THE LIBERAL. R11'111111o1i11 11111 Ontario lhulsdai'. 11131.20 1066 “Sell The Old And Bring In The New. . THREE LINES TO SERVE YOU 0 PHONE THE ACTION CLASSIFIED 1 HELP W ANTED . . , . . 1 CLASSIFIED ' ' .' 7 ' ..- -. % th 1 l “1511 to express my sincere “0 wish to thank the Senior CASH RATES 177 _ 7A9VERTIMNG RETEB , 7 GOOD (leamn’i woman {01 20011 PLI )IBING - HEATINGâ€"M Ba 5 1111'11111's‘ 10 ab ni_\'111£111ls and Citizens for 1111‘ lowly flowers 0 â€"' . s insertion .40 each “01d. minimum “N71 1‘1101'1111111 Green subdiw I. MILLS & SON LTD. BL'll 1.\' 7‘ 11 l 77 t 7 [771191311101 11110 to,†me 111111111. they sent us on â€I“. 30111 Wed- Part Tlme M I B kk charge 31-00- Seeonl and subsequmit insertions If 1‘10†389 “083 (I“' 30' James D« 5‘9“?“ (hub 11 7'77"]'7"n;:\ FIIL'TIIOUII Liitls and Lilltl\ and the 111"111\ din"i -\11111\'ers'11'\' 'llso those uho' a e 00 eeper . .- 7 .N ..-..4 ..-, .iirj . . 7 1 x 11 . t 1 - 7 . “‘ " 1 ‘ wording unchanged. .1c per word. min. charge .90c. '.L'-tD'i who likes ('OORIIILI, sniall7 884'330I 77" “(17,0 D777 ‘1‘11111'1111111 U†““17 phone (lills 1111111 1 was 111 \01'11' sent cards and eit‘t< to make 111 \ 7 . _ _ _ _7 COMING EVENT NOTICE We per word: min. charge $1.50 musing home part time 889- â€1‘4" (1m, 11111111111gl)11'r1111bt' 7 "‘(cnti.'ll ll11~pital 111111 later 111 .'1 \‘eri' happy occasion. 112.1111 111'. . IIII IIIIIL’S 01' 2111911100115. knowledge 01 German BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 “III-777 7 7777 77_7(I" III PI‘I3:7I:\(7I(7‘7\7F7“PER , 19082 \\'llllt|]l I£1l\;1111 151111111 '7';I7‘IIII(\"7 I "IICI'E‘IID 1111717171117371111 I'7I ‘7'7IIV 17111117111 3:“7-7 7 7‘ 7 7_ iIIII'iIIIIiIgUIIIS- RCfel‘CllCGS and own transportation â€" .. . . .. - - il\l‘ELLl(xL\l ta able woman . ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ’ l)(l m 1111 1111 l1;1n11 01 111111111 I" ' (IQIIII 3'“ I" ‘I '0 -" ‘III‘ ' I" V ‘ I“ " ' I'III"I'I"' " “L" - '~ CARDS. . or TIII‘RI‘S' IN .IIEIIORIAMS. .UL'HIISV 110 cm for childlgii. 8- 6 pm. I317 DIIIIII- 8843371“ â€"1 “111110111 111-.11 Miller 111 l)lll|l7\ "III III“ IIIII"“" (III I'U‘II'III I'I‘IOI' ..-.--.. It‘qtllletl. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGLS. BIR'IHS per in- Alonday to Friday. Ba}\'1e\\‘ 77 'WALI. WASHING "7 â€I“ 717717†1.777777777707 11h- 1\l.'1li\ thanks to one and 1111.7 7 .\p|)l\' in “l'lilng‘ sertion $111.00 15198105 (“97,7 339 53-))_ 1411267. 8841-131) 111111111 Hill 111111 Dr. “.777 of (irace 1311\1111111 111131) ‘ ' Classified advertisements should be in as early in the 'E-XPERIENâ€"CED “2111198; Ihrce 111491 A1lanta. (icnrcia. Ilesied :11 ‘ " * HELP WANTED BOX 1. week as posuble but not later than 9.30 am on \\ cine» .Coins Restauiant. 368 \Ungct~â€"â€"~ PAINTING 777777 IIIO II'II'II'I' ITIIIICI"II 110â€](171211 ( ARDS OF TIIAVKH 7777777 777 77 77 days. Send ads by man and enclose {lumen} or telep one 151. 8., Richmond Hill. Apply Ill'ltltcriot‘ and exterior. 884-1311 Ion-'5'." SI' '\‘" III"IIIII‘III‘I IIIII' “V0 ‘WIIId IIIK’ IO CNPr‘ess 0111' Mule (11 1 e111; llc‘, e ‘1 )eI‘lI us at 884-1105 or 884-1980 and you Wlll receive an "“0108. 'person. ttc‘27l: “(.22 bei‘VlCe 11 as 111-111 in St Mom 5 .111101‘e appreciation to 11111 \\‘ltll pttli “Del-18““. in MISCELL ANEOLI'S With Liberal Action Want Ads†NUMBERS 884-1105. 884-1106. 