Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Dec 1966, p. 6

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Saving's on guitars, drums etc. now is the time to buy that en- tire family Christmas gift at greatly reduced prices. For your convenience we now have a bud- get plan, please ask for details of our Christmas programmeâ€"No payments until February. In ad- dition for every Organ snld from now until the end of the year. We an giving six free lessons c6w20 EQUESTRIANA HOUSE “L'Bfiesrugfe HORSE LOVER GIFTS Richmond Hill '8344745 Horse prints. hooks. china. 1 tfc49vChristmas cards, hitching posts. ‘ .. at] ner)’. mgfgssegg""gifggpssgfflg m SALE OF MUS‘CAL INSTRU' 11min; North Thm-nmu IGA. MENTS Is NOW 0” AT PON' 889:3606 opexi evenings. c2\\'24 'rmc's MUSIC CENTRE. 97 DAVIS DRIVE. OPPOSITE NEWMARKET PLAZA. FLOOR MODELS â€"â€" DEMONSTRAâ€" NURSERY TORS .. ETC. ORGANS â€" ELECTROHOMEâ€"LOWREY â€"_ SCHOOL CONN. PIANOSâ€"ALL MAKES. The Four Winds Nurserv Schnnl Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. FIREPLACE LOGS Carefully selected. dry. mostly Maple. 316 a single cord. (4' x 8’ x 16") delivered. Alvin Baker 889-2436. tfc13 LADIES panties, 3 for $1.00, Ladies first quality nylons, 3 pairs $1.00. Usually sold at 79 cents pair. WYNDOT LADIES WEAR Bayvlew Plaza 1 mile East of Yonge 884-2214 AQUARIUM chrome completé with canomn lights. weeds. fish, pumps. etc. Delivery any time. 889-2953. *lw25 SKATESfBKys CCM. size 10%; girls, white, Bauer. size 4. Bird- cage. All in good condition. 884- 5259. c1w25 WELDING and cutting torches. regulators. never used since re- built, $125. 884-1945 or 741- 3934. " c1w25 75 lb bag No. 1 Idaho potatoes. 52:25, delivered. Free delivery over 2 bags. 895-4496 Newmar~ ket. c1w25 BABY'S crib and mattress, kid- die car. baby carriage and skis (condition new). 832-1522. RCA TEEEVISION, 17" screen] in good condition. Ski-doc trailer with windshield and 1ug~ gage compartment under the seat. 833-5198. clw25 r ILUl'ulal/IUII leUue 004']. mi consisting of â€"â€" 9 piece French AUTOMATIC “Shem 5”“ "‘ FURNITURE packer and driver - ~ Provincial Fruitwood dining dlilelxerc ggéggtze: mom set; combination stereo cpmbined. Good working condi- ' “CM‘ TV; 9 x 12, 12 x 18 gold tlons, steady employment, beneâ€" ____._~M_~_ rugs: loose cushion. 4 seater fits. Apply, Lamb the Mover. CHRISTMAS trees, $2, 378 Chesterfield and chaingreen andJ889-4911. Also part-time help. Browndale Crescent. Richmondlgold; dinette suite, marble andk tfc42 Hill and 39 Spruce Ave., Rich-ifruitwood tables, wing-back ,- vale. cswzsichairs. 10 original Eu1~opean5§§£§£Tf޴..,““233m:bffl‘; Doors. windows. awnings. and uilings. Ron Woods. 884â€"1514. tfc36 CRATES of all sizes. suitable for overseas shipping and domestic use. reasonable. Cen- tral Van and Storage. tch Order now. For early delivery. call 884-4532 or 884.2627. c5w21 DRY hard 'wood cut 16"77fiorifire- place. Delivered single cord lots. 884-4519. tfc15 CIVITAN XMAS CAKESâ€"â€" For large or small areas. 884- 7768. tfc19 {pairs skis. senior and junior. also ski boots, size 8. 889-4540 after 6 pm. clw25 30” Frigidaire electric range 845. very good condition. 773- 5029. c1w25 STRAW Good clean straw. 884-7768 ITO. train and layout. $30 Divans, $20 each. 884-5759. XNTIQUE furniture etc Isle. 884-2891 after 8 pm. MAN‘S skates, siz’e”11.’$7. 17" television, $35. 889-3441. c1w25 AQfiARIUM. 711231161110" x 20" x 40". $45. 889-3919. c1w25 25 layingvhens and 7 roosters. 884.3154. c1w25 LARGE crib anfi’fizttteas. good condition. 773-5447. c1w25 21" Television Conaofeffiéelâ€" lent condition. 884-7298. tfc9 “Want Extra Cash For Christmas . . Use Liberal Action Want Ads Now” CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion .719 each word. minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions ll wording unchanged. .7c per word. min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 5013 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion 511.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 22, 1966 ALUMINUM LIMESTONE Call The Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 889-3316 8 am. to 9 pm. Monday and Tuesday, 9 am. to 5 pm. