10 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, “PC. 29. 1966 Sport Spots... ((‘ontinuerl from Page 9 Reappoints A. CPeck For 3 Years it‘onllniled from Page 1‘ Local Minor Hockey Results * month at its offices at 59 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill, year have been , . “la" C‘ I\\'l‘ll(‘l1 meetings are open to the Peck of 19 Westwood Lane Year-Ending Tidbits BY BOB ROSS JR Richvale. who served as i332; A5391: board memhfrs . I . . . . - ‘ - . ‘ .' 3 en a commi ea With Winter 5 icy grip strangling us, word comes l ï¬fï¬n‘éï¬affmï¬ï¬he“:°§°g vii. lmeeting once a week and repre- from Casey Cripps Of the Dynes Jewellers that there :TYKES . iassists from Jim Gardner and Marksmen for 8&8 were Rotary 3 Snider of Klelnbuiflg ' ' Isent the board at various local will be an Intermediate “A†Centennial Tournament Skliiiiia“: 1;)??? 4 IiDavid thStTAVDNGs iISIIiIfhlicn Lanctefand gailmeGllLi Murphy Real Estate 2 I Appointments are made for,Ifunctlons such as school open. at the town park next summer. Figures to beadIeluxe- Gram Ferguson had a goal AS of‘necembe 1. , 1H a“ 1551: lgmmel I, 3“? Don Hmaby scored Rotary's three years with one appoint-lmgs’ commencement exerc’ses' _ ‘ . , the . . I r A as my s un ed .ur aiinc. ~. I . d b' ,1. .i ment runn' . etc. and attend several conven- delight for softball fans.I Mme on It later m and two aSSists, Michael Gall-i P w T L Pts * * * * “‘5‘ goa. aSSlSte .3 ony‘ : mg out each â€ar’tions throuahout th winter. . . or better make it next summer. lagher and Chris Verrico each Bob‘s Bovs .. a 5 1 2 ll iDIWe" gig 519:; Sheff“ 1ҠEggs!) .Mtr'dpfck “$5 "0“’ been: The 196'? inauguiaieiiieeting ,. . ' l .,i ‘ . lcnry 1 son en e no un- om e rom an .. ‘ , . †I... . .added a goal and an asiSist andsltyline Pontiac 8 4 l 3 .0 , _ . d rl B'll Cox aid d Glen‘ to 1970; n . . ual“. 1967will be held at the board offices ?» B -k t h k V a amiDave Whitney contributed 3 Charlton Hdwe. 7 4113 a Mme 3“ l e .. . 9“ Demmbeli Mm.) . 12 i a( 0 0C e" g . lgoal for the winners. RichardiBarrow‘s Ins. ..... T 3 l 3 '1" Sharp 0“ the winning counter. hinnee “'1†either be reappoint; anuary ' ’ and we see there‘s a fam11'1Campbell and Michael Ham Studio Nine """ 7 2 1 4 5 In the losing cause Wes Berscth ed or replaced and in December‘ iar face leading Dvnes Jew-.each had a goal and an assist Gormlcy S &_ G . 7 l 2 4 4 and Blair HIurren scored with 1958. Mr. Snider's appointment â€" 91181.; club in the 3201.], Sim ‘fnr Bob's with Craig Gadsby LEADING sconms IaIInakaISSI-‘t 20mg “1 John “W :illslhmi: nhil. Althhugh previ- ' ' ‘ ' scoring and Glen Tatum getting G A Pt ' . , . . . .‘ ‘V â€a" mem â€5 591“?“ coe Senior Hockey League. an assist. Richard (,‘ampbcll that i (‘ivltans s [insures “"“m'†remuneration. beginning He's Matt Kinnai'i who'sj (iormley Sand 3 11 l 12 Irving's Fuels 4 0m.“ Jeweller“ 2 m 19.661'†3"Cm‘da“°e With new been around The Hill 1'01“ Charlton Hardware 2 Grant Ferguson ISPi ll 1 12 (I . I ‘ II b . Shields Shoes 2 provincial legislation. they have . Bob Russell came up with Ronald Bell 1811 6 3 9 lHlanS Pam? mating at'k IPIeler Barnett and Tony Gav- been paid an honorarium of $60 - - ~ “9“ ' ' ' mmh ' ', ' a two goals and an assist for theRobert Bowden 181‘: 4 2 5 . leth fquIr unanswered goals,It\t-n i~ielides were the goalgetters for monthly, plus a mileage allow- good many years. nghtiwinners. John Peden added alRobert