884-1983 ANYTIME. ( ARD 0F THANKS 1 CARD OF THANKS Anglican ("hu11h. W -.. liI<IIIIII‘IKIi'friends and neighbors who Ilt\t‘ . ' _ TELLER \IAPLE sharpening.i seii'iic and 11' 11 W (I , 1 mm 1110111 7 ‘ Sttil‘e 1 ""' ’“' """"" ~~ . .7 -_._L__~__ ARTICI ES USED CARS Experience preferred. Guarantv appliance repairs 83). 1323. “'70 (111111 9C":be(‘::\ 111126 been ‘0 kind to us d'I'I'I IIII' _\ â€1‘. to . , , Trust Companv Richmond Hill. 77377277 1‘1 (>117 oss of our mother alid Lil'and- 1 II , ....-â€œï¬ _- V_7 ,,,,,, 1 .- 1 ~ - ‘I- 1' ~ ' . - ’ ‘ i ' ‘ ‘ ' '1 FOR SALE 1961 Pontiac Station Wag0111884- 11881-711126 pLU‘IBING & HEATING C Ititl)l‘\'1i‘ R Civirrie At Pt'ill 771171703?“7:de7Oglte:17)§CIé:\Ihl)IId7l7ll\-s \ Agiih'lh SEA FOODb RICHMON D HILL HY DRO 7 77 _ 7_7 7 t 1 1 1r 1 4 . 1 a . '7 7 . ( IZIS 7 , CEEINE'tiâ€"alv ~884â€" 2538. tfc20 éLe' 5": 8897187371,_ _ (II‘ZIIIINSPECTORS tmalel for white Roger7Proulx ~â€" Telephone 7._ cess Margaret Ilmpital Sunâ€" both fliend and doctor Exiia â€I [‘e‘ endale Road 2â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"77â€"-177 TeleVision 60-57677 77777777] ,‘55 Dodge haidtop. â€"automatic. 200115 manufacturing. State7exâ€" 884-167170777k777 tic-24 dav.1)ecenibei 25“1013131150†Hesoital Rev 7 77 7 REQUIRES A YOUNG MAN AS A LINE- 1 nt ondition 884 7298 â€79 $50. Phone 889 3171 (-11126 pelleiice and salai} expected. BAKERS BACKIIOE 111 late of 34 Newton Drive lliowden and \117 Giant \lal- \lAV LEARNER £_c__ . ..- 1963 Chev.. PM“; “muffle; Box 6070.7W70311b7117cl72e770279'20 EXCAVATING “illowdale beloved husband shall 01 Pipliei Funeial Home. 1 V ‘ ‘ ‘ I ' G d 1 S'I'RAiw884 "~68 Woman driven. excellent condi- \l \TURE woman required lot Trenching. sewer & water lines. OI OILI‘I II0-‘V‘I' (Ie‘II' I‘IIIICI OI' The “V 00110} Family. IIOR RENT MUST BE INTERESTED IN OLV'TSlDE 0° cean 517““ 'II 7'! tion. 832â€"1020 after 6. clw26 light housekeeping inesidential footings. 889-3604. 11121 CI‘II'C- D‘IIIII; EaI'I 'IIIII L7_\nn.71 ('19le \1 1 - .v' 1 . » - ,, 1. 1 . .V 023 . 7 . _ ‘ . ' 1. » ». . . - '1 Funeral scruce was held troni ». ~ . OFFICE SP \CL E I Ohh ARI.) BIL ADAPIIABLI‘. IO \\ ORl\I1\G .______~_-__. ‘61 lllllmdll Minx. Liood clean 9‘0IIIIIsS and “99h ends {â€59- LET DON [)0 [1‘3 1 7 7 . . . 7 7 7 j , . , MODERN 4 PIN“? blonde bed- transportation. Snow tires andimothei‘ must itork. cleG'. DON BUTLER TV 1 IIIE‘ EjIII'BO‘ 7I‘JII707II7 7IIIII(77I7(II (ARD 01‘ THANKS r\I')O\ l‘. GROUND. 100m SUI“: $70 0I' best OIHICI' extra rims.884â€"5"109. clw2(j lï¬â€"Ilâ€"lâ€"‘timm-arc. TORCH: 384.3500 ‘ IIOIIIG' ““',I,Iâ€II'~“I ‘SIICPI' 0’ Tllel'e words are inadequate to I20" ST1- fI- . I . . ~ Maple. 832- 2063. 111121; --- . . _ ...., ronto. 1111 lhursdll) a1 2 pm. . ~ l'ULL TRAINING PROGRAM AND BENâ€" 7 _ 1 . 7 . . x11 ss (1 1 1 I l “ 77 77_7__7_ 777__7 7 MW. 1964 ‘9“.de condition. old Lii'1,\icinity Rosellew La“ 111.1... 777707777777â€! ank (“notâ€) I I 0 0111:3111 I “(0 0 04““ l.t‘\‘0n(ltlle Rd, . . n . VlWO 750 x 14 snow tires on $17000 0‘, reasonable offer 884_1rcnce. Baker. Church. 884-1482 RELâ€"Pl? ELMS DECOP'KTIN’G' 7 ..'11111 ei"e1_\oiie who has helped Us 121‘ I 15 linis. to fit Chev. 01' Pontiac. S30 2147, (11“.96 after 5. (‘lii'261qummfl papei- 411111111120" 111101- I “LIIltht‘ough these (111715 of soil-ow. .101â€, 7‘7 grim“ (0,1517 ‘ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 the pair 8841008 1111276, .â€" .. . ,-;. ~~~, .w ...n# .-L ' ‘ ' =" , . 1111111 beautiful 11111191... 1101.15 .11 . l'le Ul'l'ltlAl. l'ORMb AN!) 1111111114111 7‘7 _777_ _~__777 AUTO INSURANCE 1PARt-11ME siiitcliboard opei'a- 101' and exterior Free estimates...lOll.