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9 to 12 Saturday c1w25 c1w25 c1w25 clw25 tfc23 th‘ for 3 POODLESâ€"Miniature, register- 3'ed, silver. 2 litters to choose 9 from, groomed ready for Christ- mas Eve. 884-7716. c2w24 TINY CHRISTMAS PUPPIES Poo-Hua-Huas? Chi-Huaâ€"poos‘.’ Mother reg. poodle. father reg. Chia-Hua-Hua. 8 weeks. honey 5 or black. $15. Robert Rice, after ‘ 5 pm. 832-8949. 02w24 JILL GODDX'fiD for profes- sional Poodle clipping. 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill. 889- 3606. tfc35 TAPE recorder brand new elec: N V V V .~ . ,' , ' - C RRIER BOY 0R GIRL t1 1c and ba‘ttel)’ mo SpeEd‘ web “The Liberal" requires a car- "ups for TV, radio, television and . . a . rier for an established paper ‘ telephone conversations. $90., route in King City. Must be ‘reg. $130. 8 mm battery operâ€" . . . ~ ~ reliable and responstble. Please ated cameia. automatic settmgs, apply Sa Cook. 8844105. with powerful zoom lens, $45. Boy‘s full size bicycle with car- "cswls rier. $20. Beaded movie screen, DISHWASHER. middle - aged folding, $12. New pop up man or woman. experienced with toaster. $7. 15 transistor port- dishwashing machine. Apply in able radio, 3 band, 530. Pair of person Yangtze Pagoda Restaur- liVinS room lamps. $7. 884-1919. ant. or call 889-3036 or 884- *1W25l4278, ask for Mr. Hein. c1w25 The Four Winds Nursery School 7951 Yonge Street. Thornhill, mornings and afternoons and all day school. Transportation available. 889-4664. tfc12 3 year old gelding. 15:2 Minds: 889-1978. Cl\\’25 Hill IDOES Christmas shopping get you down? Shop at Wyn-dot your neighbourhood store and save time and money. ‘Excellent stock ladies and chil- dren's wear (we also carry over- ‘sizesL No fancy gimmicks to confuse you. Just honest values all the time! WYN-DOT LADIES WEAR Bayview Plaza (1 mile East of Yonge) at Richmond Hill 884-2214 oil paintings, lamps; black vinyl recreation furniture. Must sell in two weeks. Outstanding con- dition, 884~6621. clw25 INTERSTATE vacuum cleaner, used slightly over one year. Cost $225, sell $150. Like new, still under guarantee. Make excellent Christmas present. 889-4788. OVERHEAD wood panel garage doors I2) 7‘6" x 8‘ complete with hardware. New. $200 each, used $65 each. 235 No. 7 High- way E., Thornhill. 889-6997. HORTON’S XMAS’TRE’ES ’ Have a family outing and cut your own tree. Special, apples etc. also. From Aurora go 5 miles East. 14 mile South. 888â€" 1738. c2w24 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Cast iron fireplace grates, 24" wide. self-feeding. $11.95. Fire- glo Centre. 46 Steeles Avenue West, Willowdale. 889-3133. Sales and Servlce Doors. windows. siding. York Aluminum. 884-4558 FIREWOOD. 6 year seasoned oak. $20; 1 year seasoned maple $18; 3 year seasoned elm $14. Per single card. 773-5368. CLEAN 'straw. 884-25378. 78626 ADIES ertly d PETS FOR SALE DRESSMAKING ALUMINIEM “DEUCE Vy done. Audrey Arsenaull. N. Taylor Mills, Richmond LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE (Continued) alterations c4w22 c3w23 c10w19 c1w25 c1w25 €2w24 tfcl5 Call REQUIRED permanent part time typist, 5 nights weekly, speed 60 w.p.m. Excellent start- ing rate. Apply in person to Ronalds Federated Ltd. 225 Yonge Street North, Richmond .Hill. c1w25 OFFSET PRESSMAN Required for nightshift To operate multilith 1875. Steady employment with large company located in Richmond Hill. Attractive pay and group benefits. Part Time 6.30 to 10.30 pm. . We offer you an education in TranSportatlon the ale f'eld. Ou t' inin â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"- progfams flies vou :m 1;)me WANTED from Bayv1ew and tunity of earning over $10,000 Markham Road to DEVQWPI" 3 year_ If you are willing toland Landsdmyne area al‘l‘lVlnE work hard 5 evenings a week, 7-45 am. leavmg 4.30 pm. 8094: age 21 to 35 and have a 03134260 after 6- cm” we Wm pay you t” learn our _ business. Call 727-9459 Aurora. {£025 cozvcdim CERREE‘P’bNbEN'T “The Liberal" requires a cor- respondent {or the Concord area. If you enjoy serving your community and earning some extra money then phone our Editor, Sam Cook at 889â€"3316. n63w22 CLERK-TYPIST, experienced Girl Friday type for one-man office, central Richmond Hill. Hours 9 to 5 Mondays to Fri- days. Good typist, reasonably rapid. Shorthand not eSSential. Available January 16. Write Box 2, “The Liberal". SECRETARY wanted, accurate typist, shorthand preferred. Ap- ply stating experience and salary required to Business Adminis- trator, Richmond Hill Separate School Board, 75 Yonge Street North. 