Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jan 1967, p. 10

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10 One of the parents wondered if the powers-thatâ€" be (in this case the parks board) could assure that at least one of the pads be confined to skating only leaving the rest to shinny. This particular parent complained his wife had been accidentally bowled over by an enthusiastic teenager engaged in a spirited hockey game. Mill Pond Complaints Some complaints have filtered in re the recent holiday skating at the Mill Pond in Richmond Hill. They were to the effect that all of the ice pads on the pond were being used for “shinny” hockey pur- poses at the expense of dad and mom and children who were just interested in skating. Checked with Parks Board Chairman Shaun Beggs who explained the pond area is the one “passive" section in town and it was policy to leave it to the people to do as they chose on it without someone standing around giving orders or blowing whistles. He agreed there might be a problem but noted the parks department had rushed to get the ice scraped off for the holiday season to enable the public to “just get out and get some skating done.” One cause of the mix-up, he suggested, lay in the fact the department hasn’t had time to lay a “ring" on the rinks as in former years. This ring enclosed the centre portions with the shinny hockey played in that area with the other skaters doing their activities on the outside. This will be done shortly and should eliminate the difficulties (it’s hoped). 0 Shantei' Golf and Curling ch15.""illr."'P£1?1}ei-"llé treasurer for the group. Other lawyers expected to attend from Richmond Hill include John Lawlor and John LeClaire of Lawlor, LeClaire and Ramon Barristers. And did you catch the singing Moore family during the NHL television intermission period Sat- urday night. The Moores of, 268 lredale Road. Rich- mond Hill. include Mr. and Mrs. Doug Moore and 12- year-old Louis who strums a guitar. vocalizes. and plays goalkeeper for the Richmond Hill Peewee Lions in the local minor hockey association. Quite impres- sive. (Continued from Page 9) yen in Richmond Hill and area. May you all achieve your biggest dream (if that happens to be it) and become the best hockey or ballplayers in the world. Happy New Year and save a little space in your thoughts for my reflexes. Note from York Simcoe Senior Hockey League President Johnny Drummond to the effect that the Willowdaie Rangers will be locking sticks and pucks with York University January 8 in an exhibition match at the Richmond Hill Arena. Game time is 8 pm. The Rangers will be out for revenge having dropped an exhibition tilt to the York~ers a few weeks previously to the tune of 6-3. Should be a fast-skating encounter. Lawyers Curl Bob Pa1ke1 of Pa1ke1 and Pea1',son Ba11'iste1s, Richmond Hill,1ep01ts that the annual T01onto Law ye1§_ Bonsplel will be held this Satu1day at the Tam . . . Sport Spats. . . The Riverside Tourna- ment is over and after a pretty hectic drive. the boys are safely back home. Yes. we lost. and the reasons for this will as usual he talked about. for a few days. the armchair critics will be gathering up their little harvest of suggestions of why we didn't make it, and saying “What a difference, if only -â€" However. before the “Bard of Richmond Hill" submits his report. I would like to give you mine. The North End Cleaners gave it everything they had and conducted themselves well. but perhaps hadn‘t learned that giving everything is sometimes not enough. Then the disappointment of losâ€" ing is a little more acute. blood pressures go up, and invariably the coach. if not elected as the scapegoat. sometimes feels a little Howard Jackman. Chairman In the Matter of By-Law No. 1000, Sec. 7, Sub- section 6, Uses for Hazardous Purposes; And in the matter of an application for permis- sion to store (for the purpose of resale). in a locked warehouse at the rear of 293 Markham Road, 50 to 100 cylinders of the following gases: Oxygen. Acetylene. Nitrogen. Argon. Helium. The Committee of Adjustment will hold a Public Hearing on, at 7:30 p.m.. