Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1966, p. 3

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THE LIBERAL. Rir'lirrrorrd Hill. Ontario. 'l‘hui‘srlay. Dec. 22. Mb“ 3 #MEIRfifl? [MEVIMHIWMWI 3030;; .V .1 0 11%: i b in“. 1,3 0:: V . .VIHIWZVIEVIZVIEVIHI. Consider ‘Special' Bus Service To Ease Morning Passenger Load 1 | o "d t 6 7‘ r i 7‘ Richmond Hill Council's lar bus schedules \iould be re d transportation and parking comv tainecl. inittee is discussing possibility MBDOI‘ “1011135 Bl’OathI'ST v: of adding a especial" bus to ['9- said he. wasn‘t opposed 110 the lrcye congestion reported on Suggestlon but “'85 dUbIOUS 0f 1% the early morning runs. the demand tor the extra bus. Committee Chairman Ii'an 1‘ “35 Syggesied that 50!“? a,“ Mansbridge told council Monday"type 0f 5“}1“;ey mlght be carr‘fq he had discussed the possibilityiout.‘0 355‘“? the need' .It ll“ g: 1.“ with Peter Smith of Trailways decided to “it. the maitel abtde to: r - . until further information could .4 of Canada Limited u ho hold b bt .n d P" ‘ the franchise for the operation? 6 0 m e g i k of the local line. He also re- ‘ i 8.. c 1 Cu 150 g 1.” Ported the 1967 agreement \yithmilrgrféiiela bgionp5$1 Orion extind rs. the'buslrne wrll remain the same‘bus service to the York Central as m 1966- , . ‘Hospital for further study. P... The counmllor sald that hel The transportation committee :5. TN had Tecewed a number 0f com'ihad been considering organizing plaints as had the bus company's route to the hospital specificâ€" .-.-. a: that a second bus should be any [or hospital employees p. used to operate as a “special”. l Mr. Mansbridge stated he had -.~.. This would commence from been disappointed by the hos- " . . t . . .. . . h” Richmond Heights Centi‘e‘prtals decrsron not to particr- Va “N around 8:30 am and cover the}pate in the cost of such a bus west side of town. then continue‘service “although Hospital Ad- .south on Yonge Street to Mar‘k-‘ministl‘aml‘ Gary Chatfield did ham Road proceeding in a usual WITH?!“ the sel‘VlCe 35 being pickup route through the south-‘neceSSaFY”; east part of town 1 Mayor Fhornas Broadhurst It would Stop at Ban-1e“. scusaid he didn‘t. favor subsidizing "Mary school then continue onla serVice outsrde of the mumm- (Photodby Stuart‘s Studio! unuuodhdn' r AITTONA2F1'anli-Barliey Clareâ€" . S t i ‘ .- tlllllilllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllliltllilllllllllll.illlllllllllllllllllliillil’ mom RR 3‘ has been elected a l ’ . ' I l 1‘ ._ l president of the new Altona - Pa d axes 0’ Community Centre. The former)»; Extra Acres ‘Altona school building \‘l‘lll beg ithe centre of activity and the‘fin program will include the United!“ Missionary and Mennonite‘éx. YONGE & Carri/fed Master Dryden ncr r to - ~ * -- Ab t W” F 6/2 The extra cost involved wouldgigteii1 Its Shale or the an”! be $15 per day for a five-day ' * ,k , * ,‘ pa. §§$§gޣ2€f§ fiffi;‘ffi°£§§"ifi2‘ Council agreed to retain the} Mrs. H. Hornsby-Ocloi. nurse-in-charge of public health in Ghana. Africa, spent December â€" same agreement for the general" 8 in Richmond Hill observing the Victorian Order of Nurses at work at the branch level Durin r a - - w" total cost ab ut 1.000 les an ~ . r. r - ~ ‘ . . . . . h g ,._._ . , estimated $7707 in$ receipts.SAp- buéesfnrgwi: figgg‘iff'e’rf 1966’ ; her stay of several weeks in Canada, Mrs. Hornsby-Odor is based in Ottawa, but “.111 be gomg to It 5 Christmas . . . ten-mites gather round the proximate total cost to the town The mnage rate mm by mej Montreal