884-6341. c2w24 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty Limited. 222-2525. “The Liberal” requires a car- rier for an established paper route in King City. Must be reliable and responsible. Please apply Sam Cook. 884â€"1105. IWAITRESSES wanted, 3-11 pm shift. Esso Service Centre, High- way 400. Experience not neces- sary. uniform supplied. For in- formation phone 832-1555. typist. Monday to Friday from 10 am to 3 pm. House of Con- cord, Dufferin Street, North of Highway 7. 889-7655. c2w25 CARRIER BOY 0R GIRL FURNITURE packer and driver combined. Good working condi- tions, steady employment, bene- fits. Apply, Lamb the Mover. MAN for greenhouse. experience helpful but not essential. No age limit. MARKHAM T.S.A. No. 2 invites applications for the position of caretaker. Salary range $3.800 - $5.000. Apply to W. G. Morley, Business Administrator, RR No. 1, Unionville. cle5 FULLTIME help, female. in the snack bar from 9 to 5.30 pm. Apply to Mrs‘ Purvis, GEM Store Snack Bar, 7171 Yonge St. ('3w25 HOUSEWORK WOMAN daily 9 to 4 Monday to Friday. 9 10 12 Saturday. Starting January 8 approxim- ately. 773-5193. c1w25 MATURE responsible woman required by children's residence for night duties. 8.30 pm to 8 am. 889â€"5779. clw25 MAN for light’work. evenings and weekends. Suit retired or handicapped man. 233-7031. SECRETARY required for Rich- mond Hill Agricultural Society. Apply Arnold Mormon. 884-3065. c1w25 YOUNG ladies for light factory work in plastics plant. Apply Cadillac Lumber, Maple. Ask for Mr. Joe Veix. c1w25 INTELLIGENT capable woman to care for children, 8 to 6 pm Monday to Friday. Bayview - Steeles area. 839-5822. clw25 PART-TIME switchboard opera- tor with typing, required by local club. Call 889-4833. CARETAKER for Victoria Square Community Centre. Ap- ply 887-5409. c1w25 SALARY 54. PER HOUR HELP WANTED CONCORD FLORAL CO. HIGHWAY 7. CONCORD Ronalds Federated Ltd 884â€"8183 Call B. Humphreys c1w25 00"" room, kitchen privileges, for :ngOd lady school teacher or nurse. : cm“ 884-1623. c2w24 . on- r rm of FURNISHED room, cooking fa- czw25 cilities. 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clarke’s Drug store at Yonge. "‘31" um c3w24 *1w25 clw25 BOWLERS wanted for mixed league at Allencourt Lanes â€" Mondays 9 pm. phone 884-4862. c8w19 WANTED from Bayview and Markham Road to Davenport and Landsdowne area arriving RELIABLE day care in new modern home, for pre-school children. Thornhill Green. 889- 6076. c1w25 IT pays to grow cucumbers un- der contract. A guaranteed mar- ket is available to you. Con- tracts are being taken now for 1967. For further information, write or phone Frank Watts, 7059 Yonge St., Willowdale. 889- 5494. tfc23 DO you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EMS-8684. tfcl'? WANTEDEI Ends of dead an- imals. For fast service call 884- 8844245 2538 or Zenith 3-2800. Licence __ No. 204-62. tfc31l 4 room bungalow on Yonge Street at King Sideroad. gas heated, also 2 separate garages. Call Sunderland, 91 Ring 22. c1w25 for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Army. 889-4869. tfc52 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking David McLean Ltd. Realtors are increasing their Richmond Hill office staff and have openings for 2 salesmen or salesladies. Our successful long established company offers unequalled op- portunities for new people en- ftering the business. For inter- view appointment call Sales Manager: Mr. McGregor, 889- 1164. Evenings, 884-2811. c1w17 LARGE recreation room, semi~ furnished, warm and clean. Business persons only. On bus line. 884-6922. c2w24 ALL electric town house in Richmond Hill, 5 rooms plus finished basement. 