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street North, Richâ€" mond Hill. All enquiries should be addressed to the secretaryâ€" Treasurer, at 56 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Notice of Public Hfifing THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Riverside Loss No Disgrace Committee Of Adiuslmenl THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. January 5, 1967 Wednesday. January 18th. 1967. Exhibition Hockey Cn‘l‘~rung rm loner for a few hours. Well. I would like to make one point very clear. Ken Ham, coach of the North End Cleaners. did a very good job for us. He took a personal interest in each and every boy on that team. made sure they got plenty of sleep and kept them active all the time. He talked hockey to them. got them into action at the right time and they looked good in every game. A couple of weird decisions by officials cost us the game and, in my opinion. the championship. Honorable Mention 1. To Dave Addley, u'hn faced a penalty shot. Tharp was silence in the arena and the little guy faced a nervy situation. The puck went in the net and the other kids guilty when he pering parents loner for a few Mona Robertson. Secretary-Treasurer 18-67 HP passes whis- â€"~ he Is a Standings: Cardinal Insulation 35; Manufacturers Life 32; Bob‘s Delivery Service 30; Tom Hughes Shell 27; Turnbull Groc'- ‘1 eries 26; Allencourt Lanes 24; Richmond Auto Wreckers 23; ‘ ABC Bowl 14; Richmond Inn 13; Allencourt Electronics 12: Allen-l court IGA 9; Watt's Real Estate( Shadoff, 264; Art Higgins Tim Saul 258; Scott Parke Vic Reid 247; Bob Weeks and Andy Kovacs 245. In team action Tom Hughes whitewashed Watt's Real Estate; Bob's Delivery whipped Allen- court Electronics: and Cardinal Insulation took ABC Bowl. Tim Saul also hit the goal December 23‘ “19 Lions mark with a 901 triple including‘l’layed a re-schcduled game games of 353, 275 and 262; Roy against Thornhill and were out- Thompson had 339 including a skated throughout the game. high single of 410; Les Chidley Team Play “'35 lacking and they managed an 870; A1 Richardson came Wt With a 3'3“ count. 849; Andy Kovacs 831; Art Higâ€" .Pecemb“ 27 “WNW Lions gins 831; Karl Helmich 818 lVlSlt Ted REEVGS Ai‘ena for an In 5-2 splits it was Manufac- tures Life over Richmond Inn; Allencourt Lanes over Richmond Auto Wreckers; and Turnbull Groceries bettering Allencount IGA. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wellman were hosts to the Wellman fami- lies December 31. Church News Rev. F. C. Amery of Green River Baptist Church was the speaker at Headiord for the first ecumenical service in Victoria Square Charge Monday evening. He emphasized that unity of effort was much more import- ant than union of denominations and pointed out the growinE unity among denominations for specific goals. December 21 the Lions trav- elled to Alliston for a league game. Alliston scored on a slow dribbler shot and Tommy RESULTS Sanlon finally tied it up just before the end of the game. SThis game was a real shocker ALLENCOURT MEN‘S MAJOR {or the Lions, but 1119 ire sur- Congratulations to Reeve Ste- wart Rumble who had the pleas- ure of celebrating his birthday at home with his immediate family, except Sharon who was in Jamaica. his mother and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Middleton. Congratulations to Mr. and‘ Mrs. Robert Britnell who com- bined the celebrations of New Year, Mrs. Britneu‘s birthday and their wedding anniversary. Rosemary and Albert Leek enjoyed a trip to Fayetteviile, Penna. to attend the wedding of their cousin Paul Baker to Mary Benedict. They broke their trip by an overnight stop at Lancas-I ter. Penna.. The D. C. Calder family and Mrs. L. Guild spent the New Year weekend at Holiday House. Bracebridge to enjoy winter sports. 7 Mr. and Mrs. E. Sherk. Green River. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee during the holidays. The next service will be held at Victoria Square January 9, and the speaker will be the Rev. Fred Jackson of the Anglican Church, Following the service the UCW will meet in the manse. We are happy to repon that Ron Leuschener is recovering from an emergency appendect- omy. Neighborhood Notes Many absentees from church due to holiday visiting caused Dr. Binnington to remark that Headford' members were off in all directions. Speaking for some of the Calder Guild connection. please sir. we attended church and heard an excellent sermon by Rev. Muir, Bracebridge United. The 55 went to Hem: ham for destroying a fox NOBLETON: King Township Council debated for five min- utes last week in spending more than balf-a-rnillion dollars. but took 15 minutes to part with $5. Receiving the first sum were the County of York, $152,811.07: Aurora and District High School Board. 5154,02146: Public and Board. $154,024.46; Public 3‘ Separate school boards, 322 590.15. 2. To the parents who drove the kids to Riverside. Sonny Kellett drove down Tuesday morning. returning Tuesday night and Ken Ad- dley went through the same routine and was back on Thursday with Mrs. Addley. leaving the Hill at 3 am. Bill Weber. Mrs. Hall and Ed Brown also made the long trip, everybody driving back through lousy weather. Sure lots of enthusiasm here and I want to remember that too. So. let me give a tip to a few people â€"â€" if you see Ken Ham around. don't say "Too bad. Ken.“ just thank him for a good job well done. rushed over to Dave to hug him as consolation. Lots of guts in this episode and I want to remember it. Headford News Correspondent: MRS. LOREN GUILD RR 2, Gormley Phone 88445040 Walt McKinlay Ex-Coach Gra This Friday Woodbridge will play here in a league fixture and the novices have ice time on Sunday. but their opponents had not been selected as this column went to press. Surf Marine Juveniles played at Weston Wednesday night at 8:45 pm and Friday will meet Wondbridge in a scheduled North York League game at 10 pm in the local arena. Sunday at 1 pm in the local arena they will play Nobleton in a league game. Coach Bill Points has recov- ered from his recent illness and will be back with the team from now on. Caven and before the end of Throughout this entire de- the hour Caven SCOl‘ed assisted bacle the Richmond Hill play- by Greg Binkley. This 3â€"2 de- ers accepted the fortunes of feat of the second place Metro fickle fate land the very peculâ€" team was a real accomplishment iar referee's decisions) like the for the Lions. good sports they are and were December 30 saw Richmond the first to wish the Riverside Hill usher out the old year with team good luck in the final a game against the South Shore round. Final score of the semi crew. Skating practice had final round was 4-3 for River- been threatened the players side. after past performances and Tournament; Convener Chuck the seventh shutout for Mark Edwards. Goalagetters were Dave Curtis assisted by Ricky Hampton and Billy Stephenson assisted by Campbell and Mer- ritt. Legion Midgets Win First Trophy At Orillia ELEEI RHC IYPOWERSPRDGRESS 20 Newkirk Road AURORA AUTOMOTIVE LTD. 884-8169 ontinued from Page UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT JUVENILES PEEWEES RICHMOND HILL AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY 20 NEWKIRK ROAD, RICHMOND HILL Business will be carried on as usual, serving old and new customers AURORA AUTOMOTIVE LTD. announcés the acquisition of From the drop of the puck to the end of the game. it was me Lions all me way. Sieve Gordon scored six goals. Dave Dunkley one, Ross Cameron two, Steve Brown one. Brian Dunlap one, Tommy Sanlon one. Greg Binkley one. making it 13-0 for Richmond Hill. As- sists will be credited to San- lon two. Brown one. Val Steffan one, Dennis Acomb three, Bink- ley two. Dunkley two. Caven one. The boys were skating and playing to form for this one. North End Cleaners Bantams reached bantam maturity last week (luring participation in the Riverside Hockey Tournament. They did not, win the tourn‘ amen! championship, but they did win (he admiration and re- spect of the good citizens of Riverside with their conduct off the ice and their good sports- manship while playing. After squeaking by a surpris- ingly good Detroit team 2-1 over two games. the Richmondfmll team found themselves paired off against the host team of Riverside in the semi-final round. 