\8ltl.\ .. tobci't \teslcy ti 1 d 1 389-0439 . . r. . . s . .. ... 8 mm calnera “IIII 7-001“ 10115 ,. 7 . . _ ’101‘ with tvping. required b3 ll ork guaranteed. 884- 7902. " Suddenly at Branson General “mp" "I ant 00'“ or infinite or ITI'ORMAIION PLEAPIL ('03 IALI' [.0 e t f“ 1- 27-] it “e place special i'isl1s. terms a1'- 1 . ‘ .kindness we can 0111\‘stl7\ thank p j c 01, In spicel', IgI . , .. , , local club. Call 889- 4833. “(‘31 Hos iital “illmtdale on lttcs- . . 1 . . light bar. 339-7090 3ft01‘5. ianged. Call Mr. luckei'. 921- 11112.31 7. .- 7 7 L_.* 77 "D I )0 1961 P1 lâ€" \011 so much “0 espetiall) wish 1" “mph-I '“I Eel“? 771“.26:2167 Ol‘ 884-.1010 â€â‚¬241 7 . 7 1 E- W- FADE ,= “I“ ,I’LQIIIICI ‘7‘ I ‘I to 111.1111; Rev. O‘Neil and the 889-2951 884-5422 It man i y '0 .-.-~__.7.. ____._._ ATTRTIOFTRUCKERS EXPERIENCED-â€" WAITRESS 1Di'ains. septic tanks. All types. (’11 \\ eslci Johnston be10ve01'l7 '11011 of St. Mal'V‘s for their LIMESTONE Wanted for restaurant in Thorn- of conciete “0‘.1k I husband 0f A2116“ 13.0-17.0,“me and support And a )6 Yonge Si Al Horwood. For large or small areas 884â€" It 3011 are looking for used hill $125 91 1mm Applv 7584I 339. 5752 FREE ESTIWIATES Dotlgiill dear lather 'on ‘ . ' ' 8 4-116 ‘ ' 7768. 'tt‘c19 trucks parts tires OI' accessor- Yonve St 'llliornhill Peter‘s Res I ' ‘11031' Mrs R. \. “\att Inlaryi, Mrs ISIICCIRI IIIaIII'IS I0 CIIICI ROIIIIIIIS 8 ' ' I) bllperlntendent . I ' . ., 7 e ' ' " ' I all those 111 the police fmce M.“â€" LAW. ies, see the truck “iecker first, _ 1 '26' 7 - J. \. “I150 111011011211 and “I IS. Iam DRY hard wood cut 16" for file- M . 1. taurant. 889 0027' c “ MASONRY CONTRACTOR 11110 were so woudelfullv kiid ooze '1111ck Parts 8: Sales Old â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"»â€"~â€"â€"- , L. 11.1.0111: tAudi‘ev) dear I place. Delivered single cordlots. No 11 Hi . ', PART TIME WOMAN ASS’T. Stonework. Fireplace etc. V. . ' ’ and thoughtful. Thanks also to _ . ghnay, Holland Latid- . . ‘ brother 01 Mrs John Johnston 1 884-4519. tfclo- 897-4 for Optical Dept. Phone be- Ostei'gaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S., the Piphel‘ Funeral Home for. . . . AMUTOMAWTICW“.351ms“-lg7"'g‘ O 666' 11123477778077 2.30 and 8 pm. Optical Richmond Hill. phone 884-, ;%9III;:7I77 '11'11'1'1'1'12 7‘7I7'SII‘Ilgf7IIILC7I7'um. fine 59mm FOR RENT We require ambitious young men as turn, will deliver and guarantee Dept.. Gem Store. 889'IIDE'17‘726 0.68.8 7 7 7 “123' Wyatt and Danny Wise. Ser- MI'S' Margaret GIISIIIIg ENI'VOPD one year. hen Clark 889-5226. T0 RENT W_ m “'“DOIIS CLEANED rice was held at “10 II S" 8“ 1111117117 . 'D IN U RA N E TRA l N E E S ‘_.._- - â€CH . â€"# â€"â€" 'MAN I'equII'ed IOI' general labor.7 RESIDENT] "j Kanc Funeral Chapel Wongc “III“(I l\-DLSTRI \Lxh RDS FIREWOOI) I‘LRNISHED and UHfUINISIIed APl’I-V â€I 7 person. Canadian‘ FLOORS CLF ANED Street at Sheppard Avenueiyr -.-...L..-.--._.W-_ e -_ 9 g F Ihese are challeno‘ino (“r-eel Ople‘thIIIES with Truckload lots $10. Phone Cttdil- IP9IIIS-8§SI 5.7.66 .. 7777777tfc7179 3:?3'11‘3 CSL'IJNpe'II'kt'IId'Ro'hil'md' 884 13“ 77 977 On Friday :11 1.30 pm. Inter-1 FOR BIG BARGAINS ’)' 00 Iâ€" (l' t' initial naming III auto (131mg 01' LII](l€I"'\\lllllllg - . . - . .- . ‘ 1' o\ 1' 1 \ «__, 1.. 1, .. . . 7 7 7 lac Lluiibe1,l\lap]e, 0111.11.04 889-12 l)(7‘(l100ln \tll‘liellzed cottage. 01“.