Russell IGS&G' MINOR. BIIIIIATAhlS 1 ‘by Philip Bourieaurd. assisted Dynes with Bruce Hipkiss. Alex‘ance ' . -. now he has 12 points Off.goal and an assist and Keith, 0 5 5 Keyifr‘i‘lds Shoes '1 hIV rIPiI=ter TthiImpson and MikeIIVlathews andIIan Christie earn-. The high school board lneelsi seven goals and five assists Swindlehurst was credited with‘Keri‘y Minor iBli 4 1 5 .l l ‘. ‘ ‘ . , f .a Ieeno Ian one byIRobert ing aSSIStS' lxIelthIBrown 59°F“ the fourth Monday 01' each I . _ . oin Glopp pop ed in two Milli an a d d b - ' - two aSSists For Charltons Chris Bob Smith tBBi l 4 S . p g l e y RObe‘t Poole both goals £01 Shields. “5‘5le to trail in second. SpOt m Paterson and John Schaap were Mark Morrison «BB! 3 2 5 â€FaSSISted goals and Darryl Jar-13nd John SLOkES' Stokes andlby Jan 01550" on mm and by â€"-â€"__ the lnd1v1dual scoring. Re- the marksmen with assists froml * i s s “"15 €01 ReynoldS' other counter. Lorie Naylor each came up with Mike Hogg on one. member when the line of Robert Dynes and Dave Stokall.lBANTAMS \wI'IitIl; the assist going Ito Doug unassisted beauties. Irvingvs Tony's £350 6 . Richmond Tailoring Kmnai‘l, Earl Roberts and Barrow‘s Insurance 2 Richmond Gift 1 Ce stngI Town Imhs Chns Gary CosIgrove scored two goals, Street COHStWCtiOR 4 1 Jim Wells used to terrorize Studio Nine 1 Skyline Pontiac 0 aiiicrimix'gith Siogggly \avilstsistueii Iheiiii bohhcahss‘lshehij'l by John Walker ITony's goals came from thei CUSTOM the opposition. The years Ronald Bell got a talIly un- IMike EvansIsank the puck for on another tall . The th an ris ison and Bob Gil- sticks of Peter Wright and Ron D We Have A New have passed and the latter aSSisted and Bryan Greig was Richmond Gift as his team Goal was earnedh B ad CO er pm- each scored Singletons and Robertson w‘th two each, and IADE-TO- I . . assisted by Wayne Points to whitewashed the Skyline POD-ii; ll 'd -y r ~ amp- aSSlSted‘ each other. .Ala'.‘ Pm‘ Brian Wright and RObbie IEd- MEASURE Phone Number .21.; . . _,......A. two have retired but Km_ give Barrow‘s the win. The tiac bovs l e , a1 ed by Rick Price and otte eained an aSSlst in this well wards With one each. Ricky MATT KINNARI nal‘i is still going strong. phographers’ only goal was ‘Bhtler & Baird z lROb Clephan. played game. INelson chalked up three assists, SUIT , . . ,- - l ‘ a ,- Also see where Bruce Butterworth. professional ,netted by Gmd Bedwe†f‘lthl Surf Ihljrme o i " ‘1:121.Chienraizndrggiiahjibiii?l 331.2%.“ Our Thll’d Line at the Aurora Highlands Golf Club and manager at ‘ o a ‘ ° 7‘0" and Brian Wright one assist Ladies 5. IS NOW the Richmond Hill Curling Club, finished 11th rec- Mlllt Marketing, Farm AssessmentiMike â€a“ ,Sml'ed “use and Gents ently in a Pro-Am tournament in Sunny Bermuda. . OVIceS In W0 ames Ban“ 001:“"2 end DaVld Rnh- Choose 8 And that would be a good place to end the year 1966 'l' C ' I slflie°hf§ï¬Â§ iflge‘ghflgmg’fsr {mm 84 '1983 come to think 0f “3- SO we Will- Happy New Year (Continued from Page 9) ithe second on a pass from Har- wo rUCIa PrOblems I n l 9 6 7 each were credited With an ii: finestt in ’67. . Ivey Gordon. In the third Chapâ€" SlSt- LEE); Ed OUR OTHER TWO LINES / lO‘iviillape ff)â€: iihe tournanémlhatï¬â€˜lan counted, unassisted. to end‘ Milk marketing and farm aS-iOI a hing dry Del‘iOd in the 21'0“"- (‘ouzhlin Fuels 2 100's to REMAIN THE SAME a, “I110 got Uh eihay the local juveniles' scoring