A South Thornhill man, who gave his wife a bruised nose for Christmas, was fined $50 and ordered to keep the peace for two years when he was con- victed last week in Magistrate‘s Court of common assault. Magistrate Russell Pearse reâ€" duced the charge from one of assault occasioning bodily harm after hearing the evidence against-Grant Porter, 151 Crest- wood Road. Mrs. Yvonne Porter, wife 01 the accused, said her husband had hit her twice Christmas morning, following an argument. Mrs. Porter. who said her hus- band had been drinking. still bore a mark on her nose, which she said resulted from the al- tel‘cation. Crown Attorney Arleigh Arm- strong suggested the accused be put on a bond to keep the peace. “If he comes back here. he goes to jail as far as I‘m concerned," Mr. Armstrong said. NEWMARKET: By the week before Christmas $455 had been contributed for preparation of Christmas Baskets by Newmar- ket Lions Club which were dis- tributed Christmas Eve. Chair- man of the committee prepar- ing the baskets was John Holâ€" Ordered To Keep Peace Two Years She said he was the best of husbands when he wasn't drink- ing. Mr. Porter said he “might have hit her with the back of my hand to shove her away." trop Mr. Porter was ordered to post a $500 bond. h’lagistrate‘s Court Box Office Opens at 7.00 pm. DRY CLEANING § IN BY 10 A.M. NO PARKING PROBLEMS H "THAT MAN FROM INSTANBUL" You‘ll Like Our TWO OUTSTANDING COLOR HITS .' SAME DAY SERVICE Quick Service AXD Top Quality Workmanship THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 5, 1967 ROSALIND RUSSELL * HALEY MILLS AND FOR YOUR ADDED ENJOYMENT "THE TROUBLE WITH ANGELS" Thornhill and District News OUT BY 5 RM. Sat. 8; Sun. Box Office Opens at 6 pm. Starts at 6.30. East complete show 8.15 FREE ELECTRIC IN-CAR HEATER SOUTH of HWY. 7 889-2505 THEATRE HORST BUCHOLZ in Adult Entertainment Pl-[ON E 889-3190 vuuul mas Ladies from Thornhill Goll‘ :ent. and Country Club entertained hus- guest curlers at a bonspiel and still luncheon held December 29. Susan Alcock and Sandra Evans, nurses in training at Wellesley Hospital School of Nursing, entertained at a joint supper party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Alcock. Jane Street. January 3. Among the many college, students home for the holidays were, Jane Brown from Queen's University, Jay Perry from Trent University, Duncan Strat- ton from Simon Fraser Univer- sity, Paul Spafford. Wendy Bran. George Neeland and Pet-t er Tremaine from Waterlom University, Mark Spait'ford from" Brock University and Kathy! Sumner. Janice Crouter, Alana: Parker and Ruth Harrington? from Guelph Hospital School 01' Nursing, Doug Windsor from Guelph University. Craig Gibson visited Don‘bei' 29. Pe11‘.y Arnold Avenue, over the $11.1 1101idaxs.C1aig, a l'o11ne1 An action packed Lilildl en 3 T1101 1111111 1-.esident visited oldlplaV â€Slllbad and the Mermaid’ friends while in the a1‘.ea liS being presented January 21 ‘1‘ * 1‘ * {and 22 at the Lions Hall, Rich- Birthday g1eet111gs to Robert mond Hill. The play will have Shelston on the recent occasion g1eat appeal to all cliild1en be- of his let bi1thday itneen the ages of 3 and 14 x a: 11 >1: ’yeais. Birthday greetings to Robert Shelston on the recent occasion of his let birthday. Henry Cruise, 27 John Street, is still a patient in Branson Hos- pital where he is recovering from a car accident that occur- red December 23. Third Thornhill Scouts and Cubs will hold their 9724 YONGE ST. 7 John Street,‘ There will be two perform- Branson HOS- ances both days at 1.30 and 3.30 is recovering pm. Tickets are $1 and may be at that occur- obtained by calling Mrs. G. Truss at 884-3665. Socially Speaking wasxï¬â€˜ï¬? The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 889-3190 Sympathy is extended to Rene Baby and to Pierre, Marc. Suz- anne, John and Jacqueline. Laâ€" fayette Place, on the death of Jeannine Baby, wife and mother who died in St. Joseph‘s Hospital; December 27. Requiem