“). - - L _. ..... . ‘ ,1 IIIeIII I‘III‘ I‘IIIIIIOI“ III‘ZG IN RICl‘lmOlld Hlll department in Downtown 101'01110 preparaton to 4973. 011826.7730897 1-11125' _ LEW- (I‘LL “5 101 ‘09! SHIKI "FaVI‘I . ' LATE MODEL (I'\RS'ISSIL"I‘1HI€III in 3 1101111 subur'bm office. A 11- CRBI‘ES of~all sizes suitable 'l'\\() 01' (Iiiee rooms lut'nislie’d FLI‘I‘IIIME IICII)‘ itniale III the {III IOI) ‘OII and IIIIIG‘IOIIe bECOII' I"I"IIII‘VIIII SIICIIWI'VSIKI' CONSULT THE 487*]59l I i I ll 1 ( f Itâ€) 101 01...... shipping a... o. 111 D... 11.11.. 31737;; â€i†1317': 977771717713071717171771370713111711177111731717. 11.71.371.311. ifI'L?"1‘.,1‘,‘,â€"j,,‘j;,;'g,",-,3,1"03:35; LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS;3.3111221321131112 sen'o' ma "" , 7 13 7- - 7 .1 . . 7' o . ‘. ’ 1'. .. . et'i'ar. i at e,‘ 1 .... 1' . ' -. 7 7 77 7 7777 7 77 7 777 Sires/2': 2:: gfg7stIgbIe (JIISIQOI'IIflV _§§'_70.64_U;._._ ("1:279 Store Snack Bar. 7171 \‘0ng05832â€"8876. 11"ch day. December 33. 1966.. ' Stllal‘v S80 ()0 _ $100 00 per neck depending on 7775; C HOUSEKEEPIBG l'oonl. stilt St (3‘125 NCIIIIIIVEYS 7 Franklin Spencer 59c01~7 hc_1'â€OQOOWWMOQO' bll' t , l b ‘k l‘ld E t I ff l) ALUMINUM lady Parking. Duncan Road. ._.__.___.______--__. ‘ * 10‘. d h "0' 111 f Cli"'tin :: .191 , . a I I am 3“ giou X ensive S 21 ene' _ . . VIAN f'oi greenhouse experience Cl ' . -1. . . 1. C â€9 91 0 “5 e7 2" . . f‘ 1 Doors windo . .n d 889 4246. c11126 1111111655 butt and iepaned. (. l s. , us an ings, an , liel ful but not e seiitial No . Reed and dear father of Helent. ,~. 9 railin s R W d 884-1 1 1 7 7 D7 7 5 Free estimates. Expert work-1 1 A l' t . P .. ll) . _, g on 00 s. o 4. 2 bedroom houge garage, good age llmlt. m n 1' Pl W IR 7 d' 13115.30111191 of Siiighampton: I: Q pp), 0- 913011119 EDaithlll tIC36location. Phone after 5. 884- conconn FLORAL co. 1111151211 331131136 8 e' tfac'll de‘“ gIa'I‘II‘IIIIEI â€I KT‘IIII'I I C 0 l I A ' I' FIREWOOD, 6 real seasoned 5678- 6211'25 HIGHWAY 7. CONCORD ' ' ' . Fla“ and BIIIâ€" 0'0â€â€œ?! 0M 9 O- pera OI'S nsurance ssooa Ion oak, $20; 1 year seasoned maple FURNISHED room, cooking {a- c3wZ4 GENERAL COIIII'aCIIIIg' altera- M‘II'IOII and Earl. Rested at 9 E3. 5' .1 . . $18 3 year seasoned elm 14 cilities 16 L e . tions and additions. homes. of- the Plpllel Funeial Home 126 7 q ‘ 30 Bloor Street West. TORONTO 5, Ontario Per single cord 7737 5368 3 of Clarkes Siliflg 51:15:??0323 111311;; file;77erelz7rfts721717té7i7i7l7‘7’:flees. factories. Custom carpen- Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 7. I" 1 925-1441 ' ' I . . ' try Of all descriptions. Les Service was held on Tuesday. miâ€? 7 “624 moving company. Apply in per- Webb 889â€"2546. thB Inteiment York Cemetely 1. z - » ~ S 7 S C7081 basement apartment, fur- son. Cential Van & Storage. 728 WWTIEE Willowdale c1w26 . . 3 es and Service nished. separate entrance, centâ€" Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. . . . 1300157 \tindows, siding Call ral. Prefer one business person tfc47ili7ster i'epaici7's.f1 ceramic tile STE“ A'IRI Caloline EsllIGIâ€"~Al : . TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Yolk Aluminum 334. 4553 884-30791-11117726 â€"â€â€˜â€œ'“r‘ “_ a irooms an 001's. "eai's of 7, 1 70 797 7 7____7 W AITRESSES wanted 3-11 pm experience in 797787.77 “07k the Ron. e llill \illa Nursing . 55 Q PERSONNEL MANAGER 7 7777 c \\ â€"“ENMAR APARTMENT ,shit't. Esso Service Centre High-1Gemg 884- “04 if ,4 Home. 011 l“'11(la7\ Dot-ember \7 Q 7 7 . _ , , .. WEDDING diess. lace ctiitton, "2 bedioom apartment aiwllablei‘m.