for scssment are the two crucially season, most crops were normal. Eric's Cycle & Sports 2 choose - Wednesday. The 10631 lads dleW the game. important issues which will havei . Ron Duran a d B'll K ~ 884-1105 _ 884-1106 York Slmtoe Play the strong Oshawa Team in the The local lads faltcred some-‘10 be solved during 1967 in York‘ Price changes were encour- found the targetn for CW :12): fiom. ' fh‘St round at noon, hUt hit the what in the last period as they County, Agricultural Represent-lagmz‘ he reported. Although.with assists from Paul Bganks‘ 0 WM] â€"â€"-â€" ice determined to win. If desire did in a previous game. Lack O‘f‘atlve A, A, Wall notes in hisithey may not have risen as “.“m‘ and Allan Armstrong Peter worsted \\ - II J ll ' I i t D i k V ' Sh I B 6 I and dEtermination mean any. available ice time at the localiyeï¬h“end report. ,as farmers WOUId hIave II-Red' A“ and Larry Rice were the“ . Terylene ‘ The leeral ewe ers 0W" u tons y ' thing, by the time this issue is arena _ they are allocated onlyi In respect to milk marketing ithey mOVEd m the right dl"ec'marksmen for Eric's with as- O Tropicals l ' published. they should have one one hour per week for practicellle points out that the situation “.0" and the threat 0f surpluses‘sists from Glen Iroinside andl . p Home P3P" 0' "‘9 â€15m" . . victory under their belts in this _ has a definite bearing on main this county is more complex disappeared, Begf' pork, egg andlBob Bonnell. Iure Since 1878 As Merchants Dump Rangers 8_6 tourney. Thursday they will play team's performance. When they than in most other counties. He{poultry industries are now more Silks 8: two games. are scheduled to play games ofiexpects lots of hard thinking as stable. 1 Mohair Richmond Hill Dynes Jewel- Aurora and Willowdale matched I ilr ii: ii iii three regulation 20-minute per-"V911 as tolerance will be needed GovIernment support of the Headford N Ties: Hand Woven ._ lers got back on the win-track three goals apiece in the first JUVENILES iods of stop-time. they have been by the time pooling comes into ‘13er industry was a key feature ews By Karen Bulow of the year. he says. Increased,i subsidies, along with a moderate; increase in the price of fluidl milk, have firmed the founda- tion of the dairy business. However, he cautions, there. have also been increases in farm operating costs and very careful management. plus larger and: larger units is needed to balance‘ the books. This year, in the county, changes in size have; been most evident on hog farms. Many hog barns have been mod- ernized and many new up-to- date buildings have been put. up. The industry will strengthen as this pattern is followed in the next few years. effect on June 1. Farm assessment, with York County‘s assessor recommending assessment of all real property in the county at market value, is a matter for grave concern. Mr. Wall hopes that a satisfac- tory solution can be found in 1967. One of the first big events to which York County Farmers are looking forward is tile annual Imeeting of the Crop Improve- ‘ment Association. It will be held January 11 at Newmarket Shop- ping Plaza Auditorium. » , Reviewing 1966, Mr. Wall inoted that yields were not sen- isational in any crop, but in spite last week downing Thornhill period with the Rangers repeat- Toronto Shultons 6-1 in a York ing the effort in the second per- Simcoe Senior Hockey League led to go with Aurora’s