mass was conducted at St. Luke‘s Roman Catholic Church Decem- ber 29. Jan Cruise of Thornhill is as- sistant costume designer for the production]. Jan recently re- turned after working as a fashion designer and model for two years in Montreal and is now working in Toronto. For the fifth consecutive sea- son. Mrs. H, R. Howden, lawyer and wife of Rev. H. R. Howden, will be giving university exten- sion courses on “Law and the Womanâ€. The first series of 10 lectures will be in the Univer- sity Extension Building, Toron- to, and the second in Etobicoke. Mrs. Howden finds that her students are anxious to learn about all aspects of taxation, especially in regard to the in- equalities suffered by woman in taxation, also about wills, estate planning and constitu- tional law. The naming of the park be- Pearson Avenue presents a very tween Roosevelt Drive and Gar- dangerous situation. Maybe 1967 den Avenue could well be an- will see this changed. other project for this important The Storybook Theatre Pl‘e' year. This \park 1135 great 1305' sentation of “Sinbad and the sibilities which will be l'ealiZEdlMermaid†will be held at the through the co-operation of thetLions’ Hall, Centre Street East, community Richmond Hill on January 21 Skating has already begun f01‘.and 22. with performances at the youngsters at this park and 1:30 and 3:30 each day. Children 3150 at the rink at the co1111111111“from three to 14 will find this ity hall on Spruce Avenue. _ Eproduction of special interest. The results of the recount mlTickets may be obtained by call- the December election for‘l'mg Mrs. M. Matyas, 889-5181. The Richvale Centennial Lib- rary will be opening very soon as the community’s first Cen- tennial project during Canada’s 100th birthday celebration. Neighborhood Notes Miss Pat Finerty, Thornridge Drive, spent an enjoyable holi- reeve should be known this week. Once the new council is conducting business we can try Scouts and Cubs will ap- preciate your donations and co-operation. Areas ex- pected to be covered in- clude Arnold Avenue to Longbridge Drive; Elgin and John Streets; Thorn- hill Green cast of Yonge Street. annual bottle pick up Janu- ary 8 between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm. Kindly remember to save and place returnable bottles in a conspicuous place by 9 day skiing in the Kirkland Lake district. wk 2:: :;= Larry and Ron Kelson. Centre Street, enter Ryerson Polytech- nical Institute this month. Proceeds from the drive will go toward Third Thornhill scouting activi- ties. TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL WANT ADS Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 RICHVALE NEWS 'United Church The session is called to meet January79 i1} {he churchflparlm". Each parish organization is advised to have its annual re- port submitted to the church secretary by January 15. Trea‘ surers are also asked to submit their books for audit as soon as possible. H. Iddon and J. Kearns are the auditors for the church. Holy Trinity Mrs. L. J. Saunders has re- tired as parish secretary after six years. Mrs. B. R. Calvert is the new secretary as of Januâ€" ary 3. Confirmation classes will commence the latter part of January. Junior class com- mences January 24 at 7 pm. Adult classes will begin Janu- ary 25 at 8 pm. Adults and young people who would like to enroll in the classes are asked to contact the church secretary. Members of the congregation are asked to listen to radio staâ€" tion 590, CKEY. for programs from Berkeley Studio. at 10.45 am January 6. Dr. Reva Gerâ€" stein will speak on myths and education; January 9. Ellen Bergmann will speak on educa- tionally subnormal children in England; January 10. on educaâ€" tional discrimination in Ja- maica; January 12, rural educa- tional problems in Jamaica; January 13, Dr. F. Fidler will speak on family relations in the West Indies. A weekend demonstration and workshop school will be held January 27, 28 and 29. The 7 Sunday night