol’ls. Other team standings were R. Jellison 60, Bob Julian 58. Garry Palmer 47. O. Dahl 46. .1. Spencer 34 Bud McKee :10. High average [or the year so‘ far is held by Bob Julian with 234.5 but a hair's breadth be- Home & School Grade mothers for classes at both village schools were busy last week as the annual open houses were held. Many par- ents attended for personal in- terviews with the teachers. who were assisted by the grade mothers in booking interviews and supervising the schedule. Grade mothers‘ secretary. Mrs. Christmas in San Francisco. vis- ;iting friends. Brother Greg will ibe in Ireland until March. so he Map/e Minor ..... Hat/(e y Results ary, this meeting should prove invaluable for their parents. KIN GSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL governor who was ‘1 The Canasta ladies‘ bow ling‘ team had a Christmas Dinner on December 14 at The Valhalla1 Inn. Present for the party were Captain Det Palmer. Betty Rum-‘ «is» DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 HOUSE LEAGUE U-‘UIA '1‘“ Audrey Foulds‘ Evelynlhmd is Bruce Murray “'m‘ immmmmzmeectamea:namemmmmmxmmmxkuumuuwg . . ATOMS Brockhouse Midgets 6. Lake Aubertin. Betty Nunn and Cathy 23444- ’ {.9 . ‘5 All VlllagP churches will mice of response and Doug family serVice Will be held at Arctic 4 [GA 0 IWilcox 3 ‘Cheetham. Bob Julian also is hiin single .K' Merry a celebrate Christmas with Roberts as the voice ofrevâ€" 11 am Christmas Day with no ‘ This shutm‘lt went to ï¬rst tlme‘ George Savweu pumped m‘ is a a. a .holder so far “1th 355 andh; .. r special services. Several cal-cl elation. I Sunday school. The Sunday Goalie Bruce Bailey in the Mo four goals f0} Maple with John Jun 5313.50“ of Mg. and Mrs, Bruce Murray has the high 3 Ch) rstmas g singing services have already Christmas Livetheie will be school Christmas Party will tic nets. Teammate Peter Fraser Thurston and John wen. adding George Sara of Oldfield Road, tliiple with 830. «h and 5 been held. continuous SCI'VICSS of Holy held December 28 at 6 pm Slapped home two goals and A. one each last Saturday at the had to b? rushed in. York Cent- ioneer League I _St- Andrew’s Presm'tel'ia“ commumon f-mm 7 to 9 pm' an the 3:11:11 hilu'dTh: Sign- J. Smitheram and Steve Sher- Doublerink Arenas. Rod Shields, 1‘31 Hosp‘ta} l‘aSt Fr‘daydevfmng 0.25:} TThuridï¬y 7 “wt get†i? a mu hold the annual candle- Then on Christmas Day, the ren wi serve a ur ey 1 t e A ists went Ken Hatton and Wayne Row_ for an emergency appen lec omyh s earn a e pom 3 tom p N Y . a ‘ ' ' ~ ' family SEI‘ViCe Will be held dinner man ea“ go on ' SS - - He is reported to be domg fine Ed Borretts Team and Milt A? ew ecu lCig‘ht tand VII/Shite git; 3sgiwce at 11 am with no Sunday - g. s s s to John Salmon and Steve orth received asswtlst. now and best wishes are sent Palmervs take 5 points leavingg ’ from a r15 mas V9 3 I 9111- . . Jones_ York Fire and Casua y Bantams . . _. l ' - heran held its . . to him for a good recovery. Olne Downey With 2. M . o .. The young peoples Bible 5011001- - 21°“ 1"†- Parkers 3 Clements 2 8 East Gwrllimbury 3 . . . . . . y a Q ~ ‘ h hr tm er- ’ ’ , v * v v Palmer still leads with 42. A k, V S ' class Wilhhbe pï¬etsenjitihtg th: * a: a r stheoorhgniï¬g g: SDe_ Mark Sones, Ron Ryzek, and Mark LeMpine got two goals The engagement has been Craih has 41’ Downey 30 and}; s g :griéieceéf “Den-gallisehagglesfggd cemher 18_ A. Peters, choir Mike Angus rapped home goals and four asSists for Maple with announced of Pam Stoddamy Bhrrett 27. Ed Berratt had i; N director and Mrs. J. Keffer, for Parker5~ Assists Went to Singles 30mg to Don Thacksr. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. w, D. high single and triple with 236 g Maple, Ont. - ,3 to be taken to Evangfl Han organist prepared the chil- Sone’ Ryhek and John MCKay‘ Darcy.SChaHCk' Klm Adams’ Jlm StOddath Starlight crescent, and 640- :smararmaraanimawzmaaamammmz.hummus.mammaimmrnhmamï¬ m Tolonw' . dren for this program of song Henry 51mm†“med b°th Mam“ and C31 lake' Peter Richmond Hi“, to Barry Boeck- â€" .ChnStmas Day the Earl/Ice and readings of the Christ- goals for CIS’ments wlth RObert Adams came up “"th two as" her, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Will be at the usual time of mas Story Taking part were Homer coming up with an as- Sists and Dana Coxworthy and Boeckneh Keele Street? Maple. am With Sllnday SChOO‘l» Ann Berger. Wendy Davhh sist. Gord Cameron each had one. ,The wedding 15 to take place [he semce.~ at St' Pan†son. Chuck Thiel. Scott Grahl- ‘ t E it 1' "WP." valet Peeweeys 4‘ EaStlDecember 30 at 7 Pm inst" Vaughan. will he held at man Karen Thie]. Valerie l PEEWEE ‘Gwmlmbul‘y 1 Paul‘s Lutheran Church, Rich- ll:15 am. ' . .., .0. . ‘. ‘Lions 4, Merchants 1 . Robert Fox got two of theimond Hill East. _ Mahl. 'leiiy Berger. Janice , l , . ‘ . . , 4., H ., cf...“ . it n- + v Moore‘ John Peter) Alan ‘ Single goals for the Lions‘wmners goals and Robbie; Among the showers held for 41h ~ (' t" "Av-3A ‘ -' Maple thth held a so“ Moore, Linda Kunsh Lydia from the sticks of Bill KennyiPui'ves and Paul Banks got the;Pam was one at the home of . vice of carols on the evening Bundschuh Greg Kenâ€? talso one assist). Greg Keffergothers. hMrs. Ken Dawes of Richmond . .. 0f December 13 and the white Michael Kl’mst Heather Keh Steve Collett and Steve T\vida1e.fCadillac Lumber Novice's 6. Hill. This miscellaneous shower. gifts were presented at the fer, Memes, ’Berger! Ann Also picking up assists were.E.G 4. was attended by several Maplei V - V 7 H7 ,' morning Service. The carol Hansen, Rohm Clarke, Mam._ Danny Rivait and Eddie Lowe»I That persistent scorer. Paul‘l‘CSIdentS- ‘ _ k k i ' t '- ~14 4 ‘ r' . _ N " .,-. .. . , . . y- Gord Parrott scored the Mer- Hoogenboom, kept it up knockâ€". “ " ‘ ‘ SEI\1(.E\\dS presented by the pen Bone. Caiolyn “188, , _ _ . M, d M_ G r e Robson junior and senior choirs with David Reid, Allen Boeckner 313358511“: gsoal‘ . 1 “lgkllome Tree 393:5 .3“: :150‘“,e‘rel' ï¬gsts we: gShul. Gain the Hi-C voun“ eo le's d G . K ff _ A 146 . . , upenor pic 1112 up we assrss 1n aurâ€" _ ' ,. 3 a p D an my e er co) 5 Paul Hoogenboom paced the‘day’s game. Cliff Floyd got twolFal'm Chl‘lstmas Party laSt Fl‘l‘ P group presenting "Candles 01' the Lordâ€, 3 series of narra< were Michael Plunkett and Gary Keffer. win with two goals with Dennis goals and John Salmon one. ld‘ay evening for employees of RODUCER TO THE CONSUMER! John McKay and Peter Fraserlthe farm and the mill. The each picked up an assist. iguests surprised their 11051: and The league will function asllms'tes_S by arrivmg With acake. usual on both of the Saturdays and glfts to celebrate the Rob-1 in the holiday. sons‘ 25th wedding anniversary. a. .i a a. which had been observed Dec- The Maple executive has ember 13' secured 50 tickets to watch The 35 guests at .the party. 