two goals tilt. to make the score read 6-5. The second game saw Aurora It was all Aurora in the third Merchants assume the role of period as they rapped home giant killers upending the lea- three unanswered tallies. gue leading Willowdale Rangers Ted Murrell paced the win- by an 8-6 count. ner’s offensive with a three-goal Goalie Dave McKanick played effort with Wolf Bucholtz com- the hero's role for the Jewellers ing through with two. Singles against Shultons as he came went to George Elms, Jim Pet- through with several spectacular roff, and Bob Satchel. and sprawling saves. Leo Fex did his best for the Ivan Denlke put the Jew- Rangers coming home with three ellers ahead 1-0 at 15:03 of big goals in a losing effort. Earll the first. period on passes Cairns managed two with thel from Bud Stubbs and Don other goal going to Fred Disera. Hill. It was 2-0 at 5:28 of running out of steam during the last period. . It is hoped that outside exhi-l bition games can be arranged in the New Year. Coach Bill Points did not ac- company the team to Whitby as he has just been released from hospital. Bill is now re- cuperating at home and expects, to return to the club early in1 Surf Marine Juveniles played in Whitby Monday and lost by a score of 6 to 3. The game was a lengthy one, consisting of three 20-minute periods, two of which were stop-time. Rod Chapman paced the juv- eniles with two goals and an as- sist. In the first period Rob Mab- ley scored the first goal on a Correspondent: MRS. LOREN GUILD RR 2, Gormley Phone 884-3040 WRESTLING THORNHILL FARMERS MARKET THURSDAY DEC. 29th 8:30 P.M. Richmond Tailoring Co. 884-4212 5 Yongo 8., Richmond Hill Bereavement The community offers sym-I ‘wâ€"‘W 5:33.33..‘hb2.~§§i‘lfiï¬nfa§2‘llei?'mday . h‘liheioï¬rs.ndcai‘filmdfiélltiii1 Dining in a Scenic 3222;112:532? iii..Ԥ%§.‘i.’tifa§l Country Atmosphere IN THE MODERN daughter did not arrive until) Red Carpet pass from Chapman, who scoredlthe New Year. evening as she was unable to secure a flight from Kenora.‘ She is staying with her daugh-i ter. Mrs. Anthony Deciantis. Mrs. George Barker, a daugh- VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE 96900999990966 enough to win in many counties. eral pressures of urbanization. ENQUIRE NOW RE SPECIAL NEW YEAR’S EVE DINNER PARTY Reservations: spent Christmas with Mrs. Nich-E 015’ family in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Tillotson and; family spent Christmas with rel-‘ atives in Leamington. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols and family of Pennyslvania, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchanan, Wil- lowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nic-‘ hols and family of Bayview,i sung by the choir, accompanied spent Chiistmas with M d‘ b i . .D F h . ‘ ’ F- 8“ . _ y 1\ rs S e 0e on t e organ Mrs. Cecil Nichols. ISykes Tatton New Year's Day, Rev. Dr. A. _ . 1 Congratulations to Mr. andl 11:3 Binnington will be in charge The many friends of Missers. . David William Sykesi iof the service at 11:30 am. Grace BoyInton are pleased to (Gloria Tattonl, who were marâ€" The sessions of the churches hear she lSI able to be home ried December 24 at Pittsfieldw . again followmg two weeks as a,Massacliusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Stayner and Rev. and Mrs. “mated with carols. George Barker and Charles; were in Manilla with the F‘l Nixon family for Christmasi