'ep< BANTAMS SAM COOK, Chairman 56 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill Hydro-Electric Commission M COOK. Chairman Al. HORWOOD, Superintendent Atkin, rival coaches and River- side residents were most upset concerning the officials‘ hand- ling of this semi-final game. but at no time did the North End Cleaner players publicly cry “foul". or accuse the referees of being biased. This restraint, unusual in a 14-year-old boy. was appreciated and commented on by the tournament officials and was a pleasant change from some displays of poor sports- manship by other losing teams. Richmond Hill will certainly be invited to the 1967 Riverside Tournament, if for no other reason than to teach competing teams how to lose gracefully. This loss in the face of ad- versity. seems to have moulded (his group of boys into a coun- try fair hockey team. and few losses are. expected from here to the end of the season. To prove their new-found mm fidence the Cleaners handled the South Shore leam with ease Friday. earning a 3-0 win. en- joying the game, missing many scoring chances. but still ending up with a comfortable lead. Larry Kellett, Cliff Lynham and Mike Evans scored for the loo- aIs, while Ken Hughes chalked up his seventh shutout of the season. Come in today and enjoy our newly decorated dining rooms, especially after a hectic week. iake an evening of leisure and be pampered with famous ser- vice. fabulous Chinese and Can- adian foods and elegant sur- roundings at the Yangtze Pag- oda. Reservation: before noon 889- 3036. Noon 884-4278 Yonge Street, just north of Rich- mond Hill. The Cleaners boast the lowest goals against record in the league. 10 goals in nine games, while the average for all games Yangtze Pagoda: Everyone‘s having a party at 86. Noon 884-4278 Take out service available Richmond Hill in date Ileague and thibiiion‘ is 17 goals per game This «rang defensive play will keep the Cleaners in the race {or the North York Championship and should carry them through the first few games of the OMHA playoffs. Spectators were shaken Friday when Steve Addley crashed into the boards and had his stick jammed into his stomach with consider- able force. After a few anxious moments Steve was helped to his feet and re~ tired to the dressing room for further examination. A visit to the incai hos- pital did not reveal any in- jury. hut Steve was cauâ€" tioned against Overdoing any exercise during the next week. and to report any pains or bleeding im- mediately. At the time of puhilcation Steve was 100"» and looking forward to the game this Friday against Woodbridge. | Come out this week and see the new bantams dismantle Woodbridge. CIGARETTES Carton $3.51 9014 YONGE Special $1.09 Save MONEY Every Day at RICHVALE PHARMACY CHEWABLE VITAMIN TABLETS 100 Tablets â€" Reg. $3.25 HAIR SPRAY CASCADE 40 gives you all the hot water you’re ever likely to need at ONE LOW FLAT RATE. Use 40, 80, or 100 gallons a day and your water heating bill will never go up. Ask about CASCADE 40. Call enough hot water LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY CONTAC C Let us save you money on your next prescription Nothing to join No Delivery On This Item RICHVALE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES TRl-VI-SOI. SUPER NATURAL to f loat a battleship 12 oz. â€" Reg. $1.79 $1.99 Reg. $1.49 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 POOL. MANAGER Applications fo1 the position of Pool Manager for the 1967 Summer season, will be received by the Rec1eation Committee of the Town of Richmond Hill up to January 3lst 1967. Full-time duties will commence May lst, 1967 and end September 30th, 1967. Applications. in writing. stating qualifications and previous experience. are to be addressed to M1 White. Remeation Adminishator. Mun- icipalA Hall, 56 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill, 0nta1io. THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL W. Ruttle Chairman 889-1111 Richmond Hill Centennial Swimming Pool 884-4466 W2 Oz. Buyer Aspirin 8 Oz. Hand lotion Tooth Pusle 100's 64¢ your hydra DESERT FLOWER CREST ~â€" 8% oz. Al Whi he, Recreation Administrator $1.49 Value ROLL-0N Reg. $1.29 FREE DELIVERY

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