8 Maple Leaf practice ses_ enjoyed a dehcrous dinner and. . ' ‘ heir gifts tol sion at the Gardens on the after Prese‘ltmg .t - morning of December 28. the Rebsons enjoyed playing. These tickets are at Norm . Wards. ‘ is x x >34 Ruttle‘s 46 Lancer Drive . - . » ‘ ' ' tl ortunit . and will be distributed on may 1 "al‘e “5 Opp y . . ‘to wish all readers of this col- a first comc. first serve. Walters managing the other one. Paul Banks got two assists and Ted Graham one. Martin Bromâ€" ley scored Superior’s one goal assisted by Clyde Brunner and Digby Bourke. ii is i * BANTAM Arthurs Jones 4, Fred’s Shell 2 tion and scripture verses. Brian James was the narra- tor, with Susan Ward as the St. Stephen‘s Anglican will hold a Christmas Eve Com- munion service at 11 pm. The Christmas Day the special family service will be held at 10 am with no Sunday school. d‘lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlIIlllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIlllIlltlllllllllllllltllllltlllllltlllllllllllllllllllltlllttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllll\lllllllllll-F The Voice Of Concord December Birthday her eighth birthday were KimChuroh of Christ - One feels sometimes that Rudge. Kim Jacklin, Linda Members of the congregation Bot/lgkeaéflzgï¬geupaigthiagziï¬ people with December birthdaysliladill, Sandy Gottfried, Pat- of Concord Church of Christ en- and assist for Artth Jones should get consolations insteadlricia Keffer. Lyn-Anne Nash, joyed a fireside get-together athther scores went to Tom Ed; of congratulations because there‘Lynn Price. and Lorie Haynes. ‘the home of Mr. and Mrs. manson and Geoff Salmon John is a strong chance that their“ Although the ‘l‘empleton’sCharles Young. King High DriveReeds got two assists, Dale. Bonei birthdays will get lost in Christ- have been invited out for Christ-lDecember 18 after the evening‘ahd Jim Young scored for basis_ There will not he a um" Ellery Mén'y. V ChrlSthmaé ’ .. ~ ' I mas preparations. mas dinner on Sunday. they are‘church service. Carol singing‘Shell-s, ‘ bus going down to the ses_ and §9d5°_“3 Gltelemhgs‘ a]; ' " Two young Concord residents planning a dinner party â€"â€" for'vras the order of the clay and Merchants 4 Del Broom 2 sionl but any boy who would Oils (elemfattmg. ole ‘29:: with , V l r . who definitely fared notherwise 13 people at last count 5 for‘thc gathering closed with reâ€" Tom Ferny.) Dana Commrthvg like to get down on his own 2121.113â€? 5511251 731:...) me a I i n this year however are. Jimmie Boxmg Day. Anyone wishing toifresliments. Chuck Fraser and Robbie. to see the Leafs in action mom: call with all the details, and Lois 'lempleton of an Hill- do a good deed for the year Children of the Sunday school‘Bourhe rapped home the goals can get a ticket free of lWI side Avenue. Little .liniinie cele- could invite the family out for will miss their genial superm. for the Merchants with assists. charge. Normvs lhhone “huh ‘1†N Noble has hostesS [01. brated his fourth birthday De- New Year‘s dinner iperliaps a rendem R. shaw- fol- the next a - . . i cember 17 with 'l‘imniie and hint here to Dear Old Dad?) Sunday 01» two as he and 311.5?me 1,0 RP“ C10le and.Danl s . . . i . . - ‘ .Thackei. Brian James and Steve. (.len (urcavette. haren Madill. as after all these parties. I sus-Shaiv have gone to Florida £012Morris scored the goals for Del her is 832-1424 and a call will keep a ticket for you i as well. Riclivale boys may the December 14 meeting of Maple \\’l. The roll call was responded to by "Don‘ts In The ALL WEIGHTS .Iohn llaley. Sharon Webb and poet Mom will need a rest. lthe holidays. Brocco’s James als i~ked u l have theirs b contactin‘ Sick Room". Mrs. N. Payne Anne Burlington to_cnl°.