Christine Tony was free froml hospital duties for Christmas at home. Congratulations and best wishes to Jackie van T01 on his fifth birthday. ‘ Headford had music in the air. Christmas Eve. A neighborl toured the road present because of illness in her family. The basket of flowers in the church Christmas morning was in loving memory of Mrs. V. Westbrook and was placed by her family. Graham Scott, BA, was in charge of the service and special Christmas Music was the middle period as Stubbs STANDINGS R'R' 2' Gormley _’ Telephone 887'5421 ter. was hostess to the family‘ Room ‘ took the bows this time W L T F A Pts. and relatives following the serv- , ‘ from Doug Stub!†and new Willowdale 5 3 o 41 32 10 . . ice. AT THE , MAIN EV LNT ike. Shultons 4 2 2 29 27 10 Church News Canning who Will be SIX years Neighborhood Notes , The old lainplighter, Matt Dynes 4 3 1 32 25 9 The Exploi‘ers held their old January 6.I Tables were lengthened as. H â€6 Pat WHEPPER Klnnari. rapped one home atAurora 1612139 3 Christmas Party December 19 Wedding anniversary congratâ€" families and friends got to-l O y the 17:13 minute mark of the‘ SCORING with Mrs. A. F. Binnington, Mrs. ulations are extended to Mr. and gethIer for the traditional. ‘ WATSON same period, The goal was un- G. A. Pts. P. Bennett, a former leader, and Mrs. George Collard, who w111 . 1 1 . . f h t f Y ‘k C t Christmas meal. DaVld and, SKI LODGE assisted. Paul Cairns W. 9 7 16 mothers as guests. The girls have been married for four Ml- Wal asoI Iiefeis to the bUt 31‘ S orho 01 dIouny Sharon Rumble home for the. S Shultons made a small gesture Leo Fex, W. 12 4 16 gave a short program, then pre- years on December 28; and to many farm families who have standards, 31L Olllgh he 1dH0uIt'ihOlldaySIalIld John, Marilyn and, V - at a rally as Cam Sargent sew Matt Kinnari D. 7 5 12 sented their mothers with gifts Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Gee. one left York County in the last Shme “me 1°“ enmes: 1010“." Ste‘fe“ â€med the “my f9“. Tues, Dec. 27m thru H ANS ed from Bruce Sim at 1931 Gar Durie ,W 4 7 11 they had made. Gifts were also year, December 31' 15 ears t c ntinu f rmin ever, there were many yie S in Christmas at grandmother S'l. But it was all Richmond I-l‘ll BobyMitch i1 5' 5 5 10 exchanged by the girls and re- Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague,i th ,0 {0 Me ta gtthe 60 bushel range, some 3“ Mrs. D- Rumble, Who was 1105?. Fri., Dec. 30th . . . 3 l tl f‘ ~‘ . l e 3 I f hments w erved. Leaders Mr. and Mrs. John McCa ue and n 0 er coun ies. A 05 Irecen the seventies and even a few m 955 for her family. Mr. and . SCHMIDT 11 1e lnal peilod as they iap- Dave Maclnnis, W. 2 8 10 res , ere 5 g of these are the Allan Oiis, the the 80 bushel per acre class. Mrs E Leek and family had‘. Luncheon 12 to 230 pm. 0 pedI home three unanswered Tom Kelly, D. 1 9 10 0f ““5 group are JUdy Hart and M1" and IMrs. George Joyce Elliott Harringtons, the Cam Mr Wall congratulates all Christmas Dinner with Mrs.