and the Canadian West, besrdes Richmond Hill3 to observe and investigate the public N. tree ...friends exchange greetingsâ€"cmd we would be $7233 year; municipality to Trailways was] health systems and VON, With the View to usmg information gained in her own country. ,J Mr- Mansbrldge said the bus increased from 42 cents a mile‘ While she was here, Mrs. M. F. Thomson, Yonge Street, entertained at an afternoon tea in extend our drunks and best washes in all. would be deSIgned to relieve the to 50 cents and the maximum her honor. § leggislitgrcilorinniniggiesgginlgvng: iihsigrirom $10,000 to $11v500i In the picture above (left to right) VON Nurse Mrs. Dorothy Francis, VON Regional M, behind or forced to walk in] The mime of bus fare remind Supervisor Miss L. Britnell, Mrs. _Hornsby-Odor and VON Nurse-in-charge Miss Jean Loggie discuss 1“,» rainy or snowy “mule... Regu_ ed at 15 cents cash 01- ticket. ‘ the duties and responsibilities oi the VON in the community. M: " m‘ " s W as C x 8 HOUR SERVICE AMPLE PARKING LEVENDALE RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill Q Reeve Ross Farquharson ; was startled to hear the Latin phrase “caveat emp- r tor“ at a recent council meeting. The words were used by Mrs. Joy Heather, Mobile Road, Toronto, and Churches and the Women’s In-l stitute. the translation is “Let the l . ’ buyer beware.” . b61160". 8 Mrs. Heather told Whit~ r‘ Greetings church Township Council that for 10 years she paid taxes on 69 acres of land, when in effect, the property contained only 59 acres. She claimed that she had over- paid about 365 per year. y r The assessment error has ‘ now been corrected, how- y i ever Mrs. Heather will not ,3; y be receiving a rebate of her “ ‘ over-payments. To All MONDAY, DEC. 26 Reeve Farquharson point- ed out that it was not the duty of council to examine individual tax bills. He told the appellant that a court of revision is held each year to take care of such discre- pancies. Since she had not i appealed to the court of re- vision no rebatc can now be approved. 29 Yonge St. S. â€" Richmond Hill were«hamster:remasterermmmzsromanticism-srs:s4sreiers-eimrsreretetermmummies“rewriimmmemmmmxunnumunnmmaummu DEL MONTE MAXWELL HOUSE -â€" Reg. $1.89 ii i ii If A i! :1 6 fl is R K I! 5 K K R 5 it: 8 ii 3 ORANGE JUICE INSTANT COFFEE 5‘: ‘ it When replying to a i g l K ’ 1 K K 5 fl 5 5 8 fi fl 5 fl 5 fl 5 8 6 a K 5 ii '5 V «Photo by Stuart’s Studio: We love Santa Claus Nearly 100 children were on hand at the Victoria Square Community Centre December 17 , to give a rousing welcome to their good friend Santa Claus. A small section of the happy “ young people is seen in the above picture, gathered around the large Christmas tree. ‘ The children came from an area bounded by Highway 7, the Gor'nrley Townhne. and Con- cessions 3 and 6. Before the arrival of Santa they enjoyed movies and a singsong and received i gifts and a treat from the man in the red suit. ‘ The party was arranged by the Victoria. Square and District Lions Club. with Lions Tony Roman, Ed Gibson and Don Boynton as the committee in charge. They were assisted by other members of the club and Lion Stan Roots of King City played a yery important part in the day's festivities. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllll ' surnames?.kTEIéE-ékfikezrcrz'seam: “been” :: 2 48 Oz. Tins 30¢Olflabe| IOOZJar .45 Number please address 1 l JAY’S FANCY QUALITY ORANGE PEKOE TOMATO JUICE SALADA 'I'EA 2 48 Oz. Tins 65¢ Pkg. 60's 19¢ AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY BICK‘S SWEET PEACHES GHERKIN PICKLES i5 Oz. Tins 59¢ DEL MONTE FANCY your envelope to: BOX (NUMBER) THE “LIBERAL” WANT A135 63 YONGE ST. 5., ‘ :chriiroND HILL. ONTARIO“ TMerry Christmas (QT-Héddford Cornimunity} (‘liurch News The December tileadl'ord l'CW \xas held in the Square Church and attend ihe \ear. became \‘ule and ue treasâ€" 3<‘(‘(Hl(l Monday service. Fol- the the Yule season and Yule louirig the sonic-e they will log. A man \\ithout memories is irrcciiire oi Happy New Year 20 Oz. Jar 59¢ home or Mrs. Norman Brodie. hold their business session in'lonely and a country \\ithout The guest speaker. Mrs. R. the Maine. The first Monday legends is dull, Wass lieii ~A Whalley. 'l'hornhill uas intro- prayer service \\ill be held in we greet you as he aurissail- unitehixixammedicarei:Hickman:inxxuxuxiemmmekac‘ duced by Miss Cor-a Brodie. iler llcadtord L‘iiurc-ii and the third ing.g0_ 01.!) LONDON TOWN â€"â€" 2 Pie Size 'fl'fiii‘i‘i's'ifi‘i'{bZK'fi'iZ'fi'tlfi'ivi'fififfi‘rit:‘é‘.'62'€KKVZZ'CKffiflKéZKKE‘KKK ii 1‘ 5 fi fi )1 R If -» . . . 3 § «swung i; subject “as "Candlelight at at Browns Corners. V ‘ I ,3 y ‘\ ~ Christmas and the Light of the The mmbmcd 1m“ 8 1" “n..\€lghb0rh00d Notes M I N c E M E i: 3: f ‘, World” The subject related \v- . . g , .i’. , p' ‘ 1 Congratulations to Mr. and a x : .. . ir-ioria Square ( barge of EA- ._ , ‘ , ‘ , 5 y 5! the physical and spiritual de- more” and CC”. m: _ V Mrs. Hair) Burton \\lio recently a E; velopment as light spread its “muted a beautiful cairn; “ant celebrated their nineteenth uedâ€" a y ' Si warmth in homes and hearis lemme Sunday “sumo D: _ding annii'crsar'y. O 2 O T 5 -~ 5! - 3 ~ cw C . .. ~ . Z. I" Z. In 3 ii i 3' 01 mon’_ _ ember 18. These taking part J ‘lul‘lalléidfihbkb?npbfu g V ' 9 11! Nul'lllt‘l'“ “Vila IS a from ilctrdrord \\Cl'e Miss Cora Oi” ‘31 dmeg' 6;: 9001i f3} M thggtgtgrz‘z'gtfi'gEgrzlg!gtfi'gfg'ibzEgrgglgyaletztfltilzl‘:ifitflfi‘g15!:5%'E'fi‘filflfi‘filfi‘fiffi’flx'filfiKEG!'filfilfilfi’fltxulflgm"KK'EKKKKZ'C'Z";'i’E'C‘l‘EK'fl a f: $3 Chl'lella“ “HHSâ€"’9 11‘? 9001’“? Brodie. leader. Rosemary Leek. “Ole “him” “ee "1185“ m 3, . . 5 l! 3‘: attend the Nalfi'il} SCI‘YK‘? “1 Connie Burton. Jenni Calder. the home M M“ and Mlis‘ D‘ '3‘ ‘ 2 a §‘tlieir church. each one lights a sheiiy Burton. Ronnie Scarle‘carldell ‘ K 5 :7 candle1 at the lriiangor andd re- and Jean Clark usher. r ghe‘comrrmmty eyelids dfiep g. L g - turns iomc to io'it myria can- , ‘aii sincere syrnpa iy 0 . rsy b V 5'1 ° . ‘ - . in all of the Christmas lenendsr . i ‘ - A - m . K ‘ dl i re tu iced n crei- _ c ~ Peter Goslin oi Richmond Hill - 3: ii‘ iiat a .i I: . Lieht seems to predominate, The - - g . . . _ 5' '1 s . ices. around doors and \iindous e, . at this time of sudden bereaie y 5 $5; and often in the shape of a $33119“ 933131? I‘adHVerf‘: lltthii‘rnent of her husband and to the if and Over g x star outlined on walls. Others 13 11. excel) mm "9 “‘95 0 famin in the loss of their father. if: LB, 3 is ‘ carry their candles to the hills 5301'1f1065TONIGU‘VE‘HQMUIgOdS. 5‘ ~~ g . . .. . ‘ _ U ' ‘and surround the yillaec with The at“ or PI'ODanUOIl mm 99 g, 5 tug“. mm, a... “We 51...... rear. the ma rme roe BIG BARGAixs i. Also Fresh Hen Turkeys . . Frozen Geese, Ducks and Turkeys g :3 aglou, came from the farmer: 'l'hcgjy [ATE “OIS'EL C\RS Limited Suppl). A‘Hilame g s' In Ireland a candle is placed “We 85 RM”? Of “911' OPE” ‘ ‘ :5 r i ' i" ii in a \iincinu and the door lcit eiit-e upon the sun as are the L CONSLLT "1:"; ‘ ~ g b g S' open to invite the “andorin: farmer“ 01' ludal. ll “615 “RWY?” "TERA" C's-LSMHEDb S, S h I T I. a y ' Cl ' - that li){‘\ nould \iorsiiip the lite .V ( el' S ' . . it y iilst iii. .