‘ 400 Expeiieme not notes-1-; e I 3' I '23. 1900‘, Caroline 11011. belov- . o E"\I‘QDIIOII'AI ODDOI'IUHII.V 101‘ maior I‘€Sl><IIISII)IIIIl' size 14 {1001. length “-1“. [1001 Januarvl. 1 child onlv.165 COl-jsal‘)‘ unifotm supplied. For inâ€" Additions & REIIIm‘atIOIIS ed wife of the late Samuel 1 , Q in expanding manufacturing plant. giggt'IoIlg'l 7Wol'n only once bourn: Avenue 884767233 (l\7\7‘I727t)':f01‘lIIalloll phone 832â€"1555†)4'8577745778531. (737:7:THR77I7'7C7TSE: George Stcuait 01 1111411110110 . W W r g . Responsibilities 77 wage administration. employ- 545'8 ligilia cost $150. 884. TWO unfifuinishecl looms suit 7 777 777 c2. 7773770777 7707 777777 777777 777 77777 11111, 111 11e1 80111 71'.e111' Dear 0 777707777“ 70 Q merit. training and general personnel work. 7 77 7777777 77__(IA\\‘276 two single persons. lxitchen FUR\II‘LRE packer and diiver,8'84 6' 0 8' 4983 ‘I S 7_ mother of Mabel I\ll's. George . 7 a Q P "‘t' 7 .7 _) t 7. 7 _ 7 7 7. 7 77†EXCLUSIVE~ evening gown size privileges. 884-3605. before combined. Good w'mking condiâ€"1 #117777 _.. “III I 717381'1161'1. “Jane 777Mâ€A EEIIIII Q a†m†"'0â€! {’1‘-"Wk : dildownIditldengfefull:(10 }edts eI‘IleIIeIILe d c 15 gold peau dc soie evemng7. 1.10011 111011 tions. steady emplovment. belie-1 A NTRY “ORR MICIIIIOIIS- 2mm“ ' III-IV ' I'S ‘ II IOIIIV Q We wish at: a very Ho N1... 1cm! L' 6'9 ( o' ' e" ' 80W.“ SIZE 9 Reasonable Dis-IONE bedroomaliouse. partlv l'ui- IIIS- APPIE Lamb the Mo‘vel__710110\atioilis.gaiages. iecleation‘7 JDCC'an'B' fIIZEIf'I'Id {71.11711 9 7 PP, . FIELD SALES ENGINEER count Cleaners, Richmond njshed gaiaqe 889â€"4911. Also part-time help. rooms. tie floors. No job 100 811165 ii‘Id 11 ID 0‘“ I10 0, _ ~_ , . . - - . -. . . ' Heights Centre in the Mall. 884- $65 monthly. A123 5‘33I::;:::lcee:£ tfc42 small. Free estimates. T. Price late William and Oswald. Sis : PHOTO . RIIIJIIII} expanding busmess 1911111195 59195 engin- 6171 c11126! [00,1157 furniture optional 889_ SMECRETARYï¬ mm some book_ 889- 3653. tfc28 ter of Cliailes Dew and also . .7 e91' for marketing electronic and elfctig melelgan- FIREPLACE 3126. cleG keeping ability. Must be good CONCRETE - MASONRY Slfrvg'ekgldII-V “‘3“ny ' {“7177 SUPPLIES :1 10:0†components I0 bOIh commema an m“ ary LOGS TWO furnished rooms, private typist. Monday to Friday from CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS 2:2; :1 Lnéiï¬iidfgn 32:12:21.1: accounts . . . . Carefully selected (11% mm), bath and equipped kitchen. Ideal 10 am to 3 pm House of Con- Building. alterations & repairs the Plpher Funeral Home 1267 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE :1 Posttion i'equlres_sound_ experience in marketing Maple. $16 a single cord. 14' x for female teachers 01‘ nurses. cord DUffel‘In Street North Of Prompt SGIVICE ._ area and degree in engineering IS preferred. . Yonge St N Richmond: PHONE 88-1 3221 . 8’ x 16" )delivered Alvin Baker Central Eonge Street, close to Highan 7. 889- 7655. (32025 WALKER & MITCHELL H'll S 77. 7 7'1 ld S t 1' . . _ 889 2436 mm bus Stop. After‘s pm. 884-1 MEDILOAD LTD. “9'25â€â€œ “011 Ida, “1‘ng.,‘,‘,:;,Iemc°h“moim. .1 Please can 01' “'I'Ite WIIh resume to- __~___ .__m “'3663. 1'26'P .1 1' d‘ 1 .. ~' ‘77 I“. I 7 7 ~A ~Ar' -, --L - * 'uï¬i \Ir. John Hickev Personnel Manaaer SPECI “7, PLIRCHASEV I (‘ \\ al 11119 me ica setietaiies TREE CUTTING 7 Hill Cemeterv. (1“ ’t} . . , s. s Viml asbestos floor tile 9.. \q..7 1and nurses required for ternâ€"I Dead elnis. poplars etc. 1 )1: .15 >1 11 Texas Instruments Incorporated .' - ‘ ‘ ‘ I'A_ I " " lovnient. Write iiiv- Cut and re'iiimcd Rea. onable1~ . - .