“ O . . tallies to put the game away. Doug Turgeon, 0 10 10 Mrs. H- ICrane. The Explorers spent Christmas ‘Vlth Mr. and Kennedys, the Joe Lanthiers and the‘ emigrants from York on Leek’s mother Mrs. D. Reaman‘Q Dinner 5 to 9 pm. 0 . I Paul Foy came through at 5:11 Bruce Sim. S. 5 4 9 meet again January 9- Mrs. Ken McLean and Dale at:the John Nayloi‘s. In the last their accomplishments under and spent Monday with Mr. and . z " from Larry McBain and Tom Gary Stamp, S. 4 5 9 Following choir practice Gormley. Idecade and a half the numbers 1955 favorable conditions. “If it Mrs. A. Leek. Mrs. M. E. Mc-l. , Kelly; blg Doug Mclnnis at 11:07 Ed Serwick, D. 4 5 9 Thursday evening of last week, Charlie Hart, MI" and M’S‘ run well into the hundreds. were possible we would wel- Dougall. Toronto, is spending SPEC[AL ' from B. Stubbs; and Ed SerwickiPete Warmington. W. 0 9 9 the members were invited to the Marcus Jam-‘1 Mr; and Mrs. Last summer Russell Little come you all back to farm here the holiday with her daughter z at 12308 from passes by Bob Gib- Future Games (Richmond Hill home of Mrs. G. Joyce and Mrs. Henry Hi.†and family, M13. and from his new farm in Mariposa and enjoy the good soil climate Mrs. C. Lee. Mrs. W, Wellman NEW YEARS DAY 1 5°" and 13- Foy- iArena) J. McCague. Everyone enjoyed M“ “â€1ҠRem“ and iamlly Township decided to take a markets and communities As an Spent Sunday in the home of FESTIVE DINNER . . ‘ * ’ " January 3, 9:15, Aurora vs.a delicious buffet supper and 0f_ Scarboro, spent Christmas crack at York's spring grain extra bonus of course. there her son Melvin and celebrated . Ilhe second game was some-lShultons: at 10:30, Willowdale gifts were exchanged. Choir With Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart competition His 55 bushels of would be our traffic taxes com- Christmas With members 0f the will be served 3.30 & 6 pm. thing of a scoring encounter as‘vs Dynes. members were sorry that Mrs. and family. I b .1 I I d .- ld _ d it f l b . ,nd the gen- family in the home of her son : L. Mumberson could not be Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nichols an e) was a goo “e ’ goo pe 1 ion or a 01' 3 Alan, Ravenshoe. Mr. and Mrs. g GORMLEY NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone 887-5445 Bout MIDGETS SWEET DADDY SIKI Selection of Delicious Hot Foods from our Buffet Table Dancing to the Glen Mot’fat Trio with a loud Mrs. A. Kugler and boys ar- rived home recently after seV'ispeaker playing carols and later eral mOMhS' spent "1 Germanyithe young people of the church “W‘KN‘KKNKXR’O‘KAGKhflflï¬â€˜ï¬‚flflflflflflflflï¬ï¬‚ï¬xfliï¬‚ï¬ with relatives. . lWith visiting friends called atI Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leibeck of the homes and happily seren-. Their trip. 889-4988 4 ooooowoooowowm OOOOMOOOOOOOOOOOOO New Year to All from the Management and Staff 2 Church; January 9, 8 pm. Vic-l . . Q gs at" 13f Ithe ViIctoglaISquIaIirfd Chgrge patient in York Central Hospi-iHal‘Old Tatton and family were vin Winger had Christmas dih-lendcd at. the home of Mr. and: V9 ' f}: ‘ a\eI laglseye' o h 0 ‘t ree tal. guests and Ed spent 59"91'31 nor With Mr. and MFS- Melvm‘Mrs. E. Leek for relaxation and .1 Mile North of the Maple ' ’ ' .I q /.‘ 599013 sei\Iices att e heglhhlhIg Mr. and Mrs. Victor Drapeydays with his sister prior to theilienderson. . ,refreshments. . Sideroad between Richmond , 0‘ iof Canadas Centennial \eai.Iand Tammy of Ottawa arelvi-edding l A large number of friendsi Christmas weather wasa (115-. Hill and Maple THE B d A These W111 emphaSizIeIprayer andspending their Christmas \.aca_jNeighborhood Notes and relatives were present Iatappointment to skiers but there . «p the ecumenical spirit; JanuaryItion here with Mr. and Mrs.