\’ the We reported last week that: Usual services will take place an assist. 0 pt pl Frank Pun,es yat “$255; woke on me Acw and WACC “In and Samcs at “15 bll‘ll‘day Brian Nash celebrated his 6th‘Christmas Day With Slmda)" w l y s y w w y T v w v ' Palm"- , birthday December 11. but it‘school at 9-45~ morning =va N0. 1 SLICED Although her actual birthday appeal-s that he celebrated perâ€"at 11 am and evening service'g - - “:35 the '19“ d3)" December 13‘ haps a little too much and end-lat 7 pm. Pastor A. E. Atkinson to: sister L015 entertained a gl‘OUD‘ed up in the Branson Hospitalwill conduct both services. N; 9 - r ’ n ‘70 "" Of 1191‘ friends‘aflel‘ SClmOl thelwith an asthinatlc attack. At Sympathy 8 I l 2 POLISH next day- Helping her celebl‘ate‘iast report he was coming alongl The sympathy of the commun- â€" \lï¬ nicely and is expected home in it)’ is Extended to Mrs. Anthemga K ‘time for Christmas. iBoron on the loss December 15",: r )i i '1‘}; other December bithdayHDf her father S. R. Bailie 0f 01‘- g l "(‘4'. KOSHER STYLE celebrants are Carol Cole, King angeville “'hO PaSSEd away after Canada‘s Finest Red 8: High Drive on the 23rd and a Short illneSS. age 55. 1*:- Blue Brand Beef Bryon Camp, Lawrie Rd. on the‘ 24th. so we wish them a happy A ' i PM)â€; RIB birthday. merry Christmas and p / Happy New Year all rolled into l 'aâ€" a V 0119. ,Guide 5: Brownie News ’ Members of 1st Concord Guides and Brownies played a full house December 13 when they put on a beautiful nativity pageant at the Church of Christ. .\5 the tableau unfolded. a chon‘ sang in the background. Narra- tors were Lorna Madill. Kathy Fraser and Lisa Boron. Following this. the girls seri- ed tea and coffee to the parents Idownstairs and before the even- ting ended Santa Claus. other- wise known as Al Nash. put in an appearance and distributed ‘gifts to the young people. Cubs l Approximately 24 members of llst Concord Cubs enjoyed a Christmas party December 17 and went bowling at York Bowl. ‘Accompanied by their two lead- Iei's Jim Bonner and Dave Todd~ 'they then returned to the Gam- bell home on Roekview Gardens where Phyllis Gambell. vice- SWEET PICKLED PEAMEALED BACON [N THE PIECE SLICED 79¢ lb. FESTIVE HAMS CHRISTMAS 75¢ y] “hole or Half. Ready to Serve . ’- ‘ a â€"‘ = idifliflifliflifl'ï¬ï¬‚'ï¬ï¬‚'ï¬ï¬‚‘ Get your Party Dresses and Suits in shape for the Holiday Season ‘ 1 ‘ WWW! ï¬WWW. , PINEAPPLE HAMS lb. Boneless - Ready to Eat CHERRY BUTTS Ib.75¢ Smoked In Our Own Ovens Ready to Eat, “hole or Half Boneln lb.65¢ f : Tho Christin Science Monitor Ono Norway St, Boston, Moss. 0211! flW; J 0 FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Pleas- ontcr my subscription to tho Mather for the period checked bo- low. I enclose $â€" (U.S. Funds) OIM$24 UGmonlhlflz E .1. I. 3’ ; § mill/AME M“ ‘2 Mifl‘ifl‘ifl‘ifliflifliflifliflf U 3 MN“ 5‘ president of the mothe' ' ux'l- ‘ ' "‘1'" inf?“ 355‘s“ .b:" 39ml: EMS“ - =1 ‘SERVICE we RESERVE THE RIGHT TO l.l.\11'l' QUANTITIES - SUNNYBROOK MARKETS . Phyllis reports that the bms SERVICE ‘5‘ ‘ ' cm were all "as good as :old†... .mâ€"ZIPCL_ l\\ll(l‘t'll l< di'k‘lldl'dllli: 'n EillC‘IJ' ")1'10-‘l 4 ea ers an a trinue to then '1 ‘ . V. r \l p.21: -: z i: -: -; -; v, -; -: -: -: -: -: -: v: -: ~: >2 -: -: '2 -: :1 "- '2 1: 1‘- '.1 ‘.= '.‘- '6' "H -" “°°'° "' ‘ ‘ 3"“ mandatinthconcentrates)thannonnaaaannn