~ -. 1 .. . . "\‘O (I 1 St ’1 E I, R"h (1 HI†inst Line .1130 giladc_ a popular . POI“ 9W" - _ a :7 _ 1 7 7 7 stoma. c0111 b51t03itl*:\l 1111, -. en 1e ree as It mon colors. while the; last. 91-11 EMPLOYNIENT IIaI7I7‘e’777f7IgiIl‘I7I7I‘ RI..fxp§"I.eZ§c..Rdjmes' AI‘VIII Bake†8894437871371 Queensville Nursing Hotneoiii Telephone 889- 7373 1 each. “7 ANTED a ‘ â€e 0' e 7777 7 i __, Friday. December 23. 19661 7 . diber'flal 1111-6â€. ? “ . s . « - . .. - ~. Butler and Ban-d Lumbei [111 7 7 777___v7_ 7 HARRISONS (‘ISTOM Lecil Stone. lOIlllt‘ll) of 81111â€" 191 Yonge 517 x_ [H.710- \OL NC MEN 113-1va looking CARRIER BOY 0R GIRL CARPENTRY niond l'lill, dear brother 01' 1 . 7 7. . “" TY , . l‘or\\0l'k..~\n\1hing consideied The Liberal requires 21 cal- Clistom built homes renota-' William. Richmond Hill: and I I‘LIC‘II IIIIIIIIV'I'IIIIIIII RBEI‘S IIIe SBI'HCUS â€I IIII TO‘VNSHIP OF VAUGHAN ADDISEII‘IIITTIIINER Can _\'ou help us (all Salvl'ation rier for an established papel tiotis additions. and repairs Laurel. IMrs, ll. A. HammondI 1 L"XIIQI'IQIICUI B‘Wkkeel)?“ fVIIISI- MINI IIe “IIIQ A ‘7 ‘ ‘ 7A1'111\.889-4869.11c5211‘oute in King C11\.\Iust be kitchens a specialty Morris-7' ‘l‘hornhill. Rested at the Pip- to handle it til“ set 01 books and lithe tllcttilloll saiisthzgz‘ggeokt‘retals V'ATTEIN’I'ION MERCHANTS reliable and responsible Please,' Harrison 88-4 282718 1114571 her Funeral Home. 1'36 TUNE" from a (11112111110118. Must be neat. reliable. \\V1ll- TENDER FOR POLICE CARS All populal mikes f7; :ale 7777 \ounU ladv desiles emplosment Iapplt' Sam COM" 8341I0573 18'Plast’ering Thornliill7 . . N7. 85111111017111 111711.8(71711H ing‘ to do most oi the work in own home. ' local 51010 as clerk or cash- m II R. CLARK “as Ie 0†IIeb'UI-‘V- I 9'" ~\_ 1â€" ‘ "'t' 0- 't‘ {V O. '1'!" "'1' \. - eluding new and (11ml 1 I“ _, __-,-L 7 77 ,7 77 - pm 111 \111 mp s a in 1111.11 11a 1011. 111 . 7 . _ .- . . . , . .. .7 . ard pottable and :lect'licbiil'tiil-m ,‘tttll 01 Palt- time 884- 3374. REAL ESTATE career fOI men 'Plain and Decorative Plastering I ment AUIO'd (11119101). ,. detail to Box 3 “The Liberal".b All interview will béd'Ld tendéh' 116.111) md'kef' a; 1.0 1011181118, 615 Special rental rates avail-I c1w26 01 women, free extensive trainâ€"1 Repairs a Speciality _ “‘1“ I). be al‘l'an‘I'etl ‘ “â€"111 be received by the undersigned until . 7 7 'G g 7 ,1 , -. L, . “I“? ‘0 “mm-7 01.111121211113115 “1““th122.1213$213.52?“pr3505;223:121 433â€"751;?†12811113383731†111001.111 Benita ~ At wept- - 7 - -- M - .- 4:00 o‘clock PAL. L. II. SIMS 7 see seon i'acts for 7 d d 777 C 11 T 1 g 1 Branson Hospital 011 luesdav.‘ , , A .. as Baker Ave. 0111.06 (leaning BI“ Oi small â€â€œ5 a“ . 1315777773777 1... ‘I' 01 Decenme. 20 1906 Bent... iRIDAi, JANUARY 131b, 1911. Richmond Hill 884-1745 “I" II d0 â€â€˜9'“ “III 1701119? 95“â€" ReaIII LImIIe‘I' “I“M' ,1 IPHOLSTERY - 'roi-ool'r. beloved wife 01‘ the' ,en-ie'w-g 7 111-49 “I“? 03“ 334‘3903 ï¬lter 077301 . _ .- 0:5 RECOI ERING â€" RESIXLINGI late Alfred 119011971, of 39, :7 z to supply three (3) 1967 two (2) (1001' automobiles . ._._. â€â€˜12st 'd lb PEESS‘IA" (77 Iffba“ III-I85 OI {)TI'IIIILIIC IESIIQSI' Garden Avenue. 'I‘hornhill. 111‘ :1 a? z and to take in trade three (3) 1966 two (2) (1001‘ “-9â€": C .~.