‘ David Matsunaga spent the the "open house" for Miss Mir-mas just enough snow [In make Best Wishes for a Happy Q ' 8 pm, Headford UHlterj"Gordon Draper and Lois. holiday 59350“ With hls parents, lam Heise at the home Of her it easy to clear Rumbles pond ALL SEATS . . ,. . ‘ -' - . lVIl‘.l ' h i make the Mr. and \I‘ I . , ,Mi. and Mrs. S. Matsunaga.biotl1er and Sister in law, I ,and Just enoug o and bovs 01f llssliggtlgganm?llson‘David is employed with the and Mrs. Harold HIeise Friday toboggans speed but not enough . ’ ’ ' .Canadian International Paperlaftei‘noon and evening. to cushion the bumps, as one Mrs. John Empringham Mrs L . . . . ‘ ‘ ‘ M . Henderson and . .i Knapp and Irene, Jim Basinger,Company at LaTuque. Quebec. l The 15ses .spine can test“), itoria Square, January 16, 8 pin. l rown's Corners. ' The official board meeting of Our New Year hope for you: good health, great pleasure and abundant prosperity . . . l $1.25 KKK!!!KlIn!KKK“€KW‘K«Q«WI«IKK«MWWI‘ , lthe charge will be held January . , . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence PopelMiss Sheilah Henderson werel Sharon Rumble received a Thank you 101' )0“! loyal Panning“ 13 at 3 pm in the Victorialof ylllfoxfale and mm \Voodgand family of Gore Bay spent guests at the \Vedding 0f INehCY‘surprise Christmas present from . ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION : quare L'nited Church. :naars with nifkï¬g’ï¬penï¬ CITES†Christmas with his mother. MrsfScharbach and Rodney Wilham- her parents, a flight to Jamaica, 3 , I . I Neighborhood Notes . . â€h ' .I rs. 31 m- J. A. Pope. Mrs. D. Fennell of 501’! atIthe INewman Chapel at where she will spend the holi- New Year 3 Eve mcnlxeueeuexxuseuexmexcxmmem The first euch' art , I â€me 3'“ ahd F111“ , ‘ Parkview Home, Stouffville. the Lmi'erslti’ of Toronto Tues- day with her aunt and uncle Mr. Q 3 1967 will be heldlein pine) 30:15. Mrs. Marjorie Martin of ’10- spent several days with her day noon. and Mrs. R. Tucker. . . ANNUAL DANCE I . ionto spent the Christmas weck- daughter. Mrs. Pope. Mr. and Mrs. Charles James Several neighbors paid pre- O O l E v E N D A l E munlt} hall, January 6‘ at 8:15 end with Mr. and MFS- Treanor Miss Dorothv Doust of Kitch- and David 01’ Stouffville spent Christmas calls on Mr. and Mrs. C , l 0 pm Canning. cner was a holiday guest with Christmas With 3113 and MI‘S- Deverell at York Manor and Q $20 Per (,oupe Q Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boynton her brother and sister-in-law. R0†Elliott and family. found them happy and content. . MEAT MARKET G. Davies of Kindon Kennels. 311d girls Spent Christmas .\Ionâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ileise 13â€th m9 and death were: Refle-Shl’henls and Buffet 3 on the passing of her husband. day with Mrs. Earl Jackson and Mrs. Beula Jones had Christ- th Mil and “1‘51 “US$98†Hedlse symbolized in the church Sun- . mClUded Q - ~ ~ .' ‘1 r Birthday greetings are extend- family at Downsriew. mas with her daughter-in-law. had Christmas dinner atur ay day morning. The Creche with - - ~_ 6 LP“ EA DALE RD' “54'3Ҡit ed to .Iean Vanderkooy. 10 years The many friends of Miss Mrs. Edythe Jones and boys of “lth 311‘. and Mrs- JOhh Hall Of its small reverent figures retold : leIltet’i number ,Of “Skew : mhhmm Summmwang old. January 4: and to Clarke Olive Glover are pleased to 1mm» Toronto. llagcrsville. the old story. the gay Christmas C. available at Legion Court. 