‘ >_ .I . _. y a g In parts of Surirrrlrrrrd cuu~ going iorce. _e\~ trio \\llll8l' sol~ 5i .3 i . rile bearers search from house slice drew near rhc.‘ could see if v \' : :gg ()I [3]) “ " " V l 0 ho > as \l‘i'\ ‘illi .liscili [ll'il lil‘l'r out \'.as ucai'z: lie 5 b0‘ I'LL“ R 'l' ' A I! i _ue ..r_ .r c i . c ,c . OM'NG y _ :i {i did until they find a home I‘nai .icnt in bed early and got up VENT' 3 t! g:- uill unite them to sheiier late. his \xarmih \xas feeble. g, a 5!: i\lllllll He had expended his strength y {4 A ht‘allllllli ill'W‘ “mm”! :11 >Dl‘\lilg them and 110“ tliey\-U Bl\-(;U '[imy‘dax l)(‘c 5’ i 5" 5‘ floral arrangcrncni ill \\l1]l(‘ (‘li- mus; 2H9 mm help, Then of. 3)., ',, V . ‘0 ‘5‘ fi , 5: circling a madonna Mil: on dis. {9- L ‘1 11.“. .19 “015m in ‘f ‘g. '9 file“ ,BHF‘O “1U”- 9': Lb. I a - t . . ‘91 l l C “L _ , 9 din Jan. .3. Our Lad\ Queen ’-‘ ' Vg "' one lner ’3 g TONI le 5‘ play as “(‘11 as other pi‘léf‘ scum-c. not propitlalloll. Of‘m “Grid Ha” Bag. ‘1d‘ of 1-" _ ' ' I . _ m g 3' Christmas ar'ranzcmcnts b\'.\lr1~, Um n mu” 9 \ ml admim B .9 ‘1‘ C b’ s f ,1 seer-sweetises-cizts‘:‘é':‘a's1115!???”rsvz's'ezi'r's':5:1!ware-:2'e'z‘eteie'e's‘e'e're‘:'5':‘c'z<':ec':w;‘€'c'e'e':'z'é‘e’fi':fl‘e-zie :1'::K€.’«a m a , ‘ ‘ , . v U . r ‘ (it ' r i. - ayyiew a ms 3‘ . \e. tic: â€" - I"; [‘1‘41V‘4GEJIEA" ’ and SY'Arilv'Ir1 E: C" .Ball‘fil' . . . , tion the small Welshrnen lugâ€" mond Hill. (Quits; T . g -- Liider bllslllc:.\ matters the . .. r , - f '1 3‘; 5'3 resent slate oi officers ac- gm: gym” logs ‘0 mg” pom“ i i i 7 Ti 9 O Septed another year of service 0f land and blinding great fires DECEMBER 23' THERSDAY‘ 8 ' ¢ DQZ It T: Eiiu'ith the exception of \Ir: Bin- m hurl the flames of heat 1.0 pm Legion Ham Rimmond Hi” 5 S i Q 3" E'Jninvton who will be leaving the me Smuggling gad' When the” GNU“ Chriflmai Turkey DYE!“ g. a g E: Chaige 'm Junc' Mm B ‘Leek god shoued signs of returning and Euchre. Auspices L.O.L. E ST S: agreed to accept this position. 91.91131“ in,” ceased the” .lab' L'O'B‘A‘ Door pliue‘ basket or $5 EMPEROR XMAS CALH’URNTA JUMBO SIZE '5 i; H t 1 To gran the Cemcnmal WM. ors of Sel‘\'ltl'€ an: plr‘ayer o; erti- groceries. good refresnnienlts a 2 s“ i.- in the churches of Victoria Will‘flemell 3” Taste“? 0 C ‘»'râ€"-3 g. T E R A P E c E l E R Y ,i ‘3‘ 0 e S? Square [113139 the “1% UH-CC IllCl‘r‘ Villagt‘S [0 least and L-ele- ‘ ‘ ' ‘ E: g ‘i r . i. ' ~ . . . n, s . > g . . , , . ‘ . L. Mondays m me mouth a prayer; oraie and plaiai‘ the sun. borne DELLMBLR .i.. bAlLRDAi. 3b ‘ ; l().\(ul‘. fithfii. RILHMOND HILL meptmg mi] 1).; mm '1*rw\0trf tyre l0,'> r'rorn 1:19 sacred tire Gala New Year's Hie dance 51 , ‘ . 24, f: s , r. ., _, .. e v » . “by ~ .- . E v mmer \ yr) Mir M. 9“... t (.e llirIllr . (in- n and tlbé‘d‘lll part}, 9.30 p.11 in Soil am. . r 5.. ' R _ . | 5 ¢ ;_ f - 889-1991 $4 incriicai arrow in; in» Jan-ire lr\_\uli< celebraizon ’lne (‘llles liar“) Sir‘atr Or’cnesrza, y ze :; w . ua \ turbine .o H. ,rurort. >.r\r>. -r' t. cards. ll.Ldlii-l- a butt: (I)rl~.i.\ ,c .i ‘ w ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ W W ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ w ‘ . ~ . ~ ~ \ w w ‘ w ‘ ~ ~ ’ ‘ ‘ r}.amaze):ash-aamAmM-xnwmmmhazzaharmed. L C“ \‘ lr'. UN «‘1 iii \ it‘lii‘ r4 H'l‘ii‘i"'k‘ \ A F sllt‘fi as He trrfl lTO-Hi‘r TIT-JirTLi .\rr 1! a. (3 ‘3’:

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