\P\BLE liouseke‘ 1 11 91 6 er0 l‘essnian name or 21 mos. reasona e prices. 031- 1 . 31.1 . . . 1.. . ti )1‘ 1' t 1 i i i _ 7 . ' s 1 one \\1 i 1131 s 7\edl. (Ldl mo 11 o .77 7 o automobllï¬. high sthool son desires positionEOId established 10!) printing anteed work. Acme L'lpiolsteiy. Alan. Gordon and Douglas. ' “"I'° . ,. . - 77 7 [717(2787’17‘7777 in Richmond Hill 01 Tliol‘nhill SII‘IP‘ IIILIS‘ be: I'CII‘IIIIO' éIEaIIlVI 7 889'5045 7 I also survived by 6 grandclitlâ€" 1 Bltlzlel‘s'7 must USE lon‘llslilp spec1tlcatlons and LADY'S gold watch, 111111111 FOllr7)(‘1lls7 hospital e\perienc.c EFLI'I'I' 1:??? Saigsfï¬ï¬. IIIC' Residence 2414893 [5]. (11‘9“. Rt‘bied 81 the PIPIK‘F TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL tender IOI'IIIS- -, 7-“. . _ 1 . 1 s -- iera . ioiie â€" .1. 1'1 ' 1. . 1 -- ' 1,. ‘ n . - - ' . Richmond 7lluLll7ts 51,Qppin._7e\teltlit 1111101110 88971371773 777777777777) 77777 7777 I 7 l'7unelal 1111111071207 \oich SL7 lender lOl'mS may be l'et'enetl â€Om 1.7 (,7 Jack- (cntre. keepsake Roul1i‘.I11 t1“. (1' 777 77 7 5777777777 777qu N. itclilnond lllll. bCl‘\lc‘L‘ \\tl.~ 7 7777777 Deputv (107717 773- 5701 ('llt2b'. BOOKKEEPER or evpeiielited " 1 held on l“rida\. Cremation, ' ‘ ' 1' “ 7777 777.77_ 7M' 7 7 77 7 1 ' 77) 7 7-. . LOST. cat male rusty in L‘OlOl'I , {accountant for \01111 Mono (Ol‘l- PLMPLD 52.7.00 1 7717-1114) Lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. with smile white on chest and BUSINESS SII'uCIIOII companv. Costing. I‘Vi'p‘ .' 7V - ~ . - . -. . . tail. Answers to the name of OPPORTIINITY mg helpfuL tt-a...ponation1 7. . .7. Applications “Ill be lecelied b) the undct- ,1, M McDONALl), Secretary. Tuffy Lost in the \icinit\ otI “99975537? ‘PPII- SE‘I‘III†“997:“ I gbflptlflfl signed for the position of constable. Board 01' Commissioners of Police. Caitier Ciescent. Please call IT pms to grow cucumbers on “Ice e ucation 1e eiences. a†9 Township of Vaughan, 884-7418. cl\\26 dei coxitl‘.111.A guaranteed mar- saIaI‘V and telephone IIIIIIIbeI I01 \I \RSHALLâ€"Gr'nit and Leone . “(1)18 0111.41 10 h.â€" ___ It I t ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ l , r ‘ ' LOST on Calrlille Road bepket is available to 71'ou.Con-IB°‘\I 130 The Libelal7 _C3“241 71 are happy to announce the R P‘ IOBBITS'L (“IIIeI 01' Police I tween Duffelin and Batliuist 1il‘dt‘ls ale beingi taken now [orI LIMBER SHIPPER l arrival of 1lieir chosen son. - a black miniature poodle “ml- 1967 For further information \Iau required iiitliknowledge 01' 7 Drew Grant. a brother for ing a rhinestone 00117“. “uh a mile 01 phone Frank \latts.‘ construction material to handlel 1 Karen. 11111215 Nmth G\\illinibury tag. .â€"\n« 7059 YOliEe 51.. Willowdale. 889-1doors trim p11 wood lumber etc. .' Swers to name of Ian. Reward.15494. tfc23 Must be energetic. accurate and ‘ ACCOUNTANT CREDIT MAN LIKE To WORK WITH 832-8811. clw26' able to take l'esponsibiliti'. good: Sewers cleaned 7%" a Bmentgl ,I‘â€""â€"‘~ wages steadv employment. act-1 without diwging M . a 1 ' PERSON AL vaiitement opportunities .111' or tearing up pipe \11 and llrs \rtt'tur Dixon \ounu 1112111. 3') to 31 tears oi apt powessing CO OPERAT|VE PEOPLE T I , ' . -.’. .km -.Lh IIJEIIQIIIS 7 1343 Ltlttts 511001 I'ilt'iltlltmtl Hill , 1171'1 1713711 (1171-11111111'1111‘ (I tr) e 1] (1 f n I 7x [1114 - 7, 7 . -... 