741-0609. c1w25 COMFORTABLE bed - sitting LARGE furnished room and kit- chenette on second floor, park- ing. Langsbaff near Yonge. Bus- iness person. 889-4190. 2 bedroom house garagé.’ good location. Phone after 5. 884- 5678. c2w25 2 bedr’oom apartfnefit, 285 Rich- mond Street. Older or retired couple preferred. 889-5294. 2 bedroom winterized cottage. 773-5897. c1w25 LARGE executive type family home to rent. Available January lst. 884-6308. *1w24 FURNISHED and ’unfiii-Vriis’hed rooms. 889-1766. tfc19 BOOKKEEPER or experienced accountant for North Metro con- struction company. Costing. typ- ing helpful. transportation necessary. Apply. stating experi- ence. education. references. age. salary and telephone number to Box 130 "The Liberal”. c3w24 PRESSMAN Heidelberg Pressman wanted for old established job printing shop, must be reliable, steady work. Apply Sam Cook. "The Liberal“. Phone 884â€"1105. MALE sales representative wanted for large nation-wide moving company. Apply in per- son. Central Van & Storage. 28 Industrial Road. Richmond Hill. th4 EXPERIENCED waitress, Three Coins Restaurant. 363 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill. Apply in person. tich BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT WANTED HELP WANTED DEAD STOCK RICHMOND HILL SALES OPPORTUNITY PERSONAL DAY CARE T0 RENT (Continued) c1w24] nc3w25 c2w25 tf025 =w2_4 PLASTERING & TILE i3. Plaster repairs, ceramic tile east bathrooms and floors. Years of nge, experience in repair work. [C24 George. 884-7045. tfc24 {EL Additions & Renovations ean_ GRAY BROS. CONSTRUCTION bus Custom work, plans and speci- :w24 fications. For free estimates. call Lu 884-5670 or 877-4788. tfc17 Plastering UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING â€"-â€" RESTYLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics, reasonable prices. Guarâ€" anteed work. Active Upholstery. 889-5345 Dead. elms, poplars etc. Cut and removed. Reasonable rates. Alvin Baker 889-2436. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, ren tions. additions, and rep Kitchens 3 specialty. M: Harrison. 884-2838. t R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 3 Speciality Free Estimates RENTALL, 41’YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines. tools, chairs. 884-6761: L CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfcll CARPENTRY WORK. additions. renovations, garages, recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free ‘ estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. 889-2526. tfcll GENERAL contracting. alteraâ€" tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfc3 CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill top soil and limestone Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfc12 Stonework. Ostergaard, Richmond 5688. E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 8: water lines. footings. 889~3604. tfc2 Roger Proulx -â€"â€" Telephone â€"-â€" 884-1650. tfc24 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter- inr and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. PAINTING Interior and exterior MAPLE shaiEninaE’seRTcewifid appliance repairs 8324323. PAINTING EPA?“ HANGING R. E. Dunn. 884-2798. MISCELLANEOUS PORTABLE TV RENTALS WEEK OR MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 - 889-3756 MASONRY CONTRACTOR 488-7521 PLUMBINGf yimrmd TOOLS & EQUIPMENT PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 8: SON LTD. James 1). Stewart 884-2201 WINDOWS CLEANED RESIDENTIAL FLOORS CLEANED 884-1311 Residence 241-1893 Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 TREE CUTTING LET [Effie m DON BUTLER TV 884-3500 WALLWWASHING 884-1311 C. STU NDEN Fireplace, etc. V. 16 Elizabeth St. S., Hill. phone 884- “023 Richmond Hill 889-3185 Thornhill 89-2 884-1311. lfc22 renova- repairs Morris tfc45 c1w24l tfc43 tfc31 tfc17 tchO *3w24 tfc13 Lfc22 tfc31 tfc33 tfc49 tfc43 TRENCH, Annie Mayâ€"At the Villa Private Hospital on Saturday, December 17, 1966, Annie May Lemon, beloved wife of the late Wycliffe Trench of Richmond Hill; mother of Margaret IMrs. W. Brace), Toronto; aunt of Ann (Babe) Milne. Toronto, and Marguerite Atkinson, Ottawa. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Rich- mond Hill. Service was held Monday. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. clw25 VALENTINE. Florence â€"- Al Kirkland Lake on Friday, De- cember 16. in Kirkland Lake Hospital. Florence Valentine. beloved wife of Humphrey Valentine and mother of Viv- ian (Mrs. Sil Steffan, 290 Elmwood Avenue, Richmond Hill); also survived by two sisters. Doreen of North Bay and Eunice of Kirkland Lake. c1w25 WILLIAMS, Helen Florenceâ€" At York Central Hospital. on Monday, December 19. 1966. Helen. infant daughter of Fred ' I CC - and Grace Williams, 298 Ax- Required by a1 Flrm minster Dru Ricbmond Em: for Evenings and Saturdays age 5% months, dear slster of Carol and David. Rested _, at the Pipher Funeral Home. $93-00 Per Week 126 Yonge St. N,_ Richmond Hill. Service was held on App“. In “'ming Box 128 Wednesday Interment High-1 " “Th 1% .1” land Memory Gardens. e ‘1 91a ROSS, Marion Theresaâ€"At the Toronto General Hospital, on Tuesday evening. December 13, 1966. Marion Campbell. be- loved wife of Norman Ross, 35 Garden Avenue. Thornhill. Dear mother of Norma June. (Mrs. H. Ward) Downsview; and Ian, Midland; dear sister of Colin, Toronto; Barbara and Jack. both of England. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill. Interment Holy 7 Trinity Churchyard. c1w25 GOSLING. Peter Douglas (Con- stable. Richmond Hill Police Force). Suddenly at the York Central Hospital on Saturday, December 17, 1966; Peter Gosling, beloved husband of Margaret Worker, of 264 Neal Dr.. Richmond Hill, dear father of Michael, Jennifer, Terry, Robin, Clifford, Kath-l leen and David, dear son of‘ Mrs. Hilda Gosling andl brother of Doreen (Mrs. J.‘ Elliott). Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Funeral service was held in St. Mary's Anglican Church, Yonge St. Interment Highland Memory Gardens. clw25 DAVIES, George Philip (Reg. No. 74487 Royal Engineers)â€" At Sunnybrook Hospital, on Friday December 16, 1966, George Philip Davies, belov- ed husband of Gladys Smith of Kindon Kennels, Don Mills Road, Victoria Square. Rested BAILIE, Samuel Robertâ€"Passed away at the Lord Duiferin Hospital. Orangeville. Decem- ber 15, Samuel Robert Bailie, in his 67th year. Loving hus- band of Ethel (Atkins) and father of Mrs. J. Boron (Aud- rey), Concord, Mrs. J. A.‘ Whaley (Elva), Richmondi Hill, Warren Robert 011 Thornhill. Calvin of Orange-j ville, and Ross of King City. Funeral Service at Dods Fun- eral Home, Saturday. Inter- ment followed in Maple Cem- etery. c1w25 KITTEN, grey with black stripes. 4 months old. 5 year old child‘s pet. 884-7170. c1w25 If you are trucks. parts ATTENTIONWTRUC’KE'RS ’ If you are looking for used trucks, parts, tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old No. 11 Highway. Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tfc34 1958 For‘ automatic terized, s 5670. 1958 Hillman. 4 new whitewall tires. new battery. block heater. clean. 884-5178. clw25 We place special risks. terms ar- ranged. Call Mr. Tucker. 921- 2167 or 884-1010. thZ4 59 Plymouth V8. 4 door, auto- matic. $55. Call 889-6331. clw25 1951 Fargo lyé ton pickup, run- ning gear good. needs brakes, $65. 884-1945 or 741-3934. c1w25 1958 Mercury. 4 door, $350. 1957 Ford. V8. 1956 Ford. 4 door hardtop $175. 884-4110. c1w25 conditinn. $795 or best offer. 884â€"1281. clw24 1960 Chev. : 5300. 884-4658 62 Chev. Biscayne. 4 door. Good at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held on Tuesday. Cremation. USED CARS AUTO INSURANCE Ecaths 0rd SHOW LOST station power a Sedan. delivery. I. c1w25 'er steering tires. $180. as or accessor- wrecker first. Ls & Sales, Old Holland Land- tfc34 wagon c1w25 c1w25 c1w25 win 884- I would like to express my warmest thanks to all my friends who were so kind to me in so many different ways while in hospital and now at home. also many thanks to Dr. James Lang- staff and the staff on the fourth floor. ing to Gordon Jackman is picked up within 1 week and $168.20 is paid car will be sold to high- est bidder. CARD 0F THANKS 68564, Serial 9751937678 belong day. To a beautiful life, a sudden end, He died too soon, everyone‘s friend. With tender love, and deep re- gret. - We who love you will never for- get. Too dearly loved to be forgotten. Evelyn and Charleen. c1w25 HADWENâ€"In loving memory of the late Gertrude Hadwen who passed away December 23. 