6 Joseph .loncs spent Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hoadley with Ills son and daughter-in-and family spent Christmas at that she was able to be home Tree. symbolic of children's deâ€" in this ‘ for Christmas following her re- light time or bright cent 513‘. in York Central Hos- law; Mr, and Mrs. Morley Jones Kingston. _ young hope and the lovely flow- '(WMNNNWMWN (j pitalI ‘ and family of Markham. Mr. and .‘ll'S. Russell llelse erg placed in memory of Mrs i) NEW YEARS EVE g) I Mr. and 311's. Percv Bennett Harry Kruse is resting com- and family had dinner 310M123." Stewart reminding us that we 5 (j Regal Auto BOdy Ltd i spent Christmas with \lr aiid lortably in York County 1105- with Mrs. Emma Winger of come a full Cll‘Cle on this earthJ g) C I 6 Hrs. Rav Bennett and falnilv at pital. Neumarket. .\lr. Ki'use Stevensvillc. The pageant arrangement of the; (4; l 7 Richmond Hi'l ‘ has a cast from his fingers well Mr. and Mrs. Abram Lehman Wisemen following the Star. ani * . . . I I Y I . . . (i COMPLETE COLLISIOD SER‘ ICE William \luii'head aiid fan“, up (“8! his elbow on his right of Carlisle. Pennsylvania. spent arrangement by Mrs. Barker: L'SIOS\ILLE LOMMLNITT LEDTRE ) . __ spent Christmas with His Belle arm and his right hip is pinned, several days with relatives here. msdde the churclIlI entrancIe. is , Music bV {A Let us give your car the REGAL appearance it deserves. It costs you no more to Thomson at Azincoui-i He “1“ be confmed m hospital .I\lrs. C' nth“??? 3f ,“ “‘19-‘51 ‘1: :iecg;\\:,.foglg efasheio‘ncdeatro’ (j . . - . . . . .- .. . ~ . .. . - - \lr and \ll‘S Harold Steffle‘ for a number or “96k: da e spent se\eia a)s H 5 . ’2 ART CELSIE é) hue quality work done by expeiienced men. All Full} Licensed who are spec1alists d P l â€" 'C‘ I Mr. and Mrs. J. B Km; and mg and Mrs. Roy Brilllnger_ follow the star. . . g l f) on Body Repairs and Painting. 3n “h 55:!“ nil’kmga“ '“(Imf fatilll} moved on Friday imo Golden Wedding . For aI.\€\\I\€al‘ wish in this (2 ant . f) 35 “1‘ ‘ 1- and M15» p91“ be home formeyh 0\\n€d by More than 50 relatives and Centennial \eai‘ none can be./ THE QINGINC PLAINSME}. Z) W U S 1d S ' C A ] bl Bennett K i f d t ttl 'Oth much better than the crv of; †1 (0 'v ' a " ' . the late D. B Coriiclo' men 5 Were guess a 16 a . . I _ I ) 8 SB 0 er 81W “6 ars ‘dl a e f M}; and “18 L95“? “3""- â€d Mr and Mrs John Farouhar- wedding anniversary dinner for none and encourazement lsaiah Ch Self Serve Buffet (orsages for Ladies g; a . . . . . anli.\' spent li'isimas )loildai . .â€" .. . . '5 f ~ . .q - -' ' 17 ~ threw a' his co 1c ’ <. -. - - .- 1 , » son left Tllesdd} mmnln, .01111 and Mi. R0} Biilllngei at D P . e IQIhmem} Door Pilzes i LORNER [I‘DL STRIAL A‘\D ERFORD ROAD. RICHMOXD HILL leth MI" and Mrs. Maurice llam- their home in Florida the Summit View Gardens Resi- Enlarge the place of ill} icnl .é P1 ’8 R61 3 . . . 2 884 3342 889 470‘) 1“ and famli." 3"- C9dai' “1"“? _\1r and Mr: John SF'laI‘hat'il ant-ant Manda}, menin: Open l.cn:llien in? t0:‘(i< Q [‘01‘ Information (3†g) - ' u A speedy l'E‘t‘0\Cl‘\' ls untied Pd‘ and Debb:e hart (‘n-‘l<l:iias .iouse was iicld a. the Bl‘lllll‘li‘el' Sti‘enilflf‘n 1h." siakm 1/ 829.3619 - 334-3072 /’ for Lawson )lillli‘iwiswn awn. â€15> (llfillt‘: on Suntan \\‘l’l the home Ttiesria‘. H'VPl‘nOnll and All†'_‘““4' \‘inll he l‘ie Deni? 3’ 0 been 1“- ..\I:~w~ chvipwn. more. i (if m: wimrn CSSSSE§§ESX§E&WXW&WXWM‘ X