7 item 1 eL'e J 121 t 1111 D0 11111 ha\e .1 dilllkillg p10b-.Lansllig Building Supply Ltd- (- sILNDEN :11'1" pleased 1.1111111111111111theeh- 111 .1111] 21 “1111.1 1s letlllll‘lt‘tl 11'1111: 1111111 111 like tom 11 .o ..H can help \Vrile' 258 Sheppard Ave. East. “il- 884-1245 Richmond Hill eugenlent 111 111011‘ 111.11.11191 (.11- . _ 7 _ , 3 '.", 7 . . ', '_ ' We 1.1.1:, .1 11111101111111 1"1111cc' 0110111111111 101' an 1 1 \\1 11 1 1 1 l 1 i II _V --L 7. Box 84 Richmond Hill. or call lowdalc. 1'11'126. 111m :11 Brian 1". 'l‘iliker. son 11; U ‘I â€I“ "II IU‘ 'I' '\ "'IIII‘III‘ ‘ 1 . '1h 1 \\ \ ~ 1 ‘ ~ â€" ~ ' . ' _ eneiLi'etic man with senior matricuation in out e our inds 111's1r_\‘ Schoo 13111-81584 111-1.. 311-, and Mrs S F. l'llkt‘l‘. 1.11 -. . . . ' . 1 ‘1 -. "I 1 '« - ' ' ' - ""1' \‘l 1'11 1 ’ dl ll '95] \0l10e Sileet,ll'101nliill BO“ LERS 1111111611 13731111411? TOOLS (I ‘th'lllllolltl 511001 11111111101111 Hillier “1" "Km"? Fume "L'L'UU'IUII‘L' 11791111.. 'fiI)“ l7\7e.\p.11111111g O'gdn'K'd 1011. \ I (, 1411 ES a mornings and atteinoons dlld , ' L 1.. '..1 umlvses 111‘ 1“111;1111'1211 Statements. siecial 1'1111111- lines ()1 insurance. Applicants must have proven , 103:. 119 at Allenc'otut Lanes - 7 s v 1 “MI I' -I) . ' . . . . . I . - . - -. all 7111171717 51711171701, rinnspoitiiion mmddh 9 pm pmue 884- 430-371 BABE SITTING LQLIIP31ENT 7v e - .1211 Investigations. 1101111 and Collections, al)llli7\' to meet the public and to exercise good mate e. 8 «1664,1111; ' 1311'197RE5p07VSIBLE Dab} mm W 1 RENTALL. 4‘1 YOSGI: N7 iiidginent. Alter employment most prcpale 101 1 7 . ' Excellent i'.'.1l‘11'111g conditions and c111pl11'1'ce - 1 1e.- the D ‘1'tnient of Insurance Examinaâ€" (ll ed to .\e Y . . sE .884--R ". .l' ‘s. 11 l» S hb d , .. - 411C lfdi- « elkI '3'61'5'5. ' “ e" \eClWZG in'e'z: t\oi)‘l'sl,'pc'(li)aeii's. SSE-1671118“ ' Witt oar I’EIIt‘IIl-‘i 11011 101' Insurance Agents. ROOM and BO ARDI PETS FOR SALE {EW'H'EAFS'BE ' â€c311 G and 7001“ng 77 all Expirienced mother 7 available 384'Ibieeds _ bv P10fession§1 Freet or abvsitting for am occasion Salary commensurate with experience. If you reside in the Richmond Hill area and are prepared to participate 313111er in a sales and PORTABLE T\ RENTALS II EEK 0R MONTH AVAILABLE in Canadian home. Icuppn Good meals, nice 1'.oom Operator This is a growth position. . ~ . 1 )romotional program with a company offering 4947- C1“'26' ick u and deliver G0 don 884 30‘2' c1076 RICHBIPND HILE-TI ' . . '. I . AVAILABLE 770777 for ref777ed7lgauemp .977 2597 y'trfc221 884-4496 - 889-3136 77 43 Required by Local Flln'l Send lesume ouflmma 3g? education expei- good 7adic713nceÂ¥ient oplpoic'tunities and extensiie . “ML-“ 0 . . N . em 03 ee ene 1 -, re 71' 0: 17736115173. Must be abstamer 788:1-|731LL GODDARD for prams-7*“ ‘torEvenmgs andsaturdays Ime' “I3“ expected Etc" pl p ~ 0 “05101131 Poodle clipping. 7783 1 1 ‘1. '.- I ' ‘m... sheet. Thornliill. 889- DRESS“ AMML . DE AD STOCI' 1 .--,,, . . , , . Co-Operators Insurance Association 3600.7 11(35_DESTGNI.\G ' \ M'J-I 1)61 been 1' 11 \‘i ei'ei'litteilsei' Laiznrla Linnted. I fl" 7.A___ 7 7 _ ) - â€I ‘ . ‘ . I ‘ . I ‘ . GARDENING relied-11111: 57,5" ' 07117271171715: 11‘177\\17LD all 11:711. 01 (1:311 .1171- Apply 11. 81111111: 811x 13s 1.111 71737113771717?†(,1 .1 I†mm†â€III?“ 11"" I"""II° ___ . _. L“ . . u. .\ . .\1' .. I 211: L 121:1 \ 1'11: 1‘ 1 80 A7... _ 7.7 7 77 .. 1111311 J ' . 1 111.- CVLS'l'OM planing :23 2731 coxsi'LT rm: 7 8811â€"41170 33:13 o:~ zoom 1.291111 1.110111-1‘ I" I~"‘~I'II ‘I' 3" IIII 111117 LIBERAL c'L.\sstl=t£t)s 1 11 :o,.\'.» 3114.112. 11.31 - ---