study group will meeï¬ January g. _ Colnmunion Sunday will be held January 22. Canon C. P. Bishop “1'11 be guest preacher at the morning service January 8. to have our petition to have a stop sign installed on Roosevelt Drive presented. With the sea- son of slippery icy roads and sleety weather upon us, the junction of Roosevelt Drive and Pearson Avenue presents a very dangerous situation. Maybe 1967 will see this changed. To compile an interesting and useful column of news each week takes the co-operation of the community as a whole. Won’t you please be part of it by call- ing your correspondent and reâ€" porting all items of interest to you and your neighbors. The rest of the community will in inter- ested. We are particularly inter- ested In any Centennial projects of individuals, clubs or organiza- tions in the area. .muuuuuumunmulumuuuuummuunImmmuluuummuluu VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL It would be most appreci- ated if residents of Thorn- hill would let me know news of vacationers, guests, parties or young people ac- tivities. News is difficult to obtain at this time as I am visiting my husband in the hospital every day and find it difficult to make many calls myself. Richmond Hill Municipal Hall SERVING YORK COUNTY nunuummuuu V. O. N. BRANCH NURSE-lN-CHARGE MISS JEAN LOGGIE 884-4101 RU ANN“ Eighteen sturdy students of 103 at Thornhill Secondary School braved chilling winds and generally inclement weather De- cember 18 to march for funds for the school’s annual charity drive, the “Little U†(for United Appeal). here Barrie 6 Thornhill North End Cleaners Michael Coyne scored two goals for Thornhill. Paul De- Marco got a goal and an asâ€" sist, and single assists went to Rick Hopper, Bruce Perrins, Bernard Souche .and Mark Woolnough. The Cleaners will be heading to Quebec the first week in February for the International Peewee Tournament. Barrie 6 Thornhill Building Supplies 2 December 31 Richvale Ready Mix Atoms 0 Barrie 3 The Atoms lost a tough one PEEWEES BAN TAMS December 28 Joe DeMarco and Keith Gilli- son bagged singles. December 29 Thornhill Building Supplies 6 Cedarville 1 Randy Bagg scored a pair with Joe DeMarco. Norm Ast, Ken Moore and John Blackber- ough adding singletons. December 31 Thornhill Building Supplies 2 Woodbridge 1 Joe DeMarco got an unas- sisted goal, and Randy Bagg scored the other on a pass from Bobby McIntosh and Billy Law. January 1 Thornhill Building Supplies 6 Cedarville 2 Norm Ast accounted for two goals with Randy Bagg, Ken Moore, Keith Bagg and Joe Deâ€" They carried with them signs advertising sponsors who had agreed to pay the group anyâ€" where from $5 to S25 for makâ€" ing the march. Among the sponsors were Jack‘s Donuts. Bork‘s Jewel- lers, Chez Pauline Hair- dressing. Becker’s Milk, Reynolds Shoe House. Har- vey’s Drive Inn and Dennis Moore School of Dancing in Richmond Hill, ThornhilL Art and Paint Supply, Thornhill School of Music and the Maple IGA. As well. they carried a small plastic baby bath and soli- cited contributions from passersby. collecting about $10 in this way. South of St Clair Avenue. they stopped at Radio Station CHEM to see if they could get some publicity, but were unsuc- cessful in this. However. they did meet members of a pop music group "The Paupers" at the station who dropped some money into their container -â€" and kissed two of the girls â€" so the stop was not a total loss. 1 Together with the walk and a couple of sessions of carol sing- ing. IOB raised $157 of the more March To City Hall Raises Funds In Thornhill Secondary Campaign TOIFBI’G’ BARGAINS [N 4 ""‘L’Iis'ERAIT" LATE MODEL CARS ‘ Call her at 889-4735 CONSULT THE \ I v I w LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS 1* \ \§‘*§§i§§§ The T hornhill Sports Scene Shown tallying up returns from the December canvass in the Uplands and Ball subdivis- ions and on Kirk Drive for Vaughan Township "Festival Choir are left, Mrs. Betty Cole. project chairman