1964 and Eric and Ricky who left us so suddenly Aug- ust 15, 1966. "Love's greatest gift is memo- ries". Lovineg remembered by the family. c1w25 MILSTED~In loving memory of our dear husband and father. Charles F. Milsted. who died so tragically on December 24. 1964. December comes with sad re- gret. It brings back days we will never forget. No tears can show, no words can say How much we lost on that sad MANLEYâ€"In loving memory of a dear mother and sister, Ivy Kathleen Manley, who passed away December 23rd. 1957. In our heart your memory lin- Lovingly remembered by chil- dren Freda and Douglas and brother Fred. clw25 FLETTâ€"Joan and Jim are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Sheila Ann. A sister for Jimmy. c1w25 In memoriam gers, Always tender fond and true. There's not a day dear mother That we do not think of you. Unless 1959 Pontiac. Licence “HEY, RUDOLPH! Just look at that holiday traffic. There'd be a lot of disappointed child- ren tomorrow morning if I had to make my rounds through THAT”. Don't YOU disappoint the folks who are expecting you this Christmas. The Ontario Department of Transport has this advice for drivers who want to reach their Christmas destinations safely, and on time . . . start out a little earlier so you won’t have to rush . . . leave a. little more space between cars for an extra cushion of safety . . . don’t pile parcels (or passengers) inside the car in such a way as to obscure your vision or hamper your driving. If the weather is stormy, get the feel of the road by testing your brakes as soon as possible . . . if you do have to stop in a hurry, pump your brakes, don’t jam them on. Alex Cruickshank MR. TRANSMISSION LTD Switchboard Operator ghoptian NOTICE I“1W25 IF YOU LIVE IN. RICHMOND HILL I, OR DISTRICT g DIAL 884 4105 Many of your neighbors start each Thursday this interesting way . . . and you can, too. You’ll like the range and variety of “The Liberal”. It recognizes your interest in suburban as well as provincial problems, your concern over rising taxa- tion, the crisis in education, your curiosity about a new play or the activities in your church. There's no end to the world of useful, informative. interesting reading you’ll find every Thursday in “The Liberal". To order home delivery service in Rich- mond Hill just call 884-1105. We have a challenging career opportunity for an energetic man with senior matriculation in our rapidly expanding organization, which handles all lines of insurance. Applicants must have proven ability to meet the public and to exercise good judgment. After employment must prepare for and pass the Department of Insurance Examina- tion for Insurance Agents. If you reside in the Richmond Hill area and are prepared to participate actively in a sales and promotional program with a company offering good advancement opportunities and extensive employee benefits, reply to: These are challenging career opportunities with initial training in auto claims or underwriting department in Downtown Toronto preparatory to assignment in a north suburban office. Appli- cants should have a minimum of senior matric- ulation and some work experience. Salary $80.00 - $100.00 per week depending on ability and background. Extensive staff bene- fits. Apply to: Personnel Department Mornings or afternoons, knowledge of German advantageous. References and own transportation required. Part Time Male Bookkeeper INSURANCE TRAINEES Co-Operators Insurance Association Co-Operators Insurance Association to enjoy fast home delivery of “The Liberal” 30 Bloor Street West, TORONTO 5, Ontario 925-1441 LIKE TO WORK WITH CO-OPERATIVE PEOPLE We require ambitious young men as 30 Bloor Street West, Toronto 925-1411 Apply in writing “The Liberal" Box 1,

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