and right, Mrs. Doreen Parker, president of Langstaff Home and School Auxiliarv which sponsored the drive. †A total of 23 canvasse1s took pa1t and the gxoup was surprised and g1atified to find that the\ 1aised a total just $10 shmt of $1, 000. Donations 1anged e\ e1ywhe1e flom $1 to $50 P1io1 to the canvass, pupils of g1ade 6 at Langstaff Public School delive1ed a lette1 to e1 e1 v household in the mea explaining the need fo1 funds to send the 250-\ oice choi1 of Vaughan school child1en to Expo ’67 next yea1. (If anyone would like to b1 mg that total up to an even $1,000, Mrs. Parker’s address is 15 Cavalier Cres.,- Thornhill.) Fund Raisers Par Excellence [Marco contributing singles Ojthe total. St. Edward’s 10, St. Luke‘s 2; Thornhill Presbyterian 8, Thorn- hill United 0. St. Edward‘s Cubs 6. St. Edâ€" ward’s Eagles 1; Thornhill Presbyterian 5, St. Luke’s 0; Thornhill United 3, Holy Trin- ity 2. ATOMS Thornhill United 5, St. Edâ€" ward's Tigers 4; St. Luke’s 8. St. Edward’s 2; Holy Trinity Rockets 3, Thornhill Presbyâ€" terian 1: Holy Trinity Terrors 3. Thornhill United Bears 2. BANTAMS St. Edward’s Jets 2. St. Ed- ward’s Hawks 1; St. Luke’s 7, Holy Trinity Rifles 0; Holy Trinity Rams 4, Thornhill Un- ited 1. December 31 than $1.500 raised in the school during the campaign. Top fund raising class was 118 which garnered something like $260 through a similar walk. several carolling sessions and other methods, and was award- ed the “Little U†trophy. St. Edward’s Cubs 4, Thorn- hill United 1; Thornhill Presby- terian 4, Holy Trinity 1; St. Luke’s 4, St. Edward’s Eagles 1. ATOMS Proceeds of the drive will be distributed to three or four worthy charities of the students’ choice. Woodbridge 5 Wilson's Esso 2 Wray Windsor clicked for one goal, assisted by Chris Sills and Ross Johnson garnered the other on a pass from Peter Law. Holy Trinity 3, St. Luke’s 3; St. Edward’s 5, Thornhill Pres- byterian 2. MIDGETS December 24 PEEWEES ’I‘YKES would like to call on you with ‘housewarming gifts’ and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the RICHMOND HILL TYKES If you are N EW-TO-TOWN or have just moved into a new home THORNIIILL CHURCH LEAGUE WELCOME SERVICE Thornhill’s Ou‘n . . ~\\\\“‘ St. Luke’s 7. Thornhill Un- ited 1; Holy Trinity Rams 3. St. Edward’s 3; Holy Trinity Rifles 2, Thornhill Presbyterian 1. Thornhill United Bears 2. Holy Trinity Rockets 0; St. Luke’s 3, Thornhill United Wolves 3; Holy Trinity Terrors 3, Thornhill Presbyterian 1; St. Edward’s Tigers 7, St. Edward’s Lions 0. BANTAMS St. Edward’s 4, Thornhill Presbyterian 3; Thornhill Un- ited 3. Holy Trinity 1. PEEWEES MIDGETS WE HAVE A NEW PHONE NUMBER! OUR THIRD LINE IS NOW OUR OTHER TWO LINES REMAIN THE SAME “The Liberal†884-1105 Home Paper of the District Since 1878 884-1983 VJCREHT/ONROOMS £7 SPEC/91.7â€)» - 0012 P0)? r3 n00 7/09/90 4901155 OPEN THURS, FRI. ’TIL 9 RM. (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) 884-1106 kwv :7; )BA .-1 9516 MORGAN DAVIS 8 8 9 - 4 8 4 6 l\ll1|l\lll“lllilllllllluflllllfl‘llllllmINN“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllm“ In the Estate of MEREAB LET- lTIA STONE. Widow, deceased. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said Mereab Letitia Stone will be distributed am- ongst the parties entitled there- to. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS All persons having claim ag- ainst the Estate of Mereab Let- itia Stone. late of 111 Clarke Avenue, Thornhill, Ontario. de- ceased, wno died on or about the let day of August, 1965 at Richmond Hill, Ontario, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of February, 1967, full particulars of their claims. muumuuuuuumummmuuuumuuumuuuuumuumummm Dated at Richmond Hill this 29th day of December, 1966. William Elgie Stone Executor of the Estate of Mereab Letitia Stone. by his Solicitor. Joseph Rabinowitch. Barrister, etc. 65 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill. Ont. THINK PRINTING! 0R 889.492]